Osun defender feburary 18, 2016 edition

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www.osundefender.org Thursday, FEBRUARY 18, 2016


Front Page Comment


M O S T- V I S I T E D



VOL. 11. NO.013

Aregbesola’s Prudent Management of Resources

The prudent managementwhat would of resources by the state have happened if of Osun helmsman the Aregbesola had not Ogbeni Gomina Rauf shown the fiscal Aregbesola certainly rectitude expected deserves commendation. of the Ijeshaman. We can only speculate It is therefore also in view of the current economic downturn as to recommended to

sensible way to go. Aregbesola’s emphasis on fiscal rectitude and prudence in governance did not start as a response to the economic downturn. It has been there from day one as

hurry. He is the most key element in obvious example his approach to of today of the old and philosophy of fashioned social governance. This attitude democratic tradition has a lot to do with the of the Action progressive thrust of his Group (AG) mould. political position. And Determined from day Aregbesola has always one after reclaiming been a progressive in a his mandate to effect

and irreversible change, he had his work cut out. What he envisaged required a lot of capital votes. To get it required a fundamental indeed holistic re-ordering of priorities.

Osun Security Council Commends Police, Others For Foiling Robbery Attack On Banks Page 3

‘Omisore’s Crown FM

Operates Illegally’ - See Story On Page 2

•A long queue of trailers of impounded suspected illegal dealers in planks caught by the recently inaugurated Osun Task Force on Illegal Felling and Trading in planks by the State of Osun Government on Monday.

Ooni, Oluwo’s Palaces Become Construction

- See Page 4



Osun Defender Thursday, February

‘Omisore’s Crown FM Operates Illegally’


he Ile-Ife-based radio station, Crown FM, believed to be owned by the defeated 2014 governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the State of Osun, Senator Iyiola Omisore, has been discovered to be operating in the state illegally. T h e P e r m a n e n t Committee on Lands Secretary, State Ministry recently. of Lands, Physical The revelation Planning and Urban w a s s e q u e l t o t h e Development, Architect concern raised by the Wale Ojo, dropped the Chairman of the House hint at an interactive Committee on Lands, session with Directors H o n o u r a b l e N u r e i n of Lands in the Local Adebisi; his deputy, Government Councils W a s e e u A d e b a y o and House of Assembly

and other members of the committee over indiscriminate erection of shops at non-permitted areas and conversion of residential buildings to commercial use in various towns across the state. According to Ojo, the radio station was operating without any permit and payment of necessary dues to the state government on issues relating to lands and properties. He said, all efforts to approach the leadership

of the organisation for necessary permits from the ministry have been frustrated, as fiercelooking men were stationed to man the station. Noting that though, a residential building was converted to house the radio station, but before such action could be taken, the ministry ought to have been approached to get permit. “One cannot just convert residential buildings to commercial

according to Olowolagba, must be a

civil servant of not less than level nine grade. The case was adjourned till 31 March, 2016 for mention.

Osun Police Arraign Salesman Over N1.2m Beer Theft


By ismaeel uthman

purpose without approaching the ministry for clearance and payment of necessary dues. “As I am talking to you, as far as we are concerned, the Crown FM is operating illegally. And I must tell you that they are not approachable because of the fiercelooking men that are there,” he said. R e s p o n d i n g , Honourable Adebisi said there might be several of such structures, operating for commercial purposes or otherwise without permit, charging the ministry and local government officials to be proactive enough in doing their jobs. “I am sure that the

management of the radio station would know that they have to get permit and if they have not, it is your duty to approach them to do the necessary things. “In the course of approaching them, if you know that your officials are not safe, make provision for security, so that there won’t be any fear,” he said. Adebisi then charged all the st akeholders to cooperate with the officials of government in the course of doing their jobs, saying the present economic situation requires everyone to contribute where necessary.

31-year-old salesman, Yemi Adeoye, has been dragged before an Osogbo Magistrate’s Court for allegedly stealing various brands of beer at the Press Centre of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Osogbo. The worth of the beer pleaded with the court allegedly stolen by to release the suspect Adeoye was put at N1, on bail, promising that 248,380 by the police reliable sureties would prosecutor, Inspector stand for him. According to Taiwo Adekoge. According to the Balogun, the suspect change sheet read in remained innocent c o u r t , t h e a c c u s e d until contrary is proved p e r s o n , w h o w a s in a court of law, just as working with Bola he prayed the court to Garba Nigeria Limited, be liberal on the bail N U J P r e s s C e n t r e , term. The presiding Osogbo, stole the beer from the company’s m a g i s t r a t e , M r s Ademola Olowolagba, store and absconded. The charge sheet granted the accused a l l e g e d A d e o y e o f person bail in the sum •State of Osun Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr Taiwo Jesubiyi;State Commandant NSCDC, Mr Tajudeen Balogun; stealing 155 cartons of of N2 million and two Comptroller of Immigration, State of Osun, Chris Onuwor and FRSC, Osun Sector Commander, Ummar Ibrahim, at a press briefing held shortly after the monthly security meeting with Governor Rauf Aregbesola at Government Trophy beer, 84 cartons sureties. O f t h e s u r e t i e s , House, Osogbo, last Monday. of Goldberg beer, 94 crates of Maltina, 30 cartons of Heinekin, eight cartons of 33 beers, three cartons of By kehinde ayantunji Root drinks, one carton of passion drink and and service to humanity continue to invest more eight crates of Farouz. overnor of the State of Osun, by his administration, is difficult to be forgotten. on the effective and Adeoye was al so Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, on Monday, h e i s d e t e r m i n e d I don’t know the late efficient security in the stated that leadership is a great responsibility t o m a x i m i z e e v e r y Chief Ojewumi. I have state. accused of stealing He therefore, urged N371, 070, two creates to the people and government at all levels must opportunity to complete never met him, but I am o f M i l k d r i n k s , 1 5 continuously strive hard to make life better for t h e p r o j e c t s , w h i c h here today because of the the residents of the state to be security-conscious according to him, will Gold malt, 82 empty the governed. of Journalism in Modern expand the economy of good deeds that I read at all times, advising A c c o r d i n g t o cartons of International about him. them to always look for Nigeria Politics”, Breweries products and t h e g o v e r n o r , h i s described late Ojewumi the state. “Nobody will ever protection and run for administration He stated further that 127 empty cartons of h a s d e m o n s t r a t e d as an astute politician per his administration has be forgotten, if such cover, whenever there is a security threats instead, assorted drinks. u n p r e c e d e n t e d excellence, adding that successfully reduced person remains loyal and approaching the scene Police prosecutor, commitment to make politics is something that the cost of governance humble to his political of of such incident. A d e g o k e , t o l d t h e life more abundant for should be prasticed with and implemented belt- leaders. If you want to Dignitaries at the court that the suspect the people through utmost spirit of honesty t i g h t e n i n g p o l i c i e s , be remembered for good, event included former committed the alleged modern infrastructural and service to the people. which, he described, as you need to be truthful Nigerian Ambassador A c c o r d i n g t o t h e a panacea to sustaining and honest. to Philippines, Professor offence on 27 January, development and social governor, it will be the economic growth of Yemi Farounbi, who facilities in the last five “ I f y o u a r e n o t a 2016. difficult for the people the state. years. persevering person, you was the Guest Lecturer; He added that the Aregbesola stated to hurriedly forget any A r e g b e s o l a , w h o are not likely to make t h e O l u f o n o f I f o n offence was contrary to this in Osogbo, the state leader, living or dead, described politics and Osun, Oba Abdumalruf and punishable under capital, in his keynote w h o h a s i m p a c t e d democracy as mirror any headway in politics. Magbagbeola, among section 390 (9) (6) of the address as a Special positively in the lives of development, called Politics does not allow for others. Criminal Code, Cap 34, Guest of Honour, at a of the people, adding on politicians in the an impatient and overambitious individual. Vol.11, Laws of Osun lecture organized in that his administration country to be symbols Whatever responsibility honour of late Chief Ayo is conscious of the future of development and state of Nigeria 2003. being given to you, However, the accused Ojewunmi, a former a n d h i s t o r y , w h i c h demonstrate high sense should be done with all informed his working of commitment to the C o m m i s s i o n e r f o r pleaded not guilty to sincerity”. hard for the progress and the one-count charge of Agriculture and Natural development of the state. people’s plights. Aregbesola however, Resources, in the Old H e a l s o c h a r g e d theft preferred against Oyo State. He reiterated that politicians to let honesty r e i t e r a t e d t h a t h e would not rest on him. O j e w u m i s e r v e d d e s p i t e t h e p a u c i t y and sincerity be their Applying for the bail under the administration of fund that has been watchword in whatever his oars at ensuring adequate protection of of the accused person, of the late Chief Bola Ige. responsible for the slow they do. the people’s lives and the defence counsel, Aregbesola, while pace of some of the The governor said: “A property, adding that Mr Mudasiru Balogun, speaking on: “The Role ongoing projects started good name, hard work his government would



Osun Defender Thursday, February 18, 2016

Aregbesola Congratulates Osun NUJ Over

•Harps On Developmental Journalism


by journalists must be seen as one with depth, fairness, balance and truth.” The governor then commended the NUJ for the peaceful and democratic way its new

By kehinde ayantunji

leaders have emerged, saying that all hands must be on deck at ensuring the survival of democracy in the country.

