Our Town Downtown May 10, 2012

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M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 | w w w. N Y P R E S S . c o M

An OrthOdOx

rebelliOn The true story of how a Brooklyn Hasidic woman left her community and found her voice (P6)

A ConversAtion with MArk ruffAlo The Hulk takes on hydrofracking (P4) CriM e wAtCh Motorcycle thefts abound and wallets go missing on the dance floor (P5) froM the stAge to the PAge Twisted Sister’s Dee Snider celebrates new book and album (P8) the new CityArts now every week

� N E I G H BO R H O O D C HAT TE R Lower east side and Chinatown Chin SayS CutS to after-SChool and dayCare ProgramS remain In response to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s executive budget, Council Member Margaret Chin noted that while the mayor has committed to fund 2,600 teaching positions, the budget still includes cuts to daycare, after-school programs and other services in the Lower East Side and Chinatown. “The mayor’s budget once again takes aim at working families and minority neighborhoods in New York City,” Chin said in a statement. “These are programs that New Yorkers rely on in order to hold down a job, make a living and support their families. In Chinatown and the Lower East Side, we stand to lose 70 percent of our elementary and middle after-school programs.” Chin said these cuts prove the programs “are not a priority for this administration. Instead, the City Council will be called on to restore these programs to what are already significantly reduced levels. Since 2009, we have lost 61 percent of our daycare and after-school programs. As a city, we should be focused on expanding after-school and daycare and making high-quality programs available for all our public school students,” Chin continued.

Citywide Stringer CallS for mta to Create temPorary reduCed-fare CardS for SeniorS and diSabled PeoPle This week Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer demanded that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority reform its process for replacing lost or stolen reduced-fare MetroCards for seniors and disabled people, calling the current system “a ridiculous, timeconsuming maze that burdens the very people we’re supposed to be helping and makes it harder for them to get around our City.” The borough president said that reducedfare MetroCard holders face formidable obstacles if their cards are lost or stolen. When they call MTA to request a replacement, Stringer noted, the wait for a new card can frequently take up to three months. In the meantime, those who want to ride a bus at reduced fare must present evidence of their age to bus drivers and come up with exact change of $1.10. To ride the subway, they first have to find a station agent. Next, seniors or disabled get a one-trip MetroCard and a paper voucher that’s about as useful as an old token. It only works if they can find another subway station agent to take the voucher on their return trip. “All of this takes an emotional and financial toll on New Yorkers, who have a right to expect better service,” Stringer wrote in a let-

ter to Joseph J. Lhota, the MTA’s chairman and executive officer. In his letter to the MTA, Stringer suggested that there is a simple solution to this problem: provide temporary MetroCards to seniors and disabled riders whose reduced-fare cards have been lost or stolen. Stringer said the MTA already gives out such replacements when reduced-fare cards are defective, adding: “It’s a smart, sensible solution. These temporary cards last for three months under the current system, which is plenty of time for a new reduced-fare card to be issued. We’d be extending the same courtesy, the same seamless service to seniors or disabled whose cards are lost or stolen. No waiting for station agents. No digging for identification or the exact change every time you want to get on a bus.” Silver diSCuSSeS overCrowding In a letter penned last week to School Chancellor Dennis Walcott, New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver urged the Department of Education (DOE) to abate school overcrowding in Lower Manhattan by opening a new pre-kindergarten center in the area. Silver pointed out that while the community has helped build several new schools over the past few years, there is still a kindergarten waitlist nearing 100 students for the Spruce Street School, P.S. 276, P.S. 89

and the Peck Slip School. “This is the most serious overcrowding problem we have ever had in this neighborhood, and it is taking place when we have even more kindergarten classes than originally planned in these four schools,” wrote Silver. Silver pointed out that a new pre-kindergarten center would free up seat in the zoned schools in the neighborhood for incoming kindergartners, a measure that has been advocated by Silver’s School Overcrowding Task Force and Community Board 1. “As I expressed to DOE officials at my last School Overcrowding meeting, it is important that the DOE present a plan for creating one of these centers in time for the coming academic year, consider adding an extra kindergarten class to the Peck Slip School, or come up with another option for adding seats in September,” Silver continued. “While implementing these plans would help cut down on our waiting lists, these are not long-term solutions. Our overcrowding problem is getting worse. We need more elementary school seats in Lower Manhattan and we need to begin planning for them now. It takes years to bring a new school on line and we simply don’t have the luxury of waiting. Members of my task force are already searching for possible locations for new schools and I hope the DOE and the School Construction Authority will do the same.”

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� N EWS Hulks Smashes Hydrofracking! Back and Forth with Mark Ruffalo | By Jon Lentz In the Avengers movie that opened this past weekend, Mark Ruffalo plays the Incredible Hulk, a creature born from a scientific experiment gone awry who joins a team of superheroes seeking to save the world. The risks of scientific progress and efforts to save the planet are also at play in his real-world battle against hydraulic fracturing, Ruffalo tells City & State. What follows is an edited transcript. How did you become involved in fracking activism? I heard about hydrofracking before I moved my family to New York, and I thought it was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was going to bring this vibrant new economy to upstate New York. But I also started to hear some questionable things about it. So I went to the old Internet and started doing some research. At this time, there was very little to learn. The gas industry is very rosy and extremely positive. There were inklings from EPA whistleblowers and people in Wyoming whose homes were filling with gas and were coming up with these neurological disorders from the drinking water. So I decided, “I have to go look at this for myself.” Where did you go? I went to Dimock, Pa. It wasn’t really to find anything wrong. It was just to see what was going on. But in a room of 40 people, it became clear to me that these people were under siege in their life, and the American Dream was betrayed. What about the EPA? The EPA wouldn’t allow something like

