Osun defender may 7, 2016 edition

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www.osundefender.org Saturday, May 7, 2016


Front Page Comment

VOL. 11. NO.045

Ogbeni’s commendable move on Cocoa production

Not given to wasting time on making moves that will accelerate development and have quick positive impact on the people, it would appear

that Ogbeni Aregbesola is the first, yet again, to swiftly respond to the call for the diversification of the economy which our present economic crisis demands.

In his characteristic self - of quickly looking for solution in the face of crisis - the visionary Ogbeni wasted no time in resuscitating the moribund Cocoa Production Industry

(CPI) in Ede, state of Osun, with a view to making Osun hub of cocoa production in the country. This is a commendable step. At this critical stage of our history as a nation the

solution to resuscitating our economic crisis brought about by the gross mismanagement of the proceeds from our monolithic economic mainstay (oil) by those on


whose hands providence had placed the destiny of this country, lies in diversification of the economy; with emphasis on agriculture. ...Continued on page 6

Sad Tale From Osun PDP Cancelled Congress:

Ex-minister Adesiyan Escapes Mob Action - See Story On Page 2

•His Police Aides Escape To Different Directions

•(R-L) Wife of the President, Mrs Aisha with wife of the State of Osun Governor, Mrs Sherifat Aregbesola, during the flag-off ceremony of free health screening for women by Mrs Buhari at Loyola College, Ibadan, Oyo State, recently.

Aregbesola, Ooni Advocate Youths Empowerment Programmes To Expand Nigerian Economy - Pg 3

osun Defender Saturday, May 7, 2016



Ex-minister Adesiyan Escapes Mob Action •His Police Aides Escape To Different Directions


he now cancelled ward congress of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the State of Osun did not go without some ugly sides to its conduct and outcome as some of its chieftains still have bitter tales to tell of their experiences. Minister of Police Affairs, The immediate-past Alhaji Jelili Adesiyan,

had the worst beating of his life, as the members of the youth wing of his ward at Odeomu in Ayedaade Local Government Council Area of the State of

Osun descended on him like a pack of wolves demanding his blood. According to OSUN DEFENDER findings, Adesiyan had, days to the congress, arranged

for several dozens of chairs to be brought to the venue of the congress for use by the party members. Oblivious of what the people planned against him, Adesiyan was gathered to have

•(L-R) State of Osun deputy governor, Otunba (Mrs) Grace Titi Laoye-Tomori; wife of the Minister of Solid Minerals, Mrs Bisi Fayemi; the celebrant, wife of Ogun State governor, Mrs Olufunsho Amosun; wife of State of Osun Governor, Mrs Sherifat Aregbesola and wife of Lagos State governor, Mrs Ambode at the 50th birthday ceremony of Mrs Amosun in Abeokuta, Ogun State, last Tuesday.

Exercise Your Freedom With Responsibility - NAWOJ Tasks Journalists


he Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) has urged journalists to always exercise their freedom with sense of responsibility. National Secretary of In a press statement the Association, Mrs j o i n t l y s i g n e d b y Ify Omowole and Ladi the President and the B a l a r e s p e c t i v e l y t o

commemorate World Press Freedom Day, which was marked on Tuesday, while congratulating the media practitioners, the release posited that Nigeria is one of the countries in Africa

Embrace New LGs - Babalola Tells Osun People


esidents of the State of Osun have been urged to embrace the newly-created Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs), while appropriate equipment and manpower would be put to use for the services and development of each The Chairman, State market places, and that community. Local Government Com- there are ongoing plan mission, Elder Peter Ba- to have structures at the balola, made this known newly created LCDAs, d u r i n g u n s c h e d u l e d while those yet to have visits by the Chairman, structure will share exhis Commissioners, Per- isting ones with their manent Secretary of the mother LCDAs. Babalola, who emphaCommission, Mr. Isaac Dayo Olaluwoye and sized that working hours other Directors to some still remain between of the LCDAs in the state. 8.00am to 4.00pm, also He affirmed that all got a verbal undertaking members of staffs of the of assurance from the LCDAs should be punc- staff on their availability tual, active at work and at work at all times. He also implored the loyal to their employer, which is the State Gov- staff to live up to expectation and he as well urged ernment of Osun. He also charged the the NULGE executives to LCDAs staff on the need note that since election is to intensify effort to en- over, they should resume sure increase in their In- work fully and remove ternally Generated Rev- their campaign posters enue (IGR), maintaining and banners placed at the clean and hygienic envi- councils secretariat. He stated that the state ronment, particularly at

government has partnered with some consultants to report to the government its visit to all the LCDAs and report on its findings, and that anyone found wanting will be sanctioned. The Chairman, elucidating again the importance of timely revenue drive for development, cited Irewole Local Government Council as an example, where he called on the Works Department to assist the government by cutting the cost of repair of faulty equipment to the minimum, so that they could be put to judicious use in the overall benefit of the communities. He reiterated that the era of excessive billing is over, hence the need to be realistic and cost effective on the materials needed for repairs, so as to be of service to the people and their communities.

By sola jacobs and indeed in the world, of the journalists does where press is relatively not intend to erode the free:, stressing that the function of the media Freedom of Information as the fourth estate of Act lays credence to the the realm, as they must continue to act as checks fact. It however cautioned to all politicians and t h a t P r e s s F r e e d o m holders of any public must be exercised with office. It therefore called on caution and sense of government at all levels responsibility. The release posited to desist from all forms t h a t a l t h o u g h t h e r e of clampdown on media, are certain gray areas as such will amount to that still needed to be gagging of the press. More so, the release addressed in the Freedom appealed to private media of Information Bill. owners to take the welfare It stated further that of their employees as it is imperative that germane, though the journalists draw the line current economic lull between press freedom bites harder on all sectors and rascality. of the nation’s economy. It continued that It also admonished the it is more important National Assembly to that journalists engage ensure that the Frivolous more in developmental Petition Bill, which had j o u r n a l i s m t h a n passed second reading, journalism of discord, should not be passed as they will gain nothing with any clause that will by setting regions against gag the press in any way. each other. “However, we gain much reporting solutions, innovations, economics and development.” The association stated that the call for responsibility on the path

arrived the venue of the congress with high hopes of having all his candidates sweeping all the positions available having spent a fortune on them. Using his former position as a Police Affairs Minister, he was gathered to have mobilized enough police personnel to provide security for the conduct of the party election. Basking in the confidence of having security in place, he was reported to have started talking down on all in attendance, while promising to use his position to punish whoever would not support his candidates. It was at this stage that some of the youths started protesting his total disrespect for the elders in attendance and told him to list the number of those who benefitted from his tenure as Police Affairs Minister in the last President Goodluck Jonathan administration. “What did you bring as your own contribution to the development of Odeomu when you were in Abuja,” interjected one of the youths in attendance. This was reported to have infuriated the former minister, who reportedly called the young man a bastard, therefore, preparing ground for a free for all. It was at this stage that the former minister directed his police aides to pack the chairs, since he was the one that bought them for the party. Before any of the party leaders in attendance could prevail on the youths on the need to give peace a chance and iron out the issue amicably, the youths launched an attack on the former minister, tearing his clothes into shreds and broke all the windows and the windscreen of 2015 model of his Nissan Infinity SUV. “But for the intervention of the Divisional Police Officer in the area that quickly ferried Adesiyan to safety, he could have been history by now, as all his police aides just vanished into the thin air after trouble started for the embattled minister,” the source stated.



osun Defender Saturday, May 7, 2016

Aregbesola, Ooni Advocate Youths Empowerment Programmes To Expand Nigerian Economy By kehinde ayantunji overnor of the State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, has pledged his administration’s commitment to continuously make life more abundant for the people with adequate provision of social amenities. A r e g b e s o l a a l s o continue to prioritize the d i s c l o s e d t h a t h i s welfare of youths, who he administration would described as foundation


of governance. He made the pledge while addressing participants at a symposium organized by the Adulawo Nigeria Network Limited, at the Conference Centre, Obafemi Awolowo

University, Ile-Ife. The governor, who was represented by Coordinating Director, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Youth Engagement, Dr. Isaac Oluwabukola Aluko, said current administration always consider the plight of the youths in its programmes and policies.

•State of Osun Deputy governor, Otunba (Mrs) Grace Titi Laoye-Tomori, signing the condolence register. With her is the widow of the deceased, Mrs Janet Oyelami, during the Deputy Governor’s condolence visit to the family of the late Prophet Gabriel Oyelami (Popularly called Baba Alasepe) at their residence last Monday.

Aregbesola said all his policies and programmes had been youth-oriented, saying the swift intervention of his government on agriculture, education, security among others over the years had yielded positive impacts in the lives of the citizens. He said: “We appreciate this programme because it is in line with our social intervention on the general well-being of our youths, which our government considered as pillar of good governance. “Our administration has generated mass employment through our programmes and policies; our focus is to enrich common man and as well create wealth for the state. “We have recorded landmark achievements in jobs generation and wealth creation through our numerous youth intervention programmes; Osun Youths Empowerment Scheme (O’YES), Osun Rural Enterprises and Agricultural Programme (O’REAP), Osun Schools

Veteran Journalist, Bisi Bamigbetan, F o r Burial Today


he remains of the late veteran journalist and founding member of the National Association of Women Journalists, Madam Bisi Bamigbetan, will be laid to rest today in her home town, Ile-Ife. A s t a t e m e n t b y Modakeke before she Kehinde Bamigbetan, on w a s a d m i t t e d t o S t behalf of the family, said Anne’s, Grammar School, the funeral rites will begin Ibadan for her secondary on Friday with Christian education. wake and tributes at the “She excelled in sports, Reverend Ogunbanjo representing the Western M e m o r i a l A n g l i c a n Region in the Junior High Church, Mokuro, Moore Jump, Hurdles and Relay Quarters, Ile-Ife. teams. Her racing speed “Saturday will mark was so terrific that sports the final home-call. The journalists named her burial service will take “the antelope”. place at the St. Paul’s She later completed her A n g l i c a n C h u r c h , education at the Baruwa A i y e g b a j u , I l o d e Secretarial School with Quarters, Ile- Ife, State expertise in secretarial of Osun and internment s t u d i e s i n c l u d i n g will hold later at church shorthand. cemetery, while reception “This sk ill helped will follow at Nathan to secure her a job at Hall along Ilesa Road, Scandinavian Shipping Opa, Ile-Ife. Company, Apapa and “Born to the late Gabriel facilitated her admission Olaobaju Bamigbetan, an to the London School Inspector of Education of Journalism, United and Adesola, a teacher, K i n g d o m . A f t e r her education through graduation, she worked s e v e r a l s c h o o l s w a s with the London Titidictated by the frequent Bits newspaper and the transfer of her father. British Broadcasting “ S h e s t a r t e d h e r Corporation and later primary education at returned to the country S t P a u l ’ s A n g l i c a n to work with the defunct School in Ile-Ife and Daily Sketch and New finished at St Stephen’s N i g e r i a n K a d u n a . Anglican Primary School, Other newspapers she

worked for include the Daily Graphic and The Crusader, in Ghana. “To further her skills, she attended several fellowships and seminars including the International Federation of Journalists - sponsored fellowship, in Brussels, Belgium. It is on record

By kehinde ayantunji that though she was Fam, a pharmaceutical the only African and company, at various female journalist in the times. Committed to media fellowship, she received the award as the Best e n t e r p r i s e , M a d a m Bamigbetan invested in Student. Her media practice newspaper distribution from mid -70’s to late included public relations 80’s and later retired for the corporate sector. to religious works by S h e w a s t h e P u b l i c completing a course in Relations Officer for the theology and supporting Ibru Organisation, G.N.A many Christian missions. Hamza and Adejumo

Infrastructural Development Programme (O’Schools), Osun Elementary Schools Feeding and Health Programme (O’Meals), among others, are basically designed to eradicate unemployment in the state. “Our government’s resolve is to transform minds for better productivity and as well strengthen the economic value chain for greater development of our state. Earlier, the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, stressed the need for Nigerian government to prioritize the welfare of the youths in the implementation of its policies. Oba Ogunwusi, who advocated promotion of local products, called on the government to condemn medical tourism, which has become rampant among the elites, saying foreign patronage has constituted serious burden on the nation’s economic growth. The royal father said the only way to liberate the country from its present socio-economic, political and security challenges is for government to urgently intervene in the growing rate of unemployment in the country by providing jobs for the jobless. In his remarks, the Convener of the Adulawo Nigeria Network Ltd and CEO, Adulawo Institute, a division of the American Heritage Defense Corporation, Professor James Ayinde Fabunmi, who lamented the alarming rate of unemployment in the country, said the time has come for Nigerian government to deploy necessary mechanism capable of banishing unemployment in the country.

