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Pets of the Month
getups and if you should try other options. Can your pets see clearly and move freely in their costumes? Does any head gear impair their hearing or breathing or disorient them? You can make sure your pets are as comfortable and safe in their holiday wear as you are in your own.
Visitors, Noise, and Being Outside
Animal shelters and vets recommend that having your pets stay indoors during Halloween is the best way to keep them safe. This is particularly true for all cats (indoor and outdoor), especially black kitties, who are sometimes a target for mischief. If you take your dogs outside, try to walk them early in the evening, and be aware that some trick-ortreaters may not be as friendly this year. Many people have avoided other people’s pets during COVID-19. Others may not want unfamiliar animals (and humans) near themselves or their kids at any time and may be extra cautious now.
Because we don’t know how boisterously Halloween will be celebrated this October 31st, you might want to prepare your pets by keeping them in a quiet part of your home, away from visitors in costumes, unknown sounds, open windows, and your front door. A familiar room without treats or decorations
www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/08/what-does-covid19-summer-surge-mean-your-cats-and-dogs# www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-lifecoping/animals.html#:~:text=There%20have%20 been%20reports%20of,with%20people%20with%20 COVID%2D19.
alexandrialivingmagazine.com/lifestyle/halloween-2020- coronavirus-trick-or-treat-health-safety-pand/ National Capital Poison Center 1-800-222-1222 • www.poison.org
would be ideal. Calm and pamper your pets the way you would during any potentially loud or distracting event.
And have a safe and happy Halloween!
Steph Selice volunteered with King Street Cats in Alexandria for seven years. She and her husband now live in Pennsylvania with their two kitties, who were adopted from city neighborhoods in Virginia and Delaware.
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4101 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 703-746-4774 alexandriaanimals.org Mon-Fri, 1-8 pm Closed Wed Sat & Sun, 12-5 pm PIBB Adult, Female, Red-Eared Slider Don’t let Pibb’s serious expression fool you. She’s a jokester at heart! This sweet slider is always at the front of her tank, ready to greet new friends and would love to meet you. She spends her time basking, swimming and getting in naps of course. So if you’re ready to meet a “turtle-y awesome” best friend, schedule an adoption appointment to meet Pibb!

ARCHIE AND ACADIA Young, Neutered Male and Spayed Female, Black and Brown Tabby Domestic Short Hairs Hello world! My name is Acadia (brown tabby) and this is my best friend Archie, and we can’t wait to meet you! At 5 months old, I love cuddling with all of my friends, playing lots... oh and I love doing all of this with Archie of course. Let me tell you, he’s the best. Whenever I need someone to nap with, he’s ready! I have a very inquisitive nature, but that isn’t why my head is tilted adorably all the time. When I was younger, I had a bad ear infection, but my friends here at the AWLA were able to help me so my ears are healthy again! They aren’t sure if I’ll have my distinctive head tilt for the rest of my life, but I don’t care because it doesn’t slow me down. Toys beware! I’m ready to play! I hope you’ll make an appointment at the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria to meet me and Archie soon. Photos courtesy of Dirty Paw Photography

DAZZ Young, Neutered Male, Tan and White Terrier Ready, set....here he comes! This boy has one speed, 60. Lock your knees and prepare for when he takes off across the yard straight for you...and your heart. Dazz is an energetic, adolescent boy who when he is not running laps at full speed around our play yards, is capturing the hearts of the staff here at AWLA. Dazz is as cool as a cucumber and as fast as a cheetah. So…brace for impact while he slides right into your home and your heart all at the same time. Set up an adoption appointment with Dazz soon!. Photo courtesy of DeSilva Studios, LLC.
Adopt by Appointment at the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria virtually on Zoom or in-person at the Vola Lawson Animal Shelter! The AWLA is upholding ALX Promise standards to welcome visitors back to the shelter safely for adoptions and other community services on an appointment basis. Learn more at AlexandriaAnimals.org/Adopt-By-Appointment.