overnor of the State of Osun, Ogbeni as true professionals Rauf Aregbesola, has congratulated the that nobody can use for Abiodun Olalere-led Osun Council of the selfish political agenda. he new Nigeria Union of Journalists, on its successful l e“aUdnedresrh it p , the election. profession must enjoy The governor asked a n d r e - t r a i n i n g o f the respect and dignity journalists for them to Olalere, who returned be able to discharge their it deserves. Reports as the Chaiman of the constitutional duties council, to strive to set without fear or favour, n e w s t a n d a r d s t h a t let or hindrance. He expressed the are capable of giving journalists in the state optimism that the new NUJ Executive Council greater dignity in the would add value to the d i s c h a r g e o f t h e i r profession, urging them assignments. to ensure promotion In a congratulatory o f d e v e l o p m e n t a l message signed by the journalism in the country. According to him: Director of Bureau of Communications and “The State NUJ Council Strategy, Office of the led by Olalere, no doubt, has a huge task before it Governor, Mr. Semiu and this is to ensure that Okanlawon, Aregbesola it struggles to ensure urged him to ensure the that journalists discharge promotion of the sanctity their duties with all the of fairness and truth in fairness, truth and sense journalism as a major of responsibility required in a just society. agenda of his tenure. “You should not allow He charged the newlypersonal interests to returned NUJ chairman affect your reportage not to be found wanton a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l in his responsibilities, conducts. When these •President Muhammadu Buhari (right) in a handshake with the Ooni of Ife, Oba Enitan Ogunwusi when the monr e m i n d i n g h i m o f are achieved, Nigerian arch paid him a courtsey visit in Abuja. the sacred duties of journalists would be seen journalism as the mirror of the society. The state helmsman By kehinde ayantunji advised him and his The CP stressed that stressing that four of executive council he State of Osun Security Council has ( O p e r a t i o n s ) , A C P the robbers were killed, e m e r g e n c i e s r e q u i r e to ensure adequate commended the Police and other security Jesubiyi Taiwo, stated while four have been special attention, adding professional conduct agencies that foiled the bank robbery that the Police and other arrested. that in case of armed a m o n g j o u r n a l i s t s , incident last Friday in Ikirun, the headquarters security agencies swiftly T h e P o l i c e b o s s robbery and other armed saying professionalism of Ifelodun Local Government Council Area of responded to the security assured the people of threats, the first reaction challenge with superior the state of its readiness expected from people is must be the hallmark the state. firepower. to protect lives and Addressing journalists in the state need to be of every member, as the He added that the property, maintain peace to run for safety in order after the state security lauded for their gallantry, nation enters into the era to avoid being hit by stray c o u n c i l m e e t i n g o n utmost sense of duty and recorded success was the and deter any criminal bullets. of change. result of the Armoured activity in the state. M o n d a y , O s u n professionalism. According to him: The governor also Commissioner of Police, He said: “Last Friday, The sCP, represented P e r s o n n e l C a r r i e r s charged the NUJ chief Mr. Kola Sodipo, held b y t h e A s s i s t a n t provided the police by armed bandits attacked “Emergencies require to see to the training that security agencies Commissioner of Police the state government, three commercial banks s p e c i a l r e s p o n s e . I n in Ikirun in Ifelodun cases of armed robbers, L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t insurgents and other Council Area of the state. armed threats, the first These bandits came with reaction of the people sophisticated weapons should be to run for safety, lock themselves in and and explosive devices. alert security agencies on “The police responded sporadically into the the town and tried to their emergency numbers, swiftly with superior By SHINA ABUBAKAR air to scare the people escape via Oke-Amola firepower, four of the in order to avoid being hit by stray bullets. he State of Osun Police Command officers and forced their way area through Iragbiji. robbers were killed, “It is most advisable It was gathered that through the teeming last Friday proved their gallantry as they while four others have to lie on the floor until it members of a vigilance been arrested. Sums faced a notorious armed robbery gang that residents. is safe to get up. Please, Similarly, the Police group went after them of money were also on no account should invaded Ikirun, the headquarters of Ifelodun Local Government Council Area of the state. Commissioner, who in collaboration with the r e c o v e r e d f r o m t h e people come out to view According to eye the Police headquarters had arrived the town, police to ensure that they robbers. Every effort is the engagement of the witness’ account, the in Osogbo. had to redeploy the did not escape the wrath being made to apprehend threat by armed security members of the a g e n c i e s . I t i s v e r y men of the underworld The team led by the APC vehicle stationed of the law, coupled with other gang, who are currently dangerous,” the police the reinforcement of the had perfected their Area Commander went at the neighbouring boss emphasised. plans to successfully straight to the bank area Iragbiji town, to the police, leading to the in hiding. “Regrettably, two He stated that Police execute their act by and discovered that the scene and helped the arrest of about four of a n d other security p o l i c e o f f i c e r s a n d planting explosives in tyre of the Armoured p o l i c e c o m b a t t h e the culprits alive. two bank officials lost agencies are prepared to OSUN DEFENDER some strategic areas Personnel Carrier (APC) criminals, who used gathered that during their lives during the keep citizens safe and will close to some banks at operation. The state do their job to ensure a the Emiloju junction stationed in Ikirun had l o c a l c h a r m s a n d the over two hours’ gun security council wishes to safer society. been blown to make sophisticated weapons duel, police confirmed area of the town. Security agencies, commend the police and Having successfully sure the APC would not and explosives. that two bank officials, other security agencies w h o s e h e a d s w e r e The gun duel that f o u r s u s p e c t e d that rose to the occasion present at the meeting, found their way into be on their trail. However, the gang l a s t e d o v e r t h i r t y robbersand a resident for their gallantry.” included the Nigerian the banking hall, the dare-devil robbers blew was not lucky enough minutes led to the death were killed, as police H e i n f o r m e d t h e Army, Nigerian Prisons the bank’s ATM with a s t h e t y r e o f t h e of two policemen and paraded the criminals people of the need for Service, the Civil Defence, safety precautions in any Nigerian Immigration one of the explosives, vehicle they attempted three of the robbers, on Saturday. emergency situation in Services, Federal Roads which aroused passers- to escape in was shot as well as a resident, the nature of armed threat Safety Corps. by and shop-owners by the police, forcing one Ganiyu, on the to lives and property i n t h e a r e a , w h i c h them to resort to land spot, before some of involving bandits and prompted their calling escape and shooting the robbers melted into other criminals.

Osun Security Council Commends Police, Others For Foiling Robbery Attack On Banks


We Have Restored Dignity And Integrity In Governance - Aregbesola How Police Curtailed Daredevil G Robbers In Ikirun•Recovers N7.5m




Osun Defender Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ooni, Oluwo’s Palaces Become Construction


new wave of change is blowing through some palaces in the State of Osun in recent time.

Ile-Ife and Iwo are the two notable towns where massive construction of palaces of their monarchs is ongoing A recent visit to Ile-Ife

Thursday. The palace was busy as artisans of different designations were spotted being gainfully employed at the sites. The branch of National Museum located close to the palace is also not spared

from the reconstruction wave as new aesthetics of its frontage is being effected. It was gathered that since Ooni Enitan Adeyeye Ogunwusi, Ojaja II, became the monarch, unconditional peace has

not happy to run the administration by himself without a cabinet, blaming the economic crisis for his inability to announce members of his cabinet. Delivering a lecture on: “The Role of Journalism In Politics,” the former Nigerian Ambassador to Philippines, Dr Yemi Farounbi, urged journalists to uphold the responsibility and ethics of holding government accountable to the people. Farounbi stated that newsmen are expected to fight for the oppressed and throne was the counsel of ensure social justice

in the society. He condemned the ‘brown envelope’ syndrome in media practice, ascribing it to poor payment of the newsmen by their employers. Farounbi said: “Our best of Nigeria was yesterday and we are in great tragedy. Our past governments are the best in Nigeria. The government of today should stop embezzling the nation’s money. “

by OSUN DEFENDER showed that the hitherto old palace in the earth of the town at Enuwa has been turned to a construction site. So many projects were ongoing both inside and outside the palace as at

Osun Govt Mourns Ikirun Bank Robbery By ismaeel uthman

overnor of the State of Osun, Mr Rauf Aregbesola, on Monday expressed sadness over the death of innocent citizens during the gun duel between the police and the robbers that invaded three commercial banks in Ikirun last Friday. G

Aregbesola, who described the action as painful, urged the people of the state to be more careful in watching event during crisis. Aregbesola stated this during his remark

on 25th remembrance of the late Chief Ayo Ojewunmi, the pioneer Chairman of Irepodun Local Government Council and former Editor of Nigerian Tribune newspaper. The governor described late

Ojewumi as a man of honour, integrity and good comrade, who always foght for justice. Lamenting the economic challenges of the state, Aregbesola said that he was able to pay full salaries of civil servants on Grade Levels 1 to 7 in the state, adding that January allocation was not yet released by the Federal Government. The governor stressed that he was

