Osun- Defender 30th December, 2014 Edition

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tuesday, December 30, 2014 Tough time, they say, never lasts, but tough people do. Based on human experience this aphorism has proved to be right on countless number of period in the history of

Front Page Comment Osun Compatriots: Time To Sacrifice allocation which And it’s against this backdrop that we like to make appeal - once again - to our compatriots in the state of Osun to see this period as a period of sacrifice in the life of

In the face of the dwindling federal allocation it has really been tough for the ever-progressive Aregbesola-led administration. No doubt the heavy deductions in

started last year is really taking its toll in the running of the affairs of the state and its negative effect is trickling down to the

VOL. 9. NO.156

The living conditions of the people are being grossly affected negatively as salaries are being delayed while there is little to pay contractors. Truly it’s hard.


However, it’s important to mention it that this paucity of funds isn’t limited to the state of Osun alone. It cuts across the whole thirty six states of the federation. Contnue on pg5

Osun Bans Cash In Revenue Collections •As Workers Move To Boost Alternative Revenue Generation - See Story On Page 2

Nigerians Urged To - Pg 3 Seek Peace At All Times

NUC Approves 8 Postgraduate Programmes- Pg 3 For UNIOSUN

Christmas Day: Celebration Held Amidst Harsh - Pg 2 Economic Climate Osun Speaker Canvasses Prayers For Releace Of Chibok Girls

•The Owa Obokun of Ijesaland, Oba Adekunle Aromolaran (2nd left) and his wives; Senator Babajide Omoworare (2nd right) and former Commissioner for Tourism in the State of Osun, Mr Sikiru Ayedun (right), during the 2014 Iwude Ijesa festival in Ilesa last Saturday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

- See Story On Page 3


osun Defender Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Osun Bans Cash In Revenue Collections

•As Workers Move To Boost Alternative Revenue Generation


By kazeem mohammed

s from January 2015, the government of the State of Osun would no longer accept collection of cash for payment of fees, fines, charges and other forms of revenue collection in the state. The state, according o f C o m m u n i c a t i o n t o G o v e r n o r R a u f and Strategy, Semiu Aregbesola, has concluded Okanlawon, was quoted all arrangements to go as dropping this hint when digital in the collection of members of the Nigerian its revenues and erase all Labour Congress (NLC) avenues through which and representatives of all revenue officials come in trade unions submitted a contacts with raw cash. report of their efforts aimed Aregbesola, according at seeking alternative t o a s t a t e m e n t b y sources of revenue for his Director, Bureau the state in the face of the

dwindling revenues from the federation account. “I must announce this to all of you that as from next month (January), no revenue official will be allowed to come in contact with cash again. “This is because we have decided to go digital in our revenue collection. So, be it school fees, fines, charges, and all other forms of payment in obligations to the government by the citizens, no cash will be collected again,” Aregbesola told the

representatives of the workers. The governor, while explaining to the workers why his government has taken the bold step, said the government, at this critical time, must know what accrues to it and not only what is recorded by revenue collection officials. Aregbesola had earlier described as patriotic, selfless and commendable, the initiative by the workers in the state to confront the dwindling resources of the state arising from the persistent

meagre allocation from the Federal Government by, on their own volition, seeking fresh avenues of generating revenues to ensure economic survival of the state. “I thank the entire workforce in the state for their sense of responsibility; for their exhibition of the Omoluabi ethos. “I find it difficult to deprive any worker his or her income at the end of each month. So, for the workers to express their readiness to tolerate and absorb the delay in

•(L-R) State of Osun governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola; Justice Abiodun Adefulire, former Lagos State governor, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun during the 8th day Fidau for Prince Jimoh Akanbi Kareem-Laka Orelope in Lagos last Friday.

Christmas Day: Celebration Held Amidst Harsh Economic Climate


By Francis Ezediuno

t was shouts of Halleluyah that render the air from halls and altars of different churches, as the Christian faithful worshipped God in commemoration of the birth of His son, Jesus Christ. From one church to the other, it was praises and worship and one message oath of office in all their of hope to the other, as conducts in public office. Meanwhile, despite the the world celebrated the harsh economic situation Christmas Day. Messages bellowing in Osun and Nigeria as a f r o m t h e s e c h u r c h e s whole, fun seekers still assured Nigerians that trooped out en masse to despite the economic different relaxation and hardship, God was still r ecr eatio n al s p o ts in going to turn around things Osogbo, the capital city, for good. to catch their fun. Most ministers urged A visit by this medium peace and restraint, even to different arenas saw fun as 2015 remains another seekers presenting a picture election year. of joy and peace, even as They admonished all to they soaked themselves in draw fine examples from the prevailing atmosphere the Osun gubernatorial of celebration. election, which contrary At the Father Christmas to some opinions, went Grotto situated at the State smoothly, as no violence or Secretariat Rounabout, loss of lives was recorded Abere, people were seen before during and after the trooping there in the cool exercise. of the evening, taking Politicians were also pictures and enjoying the charged to have the fear scenery. of God and abide by their So also at the Nelson

Mandela Freedom Park, fun seekers were spotted utilising the park facilities, picnicking and taking different pictures. A visit to some recreational centres revealed that some of them

were sparsely patronised, while some received heavy presence of customers. Some of the people interviewed, in baring their minds, reported that Christmas was meant to be celebrated because it

comes once in a year and if it’s missed, you would have to wait for another year.

Osun Speaker Canvasses Prayers For Releace Of Chibok Girls


By kazeem mohammed

peaker, State of Osun House of Assembly, Honourable Najeem Salaam, has tasked christian faithful to pray for peace and release of the abducted Chibok girls, as the birth of Jesus Christ was being celebrated. In statement issued by the Secretary to the hadPress demonstrated agape Speaker, Mr. Goke Butika, Salaam stressed that it love to humanity through has become imperative to his crucifixion on the cross appeal to God to decree of Calvary, saying that reigning of peace, security was the love that saves and divine tranquility in humanity from eternal doom. Nigeria. The Speaker then called Salaam then felicitated with Christian faithful for love and harmony of all denominations, among all men and women asserting that Jesus Christ of faith, hinging that

religion without humanity, faith that preaches violence and politics without service, is a thorough fare to doom. He also greeted the governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, the deputy governor, Otunba (Mrs) Titilayo Laoye-Tomori, leadership of Christian Association of Nigeria, State of Osun and other leaders in Christiandom, while wishing them Merry Christmas.

salary payment is the highest demonstration of understanding and patriotism. That sense of duty, patriotism and extreme sacrifice is appreciated. “We will study this report very seriously and intimately and come up with our own White Paper of the actions of government, such that at the end of the day, you will come to appreciate the deep consideration we shall give to your suggestions,” Aregbesola stressed The governor however, expressed his regret that the revenue crisis had created complications in the payment of salaries across the country saying: “Either at the federal or at the state level, where is it that workers in this country are being paid as and when due? “ We t h o u g h t t h i s situation would not last long. That was why we used our strategic reserve to augment salaries for one year. All our savings were spent on augmentation of salaries. Our commitment to the welfare of workers is incomparable.” Chairman of the NLC in the state, Comrade Saka Adesiyan, while explaining why the workers took the initiative, said it was more realistic for workers, having seen the true picture and bearing in mind the previous good disposition of Aregbesola’s administration to workers’ welfare, to embark on moves to find alternative ways of getting revenues to run the state. Comrade Adetunji Oladele of the Trade Union Congress, who read the highlight of the proposals by the workers before presenting the document to the governor, said the committee set up met all the 64 agencies in the state to seek their inputs into the proposal. “We did that so that no agency would claim that they are not aware of the initiative. Everybody contributed. We made them to understand that the economy of the state is going down to an extent that if we don’t look inward on how to increase the Internally Generated Revenue, we might not be able to sustain ourselves. The TUC chairman expressed hope that the government would have the needed political will to embark on some of the proposals in order to ensure adequate revenue for the state.



Osun Defender Tuesday, December 30,

Nigerians Urged To Seek Peace At All N By shina abubakar

of Galilee, exploring the city, the city of the Holy Family, Mary’s well, up to the Church of Annunciation, where Angel Gabriel met Virgin Mary. It also visited St. Joseph Church, built on the remains of his carpentry shop before moving to the Wedding Church, where Jesus

performed the first miracle of turning water to wine. The final port of call was the visit to the old city of Jerusalem and the Wailing Wall. Under a tour guide, the team walked the path Jesus took to his crucifixion - the Via Dolorosa starting from the place of the trial presided

over by Pontus Pilate in his chamber, walking along the Stations of the Cross to the Golgotha Hill, where he was crucified, buried and resurrected. The fourteen stations, with each having its own spiritual meaning, were visited while passing through the four gates of

