The Oswegonian 2-17-17

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A3 Oswego State advocates for Teen Dating Violence Awareness, Prevention

Friday, Feb. 17, 2017 VOLUME LXXXV ISSUE III SINCE 1935

Student thanks Stanley for inclusive email International students on campus recently signed a letter to Oswego State President Deborah Stanley thanking her for sending the campuswide email to students after President Donald Trump’s recent immigration ban. Omar van Reenan, an international student from Nambia, Africa, wrote the letter because he was happy Stanley reassured students they are still at home at Oswego State. “Wholeheartedly, we thank you immensely for your recent remarks assuring us that SUNY Oswego remains a ‘welcome and hospitable home’ for not just domestic students, but international students too,” the letter read. “During this time of political and social uncertainty, I share the anguish and distress of international students SUNY-wide who woke up over the weekend to discover the inevitable chance that they might be prohibited from visiting their families.” Van Reenan said thanking Stanley was right and respectful. “As an active member of the campus community, SA senator and international representative, I believed that I needed to thank [Stanley’s] brave stance for injustice against the ‘pursuit of happiness,’ in a country whose values of liberty and justice for all, I have grown up to cherish,” van Reenan said. Van Reenan said he will continue to honor Stanley’s support and will continue to be a part of the college community that enables international students to have their four years of “The American Dream.”

‘We Are America’ rallies community Lambda Sigma Upsilon organizes protest to discuss race relations

Fake news sparks panel of professionals Winnie Blackwood Staff Writer

Issack Cintron | The Oswegonian Oswego State President Deborah Stanley was among the speakers that discussed race relations and President Donald Trump’s recent executive order.

Alexander Gault-Plate Assistant News Editor On Feb. 9, students and faculty gathered in the Marano Campus Center food court to listen to speeches about race relations in the United States and President Donald Trump’s recent executive order banning immigration from several countries. The rally, hosted by Oswego State’s

national fraternity chapter of Lambda Sigma Upsilon was titled “We Are America.” Its goal was to provide students, faculty and administration an opportunity to demonstrate leadership and unity on campuses it was held at, and at active LSU chapters nationwide. Among the speakers was Oswego State President Deborah Stanley, the Oswego State vice president for student affairs and enrollment Gerald Woolfolk, Chair of the Department of Global and Interna-

tional Studies Lisa Glidden, and Dean of Students Jerri Howland. First to speak was the host for the event, Daniela Rosario. As she introduced the program, she spoke a little about her own experiences on campus after the election. “I felt there was a rift and divide on campus,” Rosario said.


College students have used the words “dismaying” and “bleak” to describe their ability to assess the credibility of news sources, but student journalists can use tools including fact checking and transparency to educate their peers, said a panel of experts. One such way to fix the relationship with the media is transparency, since one mistake can deem a news source unreliable, said Brian Moritz, an Oswego State communications studies professor. “Transparency in the media can build trust,” Moritz said. Journalists confess their mistakes, explain how it happened, apologize and work toward it not happening again. Mortiz, along with several other Oswego State communications studies faculty members and Catherine Loper, news director of WRVO-FM, held a panel discussion, “Fighting Fake News,” on Wednesday. Fake news was something many journalists discovered after the recent presidential election with fabricated stories, done for political purpose or to promote or demote a candidate, Loper said. The number of clicks and money profited from the fake news articles is another reason it is done. An example given was Paul Worner, who used Facebook to post fake news articles with an income of

See FAKE, A5

Greek Life members say stereotypes are associated with fraternities, sororities Members admit to not wearing letters due to negative perceptions, judgements from professors, peers JoAnn DeLauter Editor-In-Chief


“I never wanted to wear my letters to class until last semester,” junior member of Alpha Epsilon Phi and national sorority representative, Tommie-Ann Hanlon said. “Everyone has always said ‘Oh you’ll get judged and they’ll think you don’t go to class’ and things like that.” There are seven Greek councils and 27 different chapters on campus, including local, national and multicultural chapters. All are represented on Greek Council, which is responsible for overseeing all of Greek Life. Senior and member of Delta Kappa

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Kappa, Conor Malone is the local fraternity representative on Greek Council. He said members of his own organization have admitted to not wearing their letters because of a negative perception it might have from professors or peers. “I’ve even heard people say that their professors are going to hold them to a higher standard because they are in Greek Life,” Malone said. “That’s not really the bigger issue, I think it is the general stereotype of what Greek Life is to most people is a negative thing.” Students deal with Greek Life stereotypes every day, said Greek Life Student Involvement Advisor Nicole Morse. Criselda Mapoy | The Oswegonian




Criselda Mapoy | The Oswegonian

Members of Omicron Xi celebrate and welcome their new members. Omicron Xi is one of 27 different chapters on campus, including local and national chapters.



Photo provided by David Erickson via flickr



Photo provided by BEWARE OF FAKE NEWS


Taylor Woods | The Oswegonian





How do you spot fake news?

Barbara C. Minor, 38, was arrested at 1:34 a.m. on Feb. 8 for driving while intoxicated following a traffic stop for several traffic violations.


Elizabeth A. Mattice, 32, was arrested at 1:14 a.m. on Feb. 10 following a traffic stop. Mattice was found to be operating a motor vehicle without a valid drivers license. M a t t i c e w a s a l s o f o u nd to b e i n unlawful posession of marijuana.

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Lawrence P. Licourt, 40, was arrested for selling heroin. The defendant was held pending arraignment.

The Oswegonian

Matthew E. Larue, 28, was arrested at 2:33 a.m. on Feb. 10 for driving while intoxicated following a traffic stop for failing to keep right on a public highway. Scott N. Spath, 23, was arrested at 10:09 a.m. on Feb. 10 for AUO in the third degree, Operating a vehicle with a suspended registration following a traffic stop for speeding. Spath was issued three traffic tickets with a return court date. Ricky L. Hart was arrested at 9:19 p.m. on Feb. 10 for Petit Larceny after an investigation conducted by the Oswego City Police determined that Hart stole $13.18 worth of merchandise from the Sunoco Gas Station. Hart was released on an appearance ticket.

Check out The Lighthouse for things to do around Oswego.

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WEEKEND WEATHER Weather by Lucy Bergemann | Graphics by Mikala Thompson




Chad A. Balitz, 29, was arrested at 9:01 p.m. on Feb. 11 after an investigatoin revealed he violated an active order of protection.

High: 29

**Police blotter provided by the Oswego City Police Department.

Low: 23

High: 40

Low: 34

High: 42

Low: 31

This coming weekend looks promising for fans of mild winters. Friday will be the coldest, with temperatures still stuck in the 20s and a few flurries possible early in the morning. Both Saturday and Sunday will feature plenty of sunshine and temperatures close to 40 degrees. Enjoy this unseasonably warm February weekend.

The Oswegonian

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QUOTE OF THE WEEK It's nice to see organizations that reach out and help the kids. Especially since people like hockey players and upstanding frat brothers can be role models for those kids."

-Leah Wolf, sophomore

Oswego State observes national awareness month Evaneski holds workshops informing around 1,000 students, employees Kassadee Paulo Staff Writer

Students and faculty at Oswego State are advocating for National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month throughout the month of February by holding informative events and programs. Dating violence is physical, sexual, psychological or emotional violence within a dating relationship, including stalking, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to the National Coalition Against Dating Violence, one in three women and one in four men will experience relationship violence in their lifetime. Oswego State’s Title IX Coordinator, Lisa Evaneski has been working with students and colleagues to decrease this number by holding events, such as several One Love Foundation Escalation workshops, since November 2015. “We believe that by participating in prevention efforts that our students are learning skills that will improve their current or future relationships and have an impact in their communities,” Evaneski said. Evaneski said these workshops have informed approximately 1,000 students and employees of the warning signs of an abusive relationship and ways to prevent escalation from happening as a bystander. Evaneski assessed students last year after the workshops and found that 81 percent of students understood emotional abuse more than before they attended the workshop and 18 percent of the students understood the same as before attending the workshop. The next workshop will be held on March 21 and students can sign up for it on the Lakerlife webpage.

The Agenda


Our weekly list of what to do in Oswego Men's ice hockey vs. Fredonia, 7 p.m., Friday in Marano Campus Center Ice Arena. Rice Creek Ramble, 11 a.m., Saturday at Rice Creek Field Station. Open skate, 6 p.m., Sunday in Marano Campus Center Ice Arena.

Planetarium Show: "The Calendar," 7 p.m., Sunday in Shineman Center, Room 223. Dori Gronich | The Oswegonian It's On Us Campaign volunteers advocate in MCC for National Teen Dating Awareness and Prevention Month.

Breck Donohue, a sophomore at Oswego State, attended a One Love Foundation Escalation workshop in August. He said everyone should recognize when a friend or even a stranger is involved in an unhealthy relationship and to take a step further, do something. “The most important thing is to raise awareness simply because you do become more perceptive of the warning signs,” Donohue said. “You also have to very much emphasize changing the mentality behind how people act as bystanders, because a lot of people just go about their lives and ignore it.” Students at Oswego State may not be familiar with the number of resources they have in regards to dating violence

Dori Gronich | The Oswegonian The It's On Oz table is set up in the Marano Campus Center to get information about the campaign.

Student Association meets at 6 p.m. every Tuesday in Lanigan Hall Room 105. Meetings are open to the public.


The OzSpeaks forums will be experiencing changes this s e m e s t e r. Rather than hosting multiple OzSpeaks, a single forum will be held March 6, titled "Liberty and Justice for All." Partnered with it will be "Shine the Light on Oz," a function where students willing to talk about a chosen subject will wear yellow wristbands for a selected week to encourage conversation.

education and prevention. A list of options can be found in the Annual Security and Fire Safety report issued by Oswego State University Police and Dean of Students office. One of those options includes Services to Aid Families (SAF). SAF is a program by Oswego County Opportunities where survivors of dating violence, domestic abuse, sexual assault and other forms of violence can go for assistance and empowerment. SAF Advocate/Educator, Kelsey Gillett, works with Evaneski and Mary Walker Health Center to serve as an on-campus resource for victims of dating violence and for information regarding it. “Everybody’s journey to healing is going to be different,” Gillett said. “Everybody’s relationship is different, so all of our processes are completely driven by that victim or survivor, what they want, what they need, and what they’re ready for.” Gillett’s position as a SAF advocate and educator was created last year from the result of the New York grant, Enough is Enough. Since her position was added, she takes part in programs and events to help communicate the importance of recognizing the signs of dating violence and bystander intervention. “Nobody deserves to be put down,” Gillett said. “Nobody deserves to feel badly. It’s not your fault if you are in an unhealthy relationship.”

On March 3 and 4, Oswego State will be hosting the Oswego Leadership Conference, with keynote speaker Ferial Govashiri. Govashiri was a personal aide to former President Barack Obama. The conference will open the night of March 3 with dinner and run all day on March 4. A potential club for transfer students coming to Oswego

International Coffee Hour, 3:30 p.m., Monday in Marano Campus Center, Room 255.

Movie: "The Promise," 7 p.m., Monday in Marano Campus Center Auditorium.

Library Maker Workshop Track: Raspberry Pi Basics, 4:45 p.m., Tuesday in Penfield Library.

Open skate, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday in Marano Campus Center Ice Arena.

Blood drive, 11 a.m., Wednesday in Marano Campus Center, Room 142. Panel Discussion: DHSI Fellows, 12:30 p.m., Wednesday in Penfield Library, Speakers' Corner. State passed a major hurdle on the path to official club status with SA's authorization. Named "SOTA," its goal is to help transfer students acclimate to life on campus. March 23 in Marano Campus Center Room 133 SA will be hosting the "A Thousand Words Campaign," where students can come with a quote, word or phrase and have it written on their body. The goal is to spread positivity around campus.

Two clubs on campus received money from the SA contingency fund, which is set up to allow for clubs to request money not included in their annual budgets. Outdoor Club received an extra $1,000 for safety and camping gear and the National Broadcasting Society received $645 to send members to a national conference in New York City. This brings the SA contingency fund to $3,500.

