Osprey Observer Christian Voice Monthly April 2022

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By Kelly Wise Valdes

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Section 2

Columns: Grace Notes: Hooked On Books: Faith & Footprints: News From The Wire:

03 09 11 12

The community is the community. La Terinvited to join New esita Cuban Restaurant Hope United Methodist in Tampa graciously doChurch on Friday, April nated meals for 200-250 29 from 6-8 p.m. for A people for the event. The Taste of Cuba, an evemenu will consist of pork, ning of music and food black beans and rice, planto help raise funds to tains and Cuban bread. support sister churches “We are asking for atin Cuba. Enjoy delicious tendees to RSVP; howCuban food, music proever, the event itself is vided by the New Hope free to attend,” said New. Worship Teams, a silent “Donations are accepted auction, personal stoat findnewhope.com, and ries of praise and opwe will also have a silent portunities to learn how auction at the event.” our brothers and sisters Throughout the evein Christ are living dayning, there will be stories to-day life and how you of praise and personal can help. testimonies from a variWhen Fidel Castro ety of speakers. Additiontook power in Cuba in al information on how to 1959, organized religion help make a difference in was banned and church- New Hope Church invites the community to come out to A Taste of Cuba - a special Cuba will also be providevening of fundraising, food and music to benefit the sister churches in Cuba. es were shut down. Reed. ligious restrictions were New Hope is also seekfinally eased in 1992, and despite ing additional donations for the its history of religious marginalevent’s silent auction. If you can ization under the Castro regime, donate, contact New at 813today the number of practicing 689-4161 or by email at manChristians is growing in Cuba. Cudy@findnewhope.com. bans can now go to church withThe church has set a fundout fear of retribution, and there raising goal of $15,000 for the is a growing presence of Christievent. Donations will go toward brothers and sisters,” said Mandy anity throughout the island. the support of the sister churchNew, director of communications at New Hope has partnered with two es in Cuba as well as a much-anticisister churches in the Buey Arriba New Hope. “Despite the hardships, pated mission trip to Cuba. New Hope God’s work is still happening in Cuba.” is located at 213 N. Knights Ave. in area located in Southwest Cuba. Although this is a first-time event, Brandon. For more information, visit “This is an opportunity to raise awareness, provide prayer and unite the church is hoping for an over- www.findnewhope.com or follow on as the Body of Christ for our Cuban whelming turn out and support by Facebook @findnewhopefl.


The season of Lent, a time day Mass, Nativity students gathered of prayer and fasting for the along the perimeter of the courtyard Catholic Church, began on as Rodriguez explained the tradition. March 2 with Ash WednesFor the last time until Easter, they sang “Alleluia” and then Nativity studay. Nativity Catholic School hosted its annual “burying dents buried the symbolic banner beof the ‘Alleluia’” for its stufore attending the Ash Wednesday service in the church. Students were dents. The tradition is an taught about the quiet reverence in opportunity for Nativity to the church for the 40 days leading up teach the young, growing to the celebration of Easter. Christians why “Alleluia” will “Being involved in this tradition is not be sang in church until meaningful to me because it is an the celebration of Easter. opportunity to share my God-given “I think it’s important that talents with our school community Nativity hosts this event each year for our students Dina Rodriguez leads Nativity Catholic School students in singing “Alleluia” one last time before Easter. while also strengthening my faith journey,” said Rodriguez. “I hope they because it is another reminder love evident in the crucifixion throughout the learned what ‘Alleluia’ means, that it is omitted of a new liturgical season, a season in which we story. during Lent in our liturgies, and I hope they make hope students take more time to grow closer to “It’s time to say goodbye to our friend, the “Althe connection that the ‘Alleluia’ rises on Easter Jesus by praying, fasting and giving,” said Nativleluia,” to let it rest for a while so that it will rewith new life and meaning just like Jesus.” ity teacher Dina Rodriguez. turn to us at Easter full of enthusiasm to remind For more information on Nativity Catholic During the event, Nativity’s staff told the story us again who we really are: loved children of School, visit its website at nativitycatholicschool. of the Last Supper through Easter Sunday, simGod,” explained Rodriguez during the ceremony. org. For more information on the church and the plifying the story told in church for the young Prior to going to the church for Ash Wednesseason of Lent, visit nativitycatholicchurch.org. students. They emphasized the message of God’s

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