Fiji Diving Trip 2024

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ThePear lSout hPaci ficResor t Comeandl eavet hef r enzi ed wor l dbehi nd.

041 83341 1 8 r i char dm@mai nbeacht r avel . com. au www. of f t hebeat ent r ackt r avel . com. au/

Fi ji2024 Depar t ur eDat e:1 9Apr i l2024 Depar t :1 1 35–Br i sbane Ar r i ve:1 71 0–Nadi

Depar t ur eDat e:26Apr i l2024 Depar t :081 5–Nadi Ar r i ve:1 035–Br i sbane


Compl i ment ar yAct i vi t i es:

2checkedbagsont hefli ght s

Ri verKayaki ng

Room:Pr emi um r oom

BeachVol l eybal l

Ful lbuf f etbr eakf ast&di nnerdai l y

BeachSnor kel i ng

Compl i ment ar yW i Fi Fi j i anFi r ewal ki ngshow 3daysof2t ankShar kDi ves

RockFi shi ng Out doorCi nema

2daysof2t ankSof tCor alDi ves Mar i nePar kFee STARTI NG FROM JUST$4299PERPERSON NON DI VERSFROM $31 99PERPERSON * Pr i cesar esubj ectt ochange

nonr ef undabl eDeposi t Requi r ed $500perper son

ThePear lSout hPaci ficResor t :

Anel egantsundr enchedr esor twi t hi nt hesubl i meenvi r onsofPaci ficHar bour bet weenSuvaandNadi . Comeandl eavet hef r enzi edwor l dbehi nd.Setbyt hebeachandsur r oundedbyl ush t r opi call andscapes.ThePear lResor ti sani dyl l i cescapewher echi caccommodat i on, exqui si t ecui si neandasmuch-orasl i t t l e-advent ur eandr el axat i ont oawai tyou. Justsomeoft hef eat ur esonof f eri ncl udesan1 8hol egol fcour se,swi mmi ngpoolwi t h swi m upbar ,ThePear lResor t&Spa,whi t ewat err af t i ng,gamefishi ng,wor l df amous shar kdi vi ng,snor kel i ng,JetSkiSaf ar iandsur fingatFr i gat esPassage. ThePear lResor ti st heper f ectl ocat i onf orar omant i cFi j iweddi ng.W het heryouwanta beachsi deorchapelcer emony,you' l lfindourcompr ehensi veweddi ngpackagescanbe t ai l or edt oensur eyourspeci aldayi sever yt hi ngyoui magi nedi twoul dbe. .andmor e! AtThePear lResor tyouwi l lfindt het r uemeani ngofpar adi seyour ef r esh,r enew and i ndul gei nwor l dcl assf aci l i t i esandexcept i onalser vi ce.

Di vi ngwi t hAqua–Tr ekFi j i

Pr ot ect ,Conser ve&Educat e. AtAquaTr ekhaveal waysbeenpassi onat eaboutpr ovi di nganunf or get t abl edi ve exper i encef orourl oyalcust omer s,andwi t ht hatpassi oncomesami ssi ont oconser ve andpr ot ectt hemar i nel i f eandecosyst em. Thet eam ofFi j i andi vemast er shasauni queconnect i onwi t ht heshar ksbasedonl ove andr espect .Fi j i anst r adi t i onal l ybel i evet hatt heyar epr ot ect edbyt heShar kGod Dakuwaqa,t heguar di anoft her eefent r ancet ot hei sl andsandoneoft hemostwel l knowngodsi nFi j i anl egend.I ti ssai dt hatDakuwagaf r equent l ychangedhi msel fi nt o t hef or m ofashar kandt r avel edar oundt hei sl andst opr ot ectFi j i ’ speopl ef r om har m whenfishi ngorswi mmi ng.

