Oswego Parents - Spring 2007

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O S W E G O A Publication of the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations

Parents S


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Student Quality Continues to Rise


Orientation leader Amanda Acobes ’08, a theatre major, works with a group of incoming students at orientation last summer in the quad between Hewitt Union and Penfield Library.

While those interested in science majors have always been in the applicant pool, Grant said, because of the college’s merit scholarship program, more of these students are choosing to attend Oswego. “Their presence helps raise our visibility, so that other people who may not have thought about attending Oswego are begin“Hello, my name is…” Incoming students introduce ning to think about us,” he said. themselves in a summer orientation activity. Meteorology and zoology are two popular Over the last four years Oswego has made majors attracting students from New York significant strides in increasing the quality state and beyond. of the incoming class. There are twice as Also attracting top students are over $1 many students now who entered with high million in renovations to Lanigan Hall, resultschool averages in the 90s and SAT scores ing in new digital radio and television studios. over 1,200 than the students entering “The ‘wow’ factor on the facilities side between 1998 and 2001, he explained. makes a big difference” in attracting top This means more students in the Honors students, according to Grant. Program and more Presidential Scholars. It Another important factor is the college’s also means a difference in the classroom commitment to providing merit scholaratmosphere, benefiting all students. ships to worthy students. In 2006, Oswego “The faculty report that classes are more awarded over $2.6 million in merit scholarlively with students more committed to ships and new recipients totaled 616. academic work,” Grant said. Grant also sees a very positive trend in He has also noticed that more incoming the student body becoming more diverse. students are interested in science areas Not only are students coming from the than in the recent past. As incoming fresh- urban, suburban and rural areas of New men, they seem more motivated to do well. York state, but the numbers of Hispanic and

Asian students continue to rise on campus. Grant said increasing the diversity on campus gives students an opportunity to share their experiences. “This is important in terms of student learning,” he said. A strong applicant pool is important in increasing the diversity and quality of the incoming class, according to Grant. This year’s recruiting was so successful, there were six applicants for every space in the incoming class, Grant said. And if applications coming in by the end of the fall semester are any indication, next year’s class will see more applicants than –Michele Reed in recent memory.

Fresh Facts Oswego had 8,432 applicants for the 2006 freshman class, accepted 4,430 and 1,340 enrolled. Sixty-one percent of freshman students received financial aid this year. Freshmen were awarded over $2.6 million in renewable scholarships over a four-year period, this year. Incoming freshmen received 177 Presidential Scholarships ($17,600 over 4 years). Other merit scholarships awarded to freshmen included 75 awards of $5,000 over 4 years and 196 awards of $2,000 over 4 years. Ninety-three percent of freshmen (1,250 first-year students) lived on campus for fall 2006.


swego State students just keep getting better and better. By whatever criteria — standardized test scores, high school averages and class rank — the incoming classes of the last four years (the college’s current students) outpace the previous four entering classes. “I think it shows the value that Oswego places on academic achievement,” said Dr. Joseph Grant, vice president for student affairs and enrollment management.





IN THIS EDITION: • Student Quality Continues to Rise • Business of Learning • Oswego FANs Links Students, Alumni • Graduates Give Back Office of Alumni and Parent Relations King Alumni Hall SUNY Oswego Oswego, NY 13126

O S W E G O Parents

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