igerians have been urged to see themselves as one, irrespective of political persuasion and pray to God for peace to reign in the country. M a k i n g t h e c a l l o n King Mechisedek and also Christmas Day was the the place where Deborah Nigerian Ambassador to defeated the enemy. Israel, Dr David Oladipo Earlier, the team also Obasa, while speaking at the took a tour round the ceremony organized for the Nazareth Area and the Cana presentation of certificates to the second batch of Osun pilgrims to the holy land by the tour-coordinating need to eschew violence and calls for vigilance. We have company, Tabar Tours. By kehinde ayantunji promote harmonious living. worked in the last four Dr Obasa said the ability Aregbesola, who was years to restore peace to our he governor of the State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf of the nation of Isreal to represented at the event state and that has ensured Aregbesola, has restated the need for peace to survive, irrespective of continue to reign in all parts of the state, as a condition by the Director, Bureau the progress this state has challenges facing it, is of Communication and witnessed. enough conviction to show for sustained progress. “It is a fact that one of Strategy, Office of the that if people are genuinely Aregbesola said a key T h e g o v e r n o r, w h o committed and dedicated to focus of his administration spoke at the 24th Iwo Day G o v e r n o r, M r. S e m i u the many advantages of a course, there is nothing since inception is the celebration, an annual O k a n l a w o n , w h i l e gathering at community days like this is its capacity that they cannot achieve. maintenance of peaceful celebration that brings felicitating with the people Delivering the speech co-existence among the together all Iwo indigenes of Iwo, said community to help promote peaceful on behalf of the state residents, adding that the regardless of religious and leaders, parents and other and harmonious existence governor, Ogbeni Rauf landmark achievements of political divides, reminded stakeholders must consider among our people. And Iwo Aregbesola, Mr Sunday the past four years would the people that what obtains vigilance and parental has been a remarkable model control of their children as in this regard. This town is Akere, the immediate- not have been possible had a quintessential model of past Commissioner for peace not been restored to in many parts of Nigeria at very critical at this period. the moment should serve as Information and Strategy the state. Aregbesola said: “What peaceful co-existence and adequate reminder on the our country faces today cohabitation of different in the state, thanked the 153-strong team for living up to expectations as good ambassadors of the State of the Virtuous through their of the Association conduct and utterances in of Commonwealth the holy land. Universities (ACU), the He advised political the National Universities Institution would now By ismaeel uthman leaders in Nigeria to adopt Commission (NUC) for the have access to unparalleled the Aregbesola example in he National Universities Commission (NUC) commencement of one new resource of networks and Osun in which individual has approved eight post-graduate programmes undergraduate academic support. relationship to his/her for Osun State University. programme in 2013 and “With this development, God is respected through Vice-Chancellor of the university, Okesina, in a press statement S t u d i e sProfessor , M a s t eBashir r i n four programmes in 2014. UNIOSUN will join other observance of freedom of “ T h e N U C h a s commonwealth universities made available to OSUN International Studies (MIS), religion. He said what the 1999 DEFENDER on Sunday Master in Intelligence and a p p r o v e d e i g h t p o s t - to share innovation and Constitution of Nigeria said the new programmes Strategic Studies (MISS), g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m m e s international best practices. provided is that the nation would commence in the M a s t e r o f S c i e n c e i n for commencement in Membership of the ACU the 2014/2015 session will also highlight the will be a secular state, where 2 0 1 4 / 2 0 1 5 a c a d e m i c Geography, A l s o a p p r o v e d a r e ; a n d t h r o u g h L e a r n e d institution’s commitment no religion will be adopted session. B e s i d e s , t h e N U C Professional Master in Conference Policy, over to a steadfast belief in as the religion of the state. He revealed that this was has also approved 32 Disaster Risk Management 250 academic and non- social responsibility and what informed the decision undergraduate academic ( M R M ) , P r o f e s s i o n a l a c a d e m i c s t a f f h a v e international development.” of the government to ensure p r o g r a m m e s o f t h e Master in Environmental been sponsored to attend that prayers are offered in university, according to Management (MEM), Ph.D local and international Microbiology and M.Sc. conferences, trainings and the three major religions at Okesina. seminars.” The eight approved post- Biochemistry. every official programme Okesina stated: “The H e a d d e d : “ Wi t h in Osun, saying that there is graduate programmes are: nobody that serves the Lord Master of Arts (M.A.) University processed and t h e u n i v e r s i t y d u l y without reaping the benefits. History and International obtained the approval of recognized as a member Akere stressed that Osun has been able to survive and weather the storm because of its belief in prayers, adding that the current administration in the state itself is a product of answered prayers. He therefore, advised that as the nation gradually approaches the 2015 general elections, Nigerians should adopt the “Osun Peace Push Approach” in which men of God prayed for peace, morning and night, for 60 days before the August 9, 2014 governorship election and God answered by giving us the freest, fairest and most peaceful election till date in Nigeria.” In his brief remark at the event, the Chairman of Tabar Tours, Mr Joseph Tabar, thanked the government of the State of Osun for patronizing his company and promised better services in future if called to serve. The pilgrims rounded up their tour to the holy land with visits to the Mount Tabor and the Wailing Wall. The Mount Tabor, which is also called the Mountain of Transfiguration, was •Sango Olukoso performing during the 2014 Iwude Ijesa festival in Ilesa last Saturday. where Abraham met with

Old Jerusalem viz the Lions Gate (East), Damascus Gate (North), Zion Gate (South) and Jaffa Gate (West). In the course of the long trek, the team stopped over at the Wailing Wall to offer prayers and supplication to God.

Iwo Day: Aregbesola Restates Need For Peace


NUC Approves 8 Postgraduate Programmes For UNIOSUN


faiths and cultures. “Iwo, which is renowned for its critical role in the development of the Islamic faith in Yorubaland, is also home to some of the most vibrant and active Christian institutions in this part of the country. Indeed, Iwo is a study in communal harmony and social cohesion, which are much-needed in our multi-cultural age. “Iwo, therefore, is a solid affirmation of the wisdom of our policy of promoting communal peace and harmony.” Earlier, speaking at the event, the immediatepast Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Moshood Adeoti, who was the Father of the Day, appealed to all indigenes to, regardless of their political and religious inclinations, work in harmony for the progress of the ancient town. Mr. Seyi Onajide, the Managing Director of R. T. Briscoe Nigeria Ltd, who was the chairman of the occasion, advised youths in the town to be creative under the country’s prevailing economic circumstances. He said it is only in being creative that they would overcome the economic hardship in the country and move to higher heights.



osun Defender Tuesday, December

Osun Compatriots: Time To Sacrifice Continued from pg1

But a state like Osun happens to be the worst hit by this dwindling fortune in federal revenue because of its dry nature. If not for the ingenuity - the creativity of Ogbeni - coupled with his financial prudence the much unprecedented development the state has witnessed in the last four years of his administration would have been practically impossible. This is why people continue to marvel at the level of development Ogbeni has brought to Osun in spite of the dry nature of the state. We know that the enlightened class of Osun population isn’t unaware of the cause of this ugly situation.

And we must appreciate their sense of understanding so far. Thus the target audience of this editorial is actually the less enlightened class of the populace who may not understand the true situation of things. But this editorial is meant to appeal to the good people of the state generally to bear with the government for this tough period. We should all see this period as a period to sacrifice especially bearing in mind that we have been fortunate to have a pro-people government in place but which is only being incapacitated by lack of fund. Lack of fund occasioned by two main factors; federal conspiracy and the non-buoyant nature of the state. Indisputably Ogbeni Aregbesola’s government is the

Wale Oladipo’s Unguarded Outburst


IR: One has waited to hear from the National Secretary of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Wale Oladipo, that he was quoted out of context when he described General Mumhammadu Buhari (retired), the APC presidential candidate, as semi-illiterate. Since he has not retracted the uncalled-for use of wrong words in describing once Nigeria’s Head of State, he has portrayed PDP in bad light. I am a supporter of PDP but if this statement credited to its national secretary remains, it will neither do the party any good nor win it elections. Is Wale Oladipo actually an academic professor or just a title he got from somewhere? Remember a magician who went with the name Professor ‘P’. Oladipo, if at all he is a real professor, he should have checked the academic background of the man

he described as semiilliterate. From the best of my knowledge and little research I carried out on Buhari’s educational q u alif icatio n , Bu h ar i attended the best military schools in the world. In case the ‘Professor’ doesn’t know, Buhari graduated as a military

officer (Lieutenant) in Royal Military Academy, Aldeshot UK. He attended the Defense College India. Col Buhari also attended the US Army War College Carlisle in Pennsylvania from 1979 -1980 and earned his command as a Brigadier-General. The respected General Collin Powel attended

the same school in 1976 to become Brigadier General. Some of Buhari’s classmates include General Beltson, General Thomas P. Carney, General Bill Matz, General David E.K. Cooper etc. All of them are alive and can be reached and they will give glowing tributes of the man, Buhari, they know as

their classmate. My appeal is that, if at all, PDP’s Wale Oladipo should earn a reply to this unfortunate use of gutter language on Buhari, it should be from officers of the APC. Let the reply not be by the real Professor, Yemi Osinbajo, who is Buhari’s running mate. The research should

government while having it in mind that no condition is ever permanent. We are of the belief that light will soon appear at the end of the tunnel. As we said in our opening paragraph; tough time doesn’t last, only tough people do. At Osun Defender we don’t have that doubt that our compatriots in the state of Osun are tough people who have the charisma to outlive a tough situation like this. This is a period of sacrifice no doubt. Let’s continue to endure at least for this temporary period to pass. This is a passing face in the life of our dear state. We shall soon overcome!s only one word

one that loves the people. It’s a government that puts the people first. It’s a government that has been working for the people. It’s a government that is concerned about the welfare of the people and a government that has been prudently managing and efficiently utilising the meagre resources accruing to the state from the centre. No doubt all these are evident in the level of development we have on ground in all facets in the life of the state. And at personal level from what we know of him Ogbeni is a leader who loves the people much. He hates seeing people suffering and he doesn’t in the least revel in putting people in difficult condition. This is why our people must understand with his government. We must persevere and bear with the

include a proper check on Wale Oladipo’s family, social and educational backgrounds. Wale Oladipo should be made to realize that if he considered PDP first, he should have known that the nation’s First Family would not attempt addressing Buhari in such a gutter language. If th is co n tro v ers y is allowed for public discourse, which I am afraid it will take that dimension, the First Family would be worse for it. Think of the average intelligence dispositions of President Goodluck Jonathan whenever he was interviewed in local and international electronic media; also consider the grammatical ‘shelling’ of Dame Patience Jonathan, etc. Sleeping dog should be left alone, I advise. • D r . B e r na r d Tamuno, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.


