an evening on the
Red Carpet Schedule
Registration I Cocktail Hour I Silent Auction I
Program I Dancing
2nd Annual Oswego Health Foundation Gala
an evening on the
Red Carpet Saturday, November 3 at 6:00 p.m.
Oswego Health Foundation
Visit us: Follow us on Facebook – 315-326-3788
The American Foundry Oswego , NY
Oswego Health Foundation
Innovator $15,000
Facilitator $10,000
Exclusive naming rights “XYZ Company Annual Oswego Health - Fire & Ice Gala
Company logo prominently displayed on auction winner screen
Company logo prominently displayed on event photo backdrop
Company name and logo featured on all promotional and day of event materials including save the date, sponsorship opportunities package, event program, website and social media (time sensitive)
Company name and logo featured on all promotional and day of event materials including save the date, sponsorship opportunities package, event program, website and social media (time sensitive)
Company name and logo featured on all promotional and day of event materials including save the date, sponsorship opportunities package, event program, website and social media (time sensitive)
Verbal recognition during event
Verbal recognition during event
Full page color acknowledgement in event program - 3rd choice of inside front cover, inside back cover or back of program, if available
A half page color acknowledgement in event program
Distinctive signage at event entrance
Oswego Health Foundation gift for all attendees
Company name and logo featured on front cover of all promotional and day of event materials - save the date, sponsorship opportunities package, event program, website and social media (time sensitive) Premier speaking opportunity during event Preferred full page color acknowledgement in event program - 1st choice of inside cover, inside back cover or back of program Distinctive signage at event entrance
Premier speaking opportunity during event Full page color acknowledgement in event program - 2nd choice of inside front cover, inside back cover or back of program (1st come 1st served) Distinctive signage at event entrance Two VIP tables for 16 guests
Three VIP tables for 24 guests
One complimentary bottle of champagne per VIP table
One complimentary bottle of champagne per VIP table
Oswego Health Foundation gift for all attendees
Oswego Health Foundation gift for all attendees
Dinner $5,000
One VIP table at the Gala for 8 guests
Two VIP tables for 16 guests One complimentary bottle of champagne per VIP table
Sip Cocktail $2,500
Silent Auction $1,500
Prominent signage on bar during event
Prominent signage at Silent Auction duringevent
Verbal recognition during event
1/8 page ad in event program
A quarter page acknowledgment in event program (* $2,500)
Supporting Sponsor $1,000 Verbal recognition during event Listing in event program
Wall of Support Sponsorships Large sign $500 Small sign $250
Oswego Health Foundation gift for all attendees
Individual Tickets $100 * Tax deductible portion
(* $23,416)
Visionary $25,000
PARTNERSHIP COMMITMENT Contact Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Company: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________
YES, count on our participation at the following level
___ $25,000 Visionary Title ___ $15,000 Innovator ___ $10,000 Facilitator ___ $5,000 Dinner Sponsor ___ $2,500 Sip Cocktail Hour
___ $1,500 Silent Auction ___ $1000 Supporting sponsor ___ Wall of Sponsorships ___ $500 ___ $250 ___ $100 Ticket Purchase Please accept our 100% tax deductible gift of: ____________
Deadline to register by: Monday, August 31, 2018
Please Return to: Oswego Health Foundation 110 West 6th St., Oswego, NY 13126 • 315-326-3788 ___ Enclosed is my check for $ ______________ __ Bill Me ___ Please charge my credit card (check one) MC Visa Discover AMEX Credit card information will be securely destroyed immediately after processing.
Card Number: ___________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ Sec. Code: _____________ Name on the Card: _______________________________________________ Table Name: ________________________________________________ Attendee’s 1. Name:____________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ 2. Name: ___________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ 3. Name: ___________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ 4. Name: ___________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ 5. Name: ___________________________________ Email: ____________________________________
6. Name:________________________________________ Email:________________________________________ 7. Name: ________________________________________ Email:________________________________________ 8. Name: ________________________________________ Email:________________________________________ 9. Name: ________________________________________ Email:________________________________________ 10. Name: ________________________________________ Email:________________________________________
Please complete and submit the enclosed sponsorship form, guest information and payment along with camera ready artwork (if applicable) by Monday, September 19, 2018. Please submit artwork in either a high resolution jpeg or high res PDF file. Completed forms may be returned via email, fax or mail. Artwork can be submitted directly to Michele Hourigan at