ort hatr eason,wel i ket ot hi nkofshar ksasf r i ends,keeper soft heocean,andi mpor t ant apexpr edat or st hatpr ovi decr i t i calbal ancet ot hemar i neecosyst em. AquaTr ekpi oneer edshar kdi vi ngi nFi j iover30year sagoof fManai sl and,andaf t er set t i ngupshopi nPaci ficHar bouri n1 999,wef or medt heAquaTr ekFi j iShar k Conser vat i onandSust ai nabl eTour i sm Pr ogr am.Si ncet hen,wehavewor kedcl osel y wi t ht heFi j i angover nmentandvar i ousl ocalvi l l agest ohel ppr ot ectr eef swi t hi nBeqa Lagoon,andasof2006,Shar kReef ,LakeReef ,andt hebar r i err eefsyst em connect i ng t het wohavebeendecl ar edMar i nePr ot ect edAr easbyt henat i onalgover nment .Each di verwhoat t endst heshar kdi vepaysal evywhi chgoesdi r ect l yt ot hel ocalvi l l agest o hel pwi t hvi l l ageeducat i onpr ogr amsandcommuni t yi mpr ovement .Addi t i onal l y,many member soft heAquaTr ekt eam comef r om t hesel ocalvi l l ages.W ear epr oudt osay t hatouref f or t shel pedt oest abl i sht hefir stcombi nedshar kconser vat i onand sust ai nabl et our i sm pr ogr am i nFi j i . TheAquaTr ekFi j iShar kConser vat i onandSust ai nabl eTour i sm Pr ogr am hassi nce evol vedt ot ackl eanot herpr obl em t hatt hr eat enst hebeaut i f ulFi j i anmar i neecosyst em: shar kfishi ng. Shar ksar eapexpr edat or s,andt hei rexi st encehel pskeept heent i r emar i neecosyst em i nbal ance,sot heongoi ngwor l dwi dedi mi ni shmentoft heshar kpopul at i onput st he envi r onmentatr i sk.Si ncet hedevel opmentoft heshar kdi vei n1 999,t heyhavebeen campai gni ngt obanshar kfinni ngandt hesal eofshar kpr oduct si nFi j iandar est i l l wor ki ngt owar dst hi sgoalt oday. Shar kencount er : W hatt oexpect : Thi sdi vef eat ur esupt oei ghtdi f f er entspeci esofshar k:bul lshar k( l ar gesti nt hewor l d) , whi t et i pr eefshar k,bl ackt i pr eefshar k,nur seshar k,l emonshar k,gr eyr eefshar k, si l ver t i pshar k,andevent heel usi vet i gershar k.Thi sdi veof f er st hechancet oseeover 300speci esoffish.Asdi ver sdescendt hr ought hecl earwat er st oal andi ngat1 8m/ 60f t , t heywi l lseeshar ksci r cl i ngbel ow t hem al ongwi t hhundr edsofj acks,snapper sand ot herfishspeci esswi r l i ngar oundt hef eedi ngar ea.Somedi ver sar er ewar dedwi t hr ar e si ght i ngsoft hehugequeensl andgr ouperandhumpheadwr asse.Di ver sar enoti na cage,butsi t uat edont her eefar oundt heper i met eroft hedi vesi t ecal l ed" TheAr ena. " Onceset t l edi n,t hef eedbegi ns.

Tawnynur seshar ksar eabundantandnotshyast heycr owdar oundt hef eeder s. Lemon Shar ksat t endi nonesort wos.Si l vert i psdar ti nandoutf r om t hebl ue.Themai n at t r act i on,t hehugeBul lShar ks,ar r i vei nnumber sasf arast heeyecansee.They pur posef ul l ymovei n,openi ngt hei renor mousj awst ot aket hef oodf r om t hef eederi n di r ectvi ew oft hedi vi ngguest s.Af t er20mi nut esofbot t om t i me,di ver sascendupt he beaut i f ulr eefl edgewher egr eyr eef ,bl ackt i pandwhi t et i pr eefshar ksswi mf r eel y. Af t erdi vi ngamongt hebi gboys( andgi r l s) ,t hi spar toft hedi veseemsl i ket henur ser y. Thedi vel ast sabout50mi nut esandpr ovi desdi ver sand‘ shar kl over s’awar dwi nni ng phot oandvi deooppor t uni t i es.Af t ert hehour l ongsur f acei nt er val ,t hedi vei sr epeat ed. However ,youneverknow whatt heseconddi vewi l lbr i ngast het i dehaschangedand t hechum t r ai lhast r avel edf ar . A1 0mi nut eboatr i debackt ot hedock,anddi ver sar eshar i ngpi ct ur esandvi deoand exci t edl yr el i vi ngt heexper i ence. Di vesi t e: TheBi st r o( 60f t ) Thi swor l df amousbucketl i stdi vef eat ur esupt oei ghtdi f f er entspeci esofshar k:bul l shar k( l ar gesti nt hewor l d) ,whi t et i pr eefshar k,bl ackt i pr eefshar k,nur seshar k,l emon shar k,gr eyr eefshar k,si l ver t i pshar k,andevent heel usi vet i gershar k.Thi sdi veal so of f er st hechancet oseeover300speci esoffish.Somedi ver sar er ewar dedwi t h si ght i ngsoft hehugequeensl andgr ouper ,humpheadwr asseandr esi dentgi antmor ay eel .Di ver sar enoti nacage,butsi t uat edont her eefar oundt heper i met eroft hedi ve si t ecal l ed“TheAr ena” . Checki ni sat8: 00am.Di vedepar t sat8: 30am andr et ur nsatappr oxi mat el y1 2: 30pm. Sof tCor alDi ves Checki ni sat8: 00am.Di vedepar t sat8: 30am andr et ur nsatappr oxi mat el y1 : 00pm.