Seek Peace With God, Adeboye Admon-


By sola jacobs

he General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Adejare Adeboye, has advised Oba Enitan Ogunwusi, the Ooni of Ife, to seek peace and fear God, so that he will excel and live long on the throne. Pastor Adeboye gave the and growth of the nation as admonition recently during a whole. He counseled leaders to his visit to the monarch at his palace at Enuwa in emulate the good gesture of the Ooni, as whosoever that Ile-Ife. The prominent man of will be great must be humble God reminded Oba Enitan and ready to serve. The RCCG General that he was ordained by God from the womb to ascend the Overseer therefore, urged throne for a purpose and for the monarch to use his him to fulfill the purpose of position to better the lot of God, peace and fear of God the people of the ancient city are essential. in particular and the nation The cleric lauded the peace at large. and unity initiative during Earlier on, during his visits to other monarchs by remark, Oba Ogunwusi said Oba Ogunwusi, as it will that his ascendancy to the fast-track the development

God, as he entered the race very late, even though he realised it was the purpose of God to become a king. He continued that God has been faithful to him, since he ascended the throne. The cleric later prayed for the monarch and his household and the progress of Ile-Ife and the nation as a whole, while prayer was made for the State of Osun and its leadership for peace and prosperity.

returned to the ancient town and its environs. This remark was corroborated by a police officer who does not want his name in print but serves in Ile-Ife. T h e p o l i c e o ff i c e r said: “This new Ooni is a man of peace. He is God-sent to Yorubaland. What we realise is that his emergence has witnessed drastic reduction in crime commission in Ifeland.” As it is in Ile-Ife, so is the case in Iwo which has just witnessed the enthronement of a new monarch, the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Akanbi. An inhabitant of Iwo, Mr Tiamiyu Ibraheem, said so many positive things have come to Iwoland since the new monarch was installed and crowned. Ibraheem mentioned reconstruction of the Oluwo Palace to reflect modernity, restoration of electricity that had eluded the town for so long and a frantic effort to secure a befitting accommodation

Osun Bank Robbery: APC Lauds Aregbesola, Police For Quick


By kazeem mohammed

he All Progressives Congress in the State of Osun has congratulated the state police command and its leadership in the state for the robust response to armed robbery attack in Ikirun few days ago. The party, in a statement party, even the state’s by its Director of Research commissioner of police, and Publicity, Barrister M r . K o l a S o d i p o , Kunle Oyatomi, said, but c o n f i r m e d t h a t t h e i r for the foresight of the state success against the armed governor, Ogbeni Rauf gang in Ikirun over the Aregbesola’s government weekend was largely due in prioritizing security, to the Armoured Personnel the story would have been Carriers which the state government had provided completely different. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e for the police . “It would be recalled that when Ogbeni Aregbesola, way back in 2013, bought series of patrol vans and distributed to every arm of security

Public notice This is to confirm that TSESE AVALUMUN JEPHTHAH is the same person as AKOR AVALUMUN JEPHTHAH. That the authority of osun state polytechnic iree and public should address her as OLAIYA OMOL ARA S E RAH . T h e document with OLAIYA BAMIDELE SERAH still remain valid.

•Pastor Enoch Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, paid a courtesy visit to President Muhammudu Buhari at the Aso Rock, Abuja, last Wednesday.

apparatus in the state, and reinforced that in 2014 with 22 APC’s for the state police command, the opposition party viciously critized him. “But the event of last weekend, not only confirmed the superiority of Ogbeni’s plans to the critics’ shortsighted opinions, it made the state proud that we have a governor who thinks far ahead of his critics and those whose only purpose in government is to loot. “The APC therefore, urged the police to remain at alert and deploy every equipment the state had managed to provide them in checkmating criminals and lawless people in the state. The party also advised citizens that whenever and wherever they see the police in operation against criminals, they should not become spectators, rather, they should run for cover to avoid being hit by stray bullets.

Change Of Name

Change Of Name

I, formerly known and addressed a s AD E M O L A AD E R O N K E M ARY , n o w w i s h to be known and addressed as ARANSI ADERONKE MARY. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.

I, formerly known and addressed as M I SS AK I N T O L A AD E DA M O L A ROFIAH, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. ADEYEMI AD E DA M O L A ROFIAH All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.


Osun Defender Thursday, February 18, 2016

Aregbesola’s Prudent Management of resources

....continued from pg1 A man with a keen sense of history Aregbesola had the worthy experience of the pivotal government of western Nigeria in the 1950’s as a guide. It is worth restating that the Awolowo government by keeping recurrent expenditure down to about 27% were able to make a seminal thrust in all aspects of human endeavour. Times have changed of course since then, nevertheless the template had been set. Holding down the cost of the machine of government is a veritable mechanism to use in order to redirect capital from consumption to production. A drive through the state of Osun will show unambiguously what has been achieved with so little.

This is why by the time the lean times arrived Osun had been effectively retooled and the basis for sustainable development constructed. Without fiscal prudence the state would not have seen so much in many ways; unprecedented investments in the physical infrastructure. The examples of newly built schools, highways and so forth are too many to start enumerating here. If you seek to know about the extent of the audacious change wrought by Aregbesola, go to Osun and look around you. And its not just the physical infrastructure. The school feeding programme has caught the imagination and is now being imitated. Indeed the federal government has announced that it will be central to the Change mantra. Kaduna has already started which confirms the aphorism that

The commendations continue to pour in from far and wide. For example, prominent traditional rulers in Osun state have recently applauded Aregbesola for prudently managing the state’s resources. Also speaking in the same vien the minister of transport Rotimi Ameachi who visited the state recently commended Ogbeni for being able to achieve so much in spite of the state’s meagre resources. All of these are a testimony to the fact that the Ogbeni has managed the resources of the state well. In view of the world wide economic downturn the state of Osun is in good condition to weather the storm. Aregbesola’s managerial sagacity will once again be called

Why Tax Is Compulsory In I t i s v e r y unfortunate that Osun and even Nigeria as a whole have found themselves in the kind of economic mess we are in today, courtesy of corrupt leaders, who took us for granted. In Osun, when Governor Rauf Aregbesola assumed the mantle of leadership, truth be told, he displayed his capacity to turn things around for better and he was actually acting his script well. I may not be able to talk of another governor, but I know that when Aregbesola started the development of the state, we were all praise-singing him, because, as at that time, he was a kind of leader needed to better the lot of the people. When he sang, we all applauded him, when he talked, we appreciated it, just because we have seen

that he has laudable programmes and he was pursuing them well. We have all forgotten that when things were rosy, Aregbesola was paying “13th month salary” to workers and we all smiled to our various banks to collect the money. In fact,

the then opposition members concluded that there was nothing they could use to campaign against him because he had done well. It was this performance that earned Aregbesola his second term in office despite the frustration from the government at the centre, led by the then President

Goodluck Jonathan. We should not forget that it was the people in this same last administration at the centre that engaged in corruption and stealing of our commonwealth, wh ich broug h t th e nation to the economic mess that we are now experiencing.

The recovery of the stolen funds by the current government of President Muhammadu Buhari was a confirmation that the government officials under Jonathan’s administration milked our nation dry. Even though, the recovery of the stolen funds are still ongoing, we must all join hands with the government

upon. Once again he will not just weather the storms he will continue to make an advance. He has been tried and tested. He has also been consistently proactive. This is manifested in the recent merger of government ministries and departments. The merger of ministries and departments is a very sensible way of institutionalising the changes for all times. For as Napoleon Bonarparte observed “men cannot influence the future only institutions can”. This effectively puts the machine of governance on a war footing, re- engineered to cope with the crisis by been turned into a lean and efficient machine. Once again kudos…!

imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

to find a way out of our current economic woes, especially now that oil price, which we relied on so much, has collapsed. In Osun especially, we must all support the government and pay our dues, which we all refer to as taxes, if we actually want development. Tax payment, for all of us, is compulsory and in fact, in the olden days, it was a pride. We need to go back to this golden era and be part of history. These taxes are the main option that we have now. While we are paying our taxes, we must also ensure that we monitor it and make government accountable. • f a b u n m i Adeoye, Osogbo, State of Osun.


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OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guarantee Trust Bank GTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun. All correspondence to the above mail address. ISSN: 0794-8050 Telephone: 0803-392-7286, 08033880205 Website: www.osundefender.com/index.php e-mail: osundefender@yahoo.com



Osun Defender Thursday, February 18, 2016

Dopemu Police DPO, SP Isiyaku Assisted Hausa Community To Invade Our Land - Ayokunle Thorpe Family Alleges


or Mobolaji Omolola and

Folarin Oluyemisi Ibuanu, both children of the late Ayokunle Wudolu Apesin-Ola Thorpe, these are not the best of times. It has been the most trying times of their lives since October 21, 1995, when their patriarch passed on. They are crying for justice because their father’s legacy and their inheritance is being threatened by two strange entities, Union Homes Ltd., a mortgage financing outfit then owned by Union Bank Plc., aided by a court judgment of 13th June 2005 delivered by Honourable Justice Adesuyi Olateru-Olagbegi which the estate of Ayokunle Thorpe insisted was “obtained by fraud, deceit and deliberate misrepresentation at the instance of the claimant (Union Homes) against the interest of The Estate of Chief Ayokunle Thorpe …with respect to plots of land situated at Jafojo area of Agege. The said plots of land purchased several decades ago from three different families is covered by three deeds of conveyance dated 07 January 1975 registered as number 66 page 66 in volume 1478, 09 January 1975 registered as number 87 on page 87 in volume 1478, 1st of November 1977 and registered as number 70 at page 70, volume 1660 at the lands registry office, Lagos, as property of Chief Ayokunle Wudolu Thorpe. The other threat to the Thorpe’s landed property is an army of occupation comprising of some Hausas in the area claiming to have purchased the said land from one Gbolahan Sulu Olalabi, alleged to be a reputed and notorious land speculator and grabber and aided by one Aliyu Lukman, a Chief

