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Volume 21, Issue 4
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April 2017
Christian Music Artist Francesca Battistelli Will Perform At Bell Shoals Church Contemporary Christian music artist Francesca Battistelli will perform with the Bell Shoals’ Worship Choir. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. to the church’s state-of-the-art lighting and sound venue. Attendees can expect Battistelli to sing her chart-topping Christian songs as well as a few of her favorite Broadway tunes. Tickets range from $14.50 per person for main floor seating to $68 per person for the Artist Circle seating, which includes a meet and greet. Due to the popularity of the mainstream artist, tickets are expected to sell out quickly. Battistelli partnered with True North Presents, an agency assembling accomplished musicians with capable church music ministries across the nation. The musicianship exhibited at these events dazzle audiences with a matchless and rewarding listening experience. Battistelli was born into a musical family in New York City, Who: but was raised in Florida. At age What: 15, she was a member of the pop music group Bella, based When: out of Orlando. After the pop Where: group dissolved, Battistelli moved on as a singer-songwriter and into the realm of Christian music. Tickets:
By Amanda Boston
The singer has released four Christian albums spanning a 10-year period with each album echoing different stages of her life. Since her first album release in 2004, the musician has transitioned from a teen to a mother of three. Battistelli is a recipient of six GMA Dove Awards and four Grammy nominations. In 2016, she won a Grammy and said, “I am so honored and humbled to have been recognized with a Grammy award for Holy Spirit, a song that has meant so much to me.” For additional information on the artist, please visit her Website at www.francescamusic.com. For questions regarding the concert, please contact True North Presents at info@TrueNorthPresents.com or call 615-775-1088. You may also visit its Website at www.truenorthpresents.com. The concert venue is located at 2102 Bell Shoals Rd. in Brandon.
Francesca Battistelli Christian Music Concert Friday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. Bell Shoals Baptist Church 2102 Bell Shoals Rd., Brandon www.bellshoals.com
Family Promise Fundraiser Generates Homelessness Awareness In The Community By Amanda Boston Valrico Resident Shows Kindness
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Disciple: Andrew
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Columns: Your Monthly Catch
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Faith & Footprints
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Hooked On Books: Page 19
Rain or for Grace shine, Community Family United Methodist Promise of Church in Lithia. Greater As a host coordiBrandon will nator, she works conduct its as the liaison fourth annubetween her al Box Car church and City event to Family Promise raise funds in regard to to help accommodations homeless and meals. Participants spend a night in boxes, tents, or cars in To foster awareness and raise support, the Box families and order to better understand the challenges homeless Car City fundraiser simulates a one-night home- Grace lessness experience. generate Community is families encounter. including entire fam- one of 17 supporting churches lending awareness in the community. The ilies. The cardboard city comes alive as fundraising event will take place from space for interim lodging. Simmons will arriving participants create makeshift Friday, April 28 at 4 p.m. until Saturday, camp out again this year to share in the April 29 at 7 a.m. on the grounds of First sleeping arrangements out of tents and daily challenges homeless families face. cardboard boxes. Presbyterian Church of Brandon. She said, “Taking part in this experience At dinnertime, participants are proFor one night, participants are temputs you temporarily in the shoes of the vided a simple meal and lights are out porarily transported into another realihomeless. This one night reminded me at 10 p.m. At sunrise, breakfast is ty—a life of a homeless person. The that I am blessed and I can support this served and the city dismantled. With a registration fee is $25 per person to program. Box Car City opened my eyes lack of modern amenities, the night sleep on the property in a tent, car or to the huge opportunity we have to help offers plenty of time to reflect on the difbox. The fees benefit the Family families with children right here in our ficulties and uncertainties afflicting the Promise organization whose mission is Brandon area.” “to empower homeless families to obtain homeless. To find out more Box Car City or how “The night was truly humbling. You sustainable housing and lasting indeto support Family Promise, visit could get a glimpse into the struggle of pendence by partnering with area www.FamilyPromiseBrandon.org, email finding shelter and provisions for those Christian congregations and local executivedirectorfpgb@gmail.com or call who battle homelessness,” said Carrie resources.” 681-6170. Registration forms are availSimmons, a participant from last year. The event is open to the public and able online and available on the day of Simmons is a volunteer host coordinator the event. attracts a wide-variety of participants