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OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guarantee Trust Bank GTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun. All correspondence to the above mail address. ISSN: 0794-8050 Telephone: 0803-392-7286, 08033880205 Website: www.osundefender.com/index.php e-mail: osundefender@yahoo.com


Good Governance osun Defender Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Aregbesola’s Second Coming:

Fresh Tenure Well Deserved! (II) Last week witnessed the debut of this fresh series. NIYI OLASINDE closes the year with this second edition. Continuation of the series shall hopefully usher in the New

•The governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola and his wife, Sherifat, acknowledging cheers from his admirers after taking his oath of office for second term at City Stadium, Osogbo, State of Osun, recently.



Osun Defender Tuesday, December 30,

Fresh Tenure Well Deserved! (II)

•Another calisthenics display of ‘GOV BY GOD’S POWER’ during the Governor Aregbesola’s second term inuaguration.


Continued from last week. HE Education aspect of the administration of Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola deserves much of critical focus; since it proved all along that Education sub-sector is one of the principal specialties of the administration. To this end, OSUN DEFENDER Magazine has devoted much space and time to its detailed spotlight in series of our editions in the past years. It is not as if we are giving up of this effort; but we intend not to overbeat it. So, we shall make mention of some of the giant strides recorded in the sub-sector before expressing desires and expectations for the entire second tenure. As a sub-sector of the Social Services Sector of our economy, the importance of education to the socio-economic and industrial development of any nation cannot be overemphasized. It is against this background that the administration of Ogbeni Aregbesola has remained resolute on the promotion of functional education in the state. The governor continually recounted how a timely discovery was made by his team that the educational infrastructures in our schools were in worrisome state upon their assumption of office in late 2010. In order to rightly and accurately assess the level of decay in our educational system, the Government of the State quickly held a two-day education summit with the theme: “Resolving the Education Crisis in Osun State: Bridging Analysis and Implementation Gaps” at the Osun State University (UNIOSUN) in February 2011. The summit was to become one of the most prominent and decisive giant strides taken by the Aregbesola administration. To put the record straight, it came as the first ever in the annals of education summits in the state! By that singular action, the incumbent administration demonstrated its unwavering resolve to tackle head-on the spate of neglect and rot that had bedeviled the education industry in the state. Also by it, the Government Unusual took the bull by the horns to restructure and reconstruct amenities and infrastructure in the education sector of the state; in order to restore quality and promote functional education at all levels in the state. Apart from the Free Education Programme at the Primary and Secondary levels, the Aregbesola administration in the state has made remarkable achievements in the educational sub-sector. An instance of this is the rebranding, repackaging and transformation brought to bear on the Home-Grown School Feeding Programme; an old programme of the Yar’Adua / Oyinlola years; which has been resuscitated and rechristened Osun Elementary School Free Feeding and Health Programme (O’ Meal). With the reorganization and resuscitation of the programme, all the pupils in primaries one to four in public schools in the State of Osun are now covered under the free feeding programme which offers them wide assortments of highly nutritious meals during the school hours. Even meals that are not served in routine menu in conventional practice, like quality chocolate, milk, eggs and chicken are on the list of regular menu of the feeding programme. OSUN DEFENDER Magazine wishes to pause here and reflect briefly in passing the extent of international acceptance and recognition which the State of Osun; through the O’ Meal programme has garnered unto itself. On January 22, 2014, the Governor of the state and grand designer cum prime mover behind all the innovation packages currently ongoing in the state, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola was in the European nation of the United Kingdom on the invitation of the higher legislative chambers of that Queen’s country, the House of Lords, to ·

enlighten, brief and teach the parliamentarians on the nitty-gritty and workings of the O’ Meal programme, which has turned it into a bundle of wonders in the state. It is no longer news the vibrant and ground-shaking standing ovation the governor was accorded at the event. Through that feat, Ogbeni Aregbesola has done us proud as a people as the first ever governor in Nigeria; even in Black Africa to be so esteemed and honoured to be summoned to lend knowledge to the White World, usually looked upon for originating innovations in virtually all areas of human endeavour, education inclusive. This feat came to the shame, confounding and stupefaction of detractors who see nothing good in virtually all the good gestures of the Aregbesola administration, especially in the Education sub-sector. More wonders are still expected to unfold during the years ahead. In addition, the poor condition of infrastructure in public schools in the state is already being radically reversed. Towards this end, the first phase of the construction of New Model 100 Elementary Schools, 50 Middle and 20 High Schools is in top gear. The fiscal year 2012 witnessed massive reconstruction and rehabilitation of the dilapidated school buildings inherited by the administration of the day from its inept preceding administration. This, the governor noted, is in consonance with the team’s determination to raise the standard of education in our dear state. It is in a bid to arrest the spate of perennial acute shortage of teachers in our schools and concomitantly ensuring effective teaching and learning activities in schools that the incumbent administration has embarked on massive recruitment and selection processes for qualified, quality, competent and experienced teachers for engagement at our Primary and Secondary levels. This step, apart from being a necessity to compensate for the ravaging neglect of the past; became necessary to take adequate and abundant care of the exploding enrolment figures in schools, following the introduction of a true, functional and qualitative education at those levels. Specifically, various selection exercises have so far been conducted by the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) and the State Post-Primary Teaching Service Establishment and Pensions Commission (TESEPC), involving various numbers of candidates successfully absorbed into the teaching service of the state. Following the large number of retirees in the state’s teaching service at the end of the 2012 fiscal year; arrangements were put in place in year 2013 to get a huge number of teachers employed in replacement for the retired ones. This plan saw the light of day as the year witnessed massive recruitment and selection of teachers at those levels of education. With proper inauguration of appropriate boards in particular, provision of required number and quality of teaching personnel has begun to receive greater attention in the past year. In this direction, greater attention has been received during this spent year (2014). In addition to these numbers of teachers engaged, selection has also been made for competent and qualified teachers among the volunteer cadets of the popular Osun Youth Empowerment Scheme (OYES) and those hitherto employed by the ParentsTeachers’ Association (PTA). According to plan, the process of recruitment of teachers, which had been on, and was billed for completion within the first quarter of 2012, is intended to be a continuous process. What this implies is that even during the New Year, another batch of massive recruitment and selection of teachers is expected to be carried out for existing and continuously-opening vacancies in the elementary and secondary rungs of the education ladder. Also in the area of education, the governor noted that it

was in his administration’s bid to ameliorating the suffering of parents, guardians and students that reduction was effected in the exorbitant fees being charged by the authorities of the Osun State University (UNIOSUN). A similar gesture was extended to all other tertiary institutions owned by the state. These include the Osun State Polytechnic (OSPOLY), Iree; the Osun State College of Technology (OSCOTECH), Esa-Oke; the Osun State College of Education (OSCOED), Ilesa; and the Osun State College of Education (OSCOED), Ila-Orangun. The Government of the State, the governor declared, had abrogated all forms of charges in our public schools. To achieve effectiveness in teaching and learning, the examination and running grants being released quarterly by the government to the public secondary schools in the state have been increased by over 300 per cent. It was promised that the Aregbesola administration shall continue to give the deserved attention to the welfare of teachers in 2012. This promise was redeemed all through the subsequent years and during the year 2-014; and this shall surely continue through the New Year, judging by the level of recognition being currently accorded to teachers and the teaching profession. It is placed on record how in the year 2012 teachers in the high echelon in the state were elevated to the exalted status of Permanent Secretary, with the designation of Tutors General. Facts on ground have also revealed that within the short period of the incumbent administration of Rauf Aregbesola in office, the State Library Board had received the full attention of government, particularly in the provision of conducive working environment; a situation which has positively impacted on its services to the reading public. The governor constantly promises that the State Library Board would continue to receive quality support from the State Government of Osun in 2012 and years ahead. Ogbeni Aregbesola also promises his administration’s resolve to revive the State Scholarship Board. This promise has been redeemed in the year 2012, and shall be consolidated in years ahead. Under the auspices of the scholarship board, assistance is given to deserving, outstanding but indigent (financially challenged) students of the state’s origin to obtain higher education at home and abroad. Since the governor has already rolled out the State of Osun Schools’ Calisthenics Programme, alongside the inauguration of Ewa Ipinle Osun, he has since been forthcoming in the fulfillment of his promise to give revival to the old boys’ and girls’ associations and voluntary clubs in all primary and secondary schools for leadership training and team spirit building. Last year, it was in full realization of the vibrant role and the auspicious place of Education sub-sector of the Social Services Sector to the socio-economic life and political emancipation of the State of Osun and the liberation of the people that the incumbent administration accorded to it a total allocation of N13.7 Billion or 18.8 per cent of its total capital budget; though that initial budgetary provision later on got reviewed upwardly, following the consideration of the State of Osun House of Assembly. During the last one year, there have been tremendous achievements recorded for the Education sub-sector in the state. Apart from the State of Osun Schools Uniform Scheme (O’ Uniform) other strings of successes have followed. Chiefest

Continued on page 11

Osun Defender Tuesday, December 30, 2014



2014 Iwude Ijesa Festival In Ilesa, State Of Osun, Last Saturday.

•A cross section of PDP members during the programme.

2014 Iwude Ijesa Festival; The First Adamo Music Fiesta Organised By Friends Of Rauf Aregbesola In Ilesa Last Friday. Photo: GBENGAADENIYI.

•The Adamo leader, Ige Adubi and his band performing at the programme.

Osun Defender Tuesday, December 30, 2014



2014 Iwude Ijesa Festival In Ilesa, State Of Osun, Last Saturday.

•Some of the dignitaries prostrating for Owa Obokun of Ijesaland, Oba Adekunle Aromolaran, at the event.