superintendent of Police who was the Divisional Police Officer at Dopemu at the time the matter began. B a r r . Adewumi Fatunde on behalf of the Ay o k u n l e Thorpe family told National Infinity that Aliyu Lukman was less than professional in handling the case when it was brought before him as he was alleged to have tilted his actions and judgment of the situation in favour of the Hausas, he himself being an Hausa man and that in the process disobeyed and disregard the orders from the Area G command to stop

providing police cover to the Hausas who claimed that the said piece of land is a burial ground for the Hausa Community in Agege, a situation that prompted the family’s attorney, Barr. Adewumi Fatunde to forward a petition to the Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Command. The family’s nightmare began in December 2014, when the Ayokunle Wudolu Thorpe’s family engaged the services of a contractor, Evangelist Foluso Adu-Francis to begin works on the family’s planned

recreation centre for the landed facility at Samuel Jinadu Street, Jafojo, Agege. After the contractor purchased and delivered iron rods, blocks, sand, cement and other building materials on the land he was accosted by some persons who claimed to be members of Agege Fauzill Azim (Hausa Community). They told the contractor to stop

work and dragged him to the “Divisional Police Officer, Nigeria Police Station, Dopemu, Agege. As a law abiding citizen the contractor, Evangelist Foluso Adu-Francis suspended the construction and accompanied them to meet with the DPO. At the station, the then Divisional Police Officer, Nigeria Police Station, Dopemu, Agege CSP Aliyu Lukman, asked the contractor to suspend the construction and converge for a meeting in his office

on 20 January 2015. The meeting of January 20, 2015 had all the contending parties to the land in attendance. CSP Aliyu Lukman asked each of the parties to present its claims. Rather than address the gathering the Hausa community asked a member of the Olalabi family to speak on their behalf.

In his presentation, Olalabi could not present any documentation as proof of ownership of the said land and counsel to the Hausa community, Mr. Lawal Alebiosu only advised that the office of the Lagos State Surveyor-General be engaged to make out survey of land to determine ownership, an indication that the Hausa community may have been duped because a survey plan or a composite plan cannot and will not determine land ownership. The Ayokunle Thorpe’s family according to the family’s counsel, Barr. Adewunmi Fatunde, presented evidences and documentation including registered deeds of assignments and legal proceedings on the said land up to the Supreme Court which all affirm Chief Thorpe’s ownership of the land. At that point, the then Divisional Police Officer, Nigeria Police Station, Dopemu, Agege CSP Aliyu Lukman, asked that both parties should corporate with the surveyors and that parties should make available copies of their deeds so as to ascertain ownership of the land. Although another meeting was fixed for February 5, 2015 for parties to present copies of their root of title, the Olalabi family as well as the Hausa community failed to comply. On the other hand the Attorney and Solicitor to the Estate of Chief Ayokunle Thorpe provided bundles of verifiable documents. The Thorpe’s family presentation did not impress the DPO as he looked the other way. ollowing F the failure of the m e e t i n g o f February 5, 2015 to lay to rest the contentious ownership of the land, Barr. Fatunde fired another l e t t e r, t h i s t i m e around, to set the record straight and further allowed the DPO access to its proof of ownership, stated the facts and circumstances of Ayokunle Thorpe’s ownership of the said land, but according to him, “CSP Aliyu Lukman will have none of it.” In another letter dated 12 October 2015, Adewumi Fatunde & Co., noted, in their petition/plea, “we approached the Divisional Police O ff i c e r, N i g e r i a Police Station, Dopemu, Agege, to allow our clients to install a gate in other to secure the land and the premises but all effort proved abortive.” Confidants in the area told National Infinity that they are against having another cemetery in addition to the three already located in the area and they were ready to •Continued on page 7

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Dopemu Police DPO, SP Isiyaku Assisted Hausa Community To Invade Our Land - Ayokunle Thorpe Family Alleges

•Continued from page 6

number GGE02AX. One of the police Officer named Olusegun Ajala told us that they are supervising the construction on the instruction of the new Divisional Police Officer, Nigeria Police Station, Dopemu, Agege, SP Isiyaku M.D. When we met the Divisional Police Officer, Nigeria Police Station, Dopemu, Agege, SP Isiyaku M.D., he confirmed it that he ordered his officers to supervise the construction on the land.” The DPO thereafter conveyed another meeting of all the parties to the crisis to hold in his office the following day, December 16. “On the 16 December 2015, all parties, that is, the members of Hausa community, Olalabi family and representatives of our clients were present at the Nigeria Police Station, Dopemu, Agege. All parties stated their case and as usual we showed all relevant documents to the Divisional Police Officer, SP Isiyaku. These documents punctured the Olalabi’s claim to ownership and stated that our client’s ownership of the land accords with the five methods of Ownership” Barr. Fatunde alleged that SP Isiyaku “ignored our documents and claims. “We also informed him that the matter is already being handled by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad and made reference to report from the Lagos State Surveyor-General’s office which was in the possession of Inspector Jato, the IPO. ather than investigate all the R contending parties’ claims as presented vis-à-vis the Hausa community through the Olalabi family, and that of the Thorpes’ family, SP Isiyaku threatened to detain our client’s representative and right in the presence of Isiyaku, a member of the Hausa Community, one Alhaji Gana, Seriki Sumori who is the Youth leader of the Hausa Community and one other, Garuba Tafida threatened to kill one of our client’s representatives Alhaji Butubu Al-Mustafa a retired Nigeria Army personnel, claiming nothing will happen to them” The battle for contention now shifted to the office of the Area Commander, Area G Police Station, ACP Edward Egbuka, who after listening to all the parties concluded that that the Thorpes’ family “have a solid case.” Thereafter, the Area Commander ordered all parties to stay action and write statement with the Divisional Police station Dopemu, Agege and return to his office on the 22 December 2015, while the Thorpes complied, the Hausa community and the Olalabi still continue with the construction on the land. Barr. Adewumi disclosed that the Thorpes family notified the Divisional Police Officer, SP Isiyaku, who promised to “bring it to the notice of the Area Commander, ACP Edward Egbuka. Our client representative also informed the Area Commander, ACP Edward Egbuka and he (Area Commander) ordered the Divisional Police Officer, SP Isiyaku M.D. to stop the construction on the land.” On the 22 December 2015, all parties returned to the Nigeria Police Command Area G, Ogba, but the Area Commander was said not to be available. While waiting for the

•Part of the structures of land before it was demolished by the Hausa Community

Area Commander, to our surprise, “the Divisional Police Officer, SP Isiyaku M.D. informed all parties that the Area commander, ACP Edward Egbuka said those constructing on the land (Hausa Community) should continue with the construction and our clients should go to court.” As it is now, the Fauzill Azim otherwise known as the Hausa community have commenced burial of corpses on the said land and within two weeks have buried nine corpses a situation that prompted residents in the area to resist them when they attempted burying another one recently. When contacted to state his own side of the story, Superintendent of Police, M.D. Isiyaku told National Infinity, in a telephone interview, that “I only came here about four month as ago, and I learnt this matter has been on for about 30years. How can anybody accused me of ethnic bias on a matter that has been on before I joined the police” he denied favouring any interest above the other saying the matter has been transferred to higher authorities so “for now, I am not handling any matter like that” Ayokunle Wudolu Thorpe, according

to documents sighted by National Infinity magazine bought the said piece of farm land in the 1960s from the families of Kofoworola Aduke Fafunwa, Aurora Yejide Fafunwa and Alhaji Alliu Ogisanri respectively and the conveyance were registered thus dated January 7th, 1975 and registered as number 66 on page 66 in volume 1478, a conveyance dated January 9th, 1975 registered as number 87 on page 87 in volume 1478 and another conveyance dated January 7th 1977 registered as number 70 on page 70 all in the Lagos State lands registry. The recitals in all the registered deeds showed that the vendors who sold to Chief Ayokunle Thorpe have a long history of ownership which dates back to several decades before they sold to Chief Ayokunle Thorpe. Indeed all the survey plans made in 1967. Chief Ayokunle Thorpe made a Will in 1971 and one the assets referred to in the Will is the Jafojo plots of land which was a farm and poultry farm land. The recent attempt to grab the Thorpes’ landed property located in Jafojo Area in Agege was not the first. In 1978, one Mrs. C.Y. Peters

trespassed on the property following which Chief Ayokunle Thorpe instituted an action in a Lagos High Court. And in the judgment delivered by Justice B.O. Martins on July 25, 1990, on suit number ID/195/781; Ayokunle Thorpe vs Mrs. C.Y. Peters, the plaintiff, Chief Ayokunle Thorpe was adjudged the owner of the farmland and the building on it. issatisfied with the Lagos D High Court judgment, Mrs. Peters filed an appeal in the court of Appeal, Lagos division. The appeal is number CA/L/124/1992. In a unanimous decision by their lordships, Justices P.O Aderemi JCA, G. Oguntade JCA, and Suleiman Galadima JCA, the Appeal Court dismissed Mrs. Peters appeal and upheld the judgment of the lower court. Mrs. Peters took the matter to the apex court, the Supreme Court, in appeal number SC.322/2002. The matter was later withdrawn at the request of Mrs. Peters and Supreme Court struck out the case March 22, 2004 thereby affirming Chief Ayokunle Thorpe’s ownership of the land located in Jafojo Area of Agege



Osun Defender Thursday, February 18, 2016

25TH Year Remembrance Anniversary Of The Late Chief Ayoade Ojewumi At Funfilled Hotel, Osogbo, Last Monday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

Osun Defender Thursday, February 18, 2016



Cocoa Farmers In The State Of Osun Paid A Courtesy Visit To State Of Osun Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, At State Secretariat, Abere, Osogbo, Last Monday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

•Governor Rauf Aregbesola; (2nd right); his deputy, Otunba (Mrs) Grace Titi Laoye-Tomori (2nd left); Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Moshood Adeoti (left) and Special Adviser to the Governor on Security Matter, Mr Tope Adejumo. •(L-R) State of Osun Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola; Wife of Chief Ayoade Ojewumi, Mrs Mopelola; Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Moshood Adeoti and former Nigeria Ambassador to Philippine, Ambassador Yemi Farombi.

