Osun defender may 12, 2016 edition

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www.osundefender.org thursday, MAY 12, 2016


Front Page Comment

VOL. 11. NO.047


Ogbeni’s commendable move on Cocoa production

Not given to wasting time on making moves that will accelerate development and have quick positive impact on the people, it would appear

that Ogbeni Aregbesola is the first, yet again, to swiftly respond to the call for the diversification of the economy which our present economic crisis demands.

In his characteristic self - of quickly looking for solution in the face of crisis - the visionary Ogbeni wasted no time in resuscitating the moribund Cocoa Production Industry

(CPI) in Ede, state of Osun, with a view to making Osun hub of cocoa production in the country. This is a commendable step. At this critical stage of our history as a nation the

solution to resuscitating our economic crisis brought about by the gross mismanagement of the proceeds from our monolithic economic mainstay (oil) by those on

whose hands providence had placed the destiny of this country, lies in diversification of the economy; with emphasis on agriculture. ...continue on pg4.

Osun Workers’ Full Salary Captured In 2016 Budget - Assembly

Osun PDP Crisis Deepens As Faction Seeks Court Injunction - Pg 3

- See Story On Page 2

•(L-R) State of Osun governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola; the celebrant, Alhaji Khamis Babatunde Badmus and the Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives, Honourable Lasun Yusuff during the 70th birthday anniversary celebration of Alhaji Tunde Badmus at his Osogbo residence, last Monday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

Ooni Showers Blessings On Gbongan At Olufi Day

-Pg 4

Osun Assembly Swears In New Member

- Pg 42


osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016


Osun PDP Crisis Deepens As Faction Seeks Court Injunction

By kazeem mohammed he crisis in the State of Osun chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) seems to be far from being over, as a faction of the party has filed a suit before an Osogbo High Court, seeking that the ward congress election held on April 30 be of the party, Senator Iyiola allowed to stay. Sequel to the congress, Omisore, had expressed a faction led by a chieftain dissatisfaction over the


conduct of the election, on the ground that his faction was schemed out. The faction sought for the cancellation of the congress by the National Secretariat of the party. However, in an originating summon

filed on May 4, 2015, by Ajanaku Adelani and Adejoorin Mayowa on behalf of those elected at the ward congress, the victorious faction sought the declaration of the court that the congress had complied with the PDP guidelines and

should be allowed to stay. The respondents in the suit were the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC); the National Headquarters of PDP; the Osun chapter of the PDP; the National Chairman,

•President Muhammadu Buhari (2nd left); the Emir of Katsina, HRH Alhaji Abdulmumini Kabkir (3rd right) in a group photograph with other traditional chiefs during the President Buhari’s visit to the Emir at his palace last Monday.

Better Days Ahead - Adeleke Tells Osun Workers S enator Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke has called on the industrious and hardworking workers of the State of Osun, either in the civil service or other organized private sectors of the economy, that in no distant time in future, they will have cause to put permanent smile on their faces, as efforts are on going by different arms of government in the state to ameliorate the present temporary hardship confronting them. Senator Adeleke stated structure since his days this in his May Day as the first executive message, contained in a governor of the state. press statement issued Adeleke then enjoined and signed by his media the workers to continue adviser, Olumide Lawal. to show cooperation and Adeleke contended understanding with the that civil servants are government of Ogbeni integral parts of the Rauf Aregbesola, who he economy, whose interest said, is working round s h o u l d b e j e a l o u s l y the clock, to ensure that guarded at all times, as the present situation of their socio-economic unsteady remunerations contributions to the for the workers becomes overall development of a thing of the past. the society cannot be He pointedly stated wished away with a that the government and wave of the hand. indeed all stakeholders He was of the opinion in Osun administration, that workers in the state feel for the present have contributed a big situation of the workers, deal since the inception which was borne-out of the state, to make it of down-turn in global many steps ahead of economy. others. “Very soon, the issue A situation he said, of “half salary” in Osun that has won for the for regular workers state many accolades at and pensioners shall be different fora. a thing of the past, as O s u n w o r k e r s , the situation is being A d e l e k e a d d e d , a r e seriously addressed by dedicated, thorough, all concerned,” Adeleke resilient and patriotic emphasized. in the discharge of their In a related duties, as he was able to development, Senator lay a solid civil service Adeleke has thanked

the people of Osun-West Senatorial District for their cooperation and support to him as their senator, promising that no area in the district will be left behind in the distribution of amenities, as far as his resources could carry him. He stated this while hosting the Osun West Senatorial District meeting at his Ede residence recently, informing the gathering that this is a time in the history of Nigeria, that calls for sacrifice on the parts of all and sundry, as those of them in the National Assembly and other political offices also feel the pinch of the

hardship confronting the citizenry. Adeleke assured the people of the district that he is doing all within his power to ensure that the youths in the area are gainfully employed on merit, through whatever appointments that are available. The Senator reiterated emphatically that all empowerment materials in whatever forms, that are meant for the district, will be equitably distributed without fear or favour. He therefore, advised some people in the district to stop the rumour that he has penciled down his favourites for the empowerment material

in his Ede country home. Such statement, he said, is far from the truth, stressing that he belongs to all, and all belongs to him. The senator stressed that even if the available consignment are not enough to go round, efforts shall be made in the future for all to benefit. He however, expressed happiness at the rejuvenation of Osun Cocoa Industry, Ede, which, he said, will go a long way to reduce unemployment among the youths.

Senator Alimodu Sheriff; the National Secretary, Professor Adewale Oladipo and the National Organising Secretary, Alhaji Abubakar Mustapha on behalf of privies and agents, who participated in the delegate and ward congress elections on April 30. The plaintiff sought the injunction of the court for; “declaration that 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th respondents have complied with PDP guidelines for the conduct of 2016 ward, LGA, state, zonal congress and national convention for the purpose of electing party executive at all levels in the delegate and ward congress election dated 30th April, 2016. “An order of the court, compelling the respondents to uphold the State of Osun ward congress election held on 30th April, 2016 as being free, fair, credible and acceptable. “An order of perpetual injunction restraining the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th respondents from cancelling the state ward congress election held on April 30, as it has been substantively complied with the PDP guidelines. “An order of perpetual injunction restraining the 1st respondent (PDP) from recognising any other Osun ward congress, except the one held on April 30, in conducting any future election to the state, zonal congress and national convention for the purpose of electing party executive at all levels.” Attached to the summon was the agreement between the two factions, where it was stated that the victorious faction at the congress paid for the required forms, while the other faction could not pay the party dues. The agreement then stated that in the spirit of fair-play, the faction that did not pay the party dues should be allowed to do so by Tuesday, May 3, 2016, saying whoever could not meet the deadline would stand disqualified, even if he wins the primaries.

public Notice

Change Of Name


I, formerly known as adekunle oluwa tosin sayo now wish to be called and addressed as adekunle tosin s ay o . A l l f o r m e r documents remain valid. First Bank and general public should take note.

This is to inform members of the public t h a t a d e j u w on ol u wat o s i n c . , is the same person as a d e j u w on christianah a n d a d e j u w on c . ol u wat o s i n . A l l former documents remain valid. Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke and general public should take note.



osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

Osun Workers’ Full Salary Captured In 2016 Budget - Assembly By kazeem mohammed

of the House to strengthen their oversight functions and performance evaluation, with a view to making the budget serve its purpose. It would be recalled that in line with the agreement between


the labour unions over the current dwindling resources accruable to the state, the government has been rationalising salaries of its workers pending an improvement in the finances of the state.