Di vesi t es–Tonameaf ew Ceasar s( 1 00f t–1 5f t ) Ceasar sRocki saser i esofpi nnacl est hatr i seupf r om 30m t o5m r i ddl edwi t ht unnel s andcaver ns. Cover edi nsof tcor al sofever yi magi nabl ecol or !Gr eatdi vesi t ef ormacr ophot ogr aphy. Thi si sast unni ngdi vesi t et hatenchant sal lvi si t i ngdi ver s.Youwi l lcomeacr oss nudi br anchs,l i onfish,l eopar dshar ks,seasnakes,cl ownt r i gger fish,sweet l i ps,shr i mp andapl et hor aofcol or f ulr eeffish. ET/ Cycl ops( 60f t ) Thi ssi t ef eat ur esal onepi nnacl et hatf eat ur esanenor moust unnelwhi chyoumake yourwayal ongi nt o2separ at echamber s.Al lt hewhi l easyoucr ui seal ongher e,t he wal l sar espr i nkl edwi t hsof tcor al s,seaf ans,cupcor al sandj ustaboutever yot hert ype ofsessi l eflor ayoucani magi ne.Especi al l yundert or chl i ghtt hi si sanexper i enceof beaut ywher eyouwi l lspott her esi dent soft hi smar i nesyst em suchast heoccasi onal nur seshar k,ort hesmal l erscal enudi br anchs,seasl ugsandl i onfish.Al sowor t hkeepi ng aneyeoutf orar egapi ngmor ayeel s,r edr ockcr absandal lmanner sofshr i mpscut t l i ng ar oundovert hespl ashesofcol our . Pear lRock( 60f t ) Thi ssi t econsi st sofaboutsi xpi nnacl esi nabout1 8m ofwat er ,al lcover edi nbeaut i f ul sof tcor al s.Aver agedi vi ngdept hi sar ound1 4m,wher et hegr eat esti nt ensi t yofsof t cor al si sl ocat ed.Thi smeansal ongdi vet i mei sassur ed. Gl or yHol e( 65f t ) Thi ssi t econsi st sofaboutt hr eel ar gecor alpi nnacl es,cover edf r om t hest ar toft hecor al headsat5m downt oabout1 4m.Maxdept hi sabout20m.Ther ei saswi mt hr ought hat hashangi ngsof tcor al si nyel l ow andwhi t e.Thecor alheadshavel oadsofpur pl eand or angeAnt heasswi mmi ngar oundt hesof tcor al s,cr eat i ngagr eatf usi onofcol or s. Sof tCor alPl at eau( 90f t ) Thi ssi t ehasl onggul l i est hatr undownt her eefandfini shatcor alheadsandawal l . Ther ear el ot sofsof tcor al sher e,andal sopl ent yofsmal l ,exoci tcr i t t er sbust l i ngabout t hegul l i es.Smal lwhi t et i pr eefshar kscanbeseenher e.Over al l ,t hi si saneasydi vewi t h l ot st osee.

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