Group Organises Free Eye Treatment For 606 People N o fewer than 606 people suffering from various eye defects have benefited from the free eye treatment organized by a NonGovernmental Organisation (NGO), the Forum for Nation Builders and Social Development(NBSD). The group engaged Speaking with t h e s e r v i c e o f our correspondent ophthalmologists to on Wednesday, the conduct eye screening, C h a i r m a n o f t h e administer drugs and eye p l a n n i n g c o m m i t t e e glasses to the beneficiaries for the programme, Mr of the programme. Babajide Bewaji, stated A b o u t 3 3 0 p e o p l e that the NBSD resolved b e n e f i t t e d f r o m t h e to organize the free eye Osogbo phase of the treatment because of the programme, which was prevalence of eye-related held on March 24, while problems in the state. 276 people gained from According to Bewaji, the Ilesa edition, which t h e p r o g r a m m e w a s was held last Thursday. part of the group’s Of the 606 beneficiaries, social responsibilities 333 people were given eye and basically to assist glasses, while others were the less-privileged, who given drugs for free. are suffering from eyes

By ismaeel uthman contribute in one way defects. He stated that health o r t h e o t h e r t o t h e matters should not development of our be left to government society. “That is why we alone, hence the group decided to give back to resolved, after we had the community through o r g a n i s e d e c o n o m i c the programme, even s u m m i t l a s t y e a r as he lamented what he December, to provide described as lackadaisical free eye treatment for our attitude of people to people who are suffering from one eye defect or the health matters. Bewaji disclosed that other. We are doing this the free eye treatment because of the prevalence would also hold in Iwo on of eye problems ravaging May 19, for Iwo Federal our society. “Many people have Constituency residents. The Convener of the lost their sights to little group, Mr Ayo Odeyemi, eye challenges, due to said: “Nation building poverty, lack of awareness is a patriotic move that and enlightenment on eye everybody must key issues generally. We want into. Everything must to assist the people on not be left to government. the maintenance of their Everybody, especially sights.” the wealthy ones, must



osun Defender Saturday, May 7,

Free Press, Necessity for Democracy, Good Governance - NUJ President


free and friendly environment has been described as the ingredients to stimulate the growth of democratic principles and ensure good governance in Nigeria. This was disclosed the views of the populace b y t h e P r e s i d e n t o f to government. “You are wellthe Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Mr positioned to give a W a h e e d O d u s i l e , a t voice to the voiceless, by this year’s World Press echoing the concerns of Freedom Day organised the people to government by the Public Affairs and the private sector Section of the United and by shedding light on States Consulate General the actions and inactions of the government in Lagos. According to him, a n d t h e p r i v a t e a free press is at the sector. You contribute absolute core of equitable t o t r a n s p a r e n c y , development, because if accountability, and good you cannot enfranchise governance. Keep up poor people, if they the good work and probe do not have a right to deeper to strengthen your expression, if there is no democracy. “For a democracy searchlight on corruption and inequitable practices, to thrive, there has to you cannot build the be transparency and public consensus needed accountability and a free press and civil society to bring about change. He added that free shoulder the burden of press could be seen, holding governments identified and regarded responsible for their as the bedrock, footing action or inaction. In a n d b a s e o f g o o d the United States, we governance, peace and passed the Freedom of Information Act in July national prosperity. O d u s i l e h o w e v e r 1966, which went into stated that free press is effect the following year. “Countries that not enough to guarantee g o o d g o v e r n a n c e i f have adopted a FOIA practitioners’ welfare understand its value in is not given deserved a democratic society and priority, saying such the citizens are more situation will jeopardise informed. I am aware that whatever freedom the you and your colleagues have been trying hard to press may enjoy. The NUJ President make use of the FOIA that then called on media Nigeria adopted in 2011. owners to be alive to their I encourage you to persist responsibilities towards until the law is enforced, their employees, with i n c l u d i n g p r e s s i n g a view to providing an hard for amendment to enabling environment for strengthen the law. “Freedom of the profession to thrive. In his remark, the i n f o r m a t i o n i s a l s o United States Consul closely linked to free and G e n e r a l , J o h n B r a y , neutral internet policy, said journalists have which the United States r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s t o advocates strongly. The t h e p e o p l e a n d t h e advent of the internet government, by exposing has changed the way we the excesses of those in live, study, and work. government and convey

The ever-changing technology has also produced unimaginable global opportunities. We have seen unprecedented innovation and growth driven by online activities. Education,

entrepreneurship, healthcare, and good governance are accelerated by access to the Internet,” he said. He then urged journalists and Nigerians to protect free press

he Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) has warned block moulders against inferior products, to minimise building collapse in the country. application, usage Mrs Mojisola Kehinde, o f c e m e n t a n d t h e t h e S O N ’ s R e g i o n a l interpretation of Nigerian C o o r d i n a t o r , S o u t h - Industrial Standard for West, gave the warning Sandcrete blocks. at a workshop organised Kehinde said, SON for members of Blocks w o u l d c o n t i n u e t o and Sandcrete Products collaborate with relevant Producers Association, in s t a k e h o l d e r s i n t h e Osogbo, the State of Osun building industry to capital. curb incessant building According to her, if collapse in the country. block which is an integral “One may want to know parts of a building is why we are focusing on well-moulded with other block moulders; without components produced mincing word, housing with the right quality, the is a critical human needs, issue of building collapse aside from food and will be minimised. clothing. She said, the workshop “While block is also would sensitise the block a m a j o r i n p u t i n t o m o u l d e r s o n p r o p e r housing and the need

the country. Today,

osun Defender Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ogbeni’s commendable move on Cocoa production




There is no any other alternative than to toe this line - diversification - if we are to get out of this quagmire which we have brought on our heads by our own profligacy. It’s unfortunate that we have to learn our lesson in a hard way. But we just have to accept the reality of our situation. For our case is synonymous with the case of the one who fails to plan. And as we know anyone that fails to plan surely only plans to fail. This has been an incontestible fact from time immemorial.

•Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo (right), receiving FCT Chiefs of Islamic Clerics at State House, Abuja recently.

Robbery Attack: Oyintiloye Appeals For Improved

Security In Constituency T he lawmaker representing Obokun State Constituency in the State of Osun House of Assembly, Honourable Olatunbosun Oyintiloye, has appealed for the deployment of Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) in his constituency by the police authority to strengthen security in the area. He made the request bank on December 15, sequel to the purported 2015. In a letter to the plan by the management of the Wema Bank PLC to State Commissioner of relocate outside Ibokun Police, copies of which due an armed robbery were made available to incident that raided the journalists, Oyintiloye

Building Collapse: SON Warns Block Moulders

Against Poor Quality T

By SHINA ABUBAKAR and internet neutrality your profession is by far throughout the country. better positioned to make “Protect a free press significant contributions and a neutral internet on behalf of the voiceless in your country. The compared to the early Nigerian people will years of democracy in rely on you to offer them your country,” the consul objective information on major issues that impact added.


By kAZEEM MOHAMMED t o s t a n d a r d i z e t h i s as it relates to building important aspect of our collapse, prompted the essentials is obviously organisation to organise this workshop. important. “It is aimed at “SON has the mandate to elaborate, implement s e n s i t i s i n g o u r and enforce standards, stakeholders on the need so as to attain the highest to imbibe the culture level of service delivery of producing quality sandcrete products to and product quality.” In his remarks, Mr reduce building collapse Sunday Badewole, the in the country.” in his remarks, SON’s State Coordinator, A lEarly haji Abdul Rasak said the workshop was Siyanbola, the Chairman organised to address of Blocks and Sandcrete the gaps that have been P r o d u c t s P r o d u c e r s identified in building Association, said the collapse. workshop would assist Badewole said the the association to continue w o r k s h o p w o u l d to maintain standard in provided the participants block-moulding. the much-needed “If not for SON, many knowledge and ideas that of us will be doing this would improve on their job without knowing production techniques. what is called standard,” “ H a p p e n i n g i n Siyanbola said. the construction industry, particularly

By kAZEEM MOHAMMED said since the incident, owners were moving the bank has not re- out of the town and opened for operation, t h e c o n s e q u e n c e o f w h i l e s o m e o t h e r this development is business owners were the crippling of the relocating outside the economy of the town town. and its environs,” the According to him, the letter stressed. people of the area are Oyintiloye however still living in fear, noting noted that “except in that their confidence f a r a w a y O s o g b o , in security protection the state capital and needed to be restored. Iragbiji, Boripe Local The letter read: “While Government Council the investment of the Area,” the Wema Bank State Government of in Ibokun was the only Osun under Governor bank situated in the area Rauf Aregbesola on that the people can easily security, especially in the access. procurement of APCs, is He noted that the well-appreciated, I want relocation of the bank to appeal to the State would not only damage Police Command for the the economy of the area, deployment of one of the APCs to Ibokun to beef it would increase the level of risk that people up security. “There is also the need would be exposed to to increase the level of when they are forced to patrol of the men of travel far for financial the command to boost transactions. The lawmaker then confidence of the people. “I must also point out c h a r g e d t h e p o l i c e that since the armed command to strengthen robbery incident, the t h e s e c u r i t y i n t h e management of Wema constituency with a Bank, which was the view to giving financial main victim of the attack, institutions and business was yet to re-open for owners confidence to operate. business operation. “Also, findings have shown that the management of the bank was planning to relocate outside Ibokun, where they feel their security will be more guaranteed. “Some other business

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Throughout the time that rain of money was pouring heavily on our land by virtue of heavy proceeds from crude oil we failed to utilise the money by building infrastructure and establishing industries to provide employment for the youths. Rather we engaged in profligacy of the highest order while humongous corruption - as epitomised by the Jonathan administration - became the order of the day. Now we are paying heavily for our lack of planning. But this is no time to lament. Rather the situation demands thinking

outside the box with a view to providing solution to our present precarious condition. And as we have collectively agreed - at least in principle - our solution lies in promoting agriculture over and above our dependence on oil. This is the way to go and this is why we are happy that the ilk of Ogbeni Aregbesola are not wasting time in this regard. Aregbesola has taken the bull by the horn by embarking on aggressive revival of the agric sector. Like he said Osun will very soon become the hub of cocoa production in the


country. By the time this vision is realised Osun economy will bounce back and there will be enough to continue the provision of dividends of democracy for the people of the state. We believe it can be achieved. We must not forget that all the feats that Chief Obafemi Awolowo recorded as a Premier of western region were achieved with the proceeds from cocoa. All the giant strides he recorded were made possible with the money realised from cocoa as oil had not been discovered when the late

sage ran the affairs of western region. Till date Chief Awolowo’s government still remains the best example in referring to good governance and pro-people government in this part of the world. Thus if Awolowo could record such giant achievements with cocoa, then it’s high time we started cocoa production on a massive scale towards resuscitating our economy especially in the South-West here. The avatar had shown us the way, the ball is now in our court.