A4 NEWS Oswego State Professor writes physics textbook with help of old, new students THE OSWEGONIAN FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017

Reference book created by Carolina Ilie to help compliment classroom objectives, preparing for second volume Karla Cano Staff Writer Oswego State physics professor Carolina Ilie collaborated with current and former students on new electromagnetics textbook that will help give deeper comprehension of the course. In December of 2015, the Institute of Physics (IOP) based in the United Kingdom and Morgan and Claypool Publishers, based in California, invited Ilie, an associate professor who has been teaching advanced electromagnetic theory in Oswego for over

eight years, to write a student textbook that would accompany a book in the field “Introduction to Electrodynamics” written by David Griffiths. Seeing the magnitude of this opportunity, she decided to combine her research and passion for working with students on this project. Although it is not customary for faculty members to collaborate with alumni or undergraduate students on publishing textbooks. Ilie reached out to 2015 summa cum laude graduate Zac Schrecengost to be co-author and Julia D’Rozario, who graduated in Dec. 2016,

Photo provided by Dr. Carolina Ilie Carolina Ilie (left) collaborated with alumnus Zach Schrecengost (right) to write the textbook.

to work on the textbook’s illustrations. Schrecengost, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in science and completed degree requirements for physics, applied mathematics and software engineering, had been in communication with Ilie trying to seek material to review for his graduate school coursework when he was offered the role of co-author. “I was extremely excited about this opportunity and very honored by her offer,” Schrecengost said. Having Schrecengost in one of her electromagnetics class, Ilie witnessed his talent and chose him because of his “excellent high mathematics skills and his love for electromagnetism”. Ilie also recognized talent in D’Rozario who excelled in her electromagnetics course. D’Rozario who was an undergraduate student at the time, double majored in physics and cinema screen studies. Impressed by D’Rozario’s creative eye, Ilie instantly thought of her to be the textbook’s exclusive illustrator. “I remember the meeting that I had with Dr. Ilie where she presented me with this opportunity and I agreed right away,” D’Rosario said. “I have always been open to new opportunities and I knew this was something I could contribute a lot of my creative skill to.” The textbook titled “Electromagnetism: Problems and Solutions” has “brief theoretical introductory notes, followed by problems and solutions,” Ilie said. Schrecengost, who is currently working as a software engineer in Syracuse, agreed

Karla Cano | The Oswegonian Julia D'Rozario also contributed to the textbook to compliment "Introduction to Electrodynamics."

to distribute the work evenly with Ilie. “The entire process, from writing problems to proof reading, was equally divided between the two of us,” Schrecengost said. D’Rozario illustrated 5-10 models per figure, totaling 500 models, narrowing it down to one that would best capture Ilie’s and Schrecengost’s ideas. Challenges were shared in the process of publishing the textbook. Ilie, D’Rozario and Schrecengost balanced full-time jobs and school work, spending their free time working on the textbook. “Working together on the book as a team was an extraordinary, rewarding

experience for all three of us,” Ilie said. “Everybody was very reliable, worked very well- the key is to have in the team the best people, and to respect each other.” Ilie also got some help from her students, Nicholas Jira, Vincent DeBiase, Ian Evan and Andres Inga with typing the textbook. Ilie holds D’Rozario and Schrecengost as examples that it is never too early to attain great accomplishments in the professional world. “With enthusiasm we are preparing for a second volume,” D’Rozario said.

Administrators join students to speak at peaceful rally in Marano Campus Center After open floor discussions, some students, faculty march, chant 'No Trump! No KKK! No Fascist U.S.A.'

Issack Cintron | The Oswegonian Jerald Woolfolk, Oswego State's vice president for student affairs and enrollment management spoke at the rally.

RALLY from COVER Next to speak was Stanley. As she spoke, she referered to her own history interacting with immigrants to the U.S, such as her own grandmother. She also referered to Oswego State’s history with the

international community, such as the first foreign exchange program the college offered, which was in the 1800s. She went on to speak about the executive order and her beliefs about it as it pertained to higher education and the American identity. “We don’t believe it’s rational in ref-

erence to the facts surrounding the executive order,” Stanley said. Stanley emphasized her respect for the LSU fraternity and those attending the rally for protesting peacefully and stressed that using force often lessens the impact of a message and distracts from the main points trying to be made. Following Stanley’s speech, Woolfolk spoke about the history of the Oswego area as a final stop along the Underground Railroad for slaves escaping the South. “We are a community where Harriet Tubman walked,” Woolfolk said. Howland thanked those present for gathering and protesting in a peaceful manner and using their voices. Howland spoke about her experiences as a student and encouraged current students to never let those who might attempt to detract them succeed in their goals. The student involvement advisor, Nicole Morse, mentioned how her own family came to the country as immigrants and refugees through Ellis Island and encouraged those who may feel that their individual voices may be too small to cause change on the national level. “There is no such thing as a tiny change. It’s all just change’” Morse said. The final speaker was the president of the local Lambda Sigma Upsilon chapter, Jacques Sylvain. An immigrant from Haiti, Sylvain came to the United States in 2008. His speech expanded the discussion from one about immigration and ethnic backgrounds to one about gender identity and the role of women in leadership. Sylvain mentioned that he had met

people who expressly voted for Trump in 2016 because they did not believe former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton could handle the office of the presidency because she was a woman. Sylvain argued that Oswego State is run by a woman and that arguments about individuals’ abilities based on gender identity have no place in modern political discourse.

The rally closed with an open floor for anyone present to speak their minds on the topic of the executive order or racial tensions in the U.S. Following the open floor, those who wished, marched and chanted from a series of statements provided at the beginning of the rally, one of which was “No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!”

Issack Cintron | The Oswegonian Several students and faculty gathered in the Marano Campus Center food court to rally, and discuss race relations.

A5 NEWS Panel of faculty discuss fake news in media Greek Life notices change in Communications department professors speak to students, community view of organization, operation THE OSWEGONIAN FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017


FAKE from COVER up to $10,000 a month from the trade. “There’s certainly an economic incentive here for people to continue to publish these sort of stories,” said Michael Riecke, moderator of the panel discussion and an Oswego State communications studies professor. It is easier to make money as a solo reporter publishing fake news, then for a newspaper with a team, due to the difference in employees, Loper said. A reminder given by Arvind Diddi, one of the panelists and an Oswego State communications studies professor, was that the Society of Professional Journalist Code of Ethics states, “Seek truth and report it.” “One of the reasons media consumers get tricked by fake news is the presentation,” Diddi said. “A technique used to do so is mimicking the presentation of credible news sources, such as The New York Times.” Diddi compared fake news to the phishing scam emails Oswego State professors and students occasionally receive. Media consumers have a better chance at figuring out what is real and fake when it comes to news media. An example Riecke gave was the different looks between the National Inquirer

Taylor Woods | The Oswegonian Five professors from the communications department spoke about fake news and how to avoid it.

and The New York Times, which individuals use to discern the credible source. Facebook does not provide this chance, because the layout is the same for both. In a study conducted in December 2016, 39 percent of respondents said “they were highly confident in their ability to identify fake news” and 45 percent

Taylor Woods | The Oswegonian Several students gathered to listen to Oswego State professors discuss the topic of fake news.

said “they were somewhat confident,” Riecke said. Jason Zenor, a panelist and Oswego State communications studies faculty member, said he hopes that with time media consumers will be able to discern the differences on Facebook, such as the slight name changes between two sources. One way student journalists can help stop the spread of fake news is to realize they are publishers when sharing a story on social media and should read an article to the end before hitting that button, as well as do research, Loper said. “I don’t think people understand,” Loper said. “It’s ‘here check this out,’ but you’re a publisher too, so it’s a responsibility.” Another topic of discussion was President Donald Trump’s accusations against legitimate news sources. Zenor said the mistrust in the media has always been there, but Trump is now the voice for it. “On the other hand, Trump has also gotten people to pay for the news with an increase in subscriptions to The New York Times,” Moritz said. One of the questions Riecke asked was where the panelists receive their news from. All four of them gave multiple sources, and they all agreed this was something that needs to be practiced. Abbey Buttacavoli, a sophomore broadcast major, said the panelists knew more about the subject than anyone since they all have worked in the industry. “We are the new era of journalists and broadcast performers,” Buttacavoli said of why this is an important subject for Oswego State students. “We need to know how to vet the information correctly. How to know what’s real and what’s not.”

“We have these types of conversations all the time,” Morse said. “I think it is the media that is out there. Movies, like Animal House, have associated Greek Life with a keg.” According to Morse, students have come to her about professors who have blamed a late paper on that fact that they “wore letters.” “I want [students] to be proud to be Greek,” Morse said. “We talk a lot about how and when to wear your letters and that you should be the best version of yourself because that is what our letter should bring out of us.” “People look at the national headlines of hazing, death or alcohol poisoning, and tarnish the idea of what Greek Life is,” Malone said. “Those are more isolated incidents that aren’t a clear image of what actually is Greek Life, which is why people might feel that way, which I understand why but it is just unfortunate.” According to Hanlon, stereotypes came from somewhere. “There is obviously a reason why they exist,” Hanlon said. “I think they existed more in the past, like when hazing was legal. In 2017, I think people are holding onto old stereotypes.” If any group of men were compared to a group associated with a fraternity, it would be found that they participate in the same things any group of friends would do in college, Malone said. Within the past year, Greek Life has incorporated new policies to “raise the standards.” Malone joined Greek Life when he was a second semester freshman.

Now a senior, he has noticed a change not only in the way people perceive it but how it is organized. “I don’t think there were standards back then,” Malone said. “There might have been but they definitely weren’t as significant.” Last year, the Standard of Excellence was implemented requiring Greek Organization to meet specific academic and programming requires within each organization. According to Hanlon, ever since a sole student involvement advisor was hired for

I never wanted to wear my letters to class until last semester. Everyone has always said 'Oh you'll get judged and they'll think you don't go to class' and things like that." - Tommie-Ann Hanlon, junior member of Alpha Epsilon Phi

Greek Life, there has been a turnaround in the way Greek Life is operated. They are recruiting in a more positive light and planning to have Greek Week, so it is more inclusive compared to previous years. “With Nicole as our sole advisor, we have more positive structure,” Hanlon said. “Everything has been more organized with a more positive imagine and has changed the way we have done things in the past.”

Criselda Mapoy | The Oswegonian Members of the sorority, Omicron Xi, celebrate their successful rush week and welcome new members.

City of Oswego receives $10 million to revitalize, transform downtown Public meetings being held for residents to voice opinions on what the money should be spent doing Kayla Brun Staff Writer In early July Gov. Cuomo announced that the City of Oswego won a $10 million state grant to revitalize downtown Oswego. Oswego Mayor Billy Barlow invited the public to a meeting at the McCrobie Civic Center in December to discuss ideas on how the money should be spent.

“It is very important to me to include City of Oswego residents in the process and to hear their ideas for use of the funding,” Barlow said. Many residents attended the meeting to discuss downtown Oswego and how the grant money should be used. Safety issues, better access to Lake Ontario and the waterfront, an increase in downtown parking, renovations to sidewalks and better promotion of the historic districts were of the many ideas proposed by the nearly 100 people in attendance.

Sean Maphia | The Oswegonian Local businesses, including the River's End Bookstore, are excited about the revitalization of downtown.

Cuomo said the Downtown Revitalization Initiative plan marks a comprehensive plan to transform local neighborhoods into vibrant communities where the next generation of New Yorkers would want to live and work. The residents who attended the meeting also discussed how the money will be leveraging other funding and services. Steve Kearney, associate senior planner for Stantec Urban Places Group, will be assisting Oswego officials with designing the plan. According to Kearney, the $10 million will leverage other state and federal funds. Barlow said there would be a follow up meeting in January, identifying the projects and funding opportunities. According to Barlow, the goal is to “make Oswego an exciting four season destination to shop, live, work and play.” The Central New York Regional Economic Development Council created the competitive process and selected downtown Oswego as this year’s recipient of the grant. This grant is part of a $100 million effort to improve the urban vitality of city centers across the state. According to the New York State governor’s website, there were several criteria to apply for the grant that the regional council weighed when selecting the winner. The targeted neighborhood should be compact and well-defined, downtown should be of a size sufficient enough to support an active, yearround active area, and the area should capitalize on prior and future investment. There should also be recent or impeding job growth within, it should

Sean Maphia | The Oswegonian The Downtown Revitalization initiative plan will transform local neighborhoods into vibrant communities.

contain properties that contribute to attractiveness and livability of downtown, downtown should contain policies that enhance the quality of life and it should have local and community support for the revitalization plan. Diane Gonzales, a student at Oswego State, has other ideas as to what the $10 million should be used for. “They should use the money to revamp the neighborhood, especially the houses,” Gonzalez said. “The sidewalks could be improved since the snow plows pretty much crack the sidewalks.” Local businesses are excited to see what changes will be made to down-

town, to benefit the city. “I’m very excited about the revitalization of downtown,” said Bill Reilly, one of the owners of the River’s End Bookstore. “It seems like a lot of money, but it’s not. But it seems like a great start.” The $10 million award also includes up to $300,000 in planning funds for private experts to work with a local planning committee. Together, they will draft a Strategic Investment Plan that will identify specific economic development, transportation, housing and committee projects. “Any positive that happens downtown is good for our business,” Reilly said.

A6 NEWS Men's hockey team, DKK raise more than $30,000 THE OSWEGONIAN FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017

More than 600 people aid in donation to local charity For the Kids Jamie Aranoff Staff Writer The brothers of a local fraternity and the men’s hockey team have raised over $30,000 for the local charity, For the Kids Oswego, and are looking to add another $15,000 this semester. Four years ago, the brothers of Delta Kappa Kappa and the Lakers men’s hockey team joined forces to donate to the local child advocacy center for abused children. “They do a lot of good work and try to engage the campus community to help with the efforts for the child advocacy center,” said multi-media coordinator of For the Kids, Mathew McCabe. “It really helps with underprivileged kids and I think the two groups can have a lot of influence on younger people and they’re also very active groups on campus.” After realizing that Oswego is one of the highest volume areas of child abuse in New York State, the organiza-

tions teamed up to raise awareness and donate, which has been passed down throughout the years. “They realized how bad it was in Oswego,” said Shawn Hulshof, member of the men’s ice hockey team “They wanted to start something at the school and wanted us to continue it, so we’re doing our best to.” April will mark the 16-year anniversary of the For the Kids campaign. The mission statement is to raise awareness about child abuse and reduce the impact on Oswego County. The campaign began with intent to better the Oswego community. Together, Delta Kappa Kappa and the Hockey team host four to five events during the spring semester, such as food drives for non-perishable items, community skating and bowling events and raffle style prizes, to raise awareness. Their main planned-event for the spring will take place on April 29 at The Shed, to end the year with a $10,000 goal. Working together has afforded a larger outreach on campus and in the commu-

nity, getting support from local business, campus programs, Greek life and Oswego athletics, Delta Kappa Kappa fraternity coordinator, Kevin Villarreal said. Working with a mix of Oswego State students, staff and community members, from throughout the Northeast and Canada, will total over 600 people partaking in the campaign. Last Spring, $18,000 was raised, some of which came from a large donation, as well as fundraising. All money raised goes directly to the foundation. The For the Kids foundation prides themselves on serving more families in 2016 that any other year. The foundation served 497 children and families in 2016, with 373 from sexual abuse cases alone. “I think it’s so incredibly and generous that they are doing it,” sophomore Leah Wolf said. “It’s nice to see organizations that reach out to help the kids. Especially since people like hockey players and upstanding frat brothers can be role models for those kids.”