•(L-R) Honourable Oyeniran Olaolu; Barrister Kunle Oyatomi and Honourable Kamil Oyedele.

•(L-R) Pa. Ayo Fasanmi; former S.S.G in the State of Osun, Chief Sola Akinwumi and wife of Chief Bisi Akande, Omowumi, at the event.

•(L-R) Jacob Adekeye; team leader, Alfa Ajibola Sikiru and Bashiru Adejumo.

•A cross section of children of Chief Ojewumi and other dignitaries at the programme.

•A cross section of cocoa farmers during the meeting.



Osun Defender Thursday, February 18,



Jobs Advertise-

On Wednesday, 10th February, 2016, the State Government of Osun appointed, in public interest, new Medical Doctors to replace serving Medical Doctors who walked out of their various posts in the State’s Public Service unilaterally on their own volition since Monday, 28th September 2015. However, other eligible Medical Doctors are encouraged to apply as vacancies still exist for various positions in the Medical Officer cadre of the State of Osun Public Service. Whereupon, the State Government of Osun hereby requests for applications for employment from suitably qualified candidates both in Nigeria and the Diaspora for the under-listed vacant position in its Public Services: Medical Officer, Grade Level 12 (CONMESS II) Duties: (i) Carrying out general medical duties in a government hospital (ii) Practising in an area of specialty in a government hospital under the supervision of a consultant. Qualifications: Medical Officer, Grade level 12 (CONMESS II): Candidates applying for this position should possess a degree in medicine registrable with Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) from a

registered institution plus, at least, one-year post-registration cognate experience. REMUNERATIONS: Emoluments of successful applicants shall be settled in tandem with the modulated wages agreed with the labour unions being paid by the State Government of Osun as a corollary of the present economic realities in the country. Method of Application: Medical Doctors, including those who were formerly in the employment of the State of Osun Public Service, who are still willing to take up appointments in the State of Osun Public Service under the abovestated terms and conditions are hereby enjoined to call at


Job Vacancies In Nigeria

DIRECTOR INCUBATION Company: Co-Creation Hub (CcHUB) Location(s): • Lagos Specialization: • NGO / Community Services Industry: • NGO / International Agencies Application Deadline: 29 February, 2016 Job Type Fulltime JOB DETAILS Co-Creation Hub (CcHUB) is Nigeria’s first open living lab and preincubation space designed to be a multi-functional, multi-purpose space where work to catalyze creative social tech ventures take place. The HUB is a place for technologists, social entrepreneurs, government, tech companies, impact investors and hackers in and around Lagos to co-create new solutions to the many social problems in Nigeria. We are recruiting to fill the position below: Job Title: Director Incubation Location: Yaba, Lagos Job Description: Co-creation Hub seeks an experienced entrepreneur with incredible people management skills to join our team to support the next generation of entrepreneurs entering our Incubation program. The Director Incubation will be the prime interface for entrepreneurs and responsible for managing the operations, planning, marketing and development of CcHUB’s Incubation Office. This position requires a team player with leadership qualities, excellent marketing skills, a professional and positive attitude, organization and dependability. Responsibilities: Vet and support the selection of ventures to join the CcHUB Incubation portfolio Overall planning of the activities, resources, budgets and operations of the Incubation Office Pre-incubation: Deal Flow generation, Screening of ideas, Research, working with idea proponents to build and launch their Minimum Viable Products Lead formation of new business and provide incubation facilities to enable commercialization of the ventures. To induct new entrepreneurs; create Incubation plans and implement them, keep track of the Incubation process; support business development efforts of ventures, etc. Mentor Network: Develop the mentor network for the Incubator and work with them to make ventures successful. Actively engage in activities to help accelerate ventures through marketing and partnerships Partnerships: Forge partnerships with other organizations for providing services to ventures or the incubator; marketing the incubator, sponsorship etc. Liaison with the government and industries Work with other units within CcHUB to provide adequate support to ventures in the portfolio Market the Incubator and Business Development: Be the face of the Incubator and actively promote it through various channels etc Fund for ventures: Work with co-ordination with senior management to administer seed funds for start-ups. Prepare ventures for follow-on seed funding/support Build and Manage the Incubation team Prepare all required reports and maintain a comprehensive set of records on all venture activities Administer the Incubation Office and any other activities, which requires the manager’s involvement JOB REQUIREMENTS MIN REQUIRED EXPERIENCE: 7 year(s) DESIRED COURSES: Not Specified OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Qualifications/Requirements: A Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university. Master’s Degree in Business Administration is desirable Up to 7 years experience in a business incubator, accelerator, start-up advisory or any kind of tech entrepreneurial experience Previous experience running a start-up is desirable Strong working knowledge of computer applications including Microsoft applications Should have excellent communication and writing skills Strong knowledge of the technology ecosystem in Nigeria Additional Information: Self-motivated, thrive in leading a small team given lots of responsibilities. Ability to think-through and develop positive user experiences. How to Apply: Interested and qualified candidate should send their CV’s and a motivation letter to careers@cchubnigeria.com or visit www.ngcareers. com. ................. ASSOCIATE, PROJECT OPERATIONS Company: GRM International Location(s):

Osun Defender Thursday, February 18,

• Abuja Specialization: • Administration/ Office/ Operations Industry: • NGO / International Agencies Application Deadline: 29 February, 2016 Job Type Fulltime JOB DETAILS GRM International - Palladium develops and delivers solutions that create positive impact for communities, businesses, societies and economies. We transform lives and create enduring value by working with governments, corporations and non-profit organisations. Palladium is built on the idea that progress will be supported by four key pillars: International Development, Strategy Execution Consulting, Impact Investment, Training and Events We create positive impact through more than 100 current projects with more than 2000 employees operating in over 90 countries. We are recruiting to fill the position of below: Job Title: Associate, Project Operations Location: Abuja Job Purpose: We create positive impact through more than 100 current projects with more than 2000 employees operating in over 90 countries. Purpose of Position For assigned projects, the Associate, Project Operations serves as part of the corporate management team. This team is responsible under the leadership of Project Director and management of the Director, Project Operations for the management and delivery of projects. The specific purpose of the position is to support the management and implementation of effective and efficient operational, financial and compliance activities to deliver projects in accordance with contractual obligations, company policies, Group Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Guidelines and client rules and regulations. Primary Responsibilities: Support project start-up and closeout Serve as a liaison between corporate services and the project Contribute to the preparation and maintenance of project specific components of the project operations manual Support training of project staff on company policies, SOPs and Guidelines and client rules and regulations (covering as required security, occupational health and safety, risk management, planning, human resource management, monitoring, reporting, finance, procurement, logistics, IT, communications, audit support and all other operations matters) Participate in the development and maintenance of project work plans Support the development and presentation of internal and external reporting (for example: Monthly Management Reports (MMRs), quarterly Internal Project Reviews (IPRs), project risk assessments, annual reviews, and client deliverables) and ensure these outputs are fit for purpose Ensure project issues and risks are logged, monitored, reported on, managed and mitigated, and escalate risks and issues to corporate/project leadership, as required Support the monitoring and maintenance of compliance with head/ prime contracts In collaboration with Finance establish project account codes, ensuring they are fit for purpose and meet client’s and project’s requirements for cost allocation, monitoring and evaluation, and value for money (VFM) reporting Assist with project financial / cash-flow planning, process funding requests from the field, and process monthly Funds Transfer Requests (FTRs) Review cashbooks / field vouchers and ensure supporting documentation is complete Assist in ensuring the accuracy of client invoices (including monthly, milestone and performance based invoices) Coordinate input and support from HR for recruitment and contracting In collaboration with Security, ensure safety and security procedures, including Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements, are in place and adhered to In collaboration with HR, ensure staff performance management systems are in place and adhered to Maintain project data on relevant HR systems for short-term and longterm staff and consultants. JOB REQUIREMENTS MIN REQUIRED EXPERIENCE: 2 year(s) DESIRED COURSES: Not Specified OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Minimum Education and Experience Required: A relevant Bachelor’s Degree. A minimum of 2 years relevant work experience. Project management of administrative support experience with DFID, DFAT, USAID or other donor client(s). Key competencies and professional expertise required: Understanding of Project Management. Financial acumen and the ability to interpret and analyse financial reports. Sound problem solving and decision making skills. Willingness to travel and work abroad a minimum of eight weeks per year in developing countries and elsewhere. Application Closing Date: 29th February, 2016 ...........