We commend Ogbeni Aregbesola for quicklyresponding to what our present unpalatable situation requires. We hope other state governors too will follow suit. There is no time to waste. To waste time is to wallow for long in our present quagmire and that’s dangerous for the future. Only agriculture can provide a long term solution to our problem. Kudos to Ogbeni!


Publisher – Moremi Publishing House Ltd. Managing Editor – Kola Olabisi (0803-392-7286) Editor

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– Sola Jacobs – Kazeem Mohammed

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osun Defender Saturday, May 7, 2016



Pension Scheme, Origin And Benefits Mecca: Untold Story Of The Biggest Clock Ever Built Being the text of Pension Lecture at OSBC on April 29, 2016 delivered by Aderinola Ogunlaja of Leadway Pension, Ibadan, Oyo State.


narguably, the process of entrenching a pragmatic and sustainable pension scheme in Nigeria has been challenging. Successive colonial and post-colonial administrations had come up with various schemes as part of efforts to fashion out a sustainable pension system for both public and private sectors’ workers. The first public sector pension scheme in Nigeria was the Pension Ordinance of 1951, which retroactively took effect from January 1, 1946. The law allowed the GovernorGeneral to grant pensions and gratuities in accordance with the regulations, which were reviewed from time to time with the approval of the Secretary of State for Colonial Affairs in the United Kingdom government. Under the 1951 Pension Ordinance, public service workers were entitled to pension after 10 years of service. However, although pensions and gratuities were provided for in the Ordinance, they were not a right as they could be reduced or withheld altogether, if it was established to the satisfaction of the Governor General that the officer was found guilty of misconduct, negligence, irregularity, among others. Besides, the first private sector pension scheme in Nigeria was set up in 1954, for employees of the Nigerian Breweries , which was followed by United African Company (UAC) in 1957. To accommodate the interest of nonpensionable private sector employees, the National Provident Fund (NPF) was established in 1961. Under the NPF, both employees and employers contribute N4 on monthly basis to the scheme, which provided for a one-off lump sum benefits for retirees. To address the challenges associated with the various pension schemes, the Pension Act No.102 was instituted in 1979, followed by the Armed Forces Pension Act No. 103. In 1987, the Police and other Government Agencies Pension scheme were also established under Pension Act No.75 of 1987. In 1987, the Local Government Staff Pension Board was established to take care of pension matters among local government employees. Apparently dissatisfied with the operations of the various pension schemes, the National Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) was set up in 1993. To further address the problems of delay usually experienced by pensioners in accessing their entitlements due to the non-contributory nature of previous pension schemes, the Federal Government came up with a new pension reform in 2004. The reform facilitated the passage into law of the Pension Reform Act 2004 and the establishment of the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS), which is a uniform pension system for both the public and private sectors. Similarly, for the first time in the history of the country, a single authority, the National Pension Commission (PenCom) was established to regulate and supervise all pension matters in the country. The scheme is being managed by licensed Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs), while the custody of the pension fund assets are provided by licensed Pension Fund Custodians (PFCs). However, 10 years down the line, economic analysts believe that the scheme has been successful as it has become a model for most African countries.

of investment opportunity, where we are doubly sure the pension fund can actually be invested and they can also realise the money because that is the essence of investment. “You don’t invest to lose your capital; you invest to actually get adequate return on your investment. “Even in terms of road infrastructure, the economic viability of the roads in the South South zone is being linked up by Akwa Ibom. “So, we can actually earmark some of these for the investors to come under the PPP (public private partnership) model. “We, as a state government, will also be interested in taking up some equity,” he said. he governor, however, advocated the setting up of an institution that would ensure proper and accurate remittance of pension contributions. “Once you set up strong institutions, those things are mere administrative. “We are after building those strong institutions, so that processes and procedures can actually run normally. “So, set up strong institutions and things will happen - policies, procedures and processes will actually run,’’ he said. Echoing same viewpoints, Mr Gerard Lyons, a British Economist and Chief Economic Adviser to Mayor of London, urged Nigeria to invest some portion of its pension assets in infrastructure. Gerard stressed the need for the emergence of a stream of infrastructure projects in the country, noting that the country should focus on hard, soft and institutional infrastructure, which in turn would help address social infrastructure. “Hard infrastructure opportunities include broadband and transport, such as road and rail, as well as housing and energy,” he said. He explained that soft infrastructure entailed building the skills and the education needed, while institutional infrastructure was linked to openness and transparency. Gerard said that the building of strong institutions would usher in confidence enabled growth that would create greater investment stability and ultimately lead to the entrenchment of rules and regulations. The British economist said that Nigeria should be proud of the progress made by PenCom since the introduction of the Contributory Pension Scheme. He said that it was important for Nigeria to continue to build on the progress, while embracing change in other areas as it was planning for the future. “Regionally, Africa is globalising at a fast pace and I think ‘Pan Africanism’ may become a more common future term, capturing the mood of the time. “In this context, Nigeria can assume a greater regional role as it is already doing in West Africa,” Gerard said. Nonetheless, critics of the Contributory Pension Scheme have advised the operators of the scheme to fully comply with the provisions of the Pension Act. They specifically insist on compliance which requires the payment of 50 per cent of a pensioner’s entitlement upon retirement, provided such a pensioner attained the mandatory retirement age of 60 years. Such critics also frowned at the unnecessary delay in the payment of pension entitlements to retirees. They further want the government to take a holistic look at the Pension Act, to enable pensioners to benefit from the interests accruing from pension fund investments.

T •NGIGE: Labour Minister. This, they note, informs the decision by the World Pension Summit Group to allow Nigeria to host the summit for two consecutive times. Interestingly, the National Pension Commission (PenCom), which manages the scheme, says the fund has accumulated over N5 trillion in the last 10 years. Addressing the second edition of the World Pension Summit, Africa Special, held recently in Abuja, PenCom’s Director-General, Mrs Chinelo AnohuAmazu, said that the summit with the theme: “Building Sustainable Pension Systems in Africa,” was designed to bring up practical and enduring strategies for pension fund regulation in the continent. She said that sustainable pension systems in Africa were reflective of the emerging consensus of the continent on the need to institutionalise a robust pension system. Anohu-Amazu said that the aim of the summit was to evolve measures to tackle the plethora of development challenges that plagued Africa in the 21st Century. She said the summit was also in line with the multilateral paradigm shift of promoting sustainable development goals within the institutional framework of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Anohu-Amazu said that the summit would discuss the most appropriate strategies for leveraging pension funds in the continent to boost the execution of critical infrastructure projects. The director-general said that infrastructure development, undoubtedly, remained a key enabler of sustainable development in Africa. She said that the current rapid increase in the size of pension funds in the continent had provided a rare opportunity for multi-sectoral collaboration in bridging Africa’s infrastructure deficit. She said that the summit would focus on the long-term sustainability of pension systems in Africa. “This summit shall facilitate the setting out of economic pre-conditions and initiatives that are needed for longer-term growth, as well as to foster poverty eradication,’’ she said. According to her, it is important for regulators to consider issues of unemployment, diseases, poverty and climate change in designing their

pension regulatory framework. Anohu-Amazu said that the pension industry recognised the creation of long-lasting return on pension assets. She explained that the recognition was dependent on transparent, predictable and well governed environmental and economic systems that were underpinned by clearly defined prudential regulatory guidelines. The Director-General said that pension managers all over the globe were changing their mandates to reflect considerations of sustainable investment and growth. ccording to her, the PenCom is committed to mainstreaming sustainability strategy and practice in the discharge of its statutory functions. Anohu-Amazu said that the summit had initiated the Africa Pension Award (APA) for the 2015 edition. She said that the award would seek to, among other things, identify excellence, highlight sustainable achievements and engender home-grown development of African pension industry. According to her, it would create an opportunity for African countries to share experiences on best practices in the development of their respective pension industries, while fostering positive local and global perceptions. Sharing similar sentiments, the Chairman of World Pension Summit, Mr Erick Eggink, said that the pension summit was meant to inculcate relevant knowledge of pension administration in pension professionals in Africa. Eggink said that the summit became necessary as a result of introduction of new reforms in the Africa pension systems. He said that the reforms were designed to improve Africa pension systems, noting that the idea was to share global best knowledge on how best to run the pension industry. Acknowledging the success of the contributory pension scheme, Gov. Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom says his administration is ready to invest in the pension industry to generate income for the state. He said that the accumulation of N5 trillion pension fund in the country could create a lot of investment opportunities for interested investors. “The main reason for this is with over N5 trillion, which is over 25 billion dollars, we have a whole lot



he Muslims face the direction of the Ka’aba in their daily prayers, at least five times each day. The practice began 17 months after the prophet emigrated to Madina from Mecca in 622 C.E. For 13 years, the prophet and the Muslims faced Jerusalem during prayers, until a divine order came as contained in the Quran for the change in direction to Ka’aba in Mecca. At the heart of Mecca, adjacent to the Grand Mosque housing the Ka’aba, is a towering building measuring more than 600 meters in height. At its top is a clock. It is not an ordinary clock. It is the biggest clock ever made. It is called the Makkah Royal Clock Tower, developed as part of the King Abdulaziz Endowment Project. I was part of a 50-man delegation from Nigeria to Saudi Arabia for Umrah (lesser hajj) and visited under the auspices of the Custodian of the two holy mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. A total of 250 visitors from 10 African countries including Mali, Niger, Ghana, Tanzania, Madagascar and Uganda among others, were part of the programme. When we were told that we would visit the Makkah Clock Tower the next day. I was pleasantly surprised because it had not been listed in our programme. Each time we took a walk to the grand mosque in Ka’aba for our daily prayers, my gaze often fell on this extremely tall building sandwiched between four to six other buildings. It has a huge clock at its top. I was glad it is opened for tourists to visit. It turned out to be an awesome and unquantifiable bonus to our trip, as I came to realize that calling the facility a clock tower was an understatement. It is indeed a space observatory center. The curators of the facility disallowed us from taking photographs. So, I depended on my journalistic training on note taking and mental pictures to reproduce my experience. Muhammad Sa’id was our guide, an ebullient and eloquent Arab from Egypt. He spoke in impeccable English. The visit was fun-filled even from the start to the finish. The observatory center is impeccably perched atop the Fairmont Hotel, South East of the grand mosque overlooking the Ka’aba like a guardian angel. The first elevator that took us to some height in the hotel was huge, with a carrying capacity of 36 people. At the next point, we were ushered into some smaller elevators in two groups, each manned by a staff. The ride up was on cruise mode, as though we were in a kind of space craft to explore the galaxies. We were ushered into a semidark floor with different kinds of architecture on display, from simulated solar system and real space observatory on display on extra-large projection. We were shown equipment which rotates round the earth taking real time images and which feed the observatory center. “If you remember the photo image we saw at the beginning (of the tour), it has been enlarged here (pointing to a frame of large photograph). What you saw there that looked like a star