he State of Osun House of Assembly has salaries and pension, as (Ede-North), Rasheed allayed the fear of the state civil servants captured in this budget, A f o l a b i ( I f e l o d u n ) over the continuation of half salary is being given priority,” a n d O l a t u n b o s u n Oyintiloye (Ibokun) payment to some sections of workers, saying he stressed. the full payment of their salaries have been M e m b e r s advocated the need to captured in the 2016 budget estimate. i ncluding T im othy pay serious attention The Speaker, “ A l s o , t h e f u l l Owoeye (Ilesa-East), to revenue generation. They tasked Honourable Najeem payment of workers’ Kamardeen Akanbi various committees Salaam and Chairman, Committee on Finance and Appropriation, Honourable Kamil Oyedele, dropped the hint at the plenary on Monday during the further consideration of the 2016 Appropriation Bill. Governor of the state, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, had presented a budget proposal of N150 billion to the state parliament, but due to the poor economic situation, he approached the House to readjust the budget downward to N137.9 billion, which is being considered by the House. Salaam said the capturing of the full salary in the budget for all categories of workers has shown that the government was working hard to •Wife of the President, Mrs Aisha Buahri (middle); Speaker, House of Representatives, Honourable Yakubu Dogara (4th left) in a group photograph ensure that the civil with other dignitaries during the first public hearing of the North-East Development Commission (NEDC) Bill in Abuja last Monday. servants are properly paid. He then charged the workers to work hard and play their that was recording the Social Insurance Number contribute meaningfully roles, especially in burial event and had Card, Explorer United to the society if pardoned generating revenue, captured the duo pick Airline Credit, N10,000 or have their sentence with a view to making pocketing, while the c a s h , 2 0 0 C a n a d i a n mitigated. By shina abubakar the budget work. deceased was being Dollar, a photocopy of Meanwhile, the wo pick pockets have been sentenced to lowered into the grave. “It is important for his Nigerian Driver’s convicts were shedding the civil servants to twenty-two years’ imprisonment by Mr. He said, when the Licence, a Blackberry tears during the plea. work hard. Let us all Olusola Aluko of an Osogbo Magistrate video was later watched phone valued N80,000, Magistrate Aluko block leakages, so that Court, State of Osun, for stealing a phone and wallet by the victim, he was which are properties of then sentenced Adeleke, we can have enough containing some items from one of the mourners at able to identify the one Akinjide Ibidapo who stole the phone and fund to carry out our a graveside in Osogbo. pickpockets, hence, their Salami.” wallet to three years’ obligations, including The two men, 30-year- crowd of mourners that arrest. It stated further that imprisonment on the payment of full salaries old Keyide Adeleke and thronged the graveside T h e p r o s e c u t o r A d e o t i K a m i l u d i d first count, five years’ of workers,” he said. Adeoti Kamilu, aged 25, a n d s t o l e t h e Z 3 0 While reading the were convicted by the Blackberry phone and a said, aside the wallet, receive a blackberry on the second count policy trust of the magistrate after pleading wallet containing various other items and phone p h o n e Z 3 0 v a l u e d and another five years stolen by the accused N80,000 property of imprisonment on the bill, Oyedele said the guilty and electing a items and documents. persons, Adeleke was in Akinjide Ibidapo Salami, third count. budget was moderate, summary trial on the five He further revealed possession of GTBank knowing full to be stolen. While Kamilu bagged simple and realistic, count-charge slammed that immediately Adeleke ATM card, Union Bank T h e p r o s e c u t i o n three years imprisonment as it focuses on things stole the said items, he ATM card and UBA ATM then argued that the on the first count; three that would boost the on them by the police. passed it to Kamilu, who card of which he could two accused persons years on the fourth count The police prosecutor, resources of the state. was standing beside him. not give satisfactory c o m m i t t e d o f f e n c e s and another three years S e r g e a n t R a s a k He stressed that t h e b u d g e t w a s Olayiwola, had on 6th of The duo were said to account. c o n t r a r y t o a n d on the fifth count. The charge sheet p u n i s h a b l e u n d e r c o n c e n t r a t i n g May, 2016, when the duo have escaped the area Aluko however, ruled reads; “that you Keyide Sections 516, 390, 390(9), that the jail terms are to on ongoing projects, were arraigned in court, with their loots. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e Adeleke and Adeoti 430(2) and 430(1) of the run concurrently without s a y i n g , t h e c i v i l stated that Adeleke and s e r v a n t s s h o u l d Kamilu committed the prosecutor, the stolen Kamilu on 25th April, Criminal code, cap 34, option of fine. cooperate with the offence on 24th April, w a l l e t c o n t a i n e d 2016 at about 4:30pm at volume II, laws of Osun Canadian residential 31, Alafia street, Igbona State of Nigeria, 2003. government to make 2016. Presenting the facts of permanent card, driver’s area in Osogbo, Osogbo the budget work as But after admitting the the case, the prosecutor licence, health card, social Magisterial District, charges levelled against expected. He said: “This year’s said, the accused persons insurance number card, did conspire among them vis-a-vis their budget is realistic h a d a t t e n d e d t h e Explorer United Airline yourselves to commit confessional statements because of its non- interment of a deceased credit, a sum of N10,000 felony to wit stealing.” tendered in court as dependent on funds at 31, Alafia Street at c a s h , 2 0 0 C a n a d i a n The count two further exhibit, the convicts, f r o m t h e f e d e r a l Igbona area of Osogbo dollars, a photocopy of a reads: “That you Keyide through their counsel, allocations. and picked the pocket of Nigerian driver’s licence Adeleke did steal a wallet “This year’s budget one of the aged deceased and a blackberry phone containing the following Mrs Praise Ofeyeju, pleaded with the court i s p r o m i s i n g a n d relatives, while she was valued N80,000. i t e m s : a C a n a d i a n to temper justice with development-oriented, crying. On how they were Residential Permanent mercy. as ongoing projects Olayiwola explained a p p r e h e n d e d , t h e Card, Canadian Driver’s Ofeyeju added that that would boost our that Adeleke and Kamilu prosecutor said, there r e v e n u e a r e b e i n g had sneaked into the was a video cameraman L i c e n s e , C a n a d i a n t h e c o n v i c t s w e r e Health Card, Canadian young and could still concentrated upon.

2 Pick Pockets Bag 22 Years Jail Term In Osun


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osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

Osun Assembly Swears In New Member


Honourable Oladejo Makinde who died on December 2015. The Speaker, Honourable Najeem Salaam performed the swearing-in ceremony on the new member at

about 2:50pm during the assembly’s plenary on Tuesday. Speaking after the swearing-in ceremony, Salaam urged the new lawmaker to work for the progress of the assembly

and the state at large. According to him, irrespective of political affiliation members of the assembly might belong to, the unity of the assembly was paramount. He urged the new

lawmaker to promote ideas that would unite the Assembly and assit in guaranteeing transparency and accountability in the state. “We are elected to solve problems that might arise from our various constituencies and the state in general, which means, we are leader of men. “Although, we are from different terrain but the assembly is one and we are here to play our legislative role to make lives meaningful to our people. “The purpose of the assembly is one, irrespective of our political party we belong to and I want you to see this as a challenge to serve”. Congratulating the lawmaker on his inauguration, Salaam charged him to give his constructive opinion to issues affecting the state rather than emotional conjecture. Salaam, however, said the assembly deeply missed the late minority leader, describing him as a good man. In his remarks, •Elder Statement and former head of the Interim National Government, Chief Earnest Shonekan and his wife (4th right); Ogun State Governor, Eluwole, said he would Senator Ibikunle Amosun and his wife, Mrs Olufunsho (4th left) in a group photograph with Clergy men during the 80th birthday thanksgiving of contribute meaningfully Chief Shonekan at Cathedral Church of Christ, Marina Lagos. to the issues that would make the assembly better. He added that he would not disappoint the people around 5.00pm amidst entire black race. to drop on them, as he of his constituency who By sola jacobs walked with the people repose their confidence T h e O o n i l a t e r large turnout of crowd, sprinkled the water on the through Moore Quarters to in him. esidents and indigenes of Gbongan in Ayedaade Local Government Council Area who wanted to witness people, while attendees the Palace at Enuwa. of the State of Osun were showered with t h e a b a n d o n e d a g e - struggled for the water blessings, as the Ooni of Ife, Oba Enitan Ogunwusi, long festival, welcomed graced the Annual Olufi Day celebration last the monarch with Saturday. was why he asked them tumultuous sound of ‘O construction of the The foremost Yoruba By murtala agboola Police Station in the to step out of the pavilion ti seese’ while he was monarch, who arrived the he remains of the Pa Gabriel Abidoye town. to get the showers of received by the Chief event amidst showers of Oyebode, the patriarch of the Oyebode According to Femi in Priest of the shrine, Chief rainfall, on his arrival at blessings. family of Afolabi’s Compound, Inisa, was his tribute, the Board The m o n a r c h Isola Ogunwusi. interred on Friday, May 6 2016, at the cemetery of of Governors and the the venue of the occasion, thereafter, blessed the S p e a k i n g a t t h e St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Inisa, after a church P a r e n t s / T e a c h e r s was received by the chief service held in his honour. people of Gbongan as shrine, Ooni Ogunwusi Association (PTA) of host, Oba Adetoyese the custodian of Yoruba acknowledged Osara, the P a O y e b o d e , c e n t e n a r i a n w a s a Inisa Grammar School Oyeniyi, Odugbemi 1, popularly referred to race and prayed for the goddess of Lagoon, as a founding member of the had cause to elect him after which he enjoined as “One Finger” in defunct Egbe-Omo Ibile, a s t h e i r C h a i r m a n the participants to step development and peace messenger of god, just his lifetime, was aged which later transformed d u r i n g w h i c h t h e like Olokun, the goddess out of the pavilion into of the people. 140 years before he into Inisa Descendants’ massive school hall was Ooni Ogunwusi, who of sea. the rain, as it was a sign answered the call of Union (IDU), the apex built. performed his role in H e d e s c r i b e d t h e In his tribute, the nature on February 24th, body for coordinating of blessing and good O l unisa of Inisa, a jiffy, was seen off to deity as a loving wife of 2016 at his residence, the affairs of the sociofortune for the people of Oba Joseph Oyedele opposite First Bank economic development his awaiting convoy, as Oduduwa and a caring the town. (Fasokun II) wrote; Nigeria PLC, Gege Area of the town. Speaking further, Ooni he did not stay till the mother, who showed love, “from the throne, all of the ancient town It is to the credit of Ogunwusi said, his visit to end of the programme not only to her children, after a brief illness. the late Oyebode that I can say is farewell The Late Pa Oyebode he donated all the bags papa” Gbongan was significant, to celebrate the Osara but other children in the The late Pa Oyebode was a Lay Reader at of cement used in the as it coincided with the Festival in Ile-Ife. community. was survived by a St. Peter’s Anglican I n t h e s a m e T h e m o n a r c h t h u s Osara Day celebration widow, children, Church, where, in the ancient city, the d e v e l o p m e n t , O o n i referred to Osara as grandchildren and according to his son, worship which had been Ogunwusi on Saturday mother of all Yoruba great grandchildren. Femi aka Boro, he Invited guests were abandoned decades ago. led Ife sons and daughters through Okanbi, her son. preached redemption The highlight of the later entertained at the and salvation to church He stressed further to the ancient shrine of Seventh-Day Primary members. that the deity celebration, Osara deity at Moore festival was when the School, Oke-Gege, H e w a s a l s o a Quarters of the ancient monarch, her queen, which coincided with the Inisa. delegate to the synod in Olufi Day celebration, city to celebrate Osara, Y e y e l u w a W u r a o l a Lagos for many years. had brought blessings to the lagoon deity, the Ogunwusi, and the Osara As a patriot, Oyebode the people, which was celebration that had been Chief Priest came out of was in the forefront for the peace, oneness marked with the rain abandoned for decades in the inner chamber of the the ancient city . shrine with doves and and the development showers that ushered him of Inisa. The monarch, who bowls of water, with to the celebration and that Also as a community arrived Osara shrine which he prayed for the l e a d e r , t h e l a t e •The late Pa Oyebode. blessing of Ile-Ife and By kazeem mohammed sun State House of Assembly has sworn in Honourable Adedipo Eluwole representing Ife Central Constituency as a new member of the house. during the bye-election Eluwole, a member of h e l d o n A p r i l 1 4 the Peoples Democratic following the death of the Party (PDP) was elected former Minority Leader,

Ooni Showers Blessings On Gbongan At Olufi Day R

Pa Gabriel Oyebode Goes Home T


sun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

Ogbeni’s commendable move on Cocoa production ...continued from pg1

There is no any other alternative than to toe this line - diversification - if we are to get out of this quagmire which we have brought on our heads by our own profligacy. It’s unfortunate that we have to learn our lesson in a hard way. But we just have to accept the reality of our situation. For our case is synonymous with the case of the one who fails to plan. And as we know anyone that fails to plan surely only plans to fail. This has been an incontestible fact from time immemorial. Throughout the time that rain of money was pouring heavily on our land by virtue of heavy proceeds from crude oil we failed to utilise the money by building infrastructure and

establishing industries to provide employment for the youths. Rather we engaged in profligacy of the highest order while humongous corruption - as epitomised by the Jonathan administration - became the order of the day. Now we are paying heavily for our lack of planning.