Photo provided by Delta Kappa Kappa Samantha Boyle | The Oswegonian

Fraternity brothers teamed up with the men's hockey team to raise more than $30,000 for a local charity. They hope to raise $15,000 this semester.




Photo provided by




B3 Haofeng Deng | The Oswegonian

FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017

Samantha Boyle | The Oswegonian

White on pace to set record for best freshman season, needs one point to surpass Ellis’ previous mark Samantha Longton Staff Writer Freshman forward Jacquelin White is turning heads while she leads the Oswego State women’s ice hockey team in goals for the season. Jacquelin currently has 26 points on the season, 14 of which are goals, ranking her inside the top five among freshman in Div. III.

Jacquelin, and her twin sister Julieann, both grew up with a passion for hockey. They picked up the sport at a young age and never looked back, improving every year. After high school, Jacquelin and Julieann both decided that they were going to take the academic year off to focus on hockey. During that year they played for the Honey Baked Hockey Club in Michigan. The Twins decided that they wanted to

stick together when it came to playing hockey. That has led them through playing for the Honey Baked to being recruited by Oswego State for their collegiate career. “I couldn’t imagine playing against my sister,” Jacquelin said. “We were always close so we never wanted to split up.” Jacquelin had a few schools to choose from when it came to recruitment, including the No. 1 team in the nation

Haofeng Deng | The Oswegonian Jacquelin White (13) has helped improve the Lakers’ top line with 14 goals, giving them multiple options to compete with top teams in the conference.


SUNY Plattsburgh. Head coach Diane Dillon of the women’s ice hockey team was more than happy to extend the offer to Jacquelin, Julieann, and their Honey Baked teammate Madison Byrne, which was exactly what the trio were looking for. “It wasn’t tough to make the decision,” Jacquelin said. “Julieann, Madison and I all wanted to stick together and this is one of the schools that offered to all three of us.” According to Jacquelin, adjusting to Oswego State was also easy. The team was very open to her in the beginning, which helped her feel more welcomed as a Laker. Jacquelin really started to shine from the moment she stepped on the ice for Lakers. She scored her first collegiate goal for the Lakers during the exhibition game against the Toronto Midget Aeros. Her goal broke the tie between the teams and set the Lakers up for a 3-1 win for the first game of the season. “She’s a very talented kid and she definitely has the potential to be an All American, but she’s got to bring it every day,” Dillon said. Dillon noted that she has seen quite a bit of progression with Jacquelin not only on the ice but in the classroom as well. After taking the year off academically, Dillon was very concerned with the girls being able to jump back into the classroom. “They hit the ground running and really applied themselves because we were on them pretty hard,” Dillon said. “Hockey wise, they didn’t know what to be afraid of in this league.” According to Dillon, Jacquelin shows no fear on the ice and she keeps a


positive attitude, which is encouraging to her teammates. “The kid just loves the game and she loves to skate so I think that part of it made it easier to not deal with hesitation or being timid on the ice,” Dillon said. Jacquelin has produced in nearly every game she’s had with the Lakers. Dillon believes that her speed has something to do with it. After witnessing what kind of potential Jacquelin had in the first few games of the season, Dillon decided to move her onto the same line as Olivia Ellis and Alexa Aramburu, which clicked almost immediately. “Early on, we saw what kind of speed she had, which we recognized when we recruited her, but she turned it up a notch,” Dillon said. “She’s playing with two line mates who are really unselfish. That line can really just move the puck well and so we’re thrilled for that.” Jacquelin also gives most of the credit of her success to her upperclassman line mates. “I wouldn’t be as successful without them setting me up,” Jacquelin said. Although Jacquelin has shown a great amount of success as a player, her coaches and her team continue to encourage her to work harder to improve her skills even more. Dillon also believes that a turning point for Jacquelin was during the SUNY Potsdam game earlier this season. “She’s not surprising anyone anymore,” Dillon said. “They’ve seen the points, they’ve watched the film, they know what she can do. She started to play gritty and tough and fought through checks and fought for loose pucks. We saw another side to her that we really haven’t seen yet and it was fun to watch.” Jacquelin’s skills show on the ice that she isn’t just playing the game, but while racing down the ice smiling ear to ear she shows she’s having fun while doing it. “We don’t even know yet what her full potential is because she’s just a very, very good skater,” Dillon said. “She can handle the puck, she’s got moves and she has the savvy to try things where some kids can be a little more timid.”

She’s not surprising anyone anymore. They’ve seen the points, they’ve watched the film, they know what she can do. She started to play gritty and tough and fought through checks and fought for loose pucks. We saw another side to her that we really haven’t seen yet and it was fun to watch.” -Diane Dillon women’s ice hockey head coach

Jacquelin has proven to be a valued player this season and shows that she has the opportunity to not only grow with the Lakers but take the program to another level in the future. With passion in her eyes, Jacquelin shines every time she handles the puck, and it has shown with her incredible record as a rookie. “I love the game and I’ve never really thought about stopping or quitting so I just continue to play,” Jacquelin said.

Locking up top seed well within reach for Lakers Women’s basketball on verge Men’s basketball in driver’s seat to clinch regular season title of elimination in final stretch Luke Scoville Staff Writer Oswego State Lakers men’s basketball got out of their first set of away games this past weekend 1-1 with a one-point loss to SUNY Fredonia and a one-point win against Buffalo State. Both contests the Lakers faced double-digit deficits that they were able to erase. At SUNY Fredonia on Friday night, the Lakers faced a tough second half where the Blue Devils shot 70 percent from the field. They put together a rally that had them in the lead 75-74 after a go-ahead jumper from Ian Schupp with 17 seconds left. Fredonia’s Dante Williams answered that with a go-ahead jumper of his own with nine seconds remaining. Brian Sortino’s floater attempt bounced off the rim to end the game for the Lakers, losing 76-75. “Our togetherness, even though we ended the weekend 1-1 and wanted to come out 2-0 , we know this next weekend is going to be big,” Mykelle Krecko said.

“In order for it to be successful we got to stay together.” The next afternoon the Lakers had nothing going for them from the start against a dangerous Buffalo State team. They faced a quick 13-1 deficit and then their largest deficit of 16-points with the score being 25-9. With their backs against the wall, sophomore Tyler Pierre gave them a spark with 10 first-half points, including a two-handed slam right before the half. “Basically listening to coach all the time, he’s told me from the start be ready to go,” Pierre said. “I had to step up and do my thing.” The second half was a straight battle. The Lakers took the lead a few times, including a 69-66 lead with 2:40 left after a layup from Sortino and jump-shot from Schupp. It was all defense from there, with the Lakers leading 69-68 forced Buffalo State into a shot-clock violation with four seconds left in the game, sealing the victory. “That was as gritty a win as we’ve had in my six years here, that win at Buffalo

State,” Leone said. “We had nothing going; emotionally, mentally, physically and to grind and just stick together and pull that one out was a signature moment in our season.” The Lakers depth as a team was proven again with good scoring outings from Krecko, Keith Tyson and Pierre. Pierre, in particular, was sort of a new coming, despite showing flashes off the bench all season. Leone spoke highly of his performance on both ends of the court. “I’m not surprised, I’m not surprised he was ready to go, he’s that kind of person, he’s all about the team,” Leone said. “I was real proud of him, yeah he scored 14 points, but I thought that was the best game he had in terms of defensive rebounding all year.” Defense was going to be one of the big focal points during this road-trip, and it showed tremendously as they held a dangerous Buffalo State team to 68 points. Where at home the Bengals have averaged 86 points per game, including three games


Alex Salvarezza Asst. Sports Editor The Oswego State women’s basketball team is facing two must-win games to even have a chance at making the SUNYAC playoffs. They currently have an 8-15 overall record and a 5-11 conference record. They are two games behind the College at Brockport, who have a 7-9 conference record. Even though chances are slim, Oswego State needs the following to happen. The College at Brockport needs to lose both games and SUNY Plattsburgh needs to lose 1 of their final 2 games. If those two things happen, and the Lakers win both games, they will make the SUNYAC playoffs as the sixth seed. Head coach Tracy Bruno knows that this weekend the Lakers have to win both of their games against SUNY Geneseo and the College at Brockport, both on the road. “They’re two must-win games,” Bruno said. “We had a big win last Friday night and sort of let one go on Saturday against Buffalo State, which put us in

this must-win situation.” Bruno figured that coming into the final four-game stretch of the season the Lakers would have to win at least three of the four games. “Anytime you come down the stretch and you still have the opportunity to control your own destiny, I think you’re in a good spot,” Bruno said. “We have seniors who are playing with urgency as they come to the end of their careers.” Throughout the season a team who is fighting for a playoff spot will often look back at a game or two that got away from them as the reason why they did not get in. “We let some games get away from us for sure,” Bruno said. “We beat the top two teams in the conference and lost two to the two teams behind us in the standings.” Teams who are on the cusp of a playoff spot have a tendency to scoreboard watch the other games and not focus on what they have to do, but Bruno doesn’t think that it will be an issue.


Shore Report


SUNYAC Standings -X -X -X -X -X

-E -Y -X -X -X -X -X -E -E -E -E Oswego State-X Brockport-X Cortland-X Oneonta-X Buffalo State Geneseo Plattsburgh Fredonia Potsdam-E New Paltz-E Geneseo-Y Cortland-X New Paltz-X Oneonta-X Fredonia-X Brockport Plattsburgh Oswego State Buffalo State-E Potsdam-E

Overall 18-4-1 15-5-3 14-8-1 16-6-1 13-8-2 9-12-2 5-16-4 9-13-1 6-5-12 Overall 22-1-0 15-4-4 16-6-1 16-6-1 14-8-1 12-10-1 6-12-5 6-14-3 3-19-1 6-16-1 Overall 18-5 18-5 16-7 14-9 15-8 13-10 11-12 10-14 2-21 1-21 Overall 23-0 12-11 14-8 13-10 16-8 8-15 10-13 8-15 7-17 3-19

Oswego Scoreboard

Men's Ice Hockey Men’s Basketball Points Friday, Feb. 10 Friday, Feb. 10 23 19 19 75 76 6 1 17 Neil: 1 goal Sortino: 34 points Davies: 1 goal OSW: Krecko: 15 points 15 OSW: Zizek: 1 goal Fereebe: 9 points Hulshof: 2 assists 11 Helps: 24 points Vocino: 1 goal Williams: 17 points CAN: FRE: Bullard: 1 assist Johnson: 15 points 11 Erickson: 22 saves Brown: 2 steals 10 Women’s Basketball Women's Ice Hockey 3 Sunday, Feb. 12 Saturday, Feb. 11 Points 30 26 5 1 63 65 Sewart: 1 goal 22 Ameele: 17 points White: 1 goal OSW: Ellis: 2 goals OSW: Hebert: 15 points 21 Nunziato: 12 points Madrigal: 25 saves 19 Mclean: 26 points Lenard: 1 goal Lynch: 14 points Toczek: 1 goal BUF: BUF: 17 McCullough: 3 blocks Silva: 24 saves 10 7 Upcoming Matches 5 Men’s Ice Hockey Men's Basketball 3 Friday, Feb. 17 (Laker Pride Night) Friday, Feb. 17 Streak @ vs. W1 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. W3 W1 OSW: (18-5, 14-2) OSW: (18-4-1, 11-2-1) GEN: (13-10, 8-8) FRE: (13-8-2, 7-6-1) L1 L1 Women’s Basketball Women's Ice Hockey W1 Saturday, Feb. 18 (Senior Day) Saturday, Feb. 18 L1 @ vs L1 4 p.m. 2 p.m. L5 L17 OSW: (16-6-1, 10-5-1) OSW: (7-17, 4-13) WIL: (6-12-5, 3-9-4) BRK: (8-15, 7-9) Streak W23 W4 L1 L3 L2 W1 L1 L1 W1 playoff berth W1 X-Y- clinched clinched top seed

Conference 11-2-1 9-4-1 9-4-1 8-5-1 7-6-1 5-8-1 4-9-3 5-9-0 1-12-1 Conference 15-1-0 12-2-2 11-5-0 10-5-1 9-6-1 8-7-1 3-9-4 2-11-3 2-13-1 1-14-1 Conference 14-2 13-3 11-5 11-5 9-8 8-8 7-9 7-10 1-15 0-16 Conference 16-0 11-5 11-5 10-6 10-7 7-9 6-10 5-11 4-13 1-15

Laker Athletes of the Week

E- eliminated

Around the SUNYAC

Men's Basketball Saturday, Feb. 11

Men's Ice Hockey

Men’s Ice Hockey



Saturday, Feb. 11





BRK: (18-5, 13-3) ONE: (14-9, 11-5)


BUF: (16-6-1, 8-5-1) GEN: (15-5-3, 9-4-1)


The Oswego State men’s ice hockey team captured their 18th win of the season on Saturday behind six goals and David Jacobson’s first career shutout. The goaltender stopped all 24 shots he faced from SUNY Canton. Jacobson now has a .908 save percentage in his first season with the Lakers. The team will need him to finish strong as starter Matt Zawadzki is sidelined with a knee injury.


