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Volume Volume 21, 21, Issue Issue 10 10
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October 2017
Michael W. Smith And Amy Grant Bring Annual Christmas Tour To Amalie Arena By Amanda Boston
See Ad On Page 19
After gobbling ministry and will include a up the last of the photo opportunity with the Thanksgiving leftartists. overs, are you In the tour’s official press eager for the sights release, Michael W. Smith and sounds of said, “Amy and I have both Christmas? sponsored children through If so, mark Compassion International literyour calendar for ally for decades.” He continSunday, November ued, “So, I’m especially excit26 at 7:30 p.m. and ed that we are using our time join Grammy® winbefore the show to meet peoners Michael W. ple who sponsor Compassion Smith and Amy children. It seems like such a Photo courtesy of Cameron Powell great opportunity – especially Grant for their Christian and Country singer Amy Grant and contemporary Christian artist annual Christmas this time of year.” Michael W. Smith bring their annual Christmas tour to Tampa with special tour. The 20-city Individuals who sign up to guest Jordan Smith, the season nine winner of The Voice. holiday tour makes sponsor a Compassion child ductor David Hamilton at the helm. a stop in Tampa’s Amalie Arena—just will receive two ‘Meet & Greet’ tickets Adding to the seasonal sights, three days after Turkey Day. per sponsorship. The ‘Meet & Greet’ sounds and spirit, is Balsam Hill®, the With their extensive repertoires, tickets do not provide access to the artificial Christmas tree company. Michael W. Smith and Grant will tickle concert. Concert tickets can be purBalsam Hill® is sponsoring the tour the audience's ears with classic chased at the Amalie Arena and will visually enhance the stage Christmas carols, chart-topping McDonald’s Ticket Office or through production with traditional Christmas favorites and the latest releases from Ticketmaster at décor. Grant’s album Tennessee Christmas www.ticketmaster.com. Concert event In support of Compassion and Michael W. Smith’s album The tickets start at $35.75. International, Michael W. Smith and Spirit of Christmas. “Amy has a song that says, ‘It’s Grant have arranged for a Special guest Jordan Smith, the Going To Be A Christmas To ‘Compassion Meet & Greet’ before the season nine winner of NBC’s The Remember.’ That’s our goal with this concert for up to 200 people who Voice, is invited back for an encore night,” continued Michael W. Smith. “I commit to sponsoring a Compassion performance of his holiday album ‘Tis hope we create a memory for everychild through their website www.meeThe Season. The popular seasonal one that attends and, at the same tamyandmichael.com. The ‘Meet & tour will also feature a full symphony time, we impact the lives of some very Greet’ is an opportunity to learn more orchestra with the accomplished conspecial children all over the world.” about the Compassion International
Florida Baptist Convention To Hold Annual Meeting At Brandon Campus Of Bell Shoals Baptist Church
By Michael Smith
Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run Page 9
Heroic Women Of The Bible Pages 10
Columns: GraceNotes
Page 4
Hooked On Books
Page 12
Page 15
Faith & Footprints
Page 16
Bell Shoals Baptist Church is preparing to host the 2017 Florida Baptist State Convention pastors’ conference and annual meeting at its Brandon campus on Sunday to Tuesday, November 12-14. Bell Shoals Pastor of Administration Ed Hancock has been meeting with facilities, food, technology, media and communications staff and volunteers to discuss what needs to happen to make sure everything is in place to have a great State Convention. “We will need volunteers to assist in any number of areas. Any time visitors are on any of our campuses, we cannot have too many volunteers serving in the areas of parking, security and hospitality,” said a spokesman for Senior Pastor Stephen Rummage. “One of our goals will be that someone from Bell Shoals is ready to assist people coming in from every parking lot and through each set of doors—
As president of the Florida Baptist State Convention, Pastor Rummage wanted to do everything possible to make sure Florida Photos courtesy of Bell Shoals Baptist Church Baptists have Pastor of Music and Worship Jason Millsaps (center) leads a great State worship at Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon. Convention. with a smile on our faces as “When we found out we couldn’t host we serve.” the convention in Miami this year as origiAppointed Florida Baptist messengers nally planned, it was a pretty easy decision will conduct business at the annual meetto offer to make Bell Shoals’ Brandon caming, but anyone can register to attend the pus available for Florida Baptists,” he said. pastors’ conference or annual meeting as “This is the only time all year when we a guest or visitor. During the event attenas the Florida Baptist family have the dees will enjoy great worship and hear opportunity to get together for praise, worpractical messages from the Word of God ship, fellowship and prayer to see how from a number of different speakers. God wants to direct or re-direct us in the The annual meeting and pastors’ condays to come.” ference originally were slated to be hosted For information about the 2017 Florida by Wayside Baptist Church in Miami, Baptist State Convention annual meeting which is undergoing an extensive renovaand pastors’ conference, visit tion of its worship center. The Florida flbaptist.org/florida-baptist-state-convenBaptist Convention staff learned in June tion-brandon. To learn more about Bell that renovations would not be completed Shoals Baptist Church, visit bellshoals.com in time for the annual meeting. or call 689-4229.
Page 2 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Tampa’s Royal Family KIDS Camp Brings Hope To Foster Kids
By Amanda Boston
Every day in Scott reportTampa Bay, an ed that by midaverage of eight week, the young children are girl began to smile removed from their and engage with homes because of others. In fact, abuse or neglect. In she even entered the talent show. June, Scott and Kris He attributes her Mulhollen of Lithia turnaround to the hosted and directed unwavering disTampa’s first Royal play of patience Family KIDS (RFK) and unconditional Camp for foster chillove from her dren. Forty-seven counselor. campers attended— According to all in foster care and The RFK Camp was made possible by its all with an unfortubig-hearted volunteers who served as coun- Scott, this sweet nate background of selors or in other supportive roles in areas of saga is just one of music, drama, sports and outdoor activities. many. abuse. “It is truly Royal Family amazing what one week can do to KIDS is a faith-based national nonprofit change these kids lives,” said Scott. “We agency advocating for foster children. are looking forward to having a second The camp program is a week of lifechanging memories for children ages 6 to year of camp in 2018.” Next year’s RFK Camp dates 12. Along with traditional camp activities, are Sunday, July 1 to Sunday, July 8. The children learn about God’s unconditional free camp is expanding from 47 kids to love in a safe and caring environment. 64 kids and will require additional volunWith a camp ratio of one child to one teers and funding. Scott is grateful for camp counselor, each child receives a tremendous amount of love and attention. sponsorships and donations collected for While most children are excited to attend, the 2017 camp, and soon, he will begin some children can be a bit apprehensive. fundraising for the 2018 camp. To find out more or to donate, Concerning June's RFK Camp, Scott visit www.TampaKidsCamp.org or contact said, “It was amazing to see the transforScott Mulhollen, the camp director at mation of the kids throughout the week.” Scott@rfkctb.com. Royal Family KIDS He continued, “One 11-year-old girl Camp of Tampa Bay is a 501(c)(3) taxshowed up to registration, and you could exempt public charity under the name tell she did not want to be there. Her arms were crossed, and she had a scowl Tampa Foster KIDS Camp – FEIN 811735611. All donations are tax deductible. on her face.”
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Page 3 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Protestant Reformation Reaches Its 500 Year Anniversary In October Local Church Leaders Weigh In On Its Significance
As the 500th year of the Protestant Reformation approaches, a few local church leaders weighed in on the meaning of the Protestant Reformation.
By Amanda Boston
Travis Lowe, College & Career Pastor and Historian for Bay Life Church “The spirit of the Reformation remains of vital importance for the church today. Luther, Zwingli and Calvin’s desire to stand for truth over and against the prevailing culture of their age is the call of Christians, just as much now as it was back then. The great reformers weren’t interested in re-inventing anything, but rather, they wanted to see the Scriptures, written by common men and inspired by the Spirit once again accessible to the common man. Their conviction that Christians return, ‘to the sources’ of the New Testament and creeds and councils of the early church might even be more important now than it was in 1517. They knew well what we must often be reminded, the church in every age is being formed and reformed into the image of Christ by the power of the spirit, through the Scriptures.”
