Everyday from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 7pm (except bank holiday)
Taking a ticket from the machine
Min: 1h = 1€40 / Max: 8h = 20€
(Possibility to pay in the evening for the next morning) 20min free: enter in the machine the first four numbers of the license plate
Parking Fossés de la Citadelle: FREE from the 1st of november to the end of March
Visitors’ subscription
1 weekly card : 25€ (only for the park-and-pay zones)
Residents’ subscriptions
28€/month - 3 months: 80€
Annual: 300€
On sale at the parking office with presentation of the vehicle documents
Monday to Friday : 8.am - 11.pm
Saturday : 8.am - 7.pm
Disabled persons
12 hours free continuously
Taking a 20min free ticket to indicate the arrival time
Dedicated parking spaces:
Parking Fossés de la Citadelle 2 spots
Avenue Maréchal Foch 1 spot
Parking Av. Général de Gaulle 2 spots
FREE from Monday to Friday 4pm, from 15/10 to 15/01. 30min free of charge. 2.10€/45min; 2.20€/hour (104 spots)
1 hour free of charge. 1€80/hour (179 spots)
FREE from 01/11 to 28/02.
FREE from Monday to Friday 8pm, from 1st to 31st March. 1.90€/30min; 2.20€/ hour (259 spots)
Disabled persons -
Parking spaces dedicated
Recharging stations located at 7 avenue Général de Gaulle & quai de la Corderie (car park of la Darse port)
With or without subscription
Open 24/7
2 first hours free 3 different charging speeds available
Information: www.prisedenice.fr / +33
Parking Wilson 2 spots
Parking Barmassa 2 spots
Parking des Marinières 6 spots
Low corniche
Total Energies
1280 Bd Napoléon III 7/7 - 7am/9pm
Middle corniche
Esso Express Corne d’Or 1 Bd de la Corne d’Or
Open 24/7
Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau
Villefranche-sur-Mer office
Jardin François Binon - 06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer
Tél : + 33 (0) 4 93 01 73 68 info.villefranchesurmer@nicecotedazurtourisme.com Find us: www.explorenicecotedazur.com
FB @exploreNiceCotedAzur - Instagram @explorenicecotedazur Twitter @ExploreNCA #explorenicecotedazur
Parkings Office
Tél : +33 (0)4 93 76 39 50 parkings@villefranche-sur-mer.fr Quai Ponchardier
Monday to Friday : 8.am - 11.pm Saturday : 8.am - 7.pm