Saturday, Feb. 18

7 p.m.

SUNY Cortland hopes to hang on to the sixth seed in the SUNYAC.

FRE: (13-8-2, 7-6-1) COR: (9-12-2, 5-8-1)


Three Oswego State men's track and field runners scored personal bests over the weekend at the David Hemery Boston University Valentine Invitational last Saturday. Nick LeClair, Ben Griffin and Tim Olmsted all broke their previous best times in the mile run. Griffin finished with the best time running a 4:14:32. It was a very impressive weekend for the track and field team.

Kenny Neil Men’s Ice Hockey Senior, Clarenville, Newfoundland, CA Senior Forward Kenny Neil of the Oswego State men’s ice hockey team has had a fantastic season up to this point. The Clarenville native had a four -point weekend against SUNY Canton. He scored one goal and had three assists to help the Lakers win both games. Neil now has 35 points on the season, which is tied for the team lead. He will attempt to take the team lead this weekend as Oswego State faces off against SUNY Fredonia and Buffalo State.


There are eight days left until the Oswego State baseball team starts their 2017 campaign. After a succesful 2016 season in which the team went 35-11 and made a run in the NCAA championship, the team will look to build on last years succsess. Led by senior Eric Hamilton, the Lakers have a loaded offense that should be able to put up runs.

Abigail Boyce Women’s Track & Field Senior, Lockport Abigail Boyce of the women’s Track and Field team was named athlete of the week after setting a new record in the 60-meter hurdle event at the Boston University David Hemery valentine invitational invite on Friday. The Lockport native finished in 9.46 seconds, good for first place in the event. She also holds the other top-two times in Oswego State history. Boyce also ran in the 400-meter team relay and helped her team finish in first place.


The Oswego State men's ice hockey team has had no problem scoring goals this season compared to last year. Kenny Neil and Shawn Hulshof are both tied for the team lead with 35 points. Both have played 23 games this season. Neil leads in goals with 13, while Hulshof leads with 25 assists. Their production this season has helped Oswego State remain the No. 1 seed in the SUNYAC.

SPORTS Men's hockey still improving heading into playoffs



Final weekend gives Lakers more looks at lineups, possible opponents Cole Parzych Sports Editor Only a single point separates the No. 2/3 men’s ice hockey team from clinching the top seed in the SUNYAC, with a first-round bye already locked up. This weekend will bring another set of challenges Oswego State’s way with a streaking SUNY Fredonia team coming to town Friday, followed by the stingy defense of the Buffalo State Bengals Saturday. Buffalo State has secured a postseason bid, but has been experiencing a rough patch as of late with two loses in its last three. This span includes an 8-2 loss to Morrisville State and a loss to No. 6/8 SUNY Geneseo Ice Knights. The only win in this three-game stretch saw the Bengals barely edge out a win over the eighth-placed College at Brockport Golden Eagles. The Blue Devils have won nine of their last 10 games and have clinched a playoff berth, with hopes of avenging the 4-2 loss to the Lakers from earlier this season. Even though the teams appear to be coming in at opposite ends of the spectrum, this weekend is the final chance to determine playoff seeding and head coach Ed Gosek knows neither game will come easy for his club. “This time of year, it’s an exciting time,” Gosek said. “You work all season long to position yourselves for the playoffs. So what would we expect? We expect them to compete extremely hard and bring their A-game here against the first-place team in the conference.” Oswego State is on the verge of running the table in the regular season and going wireto-wire as the top team in the conference. Even with this success all season, Gosek and his staff are not taking anything for granted in the final portion of the regular season. “We don’t feel that we’ve peaked and we’re just treading water here,” Gosek said. “Some weeks it’s different things, but we’re improving in a lot of little areas. There’s still a lot of work to do, but we are at least going in the right direction.” This was evident last weekend during the Lakers’ home-and-home series against SUNY Canton. Both games were wins for Oswego State, but changes from Friday to Saturday were evidence of Gosek’s previous assertion of his team continuing to improve. “I thought [Saturday] was much, much better than Friday night,” Gosek said. “Our compete level was much improved over Friday. Guys were willing to take hits to make plays. Guys were being aggressive in all three zones. We pressured the puck much better

than Friday night. We seemed to be sharper in our mental decisions, and [SUNY Canton] worked extremely hard. They worked hard, and we needed that because they forced our [defense] into making decisions quicker than they would have to. They worked hard on the backcheck so our forwards had to push the pace and push the puck. I thought it was a step in the right direction.” Gosek also said he plans to continue to tinker with line combinations past this weekend in search of the coaching staff’s ideal lineup. Saturday poses additional questions because of the postgame senior night ceremony. “There’s going to be some hard decisions to make this weekend and the following weekend,” Gosek said. “This is our last so-called weekend to juggle things a bit to try to give some guys one last look here.” And through 23 games, there still has not been a lineup the coaching staff is completely satisfied with. “In a perfect world, we’ve got four lines that we think we have chemistry and they’re the right guys,” Gosek said. “We haven’t gotten a point, even with the six [defenseman], where were all in agreement or all sold that this is it.”

These changes could involve any player on the roster, skater or goaltender, to keep the same competitive atmosphere going within the dressing room. “Believe me, nobody’s job is safe here,” Gosek said. “They all have to continue to earn what they get and whether it’s [Alex] Botten or [Joey] Davies or Kenny Neil, it makes no difference.” Matt Zawadzki, who suffered a lower-body injury on Feb. 3, is back skating and working his way back to the blue paint in his senior season. Zawadzki would give back the goaltending depth the Lakers have had all season. Gosek said he would like to give him a start before playoffs, but right now there is no set plan. “Will he be game prepared? Time will tell,” Gosek said. “It’s going to be a process up until Friday night and seeing how he progresses. Along with our trainer and him, you have to make the right decision.” “Is he ready?” Gosek said. “Is he ready to go 100 percent? Is he just going because he wants to play because it’s senior weekend. You know there is a lot of things to consider there, and I’m sure when we hash it all out, we’ll do what’s best in the long run for the program, for the team this year.”

Haofeng Deng | The Oswegonian Despite constant lineup changes throughout the season, Stephen Johnson (74) has played in 22 of 23 games.

Despite chance of missing playoffs, Hebert reaches milestone mark STRETCH from COVER “I think we’re fortunate to be able to play on Friday and Saturday, so there is just not a lot of time, and we just have to go take care of business,” Bruno said. Senior forward Heather Hebert has had an incredible senior season and Laker career. She reached the 1,000-point milestone for her career and Bruno would not downplay the ability she has to change a game. “She’s an incredible player and she is an incredibly challenging matchup for a lot of teams,” Bruno said. “She is an undersized forward at 5’8’’, but she can score in multiple different ways.” Hebert echoed what Bruno said that

women's basketball head coach

this weekend is a great opportunity for the Lakers to go out and take care of business. “We’re really excited for this weekend and we know we have to win both games,” Hebert said. “If we win both of these games we have a good chance at getting in.” Hebert knows that two wins does not guarantee a playoff spot for the Lakers, but it will not change the mindset of the team. “I think regardless of that were going to go in playing our best and that we have a good shot,” Hebert said. During the season Hebert reached the 1,000-point mark for her career at Oswego State. She described how the team is such a close bunch and that they are truly like a family. “It was a great feeling and a great accomplishment,” Hebert said. “My team really supported me. They all ran out on the court after the basket and I couldn’t done it without them, I really love all of them.” Oswego State knows that a big opportunity is in front of them this weekend. It starts with taking care of business against SUNY Geneseo Friday night and the College at Brockport on Saturday night.

All Oswego State needs is one point this weekend to clinch the first seed and home ice advantage throughout the SUNYAC Championships. That seems easy enough, but SUNY Fredonia is 9-1-0 over its last ten games and it is always difficult to score against Buffalo State goaltender Mike DeLaVernge. Each game presents a completely a different set of challenges, but that is nothing new to any Div. III hockey team. The best thing the Lakers have is the ability to adapt with the Cole Parzych depth they have. Having that at the coaching staff's disposal could prove to be the difference maker in this final run. Oswego State's ability to score goals from anywhere in the lineup, along with the aforementioned depth, will get them by most games. However, goals will be harder and harder to come by this time of year. If the offense somehow struggles to keep putting pucks in the back of the net this weekend and beyond, the defense and goaltending will have to continue to be able to steady the rest of the team. Although there is a mathematical chance Oswego State does not earn the top seed, when you actually look at the upcoming schedule the Lakers do not need to scoreboard watch. You can bank on the fact that coaching staff will not either. They are just focused on the task at hand, like always. The Lakers are coming off of two easy wins against SUNY Canton last weekend, and will finish out the regular season against SUNY Fredonia and Buffalo State at home this upcoming weekend. After getting Alex Botten back into the lineup, Oswego State appeared to rediscover the offense that had them comfortably sitting as the nation’s top ranked team earlier this season. Ryan Zalduondo SUNY Fredonia is coming into this weekend on a fourgame win streak, which will cause Oswego State some fits, but the refocused Lakers should weather the storm and take this game, en route to 25 conference points in the SUNYAC. Buffalo State, who handed Oswego State their first loss of the season on Dec. 10, will present one of the biggest challenges all year. With one of the best goalies in the SUNYAC, Mike DeLaVergne, the Bengals stifled Oswego State’s offense in the first meeting, and that allowed them to hold the Lakers to one goal and a bad loss. As a team playing for SUNYAC seeding, the Bengals will enter the Marano Campus Center hungry and confident they can pull off another win over the high-powered offense of the Lakers, but this team is too good to lose to the same program twice.

Women’s Hockey vs William Smith College

Slip up against Buffalo State may cost Lakers

I think we’re fortunate to be able to play on Friday and Saturday, so there is just not a lot of time, and we just have to go take care of business." -Tracy Bruno,

Men’s Hockey vs SUNY Fredonia/Buffalo State

Haofeng Deng | The Oswegonian Oswego State has suffered five losses by four or fewer points this season, which could keep them out of the postseason.

The Lakers are heading into another home-and-home series this weekend, this time against the William Smith College Herons. Fortunately for the Lakers, the Herons have not been too hot this season with an overall record of 6-12-5 and are eliminated from the ECAC Women’s West playoffs. Oswego State is coming off of a 5-1 win over Buffalo State from Sunday so they will be heading into this weekend with hopes of hosting a playoff game, which is possible. The last time the Lakers met the Herons, the game ended Samantha Longton with a tie. The first game of the series will take place in “The Cooler” in Geneva. The Herons will have to watch out for the Lakers’ top players, Jacquelin White and Olivia Ellis, who currently have a combined total of 27 goals on the season. Top contenders for the Herons are Krista Federow and Stephanie Hampton, who have a combined 10 goals on the season. Anticipated to be in net for the Lakers is, as always, Mariah Madrigal. Maggie Salman should be in net for the Herons. She posted a shutout last week against the SUNY Potsdam Bears, so she shows she can stay strong in the crease. The question is, how strong? I am predicting the Lakers will pick up two wins this weekend by a score of 5-1 and 4-1.

Men’s Basketball @ SUNY Geneseo/Brockport SUNY Geneseo is coming off a conference road trip where they lost four-straight games, up until their 82-57 victory against SUNY New Paltz Saturday. A few weeks ago they lost to Oswego State 81-70, despite a 24-point outing from Justin Ringen. The Lakers suffered no hangover from their exciting win against the College at Brockport the night before, and got one of Brian Sortino’s best performances this season, scoring 33 points. SUNY Geneseo is a better team at home, Luke Scoville but lacks the depth and experience the Lakers have. Oswego State visiting the College of Brockport to close the season could come down as the game of the year, with a lot at stake. Oswego defeated the Golden Eagles on Jan. 27 at home, 78-75, but surrendered a 16-point second half lead. Hamed Shamseldin, Clifton Lyerly and Devonn Gavin are the three Golden Eagles expected to give the Lakers defense the most trouble, and it should be a different monster this time around. Sortino, Jamir Ferebee and Ian Schupp combined to score 59 points, including eight shots from beyond the arc their last time out against the Golden Eagles. Their trio of scoring will be expected, but the Lakers unselfish depth of offense welcomes anyone to step up. This Lakers team has shown lots of resiliency, and with a chance to host the SUNYAC Championships in their hands, it may be their time again, especially for the seniors.