•(L-R)State of Osun House of Assembly members; Honourable Babatunde Komolafe •Former All Progressives Congress (APC) treasurer in the state, Mr Kunle Odeyemi and former APC Chairman in the state, Elder Lowo Adebiyi. and leader of the House, Honourable Timothew Owoeye, on the occasion.

•A cross section of Ijesa traditional chiefs at the event.



Osun Defender Tuesday, December

2014 Iwude Ijesa Festival In Ilesa, State Of Osun, Last Saturday.

•Local drummers at the event.

• •Another cross section of Ijesa traditional chiefs.

•A cross section of APC members at the programme.


Osun Defender Tuesday, December 30,

2014 Iwude Ijesa Festival; The First Adamo Music Fiesta Organised By Friends Of Rauf Aregbesola In Ilesa Last Friday. Photo: GBENGAADENIYI.

•The Adamo music leader, Pa. Adedara Arunra (2nd right); Mr Wale Idowu (2nd left); Adamo Consultant (right) and another dignitary on the occasion.

•A cross section of Adamo musicians at the event.

•A cross section of spectators during the programme.

Osun Defender Tuesday, December 30, 2014



Fresh Tenure Well Deserved! (II)

•Calisthenics displaying of ‘WELCOME’ at the event. Continued from page 12 called Tablet of Knowledge (Opon Imo) has brought lots of improvements in to the learning processes at that stage as well eased the process of getting the state’s candidates for external examinations adequately prepared for success. Lots have already been written on the nitty-gritty of the Tablet of Knowledge (Opon Imo) our earlier editions. A detailed elucidation shall soon be made on it under appropriate segments of this edition. The launch however eventually saw the light of day in the month of May last year. Also during the month of May, precisely on Monday the 27th May 2013, the annual globally-held Children’s Day celebrations took a different turn in the State of Osun. This was as at the instance of the Government Unusual of Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola the first-ever O’odua World Children’s Day Celebration was organized and held. The event, a unifying force for all offspring of legendary Oduduwa in Nigeria and in the Diaspora, turned out to be a convergence of all children, adult and traditional (royal) fathers of Yoruba extraction spread across the globe. At the event of the day, representatives and contingents present included those from about ten states in the federation of Nigeria, those from the neighbouriing old Dahomey Kingdom (now Republic of Benin), and those from other parts of the universe, with the inclusion of the United States of America (USA), the Americas and the Caribbean. It was really a colourful and eventful programme. The states within the federation include the host state, the State of Osun. Others are Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Ondo and Ekiti States. We also had in attendance other states like Kwara, Kogi, Edo and Delta states. Apart from an impressive turnout from almost all royal fathers from the host state at the event, royal fathers from other places outside the State of Osun include the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III; the Aseyin of Iseyin; and the Eleruwa of Eruwa. Royal fathers from the Republic of Benin include the Olupopo of Popo; Onisabe of Sabe and Oniketu of Ketu among others. Through the auspices presented by the programme, youths from those different states mentioned above and those from other parts were able to interact and cooperate with love and share commonalities. As it turned out, and as Governor Aregbesola himself pointed out at the programme, the event of May 27, held at the main bowl of the Osogbo Township Stadium (under construction at the time) marked the largest-ever held congregation of black nationalities anywhere in the world. The greatest achievement of the event was bringing together after a long period of conflict two prominent and frontline Yoruba royal fathers, the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III; and the Ooni of Ife, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Okunade Sijuade, Olubuse II. During the month of July, same year, the third in the series of quiz competitions annually held in commemoration of the birthday of the internationally reputed literary icon and Nobel Laureate in Literature, Professor Oluwole Akinwande Soyinka was held, with the State Government of Osun taking the position of a leading light. Last year’s episode, marking the academic giant’s 79th birthday had the involvement of seventy-nine youths for the finals which were held in the Government House of the State of Osun in Osogbo, the state capital. The aim of the programme transcended merely celebrating the excellence

radiated by Soyinka, but raising future stars among our youths; who would project our image in the future; even after we might have been long-gone! This feat has already been repeated this year at the occasion of the 80th birthday anniversary celebration of the academic giant. Time and again during the outgone years, we brought to the fore the numerous achievements of the incumbent administration in the state in the aspect of development of schools infrastructure in the state. This is talking in terms of the activities of the State of Osun Schools Infrastructure Development Project (O’ SCHOOLS). In September 2013, the first in the numerous ultra-modern schools building projects of the O’ SCHOOLS project was officially commissioned and delivered for use. The Salvation Army Middle School, Alekuwodo, Osogbo, the state capital is a 900-seater state-of-the-art complex, which put to rest the insinuations of detractors that all of the school building projects of the administration were destined to be abandoned in the midstream. The school is one out of the fourteen in its category that are being put in place by the Rauf Aregbesola administration in the State of Osun. The school building has since been put to use; while other school, building projects initiated by the administration are almost completed / at various stages of completion and almost ready for official commissioning / delivery. The year 2014 have started pretty well indeed! From the start of the year, the hope had been high that more and more in the line-up of public schools being erected in the state shall be officially commissioned and delivered. This hope has not been betrayed during the first quarter of the year. During the month of February, the first in the list of completed elementary schools in the state was officially commissioned and delivered for use. The Baptist Central Elementary School, Ilare, Ile-Ife, which official commissioning was held on Tuesday February 18 witnessed massive turnout of residents of Ile-Ife, members of the political class and the entire people of the State of Osun – all of who were full of joy and prayers for the governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola and his team. The elementary school is one of the thirteen (13) units of its sort being put in place in the state. The governor and other members of the State Executive Council present at the occasion of official commissioning appeared in the uniform of elementary schools in the state; another initiative of the administration. In his address at the occasion, Governor Aregbesola said: “The ongoing monumental transformation of education in the State of Osun is unstoppable. Nobody can stop us. “Even if we have to step on toes, we shall continue to build a solid future for generations yet unborn. The school is not for Muslims, Christians or traditionalists but rather for the people of the State of Osun. The education of our children must be taken seriously and we must not play pranks with it under any guise to secure the future of our state and society at large” In renewing his affirmation for the turnaround of the education sub-sector of the state, Aregbesola stated that the vision of his administration was to build an educational system that would produce great men and women in the society. In addition to the afore-mentioned data of thirteen (13) elementary school and fourteen (14) middle school building projects, there are still twelve units of high school building projects ongoing in

the state. The governor however promised the delivery and official commissioning of all the projects before the end of his administration’s tenure of office. In his graphical analysis conducted at the occasion, Governor Aregbesola made it known that his administration was spending on annual basis a whooping sum of N27.1 Billion on teachers’ salaries and pension, while the Opon Imo project had so far gulped N1.2 Billion. He put the capital expenditure so far on education at N31. 1 Billion. In her earlier speech at the occasion, the Deputy Governor of the State of Osun, who doubles as the Commissioner for Education, Otunba (Mrs.) Grace Titilayo Laoye-Tomori revealed that the school has tent-five (25) classrooms, with capacity to accommodate one-thousand (1,000) pupils with other modern facilities like two (2) staff common rooms, one (1) office each for the headmaster and assistant headmaster, and a dining room. Others are modern sports field, and other features that make the school able to compete favourably with private schools anywhere in the contemporary Nigeria. She further had the following to say: “The school symbolizes possibilities and that change is inevitable. Despite the fact that some people are mischievous about the project, the government is right on top of the situation and we shall continue to work towards better future for our children” Recently, the third in the series of quiz competitions annually held in commemoration of the birthday of the internationally reputed literary icon and Nobel Laurel in Literature, Professor Oluwole Akinwande Soyinka was held, with the State Government of Osun taking the position of a leading light. This year’s episode, marking the academic giant’s 79th birthday had the involvement of seventy-nine youths for the finals which were held in the Government House of the State of Osun in Osogbo, the state capital. The aim of the programme transcends merely celebrating the excellence radiated by Soyinka, but raising future stars among our youths; who would project our image in the future; even after we might have been long-gone!


HE terrains of public education in the years preceding the advent of the Rauf Aregbesola administration was far from being attractive or alluring. This is true as all indications pointed to a situation of rot, decay, abandonment and devastation in the sub-sector; so much so that parents and guardians were repelled with fear and disgust from committing their wards to the care and tutelage that that category of schools dispensed. Needless to say, the only category of parents and guardians who were left to the mercy of those schools were those who due to certain limitations imposed by economy or other factors, had no alternative than sending their wards there as a last resort. In other words the segment of the populace who gave patronage to those schools in those dark days comprised those who looked up to God and prayed ceaselessly for deliverance and rescue to come their way some day. In our series last year and in years before, OSUN DEFENDER Magazine has devoted lengthy writing to the spate of rot and decay which the sub-sector witnessed during the period under reference. We therefore would not have to subject our numerous