this to happen. Well, this isn’t regulated by the EPA, really. Well, what about the DEP? Well, they’ve pretty much turned their back on us. What about your attorney general? They’re not interested. There were victims there, and basically they were being told they were lying. You had these Americans who obviously had a problem, and everybody turned their backs on them. I didn’t want to get involved, honestly. But if I am who I say—I care about people and I care about injustice—then I realized this is coming to my community, where there are people that I love and I care for, and it can’t happen like this. But fracking could create jobs in New York’s poorer regions. There’s only a fraction of the jobs the industry says they’ll create. They tend to be incredibly transient. Cornell did a study last year on what the effects would be, especially in small communities that rely on pristine water and pristine air. A lot of these communities have only agriculture and tourism to support them. What happens is the community is left worse off after the bust. A few people end up making a lot of money. It doesn’t make its way out to the rest of the community. The workers leave. The area is left with less economic diversity. It kills off other industries. I understand that we’re in bad times. The other thing that’s interesting to point out is the fastest-growing job sector right now in the United States, at 10 to 18 percent a year, is the green sector, or the renewable-energy sector. Are there similarities between The Avengers and the fight against hydrofracking? Superheroes have always been the guys that fight for the common good. That’s what I responded to as a kid. They always

fought for the little guy. That’s what this fight is about. If the gas industry was just honest about what they do and how they do it, they wouldn’t have such a nightmare on their hands. I am beginning to feel like the only way they can make money is to do it the way they’re doing, to bypass regulations, to lie when contamination happens, to manipulate the markets. Now we’re seeing Aubrey McClendon and Chesapeake and the whole thing of them manipulating the markets, and lying to their investors. If they could do this safely and in a way that was aboveboard, then they would do it. So you have a malicious, Mark Ruffalo currently stars as The Hulk in Marvel’s The Avengers. malign force out there that’s doing damage and in some to the surface with very little impact to way needs to be stopped. And that’s the the area around us. Now we’ve entered kind of thing that superheroes come to the the era of extreme energy extraction: rescue to. The superheroes today are my It’s hydrofracking, it’s deep-sea drilling, neighbors. it’s mountaintop removal, it’s tar sands. These are the new norm, and they’re You play the Incredible Hulk, who was incredibly dangerous, incredibly toxic, created by a freak accident during a and they’re accelerating global warmbomb test. Does that kind of cautioning at an unprecedented rate. And that’s ary tale relate to hydrofracking and its what we’re going to be stuck with. Just repercussions? like the superhero disasters. There’s a long line of scientific experiments gone bad in history and I know you’re in a hurry—and I really in storytelling, and it’s something we don’t want to make you angry and have go back to all the time. It’s all over the you turn into the Hulk—but did you comic books. It’s in our consciousness have a favorite superhero as a kid? and our subconscious as a culture. We The Hulk. The TV show was my favorpersonify it in our mythologies as superite, with Bill Bixby. I loved that show. heroes and we live next to it in our lives, such as Fukushima and what’s happening at Dimock. This is a struggle that will So it’s come full circle? Yeah. I got lucky. In a lot of ways. continue as we become more desperate for this type of carbon energy. Long This article previously appeared in City gone are the days when we simply stick & State. To read more from City & State, a straw in the ground and get beautiful concentrated carbon energy percolating visit www.cityandstateny.com.

CB2’s Brad Hoylman Registers for Quinn Seat, As Living Wage Comes to a Head | By ChRis BRagg While City & State wrote about this prospect a few months ago, now Brad Hoylman has taken a step toward running for term-limited Speaker Christine Quinn’s seat, opening a bank account to raise money for a campaign. Hoylman, who narrowly lost a Lower Manhattan Council race in 2001, is the well known chairman of Community Board 2. Others expected to run for the seat include Corey Johnson, the chairman of Community Board 4, and Yetta Kurland, a civil rights lawyer and radio host. All the candidates LGBT-identified. Hoylman’s Council campaign com-



mittee popped up the very day that Quinn stormed out of a rally heralding the passage of the living wage bill, after an attendee criticized Mayor Michael Bloomberg—a close Quinn ally who opposes the bill. And in his Council race, Hoylman faces a similar balancing act as Quinn, as he runs in a liberal West Side district. The personal politics he espouses are liberal. Yet he has long served as the executive vice-president and general counsel of the Partnership for New York City, a probusiness group with close ties to Quinn and Bloomberg. The situation has grown even more complex for Hoylman after Quinn decid-

Brad Hoylman. PHOTO BY BOss Tweed

ed to drop a contentious provision from the living wage bill three weeks ago. That led the pro-business group, which had

initially supported a compromise version of the bill, to drop its support. Issues such as living wage could well be a litmus test in the Hoylman Council race, and the Partnership is now to the right of Quinn on that issue. I emailed Hoylman about that development, and in an initial email, Hoylman wrote that he was “glad Speaker Quinn reached an agreement.” When asked specifically about his organization pulling support, though, Hoylman did not return a request for comment. This piece previously appeared on the City & State website. To read more from City & State, visit www.cityandstateny.com.

� C R I M E WATC H TRUE THEFT On a recent night, six thieves wearing baseball caps went into a Soho clothing store while another two served as lookouts. The men stuffed thousands of dollars of denim into shopping bags before they quickly fled. Among the items stolen were 32 pairs of jeans, four jean jackets and nine pairs of shorts for a thread count of $10,851. JEWELRY STORE SACKED A display window at a Soho jewelry store was robbed during business hours. The clerk went to remove the items at the end of the day when she discovered that someone had stolen a collection of four rings and a bracelet. The high-priced adornments, made from a variety of exotic stones such as Peruvian calcite and labradorite, were valued at $4,995 in total. While the store has security cameras, the display window was located in a blind spot, allowing to crook to make off without a trace. TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE Police say a Florida woman left her purse unattended as she tried on shoes at the Crocs Store on Spring Street. An opportunistic thief reached in and stole her wallet, which contained not only credit cards but her Social Security card.