osun Defender Saturday, May 7, 2016

By yunus abdulha-

tower) up to 601 meters. At Burji Khalifa, you can only access up to 584 meters from the ground. The clock which is duplicated in four sides are 43 by 43 meters each visible in the entire city of Mecca. The clock hands each weigh eight tons and are made of copper fibers. The minute hands are 23 meters long, while the second hands are 17 meters. And because it is a special project, there are spare parts on standby. t night, the inscription on the face of the clocks ‘Allahu Akbar’ meaning ‘God is Great’ is as visible as day light, courtesy of the 2 million Light Emitting Diodes (LED) with high intensity and low power consumption. There are also beacon lights used on special occasions like Ramadan. The green light comes on during every adhan (call to prayers), which allows even people with hearing impairment to recognize the time for prayers. The laser beams specially made for the tower travels up to 40 kilometers straight into the atmosphere. “That is beyond the end of the atmosphere itself. From everywhere you are traveling by airplane, you will find the direction of the Ka’aba,” Said explained. They will notice it because the light is there like a line. A 24-hours maintenance crew is on standby, just as you have security telescopes, help to give the clock the personnel standing guard at every best that you can find anywhere. Every 28 of May and 16 of July, turn. They only nod to acknowledge at 12 noon, the sun’s rays are visitors’ salutations. We were led to a veranda just a few perpendicular to the Ka’aba which feet below the exact position of the is North of the clock tower. In effect, clock overlooking the Ka’aba. You the shadow of any object from the had to look up in the sky at 45 degrees sun will be zero. By these times of to see the clock. We managed to take the year, you can find the direction a few photographs there. of the Ka’aba from anywhere in the I couldn’t believe I was that high world by the opposite shadow, he up in the atmosphere, not in a plane says. “It’s very natural and accurate but on a physical surface. It was a as the opposite shadow becomes the dizzying feeling. direction of Ka’aba.” The clock is adorned with 93 million The clock is duplicated in four; one pieces of mosaic, 32 million are from to the north side, one to the south side gold. and others to the east and west. Some 12,000 tons of steel were All four clock drives are connected used to build the tower, beside and synchronized to one control the lower structure, which is a system, which is the brain. It gives the hotel, accommodating pilgrims and signal and calculates the time. supermarkets. One of its unique features, which “It was a very challenging project you won’t find anywhere, is that its for the engineering team to bring timing framework is divided into in the construction materials,” Said six; hours, minutes, seconds, mili, concluded. “It goes without saying,” micro and nano. This makes the I sighed. The tour took about 30 minutes as Mecca clock the most accurate clock in the universe. The curators are still we returned to ground zero using the considering adding another two same space-like elevators. The Mecca Clock Tower was built options in the future. What would they be called? Even they don’t know in a space of seven years. For each working day, the contractor ran yet; they are still undecided. The micro and nano figures of the three shifts of workers round the digital configuration of the clock are clock. Each shift had 25, 000 workers running a speed you can’t possibly making a total of 75, 000 workers see as the figures run atop one working for seven years to complete the project. another. Our guide declined to mention the The only way to know what the cost of the project, saying “the project nano time is at a point, is to press is still ongoing.” So, a final project cost a button at a designated machine couldn’t possibly be placed on it yet. nearby and print. Your unique time Whatever the cost is, my conclusion is printed. No one else in the world is that it is well-deserved. can ever share that with you. Burji Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirate, is the tallest building in the world, at a height of 828 meters, followed by the Mecca Tower, which is 607 meters. The Mecca Clock Tower keeps its record of the tallest occupied building in the world. “Muhammed Sa’id explains thus: “Here, you can access up to the crescent (the highest point of the


•The Ka’ba, The Great Mosque of Mecca.

isn’t a star. It is a galaxy,” Mr. Sa’id said. The said galaxies look like stars but in real terms, they number in billions and “individually bigger than the earth,” he said. “As you can see here, the earth is very small, like dust in the space compared to the galaxies.” he second floor is dedicated to the solar system. Our Egyptian guide, Sa’id came handy again. He explained: “When the sun travels, the heat is about 20 million degrees centigrade. Its lowest temperature is 5, 000 degrees centigrade, and when it travels through the space to the Earth, we have it as 32 degrees. The highest a human can accommodate or withstand is 50 degrees centigrade.” The heat of the sun can burn the earth and what it contains, but God in His infinite mercy and knowledge has placed some magnetic fields around it which eliminates the heat coming from the sun. The monitoring of the lunar and solar eclipses, as well as some other phenomena is done in real time at the royal clock tower. A very intriguing and interesting phenomenon of the solar system, the delegation heard, is that the tectonic plates of the earth move at a naturally predetermined speed and in the next one million years, scientists believe that the European continent would have moved and merged with Africa. The conclusion was reached from research and observations. Also on exhibition at the observatory are different kinds of instruments that had been developed over time, most of them by Muslim astronomers to calculate time and determine the calendar. These include the shadow clock, water clock, oil clock and sand clock. Some notable early Muslim scientists and astronomers include Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, Al-Battani and Shams ad-Din Ibn Battuta. The global positioning system, satellite and observation by different




osun Defender Saturday, May 7, 2016

Wife of the President, Mrs Aisha Buhari Flagged Off Free Health Screening For Women, At Loyola College, Ibadan, Oyo State, Recently.


•Relaxation centre at second phase of Freedom Park.

•Beautiful garden at Freedom Park.

•Indigenes of Ibadan receiving free treatment.

•A cross section of dignitaries at the event.

osun Defender Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Beautification Of The Second Phase Of Freedom Park At Ola-Iya, Railway Station In Osogbo, The State Capital, As A Recreation Centre Constructed By The Governor Rauf Aregbesola’s Administration.

•Oyo State Governor Abiola Ajimobi (right); his wife, Florence (2nd right); wife of the State of Osun Governor, Mrs Sherifat Aregbesola (2nd left), at the programme.

•A cross section of traditional chiefs at the event.


•Walk way at Freedom Park second phase.



osun Defender Saturday, May



osun Defender Saturday, May

Nigerian Bureau Of Statistics Has Confirmed Economic Ayodele Fayose: The Last Man Standing Turnaround Of Osun - Aregbesola I The Governor of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, has said that periodic statistics released by the National Bureau of Statistics have continued to establish the positive economic turn-around the state has witnessed under his administration. The governor stressed that those who criticise his government need to 2013 from its banking study critically some of transactions and other the statistics released by economic activities rose various credible bodies from 13.2 billion to which show what he 170.2billion. No state in called the phenomenal Nigeria, according to this g r o w t h s i n c e h i s statistics, recorded this assumption of office. phenomenal growth. Aregbesola stated this “Something must during the presentation b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r of the final report on the this? Certainly, it is State of Osun Statistical government activities, System by the State Consultative Committee so when they tell you on Statistics SCCS led by the National President, Nigerian Statistical Association (NSA), Dr. Mohammed Musa on Thursday in Osogbo. He noted that a knowledge-driven society cannot exist without accurate data, saying with the recent data by the National Bureau of Statistics, people who criticise his administration should know that statistis deals with facts and evidence. The governor averred that the state under his watch has forged ahead not minding what traducers say with massive infrastructural development all over the state which peaked in the year 2014 before the decline in the revenue of the country. Aregbesola said that it is not just for sentiment that people hail him wherever he goes within the state, but the evidence is in the robust economic activities his administration brought to the state. He said, “In the analysis for 2010 and 2011 by the National Bureau of Statistics, the banking transactions and other economic activities was trippled from 13.2 billion to 32.3 billion. I can explain it because it was the peak of our developmental activities before the drop in Federal allocation. “In 2013, the growth in Osun was phenomenal and stimulating. I want you to see what Osun did that some of our opponents will not want to see. But statistics does not lie; statistics is not a friend or enemy of anybody because it is dealing with evidence. “When people hail, and children run after me on the street, the reason is not magic, it is statistics. Statistics will show the performance of a government no matter how some people hate such government. This is our situation. “This stark reality shows how Osun in

that we have done nothing, refer them to this statistics of National Bureau of Statistics that showed that something happened here in 2013”, he emphasised. He commended the State Consultative Committee on Statistics led by the National President, Nigerian Statistical Association, Dr. Mohammed Musa, noting that his administration will implement the recommendations submitted to the state.

Earlier in his speech, the President, Nigerian Statistical Association, Dr. Muhammed Tumala, said his committee’s investigation revealed that the state has a wellestablished Department of Macro-Statistics in the state’s office of Planning Commission. Tumala noted that the macro-statistics office equally have sufficient number of staff with statistics background. He recommended that for efficiency, there should be legal

By our reporter p o w e r t o c o l l e c t resources,” Tumala said. information through the establishment of State Bureau of Statistics. He added that there should be development of human resources for statistics production; development of data production and establishment of management system for the Bureau of Statistics. “We are of the view that the state is well positioned for the production of official statistics because of the existing institutional structure and human

beating Tijani to a coma, damaged one side of mirror of his tanker with registration SGB 248 XB, valued at N50,000. He said the alleged offence was contrary to and punishable under Section 516, 355, 451,249 (D) of the Criminal Code Cap 34 Vol. 11 Laws of Osun State of Osun. The accused persons however pleaded not

guilty to the four-count charge of conspiracy, malicious damage and assault slammed against them. Defence counsel, Mr Raji Abiodun and Okobi Najite, applied for bail of the accused persons. Magistrate Aluko swiftly turned down the oral bail application and ordered the accused persons to be remanded

Court Remands 5 In Prison For Beating By KEHINDE AYANTUNJI A magistrate’s court sitting in Osogbo, capital of the State of Osun, has remanded five suspected thugs in prison custody for allegedly beating a tanker driver to a coma. Presiding Magistrate they demanded for as Olusola Aluko ordered “street money”. the suspects to be kept Olayiwola further behind the bar pending e x p l a i n e d t h a t t h e the determination of accused persons, after their bail application to be filed by the defence counsel. The suspects were: Toheeb Waheed , Adama Ganiyu, Moshood Raji , Rilwan Rauf and Adelusi Sunday. As the nation recently marked the annual A c c o r d i n g t o t h e Workers’ Day, civil servants across the country charge sheet, the suspects have been urged to be dedicated to their duties committed the alleged and persevere, as there is hope for civil servants in offence on April 30, 2016 the country, despite the economic lull that the nation at about 9.00Pm at Akepe currently faces. Financial Crimes Speaking with OSUN Commission (EFCC), Area, Osogbo. It was alleged that D E F E N D E R v i a a w h i c h i n v o l v e d the suspects constituted telephone chat, Reverend c i v i l servants nuisance at the area by O l u s o l a A k a n b i o f embezzling public funds, allegedly unleashing Cathedral of Saint Philips, inordinate looting of the terror on the motorists Ile-Ife, said there is need nation’s treasury and f o r r e d e d i c a t i o n f o r acquisition of material plying the roads. selfless service and zero- wealth for their cronies Police Prosecutor, tolerance to corruption S e r g e a n t R a s a k i by Nigerian workers if and family members. He added that people O l a y i w o l a , s a i d t h e the nation will develop accused persons inflicted and be a source of envy keep blaming politicians injuries on the left eye among the comity of for the evils besetting the nation, while it is with of Mr Akeem Tijani, the nations. tanker driver, following H e c a r p e t e d t h e the connivance of the civil his refusal to give them shocking discoveries servants. The Dean of the a sum of N10,000 which by the Economic and

in custody at Ilesa Prison, while advising the defence counsel to file a formal bail application for the suspects before the court.