But this is no time to lament. Rather the situation demands thinking outside the box with a view to providing solution to our present precarious condition. And as we have collectively agreed - at least in principle - our solution lies in promoting agriculture over and above our dependence on oil. This is the way to go and this is why we are happy that the ilk of Ogbeni Aregbesola are not wasting time in this regard. Aregbesola has taken the bull by the horn by embarking on ag-

gressive revival of the agric sector. Like he said Osun will very soon become the hub of cocoa production in the country. By the time this vision is realised Osun economy will bounce back and there will be enough to continue the provision of dividends of democracy for the people of the state. We believe it can be achieved.


the Maasai villagers were often forced out of anger to go hunting for these wild animals. Sometime in 2012, six of such lions were killed in one swoop. For a country, whose economy depends largely on tourism, this was a national problem in Kenya. Like most Maasai males, Richard hated lion, yet at the tender age of twelve, he realized he needed to do something to safeguard the cattle in his care, hence, he went about seeking solutions. First he tried to ward off the lions with fire, but saw that

rather than driving away the predators, it rather lit the path for them and gave them easier access to their prey. Then he tried to use scarecrows, only to find out that lions are very intelligent, as they stayed away the first night out of fear but returned subsequently, once they noticed that the scarecrows have not changed location. In 2013 whilst strolling round the farm with a

flashlight to illuminate his path, Richard noticed that all the animals took to flight and never returned for that night. That gave him an idea. Using accessories pooled from his mother’s transistor radio and other household electronics, he invented a small transformer and with it wired up seven bulbs around the farm. Just as he had observed, lions and other predators stayed away from his herd. When other farmers took notice of the success of his invention, he helped them set up similar

devices and within months words had spread all over the Maasai tribe about the invention now popularly known as ‘lion light’ which is saving their communities from the menace of straying wild animals. The lesson from Richards’ story is that some of the times, we look up towards the wrong direction for solutions to our problems,

We commend Ogbeni Aregbesola for quickly responding to what our present unpalatable situation requires. We hope other state governors too will follow suit. There is no time to waste. To waste time is to wallow for long in our present quagmire and that’s dangerous for the future. Only agriculture can provide a long term solution to our problem. Kudos to Ogbeni!

We must not forget that all the feats that Chief Obafemi Awolowo recorded as a Premier of western region were achieved with the proceeds from cocoa. All the giant strides he recorded were made possible with the money realised from cocoa as oil had not been discovered when the late sage ran the affairs of western region. Till date Chief Awolowo’s government still remains the best example in referring to good governance and pro-people government in this part

Herdsmen Palava, The Kenyan Example

must confess that until a few days ago I’d never heard the name Richard Turere. It’s no surprise because he is neither a soccer player, athlete, politician, social media icon, trade unionist, hip-hop artiste nor any artiste for that matter. Richard Turere is a 15-yearold Kenyan of the Maasai tribe. The Maasai tribe can be likened to the Cattle Fulanis of Nigeria. Their livelihood and ways of life revolve around cattle. The Maasai treat their cattle like pets and as a measure of wealth. The Maasai would rather feed on milk and drained blood from cattle than the flesh. Like Fulani herdsmen, they graze cattle from place to place, armed with spears and other weapons to prevent the cattle from being attacked by predators. Richard started grazing cattle at the age of six and took charge of his parents’ herd at the age of nine. In recent years, one of the greatest problems faced by the Maasai herdsmen was the menace of wild animals like lions, cheetahs and other wild cattle, who stroll from the wildlife forests to nearby villages in search of food. Cattle, being domesticated were always easy prey; hence,

of the world. Thus if Awolowo could record such giant achievements with cocoa, then it’s high time we started cocoa production on a massive scale towards resuscitating our economy especially in the South-West here. The avatar had shown us the way, the ball is now in our court.

whilst the solution lies within our reach. If Richard had not invented the ‘lion light’, perhaps his more illustrious leaders would still be playing blame games in Kenya today. Nigeria is faced with a similar problem now. The prevailing crisis brought about by the movement of Fulani herdsmen to other parts Nigeria is a problem needing solution. Whilst most of us are busy apportioning blames, playing ethnic cards and looking up to government for a solution, is it impossible to find a Richard Turere among us? The Herdsmen’s menace is an opportunity for new business models and new leadership solutions. Can one of us rise up to this challenge and be a hero? •Ade Adeogun, Lekki, Lagos.


Publisher – Moremi Publishing House Ltd. Managing Editor – Kola Olabisi (0803-392-7286) Editor

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osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

PDP Is Using Sheriff To Fight Political War - Oyedokun, BoT Member

A member Board of Trustees of the Peoples Democratic Party, Mr. Shuaib Oyedokun, tells FEMI MAKINDE reasons behind the South-West’s acceptance of zoning the party’s chairmanship to the North-East, President Muhammadu Buhari and other matters. hen I was the secretary



hat is the resolve of the South-West Peoples Democratic Party on the zoning of the party’s chairmanship position? The South-West had resolved to accept the product of the zoning arrangement that was done at the national level that for now, the chairman should be retained in the North and particularly the NorthEast. In place of that we were able to secure three principal offices with the national working committee out of 12. Before then, we were divided and some people thought, “Would it not amount to selling out, when you deserve something and you are declining” while some said, “we want it by all means.” They had their reasons but I think the better reasons had prevailed. That is our position now, unless something else happens. Some people said the zoning of the chairmanship position to the North-East was to favour Ali Modu Sheriff. How true is this? His name was not mentioned in the zoning arrangement. But for those of us who favoured it, we have our reasons. One, today, we believe that the PDP is substantially strong in the South-South, South-East and viable in the South-West but the whole of the North are turning their back on the PDP because they felt offended and we have to persuade them like we did in the case of Chief MKO Abiola when Chief (Olusegun) Obasanjo was given a slot in form of compensation to the South-West. We are particular about the NorthEast for two major reasons. One, you will discover that the North is the real battleground where the PDP must work hard to make a mark. Personally, I give examples whenever I am discussing this. When (President Muhammadu) Buhari was preparing to fight the insurgency, he shifted the military base to the North-East (Borno State), as the Command Centre. Not only that, he also picked a native of that region, someone who knows the terrain very well, as the Chief of Army Staff. Now, we can easily draw a similarity between what Buhari had done and what the PDP is doing. It is a political war. We are struggling to possess that region and just as the Yoruba would say, “when you prepare your farm to grow kolanut and you discover one growing at a spot, would you uproot it or nurture it?” And being a member of the PDP Board of Trustees, I was one of those who opposed him (Sheriff) vehemently. But when this man came almost by accident, he did something I was surprised about: there was problem in three states in a day and he was away in Chad. Immediately he got the information, he flew down to Sokoto; came down to Lagos; went to Port Harcourt and eventually


slept in Abuja the same day. If he doesn’t have the means it would be difficult for somebody who is ordinarily a chairman to move round the whole country in one day. A chairman may be competent, he may have the administrative knowhow coupled with the physical strength but to start booking flights through the airlines without knowing if they would go or not would not be easy. You don’t just do things because of your own interest or insist on having something whether good or bad. I have been in politics for some time, and I am saying it very humbly, even if it (the chairmanship) comes to the SouthWest I consider myself and people consider me as one of the possible beneficiaries but what about the interest of the party? We believe that because of those two reasons let it (the chairmanship) remain like that for now and fortunately we had given a chance of producing the next presidential candidate to the North. Why? Yes, by the time we pick our presidential candidate we will storm the whole place and the chairmanship will come to us (South-West) smoothly. It is just a temporary arrangement, but for now, the Yoruba say: “the roasted meat of a dog can be very delicious, but because it is very moist what would we eat before this thing gets properly roasted?” This is exactly the situation we have found ourselves and I have always believed in one