B4 SPORTS Seniors lead man advantage units to top spot in ECAC Women’s West THE OSWEGONIAN FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017

Improved power play efficiency propelling women’s hockey team to new heights as regular season comes to close Ryan Zalduondo Staff Writer The No. 8/10 Oswego State women’s ice hockey team is coming up on the end of the regular season that has been a historic one for the program. Though their final playoff seed has yet to be determined, this season can already be called a wildly successful one. The team is on the cusp of hosting a playoff game, they have been the only team all season to beat ECAC West powerhouse Plattsburgh on the road, and already improved their win total by four games, with two more games remaining. There are many things that can be pointed to when it comes to the Lakers, turnaround from last season. The addition of an incredibly talented freshman class, an extra year of experience for the veteran players, and the emergence of goaltender Mariah Madrigal can all be looked at as reasons for success. However, the most effective asset to the team’s turnaround has been their success on the power play. By boosting their power play success rate by 6.6 percent from last season, to now be converting 22.9 percent of their man-advantage opportunities, their power play now ranks first in the ECAC Women’s West. They have scored 22 of their 77 total goals while on the power play. “It all starts with having talented kids that can handle the puck,” said

head coach Diane Dillon. “We have our seniors, coupled with the addition of a couple really talented freshmen, who are really helping out.” The biggest contribution to the boosted power play, according to Dillon, is confidence. “You can see the difference, the girls are confident out there,” Dillon said. “And we’re getting good looks.” The good looks that the Lakers see on the man advantage are a combination of an effective system combined with players who are talented enough to execute. The first power play unit, consisting of Olivia Ellis, Alexa Aramburu, Alli Ullrich, Kendall Applebaum and Andrea Noss, all play their roles perfectly. It is not difficult to realize why this unit has achieved so much success, when five of the top six scorers on the team are on the ice at the same time. “Ullrich quarterbacks PP1, she’s obviously a very talented young lady and playing with a lot more confidence than she ever has,” Dillon said. Ullrich is tasked with being the only player on the point during a power play, which allows her to be the lead playmaker of the unit, evidenced by her nine power play assists on the season. “We’ve been perfecting this system for three years.” Ullrich said. “It’s really nice because there’s always so many options.” Ellis and Aramburu, the top two scorers on the team, spend their power

Final weekend puts playoff fortunes in Oswego State’s hands REACH from COVER over 100 points. “Incredible, just shows that we can do it,” Leone said. “Our execution of how we had to play individuals in their system was at the highest level.” The College of Brockport inched a game closer to Oswego State in the standings with their 2-0 weekend, and could be in position to take the one-seed from the Lakers in Saturday’s matchup. Leading Brockport by one game, the Lakers would automatically clinch the No. 1 seed with a victory over Brockport on Saturday, even if they were to lose to SUNY Geneseo on Friday. If the Lakers and Brockport finished the season tied in conference and head-tohead records, it would come down to where Cortland and Oneonta finish in the standings. If Cortland finishes the season as the thirdseed, the Lakers have the top seed, if Oneonta finishes third, it will go to Brockport. “I don’t think a lot teams think we’re going to be able to sweep this weekend and not be able to host,” Schupp said. “In the end of the day we got to take it one step at a time.” All the scenarios stay in the back of the Lakers’ minds as they know they control their own future, and Coach Leone stresses mental preparation for the upcoming

stretch in order to succeed. “These guys will be ready to go, they are going to be excited,” Leone said. “I think if we go into the game with a height and level of enthusiasm and togetherness and our minds are in a very positive place, I really believe we’re going to play with a high level Friday.” The Lakers look to capture that oneseed starting Friday night at SUNY Geneseo with 5:30 p.m. tip-off at the Kuhl Gymnasium.

These guys will be ready to go, they are going to be excited. I think if we go into the game with a height and level of enthusiasm and togetherness and our minds are in a very positive place, I really believe we’re going to play with a high level Friday.” -Jason Leone men’s basketball head coach

Katherine Zenteno | The Oswegonian Oswego State will clinch first place in the SUNYAC with a win over SUNY Geneseo or the College at Brockport.

play time patrolling the side boards and waiting for clear opportunities to unleash their devastating shots. “Then there’s Ellis and Aramburu on the flanks, and they both spend a lot of time working on their shot,” Dillon said. “We have Applebaum in the middle, who attracts a lot of attention and screens a lot of goaltenders.” Applebaum spends her time set up in between the two scoring forwards, looking to set screens on opposing goaltenders and tip their shots. “We’ve got Noss down below the goal line, who is very crafty and has really great vision,” Dillon said. “She gets lost behind the play and the other team forgets about her and allows us to create.” Noss does the same job as Ullrich, except from behind the net. She is responsible for distributing the puck the scorers in front and forcing the defense to spread out. “We practice the power play two days a week, we watch film, and we know what the other team’s penalty kill is like and we got to do to beat it,” Ellis said. Each member of the top power play unit sits inside the top 20 in the ECAC Women’s West for power play points. Of all the aforementioned attributions to the Lakers unprecedented success this season, the top power play unit is easily one of the most valuable. The ability to take advantage of their opponent’s mistakes with such great efficiency is an asset that will make or break their season as the playoffs are set to begin.

Samantha Boyle | The Oswegonian Photos provided by Sports Information via C. Perkins


B5? B Photo provided by Tim Pierce via flickr



“Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...”


The independent student newspaper of Oswego State since 1935

G UIDELIN ES We want your thoughts on our coverage, campus and local issues, or anything regarding the Oswego State community. Email all letters as Word attachments to or mail submissions to 139A Campus Center, Oswego N.Y. 13126 All writers must provide their real name, address, academic year, major and phone number (which will not be published). Members of organizations should include their title if their letter addresses an issue pertaining to the organization. For publication, letters should be 250 words or less and submitted by the Tuesday prior to the desired publication date. The Oswegonian reserves the right to edit and reject letters and cannot guarantee that all letters will be published. Opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not always reflect those of The Oswegonian.

The Voice of the People

How do you spot fake news?

"I don't see a source of where it came from."

Vincent Ingersoll senior, chemistry

"I don't know how to spot fake news."

Nora Walsh freshman, human development

"By looking for credible sources."




Katherine Zenteno| The Oswegonian

FRIDAY, Feb. 17 , 2017

-First Amendment

WRITING: CRUCIAL SKILL When you type in “writing” to, 292,684 results will show that have the skill “writing” in the job description, all ranging from engineering to business communications. Whatever your major, writing is a key component. According to Merriam-Webster, writing is defined as “the act or art of forming visible letters or characters.” W he t he r i t i s w r i t i ng a s c i e n tific paper, a memoir or a business a g e nd a , t he a b i l i t y to c o m m u n i cate through words is the key to success in a world that depends on understandable information. It may not be the flowery or “pretty” writing people have grown up with in their elementary school creative writing notebook, but writing is writing. It is about getting your ideas out there and being able to make change through written communication. Whether it is writing an email or a thank you letter to your future employer, it is important to know the basics of grammar and the most effectient way to articulate your thoughts and goals.

When other majors look at those who write for a living they can be t a ke n b a c k by ho w s i m pl e i t c a n come to them; how fast they can w r i t e a f i ve p a g e p a p e r o n a t w o hour deadline. However, STEM maj o r s a nd m a n y o t he r m a j o r s w ho d o no t o f t e n w r i t e s ho u l d no t b e discouraged by what they think is a lack of knowledge in writing because you can learn. Everyone can learn to write and it could make or break whether you get a job or maybe even keep a job. Nowadays, a lot of jobs look for potential employees who can write and write well. With technology popularizing abbreviations, people are getting into the habit of writing with grammatical errors and using “text speech” as a norm. However, learning to properly write could be the difference of getting ahead in your job or not. Whatever your major, writing is a key component. According to a repor t compiled by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills and partner organization, 26.2 percent of college students exhibit

k no w l e d g e a nd s k i l l s i n w r i t i ng that qualify as deficient. Employers feel that 28 percent of recent graduates were not good at witing and labeled their written communication skills as deficient. It is not about writing the next Moby Dick or The Great Gatsby, it is about being able to ar ticulate through written dialogue the most important information to someone. You do not need a degree in English to be able to show your future boss that you can convey to others what you are trying to say, you just need to start writing in general. In the office, none of us were born with pens in our hands, but through hard work we’ve learned overtime to improve on certain writing techniques. I t i s i m p o r t a n t f o r s t u d e n s to harness these techniques when you are still in school and take advantage of the resources at hand. Stop addreviating your words or using emoijis to define your emotions and learn the essentials too the written word.


Displeasure from paying outrageous fees

Ridiculous college costs actually causes students to move off campus

Heather Clark Managing Editor I could not afford to live on campus for my senior year. I know there are others who have had the same problem or are worse off. However, Oswego State does not make it easy for offcampus students. They expect students to pay more, despite some of them being forced to move off campus because they have already spent a great majority of their money and can no longer afford all the fees the university has forced on them. Even if a student should attempt to be exempt from these fees, there is a very tiny chance that will happen. When I tried to, I was told that my family’s medical expenses should not hinder what I can and cannot afford or that I could take out more loans. Especially, the athletic fee. The rest of the students have to pay for athletes

to u s e t he f a c i l i t i e s ? A nd s t u d e n t s have to pay for games they do not go to? That is ridiculous. I go to hockey games and that is it. I do not even go to all of them. I would rather pay individually than pay the full athletic fee. Why should I pay to go to games I do not end up attending, especially if I have to live off campus because of all the ridiculous fees? If the school is going to force us to pay, they should offer the gym for free, since we pay for the athletes to use a gym for free. Speaking of the gym membership, for those who live on campus, the rate is $105 for a year. For commuters, it is $115, as long as you stayed on campus for more than four semesters. Sure, $10 is not much, but little things like that add up. Presidential scholarships, which are given, according to the Oswego State website, for “academic excellence” are cut in half because a student is not giving the university all of their money to live on campus anymore. You can find this in microscopic print on Oswego State’s website. A student who cannot afford to stay on campus must be punished further. So much for being rewarded for being a good student. I know they do not have to give us a scholarship, that it is a kindness. But how is it fair to modify it because a student has to move off campus? What if the student relies on that scholarship to help with tuition costs? As I wrote about in a previous arti-

cle, commuter parking is an absolute nightmare. A commuter pays the same amount for parking in limited parking lots for a year as someone who lives on campus. That is $100 to get kicked off campus by midnight. God forbid you want to be in the library passed midnight or have to work late. Living off campus is great though. There is more independence and better learning experiences. Instead of paying roughly $10,000 a semester to share a room with one or two people, a bathroom with a floor of people and a kitchen with an entire building, a student can pay half that for a full year. They can have their own room, a bathroom they do not need to share, except with a couple close friends, and a kitchen they can use whenever they want. There is no waiting hours for a washing machine or dryer. It is pretty great. Living off campus gives students the opportunity to learn skills they will need when they leave college. Like paying rent, cable and keeping up a house. It is pretty great being able to rely on nobody but yourself. Also, some landlords allow more than just fish for pets. I am writing this hoping administration will take notice of what they are doing to some of their students. There are a lot of fees that are not totally necessary to force on students and should be looked over to make s u re s t u d e n t s a re no t g o i ng b a n k rupt by living on campus or by paying these absurd fees.


Bryan Padua junior, zoology

"I look most of the time at the website name."

Tahlia Clerveau senior, marketing

See web exclusive Opinion articles at



Mabel Martinez junior, communication and social interaction and Spanish

"By looking for key words and loaded phrases."


After reading your recent article, (“Free Tuition is New Tab for Taxpayers” published Feb. 10), I wanted to set the record straight on the facts regarding Governor Cuomo’s free tuition program. U n d e r t h e G ov e r n o r ’s n a t i o n leading plan, more than 900,000 families making up to $125,000 per year would qualify to attend New York’s public higher education systems — SUNY or CUNY — tuition free. That includes nearly 38,000 or 79 percent of families with college aged-children in Central New York. As we have said previously, the Governor’s plan would allow more than 200,000 or 52 percent of resid e n t f u l l - t i me s t u d e n t s to e a r n a tuition-free degree at New York’s prized public universities when fully implemented. As the program continues to move forward, we expect that number to increase.

State funding for the program, which is expected to cost $163 million, is included in the FY 2018 Executive Budget proposal. At the same time, this year’s budget implements a middle class tax cut, dropping rates to their lowest level in 70 years. Yes, that’s right, we’re making college free and cutting taxes. How do we do it? Fiscal responsibility – a hallmark of the Governor’s tenure. In recent weeks, there have been some concerns that increases in enrollment at SUNY and CUNY institutions will have a negative impact on campuses. Not true. We’ve done our research and we believe that both SUNY and CUNY can absorb the growth. In fact, community college enrollment at SUNY has been declining and this will help. F i n a l l y, f r e e t u i t i o n w i l l n o t equal lower-quality education.

There are no giveaways. Like all things in life, students must earn it. That means admission standards will remain rigorous, good academic standing must be maintained and awardees must graduate on time in two to four years. As life can sometimes get complicated, we’ve built in flexibility and included a “stepping out” provision so students can pause their education if necessary. L i s t e n , I g e t i t . N o t eve r yo n e likes math – or doing their homework. But in this case it’s essent i a l . T h e G o v e r n o r ’s E xc e l s i o r Scholarship is a game-changer for New York’s students and strivers – including many at SUNY Oswego.