There’s Hope For Civil Servants

By SOLA JACOBS Cathedral of Saint Philips hope for the country’s (Anglican Communion) working class. In his own contribution, said it is a privilege to serve one’s country in the Chief Imam of Ifeland, any capacity but people I m m a n A b d u l S e m i u must be sincere, truthful H a m m e d , u r g e d t h e and render service as workers that their service is unto Almighty Allah onto God not as to man. H e e x p l a i n e d t h a t (SWT) and that they must while it is true that after be truthful and selfless in numerous years put into their service, as Allah will service in the country, rewards faithful servants. The cleric reminded the reward does not all that the quest for commensurate with one’s material acquisition is the service after retirement, but God has a way of beginning of corruption rewarding service, for a n d s h a r p p r a c t i c e s among the civil servants. God is the rewarder of Immam AbdulSemiu the faithful. posited that the future of The cleric therefore, every individual lies with urged workers in the God, the fear of the future nation to be dedicated to makes some to engage in the service of God and unwholesome practices, humanity, as there is while the future lies with

•From left: Director, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Development Studies, Obafemi Awolowolo University, Prof. Jide Oke; representative of Osun Governor and Coordinating Director, State Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Isaac Aluko; Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ekiti State University, Prof. Olawuni Ajaja and Rector, Bisi College of Technology, Esa-Oke, Dr. Augustus Oke, during a symposium organized by Adulawo Nigeria Network Limited, at Conference Centre, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, on Wednesday.

God, as no amount of wealth and possession sustains lives as human beings. He therefore stressed that there is hope for the civil servants in the nation, if they all do the needful, shun corrupt practices, be dedicated and selfless in service to God The clerics, urged the government to take the welfare of civil servants as paramount, especially the retirees, as they had served the nation with the best part of their lives and it is the turn of the nation to repay them through prompt payment of their

t is easier to be in the ruling party than be in the opposition in politics, especially in Africa. The governor of Ekiti State for the next three years will be facing a herculean task in confronting the ruling political party, as well as checking his perceived excesses of the Muhammadu Buhari’s administration. Buhari is not an angel, neither can we place him on the same page of a democrat like Barack Obama of the United States of America. Yet, Fayose too is far from being the political model in governance and in opposition. Fayose is brilliant, fearless, but he is a talkative. His uncontrolled verbose places him in range of the scorching missiles of the ruling party. Fayose has become the last man standing in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the only opposition governor that has refused Buhari a breathing space. He has not changed his negative opinion about Mr. President. From the campaign field in 2015, Fayose has lamented that Buhari was unfit physically and mentally for the job he was canvassing for. The governor compared his aged mother with Buhari in term of old age challenges. His mother, he told the world, was on diaper due to old age. As a result, he did not see how Buhari, who is of the same age with his mother, can cope with the rigour of office. Even after the President had been sworn-in, he ensures that he monitors his movement to and from other nations of the world and on one occasion, he claimed to have followed the President to London, where he raised an alarm over his mission to receive medical treatment over there. Although, the media men and spokesman of the President debunked the insinuations, yet, the man scored a cheap point in telling the nation that our President travelled abroad shortly after being sworn-in without informing the subjects. On a daily basis, the man Fayose relishes in throwing verbal pebbles at the President. Although Fayose is matured enough to know that to keep attacking the President could attract counter-attack from the security agents, the man maintains his self-appointed assignment with dirty words on the government. One would have expected that the governor ought to have learnt his lesson from the consequences that befell him under Chief Olusegun Obasanjo over the same attitude, even when they were in the same political party. Fayose was impeached; he was charged for fraudrelated offences before the High Court by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). The case is still pending in court since 2006. I AM BORN AGAIN Fayose, during his second coming election campaign, pleaded with people and asked for forgiveness over his shortcomings in his first term in office. But as the election was about to be conducted, the old man in Fayose resurfaced, with the support from the presidency, he was in the hands of the state agents that cowed the ruling party into submission, costing Dr. Kayode Fayemi his seat and was rooted out of office in humiliation. Fayemi did not mince words in admitting that the people of Ekiti had spoken and had chosen the man they wanted. Not more than a day or so Fayemi, who had personally congratulated Fayose, changed his words and alleged that he was rigged out through conspiracy. From that hour on, the All Progressives Congress (APC) members were chased out of the state. They became fugitives in Osun and Kwara states. Fayose became not only the state governor but kingmaker

the voice of the dying party in picking and supporting the newly-crowned National Chairman; Ali Modu Sheriff. here is certainty that Fayose is cultivating trouble with the way and manners he is criticising the President and his administration. In Africa, opposition in politics are regarded as nothing but the enemies of the state. Ruling government stiffened opposition to death or to submission. Nigeria, has been a very bad case study. In the First Republic, the leader of opposition in Nigeria, Chief Obafemi Awolowo of the then Action Group was sent to jail on the accusation that he and 37 other members of his party wanted to forcefully take over the government of Alhaji Tafawa Balewa. In the Second Republic, Awolowo was scorned, abused and accused falsely of causing Nigeria political instabilities. General election was massively rigged even where the ruling party (National Party of Nigeria) did not have presence. Same fate befell the current ruling party, when they were in opposition, until they were smart enough to merge and displaced the ruling party. Fayose now sleep with one eye closed. His Commissioner for Finance was arrested and interrogated. Four House of Ekiti Assembly members were arrested and detained before they were released, another one spent 18 days in Department of State Security Services (DSS). The cry of Police invasion of Ekiti has filled all the media. But the question is why the invasion? Is it because of Fayose’s critical outburst against the Federal Government? Is the Ekiti government financial records in trouble? However, it has been mentioned that some of the legislators have cases of murder to answer. They too have accused the Federal Government of intimidation; with the intent to lure them to impeach Fayose. Whatever will destroy the peace of Ekiti people, both sides to the imbroglio should reconsider their intention and allow peace to reign. Fayose has begun to over-play his luck by his continuous antagonistic stand against President Buhari. Few weeks ago, he pursued the President to China, breathing heavily on his neck, calling the Chinese government not to grant the loan request Nigeria was pursuing. He audaciously, bluffs other critiques. He is again telling the nation that Mr. President is too old to give Nigeria a befitting administration. When an opposition is getting to personality attacks, it makes the political arena a fiasco. It is advisable that Fayose should tone down his attack but offer positive criticism that will allow the growth of democratic process. It is by so doing that both PDP and the likes of Femi Fani-Kayode and Fayose can obtain public support and sympathy in case the ruling party attempts to suppress the opposition.


•fayose over all and sundry. The South West leadership of the PDP was offered to his counterpart from Ondo, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, he rejected and wrestled it from him. Oshokomole was his alias; he kept shooting at Olusegun Obasanjo, but the man kept off him. He took on anybody as if he was not the same humble man that claimed to be born again. When the tussle for the party chairmanship came up, he backed the new chairman and told the party members that that was their choice. He took any elder or ex-governor to the cleaners at will. He became the selfappointed spokesperson for the party; whatever he says, other must comply. he fear of Fayose has become the beginning of wisdom. He has given himself an image larger than life. He is the big Iroko tree in his state; it is either you come under his shade or leave the party. The Board of Trustees of the party listens to his garvel. He is a man of the moment. But the fear is that he is unsparing in his jabs at the President. But for how long Fayose would last in his self-appointed role as representative of the party is unknown and uncertain. But one thing is sure, he is in trouble with the state security service. The finance commissioner was invited to shed light on some grey areas in the finance of the state recently. Four House of Assembly members were arrested for questioning, the last of the four members was kept in EFCC custody for 18 days. Before his release, Fayose addressed the press that the detained lawmaker had died in the custody of the EFCC, and the security agents had no option than to address the press that the lawmaker was alive and whole. The governor would not be pacified, as he rattled the Federal Government over its violation of democratic values; that the people’s right must be respected; that anything short of that would amount to dictatorship and political anarchy. The economy that has been down became a critical re-examination by the opposition. To the opposition, Buhari’s change mantra was a gimmick to capture power. They are now blaming APC administration of the current ruin in the economy. That naira was 165 to a dollar when Goodluck Jonathan was in power.


By yomi obaditan

The National Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Olisa Metuh, described the lingering fuel crisis in Nigeria as a clear indication that the ruling party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) merely hoodwinked Nigerians with empty campaign promises of Eldorado in order to capture power and in the end, has nothing to offer but pains and sufferings. Fayose was more poignant by saying; “they ought to have an economic team, economic master plan for Nigeria. They would have set the direction. There are indicators of an economy that will tell you what will happen next year.” Politics apart, one would have seen an opposition that knows how to rattle a ruling party to its stand and a man who knows what it takes to wake up its political adversary. He further rebuked the ruling party for the fall in the value of the naira; dollars under Jonathan was less than N200, but today, it has risen to N400, that the government ought to be proactive. He blamed government for increasing electricity tariff, despite the fall in production and distribution of power with astronomical high bills. Fayose could not agree with Buhari’s administration policy that made life difficult for the parents, whose wards are abroad, who are now constrained to send money to their wards. He felt this government must wake up and face the reality; make life meaningful for the citizenry. Surprisingly, Fayose eulogised Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the APC National leader on his 64th birthday, describing him as” a great political figure in the country”. A “ political pillar and leader, not only in Yoruba land but in Nigeria. He is a great politician, who takes well-calculated political steps”. By this singular act, the man , Fayose has shown like a northern star that his brand of opposition recognised greatness, respect and appreciation of great leaders, even when they are not under the same umbrella. Fayose’s second coming has made him a hero and leader in Ekiti. He scared the opposition to the background; the only kingmaker in the Fountain of Knowledge State. He has remained



Health Benefits of Garcinia Kola


here are dozens of weight loss products on the market but few supplements have clinical proof to back up their claims. According to recent studies, a new flowering plant may hold the secret to weight loss, which is just one of its’ many health benefits. It’s called Garcinia Kola and it could just be the weight loss breakthrough we’ve been waiting for. What is Garcinia Kola? Garcinia Kola, also known as Bitter Kola, is a flowering plant from the rain forests in West Africa. The fruit seeds, and nuts of the plant have been used for centuries to treat a variety of health ailments. New studies indicate that Garcinia kola could be used as an effective natural weight loss solution, which has the diet world buzzing over whether or not there’s finally a real solution for weight loss. Garcinia Kola and Weight Loss Weight loss appears to be the main use for Garcinia Kola, although there are so many benefits of Garcinia kola. Although the exact process is not known, studies have concluded that Garcinia kola can help increase weight loss by acting as a natural appetite suppressant. In recent studies, researchers noted that participants given Garcinia kola dramatically decreased their caloric consumption on a daily basis. Garcinia kola also increased the rate of consumption of water, which is also beneficial for weight loss. Although research is very preliminary, Garcinia kola could be a legitimate solution for weight loss. More studies are in progress and as soon as these studies are published, we will know much more about Garcinia kola. Other Benefits Of Garcinia Kola Weight loss is the primary benefit that most people seem to use Garcinia kola but it is far from the only benefit. Some of the other benefits of Garcinia kola include: Improved Lung Function: Garcinia kola is often used to treat chest colds but research has shown it can benefit the lungs even further. A 2008 study found that Garcinia kola dramatically

improved respiratory function after four weeks of use. According to researchers, Garcinia kola works to dilate the alveolar ducts and sacs by improving the strength of lung tissue. Reduced Eye Pressure: A 2010 study found that Garcinia kola could dramatically reduce eye pressure, which is commonly a symptom of glaucoma. The study found that Garcinia kola could significantly reduce eye pressure when applied twice per day. Arthritis Treatment: A 2008 study found that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Garcinia kola could significantly reduce joint inflammation and pain. It is believed that bitter kola could alleviate these symptoms

