Architecture portfolio B Wu

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TRAUMATIC IDEOLOGICAL FICTIONAL INTERVENTION About The Biggest Social Experiment In 20th Century

Location: Beijing, China Program: Paper architecture, Heritage exhibition pavillion 2017 “People who lived on a small alley lived a life that about city planning of Peking which was later in the had not changed for 1000 years.” process of extreme modernization, from the historic royal city of 6 dynasties to the great industrialized That is how life in Peking was described by Lin capital of communist China. Yutang in the 1920s. The scene that had been kept in Peking for 1000 years has finally changed since The ideology of communism makes all the above hapthe 1950s. After a huge project of urban renewal, pen. The modification project of socialism followed the Hutongs (small alley) are broadened to streets the lead of the Soviet Union, which was the exemplary for the military parades. The city wall was demol- country as a ‘socialist big brother’. Peking Exhibiished to be the site of new ring roads. All of this tion Center, which my project aims to renovate, was was similar to the great renewal of Moscow in the the pavilion to exhibit the Soviet socialist prosper1930s. The experts from the Soviet Union prevailed ity. It was built in 1954, out of the gate Xizhimen, in the debate with Liang Sicheng and Chen Zhanxiang as a Stalinist tower.

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Architecture portfolio B Wu by Ost Wu - Issuu