Dr. Stephen Rummage, Senior Pastor, Bell Shoals Baptist Church “As a Baptist, I rejoice with the churches of the Reformation in celebrating this significant anniversary. The central truths proclaimed by the Reformers -salvation in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone, revealed by Scripture alone, for God's glory alone -- form the non-negotiable bedrock for any genuine follower of Jesus Christ."
Ric Hesse, North America Director for Crossing Cultures International "Well, for me the greatest impact is the change in the understanding of the role of God, Christ and the church in salvation: God drew me to Christ and knitted me into the church, whereas the pre-reformation idea was that God drew believers to the church and through the church to Christ."
Pastor Mike McCormack, the Pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Brandon "Protestants do not work and play well with others. We asked too many questions and got kicked out. But we couldn't help it. It's part of our charm."
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk, protested the teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church when he nailed his famous essay to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The essay begins with "Out of love for the truth and the desire to bring it to light, the following propositions will be discussed at Wittenberg, under the presidency of Reverend Father Martin Luther, Master of Arts and of Sacred Theology, and Lecturer in Ordinary on the same at that place." During this era, it was standard practice for the church doors to act as a bulletin board. Luther titled his essay, Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, but its formal title was abbreviated to the 95 Theses. In it, Luther compiled a list of 95 propositions that argued against the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, specifically the selling of indulgences for the absolution of sin.
Before the reformation, the Bible was not available to commoners, and only priests were permitted to interpret it. This practice contributed to corruption in many of the church practices and officials. Preceding Luther’s call for reform, English theologian John Wycliffe and Bohemian religious leader Jan Hus had attempted to reform the church, but it was with little avail. Luther’s small act of defiance inadvertently sparked the start of the Protestant Reformation. Fueled by the power of the printing press, Luther’s 95 Theses quickly spread throughout Germany and the rest of Europe within two months. The Protestant movement gathered momentum as other religious leaders also insisted on the authority of Scripture alone and justification by faith rather than works. As a result, the early reformers endeavored to restore God’s Word as the sole authority for the church rather than the pope’s authority or
tradition. The Reformation's central message was summarized into five Latin declarations: sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), sola gratia (grace alone), sola fide (faith alone) and soli Deo gloria (the glory of God alone). Other notable reformers during the sixteenth century included Ulrich Zwingli and Heinrich Bullinger of Switzerland, Hugh Latimer, William Tyndale and John Rodgers of England, Martin Bucer and Philip Melanchthon of Germany and John Calvin of France. Luther never recanted his writings, and in 1521, he was declared a heretic and excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. While forced into hiding, Luther published a German translation of the Bible, making the Bible available to commoners. Luther remained faithful to the end as he continued to write, preach and debate until he passed away in 1546. Despite papal reluctance, the
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Catholic Counter-Reformation began in 1545 with the Council of Trent. Over the course of 18 years, Catholic bishops convened in Italy to dispute church doctrine and practices. Although the Catholic Church did not revise any of its church doctrine, it did remove practices that were contrary to its doctrine. Today, Catholics and Protestants remain as divided on church doctrine as they did 500 years ago. From theological discussions to violent religion-fueled wars, the debate continues...
“Our Guests Are Family” - The Palmers
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Page 17 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Trunk or Treat, Pumpkin Patch, Craft Fair & More Staff Report Journey Church of Brandon To Host Trunk Or Treat Fun
On Tuesday, October 31 from 6:308:30 p.m., Journey Church of Brandon invites the community to an evening of fun with its annual Trunk or Treat. The free event will include games, a bounce house, hayrides, face painting, music from a DJ and a free din-
chases supporting student missions trips. Parking is available at the Bryan GAMES HAY RIDE FACE PAINTING FREE DINNER
Hosted By: 1310 John Moore Rd. Brandon
699-8262 • www.journey7.com
Road entrance and Bloomingdale entrance. For additional questions, contact the church at info@saumc.net or call 689-6849.
Fall Craft Fair And Bake Sale At St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church
ner, while supplies last. The church wants to provide the community with a fun and safe alternative to trick or treating while sharing the love of Jesus. Journey Church of Brandon is located at 1310 John Moore Rd. in Brandon. For more information, call 699-8262 or email Johanna@journey7.com.
St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church’s 24th Annual Pumpkin Patch Returns On Tuesday, October 3, St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church will kick off its 24th annual Pumpkin Patch. Its operating hours are Monday to Friday from 47:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. The Pumpkin Patch is opened to the public with pumpkin pur-
The women of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church will host its annual Fall Craft Fair on Saturday, October 28 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The event will feature 40 vendor booths for holiday shopping and yummy treats from the bake sale. Granny's Attic will be on site for special treasures. The proceeds from the bake sale and Granny's Attic support the St. Andrew’s mission’s efforts. St. Andrew United Methodist Church is located at 3315 S. Bryan Rd. in Brandon. For more information, visit www.saumc.net or call 6896849.
aj westfall
rt the dai tors ilnean is Cool! terhem C re ...w
Live Like You Mean It What About God In A Disaster Like Irma? By Derek Maul Between Harvey flooding Texas, and Irma tearing up Florida there is a lot to talk about when it comes to storms, and many opinions concerning climate change and politics. But one thing it’s clear we can finally dispense with is the whole notion that being “in” with God in any way improves anyone’s chances of avoiding anything from inconvenience to natural disasters. Nor will faith enhance your financial situation. Of course this was never a Bible-based teaching to begin with. Here is what God promises: “Whatever happens, I’m going to be with you, you can count on it” (Psalm 23 and Matthew 28). Jesus said, “For (God) gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike” (Matthew 5:45). I don’t have pat answers to explain why terrible things happen, other than the obvious fact we live in a broken world. But I do have a deep and complete assurance that God will be with us, and for us, in the middle of whatever difficulty, tragedy, disaster, or trouble we may go through. Atheists often point to calamity and catastrophe to explain whey they do not believe. However, some of the most
compelling testimonies to God’s undeniable presence come out of experiences of pain, disaster, grief, and loss. In this world real faith is never about an easy, convenient, or “favored” life. Real faith is about, “How do we respond?” and, “How do we love?” and, “What do we hold on to when the tough times come?” They always come. Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30 May the Creator, the God of peace, love, and compassion, fill you with the life and strength you need in this – and every – hour.