of (defunct) National Party of Nigeria in those days in the old Oyo State, I worked with five state chairmen. When I was the deputy national chairman of the PDP, I worked with five national chairmen. To me it is always better to secure those positions for your people, positions that are more permanent and more remunerative. For instance, as I have said, look at the three principal positions you can get from the South-West which are: National Secretary, National Publicity Secretary and National Auditor. We have finance, organisation and administration and that is three over 12. Secondly, they are quality positions thus, what we have now is both qualitative and quantitative. Do you believe that the way South-West was schemed out during the former President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration led to the failure of the PDP? I never believed Yoruba people were schemed out. All we need now is that irrespective of what we get we must stand to work together in unity in order to make it better. We are not scheming because the party made adequate arrangement for the South-West. We had the speakership but it was the participants themselves that jilted us and this same set of people are the ones looking for positions. thing: sometimes we leave what is Let me tell you something, first and right a little and do something that foremost, I am very happy this is is expedient. Most often when you happening in the PDP. If it were to be want something and you don’t get a total leprous party, people would it you make the best use of what not have struggled for positions you have. there and this means that the PDP is rom your conclusion it is bubbling. What is happening now is e v i d e n t t h a t t h e c u r r e n t a fight among three classes of people o c c u p a n t o f t h e s e a t i s in the party. The old and the young performing well, isn’t it? ones: the old ones are conservative If he had made any mistake at all, while the young ones are impatient which I could say it was a mistake and it is global but what we have to of oversight, it is due to the fact that do now is to find a meeting point he is new there but by the time he and resolve our differences. We starts making contacts he would have to give to the young what understand his responsibilities is due to them and what the old better. want, we have to do it and our It appears the South-East has been constitution has made provisions for schemed out of the affairs going by all these. When we try to struggle the sharing formula? for positions that are meant for the The South-East was adequately youth there will be crisis. Two, there represented in the zoning and what is also a war between benefactors they were given is satisfactory and beneficiaries. When the party to them. There was no objection brought most of these people into for it is based on consensus and power and positions they jettisoned don’t forget we only shared party the party and started to work as positions. We have to share the if they were on their own. Three, National Assembly positions as people should learn to work within well; we are yet to share the federal the constitution of the party, if you executive positions except that of hold meetings it should be on the the Presidency. The trick they have organ of the party and not just is what we are adopting now. That is holding group meetings that are why I thought that instead of having beyond the shores of the party’s party positions which are only constitution. Yes, there could be functioning to produce people to be group interest but we cannot set up put in various offices, there are more a structure and destroy it ourselves remunerative positions that would later and feel it would work. benefit their people back home than Do you agree with what Governor those party positions. Ayodele Fayose said that the old leaders in the PDP should step


•Contined on page 7



osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

PDP Is Using Sheriff To Fight Political War - Oyedokun, BoT Member

•Contined from page 6

aside for the young ones to make their mark? By the grace of God he (Fayose) would get to a stage when other young ones would advise him the same way. What I know is that the constitution with which we operate only provides for minimum age and not maximum age. It is clear that you cannot enter into politics until you are 18 but it doesn’t state that you should retire once you are 65. It appears that governor Fayose is the only active voice in the opposition party. Why is this so? Lone voice? We have our National Publicity Secretary. Most of what he says is what he believes personally and most can be advantageous to the party but we cannot rob him of his right to say whatever he wants to say. What we regard as the official mouthpiece of the party is whatever comes from the National Publicity Secretary. Do you agree with Fayose’s positions on issues? e is very active. He is displaying his nature and for that reason I like him and he has always been my man. Right from the days he was aspiring for the post of governor in Ekiti State he has always been my man. There are insinuations that the APC government of President Buhari has silenced the opposition with the ongoing anti-graft war. What have you to say to this? I would continue to believe it until when most of the people with pending cases who ran away from the PDP come up to answer their cases then I would consider it (anti-graft war) as being fair. But you want to retain your party membership as a landlord who harbours an armed robber who seeks refuge in your domain, then it would be very unfortunate. Are you saying that corruption is not limited to the PDP alone? Corruption is endemic in the society. When you point out politicians as offenders you have only picked a sample from a pool of corrupt society. A man who manipulates the petroleum pump price is certainly corrupt. I would say generally, corruption affects every facet of the society. You have to pray to God and work hard to see that it comes to a minimum level. What Buhari is doing is fighting corruption. I read some books about the issue of corruption and I picked something which is very relevant. Everywhere in the world, corruption thrives but can only be managed. By managing you are preventing it, punishing offenders for it justly. But if you are using coercion, the popular adage would come up again that corruption will fight back and while you are fighting corruption when corruption is fighting back you seem to abandon your vision and are only to be left with a catastrophic result. How would you describe the way the current president is fighting corruption? He is fighting it but I don’t see him preventing it. But the way he has been handling the issue of budget


years to tackle it but failed, what is your take on this? t was a very complex thing because it started gradually until it got out of hand during the past administrations. But all the materials they had to use in tackling the issue were already arranged before the present government got to office. Grants were in place before he (former President Goodluck) left. That aspect, Jonathan had handled perfectly and if you look at the performance of the present administration you will discover that it is composed of most of our men. Talk of the likes of (Dr. Bukola) Saraki ignoring the trial he is currently undergoing; look at Audu Ogbe in the Ministry of Agriculture, he is a former chairman of the party. All these indicate that the APC likes our finished products. How do you think the attacks by herdsmen can be solved? I want the herdsmen attacks to be controlled. I am not an expert but I have to buy the idea that there should be ranching because it would lessen the burden of the herders themselves and the hazards they face day and night. They could get more profit on their cattle; for with ranching, the cattle will be better fed. Long trekking makes those animals grow lean. If you see an animal that is caged in a particular place you would discover that they are more beefy than those that wander about. What do you think Nigerians should expect from the Buhari administration? I only want to appeal to Nigerians to be patient with this government. Why I am saying so is this: only a bad citizen would pray for the failure of a government. Mark my word, to fail is different from to fall. Government should not fail because it would be a universal catastrophe with nobody to spare but out of its own weakness in its deeds. The PDP fell and not that the PDP failed. We don’t pray that Nigeria should fall as an opposition party for if you pray for the collapse of Nigeria because you want to govern; when you get to power it is likely going to collapse. Unlike the belief of some, the PDP will never threaten to make the country ungovernable, if we don’t get what we want. When you find happenings like these you can easily attribute it to intentions. If you have the belief that something will collapse and it doesn’t collapse if you inherit such a thing it would likely collapse if you are not careful because that is what you have been praying for.



shows that he is trying to prevent corruption and we must not forget what Jonathan did on fertiliser that used to be a tug of war for Nigerian farmers to get before he came in. He did so many underground jobs to ensure a clean Nigeria. If the PDP were allowed, not necessarily through Goodluck Jonathan, the transformation agenda could have gone a long way and what I am saying in effect is that although, I have seen signs that Buhari wants to prevent corruption, when culprits are being punished they should be just. Are you saying that if Goodluck Jonathan had won the election Nigeria would have been better than it is now? Of course, you know why? The PDP had reasoned to a level that it was able to cover all aspects of the growing economy of the country. The PDP had known where the shoe pinched and was making effort to do it and actually had people who could do it but with the sudden change you will discover that this administration relies on Buhari’s personal integrity. They had no blueprint on how to run the country. They only stumbled into power and are now groping in the dark but the PDP is also finding its feet in the opposition. The APC had been swimming in the lagoon but they are now in the ocean where sharks and whales live in. Also, the PDP was swimming in the ocean but is now in shallow rivers where it only has to dwell on crabs and some other little amphibians. I want to personally commend the efforts of the PDP in the National Assembly, especially the deputy senate president and the minority leader because they are making their appearance relevant in this government. One thing that interests me about the opposition party is that they know the theory but the PDP knows practical and if we can merge their theory and

our practical together this country will move forward. To give you a hint on this, we have sent some of our members on sabbatical to the APC for the theory experience and as soon as we bring them back we would incorporate their theory into our own practical. Is your party still working to bring back defectors including Olagunsoye Oyinlola? God is surely working on getting them back. I will be the first to go to Olagunsoye (Oyinlola) to tell him when it is time. They will come back when it is time. Do you see the PDP kicking out the APC in the next general election? I want to tell you a story of a camel and its owner. The two were travelling in the desert and the owner of the camel was very cold thus he erected a tent and stayed in it while the camel was outside. The camel appealed to him and said, “please let me put my nose inside” and the owner allowed it. The camel later said, “My back upon which you would sit on tomorrow is very wet, let me put it inside.” Again, he allowed it and gradually the camel occupied the whole tent and kicked out the owner. This is just a parable. Is it true that the misrule of the PDP is responsible for the tough time the nation is going through now? I object to the use of ‘misrule’ by anybody. The PDP carried the country for 16 years and it did not fall. This is similar to when someone gives you a pot of soup and you broke the pot would it be rational for you to put the whole blame on the person who had safely handed the pot over to you just because you have failed to handle it well? We hope to see a positive change all the same. Buhari is believed to have done well in his first year in office especially in the areas of tackling insurgency and that PDP had 16

•Culled from The Punch



osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

State Of Osun Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola And Deputy Speaker, House Of Representatives, Alhaji Lasun Yusuff, At The 70th Birthday Ceremony Of Alhaji Khamis Babatunde Badmus At His Residence In Osogbo Last Monday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.


•A cross section of Alfas welcoming State of Osun Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola (right) to the event.

•Another road construction project along Ila-Odo, Kwara State road.

•State of Osun Deputy Governor, Otunba (Mrs) Grace Titi Laoye-Tomori (right) and Alhaji Tajudeen Oladipo (left) during the programme.

•A cross section of Islamic clerics at the event.

osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

Ongoing Road Construction At Otaefun, Ikirun/Ila-Odo Along Kwara State Road By Governor Rauf Aregbesola’s Administration.

•Ongoing road construction along Ikirun road.

•The Ataoja of Osogbo, Oba Jimoh Olanipekun and his Oloris at the event.