Health Benefits Of Mango angos taste so good that people forget they are also healthy! Discover how the “king of fruits” can help you, plus learn fascinating trivia facts and a few mango cautions and concerns. Health Benefits: 1. Prevents Cancer: Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. These compounds include quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes. 2. Lowers Cholesterol: The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower serum cholesterol levels, specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein (the bad stuff) 3. Clears the Skin: Can be used both internally and externally for the skin. Mangos clear clogged pores and eliminate pimples. (Read more on page 5.) 4. Eye Health: One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes. 5. Alkalizes the Whole Body: The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali reserve of the body. 6. Helps in Diabetes: Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood. The traditional home remedy involves boiling leaves in water, soaking through the night and then consuming the filtered decoction in the morning. Mango fruit also have a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) so moderate quantities will not spike your sugar levels. 7. Improved Sex: Mangos are a great source of vitamin E. Even though the popular connection between sex drive and vitamin E was originally created by a mistaken generalization on rat studies, further research has shown balanced proper amounts (as from whole food) does help in this area. 8. Improves Digestion: Papayas are not the only fruit that contain enzymes for breaking down protein. There are several fruits, including mangoes, which have this healthful quality. The fiber in mangos also helps digestion and elimination. 9. Remedy for Heat Stroke Juicing the fruit from green mango and mixing with water and a sweetener helps to cool down the body and prevent harm to the body. From an ayurvedic viewpoint, the reason people often get diuretic and exhausted when visiting equatorial climates is because the strong “sun energy” is burning up your body, particularly the muscles. The kidneys then become overloaded with the toxins from this process.

Osun Defender Thursday, February 18,


10. Boosts Immune system The generous amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A in mangos, plus 25 different kinds of carotenoids keep your immune system healthy and strong. Facts and trivia: According to some, more mangos are eaten fresh than any other fruit in the world. Originated 4,000 plus years ago. iologically a close relative with B other flowering plants like cashew and pistachio. Originated in sub-Himalayan plains. In India where they are most heavily grown and eaten, mangos are known as “safeda.” There are over 1,000 different varieties of mangos. How to Prepare a Raw Mango Fancy Style 1. Hold the mango on its side and cut down on either side of the central seed. You will end with two big “halves” plus the central seed. 2. Place each half on the cutting board with peel facing down and cut the exposed flesh in a horizontal and vertical pattern, taking care not to cut deep through skin. 3 Then invert the whole half to push out the cubes as shown in the photo above. Mangos for the Skin: Externally:

Just blending up the mango and applying to the face is fast and easy. Mangos contain betacarotene, which is converted by your body to vitamin A. That and vitamin C are crucial to skin self-repair. Internally: When eaten, mangos help resolve all skin problems including pimples. Extract the large pit or seed from green mangoes. Do Monkeys Know Something We Don’t? onkeys choose to eat the seed M from the green mango. Ayurvedic healers suggest that it is the seed that gives the monkey its energy and powerful strength to jump in the tress. Cautions: If you have a latex allergy, a reaction is possible with mangos and particularly green mangos. This reaction develops because of anacardic acid. Mango peel and sap contain urushiol, the chemical in poison ivy and poison sumac that can cause an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals. Mangos are ripened by some dealers using calcium carbide which can cause serious health problems (one more reason to buy organic). If you do have inorganic mangos, do wash them properly before consuming or soak overnight in water. Mango Recipes: Deluxe Mango Crumble: Something about mangos makes them luxurious, and when made into a crumble they become divine. Cucumber-MintMango Lightness: A cooling and refreshing drink using green mangos. The mango is so delicious and healthy we consider it a Powerfood.



Osun Defender Thursday, January 18,

Osun Bank Robbery: Aregbesola Vindicated Again By Rasheed Mabayoje

ood governance, as stated in Political Science is synonymous with security of lives and property of the people. In the same sense, section 14, Sub-Section 1(b) Chapter 11 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria under the Fundamental Objectives and Directives Principles of State Policy provides that, “the Security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of Government”. It is upon this two references that the Ikirun bank robbery incident is viewed in this piece, vis-a-vis current administration in Osun. The first major record of headlong aggressiveness of the Osun governor, Rauf Aregbesola against robbery and his passionate concern for security of the lives of Osun people and their property came on Friday, April 5, 2013, when he commissioned 100 brand new Police Patrol Vans. The security patrol vehicles were shared out to the police, immigration, customs, NDLEA, civil defence and the FRSC. The governor disclosed at the commisiioning that armoured personnel carriers and motorcycles would also be purchased for adequate policing of the state against crime. And Aregbesola made good his promise on July 10, 2014 when he commissioned and handed over 22 Armoured Personnel Carriers, APCs to the Osun Police command in Osogbo. The state-of-the-art security vehicles were procured at the cost of N1.3billion. During the commissioning, Ogbeni, as he is popularly referred noted that ”Security is the most essential responsibility of a responsible government. When a government fails to provide security, it has no business in power”. etween t h a t t i m e a n d n o w, B only Lagos state and probably two other states in Nigeria would match Aregbesola’s records in the procurement of security equipment and general welfare of security personnel. Yes, Osun government ensures that “morale of security operatives in the state are well groomed”, even when they are employees of the Federal government. Aparently, Aregbesola’s attention is on the Osun people whose security is constitutionally placed on his shoulder and not the Federal Government whose seat is in Abuja. By the time Ogbeni started the huge investment on the security of the Osun people -and as he still does till today, despite current economic challengeopposition in the state lampooned his efforts, as they still do now, even regarding other areas of initiatives of positive and direct impact on the people. While social criticism is allowed in democracy; and reasonably too, it however amounts to cynism when anybody or group says “N1.3billion on security is absurd and misplaced”. A chieftain of the PDP from Ife was alleged to have asked Osun people to “stop” Aregesola from “wasteful spendings on what the Federal government was planning to do under former President Goodluck Jonathan. Speaking on a private radio station in Ile-Ife, the PDP chieftain who was also contesting the 2014 governorship election, claimed he had concluded arrangements with former president Goodluck Jonathan to provide heavy security equipments for Osun, once he was sworn in as governor. He lost woefully in the election. The man is G

fond of insubstatiable claims, especially when he speaks on that particular private radio station in his home town. Let’s even pause a bit and imagine what would have happened in Osun if Aregbesola had not carried out one of the basic essence of being the Osun governor in term of security. One of the earliest manifestation of insecurity is capital flights - a situation whereby financial assets and capital would moved from a state. Business owners and investors woukd no longer have confidence in the security arrangement over their lives and investments so they would move out of such state. Today, under the Aregbesola administration, investments have rather increased particularly in the banking, tourism and retail sectors. A trip within the Abere -Olaiya axis of the state capital is a vivid attestation, just as other businesses keep opening up along Oroki Estate junction and Agunbelowo area, towards Okini town. Eateries, Petrol stations and other retails are adding up every now and then in Osogbo, the Osun capital. This, no doubt, is an expression of investors’ confidence that their capital and investments are safe going by the security put in place by government. More than ever before, wealth are relatively being distributed evenly because of the increasing records of growth of small and medium scale industries across Osun. And contrary to what the opposition say, the standard of living has continued to increase among the majority of the people. The yardstick arriving this fact is simple -investors and investment are attracted by patronages. Banks and other increasing businesses and investments in Osun today would not have been if Osun people were not economically viable enough to patronise them. Invariably, what has manifested thus far in Osun is that -in addition to providing enabling environment for private investments in the state, the immediate of which is security- various people oriented initiatives of government have positively impacted on the people, and have thus improved their living standard. rotection o f l i v e s a n d P property transcends provision of security vehicles and other equipments. Social security is key as far as general security is concerned. And the most affected critical members of the population at this point are the youths. The 32nd United States president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, once said, “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” Opinion like this, no doubt informed the youth empowerment initiative of the Aregbesola administration. Social security for Osun youths ensures general sucurity for the present and builds them for great morrow. Otherwise, large scale unemployment and street unchins would have pervaded the entire space. Socially, the arliest form of security arrangement in Osun under Aregbesola was the engagement of 20,000 Osun youths, whose hands had hitherto literarily been the ‘devil’s workshop’. So far, under the Osun Youth Empowerment Scheme, OYES, over 40,000 youths have had reasons to pray for Aregbesola who had made them earn some money every month -no matter how little- fifth year running. Realising the positive effect of this social security idea of the Osun government, the Fedral government, under a Word bank programme in 2013


was in Osun to understudy the Osun Youth Empowerment Scheme, OYES. The programme has be replicated in many states across the country. Probably, by now, a version of the Bokoharam troubles or kidnappings and street gangsterism would have held sway in Osun but for the brilliance of the man at the helm of affairs in the state. Governor Ibrahim Gaidam of Yobe state painted the possible scenario last year when he flagged off of the Yobe version of the youth empowerment scheme. He said “Youth joblessness breeds idleness and related vices including tendency to commit robbery, drug abuse and others”. While social vices like fraud and massive stealing, robbery and assassinations, drug and human trafficking, child labour/ abuse, emergence of militia groups and hostage taking are being reported in some climes, Osun continues to enjoy the lowest records of any of the aforementioned in Nigeria. Like late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, one of the leading figures of modern Nigerian nationalism was late Chief Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe usually referred to as “Zik of Africa”. He was popularly reported in 1983 to have said “History will vindicate the just”. Perhaps, circumstances relating to what this great late nationalist said were not quite as important as its relevance to Aregbesola’s initiatives on Osun security since November 2010 and now. Apparently, the “history” refered in the Zik’s quote implies the whole series of past events connected with a particular person. In the Osun/ Aregbesola context; and as part of what makes up a history, incidents like that of the Ikirun bank robbery last Friday has thus far vindicated the Osun governor. There is no better way to situate the fact that the smothered bank robbery in Ikirun is the biggest and loudest vindication for Aregbesola -in recent time -regarding his huge spendings on Osun security since