Contiuned on page 12

Osun Defender Tuesday, December 30, 2014



Fresh Tenure Well Deserved! (II) Continued from page 11

again given details of the poor score sheets of candidates of the state who were produced through the ugly system in public examinations. In honest terms, the performances were not only persistently poor but also abysmally woeful and disheartening. In terms of enrolment figures, the statistics had dwindled drastically. In terms of schools’ physical structures, materials, equipment and textbooks, the scoring was simply nothing to write home about. The quantity and quality of teaching and nonteaching personnel in those schools had been another point of concern. In most cases, the teachers were not just there. Where they were present in some numbers, it was not usually in the right quality. Recruitment and selection exercises for teachers in those days were fraught with fraud and irregularities, hence, the teachers (so called) were mostly engaged in an attempt to pacify political hangers-on, cronies and boot-lickers. Since the coming on board of the Rauf Aregbesola administration however, a wave of change, unprecedented and unimaginable – confounding to distracters - has rippled the public education sub-sector of the state. In all ramifications, the sub-sector has been virtually overhauled. Apart from the free, functional and qualitative education package wielded by the administration of Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola in the State of the Virtuous, other components of good service delivery, which could make learning much easier, attractive, effective and efficient have been put in place. Among the multiple “O” programmes initiated by the Government Unusual, the education industry has taken a substantial number. We can easily talk of the O’ Uniform programme under the auspices of which the administration distributed school uniforms and badges free of charge to all students in public schools in accordance with their levels; whether elementary, middle or high school. Not only this, the O’ Meal programme ensures free feeding of pupils in primary school classes one to four on daily basis with nutritious and highly enriched food varieties so as to enhance their intellectual development and prepare them adequately for future challenges. The O’ Calisthenics is a programme in physical cum affective and psychomotor domains. Through it, the government of the day has exposed the students, drawn mostly from the middle school rung of the educational ladder to more productive engagements of their time, talents and latent potentials. The O’ SCHOOLS intervention initiative is an area that is almost of exceeding importance of all. This is so as no meaningful and impactful teaching-learning process can take place in poor physical environment. The State of Osun Schools Infrastructure Development Committee, known for short as O’ SCHOOLS is out to effect the demolition of all existing dangerously dilapidating structures in all our public schools and replacing such with modern, befitting and more durable ones that can favourably compare with the demands of the Twenty-First Century. We have discussed issues relating to this to detail in some of our earlier editions in this series. We only need to add in passing that “infrastructure” in the context of O’ SCHOOLS mean a wide variety of components which include: a) School buildings as designed and approved; b) External works as designed and approved; c) Landscaping as designed and approved; d) Furniture for students and staff; e) Library, laboratory and workshop equipments; f) Sporting facilities; and

g) Any other facility, structure and equipment that may be considered necessary for effective teaching and learning in the schools. Also, by the plan of the O’ SCHOOLS Committee, we realize that the government intended at the initial stage to build and deliver: · 100 elementary schools (2,100 classrooms); · 50 (62?) middle schools; and · 20 high schools In view of limitations imposed by the economic realities on ground, the first phase of the programme could however accommodate the minimum delivery of: · 50 elementary schools; · 33 middle schools; and · Between 10 and 20 high schools As at the end of last year, the statistics of these schools which were almost ready for official commissioning and use was put at about fifteen (15) elementary schools; thirteen (13) middle schools; and ten (10) high schools. The figures are still counting, as the programme is continuous through the life of the administration. Latter part of last year and early this year marked the official commissioning of the first fruits of the O’ SCHOOLS project and their delivery to their respective intended end-users. The last academic session ended on a glorious note with more and more of the completed schools construction projects being commissioned and put to use, to the glory of God and for the benefit of mankind. First in this regard was the official commissioning of the Salvation Army Middle School, located at the Oke Fia / Alekuwodo area of Osogbo, the capital of the State of Osun. That was done in September 2013. Second was the commissioning in February of 2014 of Baptist Central Elementary School, Ilare, Ile-Ife. During the month of March, another ultra-modern school building project in the category of elementary school, the A.U.D. Government Elementary School, Isale-Agbara, IsaleOsun, Osogbo was officially commissioned. More recently, more and more of these projects have been commissioned in Ikirun, Ila, Iwo, Ikire and other parts of the state. It is an event that is certain that the ongoing fourth year anniversary of the administration and the celebrations of the re-inauguration of Ogbeni shall witness the official commissioning of more of these projects. The list is still counting! This rate of completion has put wagging tongues into silence. We have observed through the lifetime of the incumbent administration how our public schools have flourished prolifically with massive employment of trained, qualified, competent and highly experienced teaching personnel. We have also witnessed how the administration has made the teachers in public schools highly motivated by attending promptly to all their needs, not only in terms of salaries and fringe benefits, but also other needs bordering on entry and terminal points as well as elevation of high echelon personnel in the teaching profession to the exalted status of Permanent Secretary. Hence we now have three Tutors-General; one for each Senatorial District of the state. Central to the free education programme of the administration of the day is the free book distribution exercise embarked upon. By this, the sufferings of the masses have been alleviated a great deal through free distribution of exercise. The climax of this is the introduction of the Tablet of Knowledge, known as Opon Imo. This device is one of the most laudable efforts of the Aregbesola administration in the Education Sub-sector. The

Schools Reclassification Programme and Schools Discipline Initiative are other effort made to revive the sector from the horrible state it was in at the take-over time of the administration. We shall now swing forward to give concise consideration to Opon Imo and all that it entails. When the newly-inaugurated administration of Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola came out with the idea of holding the first-ever State of Osun Education Summit in February 2011, detractors wagged their tongues in outright condemnation of the programme which they considered as sheer waste of time and resources. Today, the summit has justified itself; as it has translated to meaningful life-impacting transformation in the Education Sub-sector of the state; most especially the public schools, to which the government remains proprietor and financier. We know for sure that quite a number of interesting packages has begun to be rolled out as aftermath of the summit, which was chaired by none less a personality like the academic giant and famous Nobel Laurel, Professor Wole Soyinka. Notable among such educational rebranding efforts of the administration which are wielding potent reforms in the education industry of the state owing to their purposeful and faithful implementation are the O’ Uniform, O’ SCHOOLS, O’ Meal and O’ Calisthenics; and such others as we have discussed above. The particular groundshaking and epoch-making entrant into the scene is the Tablet of Knowledge, known popularly as Opon Imo. The Opon Imo initiative has come, like its earlier-introduced counterparts to demystify school learning and make public school learning more attractive; thereby restoring its old-lost glory, honour, sanctity and rectitude. By virtue of the line-up of these intervention efforts, it is no longer a dreadful event to send a child to public schools. On top of these attractive packages; education in our public schools is free, qualitative and functional. What this latter point implies is that a good proportion of parents who had been made victims of coughing out enormous hardearned resources in order to get their wards educated in private schools; or rather who could scarcely afford that costly facility for their wards are now afforded the rare privilege of good education free of charge, courtesy of the quintessential leader of our time, Ogbeni Aregbesola. Through the introduction of Opon Imo, the burden of spending enormously on textbooks either by parents or government has been relieved. We remember with nostalgia the old good eras of free education as introduced and successfully operated in the defunct Western Region by the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the premier of the Region. The same feat was replicated during the Second Republic with late Chief Bola Ige at the helm of affairs as Governor of the old Oyo State. We also remember the good efforts of Chief Bisi Akande in his days as Governor of the present-day State of Osun. During the entire period under reference, tuition, textbooks and notebooks were entirely free! The free education scheme afforded many school children especially those from humble socio-economic background the opportunity of access to quality, functional education. By the standards of those periods, school children were provided with textbooks and notebooks free of charge. But the standards of the current time place the demand on government to find another device which can present volumes of books of different sizes in a very light, easy-to-access gadget, which an average learner can carry about with much ease and which can provide learning anywhere and anytime without the burden of carrying bulky bags around.

Continued on page 13

•Governor Rauf Aregbesola (right), taking the oath of office. With him are his wife, Sherifat (2nd right); Barrister Wale Afolabi (2nd left); the Chief Judge of the State of Osun, Justice Adepele Ojo (left) and one of the governor’s sons during the inauguration recently.



Osun Defender Tuesday, December

Fresh Tenure Well Deserved! (II) Continued from page 12

Another advantage of the Opon Imo is that it saves the government the perennial burden of procuring sets of books. According to Governor Aregbesola while responding to critics that his administration is deemphasizing the use of books, he enumerated the economic benefits of providing easier alternative as consisting in saving enormous costs for the state which can be expended on other viable life- changing programmes and projects. The governor said that over a period of ten years, the devise would save government a whooping sum of about N50.25 billion; were the state to engage in the physical purchase of hard copies of textbooks for the 17 subjects taught in our public schools, hard copies of 51 audio tutorials, hard copies of JAMB and WAEC past questions and answers and the rest. Aside these, the Opon Imo device can be solar-powered. It also has the capacity to record audio lessons, thus saving students the trouble of copying notes. It also spares them more time to learn. Another benefit confirmed for the device is that it facilitates the incumbent administration’s free education programme through its cost-saving nature. We would all agree that a truly qualitative and functional free education programme is usually a crowd-puller. The populist nature of such programme therefore would require its provider to find means of making learning easier, fast and all-reaching within a limited space of time. OSUN DEFENDER Magazine is of the assurance that the Aregbesola administration has done this sufficiently well.