Faith In The Eye Of The Storm
Derek Maul has written for many news outlets, including the Tampa Tribune, The United Methodist News Service, All Pro Dad, FOCUS Magazine, Newsweek, USA Today, The Christian Science Monitor, Presbyterians Today, Guideposts, Chicken Soup for the Soul and many other publications. Read Derek Maul’s daily blog posts at www.derekmaul.wordpress.com
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Page 4 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Grace Notes
Shopkins Live! Is Coming To The Lakeland Center Staff Report
Shopkins an amazing Live! the first adventure that our live theatrical North American production fans can experibased on the ence.” phenomenally Since its successful launch in 2014, Shopkins toy the Shopkins brand will bring brand continues to the national be a hot ticket tour to The item for children Lakeland worldwide. Center on Shoppies dolls Shopkins Live!, the first live theatrical production Tuesday, consistently rank based on the Shopkins toy brand will take place on Tuesday, October 10 at 6:30 p.m. at The October 10 at as the #1 kids toy Lakeland Center. 6:30 p.m. in the U.S.; the Based on America’s #1 toy brand, first-ever Shopkins movie, Shopkins Chef Youtube sensation and international toy Club, was released last year by Universal phenomenon created in Australia by Pictures Home Entertainment; and Moose Toys, Shopkins Live! will feature numerous dedicated apps continue to The Shoppies and Shopkins characters expand the brand’s ever-growing world. taking the stage with an all new storyline, Shopkins Live! will run for approxioriginal pop music and video highlights as mately 90 minutes, with one 15-minute ‘Jessicake’, ‘Bubbleisha’, ‘Peppa-Mint’ intermission. For more information on and friends prepare for Shopville’s annual Shopkins Live! visit www.shopkinsliveon‘Funtastic Food and Fashion Fair’. tour.com and sign up to be the first to “Shopkins is literally on every child’s hear about the pre-sale offer, on-sale wish list,” commented Paquin, who also dates and North American tour dates. serves as Executive Producer of The Shopkins Live! U.S. tour is repShopkins Live! “Koba Entertainment’s resented by APA. partnership with an innovative and leadTickets are available at The Lakeland ing toy manufacturer like Moose Toys Center Box Office or by calling The allows us to bring one of the most sucLakeland Center Box Office 863-834cessful toy brands in history to life on 8111 or 888-397-0100, and online at stage.” www.thelakelandcenter.com. Regular box “We are thrilled to have Koba office hours are Monday-Friday 9:30 Entertainment presenting our first-ever a.m.-5:30 p.m. The Lakeland Center is live theatrical show for Shopkins,” added located at 701 Lime St. in Lakeland. Hardiman. “This will be a fantastic event For more information on Shopkins featuring the Shopkins and Shoppies in Live!, visit www.shopkinsliveontour.com. GAMES HAY RIDE FACE PAINTING FREE DINNER
Hosted By: 1310 John Moore Rd. Brandon
699-8262 • www.journey7.com
Embedded Messages
By Debora Coty
Arriving at the tennis facility for my league match, I jumped out of the car. Something felt … wrong. I looked down. Gasp! My feet, which should have been shod with appropriate tennis socks and shoes, were clad in my house flops. I’d forgotten to change my shoes! There were no stores nearby; it was too far to go back home and return by the starting time. My teammates were already on the courts warming up. I felt the blood drain right out of my brain. I had really messed up this time. My team captain’s smile turned upside down when I flip-flopped onto her tennis court with my faux pas. She immediately called all the girls over for a strategizing pow-wow. Thankfully, one of them had an extra pair of tennies and socks in her car – and amazingly enough, they were just my size. Although my forgetfulness was redeemed, for days I kept beating myself up over my dumb mistake. That head-shaking, what-was-I-thinking, self-depreciating feeling of inadequacy lingered, despite my efforts to get past it. Then like a text from heaven, four words embedded themselves in my thoughts: Have grace with yourself. Why is it that extending grace to
others is often easier than offering it to ourselves? Grace = getting what you don’t deserve. Including forgiveness. Everybody screws up; it’s part of the human download. But Papa God gives grace to us every single time, no matter how grievously we’ve erred or how awful the consequences we bring on ourselves or others. He offers us grace so that we can receive the accompanying delete and reboot. And so that we can offer forgiveness and a fresh start to others. Even ourselves. “God’s grace has set us free” (Romans 6:15 NLT). So me, myself and I are friends again. I can actually laugh about my forgetfulness (which sure seems to be happening a lot more often these days). That’s grace. And if you ever need an extra pair of tennies, just ask. I have a whole pile of ’em in my trunk.
Debora M. Coty is an inspirational speaker and award-winning author of over 100 articles and 13 books, including Fear, Faith, and a Fistful of Chocolate, More Beauty, Less Beast, and Too Blessed to Be Stressed. Debora also teaches writing workshops. Visit www.DeboraCoty.com
Three Local Chapters Networking and Fellowship for Christian Business People
Christian Business Connections
BRANDON Every Monday from 7:45am until 9:15am Golden Corral, Providence Road Contact: Dr. Degrando Franks 813-714-8562 cd1franks@aol.com
FISHHAWK Every Tuesday from 7:30am until 9:00am Latin Grill, 3318 John Moore Rd Brandon Contact: Chris Caito 813-695-2338 chris@impactwellness.com
SOUTH BRANDON/VALRICO Every Monday from 7:45am until 9:15am Recipe Box, Bloomingdale Avenue Contact: Mike Magnant 813-417-6196
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Paul Weisemann
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Dr. Harold Welch
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Dee Franks
Elder Law
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Web Design
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Page 5 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Women’s Resource Center Annual Luncheon Raises Funds And Awareness On Thursday, November 2 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) of Tampa will host its annual ‘Divine Appointments’ luncheon at Bay Life Church in Brandon. The WRC of Tampa was founded in 2003 by a group of women who had overcome personal struggles. The faithbased nonprofit organization dispenses emergency assistance to individuals and families in crisis. The WRC connects its clients to available resources to help with basic needs such as food, housing, transportation and medical assistance. As the WRC provides clients with short-term assistance, it also points them to the eternal love and hope found in Jesus Christ. The luncheon is free, but the WRC is asking local churches and businesses to sponsor tables of eight for $250. The fundraising event will also feature a raffle and a tour of the WRC. Executive Director Cheryl Hickman explained how the luncheon is an opportunity for community members to learn more about the WRC mission and hear personal testimonies from past clients. “I came to the WRC to ask for help with an electricity bill in 2013, not knowing that this organization would change my
By Amanda Boston
life,” said Skye, a former client with WRC. Since its inception, the WRC has helped transform more than 40,000 The Women's Resource Center lives. Hickman opened the Little White expressed her House Emergency Shelter in April 2016. appreciation toward the many hands involved in restoring the hope and dignity in others. She praised the churches, businesses and volunteers who help sustain the organization. WRC also offers its clients continued support through financial training, employment seeking, personal coaching and temporary housing. In April of 2016, the WRC opened the Little White House Emergency Shelter with assistance from New Hope United Methodist Church in Brandon. The shelter provides transitional housing for moms and their children. Skye concluded her story. “Without the Women’s Resource Center, I may have kept the lights on, and I may have found a job. But I would not have become who I am in my walk with the Lord or who I am able to be for so many other people now,” she said. Divine Appointments will take place at Bay Life Church, located at 1017 Kingsway Rd. in Brandon. To attend or sponsor the luncheon, call 309-3357. For more information or to find out how you can support WRC, visit its website at www.wrctampa.org.
918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Brandon, FL 33511 657-2418 (fax) 657-4469
7 © Copyright 2012-2013 - Osprey Observer, Inc. No reproduction without written permission.
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Kathi Hayes
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Terry Vassalotti
Denise Graf
Chuck Hoening
Kate Quesada
Patricia Tracy
Carole Fluhart
Kerrie Hoening
Trisha Becker
Melissa Hartmann
If interested in advertising in our Brandon or Valrico editions, please contact us at 813-657-2418. CHRISTIAN VOICE EDITOR
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Page 6 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
LOCAL CHRISTIAN NEWS Compiled by Michelle Colesanti 4493, email bjbrooke5@gmail.com or visit www.pecansale.com to order and pay by credit card. Checks payable to UMW can be mailed to P.O. Box 546, Lithia, FL 33547. Only prepaid pecans are reserved. Others will be sold on a first come-first served basis. Pick-up is at New Hope United Methodist Church, 121 N. Knights Ave. in Brandon. Pickup times are Saturday, November 11 and Monday, November 13 from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. This annual fundraiser benefits local missions such as Family Promise, Cornerstone Ministries and the Women’s Resource Center. For more information, contact Barbara Brooks at 6897016 or bjbrooks@gmail.com.