•Another ongoing road construction at Otaefun along Ikirun road.



osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016



osun Defender Thursday, May 12,

Atewogbeja: The Story Of Osun’s Emerging Beautiful Landscape Health Benefits Of Swiss Chard


uilding up on its profile as a peaceful state with regular power supply, adequate security, Osun inches further with an emerging profile in tourist beauty. Cities all over the world acquire reputation of being visitors’ and tourists’ haven because of their beauties and cities are not just beautiful but are products of careful planning by the leaders or rulers of such cities. Today, people celebrate Dubai. The city, in the heart of the Middle East, rose to prominence less than two decades ago. That the city of Dubai now plays host to tourists, business men and women, world’s top sporting activities, political, economic and education summits is a testimony to the vision and planning virtuoso of one of the country’s greatest leader, Sheikh Rashid Makhtoum. Not quite long ago, we used to hear the phrase: ‘See Paris and die’. It was nothing but the planned beauty of the French capital city. So also same goes for the outstanding recreational and aesthetic beauty of Orlando’s Disney World in Florida, United States, which attracts millions of tourists yearly from all over the world. This is perhaps the motivational force that propelled the Government of Osun to embark on total reconstruction and planning of some of its ancient cities for upward upgrade to modern cities that will attract visitors and tourists alike. This turnaround of the ancient cities to modern ones is part of a massive Urban Renewal project of the Rauf Aregbesola administration in the last five years. Nine cities were penciled down for renewal at a go, a massive and ambitious project indeed for a state like Osun. This giant initiative has once been described as the biggest exercise in the whole of Nigeria since United Nations’ Habitat began a collaboration with states in Nigeria. Under this programme, cities in Osun will witness a telling turnaround in planning, beautification, aesthetics, social facilities. Today, Osogbo, the capital of the state, is gradually shedding its ancient toga and metamorphosing into modern city. To say that the city is undergoing noticeable change in a seamless fashion might just be an understatement. Anybody who has not visited for some time now is bound to be taken aback by the consistent change the city now wears. One huge area of change is the center point of the city called old garage. The place used to be a hideout for criminals and miscreants; dirty,


•Relaxation centre at the second phase of Freedom Park.

•Beautiful garden at Freedom Park. By kunle owolabi

unkempt and haphazardly planned! t was an eyesore of the city and unattractive to both towns’ people and visitors. But that was years gone by. The situation has changed dramatically that people, who have not visited couple of years now find it difficult to maneuver their ways round the city. No longer the dirty Old Garage but newly beautified Nelson Mandela Freedom Park. This recreational arena has astoundingly changed the terrain and landscape of the city. The usual dark, waterlogged, dark-alley, bloodshot-eyed hemp smoking youths pictorial views have all disappeared. Days and nights are no longer easily distinguishable in this city center any time of the day one visits. Pleasantly expansive, the whole Freedom Park has been tarred and street-lit. Equipped with a big hall for restaurants, events arena and a water fountain called the Atewogbeja Water Fountain. There are park seats for people to sit down


and relax, enjoying the undiluted and pure air. The emerging scenery is arresting, even at its stage nearing completion. The park has also been landscaped with lush green grasses and trees to make it environmentally and healthily friendly. The place is equally equipped with a garden and play ground for people around the area, as well as visitors. Besides, the park now serves as veritable venue for rallies, social and political events in the state; very large, accommodative and well-equipped for such occasions. Indeed, the Freedom Park has a hotel for visitors, who want to spend their time entirely within this cosy environment. It serves for other social purposes as motor park for travelers, who did not wish to go in their personal cars. Now it is easier for them to drive into the park and take tickets for the custody and security of their cars by the park management until they return.


nd opposite the park is a motor park to wherever a commuter is going, make this a sort of business district, while still performing the sociorecreational functions. Beyond the intended renewal, beautification, recreation, the Freedom Park creatively attracts people and tourists and serve other commercial purposes that are expected to bring revenues to the coffers of government. It is this new innovation that the government of Aregbesola intends to extend to other eight cities in the state so that wherever a visitor to the state finds him or herself, he or she feels comfortable and finds where to relax and rest. This is a project to change the face of Osun State finally, transforming it into a modern city. Not one, not two, nine cities in the state!

he health benefits of swiss chard are amazing, and include the ability to regulate blood sugar levels, prevent various types of cancer, improve digestion, boost the immune system, reduce fever and combat inflammation, lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, increase bone strength and development, detoxify the body, and strengthen the functioning of the brain. Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable that is scientifically classified as Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla, and it belongs to the family Chenopodiaceae. Swiss chard is actually a common name, but in reality, you can simply call the vegetable ‘chard’. However, for our purposes, we will continue to refer to it as Swiss chard. It is closely related to beets, and actually has the same scientific classification, but beets are usually cultivated for the roots, while Swiss chard is grown for its leaves. Swiss chard has been around cultural diets for many centuries, probably for as long as beets, which go back thousands of years. However, since the two subspecies are so similar, it is difficult to trace the exact lineage or native region of swiss chard. However, it is grown most commonly and easily in the Norther Hemisphere, and is very popular as an ingredient for Mediterranean cooks. The first documented use of chard in cooking was in Sicily. Swiss chard is usually eaten raw in salads, cooked, or sauteed. The bitterness of the raw leaves dissipates when cooked, leaving a soft, delicious flavor, more subtle than spinach, which chard is often mistaken for. But why so much focus on this leafy vegetable, when spinach is more readily available, and provides a number of health benefits? Let’s find out what nutritional content is in swiss chard that makes it so valuable as a dietary staple! Nutritional Value of Swiss Chard The many health benefits attributed to chard are due to its impressive list of vitamins, nutrients, and organic

cellular metabolism that can cause healthy cells to become cancerous. Swiss chard contains significant amounts of vitamin E, C, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, kaempferol, beta-carotene, and quercetin. Many of these have been connected to preventing a wide variety of cancers, specifically colon cancer. one Health: Swiss chard has a significant amount of calcium in those leaves, which means that Swiss chard is a major boost for bone health. Calcium, as well as the other minerals found in this vegetable help to stimulate bone growth and development, including magnesium and vitamin K. Brain Booster: Swiss chard is a valuable source of both potassium and vitamin K, both of which are found in significant amounts in the brain, and are integral parts of boosting cognitive development and abilities. Add some Swiss chard to your diet and expand your mind! Blood Circulation: Iron and copper are both essential elements of red blood cells, and without those two minerals, people can develop anemia, which shows itself as weakness, fatigue, stomach disorders, and lack of concentration. By ensuring a proper amount of red blood cells by eating food like Swiss chard, you can increase circulation of the blood and oxygenation of essential organs within the body. Blood Pressure and Heart Health: The anti-inflammatory and phytonutrient antioxidants found in Swiss chard, along with potassium, all contribute to reducing blood pressure and stress on the cardiovascular system. Some hypertension is due to pro-inflammatory enzymes within the body, which the organic compounds in Swiss chard are able to neutralize. Therefore, Swiss chard protects those who eat it from a variety of conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.


compounds, which include vitamins K, C, and A, as well as vitamin E, riboflavin, and vitamin B6. In terms of minerals, Swiss chard has a wealth of magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, sodium, and copper. Furthermore, in addition to dietary fiber, Swiss chard has a significant amount of polyphenolic antioxidants, phytonutrients, and enzymes that are unique and highly beneficial to your health. Health Benefits of Swiss Chard Manage Diabetes: Perhaps one of the most important benefits of Swiss chard is its ability to regulate the blood sugar levels in our body. Syringic acid is one of the

unique flavonoids found in Swiss chard, and it has a very unusual ability. It inhibits the activity of a specific enzyme named alpha-glucosidase. This means that less cards are broken down to simple sugars, which allows the blood sugar levels in the body to remain stable, and prevent the plunges and peaks that are so dangerous for diabetic patients, or for those people who are at a high risk of developing diabetes. Cancer Prevention: Like many leafy, green vegetables, Swiss chard has anti-cancer properties due to the huge amounts of antioxidants found in it. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which are the dangerous byproducts of



osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

Can Nigeria Be Self-sufficient In Rice Production By 2019?


o many stakeholders, plans by the current administration to make the country self-sufficient in rice production by 2019, though ambitious but doable, given the right political will. Yes, good old rice is one staple food you can’t miss in any home. The reason of course, is not far fetched. With an approximate annual demand of between 5 to 6.4 million metric tons a year, Nigeria ranks among the top 12 rice-consuming countries in the world. However, much of this consumption capacity is largely catered by the importation of rice from other rice-producing countries. Nigeria is currently the second largest importer of rice in the world, and the largest net importer in Africa. Nigeria spends an estimated N356 billion on importation of rice annually, the bulk of which comes from Thailand. Importers are now turning to India for supplies following the recent reentry of that country into the non-basmati rice trade. But what if any, is responsible for the nation’s over-dependence on import? Olufemi Amoo, an agric economics offers a plausible explanation. “The major reason the country is not yet sufficient in rice production is simply because the poor local production is not commensurate with the high consumption pattern,” he said. Expatiating, he said: “For example, Dangote Industries, the largest rice producer in Nigeria, has a landholding of 100,000 hectares, which barely scrapes the tip of the iceberg of Nigeria’s rice needs; even if it is assumed that 9 tons of rice is produced by each hectare of land annually. This means that, although there is a clear deficiency in Nigeria’s rice-production regime, an opportunity in this problem can also be found.” Past Experience Under the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) of the previous administration, tremendous achievement in rice production went beyond what could be wished away as millions of additional metric tons of food were added to local supplies and with rice experiencing a significant increase. Although, the Federal Government also increased the levy paid on imported rice ostensibly to curb importations, with a view to outright ban in a few years, no effort was being made to encourage or develop