The governor has continuously emphasized the bold resolve and determination of his administration to focus thrust on the making of the total student – so the preparation of conducive learning environment, which consists in the construction of befitting classrooms and equipping such with good furniture, shall win the priority attention of his government. He has never reneged on his promise that his administration will not waver or get derailed from the pursuance of these lofty courses of action. Further on the issue if textbooks, Aregbesola reasoned that since textbooks are made from wood which is obtained from forests cultivated on wide expanses of land; the introduction of a devise like Opon Imo, which reduces the dependence on books, will help in the conservation of our forest resources, hence reducing risks associated with environmental degradation. It has been a reasonable argument from the point of view of Ogbeni Aregbesola that since a student must have been exposed to textbooks from kindergarten, offering him something different at his high school age would do him much benefit. In other words, he should be offered with the kind of learning that brings him in conformity with his colleagues and counterparts in the present world order through exposure to digital-based instruction that makes him ICT-compliant. In Governor Aregbesola’s definition, the Opon Imo devise is a first of its kind standalone learning tablet in the world for self-paced study. It provides three major content categories vis-à-vis e-library virtual classroom, and an integrated test zone. The virtual classroom category contains 63 e-books, covering 17 academic subjects for examinations conducted by WAEC, NECO and JAMB as well as non-academic life-enriching subjects such as History of the Yoruba, Sexuality Education, Civic Education, Ifa on Ethics and Morals, Enterprise Education, hints and tips on passing SSCE and How to Live a Healthy and Happy Life. It was further revealed by the Governor that this section also contains an average of 16 chapters per subject and 823 chapters in all, with about 900 minutes or 15 hours of audio voiceovers. In the integrated net zone of the devise, there are more than 40,000 JAMB and WAEC practice questions and answers dating back to about 20 years. It also contains mock tests in more than 51 subject areas, which approximates to 1,220 chapters, with roughly 29,000 questions, referencing about 825 images. Recent revelations from the State of Osun Deputy Governor, who doubles as the Commissioner for Education, bare it that the Opon Imo devise can accommodate update, upgrade, additions and enrichment; especially in line with mew discoveries and changes in the ever-dynamic world. On this note, the tablets are turned in at the end of each academic year to allow for this upgrade

and to allow for incoming sets of students to make use of them as some most senior set graduates. However, it is possible for parents who want their wards to have the devise for permanent retention to book copies. titled “Reflections on Our Policies and Programmes”, the Governor detailed the achievements, which bordered chiefly on the giant strides recorded in the The tablet, as it has turned out, is in design, use and purpose more than education industry. While commenting on the whole essence of his aspiration to a learning devise. It is a revolution that individualizes learning and brings become the helmsman of the state in the first place, the governor had this to say: the school to the child. No wonder that Governor Aregbesola said that in the old order, the pupils went to school to study, but that with Opon Imo, they “As we begin this great year, I reflect on the last year and even the last henceforth learn! three years since the Almighty God, by His grace and mercy, brought me to this seat as your Governor. Permit me to say that the only reason why I aspired Opon Imo has also been defined as entailing democratization of learning. This to be governor was to get an opportunity to improve the lot of the masses of is so, because Opon Imo provides equal access to every child, irrespective of his our people. or her background. Pupils in the remotest village now have access to the same body of knowledge as their counterparts from the most cosmopolitan city. No “I know how dehumanizing poverty and lack of opportunities can be. I know wonder that OSUN DEFENDER Magazine drew reference to the coincidence how illiteracy can truncate the destiny of a person and a society. of the Opon Imo launch with the June 12 celebration, vis-à-vis the mention above of the democratization aspect of the device. We pause to reflect that the “This is why every day our focus as an administration has been (and is) on annulment of the results of the June 12, 1993 Presidential Elections which was how to improve the lives of the majority of our people. widely, convincingly and overwhelmingly won by the late business mogul, captain of commerce and symbol of the collective cause for democracy, late “My firm belief is that government exists to protect life, liberty and pursuit Bashorun Moshood Kasimawo Olawale Abiola poised monumental set-back to the nation and the development of its segments and institutions. Had the of happiness, provide an environment for commerce to thrive, for the young and democratic experience of that time been allowed to thrive and materialize, the economically deprived to be educated, for the sick who cannot afford medi-care nation would have advanced well today. This is more so if it is viewed against the to be taken care of, for the provision of security for all, and for the enforcement back drop that the achievers of today – Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Governor of the rule of law and maintenance of law and order. Babatunde Raji Fasola and our own Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola – were “All of these must be premised on the truth that all men, regardless of means, parts and parcel of the struggle in the defunct Social Democratic Party (SDP). If our return to democratic governance had started from that time; honestly, we religion or ethnicity, are created equal by God and must be enabled where they are unable to access the means for decent and humane existence. would have gone very far by now. “The question I ask myself about any policy we propose to make is simple: Opon Imo, by containing all subjects, is a veritable tool in the making of the rounded student. It was revealed that a science student has access to textbooks ‘How will this benefit the poorest in the State of Osun’?” on arts and social sciences and vice-versa. We also learnt that there is a business side to the tablet. According to Governor Aregbesola, a factory for the assemblage of computer tablets is On the justification behind the introduction of the O’ Meal programme, the already in the pipeline in the State of Osun. The factory will provide jobs for Governor made the following comments: our youths and provide revenue to the government. He said that by that singular move, the foundation is being laid for the making of Osun as the IT hub of the “It is this philosophy that has guided and inspired all of our policies as your nation. The governor expressed the hope of his administration that Opon Imo government. We put in place the O’Meals programme for feeding all elementary would spread to other parts of the nation from the State of Osun. school children daily because we know that a large number of our In rounding up his speech at the launch of the devise in June 2013, Ogbeni Aregbesola viewed the addition of Opon Imo to our education as another turning point in the public school system in the State of Osun. He expressed his strong belief that the history was in the making on that day with the official launch of the devise; and that the real significance of the day in the history of education in Osun will be appreciated in the fullness of time.

people find it difficult to feed themselves and their children. We know that undernourishment and calorie deficiency is a major cause of physical and mental underdevelopment of children and young people.

“It has been scientifically confirmed in many countries that provide lunch for their children in school that it significantly History was made in June 2013 through the events culminating in the official improves the academic performance and health of the pupils. unveiling of the iPod-like computer devise; customized to demystify learning We are finding this to be the case in our state. for students at the senior secondary level of our public school system in the State of Osun. Branded simply as Opon Imo, which translates into Tablet of Knowledge, the devise, a brainchild of the Aregbesola administration had earlier come under severe criticisms from the camp of detractors on many grounds; the last of which was that the programme had been clandestinely launched in Lagos.

“Additionally, the programme has increased elementary school enrolment in Osun from 150,000 to 380,000 children. We now have the largest elementary school enrolment in the country.”

Earlier, detractors had tongue-lashed the project as sheer attempt at wasting the financial fortunes of the state; attempting to deify the oracles by the introduction of what they chose to call Opon Ifa; and an overall attempt at making the youths of the state tow the path of fetishism. As time advanced, further accusations came that the Opon Imo project sought to deemphasize the use of textbooks; and most recently, critics of the project cried foul that it had been launched in Lagos, rather than the State of Osun for which it was designed and meant. At the end of it all, the administration of the day, under the leadership of Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola has proven itself to be well above all situations aimed at distracting it as the Opon Imo initiative has eventually seen the light of day.

Continued on page 14

In his state-wide broadcast heralding in the New Year 2014, the Governor of the State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola elucidated on the numerous achievements of his administration in the past years. In his speech

•(L-R) The deputy governor, State of Osun, Otunba (Mrs) Grace Titi Laoye-Tomori, taking the oath of office as Deputy Governor of the state. With her are Barrister Wale Afolabi and Chief Judge of the State, Justice (Mrs) Adepele Ojo during the swearing-in ceremony of Governor Rauf Aregbesola and his deputy for second term in office at Osogbo City Stadium, Osogbo, State of Osun, recently.

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Fresh Tenure Well Deserved! (II) Continued from page 13

Of particular note is the reference we intend to draw to the last quoted paragraph above. On the overall, it is the aggregate of the comprehensive and integrative package of initiatives in the education sector of the state that contributed to the upsurge in enrolment statistics of public schools in the state, to the effect that there was a swelling of more than double only within the space of three years! Now after four years of running with the vision, the feats are still on. Commenting on the Opon Imo initiative, the Governor traced the purpose of its introduction and the impact it had made so far, when he said: “Our provision of ‘OPON IMO’ (THE TABLET OF KNOWLEDGE) which contains all the textbooks and teaching aids required in high school is because we know that most parents in the state simply cannot afford the cost of textbooks.

“But let me take us back into a bit of our fairly recent history. Everyone knows that mission schools were taken over by the government of the Western State almost 38 years ago. This means that since 1975, all mission schools were owned, funded and run by government. But the successive state governments ensured that the names of the schools were not changed, in order to maintain the legacies of the founding missionaries. “Therefore, as we rebuild the schools and expand their facilities, we also have not and will not tamper with their names. We believe that the missions and missionaries, who founded the schools, must be immortalised by retaining the names of the schools. For example, one of the completed middle schools in Osogbo is the Salvation Army Middle School at Alekuwodo.” On the prospects of returning mission schools to their initial owners, the Governor said:

“Again we believe that all of our children, regardless of the financial means of their parents, must have equal access to books and other materials for effective learning. The introduction of this electronic tablet is to bring our children, no matter how remote their location may be from the centres of digital advancement, to familiarity and currency with cutting-edge technology.”

“I am also aware of the agitation of some missions to have schools returned to them. Although, as I have said before, the schools have been owned by governments since 1975, our administration is not foreclosing the prospect of returning some of the schools upon the completion of our new schools.

The Governor appraised the overall education policies and programmes of his administration in lucid terms in the following words:

“I wish to emphasize that this process can only begin upon completion of the schools we are currently and aggressively building all over the state. The process of return of schools must be well planned and executed because of the various implications, especially the fact that their ownership had changed almost four decades ago.”

“The same is true of our educational reform policy. You will recall that when I was sworn in as Governor in November 2010, the schools were in a shambles. Hardly any school in the state had facilities of any kind. We then called for an education summit, attended by great educationists and intellectuals of all persuasions.

On the newly introduced Omoluabi Corps and Instilling discipline in school children of the state the Governor said: “Osun is a state which will be a model of peace and tolerance. I would like to say that religious, political and ethnic tolerance is the basic foundation of our Omoluabi heritage. We must promote this culture of tolerance and civilized conflict resolution with all our might.

“Professor Wole Soyinka, our own Nobel Laureate, made time out to personally attend. The summit recommended a complete overhaul of our education system.”

“This is why we have decided to establish an Omoluabi Peace and Conflict Management Commission. This is to be a standing commission where communal, religious, ethnic or other social disputes can be resolved by a body of respected elders from across Yorubaland and even other groups.”