Holiday Craft Bazaar Seeks Crafters And Artists
Crafters and artists are being sought by Grace United Methodist Church at FishHawk for a Holiday Craft Bazaar on Saturday, November 11. The event, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., is being sponsored by the Women of Grace. The church is located at 5708 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. in Lithia. The fee for a 10 x 10-ft. space is $25, and fees will support missions in the community. The bazaar will be outdoors, and vendors will need to provide their own tent, table and chairs. There is no admission fee for shoppers. The deadline for reserving a booth is Sunday, October 15. For more information and a vendor application, visit www.gracecraftbazaar.com, or contact event organizer Susan Ferraro at bosefer11@yahoo.com or 3611724. Grace has worship services at 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. every Sunday. Visit www.mygraceumc.com or call 661-8858 for more information.
and Winn-Dixie supermarkets and Saint Anne parishioners to assist an average of 450 families and homeless each week in the South Shore Area. Saint Anne Catholic Church is located at U.S. Hwy. 41 and 11th Avenue N.E. in Ruskin. For more information about the Parish, visit its website at SaintAnneRuskin.org.
United Methodist Women 47th Annual Pecan Sale
Pecans are available to order from Sunday, October 1 through Wednesday, November 1. A five pound box of mammoth halves or pieces costs $45. A one pound bag of mammoth halves is $10. Specialty
items are also available as follows: chocolate amaretto pecans for $18; praline pecans for $16, and an assortment including pralines, chocolate amaretto and roasted salted peanuts for $20. To order call Mary Baker at 643-
The Saint Anne Catholic Church Food Pantry Is Now Open On Wednesday Evenings
Saint Anne Catholic Church is pleased to announce that its food pantry is now open for food distribution on Wednesdays from 5-8 p.m. The new hours went into effect on August 23 to accommodate working individuals who are unable to get to the pantry during its morning hours. Response to these additional hours will be evaluated to determine if this will remain a weekly offering. The pantry will continue to be available every Wednesday morning from 9 a.m.-12 Noon. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. All in need are welcome. The Saint Anne Catholic Church food pantry partners with Feeding Tampa Bay, USDA, Publix
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Due to Hurricane Irma, Impact Program, Inc. has rescheduled its upcoming, semi-formal, annual Impact Celebration fundraising dinner to Thursday, October 5 at The Regent, 6437 Watson Rd. in Riverview. Doors open at 6 p.m., program at 6:30 p.m. Learn how this nonprofit organization is impacting today's teens by educating and empowering them to make positive life choices and to avoid high risk behaviors. The Impact Program serves Hillsborough County public and private schools, YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, Parks & Recreation Centers, and community organizations by promoting healthy living and relationships to teens through Teen Impact, to parents through the Parent Program, and to teachers and other youth leaders through classroom education. Dinner is complimentary. There will be an appeal for financial support at the end of the evening. For more information on hosting a table or sponsorship opportunities, please visit www.whatisimpact.com or contact Bill Kagey at 600-9446.
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Impact Program, Inc. Announces Annual Impact Celebration
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Page 7 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Your Monthly Catch Local Happenings In Our Community Spirit FM 90.5 Continues With Its Award Winning 10-24 Project
Gospel Jam 2017 Seeks Entertainers
For its third consecutive year, Spirit FM has kicked off its 10-24 Project, which will run through Tuesday, October 24. The radio station is calling for the community to rally behind its local law enforcement by sending in letters of affirmation and appreciation to the station. The cleverly named initiative stands for the Sheriff's Office 10-24 code, which means ‘send help quickly.' This year, the radio station is expanding it to include all first responders. Please spread the word and send in your appreciation letters to the radio station by Tuesday, October 24, and Spirit FM will distribute them. Cards and letters for the 10-24 Project can be mailed to 717 S. Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33609 or dropped off Monday through Friday during business hours. If you would like to volunteer to help deliver cards, email Abby from The Big Big House Morning Show at abby@myspiritfm.com. For more information, printable sheets or ideas, visit www.myspiritfm.com or call 289-8040.
Local Author Pens Who Is Israel? Discovering Our True Identity in Jesus Christ and Why It Matters!
Ordained Minister Donna M. Rogers’ newest release, Who Is Israel? Discovering Our True Identity in Jesus Christ and Why It Matters! Book 1: The Foundation, is the first of a three-part series of four transfor mational and revolutionary books. This book can be purchased and signed
Cooking classes are held every Thursday and Friday evening at 6 p.m. Dinner with the Chef is an extraordinary opportunity to engage with Chef Cinzia over a gourmet meal every Saturday evening at 6 p.m. where you can share your foodie or travel experiences, discuss current food-related topics, and connect with like-minded members of the community in a convivial atmosphere. Call 381-4999. Visit on Facebook at Tasty Venues or at www.mytastyvenues.com.
If you would like to be a solo act or have a group that would be interested in bringing worship through song, drama, etc. at the Gospel Jam 2017 Entertainment Tent at the Hillsborough County State Fair, please pre-register before Sunday, October 15 by mail to Hillsborough County Fair, P.O. Box 100, Sydney, FL 33587 or via email to hillsboroughcountyfair@verizon.net. For an application, visit http://hillsboroughcountyfair.com/wpBusch Gardens Extends Sesame Street content/uploads/2015/06/2017Halloween Event Throughout October Gospel-Jam.pdf . Busch Gardens® Tampa Bay welThe entertainment will take During last year's 10-24 Project, Tampa Police Officers from place on Sunday, October 22 and 29 comes back Sesame Street® Kids’ District 3 posted this photo on starting at 2 p.m. Once registered, Weekends this October, with an extended social media expressing their four weeks of Halloween fun each you will be notified of your performappreciation. ance time. All ages are welcome. by the author at an event Tasty Venues Launches New called ‘Thirsty Thursday—Soaking in Culinary Experiences God’s Presence’ which is hosted by Chef Cinzia Cripe recently Gateway to Heaven Ministries. This event returned from heading up culinary will take place on Thursday, October 26 tours in Sicily and the Amalfi Coast at 6:30 p.m. at Celebration Church, locatwith exciting plans for expanded culied at 1653 Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico. Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. until nary exploration opportunities at Tasty This book is also available for purchase 3:30 p.m. Beloved Sesame Street charVenues. on Amazon. On the recent Tasty Suitcase culinary acters, Abby Cadabby, Big Bird, Elmo, Grover, Rosita and other popular faces tour, travel participants enjoyed deluxe Enjoy Fall Fun At The Brandon will make appearances and will be accommodations, historic sites and archiChristian Women’s Connection dressed in their own tecture, gorOctober Luncheon special Halloween cosgeous views, Brandon Christian Women’s tumes. farms and Connection‘s October Luncheon ‘Fall Each fun-filled markets, Fun’ is Monday, October 9 from 11 weekend will feature Michelina.m.-1 p.m. at Bell trick-or-treating and fall starred restauShoals Baptist festival activities, rants and Church’s Special including a hay bale cooking classEvents Center, 2102 maze, dance parties, es. Bell Shoals Rd. in games and character At Tasty Brandon. parades throughout the Venues, locatThe speaker will day as well as very ed at 951 E. be Paula Abbott and special surprises for Brandon Blvd. music with Brenda each theme. in Brandon, Copher. This is a Children are welyou can now non-denominational come to wear enjoy brunch luncheon and all Halloween costumes on Saturday, ladies are invited. and every weekend is which now has The cost is $15 for jam-packed with brandjoined the popluncheon and enternew events and activiular Sunday tainment. First time ties. Brunch. Both guests pay $10. For more, visit days take Reservations are A recently Tasty Suitcase culinary tour, BuschGardens.com or place from 11 Judy White enjoys cooking with Chef requested by calling Antonino Aiello of Quanto Basta Cooking call 1-888-800-5447. a.m.-2 p.m. Lillie at 740-0098. School in Sorrento, Italy.