he became governor. The commissioner of police in the state, Mr. Kola Sodipo was apt, when in -a statement regarding the Friday robbery incident- said “The armoured personnel carriers provided by the Osun State Government assisted the police to engage the hoodlums”. Vindication is a sweet thing. No doubt, the Osun governor has once again been vindicated. Just as he has been in the social security aspect. He gets vindication as he is being proven right or justified by security agents and Osun people, especially the Ikirun residents. Vindication voices continue to come loud, such as coming from the Oluwo of Two land, Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi (Ilufemiloye Telu 1), who said “There is no doubt that Osun is impregnable for criminals and this is commendable. his can easily be attributed to T the foresight of Governor Aregbesola in considering security most paramount. I am aware of the state’s heavy investments in security equipment. I am aware of about 25 highly sophisticated Armoured Personnel Carriers provided the police which are so common on our roads in Osun. I am ware of the many patrol vans. Everywhere you, there is a sense of security because you see these highly motivated men and women of the police and other agencies prepared for their jobs. Such vindication is against the the falacies of the opposition aimed at destroying Aregbesola’s legacies. Suffice therefore to express that just as the security spendings in Osun under Aregbesola has been justified lately, other initiatives of government under Aregbesola are already being appreciated and -would more so be- even after 2018. By then, the roads, the schools,


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Osun Defender Thursday, February 18, 2016

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Osun Defender Thursday, February 18, 2016


Barcelona Penalty: Was It Disrespectful Or A Touch Of

hen Barcelona’s Lionel Messi was felled W i n s i d e t h e a re a a g a i n s t C e l t a Vi g o o n Sunday night, most people inside the Nou Camp wondered who would take the penalty. Messi, the usual taker, had deferred to Neymar on After the 6-1 win, previous occasions this Barcelona boss Luis season, but both had poor Enrique accepted: “Some recent records from the will like it, some won’t.” spot and Luis Suarez was More than 70,000 fans on a hat-trick. inside Nou Camp In fact, Barca had erupted the in a combination s o m e t h i n g f a r m o r e o f j o y, d e l i g h t a n d m e m o r a b l e u p t h e i r bewilderment, and as the sleeves, with Suarez players returned to the r o l l i n g i n M e s s i ’s centre circle Barca fans impudent pass to make made it clear who they it 4-1.

gave most credit to by launching into a long and sustained chant for Messi, even though Suarez had just completed his hattrick. It set the tone for a mesmerising final 10 minutes as Barca pulled off tricks and flicks galore, scoring two more brilliant goals through Ivan Rakitic and Neymar - both from Suarez passes - as the fans set off a Mexican wave to create an atmosphere which felt

•Penalty-taker Lionel Messi is about to add another assist to his tally, rather than score his 300th league goal

Fifa Crisis: Michel Platini Ready button and I will try to find out who.” To ‘Fight Against Injustice’ Uefa said last month that uspended Uefa president Michel Platini S

arrived at his appeal hearing on Monday saying that he is fighting not for his future but “against injustice”. Platini, 60, was banned reproach myself for, I for eight years by the world would be hiding in Siberia governing body’s ethics in shame.” committee in December, as Blatter’s appeal against was president Sepp Blatter. his own ban is scheduled to Both were found guilty be heard on Tuesday. of breaches surrounding Like Platini, the Swiss a £1.3m ($2m) “disloyal denies any wrongdoing. payment” to Platini. “Is it Blatter who put me “I’ve done nothing and in this situation? Not at all, I’m not afraid of anything,” he is in the same situation as said the Frenchman. me,” added Platini. “If I had anything to “Someone pushed the

it will not hold an election for its presidency until Platini’s appeals process has been concluded. The Fifa appeals committee, which is chaired by Bermuda Football Association president Larry Mussenden, has the power to reduce, increase or overturn the ban.

more like a party than a football match. Another element to the goal is the fact that a similar penalty was taken and scored in 1982 for Ajax by Johan Cruyff, a legendary figure at Barcelona after starring for the club as a player and later enjoying great success as coach. Cruyff has lung cancer, and although there has been no indication from Messi or Suarez that their penalty was intended as a direct tribute to the Dutchman, it has certainly been well received by many Barca fans as a nice way of invoking memories of Cruyff ’s career. But the highlight of Barca’s six-goal show didn’t leave everyone happy. Was it disrespectful and arrogant? · L i s t e n : Barcelona-style penalty

r s ene We n g e r h a s p r a i s e d t h e r a p i d progression of Alex Iwobi after the 19-yearold was promoted to Arsenal’s first-team squad. Iwobi has made a positive promotion as a big step for impression when selected the teenager, who joined this season, including the Arsenal academy as making four substitute an eight-year-old and has appearances in the Premier been a regular scorer for the League and two straight under-21s. “It’s a very important starts in the FA Cup. We n g e r h a i l e d t h e moment,” Wenger said in the matchday programme

for Sunday’s 2-1 win over Leicester City. “Every player has to fight hard here to get in there. He came through the youth ranks and he has made it quietly, slowly, but remarkably, I must say. “He moved into the firstteam dressing room and I hope he will be in there for a long time.”

•Alex Iwobi, right, has made the transition to the first team this season.

And it was notable that Sunday night’s penalty incident was immediately preceded by another example of Neymar ’s flamboyance, as he drew cheers from the home fans by conjuring a ‘rainbow flick’ to lift the ball over an opponent’s head near the centre circle. Neymar claimed Messi’s pass had been meant for him, but it was probably fortunate for both the Brazilian and Barcelona that Suarez ended up scoring, because the ‘disrespect’ line would have been given a much sharper edge if Neymar had been the perpetrator.

Thiago Silva: Favourites PSG Have To Be Wary Of Improved

aris Saint-Germain captain Thiago Silva believes his side are favourites to beat Chelsea in the Champions League — but he is wary of the Blues’ improved form since the departure of manager Jose Mourinho in December. PSG host Chelsea in in the lower half of the the first leg of the round- Premier League table of-16, with the sides following a disastrous meeting each other in the defence of their title. competition for the third “If you look at the year in a row. English and French C h e l s e a s q u e e z e d league tables, PSG are through to the semifinals favourites,” Silva told Le two years ago before Parisien. Silva, 31, headed the “Unfortunately in decisive goal in a 2-2 football, it’s difficult to draw in London, which predict who will win. I proved enough for PSG watched Chelsea’s match to reach the last eight on a g a i n s t M a n c h e s t e r away goals last season. United. They didn’t win, P S G h a v e a h u g e of course, but they played 24-point lead in Ligue very well.” 1, while Chelsea remain Silva said last season’s triumph over Chelsea had been special, with the draw in London coming Iwobi, the nephew of after they had played former Nigeria international almost half an hour with Jay-Jay Okocha, has shown ten men when Zlatan his versatility by playing Ibrahimovic was sent off. P

Arsene Wenger Backs Alex Iwobi To Be ‘Great Player For Arsenal’ A

angered Joey Barton Messi and Suarez’s ‘indirect penalty’ received a mixed reception, with allegations they had been disrespectful to their opponents with such an unconventional move. It is not the first time Barca have been accused of arrogance and the penalty can be framed as part of a wider discussion over whether the Catalan giants take things too far in their desire to win in style. Neymar, in particular, has regularly been accused of using his extravagant skills to embarrass or even humiliate his opponents, most famously last year when he was accosted by furious Atletico Madrid players in the tunnel after a cup game between the teams.

both on the wing and as a central midfielder for Arsenal. He impressed in the central role in the FA Cup against both Sunderland and Burnley, showing good timing in his passing and a willingness to take on defenders. He was a regular on the Arsenal bench in November and December when the team struggled with injuries, but has yet to make his first Premier League start. However, Wenger said he is convinced Iwobi will have a larger role going forward. “Personally I believe this boy will be a great player for Arsenal Football Club,” Wenger said. “He has all the ingredients, not only on the footballing front but also mentally. “ H e ’s i n t e l l i g e n t , motivated, focused every day, has a consistent attitude and I’m very happy for him.”

“I never saw Laurent Blanc and a lot of others so happy,” the Brazilian centre back said. “It was an incredible feeling — indescribable. “That day we played our best match of last season. Before the game, Mourinho talked a lot [suggesting his side’s short trip to France was a good draw]. Words like that, it’s not good. He gave us the strength that we needed. That’s why we were so happy at the end.” But he said Chelsea, now under the interim management of Guus Hiddink, were “a little bit better.” “By changing coach, motivation returns automatically,” he added. “In any case, to have played in the last 16 so many times you have to be very strong.”