He particularly appraised the outcome and effectiveness of the first-ever State of Osun Education Summit as follows:

Aside the free, functional and qualitative education programme of the incumbent administration in the State of Osun under the leadership of Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola; there are numerous other mutually reconstructive, integrative programmes, policies and packages that are not only in tandem with, but also complementary to the orientation and philosophy of Omoluabi which has formed the core value and bent of the overall exertions of the administration. In all its programmes and policies as well as the execution of all projects, the administration has so far been guided by fairness, justice, equity and fair-play; giving unto all strata and groups across the state as much as is reasonably required, in relation to what is desired within rational limits and within the affordable reach of available means. This is done with profound magnanimity; even in the face of dwindling monthly revenue allocation from the Federation Accounts. Today, honest analysts and unbiased observers would agree with OSUN DEFENDER Magazine that this administration has no equal among the ones that had come in earlier years in terms of contribution to the life of the state and the well-being of its residents in all ramifications. The immediate past administration, taken as case study only extorted from and sapped the economy of the state beyond the marrow, such that by the time the knell was sounded for its inglorious exit, the state had almost been dragged into an absolute state of insolvency. The case and fate of the state was as terrible as that! It is therefore shameful, disappointing and pitiful to hear insinuations peddled here and there; time and again by members of the leading opposition in the state: the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) attempting to denigrate the giant strides of the Rauf Aregbesola administration and the tangible, visible and all-encompassing achievements which are so glaring that they cannot be controverted. In pragmatic terms, the State of Osun has in the past four years shed off its old image. The state has acquired new name, new status, and new destiny – all to the extent that her fortunes have changed for the better! This development came as fulfillment to the predictions we made at the beginning of the launch of the new underlying philosophy in year 2011. During that time under reference, OSUN DEFENDER Magazine postulated that the state’s acquisition of new name, sobriquet, logo / coat of arms, flag, anthem and all the rest transcended mere name-calling and or other superficial underpinnings. We predicted at that early stage that the names and other symbolic representations would speedily begin to speak aloud for the state; such that it would sooner than later be transformed into the envy of all other states around, both in Nigeria and yonder. We are glad today. We can stand tall and beat our chest that Osun is well on course to reaching the Canaan of her dreams.

“The most important conclusion of the summit was the restructuring of the system into three basic categories, Elementary, Middle and High schools. Grades 1–4 are the elementary school, Grades 5–9 are the middle school, while grades 10–12 are the high school.”

Concerning the State of Osun Schools’ Infrastructure Development Committee (O’ SCHOOLS), the Governor affirmed our claims when he said:

“In the high school, we focus on preparing the children for both internal and external examinations. Our plan is to build 20 new high schools, 50 middle schools and 100 elementary schools. Each of these schools will be equipped to state-of–the-art standards, especially with digital learning aids, electronic boards, functional and contemporary laboratory equipment, sports facilities, clean water and large power generators etc.”

Making justification for the merger of schools, the Governor made the following clarifications:

“The only way to provide these facilities at affordable costs is to merge small poorly equipped schools into larger schools where all the facilities can be provided to large numbers of students using economy of scale to maximum advantage. This is what we have done. “Sometimes, this policy has been misunderstood and some have tried to mischaracterize the reforms as having a religious undertone. This is most unfortunate, wicked and untrue. “The philosophy of our education policy has been the development of a new man intellectually, socially and morally. This new man is placed in the centre of society and views his own development as part of and for the development of society. “This is a non-parasitic and non-oppressive man, who views his existence in the context of the growth of others; he views whatever he acquires to be subsumed in the overall interest of others. He is a man in himself and a man for society.”

Governor Aregbesola refuted claims by a segment of people that he is bent towards favouring one religion against the other. He also told the story behind the education reforms initiated by his administration: “There are some who may genuinely feel that the education reforms might affect their missions. This is an unfounded fear. Only an irresponsible person will attempt to rubbish or remove the legacy of missionaries in education in Osun and even in Nigeria. I attended mission primary and secondary schools here in Western Nigeria and I proudly display that on my resume.

To be continued.



osun Defender Tuesday, December 30, 2014


OLUSESI ISAAC writes that the Ife Agenda, of bland components formidably programmed to install Iyiola Omisore, son of Ife soil and governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) only exemplifies the effervescence of political loyalty and self-centeredness of the agenda that clashed with the State of Osun holistic agenda that re-elected Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola for another term, making the Ife Agenda inane, rudderless and a failure.

The Ife Agenda And Osun Guber Election ith a l o n e e x c e p t i o n , t h e A l l Progressives Congress (APC) serving lawmakers, national and state, from Ifeland, State of Osun, Nigeria, worked for the Ife Agenda. How crass! But crass or not, politics is the art of the impossible, the unthinkable, the unheard off, the weird, the bizarre, the incongruous, the unexpected, the unimaginable, the hyper-ordinary, the disastrous, and the unpalatable. W

The lone exception. Folorunso Bamisayemi, a serving APC Ife lawmaker, representing Ife South State Constituency, choose to rock the boat and indeed, he did. Against the Ife Agenda that was a war against the total will of Osun in which blood was let in Ifeland, a fight in which weapons were buzz words, Bamisayemi, quickly dug into his archives, brought out recorded video and audio tapes of the lord of Ifeland, Oba Okunade Sijuwade’s support and prayers for the re-election of Aregbesola; and with the stubbornness of Ijesa customers, Bamisayemi aired the evidential tapes repeatedly on the state television and radio waves, into the governorship election hour that disabused the minds of Ife people, doused the tension in the land, and won whatever were the Ife votes for Aregbesola.

Meaning that, in politics, anything can happen. Politics, by the Ife Agenda for the last governorship election in Osun, is an exercise in subterfuge, the APC Ife serving lawmakers’ double standard. What did the APC Ife serving parliamentarians sell to the Ife electorate during the last governorship election campaigns? Their APC, the ruling party in the state? Or, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, their party governorship candidate? None. But the Ife Agenda, a compulsive electoral conspiracy to relieve Aregbesola of the state governorship, was to rail road Iyiola Omisore, son of Ife soil into the state government house. With a lone exception, the APC Ife serving legislators exemplify the pedestrianess of their own brand of politics and the effervescence of their political loyalties to Aregbesola. Like how Ibadan people in the old Oyo State, Nigeria installed Omololu Olunloyo as governor of Oyo State. Olunloyo is a son of Ibadan soil, and was the conservative governorship candidate of the conservative National Party of Nigeria (NPN) in the Second Republic; the Ife Agenda formidably programmed to enthrone Iyiola Omisore, son of Ife soil as governor of Osun and actually mobilised total resources that garnered native votes for Omisore in the Ife four local government councils with the agenda’s penetrating effect in more than one local government council outside Ifeland. Omisore is the conservative governorship candidate of the conservative opposition party in the state, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and a challenger of Aregbesola, the sitting governor who won the August governorship election in the state. The Ife Agenda operated on the principle that it knew best what was good for Ife people. The vision and mission of the agenda and the decision of the APC Ife serving lawmakers as the agenda anchors, were that the government of Aregbesola however good or benevolent could not be trusted to serve Ife interests more than the government of their son, Omisore would; that Aregbesola-ruling APC could not be trusted to put Ife interests over and above the rest of the state; and that the Ife Agenda had the task to direct, and actually directed, the Ife electorate that voted for Omisore, son of Ife soil. Unfortunately, the Ife Agenda only delivered bland statement. Many factors were responsible. The agenda itself has bland background, bland components and bland modus operandi and the APC Ife serving parliamentarians as the agenda anchors have only constantly rushed to newsrooms wherever, or held press conferences at the APC State Secretariat, Osogbo, the state capital, to make noise to deceive Aregbesola. Trust Aregbesola, a man of wisdom, he would give them his nod and stupendous ovation. And everyone else in the state also knew that the APC Ife serving legislators’ popularity climbed, late into the governorship election, to a stratospheric height as they waxed philosophical about their “new world order,” the Ife Agenda. Two, the task of Ife Agenda’s anchors at press confabs was not always clear-cut. How influential was their APC in Ifeland was always unmentioned? How progressive was their APC policies in Ifeland was always unmentioned? How good was their APC’s chances in Ifeland in capturing the ultimate trophy, the governorship, was always unmentioned. But what was always largely mouthed were lethal threats from Omisore and his PDP, a ploy by the Ife Agenda’s anchors, the APC serving lawmakers to run away on the governorship polling day. And indeed, they took to their heels that made Omisore rake the entire votes of Ifeland.

The Ife Agenda importantly, was subject to the whims and caprices of the erratic or rational Ife voters, whichever applied. Neither applied, but the fact of Ifeland as a mere electoral subunit of Osun makes Ife Agenda a patchwork of inanities, rudderless in planning and a failure in execution.



Three, the Ife Agenda’s interests, needs and ambitions clashed with the holistic agenda of Osun that re-elected Aregbesola for another term. The Ife Agenda was thus driven by the brutish, nasty and short-law of selfcenteredness, to fight the entire Osun ambition to have Aregbesola re-elected.

absolutism with tragic consequences for Osun polity. Aregbesola is a democracy budgeter, with leadership and governance style, expressive of the will of the people of Osun. He is a gateway to Osun collective prosperity and comfort; a new beacon of hope, and a detergent that cleaned up Osun of PDP’s felons, hoodlums, armed bandits and other kinds of political and morale dirt. And he is the Archimedes with the mandate and wherewithal to move the state forward the more.