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Page 8 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Valrico Teen Releases Music Single Blurry Many teens use music to express their feelings, but Valrico resident Karinna Crespo has taken it a step further writing and recording an original song that she hopes many others will relate to. Mulrennan Middle School student Karinna Crespo, a Crespo recently 13-year-old stureleased her song dent at Blurry. Mulrennan Middle School, released her song Blurry in late August and it is now available to purchase online. “When I got the idea to write the song, my initial goal was to pass on a message to other kids with insecurities, the main target being teen aged girls,” said Crespo. “It seems like nowadays society creates these invisible little boxes which are filled to the brim with standards for beauty and personality. If people don’t fit into those boxes, they are considered weird or ugly or imperfect.” The song Blurry is Crespo’s answer to this problem. “I want to show people that make-up and fancy clothes are not what make a person beautiful,” she said. “We are so much more than just materialistic puppets controlled by what the world deems are perfect.” According to Crespo’s mother Yadira Talamantez, Crespo began singing in first grade and sang in her school choir, a USF choir and the Entertainment Revue
By Kate Quesada
in Tampa. She was also featured singing in a Super Bowl commercial. “Karinna has always had a talent for writing stories,” said Talamantez. “When she was in seventh grade she went through that tough phase that most girls go through when they are trying to figure out where they belong. She was pretty down about fitting in so I encouraged her to get more involved in our church. She started to then sing in the choir there. We did a lot of positive encouragement and one day she decided to put her feelings into words.” Although it only took Crespo a day to write Blurry, she feels that its release would not have been possible without her friends Charles Kossivi and Damon Idomiz Curtis, who have both released music themselves. Crespo, whose dream is to perform on Broadway, is currently working on writing and releasing additional songs and hopes all her music will be available for purchase on iTunes and Spotify in the near future. For information and to listen to or purchase Blurry, visit www.karinnalanee.bandcamp.com. She can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Karinna Lanee.
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Page 9 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
FishHawk Fellowship Continues To Sponsor Annual Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run
By Amanda Boston
The fifth annuCorey al Joshua 1:9 Duncan, the Freedom Run will Missions Pastor take place on at FishHawk Saturday, Fellowship, said, November 18 at “We as a church the Al Lopez Park come alongside in Tampa. The 5K Joshuacord to race begins at 8 help inform and a.m. with runners, mobilize individwalkers and virtual uals to take The annual Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run takes participants coming place at Tampa’s Al Lopez Park to raises funds action on behalf for persecuted Christians in the Middle East. of those who together to raise funds and awareness for those persecutface persecution for their faith and trust in ed for their Christian faith in the Middle Jesus Christ.” East and Africa. Last year’s race raised more than The 5K Freedom Run is a chip-timed $5,700 with 100 percent of the registrarace with its start and finish line at the Al tion fees donated to the Foundation for Lopez Park, located at 4810 N. Himes Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle Ave. in Tampa. Participants may register East (FRRME). FRRME provides emerthe morning of the race or online at gency relief to persecuted Christians who www.joshuacord.org/5k/ or are living in refugee camps in the Middle www.active.com. The early registration East. Registration fees from this year’s fee is $25 and $20 for active duty military. race will once again support the efforts of After November 14, the registration fee is FRRME. Also, on race day, participants $30. may donate baby blankets, gloves, mitAll 5K registrants, including virtual tens and hats, which will be mailed to racers, will receive a Dri-FIT t-shirt in Christian refugees. appreciation for their support. The race is However, Carberry’s efforts do not a family-friendly event incorporating a stop with the Freedom Run. Earlier this one-mile fun run at 9 a.m. The fee is $15 year, he paired up with Film Director per child and free for those less than 5 Jordan Allott of In Altum Productions to years old. begin filming an expository documentary Joshuacord’s founder Patrick about the Persecuted Church in the Carberry established the nonprofit organi- Middle East. The documentary Christians zation in 2011, and then in 2012, he inau- in the Mirror has not yet been released, gurated the Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run. but a trailer will be distributed to all race Every year since, FishHawk Fellowship participants. Church has sponsored the Freedom Run For info about Joshuacord and the through funding and race day volunteers. run, visit www.joshuacord.org.
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Page 10 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Tourette Association Of Florida Offers Online And Traditional Support Groups
By Amanda Boston
Sarah–Shining Example Of A Woman Of Faith
By Kelly Wise Valdes
Throughout the Bible, there are many stories of strong and heroic women. In this new series, we will explore a story of faithful biblical woman each month. With their strong faith, the women of the Bible continue to teach us how to live authentic, faithfilled lives. No matter the circumstances, we can find ourselves in their stories. What follows is a remarkable story of one of the most faithful saints in biblical history. Sarah was a fitting partner to Abraham, and she shined as a faithful wife and child of God. She is sometimes referred to as the mother of all faithful women. After many years in a loving marriage with Abraham, Sarah was still childless. This was a terrible curse for any Jewish woman of the period, but especially for the wife of a tribal leader. God first made the promise that they will have a son when Sarah was already 65 years old. Sarah believed in God’s promise. Sarah eventually realized it was a test of her faith. God promised a child, but He did not specify when. Days turned into weeks, then months turned into years. Sarah held onto her faith of God’s promise to her, even though it was difficult. During this time period, she made mistakes when not totally trusting in God’s
timing. Sarah’s hopefulness waivered as she was approaching the age of 90. God was easily able to fulfill His promise, but Sarah had a lesson to learn about faith and patience. God would need to perform a miracle for conception to occur. Originally, Sarah laughed at the apparent absurdity of delivering a son at such an advanced age. Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah 90 when Isaac was conceived. Her original reaction was the laughter of doubt, but after she actually gave birth to her son, Isaac, her skeptical laughter changed to laughter of pure joy. Sarah continued her laughter now of satisfaction, peace and comfort because her faithfulness to God and her patience were her strongest virtues. No matter what the circumstances, God will remain faithful to his children who believe and if it’s God will, he will fill the desires of our hearts. These are just some of the lessons we can learn from the life of Sarah. It was not an easy battle that Sarah fought. She had to fight the waves of disbelief, fears and uncertainties in her life to have her faith strengthened. Like Sarah, we should strive to live a life of faith. Though sometimes it is not easy, our laughter of doubting can eventually turn into laughter of believing.
For lies who are decades, dealing with mainstream similar media has issues. The unfairly characweekend terized Tourette camp offers Syndrome as mini-conferthe ‘cursing ences on disorder’ topics like where individunavigating a als involuntarily 504 Plan, blurt out an IEP, and The Rotary’s Camp in Brandon hosts the Florida obscenities. other eduChapter’s Family Weekend for families affected by Tourette Syndrome. While outcational bursts of inappropriate words can be a matters. symptom, it only affects 10% of those with The TAA Florida Chapter also overTourette Syndrome. sees support groups—both in person and So, what is Tourette Syndrome? The online. Denise Graf, a Lithia resident and Tourette Association of America (TAA) mother of an adolescent with Tourette defines it as a neurodevelopmental disorSyndrome, recently discovered the der characterized by sudden involuntary Tourette Association of Florida Facebook motor and vocal tics. TAA estimates that 1 group. out of every 160 children between the “The group has not only provided ages of 5-17 living in the United States has emotional support and insightful informaTourette Syndrome. tion but has also given us the opportunity Founded in 1972, TAA is a nonprofit to provide support with what we've learned agency advocating for individuals affected along our journey,” said Graf. by Tourette and Tic Disorders. State-led With the hope to remove stereotypes, chapters under the auspices of the nationTAA initiated a program called Youth al organization provide local support. Ambassadors. The program trains adolesChristopher Brown, the chairperson for the cents with Tourette and Tic Disorders to TAA Florida Chapter, said, “We focus on address and educate elected officials, advocacy, awareness and support for our peers, and schools about the disorder. The families. We have the Family Weekend in goal is to shed some light to this frequently Brandon and other events around the misunderstood disorder. state.” For info, visit www.tourette.org. To find In February, the TAA Florida Chapter local events or a support group, visit the holds its annual Family Weekend event at TAA Florida Chapter at www.tsa-fl.org. The the Rotary’s Camp in Brandon. Families TAA Florida Facebook support group can across Florida can connect with other fami- be found at Tourette Association Florida.