Robert Mujica Director New York State Division of the Budget



Apologize to Senator Warren, Tip of but also build stronger senate the hat...


◊... to shutting down Sen. Elizabeth Warren. ◊ ludicrous charges on student bills. ◊ people who re-post fake news.

◊ peaceful protests. ◊ Oswego for getting $10 million to revitalize downtown. ◊ the communication department's fake news panel.

Photo provided by AFGE via flickr Sen. Elizabeth Warren was told to remain quiet by the senate during a debate about Jeff Sessions' confirmation.

Sammi Flavell Web Editor Senator Elizabeth Warren was silenced during a debate concerning the nomination of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. During the hearing, Warren read the Coretta Scott King Letter, using it as a relevant example and saying, “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens in the district he now seeks to serve as a federal judge.” The Republican senators charged Warren with violating the Senate’s rules against impunging another senator. With this charge, Warren was silenced from speaking at the session. Warren has not backed down. Following the session, #LetLizSpeak was trending on Twitter and millions of people on Facebook watched as Warren read the letter outside of the Senate chamber. Some senators are calling for apologies toward Warren. The senators should apologize to Warren. The Senate’s rule against impunging another senator is one that needs to be abolished. It is important that senators keep one another in check. As a major and important part of the U.S. government, the senate should be able to question the validity of what their

peers are saying, in order to make the best decisions. Our nation is built on a system of checks and balances. Therefore, it is unfair that Warren was silenced from speaking. She was just making a point and trying to ensure that all the senators were speaking honestly and fairly. It is important to hear all sides of an argument. To silence someone because people do not agree with what they say is unjust. Warren was making a valid point and it was unfair for her to be silenced in the middle of making that point. Americans have the right to the freedom of speech and a senator should not lose this right simply because they are at a meeting. Our nation is already strongly divided with the basis of almost every news story slanted toward Democrats or Republicans. From this event, the Democrats have been given fuel to fire their attack against Republicans and are strengthening the divide between the two parties. This is one nation and we should not be seeking different ways to strengthen the divide. Warren should not have been silenced and should be given an apology by the other senators, but the Democrats should not use this event to widen the gap between the two political parties. Instead use it as a wake-up call to become a stronger and more unified nation.

Students should worry about DeVos, who lacks knowledge

Photo provided by NoobiNikon via flickr Betsy DeVos was confirmed as secretary of education after a tie -breaking vote by Vice President Mike Pence.

Shea O'Malley Contributing Writer As the newly appointed Education Secretary, masses of people across the U.S. fear Betsy DeVos will gut the very institution she oversees due to her extreme lack of experience and self-serving motives. The outcry from Senate Democrats and even a few from the Republican Party caused a setback in her confirmation hearing, resulting in a tie that had to be broken by the vice president. Unfortunately, DeVos has absolutely no clue. First, let us take a look at DeVos. She has been the driving force behind the implementation of charter schools in her home state of Michigan. She is also a top advocate for school vouchers, a program that gives parents the option of choosing private schools over public with state funded money. All of this sounds reasonable to a point, but, the facts start to make the issues a little murky. According to POLITICO, Michigan charter schools ranked near the bottom in math and reading compared to other states, testing lower than most traditional public schools. A lot has to do with the state’s relaxed regulations regarding private schools. The charter school system is also weakening public school funding; the poorest communities being affected the most. In the meantime, DeVos has pronounced the nation’s public school system as status quo, saying the goal of school choice is to intervene on a failing public school system. DeVos is also not shy about sharing her strong Christian convictions and using it as a platform in her goals to reform the American educational system. Sizable donations to her political party have made certain circles speculate on her

nomination as education secretary. DeVos’ experience is scary at best. Neither she nor her children have ever attended public schools. She did graduate from college with a bachelor’s degree in business, but unfortunately not education. She has never taught or worked in any type of academia. She has never dealt or worked with any type of federal funding, grants or scholarships. She is oblivious to the function and operation of loan programs and their necessity to higher education. During confirmation hearings, DeVos was devoid of answers regarding student protection from fake colleges like Trump University, enforcing the rules in place concerning fraudulent schools, the enforcement of disabled student rights under the voucher program system and the difference in proficiency vs. grades within the U.S. education system. And do not forget the very real possibility of dismantling LGBTQ rights in education. At this point people might be shaking their head and wondering why they’re even having this conversation. So many in America are fearful that their education system will be dismantled and grossly reorganized for egocentric reasons. The leaders of the House and Senate voted in someone who is so grossly unqualified in spite of the outcry of the nation. The biggest fear circling the entire confirmation of DeVos is the fear of the unknown; the possibility of what might happen. Americans are not taking this new development lying down. DeVos may be the new education secretary, but the bottom line is that she still has an entire nation she must to answer to. One of the reasons the nation is so great is the power to speak and be heard. Do not give up in the face of adversity. Instead, let people move forward in the essence of Senator Elizabeth Warren: resist and persist.

Wag of the finger...

Peaceful protests prove powerful

Non-violent resistance continues to bring change, revelations

Photo provided by Rowland Scherman via Martin Luther King Jr. was an advocate for peace and using non-violent ways during the civil rights movement to help minorites gain more liberties.

Selena Pappas Contributing Writer Peaceful protests have served as the foundation for change throughout the United States’ history and the world. In light of recent events, Oswego State President Deborah Stanley held a town hall meeting on Feb. 8 to discuss the effectiveness of peaceful protests and the importance of having an open mind in order to move forward. “Our voices may not be acknowledged, but they can be heard,” Stanley said. The meeting raised the question of whether or not the peaceful protests are effective in bringing about change. To judge whether peaceful protests prove effective, it is important to consider examples of civil disobedience that altered the course of history. In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi led a peaceful protest against Britain’s law, which restricted the collection of salt by Indians. Known as the “Salt March,” the 240-mile journey by foot led to the liberation of

India from British rule and became one of the most prominent demonstrations of a successful peaceful protest in world history. Gandhi’s leadership style and nonviolent approach eventually became synonymous with peaceful protesting and served as inspiration for activists like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks during the Civil Rights Movement. King referenced the “Gandhian method of nonviolence” as one of the most effective tools available to those striving to achieve freedom. With peace at the forefront, King utilized his constitutional rights and w i t h t h e h e l p o f o t h e r p ro t e s t e r s , spread the message that all people are deserving of equal rights. The outcome of movements led by King and Parks took the weight of law, when the United States Supreme Court deemed segregation unconstitutional, effectively altering the course of American politics and society. Injustice continues to echo throughout today’s society, as demonstrated in recent social and political upheavals. Many contemporary resistance movements such as Black Lives

Matter and the historic Women’s March on Washington reflect the nonviolent approach seen in past successful protests. In this sense, civil disobedience produces a domino effect that continues to bring about change and progress. It is important to understand that change does not happen overnight. It took Gandhi 17 years before India was freed from British rule and yet, he was still viewed as one of the most successful and inspirational participants of civil disobedience. In order to move forward, people must first take the time to educate themselves on the, issues at hand and understand the varying perspectives that others may have. Opening peoples’ minds to new ideas allows them to develop their thoughts and determine how they view the world. This is a crucial first step in being a part of the change. As Gandhi said, “Nonviolence is an intensely active force when properly understood and used.” With an open mind and peaceful attitude, people are able to come together and make a difference.


Anyone who has studied American History has heard the names of Upton Sinclair, Jacob Riis, Frank Norris, Ida B. Wells, Lincoln Steffens and Thomas Nast. Possibly the most recognizable, Upton Sinclair, was famous for his book, “The Jungle,” which churned the stomach of millions of Americans and led to consumer protection laws in the food industry. Each of these Progressive Era reformers were what historians call muckrakers. A muckraker is anyone who exposes a perceived political, social, or economic injustice through any form of communication. Back then the most common forms were novels, today it may be social media. What has become evident is that after Progressive Era reforms were implemented, such as labor laws, the muckraker disappeared from society. As a future social studies educator and political junky there is one muckraker that is most relatable to today. Thomas Nast was a political cartoonist for Harper’s Weekly. His cartoons ranged in message, but his focus was on corruption in politics and the abuses of government on society. He is most known for bringing down William “Boss” Tweed. Tweed was a notorious politician who appointed his closest friends to government positions, embezzled millions of dollars, purchased low-level property and sold it for profit and assured work projects like the Brooklyn Bridge, to his friends through bribes and kickbacks. Some of this should

sound vaguely familiar. President Donald J. Trump promised during his campaign to “drain the swamp,” however, as we progress further into the first year of his term, it is becoming increasingly evident this is not the case. Many of his top advisors and cabinet members are former CEOs or board members and financial beneficiaries to some of America’s largest and most profitable corporations. During her confirmation hearing, it was noted that Betsy DeVos, newly appointed Secretary of Education, had donated millions to the Republican Party and to many Senators who voted in favor of her confirmation. Despite her evident lack of qualifications, Vice President Mike Pence confirmed her nomination with a tie-breaking vote. In the early days of his presidency, several major news networks including CNN and MSNBC carried stories that President Trump wanted his eldest children to be privy to daily security briefings and to have full access to the White House. Furthermore, as of this writing, he still has not released tax returns and the question of separation from his namesake corporation remains up in the air. Most recently in an interview with Fox News, senior advisor Kellyanne Conway promoted Ivanka Trump’s merchandise, which was being removed from shelves at Nordstrom and other clothing retailers. Her quote quickly prompted a bi-partisan letter to the House Ethics Committee requesting investigation into

the matter. What does this have to do with the Progressive muckrakers of the 19th and early 20th centuries? It has become increasingly evident that money runs politics. However, the presidency is not a job title meant to further the economic gain of the corporate elite and their families. It is a public service meant to guide America toward the future. Trump’s outright refusal to accept factual evidence from the media furthers the idea that now more than ever we need muckrakers. Corruption can occur at all levels of government. As writers, journalists, photographers, artists, teachers and every-day citizens, it is our job to hold elected officials to a higher standard outside the ballot box. If we cannot expose corruption we can at least be aware of it. Be wary of your sources of information and always fact-check. Write letters, make phone calls or show up at your elected officials office. Make sure you make known that abuses of power will not be tolerated. Above all, make sure they know it where it hurts most, the polls. Stay informed on the issues in your community, your state, and in the nation. Perhaps it will inspire you to take to the keyboard and rake some muck.

Gabriel Smith Oswego State senior




Student Art Exhibition annouces winners


‘John Wick 2’ dives deeper into underworld


Superb acting strengthens ‘The Space Between Us’


Laker Review The Oswegonian

Feb. 17, 2017

cC 2 2

FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017

Events Calendar

Friday, Feb. 17 through Friday, Feb. 24

ART EXHIBIT: “INSPIRED BY DATA” Time: Noon. - 5 p.m. Date: Friday, Feb. 17 Location: 186 W. First St., Oswego ART EXHIBIT: “CAESAR X” Time: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Date: Friday, Feb. 17 Location: Oswego State Metro Center, Syracuse, NY OPEN SKATE Time: Noon Date: Friday, Feb. 17 Location: Marano Campus Center Arena STUDENT ART EXHIBITION Time:10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Date: Friday, Feb. 17 Location: Tyler Gallery, Tyler Hall RICE CREEK RAMBLE Time: 11 a.m. - noon Date: Saturday, Feb. 18 Location: Rice Creek Field Station PERFORMANCE: “VISION OF SOUND: (MAKING) PACE” Time: 3 - 5 p.m. Date: Sunday, Feb. 19 Location: Waterman Theater, Tyler Hall PLANETARIUM SHOW: “THE CALANDAR” Time: 7 - 8 p.m. Date: Sunday, Feb. 19 Location: Room 223, Shineman Center INTERNATIONAL COFFEE HOUR Time: 3:30 - 5 p.m. Date: Monday, Feb. 20 Location: Room 225, Marano Campus Center MOVIE: “THE PROMISE” Time: 7 - 9 p.m. Date: Monday, Feb. 20 Location: Auditorium, Marano Camus Center

Cover image provided by


Look at Oz: Student Art Exhibition Awards

Reception, jury decisions honor student’s works Ian Saunders Staff Writer

sive time,” Krencick said. “And I think it is even more divisive now. There are completely heinous arguments – very toxic On Feb. 10 in the Tyler Art on both sides.” Gallery, Oswego State held its His work depicted a man 54th Annual Juried Student Art cowering between two crowds Exhibition. At this event, stuof people, lifting signs and dents of any major were invited shouting at one another. to share their artwork in the “There’s almost no connewly renovated gallery, with structive conversations going the opportunity to win an award on right now.” Krencick said. and to gain recognition. Held by Krencick viewed submitSuzanne Beason, the president ting his work as a way of of the Student Art Exhibition adding to a conversation he Committee (SAEC),the exhibibelieves desperately needs to tion displayed a range of work be had and the exhibition gave including photography, sculphim that outlet. tures alongside both digital and However, many artists,did traditional paintings. not want to delve into an issue, “This is our first juried stu- and simply wanted to use the dent exhibition in this space,” event as a way of showing off said Michael Flanagan, the their raw talent. Brandon Smith, director of the art gallery. “It’s a graphic design student, devery nice to see how the reno- scribed the process of making vated space really brings out his large print of an owl, which the best of the student’s artwas composed completely out work. We tried something new of small triangles. this year – online submission, making it easier for anyone to apply and submit work.” The event opened at 5 p.m. and a flood of people began to arrive, crowding the entire gallery from one end to the other. Many of those attending were just passing through, in awe of the amount of talent and dedication involved with making the artwork. Most though were the contributors themselves along with their friends and family. “Sometimes students who are in certain classes don’t see the work of their classmates and we feel that this is a great opportunity for that and to kind of see the best of the best,” explains Rebecca Mushtare, a faculty member in the graphic design department. The styles of artwork in the exhibition ranged from observational to completely abstract and off-the-wall. One student embroidered a small pickle and another submitted an eerily realistic ceramic sculpture of a shirt placed next to a volleyball. A good majority of the work, however, dealt with a variety of political, social and everyday issues. One of the contributors, Trevor Krencick, who was later given an award for his efforts, explained what his inspirations were for creating his politically-charged digital illustration, titled “Election 2016.” “We’re living in a very divi-