BIKE CRAZE A man’s Yamaha recently went missing in Soho, and this past week it looks like cycling thefts are continuing. A red 2008 Honda CBE was stolen outside of Charlton Street. When the owner returned to where he parked, the bike had vanished. The $6,500 two-wheeler was not chained up or locked when it was taken. Police on the scene searched the neighborhood for the motorcycle, but it was nowhere to be found. BROKEN WINDOW A Pennsylvania man in New York visiting friends had his 2008 Range Rover broken into while it was parked on Mercer Street. The early-morning burglars smashed his rear window and stole a Dell XPS laptop valued at $3,000. A $1,200 Nikon camera and a $1,000 Louis Vuitton bag were also taken out of the back seat. AN EVENING STROLL As she took a nighttime stroll down Broadway, a Singapore woman felt something in her purse move. When she looked down, her purse had been opened and her yellow Kate Spade wallet was missing. The wallet contained credit and debit cards, $400 in assorted currency, and her Singapore ID. —compiled By Andrew rice



Dirty Dancing While dancing at a downtown nightclub with her friends, a 21-year-old woman had a thief reach into the purse slung over her shoulder to steal her Samsung Galaxy III phone. The pickpocket also stole her credit and debit cards. While no charges were made on the credit cards, the crook withdrew $2,100 from her bank account. A Queens woman also thought her wallet was safe in a friend’s purse as she partied in a nearby nightclub. When the party ended in the wee hours of the morning, she discovered someone had managed to slip her wallet out of her friend’s bag. The thief made several charges on her Bank of America card which were quickly canceled.

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may 10, 2012 | nYPR E SS.com


From Satmar to Satisfaction How Deborah Feldman left her orthodox roots

| By marissa maier


s 25-year-old Deborah Feldman slides into a booth at an Upper East Side restaurant, wearing a trendy leather jacket and knitted blue sweater, it is difficult to imagine the path she took to get to this exact point in her life, a journey she details in her debut memoir, Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots. In the memoir, Feldman describes how she was raised mainly by her grandparents in the Satmar community in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Feldman writes about sneaking off to a library as a girl to consume illicit books such as Roald Dahl’s Matilda. When she was 17, she was married to a man preselected by her family, with whom she had only spent 30 minutes before the ceremony. At 19, Feldman gave birth to a son. Hoping for a different life, she started secretly attending classes at Sarah Lawrence College, where she studied a variety of fields including literature and feminism, and started an anonymous blog detailing her experiences. Through her blog, Feldman was connected with a literary agent and then, while still attending Sarah Lawrence, she finished her memoir and left her community with her son. The book, however, has experienced a fair share of criticism and sparked several conversations about Feldman’s portrayal of her upbringing. On Thursday, May 17, Feldman will present the work in the Lower East Side at the Tenement Museum, but we sat down with her beforehand to learn more about her work and the community she comes from.

You have said you were surprised by the reaction to—or success of— the book. What do you think people are responding to? I am surprised the book did well, because with a book like this [the subject] is niche and you expect the book to do at best mid-list. And then something very weird happened. My publicist set me up [with an interview] with the New York Post and I met this woman, [the writer] Sara Stewart, who I loved and adored. We had this great lunch together and I gave a lot to the interview. … Then the article came out and it was nothing like what I thought this person would write … but the Post I guess edited it so that it sounded like these shallow sound bites … but then the Post piece got picked up by three newspapers. Then someone at The View saw it and called me and booked me for the show. But the Post is what got the [people from my community] angry.



Is that a publication that your community reads? They read whatever is written about them. They are obsessed with how they are portrayed in the media. They want to control everything that is said about them. They took issue with a lot of things in the [Post] interview that are the truth, but the Post misconstrued it—but it is not misconstrued to a point where you can completely deny it. So they picked the article apart. From there, the more publicity I got, the more they wanted to knock me down, [but] had the Post not published that article, the dominoes would not have fallen into place. But then I went on The View and I talked about marital purity, which is a big secret. Nobody talks about it in public ever. It is like we all agree that it is the one thing you cannot talk about because if the rest of the world knows we do this they will never look at us the same. … That’s why their excuse is “they can never understand because it’s so beautiful.” … It all boils down to [one] view and everything is built on that view that women are unpure because they menstruate. [On The View] I was talking from my experiences and trying to be as simple and clear as possible because a lot of these things are really hard to explain. The funny thing is that I could have said way worse things about the laws of sex and marital purity … I didn’t bring up all the details. I just gave them the basics … and some people can argue that that is beautiful, but it wasn’t beautiful for me.

You have spoken about going through these marriage rituals and finding them shocking. You couldn’t believe that the women in your community were all doing this. Do women not speak about this? No one ever talks about it in public. You never discuss it with anyone.

Even among only women? Well … first of all, people are so bored and have so little to do besides work and take care of babies … so gossip is rolled into a million times its natural size. [Gossip] is the only thing that is safe. You never talk about you. You never confide, so you talk about someone else. It’s how people bond … the women will get together with their babies and have play dates … and gossip about their own families, about their friends, about their neighbors … when you have that kind of attitude obviously everything you do everyone will know. There is this attitude—it’s almost like communism—of “don’t ever show people how you really feel because everyone will know.” There is no privacy and I think that is why women don’t communicate because they don’t trust each other.

What do they gossip about? People gossip about everything: Is someone having trouble in his or her marriage? Is someone’s child ill? They will gossip about whatever they can find. They will gossip about someone wearing a brightly colored turban.

You have said that things are changing in the community that you come from, that the girls in your community no longer have to sneak away to the library to find out about a book like yours. A few things happened that really changed the community drastically. One of those things was Williamsburg becoming cool and cool people moving in, which filled the neighborhood with bars. The rabbis were terrified of this because

they knew that it was very tempting for a man to leave his family on a Friday night, walk a couple blocks and go to a bar. The second thing that happened was the Internet. The Internet arrived and then there were cellphones and smartphones. What happened was there was no longer an effective way to build a wall around the community, because before if you wanted information, you had to go get it and you didn’t want to be seen getting it.

You are working on a second book about people who leave religious groups both in America and abroad. What parallels do you find between your own story and theirs? It’s funny that you say that, because when I wrote the proposal for my second book I didn’t think about it as anything more than a memoir, but when I wrote the memoir it was about other people’s stories, because I was meeting people and their stories where intersecting mine. When the publisher that I work with now, Penguin, read it, they said we see this as a much broader book than just a memoir. [They saw] this as a book about people who leave religion all over the world and what they have in common. Now this is a book about religious refugees.