are old and won’t be around, but on the other hand, I have grandchildren and when I am gone, there will be pieces of me left and I do not want my country to perish because after I have lived my life and died, I want it to be better.” hief Ogbeh assured that there were to be no policy somersaults in the present government as they were committed to continuing with the E-Wallet /GES scheme, though he lamented the challenges of continuing fertilizer distribution as a result of failure of the states to meet up with the 25 per cent counterpart funding. Private initiative to the rescue One of the local companies that is giving hope to the government’s determined realisation of the self-sufficiency in rice is Pearl Universal Impex Limited, a major importer of rice in the country that has now invested in local rice production and milling in Niger State. The Chairman of the company, Pulkit Jain, disclosed that the company has been a major importer of rice in the country with imports of 350,000 metric •ogbeh tonnes of rice annually in the past, but chose to invest in cultivation local production, just as the rice By ibrahim yusuf and milling of scientifically development fund was not being agricultural products. deployed anywhere. “This can be made possible tested, high yielding varieties But despite the positive effects of only if Nigerians must recognise of rice in order to achieve the the backward integration policy, that agriculture is no longer a Federal Government’s target of following the exit of Adesina as seasonal but an all-year-round achieving self-sufficiency in rice minister of the agric sector, the activity, which must involve production. He said to underline their bureaucrats that took over from every Nigerian, both during the commitment that the company him drafted a new allocation that rainy and dry seasons.” excluded rice producers, and only he minister lamented the in June this year started a pilot favoured rice millers. A situation, f a c t t h a t N i g e r i a w a s scheme to determine the variety millers considered antithetical to importing everything and of rice most suitable to the region their existence and which they denying employment to the over at a 500 hectares of land in Saminaka, a community situated reckoned could lead to a further 100 million youth population. decline in Nigeria’s domestic rice “We are importing palm around Swashi Dam in Borgu production capacity. oil, groundnut oil, fish, and Local Government Council Area. The Pearl Universal Impex’s Buhari’s Strategic Plan for Rice smuggling chicken poisoned Production with formaldehyde, among model, he explained , combines The current administration several others. Nigeria directly a commercial farm with a under President Muhammadu or indirectly has empowered programme that works with Buhari has declared that the foreign economies to take Nigeria nearby farmers, called outnation’s quest for self-sufficiency hostage; and trying to free growers, allowing the company in rice production will soon be ourselves now is a tug of war,” greater control over its product realised going by the by the he said. “Help us tell Nigerians while still leaving room to foster standard and quality of rice that the time has come for all of and train local small-scale farmers in rice production. locally produced, as well as us to get involved.” To this end, Jain revealed that level of commitment and vision Ogbeh expressed delight at demonstrated by local rice the collapse of oil, saying it $100 million (N200 billion) will farmers and millers. would allow Nigeria to focus on be committed to the cultivation of 7,500 hectares of rice farm and T h a n k f u l l y , t h e M i n i s t e r sustainable development. of Agriculture and Rural Ogbeh said: “So we are going construction of two rice mills in D e v e l o p m e n t , C h i e f A u d u to go through some tough times, the state in the next three years. He said the move was Ogbeh, has said Nigeria will be but the truth is we must learn self-sufficient in rice production to produce or perish; there is predicated on the successful rice in three years, if all hands are on no half way out. We can’t keep yield of seven metric tonnes per deck. shifting things around. Where hectare at the trial phase of the The minister assured that are the jobs? Almost 100 million project, adding that the company the Federal Government was Nigerians are below 50; it’s a will now move to another 2000 c o m m i t t e d t o e n d i n g t h e young society and when some hectares of land for cultivation importation of rice and other of us talk about it, they say we •Continued on page 13




editorials from other newspapers

Good News In Hard Times •It is cheering that Lagos has joined the league of oil-producing states T hese are hard and harsh economic times for Nigeria. A culture of waste, indiscipline, mindless corruption as well as lack of planning and vision on the part of the leadership at all levels has made the country a helpless victim of the current drastic fall in the international price of crude oil. Most state governments are unable to pay workers’ salaries and meet other obligations while millions of Nigerians sink deeper into poverty. Yet, despite this inclement situation, there is cause to keep hope alive in the possibilities of a bright future for Nigeria. The revelation, for instance, by the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources and Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Dr Ibe Kachikwu, that the Federal Government is set to commence drilling activities for crude oil in the Chad Basin from the third quarter of this year is good

news in hard times. With the decisive curtailing of the insurgency in the North East that had stalled the project, the minister explained that “a total of 1,962 square kilometres have been acquired and processed, interpretation is currently ongoing at about 90 per cent completion and drilling activities will commence by the last quarter of 2016”. Some of the benefits to accrue to the country from this development, according to the minister, is to increase the nation’s oil and gas reserves, enhance the hydrocarbon potential of the Nigerian inland basin, as well as creating new investment and employment opportunities. Equally heart-warming is the news that Lagos State is set to join the league of oil-producing states in the country. The wholly indigenous owned Yinka Folawiyo Petroleum Company Limited and operator of the Aje field located in Oil Mining Lease 113 offshore Lagos has announced commencement

of crude oil production from the field. After over 25 years of exploratory, appraisal and development activities, the final hook-up procedures are reported to be in progress with a view to bringing the wells into production very soon. The Aje field reportedly has a production capacity of 40,000 barrels of oil per day and storage capacity of 750,000 barrels. Despite the present fall in the price of crude oil in the world market, petroleum and gas will continue to play a key role in the global economy and will remain pivotal to Nigeria’s economy. Yet, these discoveries of petroleum resources in the North and Lagos should not stem our determination to diversify the economy and drastically reduce the country’s overdependence on oil revenues. The lesson should also not be lost on us that it is not really the revenues derived from oil that matters as much as our ability to productively and creatively utilise such funds to expand

•Continued from page 12

more land for cultivation. Jain said the company has challenges in the areas of access road to its farm and also the near- absence of network services for effective communication and the technical know-how of the community. He therefore called on the government to intervene, adding that a support from government in terms access to loans from banks like the Bank of Agriculture and the Bank of Industry (BoI) would greatly help to speed up development in the area. eacting, the new Emir of Borgu, Mohammed Sanni, urged the government to support rice farmers and millers in order to realise the value chain on the commodity, while commending the PJS for the project in his domain. “Many firms came here and indicated interest in thought commitment. This PJS came and indicated stronger commitment and went into action immediately. We want the government to support firms like PJS that goes out of their way to invest in agricultural backward integration policy. This place is very remote/ far from the city, which is more than six hours’ drive from Minna and PJS is ready to do business

here,” the Emir noted with delight. Alhaji Mohammed noted with joy that the villagers have b e n e f i t e d i mm e n s e l y f r o m capacity building of the firm in term of knowledge, High tech in advanced rice farming and handling High tech machines. “We will support the company to consolidate in growth. They will not regret coming this way.” Like Pearl Universal Impex Limited, Rotimi Williams of Kereksuk Rice Farm, the second largest rice production company in country is also doing his bit to ensure that becomes more selfdependent in rice its domestic production capacity. While commenting on what he described as the recent ‘rice revolution’ led by Nigeria’s former Minister for Agriculture and President of the African Development Bank, Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, Williams said the initiative allowed stakeholders in the farming process, from the rice producers to the millers, to benefit from the 2014/2015 rice allocation. He is also convinced that the decision by the Central Bank of Nigeria to plug many of the leakages and loopholes that lead to decreased revenues in the country, especially ban of

osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

and modernise infrastructure as well as promote development and prosperity. Equally critical is the need to address fundamentally the concentration of the ownership and control of mineral resources in the Federal Government. This kind of unitary practice is a mockery of fiscal federalism and constitutes a major obstacle to the economic liberation and development of Nigeria. Apart from petroleum and gas, there are several other valuable mineral resources in virtually all states of the federation that are simply idle and untapped wealth because the states lack the constitutional authority to exploit such resources. It must be noted though that additional sources of revenue can only be beneficial to the vast majority of Nigerians if the current astronomical scale of corruption in the country is drastically curbed. This is why all patriotic Nigerians must fully support the present administration’s war against corruption.

•Culled from The Nation

Can Nigeria Be Self-Sufficient In Rice Production By 2019? this December. Jain added that the firm’s focus will be primarily on dry season farming, as it was easier to manage, even as the company intends to grow rice three times a year on the land. While pointing out that the equipment for the next phase of the project had already been shipped and would berth in the shores of Nigeria any time soon, Jain explained that the company has not spared any effort in training the local farmers on the scientific method of cultivating rice in order to get a better yield, adding that at the moment, there were 100 workers in the company’s employ that have been well trained. Speaking during a visit to the new Emir of Borgu, Mohammed Sanni, the company’s boss commended the new Emir for the harmonious relationship between the company and community. Jain informed the monarch that the local farmers using their leased land for farming purposes had never been forcefully ejected from the place, but that it was a deliberate policy of the company to employ and train them instead of out rightly asking them to give up the land whenever there was the need for the company to use


rice importers from accessing foreign exchange is indeed heartwarming. This situation, according to Williams, is meant to encourage more investment and participation in the domestic production sector. Nevertheless, although such policies are helpful, Williams states that a more thorough understanding of the rice market would help Nigeria yield more in that sector. “The issues of insufficient rice production in Nigeria cannot simply be narrowed down to rice importation,” Williams said. “But a failure to fully understand the rice value chain and address the issues that affect the value chain.” He also holds the view and very strongly too that opportunities exists for Nigeria to take charge of its rice consumption capacity, reveals that if the CBN is willing to address the entire funding of the entire rice value chain, and not just ban the importation of rice, long-term sustainable systems can be formed that will contribute to Nigeria’s rice market and the economy in general.


osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

Job Vacancies In Nigeria

Sales Executive · Kogi, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sector: Sales · Posted by Courierplus Services Limited on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 · Reference: 162946 Job Details Employer: Courierplus Services Limited CourierPlus is a leading logistics and distribution services company established in 2009. We offer a wide array of express courier and logistic support solutions to our various customers. With over 400 highly skilled personnel, we have excellent competencies in striving sectors such as Financial Services, Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Government Agencies, and Oil & Gas/Utilities. We are recruiting to fill this position Candidate Requirements · A graduate Degree in any related field. · With sound field sales experience. · Minimum of 3 years post experience. · Age between 23 - 30. Apply before Saturday, July 9, 2016 - 61 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. ………………………….end…………………….. Sales Executive · Delta, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sector: Sales · Posted by Courierplus Services Limited on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 · Reference: 162944 Job Details Employer: Courierplus Services Limited CourierPlus is a leading logistics and distribution services company established in 2009. We offer a wide array of express courier and logistic support solutions to our various customers. With over 400 highly skilled personnel, we have excellent competencies in striving sectors such as Financial Services, Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Government Agencies, and Oil & Gas/Utilities. We are recruiting to fill this position Candidate Requirements · A graduate Degree in any related field. · With sound field sales experience. · Minimum of 3 years post experience. · Age between 23 - 30. Apply before Saturday, July 9, 2016 - 61 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. …………………………..end……………………. Sales Executive · Lagos, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sector: Sales · Posted by Courierplus Services Limited on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 · Reference: 162950 Job Details Employer: Courierplus Services Limited CourierPlus is a leading logistics and distribution services company established in 2009. We offer a wide array of express courier and logistic support solutions to our various customers. With over 400 highly skilled personnel, we have excellent competencies in striving sectors such as Financial Services, Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Government Agencies, and Oil & Gas/Utilities. We are recruiting to fill this position Candidate Requirements · A graduate Degree in any related field. · With sound field sales experience. · Minimum of 3 years post experience. · Age between 23 - 30. Apply before Saturday, July 9, 2016 - 61 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. …………………end………………… Store Supervisor · Ogun, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sectors: Accounting, Warehousing, Manufacturing, Management, Graduate · Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 · Reference: 162940 Job Details A leading plastic manufacturing company, established over 30 years and based in Sango Ota, Ogun State, requires for immediate employment. a suitably qualified candidate to fill the· vacant position: Candidate Requirements · OND or its equivalent in Accounting with at least 3 years experience in store supervision in the manufacturing sector. · Should possess in-depth knowledge in areas like stock administration, records and control, systems and procedures compliance, dispatches administration and manpower supervision. · Computer literate and versatile, particularly in Microsoft word and excel. · Knowledge of Sap accounting will be an added advantage. · 30-37 years Apply before Tuesday, May 24, 2016 - 15 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. ………………………end…………………….. Administrative Secretary · Lagos, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sectors: Admin, Oil & Gas, Logistics, Management, Graduate · Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 · Reference: 162931 Job Details An Energy Services Company that provides engineering design, procurement, construction and inspection services to Oil & Gas, Power and other sectors seek top quality, dynamic, resourceful and seasoned professionals to join the team. Candidate Requirements · University Degree/HND in the Social Sciences, English/Art or other relevant courses · Have at least one year working experience · Female

· Less than Thirty (30) years of age. Apply before Friday, May 27, 2016 - 18 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. ……………..end………………… Junior Software Developer · Lagos, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sector: Technology · Posted by eHealth on Sunday, May 8, 2016 · Reference: 162327 Job Details Employer: eHealth eHealth Africa is focused on improving healthcare by creating effective ways to implement reliable health information management systems. We have developed eHealth and mHealth solutions that can be rapidly deployed to manage patient information, streamline clinical procedures, and provide data and analysis on health program outcomes. We are recruiting to fill the vacant position: Summary · The Junior Developer is responsible for analysing, designing, developing, implementing, maintaining, re-engineering and troubleshooting customer’s’ applications, whilst working with other team members using established procedures. Duties and Responsibilities To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. Other duties may be assigned: · Ability to solve problems where analysis of data requires evaluation of identifiable factors[2] · Designs solutions attending to both business and technical considerations Participates in the evolution of company level best practices, standards, and policies[3] · Analyzing user requirements, envisioning system features and functionality · Works closely with end users to ensure technical compatibility and user satisfaction. · Collaborates with product owners, team leads and other software developers to plan, design, develop, test, and maintain web- and mobile-based applications · Works on bug fixes and improving application performance Candidate Requirements The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required to successfully perform this job: · Bachelor’s degree from college or university in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems Technology or related field · 1 - 4 years of experience in Software Development or an equivalent of education and experience · Basic knowledge of all aspects of the software development life cycle (e.g. requirements, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and documentation) and associated execution models (e.g. Waterfall, Agile, Iterative Development, etc.). · Familiarity with JavaScript, its module loaders frameworks such as AngularJS and ReactJS · Good understanding of asynchronous request handling, partial page updates, and AJAX · Proficient understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues and ways to work around them · Familiarity with front-end build tools, such as Grunt and Gulp.js · Basic understanding of web markup, including HTML5 and CSS3 · Basic Understanding of accessibility and security compliance · Understanding of the differences between multiple delivery platforms, such as mobile vs desktop, and optimizing output to match the specific platform · Unit test and debugging skills · Understanding of code versioning tools (Git) is a plus Language Ability: · English is the spoken and written language. Reasoning Ability: · Ability to interpret data that is not well defined or documented and develop recommendations based on findings. · Ability to solve practical problems and deal with a variety of concrete variables in situations where only limited standardization exists. Apply before Thursday, July 7, 2016 - 61 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. …………………………end……………………….. Hotel Supervisor · Cross River, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sectors: Admin, Hospitality, Management, Graduate · Posted on Sunday, May 8, 2016 · Reference: 162311 Job Details Our client, from the hospitality industry, is recruiting qualified candidates to fill the vacant position: Responsibilities: · planning and organising accommodation, catering and other hotel services; · promoting and marketing the business; · managing budgets and financial plans as well as controlling expenditure; · maintaining statistical and financial records; · setting and achieving sales and profit targets; · analysing sales figures and devising marketing and revenue management strategies; · recruiting, training and monitoring staff; · planning work schedules for individuals and teams; · meeting and greeting customers; · dealing with customer complaints and comments; · addressing problems and troubleshooting; · ensuring events and conferences run smoothly; · supervising maintenance, supplies, renovations and furnishings; · dealing with contractors and suppliers; · ensuring security is effective; · carrying out inspections of property and services; · ensuring compliance with licensing laws, health and safety and other statutory regulations. Candidate Requirements · The candidate must have a first degree from any reputable university or polytechnic. · Should posses on-the-job experience from any of the four or five star hotels, a minimum of 5-7 years overall hotel experience, with at least 2 years in a supervisory role. Apply before Monday, May 30, 2016 - 23 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. ……………………end……………………...

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Martin Keown: England Need Jack Wilshere, But

Not At Risk Of Injury

go at teams and make things happen. He is certainly the most comfortable midfielder we have at taking the

ball in tight situations, he has got grace when he moves, he is dynamic and he can get a goal. “Roy likes him in the

Martin Keown believes England need Jack Wilshere at the European Championships — but has warned the midfielder he owes it to Arsenal not to risk his long-term career by playing while unfit. The 24-year-old has just returned to action following a leg break m i d f i e l d e r D a n n y on the eve of the season Murphy also backed but has yet to play a full Wilshere to go to France 90 minutes for Arsene and feels even if he is not fit at the beginning of Wenger’s side. W i l s h e r e c a m e o n the tournament, he can for the injured Danny still play his part in any Welbeck in the Gunners’ English success. “His ability is 2-2 draw at Manchester City on Sunday, a result unquestionable,” said •Jack Wilshere has just returned to action for Arsenal which all-but secures Murphy. “He has a real shortly before Euro 2016. a top-three finish for desire to be productive, Wenger’s men. But it was just his second appearance of Monaco had planned to cut short the Colombian the campaign and, after international’s loan deal a career blighted with On-loan Chelsea forward Radamel Falcao has so that he could play ankle injuries, Keown wants all elements of risk said Monaco want him to return to the principality the second half of the to be evaluated before next season in spite of interest from his former club campaign with the Ligue 1 side, who signed him Wilshere is included in River Plate. Falcao, 30, has started also disappointed when from Atletico Madrid Roy Hodgson’s squad. “You have to look just one Premier League h e w a s o n l o a n a t for a reported fee of €60 at it, he hasn’t played game during an injury- Manchester United in million in July 2013. Another injury setback too much football this disrupted season, having the previous campaign. season,” the BBC pundit told Press Association Sport. “If, in any way, his long-term football career is in jeopardy then he shouldn’t be going. Barcelona and Belgium defender Thomas “ H e o w e s t h a t t o Vermaelen has been declared fit ahead of the final calf problem in early April, but has been given Arsenal Football Club La Liga fixture of the season. the medical all-clear and and the way they have Arsenal for €15 million his return is a boost for Vermaelen, 30, has had nurtured him, looked Belgium, especially given unfortunate run of in 2014. after him and cared for an The versatile player national captain Vincent injuries both before and him. after he joined Barca from picked up his most recent Kompany is sure to miss “We are hoping his the summer’s Euro 2016 tournament. career has set sail once The news came in a more and you could look club statement issued at it and say, ‘There is a by the Blaugrana outfit long-term problem and after Monday’s training he isn’t going to get too session. many of these occasions’ “Thomas Vermaelen so why stand in his way? has been given the “Arsene Wenger is medical all clear to return that type of guy who to action,” the statement would let him go and said. “The Belgian has play, he wouldn’t block •Thomas Vermaelen has made 10 La Liga appearances now recovered from the calf injury that has kept him at all, but if there is this season. any sort of recurrence or any problem he has to go back to his club.” Keown reckons Chelsea and to form a Wilshere will be pair with him. I learned champing at the bit to make the cut and feels he a lot by his side. offers something unique Former Chelsea defender Ricardo Carvalho has “Terry was the to Hodgson. said that John Terry was the player he had the best player I had the best “It is great to see understanding with on the pitch during his career. understanding with Carvalho, 37, won him back playing,” things that you feel and during my career. He was Keown added. “He is eight major trophies are difficult to explain. a wonderful talent and playing alongside Terry “It was a pleasure to one of the best centrehas something our other at Chelsea from 2004 to play so many years at backs in the world.” midfielders can only 2010. The Portuguese dream about, he wants centre-back, who started to take the game to the out at Porto and is still opposition, he can see a playing with Monaco, Real Madrid defender Alvaro Arbeloa says pass and travels with the told France Football his team are hoping for help from Granada this ball really well. magazine that Terry weekend to win the Liga title, while admitting “We need him, but we that success in the Champions League final seems was a joy to play with. need him fit as well and more likely at this stage. Granada. “With him, everything he looks well short of Madrid go into their was natural,” Carvalho The former Spain fullthat at the moment but I final La Liga game of back, 33, who received said. “We didn’t need think he is desperate to the season at Deportivo an emotional farewell in go but the right decision to talk during matches. La Coruna on Saturday last weekend’s 3-2 La has got to be taken for his Each of us knew how a point behind leaders Liga win over Valencia, long-term future and I the other was going Barcelona, who will said on radio show El to react in the face of hope that has been taken retain the trophy should Larguero that he and his difficulties created by into account.” they win at already-safe teammates would travel F o r m e r E n g l a n d the opponent. They’re