by eliminating the cause of arthritis, which is fluid buildup and inflammation. Improved Immune System Function: Garcinia kola has several antioxidant compounds, which help to improve the immune system fight off disease and colds. This is one of the big reasons that Garcinia kola is often used to treat chest colds and other common ailments. Some of the other benefits of Garcinia kola include: relieved symptoms of a hangover, detoxification, libido enhancement, and reduced inflammation in the body. Side Effects of Garcinia Kola Although Garcinia kola does not appear to have many side


arrots are more than a tasty addition to soups, salads and juices. They are also good for your body’s overall health, especially that of the skin, eyes, digestive system and teeth! So if the sweet flavor isn’t enough, enjoy these 10 reasons to eat more carrots: 1. Beta carotene: Carrots are a rich source of this powerful antioxidant, which, among other vital uses, can be converted into vitamin A in the body to help maintain healthy skin. 2. Digestion: Carrots increase saliva and supply essential minerals, vitamins and enzymes that aid in digestion. Eating carrots regularly may help prevent gastric ulcers and other digestive disorders. 3. Alkaline elements: Carrots are rich in alkaline elements, which purify and revitalize the blood while balancing the acid/alkaline ratio of the body. 4. Potassium: Carrots are a good source of potassium, which can

help maintain healthy sodium levels in the body, thereby helping to reduce elevated blood pressure levels. 5. Dental Health: Carrots kill harmful germs in the mouth and help prevent tooth decay. 6. Wounds: Raw or grated carrots can be used to help heal wounds, cuts and inflammation. 7. Phytonutrients: Among the many beneficial phytochemicals that carrots contain is a

osun Defender Saturday, May 7, 2016

effects in most users, there have been some reported side effects on occasion. Some of the side effects of Garcinia kola include hives, upset stomach, and nausea. If you experience any of these symptoms of any other potential side effects, you should discontinue use of Garcinia kola. Pregnant or nursing mothers should not take Garcinia kola simply because it is unknown whether or not there are any side effects. Until researchers are certain Garcinia kola is safe for pregnant or nursing mothers, it is recommended you avoid it. If you’re unsure whether or not Garcinia kola is safe for you, consult your doctor. He or she will be able to tell you whether or not Garcinia kola is right for you. Buying Garcinia Kola arcinia Kola has only begun to be sold online and in retail stores. If you’d like to try this incredible supplement, then we recommend you do so online. There are many reputable online retailers that will sell you quality Garcinia kola. Remember, that it is much different than the Slimera garcinia supplement. Just make sure to buy 100% pure Garcinia kola extract and you’ll be able to experience all the amazing benefits of Garcinia kola.


phytonutrient called falcarinol, which may reduce the risk of colon cancer and help promote overall colon health. 8. Carotenoids: Carrots are rich in carotenoids, which our bodies can use to help regulate blood sugar. 9. Fiber: Carrots are high in soluble fiber, which may reduce cholesterol by binding the LDL form (the kind we don’t want) and increasing the HDL form (the kind our body needs) to help reduce blood clots and prevent heart disease. 10. Eyes, hair, nails and more! The nutrients in carrots can improve the health of your eyes, skin, hair, nails and more through helping to detoxify your system and build new cells! There are plenty more reasons to enjoy these crunchy, sweet root vegetables, so reserve a spot in your garden plot for planting some, or pop down to the local market to pick up a bunch!


editorials from other newspapers

osun Defender Saturday, May 7, 2016

Curriculum Furore •The government must consult wider; but religious lobbies must open

their minds, if new curriculum on religion and citizenship must succeed

There is a storm over a new Basic Education curriculum, which by its designers, the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), is officially operative since 2014. But it is being resisted by religious lobbies, Christian and Muslim, since the new subject comprises Christian Religious Studies (CRS), Islamic Religious Studies (IRS), Civic Education, Social Studies and Security Education, now to be called Religious and Values Education (RVE). NERDC says the new curriculum is aimed at inculcating citizen value at a very tender age. The Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), speaking through Michael Olukoya, its national president, says it has no problem with it — since it was consulted and was anxious the new curriculum shapes better future citizens. But the religious lobbies, Christian and Muslim, demur, particularly on the sticky allegation that both CRK and IRK would be “merged”; and taught to both Christian and Muslim pupils. However, Prof. Ismail Junaid, NERDC executive secretary, denied that allegation, maintaining that no child would be taught a religion other than his or her parent’s. Still, both religions would come under RVE, the new subject. Yet, the religious lobbies remain

skeptical, saying the very idea to teach CRS and IRS, under the same subject, was bad enough. It could breed confusion and religious crisis. Sheik Najeemdeen Adisa of the Young Muslim Brothers and Sisters (YOUMBAS), stressed the confusion fear, linking it to the capacity to teach a five-in-one subject, when there is even suspect excellence at present, when CRS and IRS are taught as separate subjects. Prof. Lakin Akintola, of the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) insists the new curriculum reduces the role of religion in national development, a step he claims borders on godlessness. “If the Federal Government educates Nigerians without a special place for religion,” he warns, “it will only succeed in producing clever devils.” The Christian side of the divide is no less trenchant. ”They have no right to do it …,” Primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Most Revd. Nicholas Okoh, declared. ”We recognize our differences, but we call for unity … Let Muslims be Muslims and Christians be Christians …” From Revd. Father Ralph Madura, secretary-general, Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), came another stern warning: “It

would create confusion. Every right-thinking person knows that religion is a very sensitive issue in this country.” Still, the storm would appear driven more by mutual old fears, than fresh thinking about the good the novel experiment could deliver, especially from using the two major religions to push positive values for national cohesion, against the present stark divide along MuslimChristian lines, even if the two faiths pledge allegiance to the same supreme being, God. However, the fear is hardly illegitimate — the new curriculum is, after all, virgin territory! It now behoves of the government to do extensive consultations and mass enlightenment among the education and religious communities, as well as the general public, to allay these fears. In return, the religious leaders too should open their minds. At the end of the day, it must be stressed that RVE is only a subject, in a school curriculum. Though two of its units are religious, and values to be taught would call back to African traditional beliefs and customs, it is still a school subject like history, physics, chemistry or economics. If viewed as such, the emphasis on religion would be less. To teach CRS and IRS as school subjects belongs to the school. But to teach

them as core religion is the function of churches and mosques. If that fundamental distinction is appreciated, there would be less splitting of hairs over bogeys, fired by mutual fears. Still, the government has its work cut out, since these views cannot be decreed; and the new curriculum imposed without the cooperation of the critical stakeholders. Besides, RVE is no isolated reform. It is part of a comprehensive curriculum review, that prunes Basic Education (the first nine years of education, free and compulsory under Nigeria’s present laws) subjects from 20 to 10. Jettisoning the new subject, because of religious fears, will therefore jeopardise the whole process. That is why both sides must be reasonable and talk through the initial challenges.

The removal of history from the curriculum of schools in Nigeria is a disservice to our fatherland. The government of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, which promoted that disservice, clearly gave itself away as a victim of neocolonialism. For, to be dodgy about the teaching of your past, is to say that your past is inferior to those of other peoples and cultures, and as such is not worthy of any detailed study. This sad realism was highlighted by Senator Ben Murray Bruce, during the Silverbird Extra-ordinary Man of the Year Award to the national leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. At the ceremony, Senator Bruce had admonished his country men and women thus: “As a nation, we have to pay attention to who we are, where we are coming from, and where we are”. Towards that he said “We need to start teaching history in Nigeria because we cannot develop or grow as a country without the concept

of history.” Urging him to walk his talk, the APC leader advised the senator to sponsor a private member’s bill, to return the teaching of history to our schools, promising that his spouse, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, would support him in the endeavour. For us, the concern raised by Senator Bruce makes sense, much as the suggestion by Asiwaju Tinubu. History is very important to us as it is to every other race. For a people who do not know their history are bound to make similar mistake many times. History helps a people to understand their past, and through the benefit of hindsight, avoid the pitfalls of the past. History also helps a people to understand the circumstances of their past, note and promote the good aspects, and use the knowledge and wisdom gained to help chart a better future. Former President Obasanjo who abrogated the teaching of history during his presidency, like every other past leader, is an important relic of our history,

whether for good or for bad. So, their exploits, successes, mistakes and programmes remain benchmarks, from which the present and future leaders could learn. And this can only be possible if history is taught in our schools. For us, it is erroneous to think, as the former leader may have, that the abrogation of history would help wipe from our common memory, the unpleasant parts of our past. What needs to be done is rather to teach the past, as a lesson for the present and the future. Like every other subject, the curriculum of the subject would be open for scrutiny, both by supervisory authorities and the general public. That way distortions and falsehood would not be allowed to prosper. In our view, it is when the facts are suppressed that a people can be fed with half-truths and lies, in place of facts and figures. Moreover, with the advancement of science, there are snippets of our history available on the go, and access to such snippets may be more

dangerous, as the authors may be pursuing a different agenda from the organised proposition of our national story – history, for national development. If Senator Bruce truly believes that his proposition for the return of history to our national curricula makes sense, then he should join hands with those who think like him, to propose a bill to force that. Perhaps, if the present executive government at the centre thinks differently from its predecessors, it should rescind the strange decision of the past. We also do not appreciate why state governments have not exercised their prerogative, to encourage the teaching of history in state schools.

•Culled from The Nation Newspaper

Teaching Of History •We must bring it back in our schools in the nation’s interest