FREE Fifty

Shades of Grey


Barnes and Noble, 33 E. 17th St. (betw. Broadway & Park Ave. S.), barnesandnoble.com; 7 p.m. It’s the sexually charged series that has captivated a country, and it’s your opportunity to explore your curiosity when author E.L. James and sexologist Logan Levkoff, Ph.D., discuss the enormous success of the book and the enormous female response it’s received. Barnes and Noble recommends arriving as early as 5 p.m.; priority seating for those who purchase the entire 50 Shades Trilogy Box Set.

Visit nypress.com for the latest updates on local events. Submissions can be sent to otdowntown@manhattanmedia.com.


10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Humor Writing Workshop: Become the next David Sedaris Cafe Pick Me Up, 145 Ave. A (betw. E. 9th & E. 10th Sts.), skillshare.com; 5:30 p.m., $30. If you’ve ever dabbled in the humor genre, you know that writing “funny” is often much more challenging than being funny. Grace Bello, a journalist and fiction writer, will help you perfect the humor writing process.




FREE Spring Community Day

Wall Street Park (betw. Water & South Sts.), downtownalliance.com; 10 a.m., contactus@downtownNY.com. Though Earth Day has come and gone, there’s still plenty of opportunity to do your part to help the city sparkle. Sponsored by the Downtown Alliance, Spring Community Day at Wall Street Park is a wonderful opportunity to help strengthen your commitment to the community. It’s also a great opportunity for parents to teach their children (in the spirit of the Lorax) the importance of planting, sustainability and environmental conservation. Snacks will be provided by Crumbs and Whole Foods.

Inheritance: The Bowery Wars, Part 2 120 E. 2nd St. (betw. 1st Ave. & Ave. A), downtownart.org; 3:15 p.m., $15. This outdoor performance is a Lower East Side take on the timeless classic Romeo & Juliet. You’ll experience a modern, urban twist to the tale when you see The Bowery Wars’ cast of hugely talented artists bring the story to life on the streets of the Lower East Side. Act One takes place over a 45-minute walk from 120 E. 2nd St. to 19 E. 3rd St., where you will sit and revel in the tragedy of Act Two as the sun begins to fall offstage.

FREE Pop Souk

Greenhouse NYC, 150 Varick St. (betw. Vandam & Spring Sts.), greenhouseusa.com; 12 p.m. If there’s one thing Downtown New Yorkers can say is universal, it’s their similarly overflowing closets. In steps Pop Souk, the eclectic clothing fair, poised to take over two floors and three club spaces at Greenhouse NYC. The uniqueness of Pop Souk are the sellers: Pop-up vendors include notable artists, DJs, drag queens, designers and fashion junkies.

Dr. Sketchy feat. Rio Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery (betw. E. Houston & Bleeker Sts.), drsketchy.com; 4 p.m., $15. Bring your own art supplies to the wild and unconventional “anti-art” school, Dr. Sketchy’s. This Sunday, they’ll be welcoming Rio, an enigmatic personality to say the least—between voodoo, live snakes and the drinks, there’s no wonder why Dr. Sketchy’s call themselves “the sexiest dark arts you’re likely to see this side of the lost ark.”

CHLAMYDIA DELL’ARTE: A SEX-ED BURLESQUE Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural and Educational Center, 107 Suffolk St. (at Rivington St.),sexedburlesque.com; 8 p.m., $25. In this unusual re-interpretation of a classic burlesque show, sex education is addressed with a female skew through comedy, satire, dance and songs. In one skit, Naglak and Williams satirically transform Shakespeare’s famous balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet into a scene about masturbation. In another scene, the pair humorously performs a sexy striptease … about STDs.


Blood, Bones and Butter: Gabrielle Hamilton with Mike Colameco 92Y Tribeca, 200 Hudson St. (betw. Desbrosses & Vestry Sts.), 92y.org; 12 p.m., $18. Though Gabrielle Hamilton was reared in her mother’s kitchen, “home” was a transient thing. She experienced France, Greece and Turkey before she settled down to her own kitchen, Prune (E. 1st St. betw. 1st & 2nd Aves.).


Exodus The Museum of Jewish Heritage, 39 Battery Pl. (betw. 1st & 2nd Pl.), mjhnyc.org; 6 p.m., $10. Originally released in 1960, Exodus is a film chronicling the powerful story of the Palestine-bound ship Exodus and the founding of the state of Israel. It’s an emotional and spiritual journey that provided hope for a people who had spent a lifetime looking for home.

Downtown Traffic and Bridge Tolls NYU Casa Italiana, 24 W. 12th St. (betw. 5th & 6th Aves.), casaitaliananyu.org; 6 p.m. Have you ever wondered what all of NYC’s toll money is used for? Find out from the experts in this discussion on East River bridge tolls, congestion pricing and issues, presented by Community Board No. 2, Manhattan, and NYU’s Office of Government & Community Affairs.

Jimmy Gnecco (Ours) and Forge Culture Fix, 9 Clinton St. (betw. E. Houston & Stanton Sts.), culturefixny.com; 8:30, $17, 21 and over. Get ready for an intimate acoustic concert from insanely talented Ours frontman Jimmy Gnecco. Gnecco’s voice is ethereal and wide-ranged, and with support from opening act Forge, who’ve been known to enchant crowds.


FREE Panel Discussion on

To Catch a Thief IFC Center, 323 Sixth Ave. (at W. 3rd St.), ifccenter. com; 11 a.m., $12. Catch this timeless 1955 classic at the IFC Center. The perfect prelude to your afternoon luncheon plans, To Catch a Thief is a “lightweight” Hitchcock film: a comedic-thriller set in Cote d’Azur. This one’s full of Hitchcock’s famous “flowers of rhetoric” and is also where the famous image of a cigarette stubbed out in an egg was born.

