A3 New team-based advisement model introduced for select majors
Friday, Sept. 8, 2017 VOLUME LXXXVI ISSUE XI SINCE 1935 www.oswegonian.com
Applications, students accepted to fall semester break records Alexander Gault-Plate News Editor aplate@oswegonian.com Oswego State had a record number of new student and transfer applications for the fall 2017 semester. Over 11,700 students applied to join the Oswego State Class of 2021 and 2,300 students applied as transfers, a total of more than 14,000 applications processed for the fall semester. “An estimated 1,480 first year students have enrolled, and an additional 750 transfer students have enrolled,” said Daniel Griffin, the director of admissions for Oswego State. Factors considered when an applicant applies for entrance to Oswego State include high school course selection, grades, SAT or ACT scores, their application essay, academic and advisor recommendations, as well as extracurricular activities. “Generally, we keep our acceptance rate between 50 to 55 percent. This year’s acceptance rate was 54 percent,” said Griffin. Stony Brook University has the lowest acceptance rate of the SUNY system, with 41 percent of applicants accepted to the university. SUNY College of Technology at Canton, with an acceptance rate of 85 percent, has the highest acceptance rate in the SUNY system, meaning that the highest number of applicants are accepted. Students who are not accepted to Oswego State, but still wish to receive a degree from the col-
lege, may consider the Start Now program. The Start Now program allows students to enter Oswego State as sophomores and juniors after attending classes at Jefferson Community College. “Start Now is an admission program managed by Oswego, in coordination with Jefferson Community College,” Griffin said. “It is intended to provide a path for students who applied to Oswego as freshmen, did not meet our admission criteria, but show academic promise and talent.”
This fall class is close to the top in terms of the size we can enroll without creating difficulties” - Daniel Griffin director of admissions for Oswego State
The number of students accepted into the college each year depends on various factors. “Maintaining a healthy college enrollment… and keeping residence halls filled is our basic goal, while maintaining academic standards,” Griffin said.
Photo provided by Kim via flickr
Name preference now accepted Students, faculty may change name used by college departments Kassadee Paulo Assistant News Editor kpaulo@oswegonian.com Students and faculty members at Oswego State who use a different first name than on their official records can now apply to have that name recognized in on-campus communication systems. Title IX, with system management by the Dean of Students Office, launched the Preferred Name Policy to be put into effect at the beginning of the fall 2017 semester. When a student or faculty member applies, their preferred name will be reflected on both internal and external communication systems, including rosters, news releases, advising lists, housing lists and email. The legal name will still appear on official documents such as transcripts and payroll accounts. Oswego State identification cards will display both names, the preferred name on the front and the le-
Rachel Futterman | The Oswegonian
gal name on the back. “This policy is intended to align with current Title IX and SUNY guidance with the purpose of encouraging an environment for personal expression within community standards,” according to the Title IX Pre-
Cole Parzych | The Oswegonian
See NAME, A6
President Stanley shares views on Charlottesville Campus-wide email denounces racism, violence, white supremacy Noah Blake Contributing Writer news@oswegonian.com On Tuesday, August 15 Oswego State President Deborah F. Stanley addressed the campus community regarding the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. Three days before Stanley issued her statement, white supremacist and neo-nazis took to the streets of Charlottesville, protesting against the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue from Emancipation Park. These protestors, calling their rally “Unite the Right”, were met with resistance from counter-protestors. The resulting violence reached levels that caused the Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, to declare a state of emergency. The protest soon became violent when one of the white supremacists, James Fields, plowed his car into a group of anti-protesters killing activist Heather Heyer and injuring many others. As a result, Fields was
Rachel Futterman | The Oswegonian
charged with second-degree murder, and almost $250,000 has been raised for Heyer’s family. In Stanley’s statement, she stated that the Oswego State community stood with her in solidarity against all bigotry and violence. Stanley continued, condemning the terrorism caused by the white supremacists. In her comment regarding the violence, she states
that the acts that were committed are not protected by the constitution. In addition to that comment, Stanley also mentioned that being silent would hinder the nation’s future on progressing as a more diverse society. Stanley praised the heroic work of the two police officers who died while on duty, Lt. H. Jay Cullen and Trooper Berke M.M.
Laker Review
Oswegonian.com DACA SHOULD STAY
Sheldon Hall, the first building constructed at Oswego State, houses the admissions department.
Calendar...................... C2 Classifieds................... C6 Crossword................... C6 Contact Info................ A2 Laker Review.............. C1 News............................. A1 Opinion........................ B5 Sports........................... B1 Sudoku......................... C7
ferred Name Policy. “I think it is great that we have the Preferred Name Policy in place and know a number of students who will benefit from it,” said Lisa Evaneski,
Photo provided by Dhaluza via Wikimedia Commons
Photo provided by Twin Peaks via Youtube
See SUNY, A4
WEB Photo provided by The White House via Wikimedia Com-