•Culled from The Nation Newspaper


osun Defender Saturday, May

Job Vacancies In Nigeria

Digital Marketer · Lagos, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sectors: Business Management, Marketing, Management, PR & Communication, Graduate · Posted on Thursday, May 5, 2016 · Reference: 161630 Job Details A reputable Marketing communication organization based in Lagos requires for immediate employment qualified candidates to fill the vacant position: Responsibilities: · creating and uploading copy and images for the organisation’s website; · writing and dispatching email marketing campaigns; · providing accurate reports and analysis to clients and company management to demonstrate effective return on investment (ROI); · researching new online media opportunities that may benefit the business including mobile, social media, development of blogs and forums; · designing website banners and assisting with web visuals; · communicating with clients, affiliate networks and affiliate partners; · conducting key word research and web statistics reporting; · contributing to social media engagement and brand awareness campaigns; · using web analytics software to monitor performance of client websites and make recommendations for improvement; · contributing to company and industry blogs and managing e-communications; · assisting with paid media including liaising with digital advertising agencies; · developing and integrating content marketing strategies; · keeping up to date with current digital trends; · managing the contact database and assisting with lead generation activities; · negotiating with media suppliers to achieve the best price for clients. Candidate Requirements · strong verbal communication skills for articulating ideas to colleagues and clients; · written communication skills for producing high quality content; · attention to detail and accuracy; · ability to work independently and flexibly; · capacity to prioritise and work across multiple projects; · excellent team work skills; · organisational skills with ability to deliver a high volume of quality work; · creative skills for contributing new and innovative ideas; · ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines; · networking and analytical skills; · knowledge of existing and emerging social media platforms. Apply before Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - 13 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. …………………………end…………………….. · Lagos, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sectors: Business Management, Marketing, Management, PR & Communication, Graduate · Posted on Thursday, May 5, 2016 · Reference: 161629 Job Details A reputable Marketing communication organization based in Lagos requires for immediate employment qualified candidates to fill the vacant position: Candidate Requirements · Excellent written and verbal communication skills · Strong research and analytical skills · Comfort with CRM software · In-depth understanding of the company’s current products and future concepts · A willingness to listen · Ability to think creatively and innovatively · Budget-management skills and proficiency · Professional judgment and discretion that comes from years of experience in the field · Analytical skills to forecast and identify trends and challenges · Familiarity with the latest trends, technologies and methodologies in graphic design, web design, production, etc. Apply before Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - 13 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. ……………………..end………………….. Chief Supplies Officer · Ondo, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sector: Admin · Posted by Adekunle Ajasin University on Thursday, May 5, 2016 · Reference: 161628 Job Details Employer: Adekunle Ajasin University Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria, presently has over 10,000 students, well over 1,200 staff and six Faculties. As a growing University in Nigeria, Adekunle Ajasin University wishes to maintain and consolidate its reputation for world class scholarship, education and research as well as for playing a central role in the development of humanity, Nigeria, Ondo State and the local community. The University is currently actively engaged in major academic, social and infrastructural developments, directed at firmly establishing its place in the comity of universities globally. Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified and interested candidates to fill this position Candidate Requirements · A good Honours Bachelor Degree from a recognised University, with at least Second Class (Lower Division) in Economics/ Accounting/Business Administration, plus membership of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supplies (CIPS) and must have at least twelve (12) years post qualification experience in a University or an equivalent institution. · A good BSc. Degree with at least Second Class (Lower Division) in Economics/ Accounting/Business Administration from a recognised University plus M.Sc. Degree in relevant discipline or MBA plus membership of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing And Supplies (CIPS) and must have at least nine (9) years post qualification experience in a University or an equivalent Institution Apply before Monday, July 4, 2016 - 60 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. …………….end………………… Teacher · Lagos, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sector: Academic · Posted by Hot Jobs on Thursday, May 5, 2016 · Reference: 161626 Job Details Employer: Hot Jobs One of the leading private Schools in Ikorodu, requires the services of suitably qualified candidates for this position Candidate Requirements · He/ she must be fluent in English Language · He/she must be knowledgeable in British and American School Curriculum · Must possess NCE, B.Ed or its equivalent

· Must have an idea of a Montessori Environment · He/She must have 5 - 10 years experience in teaching Apply before Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 15 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. ……………………end…………………….. Legal and Executive Secretary · Lagos, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sectors: Admin, Legal, Management, Graduate · Posted on Thursday, May 5, 2016 · Reference: 161625 Job Details A logistics company need experienced personnel to occupy the vacant positions: Responsibilities: · devising and maintaining office systems, including data management and filing; · arranging travel, visas and accommodation and, occasionally, travelling with the manager to take notes or dictation at meetings or to provide general assistance during presentations; · screening phone calls, enquiries and requests, and handling them when appropriate; · meeting and greeting visitors at all levels of seniority; · organising and maintaining diaries and making appointments; · dealing with incoming email, faxes and post, often corresponding on behalf of the manager; · carrying out background research and presenting findings; · producing documents, briefing papers, reports and presentations; · organising and attending meetings and ensuring the manager is well prepared for meetings; · liaising with clients, suppliers and other staff. Candidate Requirements · BSc/HND/OND in Law or secretarial studies · exceptional written and oral communication skills; · excellent word processing and IT skills, including knowledge of a range of software packages; · ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines; · good organisational and time management skills; · ability to research, digest, analyse and present material clearly and concisely; · excellent interpersonal skills; · ability to work on your own initiative; · honesty and reliability; · attention to detail; · flexibility and adaptability to juggle a range of different tasks and to work extra hours to meet deadlines; · discretion and an understanding of confidentiality issues. Apply before Sunday, July 3, 2016 - 60 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion. ………………..end……………… Digital Banking Officer · Lagos, Market Related · Job Type: Permanent · Sector: Admin · Posted by Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria on Thursday, May 5, 2016 · Reference: 161508 Job Details Employer: Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria - We attract talented individuals. Not only can they give you the benefit of their experience, they also reveal a closer, more personal look at the wide range of global opportunities we offer. At the core of the Group’s people strategy is our focus on employee engagement. Engagement is a key driver of productivity and performance, which creates the foundation of our performance culture. We encourage and focus on the behaviours that bring out the very best from every employee, assessing their performance not just on results but on how those results were achieved. To further embed these behaviours we have a remuneration programme in place, carefully designed to incentivise our employees to live our values every day. We are recruiting to fill this position Job Description · To support Retail Workbench; testing, field mapping, device configuration & updates; trainings and adoption drive including tier 1 support. · Support digital banking channels; ensure optimal and maximum uptime is maintained and escalate downtime to appropriate units for speedy resolution. · To ensure all digital channels complaints have gone through sufficient examination, analysis, escalation and reflection, and if possible, rectification by applicable parties. · Participate in testing and quality assurances for key digital projects and ensure successful transition to production. · To organize periodic trainings on digital banking activations by frontlines, digital interns and digital champions; and to facilitate Day-1-Readiness (D1R) training as organised by Learning Academy. · Ensure timely and accurate MIS and dashboard reporting to drive digital activations and workbench adoption. · Liaise with the branches, call centre and CEPG for digital banking registrations (online Banking, estatement, SMS Alerts and SC Mobile). · Support implementation of new projects and change request ( i.e. approved enhancements across digital channels). · To provide ongoing technical support on bill payment complaint and resolution by maintaining high quality service in the following areas: ease of contact, sincere and professional attitude, prompt acknowledgment and reply to emails (meet pre-defined Service Standards), proper handling of queries, requests and complaints (e.g. offering reasonable and effective solution) and clear communication. · Identify business / improvement opportunities and report complaint which require special attention and recommend preventive measures to line manager. · Monitor daily operations of Alternate Channels and identify improvement areas for reengineering to ensure delivery of efficient and high quality service to customers. · Manage Digital Channels process notes and operating instructions, with configuration management to ensure easy retrieval and safe keeping · Active involvement with the Wealth Management and BC teams and the branch network to effect channels synergy. · Work closely with the country ITO, Procurement and Finance teams on service level management · Research local and global trends to improve service offerings to our customers · Monitor competition and keep abreast of the channel offerings/service developments. · Maintain a good working relationship with our vendor partners to enable improved service levels and deliverables. Candidate Requirements · Understanding of digital channels operations and services. · Excellent verbal communication and interpersonal skills. · Excellent complaint handling skills. · Knowledge of Microsoft office especially Excel. · Branches (Digital Cluster Champion, Digital Banking Champions & Frontline Officers) · ITO · Learning Academy · Account Services (Spoke & Hub) Apply before Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - 62 Days left Companies may expire jobs at their

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Arsenal’s Premier League Failure Not Solely Down To Strikers


n the blue corner, a 23-goal striker. In the red one, a 21-goal strike force. When Manchester City host Arsenal on Sunday, they will do so with opposing attitudes in attack. City have conventional wisdom on their side, in the shape of the potent, prolific Sergio Aguero, who is bidding to retain his Golden modern one, fuelled by Boot. Arsenal have the squad- the exploits of Aguero, r o t a t i o n a l t e r n a t i v e , Robin van Persie, Wayne with Olivier Giroud (12 R o o n e y , C r i s t i a n o Premier League goals), Ronaldo and Thierry Theo Walcott (five) and Henry, the latter being Danny Welbeck (four) Golden Boot winner in j u s t p a s s i n g t h e 2 0 - each of Wenger’s more goal barrier between recent title triumphs. Cast minds back them. Look at the two teams above them and further and the collective Leicester’s Jamie Vardy commitment to scoring has 22 league goals, while that the current Arsenal Tottenham’s Harry Kane team need to possess was has 25. Spot the odd one more fashionable. After out in the top four. It the division’s inception, is Arsenal, so often the Manchester United won their first five league exception. It is tempting to draw titles without anyone a conclusion why they reaching 20 goals. Jose have not won the league: Mourinho’s first two It is because they lack a crowns at Chelsea came 20-goal-a-season striker; when no striker managed t h e y a r e t h e l o w e s t more than 12. They were scorers in the top four and aided by a watertight have the least productive defence, but it helped that forward line. Giroud they could source goals and Walcott’s striking from all departments of failures, compounded the side. Mourinho’s 2004-05 by manager Arsene Wenger’s reluctance to team featured 10 goals spend, doomed Arsenal from Didier Drogba and 12 from the start. Case from Eidur Gudjohnsen, but the Icelander was closed. And yet the reality is often deployed deeper. more complicated, the T h e y a l s o b e n e f i t e d situation more nuanced. from 21 from the three It is a statement of the main wingers, in Arjen obvious that Arsenal’s Robben, Damien Duff c h a n c e s w o u l d b e and Joe Cole, and 16 e n h a n c e d w i t h t h e from Frank Lampard, addition of a more feared the greatest individual forward. It is tempting contributor, from the to wonder if they would centre of midfield. Sir Alex Ferguson’s be top now were Aguero leading their line. Yet M a n c h e s t e r U n i t e d it is possible to win the finished the 1990’s as division without a 20- an advertisement for goal striker and with the merits of possessing a job-share in attack. f o u r f o r w a r d s , w i t h Arsenal know that from t h e b a c k - u p d u o o f Teddy Sheringham and experience. Wenger’s first title Ole Gunnar Solskjaer in 1997-98, with 16- determining the 1999 goal Dennis Bergkamp C h a m p i o n s L e a g u e securing the individual final. If the shift to onehonours for illustrations s t r i k e r s y s t e m s c a n of technical perfection, render that comparison also saw the Frenchman less meaningful, it is platoon Bergkamp’s three nonetheless notable that, sidekicks, the ageing Ian while rivals had more Wright (10 goals), the regular scorers, Man emerging Nicolas Anelka United started winning (six) and the understudy with a target man, Mark Christopher Wreh (three), Hughes, who contributed with great effectiveness. 2 8 g o a l s o v e r t w o Wright did not score a triumphant campaigns, league goal for Arsenal in a No. 10, in Eric Cantona, 1998, while Anelka only who delivered 27, and mustered one in 1997, but a w i n g e r , i n R y a n the succession worked Giggs, who chipped in with 22, supported by a smoothly. It was one of three contingent of other lesser s e a s o n s , a l o n g w i t h scorers. That United team 1998-99 and 2008-09, did not have a specialist when no one mustered p o a c h e r , b u t h a d a 2 0 l e a g u e g o a l s . I t range of accomplished was one of 11 Premier footballers with different L e a g u e c a m p a i g n s attributes. Fast forward to the when the champions l a c k e d a 2 0 - g o a l current day and it is not marksman. The notion Arsenal’s policy that is that a Premier League flawed as much as the c h a m p i o n r e q u i r e s personnel. The Giroudone is a comparatively Walcott job-share offers

contrasting strengths. The principle that the Englishman’s counterattacking pace could offer much away from home, while the Frenchman’s height could render him more useful when opponents defend deeper at the Emirates, is not necessarily incorrect. Its implementation, however, has been unsuccessful. contender. Arsenal’s inability to do so is less a failure of strategy than of execution.

osun Defender Saturday, May

Compiled By Lukman Ussein

•Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger speaks after his side’s narrow victory over Norwich and fan frustration about their campaign.