osun Defender Thursday, May 12, 2016

By Our Sports Man Oluwaseun Ajayi-Obe holding role because he is so comfortable on the ball but I think he can be really creative. “I think it is the right thing to take him because he is so special. I would take a risk with Jack because if he creeps up to fitness when the big games come, he can be the difference, the matchwinner. “He has a big-game mentality and is never in awe of who he plays against, a bit like Steven

Gerrard, Jack Wilshere will not be fazed by a big game and I would take him purely because of that.”

put paid to that idea but Monaco vice-president Vadim Vasilyev said in January that the door was still open for Falcao to return next season. In an interview with Argentine TV channel TyC Sports this week, Falcao confirmed that Monaco want him back

and also said that River Plate had made a late approach to re-sign him in the winter transfer window. “In that moment, all involved, Monaco, Chelsea and myself, we had in mind to continue in Europe,” said Falcao, who played for River between 2005 and 2009. “Then in February, Chelsea told me that I was not going to be counted on as I will not be staying there for the coming seasons. At that stage, when they tried again, it was already too late to return to River.” Falcao said there has also been interest from clubs in Brazil, China and Mexico but he looks certain to return to Ligue 1 next season. “You must understand that when a club like Monaco makes a big investment as they did with me, they want a certain return on that investment,” he said. “At the moment they want me back at the club, for me to play there, they want me for next season, so I see the chance of returning to River as being difficult, as I still have two years of my contract left. At the moment, Monaco’s plan is for me to spend next season with them.”

Monaco Want Me Back Despite River Plate Interest Radamel Falcao:

Thomas Vermaelen Fitness Boost For Barcelona And Belgium

him out since 11 April. “The international defender has played 20 matches so far this season, 15 as a starter, in his second campaign as a Barca player.” Barca’s first team have no training on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and return on Thursday morning to continue preparations for Saturday afternoon’s game at already-safe Granada, where a win will see Luis Enrique’s team retain the Spanish title. The Catalan side also have the Copa del Rey final against Sevilla in Madrid’s Estadio Vicente Calderon on May 22 to look forward to.

Ex-Chelsea Defender Ricardo Carvalho Hails John Terry Partnership •Ricardo Carvalho

Real Madrid’s Alvaro Arbeloa Hoping ‘Friends In Granada’ Upset Barcelona to Riazor believing things could still swing their way. “We can end up champions,” Arbeloa said. “There is a chance and we are focused on winning in Coruna and that our friends in Granada give us a hand.” Blancos coach Zinedine Zidane has said he is not yet thinking about

May 28’s Champions League final against Atletico Madrid in Milan. However, key players including Gareth Bale, Keylor Navas and Luka Modric were not chosen for the Valencia game due to minor niggles and knocks, while topscorer Cristiano Ronaldo was substituted midway through the second half.




Thursday, may 12, 2016

emi Fani-Kayode has been invited by the EFCC on issues bordering on corruption. This invitation signifies the beginning of the former minister’s corruption case; one he knew was clearly coming. The Yoruba are skilled with use of words. Ordinary expression can have a very different meaning, depending on the circumstance. When a person’s name is called and the word ‘Omo’ is sand-witched between the name and the surname, you have to listen. Omo means child and thus Femi omo Fani-Kayode simply means Femi the child of Fani-Kayode. While this may sound ordinary, its significance is for the person (in this case Femi Fani-Kayode) to listen keenly and pay attention for what will follow next should not be taken lightly. The invitation by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission asking Fani-Kayode to appear at the office of the anti-graft commission for an interview on Monday, May 9 may seem harmless but not to someone like Fani-Kayode. In fact, the invitation is deadlier than a viper and if he was given the opportunity t choose between handling the invitation letter or a snake, Fani-Kayode would gladly go for the latter. An invitation by the EFCC to Fani-Kayode to come and discuss his role in the disbursement of the account of a private firm, Joint Trust Dimension Nigeria Limited spells doom. For someone as experienced as Fani-Kayode in the activities of the EFCC, especially in the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, the omen is very bad. Fani-Kayode knew it was coming. He expected it and possibly anticipated it with a mixture of excitement and fear and he had every reason to be. The number of persons invited and grilled by the EFCC under a year has seen the agency transform from a docile face-licking dog to a meat-eating canine. The lesson is clear from a similar invitation by the EFCC to Chief Olisa Metuh. From there, his new home became Kuje Prison and his case is still on. It didn’t help matters that he appeared in court a day after he collapsed possibly under the weight of the trial. A month ago, the EFCC was already rounding-up its investigation on how money was squandered by the PDP from the national treasury during the 2015 general elections. An EFCC investigator revealed that money was paid by the Central Bank Nigeria (CNB) into the account of the Ministry of External Affairs’ Library, from where it was moved into the account of a private firm, Joint Trust Dimension Nigeria Limited. The investigator said the Director of Publicity of the organisation, FaniKayode, received N840 million, which was allegedly paid to him in three tranches. “Fani-Kayode was the chief beneficiary of the disbursement, as he allegedly received a whooping N840

Fani-Kayode’s Long Journey Has Just Started

He has promised to honour the invitation of the EFCC but he was all too aware that the situation was a serious one. Nenadi Usman, a former finance minister, who served as the Director of Finance of the Goodluck Jonathan Campaign Organisation reportedly returned N23 million to the Federal Government after she was arrested by the EFCC, after she claimed to have received N2.5 billion from the central bank. She claimed she was unaware the campaign fund was tax payer’s money. Through the Joint Trust Dimension Limited account she managed, Usman said Fani-Kayode was paid N840 million through the same account. hief O l u F a l a e , t h e Chairman of the Social Democratic Party, and Rashidi Ladoja, also allegedly received N100 million each through the said account. Whether he is looking forward to Monday or wish it will take forever to come, the truth is that he is in a deep well. Fani-Kayode is a vocal critic of the Buhari administration and he has always pointed accusing finger at the ruling party of selective investigation and witch-hunting. Whether this is true or not is a discussion for another day but at the moment, Fani-Kayode joins a list of politicians, whose activities have caught the fancy of the EFCC, hence the need to have a table interview. If the current administration is really investigating only PDP members, this is really bad but it does not rule out the question of whether those or being investigated are guilty of corruption and financial crime or not. The defence of “I am guilty but the other person is also guilty” is a lame one. It doesn’t make the former less guilty or more dignified than the latter. What it means is that your own time has come and hopefully, the other person’s time will come too. Fani-Kayode is innocent until proven guilty but the road to proving his innocence is a long rough one and the journey officially began on Monday. Femi omo Fani-Kayode, the hour has finally come and the journey has started. Fill your vehicle with enough fuel and pack a lot of food and water. Do not forget to tighten your seat belt too. The journey has only just started.



million, paid in three tranches into his Zenith Bank, Maitama branch account with number 1004735721. “The first tranche of payment involving N350 million hit the account on February 19, 2015. Another N250 million was also paid into the account on February19, 2015, while N240 million was similarly credited to the account a month later; precisely, March 19, 2015. “The balance in this account as of December 31, 2015 was N189, 402.72,” the source explained. At that time, Fani-Kayode must have known the noose was tightening and it was only a matter of time before the EFCC invited him for an interview. Two weeks ago, Fani-Kayode published a long detailed explanation on how fund he received as the Director of Media of the President Goodluck Jonathan campaign were disbursed. n the article, he claimed he asked where the money was from and was told it was from money raised by supporters of Jonathan. “I made a point of asking what the


By omotayo yusuf source of the funds in this account were and I was told by the Director of Finance that the funds were sourced from private individuals and private companies, who opted to support and fund President Jonathan’s campaign. She told me that no money was paid into her company from any government official, account or agency. This she told me in the presence of witnesses and I believed her. I was told that there was a fundraising event held by our party (PDP) which took place in early January 2015 in which billions of naira was raised specifically for the presidential campaign.” Shared on Twitter: “Our funds were given to us by the President, who was the leader of our party through the Director of Finance of the PCO and we were not in a position to inquire into the sources of funding of the party’s campaign. Indeed, it was not our responsibility to do so.” Fani-Kayode would have been shocked if the EFCC had not invited him for an interview and it will be fair to assume he is prepared for his defence.

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank GTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun. All correspondence to the Managing Editor, Kola Olabisi, Telephone: 08033927286 (kolaolabisi@yahoo.com); Editor, KAYODE AGBAJE, Telephone: 0803-388-0205, E-mail:

osundefenderbank@gmail.com, kayodeagbaje@yahoo.com. ISSN: 0794-8050.Website: www.osundefender.org.

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