Joel Matip: Jurgen Klopp A Factor In Making ‘Ideal’ Move To Liverpool

oel Matip is looking forward to linking up with J Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp when he completes his free transfer from Schalke in the summer. Liverpool and Schalke German tabloid Bild. both announced on Monday “I had the feeling that that Cameroon centre-back Klopp and Liverpool are Matip has agreed to move ideal for me, but the thought to Anfield when his contract of leaving was naturally not expires at the end of the easy for me.” season. According to Bild, Matip M a t i p , b o r n i n t h e is set to receive a signing-on German town of Bochum, fee of €5 million and will has been with Schalke since earn around €7m per season the age of nine but is excited at Liverpool. about the chance to play in Schalke sporting the Premier League under executive Horst Heldt said Klopp, who enjoyed huge on Monday that the club success in Germany with “were not able to influence the Royal Blues’ arch-rivals factors that would tip Borussia Dortmund. the balance in the end,” “Liverpool are a wicked suggesting that Matip had club, and naturally it does been determined to move not hurt that I already know to England. the coach,” Matip, who scored in a 2-1 win over Klopp’s BVB in 2014, told




M O S T- V I S I T E D


thursday, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 part from the issue of o i l s u b s i d y, n o o t h e r subject has enraged and infuriated Nigerians more than the issue of the jumbo salaries and allowances of members of the National Assembly. Yet, in spite of the anger, the salaries and allowances are licit under the monetization policy of the government which was implemented in 2003. It is the monetisation policy that enabled the former Senate President David Mark to buy so cheaply the official residence of the Senate President at Apo in Abuja; a house that should be a National heritage, and get away with it. Ditto to the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Dimeji Bankole, who bought the official residence of the Speaker of the House of Representatives also at Apo at giveaway price and got away with it. If we talk about the jumbo salaries and allowances for the legislators, what about top civil servants who earn their jumbo salaries for life and the governors and former governors, who also earn their jumbo salaries and entitlements for life. Once we adopt the presidential system of government, we cannot run away from its excesses and also its shortcomings. The jumbo salaries and allowances of the members of the National Assembly and the security votes of the governors are also part of the excesses. They must be curbed in the light of the dwindling fortunes of the Nigerian economy. Albeit, we cannot afford it. What is Monetisation? Monetisation is the quantification in monetary terms of those fringe benefits, which government used to provide for its workers, as part of their conditions of service. Such benefits include residential accommodation, chauffeurdriven cars, residential furniture, utility services, etc. This policy is only practiced in Ghana, Cameroun and other African countries. I understand that Ghana had stopped the policy in the last two months. The proposal came from the Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and Fiscal Commission. It was debated in the National Assembly and passed into law as ‘Certain Political, Public and Judicial office Holders (Salaries and Allowances etc) Act 2002. Monetisation was clamoured for by civil servants, as conveyed in the Communiqué of the Re-orientation Workshop for Directorate Level Officers in the Federal Civil Service read to the President, Olusegun Obasanjo on 14th January, 2002. The organised private sector and a number of government agencies and parastatals have adopted monetisation of benefits for quite some time now, e.g. CBN, NNPC, etc. I note also that the university system has its own list monetised fringe benefits and allowances. In order to ensure effective implementation of the policy, the Presidential Committee on the Monetization of Fringe Benefits in the Public Service of the Federation was set up by President Obasanjo on November 11, 2002 under the Chairmanship of the then Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Chief Ufot Ekaette (CFR). Following the submission of the committee’s interim report to President Olusegun Obasanjo and its subsequent adoption by government, a circular detailing the newly-monetised fringe benefits and the modalities for their implementation was issued on 27th June, 2003, with 1st July, 2003 as the commencement date of the programme. To sensitise the states on the implementation of the programme, an interactive session was earlier organized on Tuesday, 17th June, 2003 to enable both the Head of Civil Service of the Federation to intimate Secretaries to State Governments (SSGs) and Head of Civil Service of the States (HCSS) in the 36 states


The Licit Jumbo Salaries Of Legislators

•Senate President Bukola saraki of the federation with modalities for the implementation of the monetisation policy. Suffice it to say the states objected to the implementation, insisting that they could not afford it. On November 27th 2003, Chief Ufot Ekaette told members of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lagos, under the headship of Professor Lai Olurode, that “ Monetisation as a public policy reform must be appreciated in the context of other reforms, each of which plays complementary roles with the new overarching economic development strategy of the Obasanjo administration called NEEDS (National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy).” The following was approved for members of the National Assembly as part of the Monetisation policy: (a) Housing Allowance -100% of Annual Basic Salary (b) Transport Allowance - 350% of Annual Basic Salary (c) Utility Allowance - 20% of Annual Basic Salary (d) Domestic Staff Allowance - 75% of Annual Basic Salary (e) Entertainment Allowance - 10% of Annual Basic Salary (f) Constituency Allowance - 150% of Annual Basic Salary (g) Furniture Salary - 300% of Annual Basic Salary (h) Allowance for Employment of Special Assistant Equivalent of 25% of Annual Basic Salary to be paid (i) Vehicle Maintenance and Fuelling - 30% of Annual Basic Salary (j)

Recess Allowance - 10% of Annual Basic Salary (k) Severance Gratuity - 300% of Annual Basic Salary (to be paid once in a life time) after successful completion of tenure he following was approved under T the monetization policy for Federal Civil Servants (1) Accommodation, Grade level - 01-06 ( 50% of Annual Basic Salary), Grade level - 07-17 (60% of Annual Basic Salary and Grade level - 15 and above ( 75% of Annual Basic Salary. Transportation - Grade level 01-17 (25% of Annual Basic Salary. Meal Subsidy - Grade level-01-06 (N6,000.00),07-10 (N 8,4000.00), 12-14 (N 9,600.00), 15-17 (N 10,800.00), Permanent Secretary (N 16,200.00). Utility, Grade level - 01-16 (15% of Annual Basic Salary), 17 and above ( 20% of Annual Basic Salary). Domestic Servant- Grade level 15(1 GL. 3 Step 8), 16-17( 2 GL 3 step 8), PS & above( 3 GL 3 step 8). Leave Grant-01 and above (10% of Annual Basic Salary. Medical -01 and above (10% of Annual Basic Salary to be paid to NHIS). Furniture Allowance— Grade level -06 (NIL), 17 and above (200% in 5 years, i.e. 40% of per annum). Vehicle loan - Grade level,01-05(100% of Annual Basic Salary),06-07(150% of Annual Basic Salary,08& above(200% of Annual Basic Salary. Driver -Grade level - 17 & above( 1GL.3 step 8.) The following was approved for the Chief

By eric teniola Justice of Nigeria and Judges of the Supreme Court under the monetization policy: (a) Accommodation to be provided by the government (with an option to be paid 100% of Annual Basic Salary, if opted to stay in personal house) (b) Furniture- to be provided by Government (c) Medical Care- to be provided by government, including members of immediate family (d) Robes to be provided by government (e) Transport; official cars to be assigned and maintained by government (f) Securityto be provided (g) Utility- Bills to be settled by Government (h) Domestic Staff- to be provided (i) Entertainment- to be catered for by Government (j) Special Assistants- to be provided from within the Civil Service (k) Leave Allowance – 10% of Annual Basic Salary to be paid once in each calendar year (l) Hardship Allowance- 50% of Annual Basic Salary (m) Severance Gratuity – 300% of Annual Basic Salary (to be paid once in a life time) after successful completion of tenure (n) Retirement Benefits- Payable on the basis of Approved Scheme of Service In spite of the objection by the states, the Federal Government went ahead and implemented this policy on October 1, 2003 and that policy is still on till today. The monetization policy was given legal teeth with passage and coming into the effect of the Certain Political, Public and Judicial Office Holders (Salaries and Allowances etc) Act, 2002, which was extended by circular to cover all federal civil servants. The law took effect from 1st July, 2003 for the designated political, public and judicial office holders, while it was extended, with somewhat modified rates of benefits, to federal civil servants with effect from 1st October, 2003. At the time of his departure from office in 2007, President Olusegun Obasanjo was shocked to find out the magnitude of the monetisation of the legislators and the jumbo salaries they were to earn. He refused to sign the bill, leaving for President Umaru Yar’Adua, who signed it eventually in order to please the legislators. That’s where we are now. This issue cut across party line in the National Assembly for they are all united for it. he monetisation policy, a policy that T was meant to solve problems, has now created more problems. It is like a monster now. The question now is, can we afford the monetization policy? The answer is ‘No’. It will be unfair to talk about the jumbo salaries and allowances of legislators as a result of monetization policy in isolation without talking about other public officers benefitting from this policy. Cutting salaries by half as announced by President Muhammadu Buhari and his deputy, Yemi Osinbajo is a good step. I doubt whether members of the National Assembly will follow the President’s example, no matter the pressure. In fact, they will tell the President that they have not come to Abuja merely to pass bills or endorse unworkable resolutions only. As for these members of the National Assembly and other public officers benefitting from the monetization policy, national sacrifice has to wait. All that the President should do is to call a meeting of the stakeholders, including governors, legislators, Nigerian Labour Congress, public discussants, religious leaders, market women and other bodies and insist that the government can no longer sustain longer the monetization policy of 2003. In the interim, he should withdraw the circular on monetization. If possible, he should ignite a national debate on the issue; after all, he is our moral guide.

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank GTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun. All correspondence to the Managing Editor, Kola Olabisi, Telephone: 08033927286 (kolaolabisi@yahoo.com); Editor, KAYODE AGBAJE, Telephone: 0803-388-0205, E-mail:

osundefender@yahoo.com, kayodeagbaje@yahoo.com. ISSN: 0794-8050.Website: www.osundefender.org.

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