1 minute read
Editorial Letter
by OTC Beauty
by Jessica De Vault Hale
Jessica De Vault Hale EDITOR

The last six months have been an absolute whirlwind. From adjusting to a new normal with the COVID-19 pandemic to dealing with social justice protests and fighting to keep our heads above water, 2020 hasn’t been the kindest. So it’s easy to retreat into our own worlds, looking out for only ourselves. But I encourage you to fight that urge.
Charity is more important than ever before. Your community needs to know you’re vested in its interests to grow and be better. This is especially important during moments of social unrest, where many feel Black lives aren’t valued. As a store that services the multicultural shopper, you have an opportunity to make it clear that you appreciate your customers and their culture.
Perhaps you’re not in a position to give money, but you can provide discounts or donate items for a worthy cause. You could also volunteer in the community or show your support in other ways. If you need more inspiration on how to give back, check out our Feature story, The Beauty of Charity, on page 46. There, you’ll read about what some of your favorite brands are doing to help the shoppers they serve.
There are undoubtedly tons of benefits of being charitable, even during perilous times. By giving back to the people who visit your store, you are demonstrating solidarity. Shoppers are prone to remember this when they choose where to buy their hair products. So, position yourself as an ally to those in need, and you’ll surely develop a loyal customer base for years to come.