“I worked in Photoshop and Illustrator,” Smith said. “Each of the triangles I produced individually and I applied a gradient to each one. I took about 12 hours to make it. It was very fulfilling.” The awards presentation began an hour after the gallery opened and the artists held their breath as they waited to see if their name would get called. For some, there was a chance of receiving the Presidential Purchase Prize – allowing their work to be part of the college’s permanent collection and to receive what every college student wants and needs most, money. Among the jurors who decided the winners were two Oswego State art alumni: Christopher Harrold, the vice president and creative director of Mohawk Fine Papers, and Stephen Brucker, a glass artist, sculptor and flame-working

instructor at the Corning Museum of Glass studio. Before the awards were officially handed out, Oswego State President Deborah Stanley spoke in front of the crowd to give a short speech and congratulate those who had given their time and effort. “We have to remember that we’re human,” Stanley said. “The only way to ever remember that is to kind of walk into the expressions of other people and start to think through life with a different lens. That lens is not the lens of TV, or pundits who want to tell us what to think, but through individuals.” After her speech, a set of envelopes were handed out to the selected winners. The winners are below. Those who did not win an award went home with the satisfaction of knowing they put their work out there, which takes a lot of bravery and determination. The Next show at Tyler will begin on March 3.

Samantha Boyle | The Oswegonian


FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017

CC 3 3

Comedy Central strikes gold with new hit ‘Detroiters’ Michael Reilly Contributing Writer

Viewers who have been a fan of several previous Comedy Central programs, such as “Nathan For You,” “Workaholics” and “Kroll Show,” definitely have a reason to be intrigued when hearing of the network’s newest original show entitled “Detroiters.” A no t he r i n f l u e nc e t h a t pl ay s a rol e i s s e e i ng t he i n vol ve me n t o f “ S a t u rd ay N i g h t L i ve” c re a to r L o r ne Michaels and former cast member Jason Sudeikis as executive producers for the buddy sitcom. Sudeikis even makes a guest appearance as a character in the pilot. The show focuses on two best friends, and advertising industry workers, Sam Duvent (Sam Richardson, “Office Christmas Party”) and Tim Cramblin (Tim Robinson “Saturday Night Live”) as they venture around the city of Detroit to make

Photo provided by

Left to right: Tim Robinson and Sam Richardson make a perfect comedy duo.

names for themselves. Right out of the gate, wacky moments and awkward conversation help set the tone. The up-tempo level of comedic really do an excellent job of introducing the audience to the new characters who, if anything, are just a couple of hopelessly ambitious, yet extremely lovable, goofballs. Tim and Sam run the ad-

vertising company they work for, ‘Cramblin Adver tising,’ which was mentioned to have previously been owned by Tim’s father, until he apparently went insane, at which point Tim inherited it. Their company’s mostly known for producing commercials for local furniture companies, but the main characters are extremely

motivated to claw their way to the top by getting a gig with a hometown auto comp a n y. E n r o u t e t o a c c o m plishing their goal, Tim and Sam face outrageous obstacles at just about every turn, allowing for plenty of exceptionally humorous moments throughout the episode. While the series pilot heavily revolved around Tim and Sam, the viewers were also introduced to some minor characters, including the Vice President of marketing for Chrysler, Carter (played by Sudeikis, “Son of Zorn”), Cramblin client and hot tub store owner Eddie Champagne (Steve Higgins, “Ghostbusters”) and Cramblin commercial editor, and apparent college student, Lea (Lailani Ledesma). It remains to be seen if any of the characters will develop bigger roles. Overall, the concept of the show appears to be simple and familiar, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. The classic buddy comedy concept can be a major success when the right pair is

put together, which is seamlessly executed through the natural chemistry between R i c h a rd s o n a n d R o b i n s o n , who are also responsible for the show’s creation. The pilot episode ultimately did its job; introducing the audience to the characters, while at the same time keeping them engaged and laughing. Throughout, Richardson and Robinson’s dynamic exceptionally commands the screen making viewers anticipate what shenanigans they will find themselves in next. There is something about the show that comes off as fresh and exciting. Even after one episode, it is not crazy to believe Comedy Central may have a strong show to create positive buzz among critics, resulting in a bigger following down the road. Since the show is being broadcast on Comedy Central, a cable network, it will release episodes one week at a time. New episodes will premiere ever y Tuesday at 10:30 p.m. and they are absolutely worth checking out.

‘Legion’ provides visually powerful premiere

Dominick Lioto Staff Writer

Noah Hawley received the opportunity to create the first television series connected to the “X- Men” film universe for FX after his stellar first season of “Fargo.” Just as he has done expanding the “Fargo” universe in a distinctive way, Hawley is putting that same energy into “Legion.” David Haller (Dan Stevens, “Beauty & The Beast”) has always been looked down on for being “crazy.” He was diagnosed as schizophrenic as a child and had been in and out different psychiatric facilities all of his life. Giving in to the structured and routine lives they supply patients with at Clockwork Psychiatric Hospital alongside his alcoholic friend Lenny (Aubrey Plaza, “Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates”), David accepts his condition and his life for what

they are. David’s perception on life really shakes up when he meets Syd (Rachel Keller, “Fargo”), a beautiful, and equally strange, new patient that shows David all of the voices he hears and visions he sees may not be in his head after all. This series is based on the Marvel Comics character created by Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz during their “New Mutants” run. The duo, par ticularly Claremont, was able to introduce deeper and more complex themes into comic book narratives making the X- Men one of the most popular series Marvel offered at the time. It seems that Hawley is unconsciously applying this to the FX series. “Legion” is not a traditional superhero show. Haller havi ng to d e a l w i t h me n t a l i l l ness roots this character more closely with reality. Combining schizophrenia with superpowers opens up so many doors to the unimaginable. Simply put, there is nothing else like “Legion” on television.

It is bonkers at all times. Like “Fargo” was, “Legion” is a visual feast, incorporating a distinct 1960s look within modern-day settings and displaying the mutants’ abilities in stylized ways all while balancing David’s narrative. The visuals go handin-hand with the stor ytelling, Noah Hawley even said he does not want the viewer to fully believe David all of the time. He is schizophrenic and it is par t of the journey to decipher his illusions from his reality. Hawley deserves a lot of credit here, he had to take a character that the masses might not b e familiar w ith and create a series that somewhat connects to the XMen film universe, while being able to be its own standalone series. It is a hard task to do but just like how he was able to take the Coen Brothers’ “Fargo” and make it an exciting world to explore, he seemingly does it with ease for the X- Men.

Photo provided by

Dan Stevens brings the insanity as ‘Legion’ gives viewers a non-tradtional hero show.

The pilot for “Legion” set up a lot for this series, while also making a very wild first impression. It is extremely rare to watch something that is so weird and feels so fresh and it is even more rare when that first episode ends and the viewer has absolutely no clue what is going to

happen next. A superhero show that has blended elements from horror, the fashion palette of the 1960s, a dark sense of humor and brightly colored, visually celebrated action scenes may not be what anyone was asking for, but it is the outsider television needed.

CC 4 4


FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017

Lupe Fiasco’s ‘Drogas Light’ splits with different styles Ian Saunders Staff Writer

Back in 2011, when the album “Lasers” was topping the charts and the hit song “The Show Goes On” was stuck in everybody’s heads, it seemed that Chicagoborn rapper Lupe Fiasco was headed nowhere but up. Since then, not so much. Between his rocky, and now non-existent, relationship with the record label Atlantic, his lyrics being deemed anti-Semitic on the song “N.E.R.D” by the AntiDefamation League and his Twitter feuds with Azealia Banks and rapper Kid Cudi, there has been no shortage of controversies for Fiasco to deal with. The release of “Drogas Light” came as a surprise. This was mainly because Fiasco had announced that he was retiring, due to “N.E.R.D” being removed off Sound-

Cloud for “hate speech”, and he saw that as a “sign from God” that he should stop making music for good. To the relief of his fans, he was not being entirely serious, and on Feb. 10th his album was released under his newly-acquired label, Thirty Tigers. Fiasco went out of his way to review his own album, saying it was the “only review that matters.” In it, he claims that “Drogas Light” is the precursor to “DROGAS,” an album coming out in a few months and that “he has been able to navigate a very rapidly changing landscape of cultural trends and technologies.” “Drogas Light” is over an hour long and features big names like Rick Ross, Big K.R.I.T. and Ty Dolla $ign. In the first half of the album, the listener gets a very different Fiasco from what they might be familiar with. He seems to be changing his sound and pulling heavily from trendsetting rappers like Fetty Wap and Future. Each song is

dense with repetitive hooks, auto-tuned mumbling and bass-heavy beats. The opener “Dopamine (Light),” “Promise” and “Jump (feat. Gizzle)” are three tracks that really shine through in the first half and are the kind of tunes that are great for hyping up a crowd or blasting out of a car stereo. They do exactly what they set out to do, nothing more, nothing less. “Made in the USA (feat. Bianca Sings)” is kind of silly, Fiasco really goes overboard with it and the gunshot noises he uses in the first 30 seconds are laughable. After the first eight tracks play through, the album begins to set off an entirely different vibe. While the first half was infatuated with copying a more modern sound, the second half brings the listener back to what made Fiasco famous, soulinfused instrumentals and deep, meaningful lyrics. It was a welcome change of pace, but it was such a drastic change that it seemed

Photo provided by After taking a break, Lupe Fiasco returns with music similar to latest hits and his classics.

like “Drogas Light” was two albums glued together. Fiasco takes note of this in his review. “Over my commercial career there naturally started to develop two Lupes. A very conceptually and lyrical dense Lupe and a ‘light’ Lupe,” he writes. “Champagne versus Moonshine is probably the best analogy.” “It’s Not Design (feat. Salim)” has a groove that sounds like something out of “Discovery” by Daft Punk and the remaining tracks follow suit.

Overall, “Kill (feat. Ty Dolla $ign and Victoria Monet”) is by far the best song on the album. The instrumentals are incredibly smooth and deep, guttural background vocals blending everything together. It ends with a gospel choir clapping along, giving it that authentic soul sound that a lot of artists are looking for? If Lupe released a project with nothing but songs like this, it would be an instant classic. This is worth a listen. There are plenty hidden gems.

goes and the true power it holds. Besides seeing more of the exclusive privileges the members can use, such as the cleaning service, the weapons supplier and i n h o u s e a r m o r e d t a i l o r, Winston (Ian McShane, “ R ay D o n ova n” ) W i n s to n shows John there is no running or hiding from the society. He is able to make a n e n t i re p a rk o f p e o pl e stop on a dime and stare at Wick, to prove where the real power is held, or w he n i t i s reve a l e d t h a t the homeless population of New York City is mostly filled with members, it is an exciting notion to think about what else will be explored in “Chapter 3.” For people with actual interest in film, new talent in the business can be more exciting than anything else. The “John Wick” series has been the only one that Chad Stahelski has directed so far. These movies are also the only projects screenwriter Derek Kolstad has been a

part of so far in his car e e r. I n s h o r t , t h e m o s t exciting action movie series in a long time was created by fresh blood. Stahelski has been in the stunt business for years, even working with Keanu on “The Matrix” but the fact that he can say his first two projects have been “John Wick” proves that he will probably have a long career ahead of him in directing. What sets “John Wick” apart from other action series is its commitment to the ridiculousness. This is a wild premise and to really sell that they have to pull off the action, which they do. “Chapter 2” cranks up the close quarter gunplay, making outrageously entertaining action, along w i t h t he h y p e r - s t y l i ze d violence and cinematography to compliment it. With so much to like about “John Wick” and its sequel, there is only one question left to answer; When does “Chapter 3” come out?