Page 11 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Riverview Couple Launches New Church At GDX Movie Theater
By Michael Smith
After buying a ues are ethnic diversity, minhouse in Riverview in istering to families and indiMarch 2016, Pastor viduals, and using the Bible Henry Dale and his and scripture as its foundawife, Jennifer, felt that tion. She said church attenGod wanted them to dees can expect life-applicastart a church in their ble messages, great fellowcommunity. ship and interactive services. Since June 2017, “We’re not perfect, and Increasing Word we don’t expect you to be,” Fellowship has been Photo courtesy of Jennifer and Henry said Mrs. Dale, who works Dale meeting monthly at as an administrator at 9:15 a.m. for worship at the Goodrich Hillsborough Community College. Riverview 14 GDX movie theater, located Upcoming services are scheduled for at 10550 E. Bay Rd. in Gibsonton. Sunday, September 10 – Companions, On Sunday, November 12, the Dales Friends and Loved Ones; and Sunday, How to Deal with Life will launch their new church October 8 – Always Getting Challenges with a new series titled How Better. Ask God About It -November 12 to Deal with Life Challenges Rev. Dale works as a Making Up Your Mind and will begin holding servchaplain for the Department of -November 19 ices on a weekly basis. Justice Federal Bureau of Some Things Take Time -November 26 “We feel very strongly Prisons at the Coleman A Little Pressure is Good that we are starting the Federal Correctional -December 3 church in the right place It’s Not How You Start but How Complex, where he ministers You Finish and in the right city,” Rev. to hundreds of inmates every -December 10 Dale said. week. Utilizing Every Opportunity -December 17 The church is in the Dale, a Tampa native, midst of a series called earned a Bachelor of Arts What Do You Have? What Do You degree in special education from the Need? – with messages on Life and University of South Florida in 1997. He Movement in God, An Understanding and continued his education at Hood Disciplined Mind, and Using What You Theological Seminary in Salisbury, N.C., Have. earning a Master of Divinity degree in “Increasing Word Fellowship is a 2001. church that seeks to foster faith in the He accepted the call into the ministry heart of every person,” Rev. Dale said. in 1989, and has served as a pastor in “Our mission at Increasing Word is to South Carolina. empower believers to walk in their calling For more info about Increasing Word and gifts.” Fellowship, call 606-0144 or email Jennifer Dale said the church’s valincreasingword@gmail.com.
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Page 12 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Hooked On Christian Books It’s Time To Fall-Back With A Good Book
By Kelly Wise Valdes
Growing up and living in Florida, our autumns are obviously a bit different from other northern areas of the country. Yes, our weather may cool off a tad, but we normally don’t have the red and orange leaves, crisp air and the true changing of season. However, many of our churches and communities embrace Florida’s fall season and celebrate this special time of year with fall festivals, pumpkin patches and good old-fashioned corn-mazes. I’m looking forward to unpacking warmer clothing, hot cocoa, harvest moons, roasting marshmallows over a fire and best of all—football season. Autumn is a pure mixture of nostalgia, blessings and potential. Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Let’s celebrate God’s blessing this fall season.
Seasons Of The Lord By Herbert Lockyer
Spiritual Seasons By Debbie Schmid
In these Bible-based meditations, the message God resonates through the seasons to the hearts and souls of Christians. This book leads readers through prayer and illustrations as multicolored as the leaves of autumn and as spiritually refreshing as the first day of spring.
Flowers bloom. Plants grow. Leaves change color. Snow falls. Just as the seasons change bringing periods of both sunshine and storms, so do our Christian lives. Often overwhelmed by problems, we search for solutions and ways to weather the storms. By turning to God's Word, we can find the only completely reliable answers for life's challenges.
A Season Of Grace: Embracing God's Gifts In The Autumn Of Our Lives By Carolyn Bassett Every season of life is filled with God's grace, but the aging process can cause believers to lose sight of the gifts that God offers each day. This book of seventy-five reflections can help older adults to remember all that God is doing in the “autumn” times of their lives.
The Changing Seasons By Joyce A. Louther Understanding the seasons of God will change your perspective and attitude about the seasons of God. When you understand the seasons you will not lose heart, faint or quit; you will have a greater appreciation of the purpose for each season. You will learn the characteristics and preparation needed for each season. This book is written to encourage and strengthen you no matter what season of God you find yourself in.
Page 13 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
St. Anne Catholic Church 106 11th Ave. NE, Ruskin (813) 645-1714 St. Stephen Catholic Church 10118 Saint Stephen Circle, Riverview (813) 689-4900 CHURCH OF GOD Boyette Springs Church of God 12114 Boyette Rd., Riverview (813) 671-0086 EPISCOPAL Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church 604 N. Valrico Rd., Valrico (813) 689-3130 LUTHERAN Immanuel Lutheran Church 2913 John Moore Rd., Brandon (813) 689-1787 Living Savior Lutheran Church 2650 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico (813) 681-2375 METHODIST First United Methodist Church of Seffner 1310 South Kingsway Rd., Seffner (813) 689-3513 Grace Community United Methodist Church 5708 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Lithia (813) 661-8858 New Hope United Methodist Church 120 N. Knights Ave., Brandon (813) 689-4161 Riverview First United Methodist Church 8002 US Hwy 301., Riverview www.riverviewflumc.org Ruskin United Methodist Church 105 4th Ave. NW, Ruskin (813) 645-1241 South Shore United Methodist Church 11525 Big Bend Rd., Riverview (813) 649-9462
Bay Life Church 1017 Kingsway Ave., Brandon (813) 661-3696 Bell Shoals Baptist Church 2102 Bell Shoals Rd., Brandon (813) 689-4229 Bell Shoals - Apollo Beach Campus 6414 Golf and Sea Blvd., Apollo Beach (813) 641-2222 First Baptist Church of Brandon 216 N. Parsons Ave., Brandon (813) 689-1204 First Baptist Church of Bloomingdale 3303 Bloomingdale Ave.,Valrico 813-689-3847 First Baptist Church of Gibsonton 9912 Indiana St., Gibsonton 813-677-1301 First Baptist Church of Ruskin 820 College Ave. W., Ruskin (813) 645-6439 FishHawk Fellowship 15326 Fishhawk Blvd., Lithia, (813) 655-7431 Grace Baptist Temple 2909 John Moore Rd., Brandon (813) 689-7190 Journey Church 1310 John Moore Rd., Brandon (813) 699-8262 Shiloh Baptist Church 1104 Cason St., Plant City (813) 752-8345 South Bay Baptist Church 13498 US 301 S., Riverview 813-677-0721 CATHOLIC Nativity Catholic Church 705 E Brandon Blvd., Brandon (813) 681-4608
NON-DENOMINATIONAL Destiny Church 2322 11th Ave. SE, Ruskin (813) 645-3337 Grace Community Church 1425 N Valrico Rd., Valrico (813) 689-9781 Harvest Bible Chapel Bloomingdale High School 813-699-0517 Life Church at FishHawk 6420 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Lithia (813) 681-6503 Love First Christian Center 12847 Balm Riverview Rd., Riverview 813-671-2009 The Crossing Church - Main Campus 10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr., Tampa, (813) 626-0783 The Crossing Church - SouthShore 3058 East College Ave., Ruskin (813) 626-0580 The Palms Church 207 New Hope Rd., Brandon (813) 841-9598 True Sanctuary 6528 US Hwy 301 S., Suite 114, Riverview (813) 319-5862 PENTECOSTAL HighPoint Church of Brandon 2207 Lithia-Pinecrest Rd., Valrico/Brandon (813) 685-4827 PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church of Brandon -PCUSA 121 Carver Ave., Brandon (813) 689-4597 Redeemer Church-PCA 12404 Boyette Rd., Riverview (813) 741-1776 Westminster Presbyterian Church PCA 402 E. Lumsden Rd., Brandon (813) 689-6541
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Page 14 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Benefit Motorcycle Ride Will Help Fund Mobile Shower Facilities For Homeless
By Michelle Colesanti
Showered and Empowered was initiEmpowered, Inc., a ated from my new 501(c)(3) Christian leadership organization is class at Trinity fundraising to purCollege back in chase a new October 2016. I needmobile ed to do a paper on shower/laundry something that had trailer to better not been startserve the homeless ‘Betty’ will be part of the ed in this area festivities on Sunday, community in and write a October 29 for the Hillsborough and paper on how Motorcycle Benefit Ride, which will take Pinellas counties. my leadership place at Quaker Steak The organization skills would and Lube in will hold ‘Helping make this nonClearwater. the Homeless profit successBenefit Motorcycle Ride’ on Sunday, ful. It was started and evolved from October 29. there.” The mission is to compassionately She graduated last May with her honor another’s humanity by providing Bachelors in Christian Ministry from those who are living in shelters, encampTrinity as Valedictorian, Summa Cum ments or out of their vehicles access to Laude and received nonprofit status just mobile showers and laundry facilities at three days after graduation. She has no cost, and to provide dignity and hope been working diligently to get this ministry to them one shower at a time. off the ground while also currently workThe Executive Director is Brandon ing as a full time operating room nurse. resident Christina Jenkins. “Since we will The Motorcycle Benefit Ride will be able to go to them, this will enable us begin at Quaker Steak and Lube, located to reach more of the ones who do not at 10400 49th St. N. in Clearwater. The have access or the ability to get to somecost is $20 per rider and $10 per passenwhere to shower and launder their ger. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and clothes,” she said. kickstands up at 10:30 a.m. There will be Future goals of the organization a 50/50, raffles and an auction. include purchasing more trailers in order Showered and Empowered is also to facilitate surrounding communities, looking for both sponsors and volunteers counties and throughout Florida. Jenkins to help with the upcoming Benefit Ride. noted that they are looking forward to For information, call Jenkins at 575partnering with local ministries, county 2057. You can register online at and government agencies for available www.showeredandempowered.com/regresources and their support. ister/1st-annual-benefit-motorcycle-ride or Jenkins said, “Showered and on the morning of the event at the venue.
