Osprey Observer 2016-7 Brandon

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See Pages 35-39 C E L E B R A T I N G

July 2016 Volume 11, Issue 7 Ph: 657-2418 1 5




iFLY Brings Indoor Skydiving Center To Brandon Entertainment Hub

By Tamas Mondovics


No parature a vertical chute? No prob14-ft. (4.3m) lem. Local resirecirculating dents who wind tunnel would like to powered by taste the thrill of giant fans that skydiving, but can generate are not brave up to 175 mph enough or have winds, with the the means to force adjusted take the leap for body out of an airweight. plane from According 10,000 feet up, to iFly Orlando will soon have a General chance to come Manger pretty close to Amanda iFLY, an experiential entertainment company that created modern indoor skydiving, is building its newest Siegel, the the real thing. Continuing Premier Indoor Skydiving facility on Palm River Road, entire first time just off I-75, near Bass Pro Shop. its mission to flight experimake the dream of flight a reality by givences take about 1-2 hours. ing its customers “wings” in a safe and Upon arrival and checking in, flyers reliable environment, iFLY, an Austin, take part in a personalized training sesTexas based experiential entertainment sion then gear up, which includes a jumpcompany that created indoor skydiving, is suit, helmet, goggles and earplugs.The building its newest Premier Indoor flight is assisted by an instructor accomSkydiving facility in southeastern panying the rookies. Additional runs can Hillsborough County. be made solo or with friends. Indoor Skydiving Source (ISS) an Based on the flight cost at the comindependent go-to-resource, which helps pany’s Orlando facility, prices start at flyers from all around the world to find a around $60 per person for two flights sevwind tunnel in its database and to learn eral minutes each. about the sport of bodyflight, announced According to the iFLY website, the on its website that iFLY Tampa is currentfirst time flyer package is a freefall equivaly under construction by ARCO/Murray lent of three skydives from 12,000 ft. Construction Co., which built the Topgolf Siegel emphasized that, of course, facility and is now working on the Tampa the entire experience is much longer and General Hospital’s healthplex nearby. that while “these costs might seem steep Adding to the ever expanding list of at first, almost unanimously, indoor skyattractions in Riverview and Brandon, diving customers agree that their first tuniFLY Tampa is the third location in Florida, nel experience was worth the money.” scheduled to open later this fall, on Palm Soft opening is hoped for around River Road, just off I-75, near Topgolf and Thanksgiving, followed by a traditional Bass Pro Shop. grand opening. Visit iflyworld.com and The 57 ft. tall indoor facility will feaindoorskydivingsource.com.


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Developer To Install New Traffic Light At Bloomingdale Square Plaza

By Tamas Mondovics

concern,” Campbell said, adding that with more traffic than it can handle, Bloomingdale Avenue is already a failed road at peak hours. “The signals on Bloomingdale Avenue will be retimed, while the new traffic signal will allow motorist and retail center patrons to enter Motorists struggle with heavy traffic on Bloomingdale Avenue and exit much safer.” as they make their way in and out of the Bloomingdale Boasting of more Square Plaza. three dozen stores, than Hillsborough County traffic engineerthe Bloomingdale Square Plaza has seen ing officials recently approved the installasome major changes in recent times tion of a new signal to ease traffic flow in including the closing of Walmart, which and out of Bloomingdale Square Plaza at anchored the shopping center since it has 889 E. Bloomingdale Ave. in Brandon. opened nearly 30 years ago. With the now infamously heavy traffic More recent additions to the plaza’s on Bloomingdale Avenue between Lithia roster of stores and retailers includes Pinecrest Road and U.S. 301 as the Burger Monger, Title Boxing and norm—especially during rush hour, which Jeremiah's Italian Ice, to name a few. officially renders the avenue a failed of the new traffic signal Construction road—the installation of additional signals is scheduled to take place at night and comes as no surprise for motorists rouwill include some lane closures, but offitinely making use of the accident-prone, cials said it will have minimal affect on congested roadway. day-time traffic. From start to finish, counAccording to Hillsborough County ty engineers are estimating the duration Transportation Program Manager and of the project between four to six months. Traffic Engineer, Robert Campbell, instalVisit bit.ly/29zXUAU. lation of the new signal located at the second entrance to the plaza approximately 900 feet west of Bell Shoals Road in front of Chipotle Mexican Grill and Dunkin Doughnuts restaurants on the south and north side of Bloomingdale Avenue, respectively, is scheduled to begin this summer. The private project is initiated, financed and organized by Bloomingdale Square Plaza owner and developer Regency Centers Corporation, a real estate investment trust based in Jacksonville. Regency Centers LP is one of the largest operators of groceryanchored shopping centers. Campbell emphasized that when operational, the new signal will be synchronized or “interconnected” with the now existing signals on Bloomingdale Avenue to optimize traffic flow. “Safety is always our number one

In This Issue FATHER OF THE YEAR...........................PG 3 CONSERVATION CHALLENGE................PG 5 NEW FIRE STATION OPEN.....................PG 6 HOA HOT TOPICS..................................PG 7 POLITICAL COVERAGE....................PGS 9‐17 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT...................PG 20

CHALKLINES.......................................PG 32 SPORTS CONNECTION........................PG 43



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Photo by Tamas Mondovics

As newly elected Honorary Mayor of Brandon, Chuck Burgess, executive director of the Brandon Sports and Aquatic Center, waves to a crowd during this year’s Brandon Fourth of July procession. With nearly 100 groups and an estimated 30,000 spectators, the annual parade is said to be Florida’s largest, organized by the Brandon Community Roundtable.

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