And four, the votes of the entire Ifeland, too significant to outweigh the total votes of the rest of Osun. And five, circumstantially, the magic wand that worked for Olunloyo in the old Oyo State, was too impotent to work in the contemporary Osun. Ile-Ife is not the capital of Osun, many thanks to the military president of Nigeria, General Ibrahim Babangida (retired), the creator of Osun State, with Osogbo as the state capital and political headquarters. And not Ile-Ife, that attenuated the electoral potency of the-Omisore- son- of- the- soil persuasion. The Ife Agenda ought to know that Omisore is no superman. “We need a superman – the job is so vast and the need for wise judgement is so urgent,” Brooks Atkinson, an American drama critic and essayist would say of Osun. Atkinson could not have reached a different conclusion, as one does not need to peel the wool off one’s eyes to recognise the only gem in today’s Osun politics. The superman is Aregbesola, a vast and intellectual wealthy political figure. He is a moral lobby that abolished the Osun PDP dictatorship, in the cast of brute force and

The Osun governorship election was gone. Osun people have not lost; the Ife Agenda has not lost either, so to say. At least, the agenda has learnt its lessons. The judgement of history is important to both sides, and ironically the judgment is the responsibility of times and circumstances. It must however be said, the Ife Agenda declared war on its non-adherents, that inputted fear and a reign of terror in Ifeland. Yet, there was no split in the rank and file of the Ife Agenda as no Ifeman could afford to be disloyal, or unpatriotic to the agenda. But the Ife Agenda had better recall that those who have had the temerity to stay on the path of Aregbesola, a human bulldozer, do know that a bulldozer is not a fancy plastic. It is iron.Ask the PDP, ask Olagunsoye Oyinlola, the PDP governor in 2007. Aregbesola took the battle to them and won. He is not one to be chewed; they tried to chew him and his bone got stuck in their throats.

“But the Ife Agenda, a compulsive electoral conspiracy to relieve Aregbesola of the state governorship, was to rail road Iyiola Omisore, son of Ife soil into the state government house. The Ife Agenda’s interests, needs and ambitions clashed with the holistic agenda of Osun that re-elected Aregbesola for another term. The Ife Agenda was thus driven by the brutish, nasty and short-law of self-centeredness, to fight the entire Osun ambition to have Aregbesola re-elected.” “But the fact of Ifeland as a mere electoral sub- unit of Osun makes Ife Agenda a patchwork of inanities, rudderless in planning and a failure in execution. While the serving APC Ife lawmakers who dialogued fast with their feet and never voted in the governorship election in their polling units, must be first suspects in any analysis of Aregbesola’s woeful electoral outing in Ifeland.”

Bamisayemi, Chairman, Education Committee in the state house of assembly, and Chairman, Rauf Aregbesola’s Re-election Campaigns in Ife Federal Constituency, comprising the four local government councils, including Modakeke Area Office, would not have joined the Ife Agenda, or agreed to do the dirty job against Aregbesola’s re-election, as in Ifeland and elsewhere in Osun, Aregbesola’s political values and democracy dividends, and political loyalties to Aregbesola have taken root. Firm! Neither did Bamisayemi run away from the consequential electoral crisis caused by the Ife Agenda with mutual suspicion in its trail, that erupted destruction and mayhem at the governorship polls in Ifeland. Most deserving of the APC ticket to flag his constituency in the state parliament and he got it for the second term, Bamisayemi rather provided desired leadership even when it was obviously dangerous for him being anti-Ife Agenda; while the serving APC Ife lawmakers who dialogued fast with their feet and never voted in the governorship election in their polling units, must be first suspects in any analysis of Aregbesola’s woeful electoral outing in Ifeland. How could anyone of the APC Ife serving lawmakers have joined the unpatriotic Ife Agenda, if all Aregbesola should get is ingratitude,masquerading as the assertion of the Ife Agenda? Yes, more subtle questions must be raised than harsh answers, the subtitle way to separate the sheep from the goats. There is no blackmail here.

•OLUSESI is Assistant Director, Directorate of Publicity, Research and Strategy, All Progressives Congress (APC),



Tuesday, december 30, 2014 e are quick to pass W bulks in an attempt to exonerate ourselves from the guilt of misdemeanor going on around us. This has made it extremely difficult for us to take responsibility in the slightest sense of it. We become careless about issues that have direct bearing on our wellbeing; and we have become a laughing stock to the outside world that envies the gifts of nature that have been bestowed. They see us as squander-maniacs, who take natural endowment for granted, as if we will prosecute the Giver (God) if He decided not to be so benevolent. The evil that tortoise plots, which is thought to affect others, has now turned around to affect tortoise directly. Tortoise has suddenly become a worse victim than any of those seen as badly affected. We are far from being our brothers’ keepers for reason of self-allusion, which allows us to feign ignorance about the plight of others, whose wellbeing should ordinarily bring us respite. We are now at a crossroad, and no one seems to know the direction through which the much-needed succour can be fashioned; just like the elders will say that we are confused and we are lost as to which mortal to put the dry okra to get the desired component for the drawing soup. Since the return of Nigeria to democratic rule in 1999, we have equated election to conventional merchandise. People, most especially the politicians, believe that the period of electioneering is such that should be made most advantage of. It is a period that candidates must showcase their propensity to play game. The best player is considered as that individual with the fattest moneybag, with naira or dollar notes to dole as symbol of strength and capability. This is considered as an instrument of conviction to party people that someone going into contest at whatever level is ready for personal aspiration to materialize. Politicians then get to power with the erroneous generalization that the electorate have received their dues in the gratifications that initially changed hands. The larger populace then go on to groan under non-performance that has become the hallmark of successive administrations at the center in Nigeria. Most of our political office holders today have no feeling of guilt or condemnation, because they feel they have paid their dues before getting to office. Irrespective of people’s complaint, political office holders often regard agitations, however genuine; to be ill-timed, because their time of reaping from what they have sown is not yet over. They take time to recoup what they have spent on electioneering, and go ahead to keep in excess over and above the considered normal return on investment to save for subsequent aspiration that is generally not guaranteed by mortality that is fundamentally the nature of man. The thought of the suffering masses is

By ade olugbotemi

N21bn Campaign Fund: Just Because We Are All Involved

agencies of federal extraction are yet to receive December salaries. It is therefore seen as a misnomer for government to overlook the pertinent matter of workers’ welfare, only to raise such a huge sum for mere re-election purpose. People would have appreciated it better if such efforts were directed to the revamp of our economy, which has gone comatose. They are of the opinion that the enthusiasm or desperation that brought that idea about would have been directed to the resuscitation of our battered economy. That move alone is seen to be strong enough to earn Mr President Nigerians’ sympathy to guarantee his return to office again. A multibillion naira campaign fund has successfully been launched, and this in the opinions of the launchers is expected to ‘change the destiny of Nigeria’ as usual. More funds will still be added because some of their allies are yet to donate into the campaign vault, aimed at returning the most powerful president in Africa for another term. The allies will not like to loosen their grips on the future of Nigeria; hence the need to fortify the structure that is yielding for them golden fleece and the resultant insulating woolly jacket meant for the amelioration of inevitable economic threat.


shrouded in pretence, so that the guilt of conscience is buried in ostrich sand. That accounts for the reason some people think most political office holders are in the occult, as most of them are seen to be recalcitrant. In the extreme, elections are rigged through inducements to election umpires, who disregard the expression of wishes at the polls and award victories to candidates with relatively high ‘bargaining power’. Part of the booties in office is conserved to fulfill such ends. The masses are helpless in this regard, as they are also forced look forward to such windfall to cushion their impoverishment in the hands of the political office holders. They often make jest of themselves; saying that it is Abu’s money that is used to entertain Abu. Some even go to queue on election days because of the expected gains from the inducement largesse that politicians dole out to unsuspecting voting populace to wield support their own ways. Most of us bother less about the long-term effect such temporary comfort derivatives have on our lives; that is why we are permanently tied to a spot in time, because today has been consumed upon our avarice previously.

Emotions have risen over a whopping amount of money in excess of N21 billion raised in support of the reelection bid of President Goodluck Jonathan the penultimate week. Such emotions have led to serious outbursts; most of which came from the suffering masses. Nigerians are aware of the problem of funding confronting most states of the federation. The Federal Government is not left out, as several austerity measures are being put in place as advocated by the coordinating minister of the economy, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala. She has severally warned federating states of the need to put in place measures that will ensure that all loopholes are plugged. Most states of the federation owe workers’ salaries up to three or four months now. The launching of campaign funds the penultimate week in Abuja was therefore perceived as an extreme level of insensitivity by both the president, people in the ruling-Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and the so-called donors. The fundraising is seen by all as ill-timed, especially at a time when the Federal Government is also not able to pay workers’ salaries. As at today, workers in most ministries, departments and

The legendary ‘Apala’ music icon, Raji Owonikoko, said in one of his numerous records, that a trickster, who applies guile to make love to a lady can exhibit the evil ingenuity but once. Nigerians have been tricked not once, not twice, but on four occasions. We can well feel the pains of our long period of complacency and seeming indifference, whereby our portions have been wounded, battered and utterly depleted. Like the tricked lady, we have been traumatized to the point of losing our essence. Our resuscitation will only be made possible by means of a concerted effort to activate our life-supporting mechanism, which energizer is hidden in the February general elections. Many have seen the downing of our economy in the hands of the rulingPDP and at the twilight of President Jonathan’s tenure, as the best thing that can happen to Nigeria. According to this school of thought, Nigerians will be able to objectively x-ray the managerial acumen of the sitting president, and how the ruling party feels about, and their possible reaction to the plight of the people they claimed have voted them in. With the current situation, Nigerians must clearly be aware of where their lots have fallen in the purview of the ruling class’ considerations; which is enough to determine the voting pendulum of Nigerians and the direction it will swing in February general elections. Getting it wrong the fifth time will definitely lead to an irredeemable waterloo.

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank GTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun. All correspondence to the Managing Editor, Kola Olabisi, Telephone: 08033927286 (kolaolabisi@yahoo.com); Editor, KAYODE AGBAJE, Telephone: 0803-388-0205, E-mail:

osundefender@yahoo.com, kayodeagbaje@yahoo.com. ISSN: 0794-8050.Website: www.osundefender.org.

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