The Cuisines and Sakes of Japan City Winery, 155 Varick St. (at Vandam St.), citywinery.com; 6:30 p.m., $75. Continuing their acclaimed International Pairing Series, American Airlines and City Winery offer a true taste of Japan, beginning with opening remarks by a regional expert, a traditional threecourse Japanese dinner and three “wine flights” (including regional wines from cities like Hiroshima, Akita, Osaka and Shimane). These pairings always sell out, so don’t wait to buy your ticket!

Elena Film Forum, 209 W. Houston St. (betw. Varick St. & 6th Ave.), filmforum.org; 8 p.m., $12.50. Elena is a riveting story about a couple, Vladimir and Elena, who meet late in life. With grown children, and in the aftermath of Vladimir’s heart attack, the couple struggles to reconcile their financial future. A story rooted in the quest to make amends with themselves and their children, Elena is a cinematic commentary on a modern lifetime’s worth of hardship.

MAY 10, 2012 | NYPR E SS.COM


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Former Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider rocks his autobiography and a new album.

| By Rachel Sokol

In the 1970s and ’80s, Dee Snider—the lead singer-songwriter for the heavy metal band Twisted Sister—really didn’t care what anyone thought about him. Who cared if he had long, curly, insane hair? Who cared if he wore leopard-print bellbottoms, stockings, makeup and a shirt that said “Blow Me”? Certainly not the outspoken rocker who just wanted to make music and find fame beyond his Long Island roots. Naturally, this “who cares?” attitude inspired Twisted Sister’s best and most iconic rock anthems, “We’re Not Gonna Take It” and “I Wanna Rock.” Today, Snider’s still not holding anything back. Only this time around, he’s channeling his energy in a different, albeit, quieter way—on paper. In his new book, Shut Up and Give Me the Mic, Snider, whose given name is Daniel, shares personal stories about his life as a rocker, a husband and a father. What’s most impressive about Snider’s book is his attention to detail, which he attributes to his health-conscious lifestyle. As Snider says, “I’m the guy that gave it all to beat the odds, left everything he had on the stage each night, didn’t screw around on his woman, took care of his kids and was sober enough to remember it all and write about it ... myself.” In Shut Up, Snider reveals the stories behind the crazy makeup, his desire for a record deal and his bankruptcy when his rock ’n’ roll fame dissipated. Snider uses footnotes to drop in random facts—little segues that help enhance his anecdotes. In one footnote, for example, Snider says he would sweat so much onstage, one night he lost 8 lbs. “I found Dee to be a natural storyteller who remembers everything,” says Ed Schlesinger, senior editor at Gallery Books and a Twisted Sister fan. Since his heyday with Twister Sister, Snider has remained busy writing scripts, performing voiceover work and headlining radio shows. Now back in the recording game, Snider is also debuting his latest album, Dee Does Broadway. Broadway? Really? Snider doesn’t think his transition from rock venues to the Broadway stage is strange at all. In 2010, he did play Dennis in the Broadway production Rock of Ages, which features two Twister Sister songs. “Performing Broadway songs is a natural progression, musically,” says Snider, whose


personal favorite song on the album is “The Ballad of Mack the Knife”, which he has “always wanted to sing.” “I love Broadway; the whole theatrical experience. I’m not fanatical, but I was part of a church choir growing up and my parents took us to see local presentations of classic musicals like South Pacific,” he says, adding that West Side Story was always “looping on rotation” in his Long Island childhood home. Dee Does Broadway also highlights the vocal talents of his eldest son, Jesse, and Broadway legends Patti LuPone and Bebe Neuwirth. Pop icon Cyndi Lauper is also featured on the album, as is Rudy Sarzo, a former bassist for Ozzy Osbourne and Quiet Riot. Recently, Snider graced the small screen as a contestant on NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice. Episodes of The Celebrity Apprentice are still airing, and Dee was competing to raise money for March of Dimes, a charity he’s supported for years. Snider was “fired” by Donald Trump in Episode 8, but did raise more than $300,000 for March of Dimes. Snider currently resides on Long Island with Suzette, who served as Twisted Sister’s fashion designer. “She calls herself both my mistress and my wife,” jokes Snider, but the couple did in fact marry in 1981 and raised four children: Jesse, Shane, Cody and Cheyenne—who were all featured on various reality shows including A&E’s Growing Up Twisted. Snider is soon launching his national book tour and fans can also catch him in the FEARNet original comedy series, Holliston. Although he does miss his glory days of rock ’n’ roll, Snider insists that today, he’s “older, wiser, smarter and has calmed down a lot. I want fans to know the Dee of the 2000s.” (He is a grandfather, after all.) Shut Up and Give Me the Mic retails for $26. Gallery Books; 448 pages. Dee Does Broadway (Razor & Tie label) went on sale May 8.

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Jeff Vasishta Brings New Meaning to a Knee Jerk


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mad, with hopes of turning professional. I spent most of my childhood kicking a ball and being carted by my tireless parents to games. Alas, I never turned pro, but it was so ingrained into my life and psyche that by the time I moved to New York at 25, I staved off homesickness by hanging out with a core group of soccer-crazy expats. Most of them worked in finance, but as freelance journalist, I had neither medical insurance nor money. They all lived in stylish apartments or sweeping suburban homes, while I slept on a futon in a rented walk-up in Prospect Heights. When I first felt the searing pain in my right knee on a soccer field in New Jersey in 1997, I didn’t know then that my torn ACL would affect the way I’d watch the game. A bad surgery in my native United Kingdom and string of further injuries threatened to permanently derail my soccer playing days at the age of 35. “You’ve put my kids through college,” joked my New York-based surgeon from his plush offices on Beekman Street near the Financial District when I saw him for what would be my final MRI scan. “You’d be crazy to step on the soccer field again.” It was soul-crushing after planning my life around the next game, training and