Page 15 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Hot Off The Christian News Wire
By Kelly Wise Valdes
Free Supplies For Your Church & School?
With budgets tighter than ever, churches and schools need to be creative in doing more with less. Yet, many dismiss one very real resource because they're convinced there must be ‘a catch.’ But it's not too good to be true. That resource: gifts-in-kind organizations. These organizations collect donations of new merchandise from U.S. corporations and redistribute it to its not-for-profit members, including churches and schools, for free. This includes art supplies. janitorial supplies, sporting goods, tools, toys, software, books and media, personal care items, party goods and more. Churches can browse catalogs of donated supplies and request what they need, saving on supplies and limiting churches and their teachers' out-ofpocket costs. What's the catch? There isn't one. Typically, members pay a modest annual membership fee, plus nominal shipping and handling costs. Large U.S. companies are the donors. They're taking advantage of
advertise your school in the Christian Voice education directory! Contact Trisha Becker at tbecker@ospreyobserver.com
tax deductions, reducing storage costs, clearing warehouse space, and avoiding hassles with liquidators. And instead of clogging landfills, they're putting unused goods to use. Savvy churches and schools nationwide are taking advantage of this service to stretch their budgets. For more information, visit
Website Reviews Christian Entertainment Industry
Today’s Christian Entertainment (or TCE) was launched only a short time ago in January 2016.The site’s mission is to provide
www.NAEIR.org or call 1-800-5620955.
Faith Groups Provide The Bulk Of Disaster Recovery, In Coordination With FEMA
In a disaster, faithbased organizations are integral partners in state and federal disaster relief efforts. They have specific roles and a sophisticated
navigate the maze of FEMA assistance, state aid programs and private insurance to help them rebuild their lives. The Convoy of Hope, a nondenominational organization, specializes in feeding. Before Hurricane Irma made landfall in Florida, the organization staged trailer trucks stocked with food, water and other supplies parked in the state waiting to deploy to areas hardest hit. In major disasters, the
reviews for music, films and books.TCE wants to lead fans of Christian entertainment to great quality and family-friendly content. In today’s world, it’s not always easy to find that. With so-called ‘faith-based’ entertainment out there that only wears the costume of Christian appeal, TCE will inform its audience to real and meaningful entertainment that will make an impact and difference in people’s lives.
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communication and coordination network. If you donate bottles of water, diapers, clothing or any other materials to hurricane victims, your donation will likely pass through the hands of the Seventh Day Adventists before it gets to a storm victim. That’s because the Adventists, over several decades, have established a unique expertise in disaster ‘warehousing’ collecting, logging, organizing and distributing relief supplies, in cooperation with government disaster response agencies. Likewise, the United Methodist Committee on Relief is known for its expertise in ‘case management.’ After the initial cleanup, where the Methodists have work crews and trained volunteers to help families
organization will set up feeding stations, sometimes at FEMA’s request. Samaritan’s Purse, an evangelical aid group run by Rev. Franklin Graham, had trucks at the ready in Florida with chainsaws and debris removal experts to help clean up as well as contracting services available to help the needy rebuild their homes. For more information or to make a donation, visit www.NVOAD.org. The National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) is actively helping FEMA channel disaster assistance into the affected areas.
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Page 16 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Trans-Siberian Orchestra To Perform The Ghosts Of Christmas Eve
Staff Report
By Kelly Wise Valdes The immense the city in 1164. Cologne Cathedral These relics made dominates the skythe cathedral one of line of the city-center the most important and is one of pilgrimage destinaGermany’s most tions in Europe. famous landmarks. The interior of It is also considered the cathedral is to be one of the quite impressive most beautiful with its extraordinary examples of Gothic work of medieval and Neo-Gothic gold craftsmanship architecture in the surpassing all other world today. Its vastshrines in the ness can be viewed Western world in from anywhere in terms of size and the city and the majesty. The high cathedral's famous chancel and choir twin towers are a Photo by Michelle Colesanti area also makes bold symbol of The magnificent Cologne Cathedral in this one of the finest Germany towers above the roofs and Cologne's proud sanctuaries in the chimneys of the city. The cathedral is Western world. The history. the pride of the people in Cologne. Construction on choir stalls have the cathedral began in 1248 and took 104 seats making them the largest in more than 600 years to accomplish. Germany. When it was completed in August 1880, The construction was solid and led the Cologne Cathedral held the title of to the survival of the cathedral during the world’s tallest building until 1884. No WWII in spite of extensive bombing. less impressive is the actual size of the Today, more than 80 stonemasons, cathedral, which is larger than a football glaziers, roofers and other specialists field. The total area measures more are at work on the maintenance and than 86,110 sq. ft. and has room for restoration of the cathedral building on a more than 20,000 people. daily basis. At the end of the gigantic nave is The cathedral holds public guided the reason for the cathedral being built; tours throughout the week and hosts the shrine of the Three Magi (the Three more than 20,000 visitors daily. For Wise Men) whose relics were brought to information, visit www.koelner-dom.de.
The Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO) announced its highly-anticipated 2017 Winter Tour. Over the past 20-plus years, TSO has become a critically-acclaimed, multi-platinum, musical powerhouse, and its annual winter tour is a beloved, multigenerational holiday tradition. 2017’s tour, a completely updated presentation of TSO’s unforgettable The Ghosts of Christmas Eve, is set to begin on Thursday, November 16 and will visit more than 60 cities, for 100-plus performances, before concluding on Saturday, December 30. TSO returns to Tampa on Sunday, December 17 to perform at Amalie Arena, which will host two spectacular shows at 3 and 7:30 p.m. Tickets for both shows go on sale Friday, September 15 at 10 a.m. with a portion of the proceeds benefitting local charities courtesy of TSO. TSO’s tour will be a celebration of the art and accomplishments of the lauded group’s late creator/composer/lyricist, Paul O’Neill, and his inimitable creation, which he dubbed “Rock Theater.” Prior to his untimely passing, O’Neill worked tirelessly with his close-knit team preparing
an exciting new take on The Ghosts of Christmas Eve for the 2017 tour. Fans will experience this exciting stage spectacle, including new awe-inspiring effects, and staging, certain to make the story even more engaging for fans. Based on TSO’s multi-platinum DVD and long running PBS fundraiser, The Ghosts of Christmas Eve, the rock opera features such enduring fan-favorites as Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24, O’ Come All Ye Faithful, Good King Joy, Christmas Canon, Music Box Blues, Promises To Keep, and This Christmas Day. The 2017 tour will also boast a rousing second set containing more of TSO’s greatest hits and fan-pleasers. As in all previous years, a portion of every ticket sold benefits select local charities. To date, more than $13 million has been distributed from TSO to worthy charities all across North America. You can purchase tickets at the McDonald’s® Ticket Office at AMALIE Arena, Ticketmaster outlets and at Ticketmaster.com. Order tickets by phone by calling 800-745-3000. Ticket prices are $32.25, $42.25, $52.25, $62.25 and $72.25. Prices do not include facility fee or service charges. Advanced parking passes are available at Ticketmaster.com or the ticket office. Visit amaliearena.com, call 301-2500 or go to www.trans-siberian.com for more details.
Page 18 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
Brandon Foundation’s Evening Of Hope Raises Funds And Community Awareness By Amanda Boston
The ble stories to share on how our Brandon community has rallied around these Foundation families in their time of need.” invites you to A portion of the evening will an Evening include testimonials from families of Hope at that have received assistance from The Regent the Brandon Foundation Angel and event center Junior Angel programs. These proon Friday, grams offer assistance to families November 3. affected by catastrophic events The twelfth such as, but not limited to lifeChannel 8’s Daytime Host Cyndi annual threatening diseases, fire and flood. Edwards is shown introducing Executive Director Liz Brewer dur- The Angel programs match families fundraiser ing last year’s Evening of Hope. kicks off at 7 with local business p.m. with a owners and volunVIP reception at 6:30 p.m. for teers who can event sponsors. help. The Parisian-themed Likewise, the evening will feature live music Brandon from Standing 8 Count, one of Foundation will Tampa’s premier jazz ensemrecognize its combles, and a live and silent aucmunity business tion. The Regent's Ballroom partners and A silent auction will be held with will masquerade as a food and donations from community busi- many volunteers nesses to help raise additional wine festival where guests can funds for the Brandon Foundation. for their contribuexperience fine wines, crafted tions to the welbeers and delectable tastings from local fare of others. Evening of Hope is sponrestaurants and bakeries. sored by The Regent, Brandon The Brandon Foundation exists to Regional Hospital & The Physicians of improve the quality of life for those in the Brandon Regional, South Bay Hospital, local community by connecting volunteers CenterState Bank, The Tampa Bay and resources to those in need. Evening Times and the Winthrop Town Center. of Hope is one of two fundraisers for curTickets are available at rent and future needs, but it is also a time www.BrandonFoundation.org and are to reflect on the families assisted over the $100 per person or $75 each if purchaspast year. ing two or more tickets. The Regent Brandon Foundation Executive event center is located at 6437 Watson Director Liz Brewer said, “This year's Rd. in Riverview. event will be extra special as we have For more information, please call seen such a large increase in family 689-6889 or like the Brandon needs in the past year and have incrediFoundation Facebook page.
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Page 19 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017
First Presbyterian Church Continues To Grow Its Stephen Ministry
By Amanda Boston
It is God be the impossible true carefor a pastor giver as we to satisfy all provide the needs caring lisof the contening.” gregation. All In Galatians Stephen 6:2, the Ministers complete Apostle 50 hours of Paul training instructs that prothe churchFirst Presbyterian continues to es in grow its Stephen Ministry, which is vides tools led by lay caregivers and helps ful- for effective Galatia to fill the needs of the congregation. listening, “Bear one another’s utilization of community resources, and burdens, and so the law of Christ.” stresses the importance of confidentiality. In 1989, First Presbyterian Church of The newly commissioned ministers also Brandon teamed up Stephen Ministries in attend continuing education classes St. Louis to sufficiently care for its church twice-monthly and receive supervised community. The nonprofit Christian organ- support to ensure high-quality caregiving. ization trains church members to adminis“God calls us to be supportive of each other, and this program provides us ter care to people facing a life-altering the opportunity to serve. This not only event such as a loved one's death, a applies to a formal relationship, such as long-term illness, job crisis, divorce and the Stephen Ministry but also in our permore. sonal lives," commented Freant. Since its inception, the Stephen First Presbyterian Brandon is one of Ministry at First Presbyterian has commis12,000 congregations using the Stephen sioned 113 Stephen Ministers. Recently, Ministries. The church’s caregiving minthe church welcomed five new ministers to its current 20 active Stephen Ministers. istry continues to flourish as it blesses the congregation and community. Betty Freant was one of the five church members to complete the training. For information about the First She said, “We learned that listening Presbyterian Brandon, call 689-4597 or is the most effective way to care for visit www.fpcbrandon.org. The church is someone going through a difficult time.” located at 121 Carver Ave. in Brandon. Freant continued, “I found the training to For more information on the Stephen be helpful not only in an emotional way Ministries, visit www.stephenministries.org but also in a spiritual sense. We are to let or call 314-428-2600.
Local Author Offers Practical Advice To Students In Harvard And Hardship
By Michelle Colesanti
Angel Everett got unveils the hidden playinto Harvard Law book of college and law School, and now her school success, including new book, Harvard admissions advice, practiand Hardship, unveils cal ‘how to’ study tips, the secrets of how strategies for final exam she did it. and final paper success She said, “The and maintaining confipath to academic dence in academic and excellence should not intellectual spaces. be a secret.” “With Harvard & Everett attended Hardship I wanted to prothe Baccalaureate vide a guide to college (IB) program at King and law school, so no one High School before will have to feel lost as Local resident, Angel Everett, recently released her new book, they reach for their acaaccepting a full-ride Harvard and Hardship, a guide to academic scholarship demic goals. Harvard & college and law school. to attend the Hardship covers everyUniversity of Alabama (UA). thing from high school, to the college and “I figured that since I was about to law school admissions process, to finding graduate summa cum laude from UA, a job post-graduation, to passing the maybe I'd have a shot at a top law Florida bar,” she said. school. So, one afternoon as I sat in my Everett’s growing YouTube channel, dorm room, I said an awkward prayer, ‘Harvard and Hardship’, features informa‘God, please help me get into Harvard’.” tive videos on various aspects of college Everett was delighted when God and law school such as the application answered her prayer to attend the school process, paper-writing tips, and student of her dreams. However, when she life. stepped onto the Harvard Law School She worked for one of Harvard's campus, it seemed that everyone else research arms for about a year before knew what they were doing, but she was launching full-time into Harvard & fumbling around trying to figure things Hardship. out. To make matters worse, the Now Everett is ready to share her ‘Imposter Syndrome’ haunted her as she knowledge by providing practical advice walked the halls and sat in classrooms of and encouragement to teens and adults Harvard, whispering that she didn’t really who are looking to reach their educational belong at such an elite institution. goals. You can purchase Harvard and According to Everett, along with proHardship at www.angeleverett.com. The viding a behind-the-scenes perspective of first three chapters are available for a free life as a Harvard Law student, her book download.
Page 20 • christianvoicemonthly.com • October 2017