Two Sections, 40 Pages of Community News
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March 2017 C E L E B R A T I N G
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Volume 12, Issue 3 P U B L I S H I N G
County Hosts Ribbon Cutting On New $36M Public Safety Operations Complex By Tamas Mondovics
Osprey Observer 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Brandon, FL 33511-6121
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Hillsborough Chief Dennis County Board of Jones. County Built to the Commissioners, highest hurriemergency cane rating conoperations offistruction stancials, Fire dards, the Rescue person52,000-sq. ft. nel, members of main building the community houses Fire and the media Rescue’s comcelebrated the mand staff, opening of the Emergency County’s New Dispatch Center Public Safety and the highHillsborough County Fire Rescue Chief Dennis Operations tech Emergency Jones is joined by Florida Division of Emergency Complex Operations Management Director Bryan Koon, along with (PSOC) last to serve Center, County Commissioners, Stacy White, Sandra Murman a Pat Kemp during the ribbon cutting month in residents during ceremony of the county’s brand new Public Safety Brandon. major storms Operations Complex, in Brandon. Following a and other emerribbon cutting ceremony, attendees had a gencies. “This is a really big deal for our chance to tour the new $36 million dollar county,” said Commissioner Sandra facility located at 9450 E. Columbus Dr., Murman whose district touches the counwhich now becomes the new home to ty’s shoreline. “This complex is very Fire Rescue headquarters and the important as safety and security is on the County’s Emergency Operations Center mind of our residents especially during (EOC). hurricane season and safety and security Sitting on 20 acres between U.S. is what this new complex is all about.” Hwy. 301 and Falkenburg Rd. the project While commenting on the need for was funded by the Public Safety the new PSOC, County Commissioner Improvement Bond Project and General Stacy White drew attention to what Revenue funds. While the price tag is makes the new facility functional when high, officials said that the facility brings he said, “This new facility is important, together several major public safety build- but it is the people who work inside ings and critical support functions into one that make the real difference.” location. County Emergency Operations “This is an amazing new facility and Director Preston Cook also emphawill become the center of our community sized the reason for the new complex as aside from our fire stations throughout when he said, “Our citizens now have the county, it brings all of fire rescue’s a facility they deserve.” For information buildings together as well as our governabout Hillsborough County and the ment operations into one location in case new PSOC, visit of emergency,” said County Fire Rescue
Photo By Tamas Mondovics
Hillsborough County firefighter, Nate Everhardt, demonstrates a quick exit through one of the hatch doors on the new burn tower located at the recently completed $36 million Public Safety Operations Center (PSOC), which now serves as the new home to the County’s Fire Rescue headquarters and the its Emergency Operations Center, (EOC).
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Brandon Relays For A Cancer Cure
By Kate Quesada
Brandon residents have an opportunity to have fun while helping fight cancer this month as the annual Relay for Life takes place at Brandon High School. On Saturday, April 8, students and community members will join teams to walk, camp and participate in fun activities to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. According to the event lead and committee member, Meredith Tucker, 27 teams have already signed up to participate in the event, which has a Disney theme this year and is hoping to raise $20-25,000. The event begins at 4 p.m. with Opening Ceremonies to honor those who have fought cancer and after that, teams are encouraged to have at least one member walking the track at all times to signify the fact that cancer never sleeps. Unlike most other Relays, this event will end at 12 Midnight. “We will have tons of fun themes laps, activities and awesome food lined up for this event,” said Tucker. During the times participants are not walking the track they will be able to join in a large number of other activities planned including a Zumba class, frozen t-shirt contest and Mr. Relay competition. Some events will have small costs with all funds going to the cause. “We encourage the community to
Community members and students from throughout the area will meet at Brandon High School at 4 p.m. on April 8 to participate Relay for Life events raising funds for the American Cancer Society.
get involved by attending the event and supporting the fundraisers that will take place there,” said Tucker. “We really need the community to come out and support to help raise money the day of the event.” One of the highlights of Relay for Life events for participants is the Luminaria Ceremony which will take place at 9 p.m. “During the Luminaria Ceremony we honor survivors and remember those who have lost their battle with cancer,” said Relay for Life Community Manager Samantha Schneider. “It is a
Continued on page 6
In This Issue HOSPITAL EXPANSION .......................PG 3 PUBLIC SAFETY...................................PG 8 SHREDDING & SKATEBOARDING......PG 10 FEED THE BAY ..................................PG 22
EYE ON BUSINESS...........................PG 25 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT...............PG 29 SUMMER CAMPS.....................PGS 30‐34