rehab. With my wife about to give birth, I imagined myself sneaking out to play soccer, the way some men sneak out to the bar or to see their mistress. She reiterated her stance, telling me, “I’m not about to start teaching two people how to walk”. The birth of our second daughter in 2007 firmly extinguished any embers of hope I had of trotting back out onto the field as my life was transformed into a cyclone of dirty diapers, sleepless nights and rushing out to buy formula. Though I now diligently swim laps and lift weights, there is a huge void in my life. The adrenalin of running out onto a soccer pitch, charging around and screaming to 10 other teammates cannot be matched. Now my girls are 4 and 6, the same age as I started playing, the embers are starting to rekindle. I take them out regularly to Prospect Park with a soccer ball, praying for the spark of attraction to leap from the ball to their soul the way it did with

me. When I start playing with them, I feel my touch start to return. At 43, I’m still in good shape but my war-torn knee, which crunches and clicks like a clockmaker’s repair room, couldn’t stand it. My wife thinks I’m totally cured of my old ways and would be shocked to know that I still pine for my first love. I’ll watch the games this summer, and if you happen to be in a downtown bar watching England play and you see an Indianlooking guy kick an imaginary ball, willing them to score, before clutching his right knee and wincing in pain, that’ll be me. Photo by AsheliA

ith two major soccer tournaments taking place this summer, the European Championships in June (held in Poland and the Ukraine) and the UK Olympics in July, the game’s global profile will never be greater. In New York City alone, over 50 bars will be showing the matches to fans from around the world. These days, however, I find watching soccer almost as painful as I once did playing it. “You’re going to be a father, not a footballer!” shouted my heavily pregnant wife, a newly registered nurse, after I mentioned the idea of playing soccer again, eight years ago. “If you go back out there and play, don’t expect me to visit you in the hospital.” It was a refrain I’d heard almost two decades before from my mother in London, when I arrived home on crutches. After five surgeries on the same right knee, including two ACL reconstructions and three meniscus repairs, my wife laid down an ultimatum. Some people are serial adulterers, others drug users, but I was a serial soccer player. Now I had to try and go cold turkey. Like many Brits, I grew up soccer-

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT TO LAW, that the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs will hold a Public Hearing on 5/23/2012 at 2:00 p.m. at 66 John Street, 11th floor, on a petition from Bonarue Blue Industries Inc. to continue to, maintain, and operate an unenclosed sidewalk cafe‘ at 185 Sullivan Street, in the Borough of Manhattan for a term of two years. REQUESTS FOR COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REVOCABLE CONSENT AGREEMENT MAY BE ADDRESSED TO: DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, ATTN: FOIL OFFICER, 42 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10004.




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DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK Get closer to nature on Walkway Over the Hudson and Dutchess Rail Trail. A wealth of outdoor activities beckons; spend the day kayaking, hiking, biking or ziplining. Fishing is bountiful, in streams or the river. Try skeet shooting. Get out on the links. Smell the roses in the garden. Sustainable agriculture began here! Share a farm market picnic. Dine at The Culinary Institute of America. Drink it all in, from landscapes to award-winning wines. Nestled in the Hudson Valley, a rejuvenating, nature-inspired getaway is about affordable pleasures, only two hours from metro New York by car, train, boat or bus.




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JunE 13





JunE 16

JunE 17

Special Section

Weekend offers Outdoor Adventure in Dutchess County


JunE 30

JuLy 7

JuLy 14


JuLy 15


ADDiTiOnAL cOncERTS Aug 5 JOE cOckER WiTh huEy LEWiS AnD ThE nEWS Aug 7 Big TiME RuSh WiTh cODy SiMPSOn Aug 10 BRAD PAiSLEy WiTh ThE BAnD PERRy AnD ScOTTy MccREERy Aug 19 ThE FRAy & kELLy cLARkSOn Aug 26 JASOn ALDEAn WiTh LukE BRyAn SEPT 15 ThE FRESh BEAT BAnD


JuLy 20



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Are you a fan of boating, cycling, golf, hiking, camping, and even hunting and fishing? Then mark your calendar to attend the first Hudson Valley Outdoor Adventure Expo on the weekend of June 2 and 3 at Waryas Park, Poughkeepsie. Dedicated to outdoor recreation, the expo is organized by the Dutchess County Tourism office with the help of Adventure Junction, Ulster County Tourism and the Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum. There will be exhibitor booths at the Children’s Museum pavilion representing all types of outdoor pursuits including demos on golf, ziplines, mountain biking and paddle sports. Hyde Park’s Big Bear Ziplines is constructing a zipline on site for attendees to try out. The main stage will also have live music. RaceIt is organizing a 5K run/walk on

All dATes, AcTs, TImes ANd TIckeT PrIces suBjecT TO chANge WIThOuT NOTIce.

Saturday, June 2. The course includes the Walkway Over the Hudson loop trail. Start on the east side of the Hudson River and end at the expo in Waryas Park. There will also be a children’s road race. You can also sign up now for two Open Water Swims, with the 5K taking place Saturday at 11:30 a.m. and the 2.5K at 12:15 p.m. Plans are also under way for 5- and 10-mile kayak races, plus a mountain biking race. The short, adventure-packed urban style mountain bike event will have a qualifying round, with a time trail, a semifinal, and final race over both days of the expo. The Expo’s main site is directly across from the Poughkeepsie Metro-North train station and admission is only $10. Visit www.outdooradventureexpoHV.com for more details.

S o N t g o c

Plenty to Do in the Hudson Valley Compiled by Sean Creamer

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The expo will feature two Open Water Swims on the Hudson River.

The Hudson Valley is a short train ride from the city, and in summer is overflowing with things to do. Here’s a sample from HudsonValleyEvents.com:

5/3/12 5:49 PM

n y p re ss.co m

Antiques While it is feasible to walk down to the local thrift store in search of an old table or a knickknack to spice up the feng shui, connoisseurs of relics from continued on next page

Job # NYULMCP2054_Game_5x11Filenam Deadline 10/24/11 Client NYU MEDICAL

Special Section continued from previous page

the past should attempt to make a trip to the Orange County Antique Fair & Flea Market. From now until Nov. 25, the fair is open 8 to 5 on Saturdays and Sundays. The event is free to attend and parking won’t cost you a nickel. Those interested should call 845-282-4055.