Alvaro Morata Wants Juventus Stay Despite Real Madrid Talk - Marotta


uventus’ general manager Beppe Marotta says Alvaro Morata has stated his preference to stay with the Serie A club next season and not return to Real Madrid. Morata moved to Turin with that fee increasing in 2014 but Real insisted each year. There has been talk on a clause being inserted in his contract ensuring of Real exercising their they could buy him back right to buy Morata back for a pre-agreed fee at this summer, but Marotta the end of each season, says the striker is happy

in Turin while adding that he wants the issue to be resolved sooner rather than later. “He wants to stay,” Marotta told Mediaset television. “In the coming weeks, we’re going to have to reach a conclusion. If things don’t turn out how we want them to, then we have got to move for possible replacements.”

Chelsea’s Radamel Falcao Not Named In Colombia’s Copa America Squad


n-loan Chelsea striker Radamel Falcao has been left out of Colombia’s 40-man preliminary squad for this summer’s centenary edition of the Chelsea winger Juan Cuadrado, on loan at Copa America. Falcao has started just Juventus, is also included. G u a n g z h o u two matches for Chelsea since moving to Stamford E v e r g r a n d e s t r i k e r Bridge on a season-long Jackson Martinez was loan from Monaco last also omitted, creating summer, and has made speculation that both o n l y o n e s u b s t i t u t e Martinez and Falcao appearance in 2016 after could be among the suffering what interim three over-23 candidates Colombia’s Olympic manager Guus Hiddink for squad this August. described as a “very Pekerman must trim serious” thigh injury in the 40-man provisional December. squad to 23 by May 20. The 30-year-old, tied Falcao is highly with Arnoldo Iguaran as unlikely to be signed his country’s all-time top permanently by Chelsea scorer with 25 goals, has this summer and faces an not featured for Colombia uncertain future after two since a 3-0 defeat to years plagued by injury. Uruguay in October and Monaco vice president was left out by manager Vadim Vasilyev revealed Jose Pekerman for World in January that his club Cup qualifying victories have considered cutting over Bolivia and Ecuador short their striker’s loan spell at Stamford Bridge, in March. AC Milan striker Carlos a n d t h e 3 0 - y e a r - o l d Bacca, Sampdoria’s Luis revealed in March that Muriel and Borussia he has been the subject D o r t m u n d f r o n t m a n of interest from clubs in Adrian Ramos are among China. Colombia 40-man the forwards who have provisional squad: been picked by Pekerman Goalkeepers: (4) : ahead of Falcao, while

•Falcao says Major League Soccer has great potential to become a bigger league and can produce new generations of talent.

Cristian Bonilla (Atletico Nacional, COL), David Ospina (Arsenal, ENG), Camilo Vargas (Argentinos Juniors, ARG), Robinson Zapata (Santa Fe, COL) Defenders:(14) : Felipe Aguilar (Atletico Nacional, COL), Eder Alvarez (River Plate, ARG), Santiago Arias (PSV, NED), Cristian Borja (Santa Fe, COL), Farid Díaz (Atletico Nacional, COL), Frank Fabra (Boca Juniors, ARG), Deiver Machado (Millonarios, COL), Stefan Medina (Pachuca, MEX), Yerry Mina (Santa Fe, COL), Jeison Murillo (Inter Milan, ITA), Oscar Murillo (Pachuca, MEX), Helibelton Palacios (Deportivo Cali, COL), William Tesillo (Santa Fe, COL), Cristián Zapata (AC Milan, ITA) Midfielders (13): Wílmar Barrios (Deportes Tolima, COL), Nicolas Benedetti (Deportivo Cali, COL), Edwin Cardona (Monterrey, MEX), Guillermo Celis (Junior, COL), Juan Cuadrado (Juventus, ITA), Gustavo Cuellar (Flamengo, BRA), Cristian Higuita (Orlando City SC, USA), Vladimir Hernández (Junior, COL), Sebastian Perez (Atletico Nacional, COL), Andres Felipe Roa (Deportivo Cali, COL), James Rodriguez (Real Madrid, ESP), Carlos Sanchez (Aston Villa, ENG), Daniel Torres (Independiente Medellin, COL).

One of those could be Isco and, while stating his belief that Real “will want to keep a tight grip on him,” Marotta did open up to the possibility of including other Real players in any possible negotiations for Morata. “[Real president] Florentino Perez certainly knows what he has to do, but maybe we could negotiate Morata in a greater context, which could involve other situations,” added Marotta, who is sure most top players would be happy to have the chance to join Juve. “Nowadays, Juventus are a club with great appeal,” he said. “A few years ago, [Antonio] Di Natale turned us down, but nowadays it’s difficult for a player to resist us, and this is something we should be extremely proud about.” The Juventus director also touched once again on the future of Paul Pogba, who he says Juve are keen to “keep a tight grip on for many more years,” using the same words to describe the future of Leonardo Bonucci, who is also being linked with a move to the Premier League this summer. “I think he intends to finish his career here, or at least to stay here for many more years,” Marotta said. “He’s a great player, but nobody’s called us about him yet. It’s important for a club like Juve to have players like him in the squad.” Meanwhile, talks are planned with Chelsea to discuss the future of Juan Cuadrado, who has spent the season on loan with the Bianconeri, while Marotta once again confirmed the Italian champions are interested in signing Andre Gomes from Valencia, saying that he “would do well in any big club.”




saturday, april 30, 2016

o say that change is the most are Nigerians ready for the change the often used word in our political government promised? Some say yes. lexicon in Nigeria today is to ndeed whether it is part of the manifesto of the APC or not, state the obvious. The ruling-All Progressive Congress (APC) made change would definitely come the change mantra, a cliché that was about. For the public to expect the needed well-embraced by most Nigerians change, they must be ready to make during the last presidential election. a sacrifice. It is a fact, however, that It was based on the fact that the last with the leadership should lead the way. administration headed by President Murtala Agboola Some analysts have posited that the Goolduck Jonathan was rudderless. political leadership has not shown Tel: 0806-119-7897 The erstwhile President, though enough leadership acumen to enable E-mail: murtalamuag@yahoo.com relatively younger and academically the followership to follow them. more qualified, should have shown Whenever the leadership charts the competence and be more purposeful way, they argue, others would be ready but what he gave was lack of focus in to follow. It should also be remembered government. that the entrenched interest should Little wonder that Nigerians did not also be confronted headlong. Those waste time in voting him out. Some who benefit from the decadent system Nigerians with the benefit of hindsight, would definitely want the system to are now asking what would have continue. They are a powerful set of happened if Jonathan had won the people often referred to as the cabal. election last year. Their interest cuts across all the strata Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti of the society. Their acolytes are found State has continued to denigrate the in the bureaucracy, politics and media. person of President Muhammadu Padding of national budget has been Buhari since he emerged the candidate with us for as long as God knows when. of the APC. What Fayose forgot is Things have to change. President Buhari that Nigerians know the age of the insists that the National Assembly President before voting enmasse for should only appropriate on what was him. The electorate preferred him to placed before them. Unknown to the the younger and academically qualified parliament, this President insists the Jonathan, whose government was a right thing should be done. hallmark of incompetence and lack of This has led to a delay in the passage purposefulness. and assent of the appropriation bill, The change mantra of the APC which has also brought about the cry became a fad and most Nigerians of the public for a hasty resolution. If welcomed it. we indeed want the right thing to be However, a year after inauguration, done, that is change, then we should be able to persevere or endure some initial a lot of Nigerians are complaining problems, but are we ready? that they have not seen the change they voted for. The expectation of Nigerians about change, to my mind, should be put into proper perspective. Philosophers have interpreted the word to mean that the only thing that is permanent in life is change. Change, however, could be positive or negative. It is also function of variables. In the case of Nigeria, Buhari did promise that the economy would be put •BUHARI One would have expected that since back in proper shape, fight corruption Permanent Secretaries are normal routine, so if the public has a grouse they are involved in legislation, they to a standstill and tackle insurgency. with that it should be extended to such could have made laws to that effect. Basically the change mantra is placed sectors as well. The fundamental question now is; on the tripod mentioned above. Unfortunately, however, other variables like dwindling price of major exporter-earner had had a debilitating effect on the economy. ashidi Yekini, the Ora, Kwara playing in the French League secured and scored five goals to win the top To fight corruption, the nation needs scorer’s award and propelled the team State-born football legend the crown. to victory. money, the same way it needs money The domino effect of this crown passed on four years ago, on It must be stated that Yekini won to put the economy back to shape and later transformed into other Nigerians Wednesday, May 4th 2012. the AFCON title as a reigning African to wage a relentless war against the becoming African footballers of the There is no doubt that the gangling Player of the Year. No reigning player insurgents. striker, who played professional year. It is true that APC promised all these Emmanuel Amuneke, 1994, Victor of the year has won the AFCON trophy football in Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire and goodies, but how can they be delivered Portugal was a deadly striker, who as Ikpeba 1997 and Nwankwo Kanu 1996 since he did it in 1994. Nigerians had so much confidence in the gangling without revenue? and 1999 were crowned. a menace to many defenders. Yekini scored the first goal for Nigeria striker that whenever he was fielded, Given the scenario painted above, Yekini, who started his professional the only fallback would have been the football career with the defunct United in a World Cup final against Bulgaria at Nigeria would score a goal, whether in victory, draw or lose. people to pay the requisite tax and Nigeria Textile Limited (UNTL) USA 1994 on June 21st. ‘Yekini should be properly honoured His eight goals scored in the co-operate fully with the government. Kaduna, also played for Abiola Babes, qualification series, ensured that for his contribution to football Incidentally that is somehow Abeokuta and 3SC of Ibadan. The Ora-born striker scored 37 Nigeria’s flag was hoisted at the development in this country. If heroes unachievable because past experiences international goals for the Super mundial. His iconic World Cup goal like him are not properly honoured, have shown that whereas government Eagles in only 58 appearances. This celebration still stands. He ran into it would serve as a discouragement officials preach austerity, they chose to record which he set as far back as 1998 the goal, grabbed the net and shook it to others who want to offer selfless swim in affluence. endlessly, while screaming to the high is yet to be broken. More importantly, however, is the Because of his prolific goal heavens. fact that the electorate is not convinced At Victoria Setubal (Portugal) where scoring instincts, his surname was that the government is practising what rechristened Ye-King meaning King he played for four years between 1990 it is preaching. For example, how of goals. The late football maestro and 1994, Yekini became the fourth does one explain the fact that many recorded many firsts in his football African to win the award for the most civil servants are being owed arrears goals scored in a Portuguese top flight career. of salaries, yet own elected-Senators season. Besides notching the highest elected to buy 36 pieces of Toyota Land Perhaps, the greatest ever achievement number of goals for the Super Eagles, Cruiser SUV at N36 million each, and of Rashidi Yekini was when he won the he was the first Nigerian to be crowned yet had the audacity to even say they African Footballer of the Year in 1993. Africa Cup of Nations title with Nigeria considered the economic situation. He was crowned by the Confederation in 1994. Yekini played his fifth AFCON The argument put up by the senators of African Football (CAF) and it was tournament in Tunisia under the Dutch is that procurement of SUVs for public also the first time that a player not Technical Adviser, Clemens Westerhof •RASIDI officers such as Ministers, judges and OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank GTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun. All

Audacious Exploit


Are Nigerians Ready For Change?


Rashidi Yekini Lives On

correspondence to the Managing Editor, Kola Olabisi, Telephone: 08033927286 (kolaolabisi@yahoo.com); Editor, KAYODE AGBAJE, Telephone: 0803-388-0205, E-mail: osundefenderbank@gmail.com, kayodeagbaje@yahoo.com. ISSN: 0794-8050.Website: www.osundefender.org.

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