‘John Wick 2’ further develops world around character Dominick Lioto Staff Writer

“You stabbed the devil in the back. To him this isn’t vengeance, this is justice.” John Wick is back and t h i s t i me , he i s he re f o r even more blood. When “John Wick” came out in 2014, it spread like wildfire, even receiving praise that it was one of the best action movies released in the last 20 years. That is a major compliment in the world of movies. With all of this acclaim what will audiences say about “John Wick: Chapter 2” when they realize it is even better than the first? John Wick (Keanu Reeves, “To the Done”) officially wants out of the criminal underworld he once conquered. After coming out of retirement to avenge the memory of his wife, he thought he would be able to leave

Photo provided by ‘John Wick 2’ showcases Keanu Reeves’ skill as an action star, entertaining fans.

that part of himself behind like he once had for love. When an old acquaintance, S a n t i n o D ’A n t o n i o ( R i c cardo Scamarcio, “Burnt”), cashes in on a blood oath that John had once vowed to him, he is unwillingly dragged back in to repay a final debt. John repays his debt to Santino and is ready to go back to life in the real world before realizing he has been betrayed

and has a $7 million bounty on his head. For “John Wick” fans, the most interesting aspect to this sequel will be how much further they dive into the mythology of this criminal underworld. “John Wick” grazed the surface of the mysterious society but “Chapter 2” dives in head first. Viewers get a sense about how deep the underworld


FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017



‘The Space Between Us’ hosts strong cast, characters Tiffany Baez Staff Writer

“The Space Between Us,” directed by Peter Chelsom, was released in theaters on Feb. 3, is a 2-hour-long scifi movie about the life of the first human born on Mars. Set sometime in the future, the story begins when five astronauts are sent on the first mission to colonize Mars. Unbeknownst to Nathaniel Shepard (Gary Oldman, “Child 44”), head of the program that launched the mission, one of the astronauts, Sarah Elliot (Janet Montgomery, “Salem”) is pregnant and is due for delivery when they arrive on Mars. Months later, Elliot dies in childbirth, leaving her son with the other astronauts on Mars. Unable to return to Earth for medical reasons, Gardner Elliot (Asa Butterfield, “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children”) spends the next 16 years of his life on Mars. Once it becomes apparent

Photo provided by A greatly chosen cast, well developed characters and realisitic emotion empower ‘The Space Between Us.’

that his isolation is affecting his emotional health, he is finally allowed to return to Earth after several months of therapy and surgery. Shortly after arriving, he breaks out of quarantine to find his friend with whom he has been secretly communicating for years, Tulsa (Britt Robertson, “A Dog’s Purpose”). The two set off to find Gardner’s birth father, going off of not much more than a photograph Gardner has of his parents. The pacing of the movie after this point is somewhat awkward. Things progress at a fast

pace, without any clear indication of exactly how much time is passing from one scene to the next. The unclear and awkward pacing makes it seem like the two protagonists are accomplishing much more in such a short amount of time than they should be for their age. Though a level of surrealism is to be expected from a movie like this, in the sci-fi genre, a good portion of the events during the cat-and-mouse game that takes place for most of the second half of the movie seems a bit over-the-top, unrealistic and

questionable. Most of the feats that Gardner and Tulsa accomplish to escape their pursuers seem to be a bit much given their ages, including Tulsa’s ability to successfully steal vehicle after vehicle without consequence. The tension throughout most of the action scenes is just enough to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, though the story is predictable enough that viewers know what the outcome of any confrontation would be anyway. The movie has a strong premise that is executed well enough to be a

satisfying watch despite the story’s predictability. The actors and the characters more than make up for whatever the plot execution lacks. The characters are extremely well-developed in terms of backstory as well as personality and all of them are satisfyingly and realistically human. The acting is phenomenal and every single actor does justice to the well-developed characters by portraying them with the right amount of emotion. The relationships between characters are complex enough to create tension and drama, but not so complex that things become confusing. The comedy within the dialogue lightens the mood when appropriate and keeps things casual and realistic. Overall, despite its odd pacing and apparent predictability, “The Space Between Us” is an enjoyable moviewatching experience. The themes present within the story are handled very well, and it has a nice balance between the various genres and story elements.

Vermont gives listeners unexciting soundtrack Ian Saunders Staff Writer

Vermont is a fairly new ambient group hailing from Cologne, Germany. They are the brainchild of house producers Danilo Plessow and Marcus Worgill. Plessow started working on the computer with samples at age the young age of 11 and, heavily influenced by a wide range of genres, became very prolific and wellknown in his area as the man behind Motor City Drum Ensemble. Worgill, on the other hand, is known under his outfit, Innerversions. He started playing piano at six, was in his school band and started playing at par ties at age 14. He now owns a record store called Groove Attack in Cologne. The drift from house music to ambient in Vermont

was a surprise, especially considering the two of them had been releasing nothing b u t ho u s e f o r t he i r e n t i re careers. Their second album, entitled “II,” continues in the same vain as the first. Mellow synths, overlaid by electric guitar riffs and bizarre sound effects. Kompakt, the Colognebased independent record label the album released through, said that the duo is “drawing inspiration from minimal wave and synth soundtracks.” Plessow and Worgill make use of an ARP Odyssey, Moog Prodigy and Fender Rhodes to create “II” and compose their music through what they refer to as “a number of improvised jamming sessions.” The opener, “Norderney,” is a drifting and dissonant tune, with an arc that slowly builds its way up through its five-minute runtime. Electric guitar riffs are panned back and for th and placed into the mix very carefully.

Photo provided by Vermont’s latest album ‘II’ provides tracks that are not as powerful as competition.

“Norderney,” much like the o t h e r 1 3 t r a c k s o n “ I I ,” i s very repetitive, but never redundant. There are enough breaks and creative usage of samples to keep the song fresh and interesting. This is an album that ventures ver y far into ex p e r i me n t a l t e r r i to r y, w i t h

“Chemtrails” essentially bei n g a t h re e - m i n u t e d ro n e sound, with reversed instrument samples being filtered in and out. It is great if the listener wants to zone out or focus on his/her studying, but aside from that it is not very engaging. “Ufer” is the album’s most

energetic tune, with an acoustic plucking noise used as the backbone to drifting guitar noises and delayed synths. It dies down toward the middle, but picks itself back up with closed hi-hats, giving it a definite rhythm. To anybody who is familiar with the work of “Tycho” o r “ C o m Tr u i s e ,” t h i n k o f this album as their instrumentals without the drum work or buildups. Plenty of things are happening sonically, but not a lot is going to excite the listener or make them want to come back for more. While not the most interesting ambient album out there, “II” is excellent if looked at as a series of soundtracks. The space that Worgill and Plessow work within is used to its full potential and it would work amazingly as the soundtrack to an indie game or something along those lines. This is impressive and a far cry from their old days as house producers.

CC6 6

FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017


Ian Saunders | The Oswegonian

Crossword Puzzle

FOR RENT: 4 bedroom houses. Available June 1, 2017. Above-Average student housing. Very homey. Coinless washer/dryer. Garbage, lawn & snow removal available. Utilities included. Newly remodeled with hard-wood floors. Reputable landlord with many references. Call JOHN LUBER at 315-529- 2475 BEFORE 9 pm.

Newly built 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Free lawn care, garbage/ snow removal. On premises washer/dryer. Partial or all utilities. 315-342- 6764.

Available 2017-2018. Newly remodeled 1 & 2 BR apartments. Prime location. Free garbage, lawn, and snow removal. 315-591- 2253.

BROSCH RENTALS. 4 bedroom house. New kitchen and bath. West Cayuga St. and Liberty St. Lawn care, garbage and snow removal. Washer/dryer (no coins).Utilities, cable, and Wi-Fi negotiable. 315-5939629.

2 bedroom upstairs apartment. Wood floors. Overlooks riverscape. Quiet. W/D hookup. 15 minutes to SUCO by car. Nonsmoking. $6000/month plus utilities. Request more info at


1. 4. 7. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 23. 25. 27. 32. 34. 35. 37. 38. 40. 41. 45. 47. 48. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

Pack animal Mama sheep Keyboard instrument Brief swim Pot's partner Double-_____ sword Hair cutter Wake up Skin woe Bed supports Poor me! Golf hazard Light wood Infatuated "The _____ Strikes Back" Reach a destination Abandons Mysterious Passed effortlessly Join together Bricklayer Fiddling emperor Consuming Ingest too much Because Free (of) Resort Soothed Capone and Pacino Poet's always

Puzzle provided by

Down 1. Radio spots 2. Command to Fido 3. Foreign agent 4. Long story 5. Didin't exist 6. Walks in 7. Sweat 8. False god

9. Water in Spanish 10. Cozy abode 11. Lyric poems 16. TV collie 20. Not up yet 21. Gold fabric 22. Swiss fabric 24. Doctors' org.

26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 33. 36. 39.

Set up Earth vibration Exhaust Harmful Necessity And so on (abbr.) Spanish title Satan

For this week’s crossword answers go to:

41. Ponder 42. China's continent 43. Transgressions 44. Formerly 46. Nail polish shades 49. Compass reading (abbr.) 50. Gorilla, e.g. 51. Paving goo

LAKER REVIEW creative writing Aspects by Jay Vollmer

Samantha Boyle | The Oswegonian by Jay Vollmer I have been lead to this place by my dreams and my guides. After hours wandering the vast cavern system, I reach the Loch of Souls. The water is a deep black and gets blacker as it goes on. On to the horizon that seems as endless as eternity. Gems are imbedd e d i n t h e ro c k t h a t m a ke s the cavernous room look like a brightly lit sky of stars. I wade into the water and sit in the calm shallows. I close my eyes and feel the current around me. My path unknown, but getting clearer by the second. The water tells me everything I need to know. My destination lies under the black. My connection with it pulls me in.

There is a soft golden glow far under the surface. The glow grows brighter the longer I look. I jump up from sitting in the water, hold my breath and dive head first in. Down I go into the depths, stroke by stroke. Down and down not being able to breath. The pressure is deep in my chest. My lungs scream at me. I’m so close but my vision is failing. I reach out to touch it. The world shifts around me. “SON OF A B****,” I yell at the top of my lungs. I hold my face and realize I am bleeding from my nose. I lie there on my bed feeling so embarrassed. “I can’t believe I dropped my book on my face again.'


Life is made of the things which define. What makes me who I am is different than you. There are parts of you I want to emulate. But then I wouldn’t be me, would I? Screaming at the things which define It’s inside of me putting up walls I have so painstakingly torn down, it needs to stop but it won’t, no matter how much I beg. Commited by Julia Brennan She slapped me, hard. So hard my cheek stayed pink as a school girl’s blush for at least an hour. Later, when her heaving shoulders shook the bed and her tears left black tie-dye patterns on the sheets, I took her rigid form into my arms and sighed deeply. She murmured her forgiveness into her pillow as she relaxed into sleep, leaving me to bear the guilt alone. Fifth Wheel by Gabrielle Darling The first and second wheels were quite the pair. They rolled smoothly along at their own speed. The third and fourth wheel followed closely, always a crowd but not quite together. The fifth wheel sat on the edge, confined from the group and forced to watch. Father by Morgan Altland He got us every Friday. We would stay with him until the next night and every other Sunday. I remember seeing my father with a clean shaven face for the first time when I was four. I didn’t even recognize him.


FRIDAY, Feb. 17, 2017

CC 7 7

Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains 1-9 exactly once.

D i ff i c u l t y : E a s y

Difficulty: Hard


1801: Thomas Jefferson is elected as third U.S. president. 1947: Voice of America begins to broadcast in Russia. 1979: China invades Vietnam post-Vietnam War. 1982: Actor and teacher Lee Strasburg dies at age 80.

BY Morgan Altl and

Aries (April 19 - May 13):

Cancer (July 20 - Aug. 10):

Libra (Oct. 30 - Nov. 23):

Sagittarius (Dec. 17 - Jan. 20):

Change is not something that will always come easily. The biggest changes are ones that must be earned through hard work. Put in the effort today to obtain larger changes for tomorrow.

Here is a new beginning. Whether life hands one to you this beginning, or you have made it for yourself, it is time to start a new. Take a slow start to appreciate the new changes coming.

Stories may not always be told through words. Actions of those around you may be telling you a greater story than any words can tell. Look to see what is said and what is unsaid.

Age can bring the best out of many things in life. Allowing things to mature brings out different qualities that will not show when the are too young. Give things the time to reach their peak.

Leo (Aug. 10 - Sep. 16):

Scorpio (Nov. 23 - Nov. 29):

Capricorn (Jan. 20 - Feb. 16):

Hurting someone else for the mistakes you have gone through may fracture a bone. Keep those close who you believe deserve to be close. Do not let anger cloud your love for others.

One person's success does not define what you have done or what you are going to do. Be who you're are and people will value that more. Working to be someone else may have you lose yourself.

Strive for the respect of those who you work with before looking to be their friends. Being a friend first makes it harder to earn respect later. Be who you need to be to get the job done, then be more.

Things in your head may block you more than any physical obstacle. Not everything can be handled on your own. Talk to someone who can lend you the strength to overcome the pain.

Gemini (June 21 - July 20):

Virgo (Sep. 16 - Oct. 30):

Ophiuchus (Nov. 29 - Dec. 16) :

Aquarius (Feb. 16 - March 11): Pisces (March 11 - April 18):

Just because something is easy does not mean it is the right thing to do. Weigh the options at your disposal this week, something you see as right could be wrong for you.

Insanity is doing something multiple times and expecting a different result. While repetition can help, it can also hinder any real progress. Reassess how you are tackling what is in your way.

Faking it until you make it only takes you so far in a situation. Put yourself fully into something in order to get what you want from it. Forcing yourself to do so will not work forever.

Take a look up. Enjoy the beauty of the world around you and give yourself a break from the screen in your hand. Time apart from it may be a struggle, but it is a necessary one.

Taurus (May 13 - June 21):

The are times where one must determine whether something is good or bad. Other times it is plain as day. Walk away from the bad this week and focus on what good may come your way.

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