Wine Tours The Distillery Tour & Tasting features local artisans displaying whiskey, vodka and liqueurs, all made from locally grown ingredients. Patrons are also advised to enjoy a glass of hard apple cider and watch the sunset from the scenic Tuthilltown Spirits Farm Distillery located at 14 Gristmill Lane in Gardiner, N.Y. Tickets are $15 a person and the tour is open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. For more information, call 845-633-8734.

Hudson Valley Fair New York City may be chock-full of fun stuff to do, but what the city cannot provide is the fun of a good, old-fashioned country fair. This weekend and next, through May 20, the Hudson Valley Fair in Fishkill, N.Y., is open noon to midnight. Tickets are about six dollars a pop and will give customers access to over 100

rides, games, animals, free entertainment and other attractions. Each Saturday, there will also be a free fireworks show. For more information, visit www.hudsonvalleyfair.com or call 631-920-2309.

Farm Animals The Catskill Animal Sanctuary Tours in Saugerties, N.Y., are an opportunity to display farm animals and rescued animals to children. The sanctuary is over 110 acres of beautiful farmland where the animals live. Stories behind the rescues will be told and there are tours held every half hour between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The sanctuary will be offering the tours until Oct. 28. Tickets for the event cost $10 for general admission and $5 for seniors and children. For more information, call 845-336-8447.

Art Is Always in Fashion

Tuthilltown Spirits Farm Distillery art for sale and a DJ for the evening. For more information, contact 845-331-0191 and ask for Renee.

While NYC is a world-renowned hotspot for clothing and accessories, the rest of the state also has its own material to display. “Passion for Fashion,” presented by Cornell Street Studios, is hosting an opening night art exhibit on Saturday, May 12, from 6 to 10 p.m. The event features art from Helen Schofield along with other artists from the area. Admission costs $10 and the event will have food,

In the spirit of Mother’s Day and blossoming tulips, the Honor’s Haven Resort and Spa is hosting the 2nd Annual Tulip Festival & Mother’s Day Celebration. The event is day two of a weekend-long celebration that begins May 12 and ends on Sunday. The Mother’s Day expo will begin at 11 a.m. and continue through 4

Tulip Festival

p.m. Admission to the event is free and patrons are encouraged to explore the floor, which will display a vast and diverse selection of gifts along with handcrafted items, personalized gifts, keepsakes and gourmet foods from an array of local artists and craftspeople. Not only does the event cater to those looking for a novel Mother’s Day gift, but it also will be hosting a photography contest based around the best shot of a tulip from the weekend. Those interested in going can make reservations by calling 845-210-1600.

Zip. Trek. Paddle. Repeat. There’s more than one way to enjoy the great outdoors.

Stay a few days more to go horseback riding, fish for trout, bike across the Walkway Over

Simple and Sophisticated. You Deserve Dutchess. DutchessTourism.com 30


May 10, 2012


the Hudson, or go apple picking. There are public gardens to stroll through, and golf courses to play through — only 90 minutes away. Do wonders for your soul. Come to Dutchess County in upstate New York, where a rejuvenating, nature-inspired getaway is about affordable pleasures.


Here in the Heart of the Hudson Valley, you can kayak on the Hudson River, hike the Appalachian Trail, ride a zip line from tree to tree, and spend the night in a peaceful campground.


EW S YO M AY 1 0 , 2 0N 12 | nyp r eU s s.LIV c oE m BY



MOM CHRONICLES In Celebration of Mother’s Day, We Asked Some of Our Favorite Local Moms for Their Best Parenting Stories



arenting is as much about the journey as it is about the memories you make along the way. And just in time for Mother’s Day, nearly 20 local mamas tell all, sharing their favorite moments, insights, lessons and laughter. BABY GENIUS Like most mothers, from the day my son was born, I knew he was special. So, on a Tuesday afternoon, when he was 18 months old, I wasn’t shocked when I saw him reading Curious George out loud from across the room. I immediately ran to get the video camera. “He’s a genius!” I exclaimed. It wasn’t until I got close up that I realized he was reading the book upside-down. —Lauren Maslin, founder and owner of Encore Maternity

LET THE GREAT WORLD STOP Recently, at the end of a lousy day during what had been my most trying month in my near-decade as a parent, my daughter asked me, “Mommy, how do you stop the whole world?” “Nobody can stop the whole world,” I told her. “It keeps spinning no matter what.” Then I turned off the light and shut the door before Maggie could formulate her follow-up. But her question stayed with me as I slumped onto the couch. I picked up the remote, and stopped. What if I could press a pause button? What if I could live suspended


Joanna Dreifus

in that moment before returning to the challenges of my life? And if I could do that for myself, could I not show my children how to do the same? I have found renewed energy for tackling my own motherhood mountain by stopping. By breathing. And by taking all the stuff out of my backpack that was too heavy for the next part of the climb. Volunteer breakfasts and auctions and making 30 phone calls by tomorrow? No. Sorry, I’m not available. “Mommy, can you read just one more story? Mommy, can you answer just one more question? Mommy, can you stop the whole world?” Yes. Yes, I can. —Amy Wilson, author of When Did I Get Like This? and director of Listen to Your Mother NYC, listentoyourmothershow.com/nyc

TAKING THE HIGH ROAD Just yesterday my eldest son, who’s 10 and a half, came home with a checkminus on an assignment. I had helped him with that homework, so we got a check-minus! I went to Vassar, I have a master’s in French and I have a law degree … and I often can’t understand my son’s homework. Scary! The assignment was a map of Europe and he had to fill in three countries. He received a check-minus because the instructions said to fill in the countries with a color and we only labeled them. So I was up in arms … and I called the school—which is really out of character for me because I usually don’t get


involved. But I never had the chance to speak with the teacher. That day my son came home and said that his teacher knew that I had called the school. I told him that I would call her the very next day. My 10-and-a-half-year-old looked at me and said: “Mom, don’t call her. Be the bigger person.” —Aviva Drescher of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New York City. She is on the Advisory Board of Cancer Schmancer/TrashCancer and a spokesperson for the One Step Ahead Foundation.

UNSOLICITED ADVICE One night when my youngest son, Arthur, was 5, I came into his room to kiss him goodnight and found him crying. Very concerned, and wanting mightily to console him, I asked what was wrong. He told me that he “messed up” the block corner in his kindergarten room and that his teacher had chastised him. Oh, this is going to be easy, I thought. “OK, Arthur, here’s what you need to do. Tomorrow when you get to school...” As I was talking, Arthur was sinking further underneath the covers. I asked him what was the matter—didn’t he think my advice was good? “Don’t want advice,” he said. “I just want you to say POOR BABY!” I never made that mistake again, with him and his brother, with my grandchildren and even with my husband. We all just need a POOR BABY from someone who loves us from time to time! —Barbara Zinn Krieger, artistic director and founder of Making Books Sing

A LIFE-CHANGING BIRTHDAY For my 35th birthday, I got served divorce papers while I was changing diapers. I was alone with a 1-year-old and a 4-year-old, both of whom had special needs. And it was Halloween. Would I crumble in a heap or would I pick myself up and keep going? I’d always looked forward to my Halloween birthday. But, would I hibernate on my favorite day of the year because it had turned into one of the worst days of my life? I had a little ballerina and mini-monkey counting on me, so my decision was clear. We had friends over for birthday cake. We went to a Halloween party—I was clearly a zombie with my puffy red eyes. The kids had speech and physical therapy appointments. In between, I hid in my room to call my new lawyer. When I emerged, I splashed cold water on my face and forced a smile. In the afternoon, we went trick-or-treating. I tucked them into bed that night, and then burst into tears. Looking back, my kids probably sensed something was wrong. But I showed them that day (and in the four years since) that life goes on. Each Halloween, there is birthday cake and costumes and trick-or-treating. And every day of the year there is plenty of hugging, smiling and laughing. I make extra sure of that for my kids, not because I am a single mom or because my kids have special needs, but simply because all kids deserve it. And so do their moms. —Joanna Dreifus writes at mymomshops.com and serves on the board of YAI.org See MOMS on page 25

CRITICS PICKS ClASSICAl Songs of Beethoven, et al.: Christian Gerhaher, a penetrating German baritone, gives a recital of German art songs, accompanied by andras schiff, the Hungarian pianist. may 12, 8 p.m. zankel Hall, 881 seventh ave. [Jay nordlinger]

Edited by Armond White

new York’s Review of Culture • CityArtsNYC.com

Sale of the Season: new york serves as a musical laboratory for six orchestras from around the country who share their artistic philosophies and unique programming concepts in the spring for music series at Carnegie Hall. a unique pricing structure allows complete artistic freedom. From may 7 to 12, tickets are $25, all six concerts for $100! [Judy Gelman myers] Free Your Faculties: the best things in life are free—like the 92nd street y faculty concerts. on may 11, 2 p.m., Columbia artists keyboardist John mcCauley plays a program of solo piano. 1395 lexington ave. [JGm] GAlleRIeS Looking for Home: origins, a new exhibit at Chambers Fine art, examines the work of two Chinese artists, Cui Fen and taca sui, as they explore what their homeland means to them after years spent living in the United states. Chambers Fine art, 522 W. 19th st., may 3 through June 15 [Kate Prengel]

Nicole Ari Parker makes Blanche sing.

Tennessee’s Quiet Storm transForminG tHe ClassiC ‘streetCar’ bY ARmond whITe


icole Ari Parker has a triumph in A Streetcar Named Desire that our mainstream media and the cliquish Tony Awards are ill-equipped to handle. Parker’s ravishing, statuesque presence and intelligent skill make the play what it always ought to have been: a genuine contest between America’s sexual and political hypocrisies; social sense versus personal sensuality. In her own take on Blanche DuBois, the ultimate test for an American actress (bravo, Faye Dunaway; get outta here, Cate Blanchett), Parker shows the requisite physical strength and beauty and emotional instability. She is true to Williams’ archetype—so true that she complements Vivien Leigh’s awesome performance in Kazan’s 1951 film, yet brings something fresh. It is Parker’s freshness that makes this Streetcar noteworthy. Let no less an authority than Paul Mooney explain why. Mooney broke it down in a 2010 interview with PopMatters: “Tennessee Williams knew about the South, but he would clean it up and lie about it. He knew the women, he knew the

racial thing, he knew everything. He knew the incest, the child abuse, all that shit. He had to hide it because those white folks would get angry. A Streetcar Named Desire: Trust me when I tell you that Marlon Brando’s character [Stanley Kowalski] was a Creole, he was a black man. You see that movie or read that book, you’ll see it in between the lines. All Southerners know. Northerners won’t pick up on it, but we knew right away what it was about.” African-American Parker (best known as a light-skinned, light-eyed decoration in the TV series Soul Food) embodies the switch necessary for Mooney’s theory to work that producers could/would not find an actor to fulfill. So Parker makes Blanche bear the black American’s burden. She is every socially subjugated but personally brave black woman that the movie The Help turned into a clown. Parker finds the heroic, persevering woman inside Williams’ often over-pitied conceit—an even greater archetype than Bess in Porgy & Bess—because she captures what Williams so magnificently articulated about Blanche’s sexual/spiritual struggles. She’s a victim yet she is never weak. Recalling the legacy of slavery and racist miscegenation, Parker’s Blanche keeps going—despite the

social and patriarchal cruelties embodied by alpha male Stanley. Mooney’s interpretation requires a male actor who could exemplify black sexual swagger; the Broadway and Hollywood mainstream are not quite ready for that, even though Melvin Van Peebles put it onscreen in 1971’s Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasss Song. Are SamJack and Denzel the only black actors practiced in sexual threat? Unfortunately, gymmed-up Blair Underwood is not. So Parker and director Emily Mann call on our compassion for multicultural, ambisexual struggle. This Blanche works on two levels: feminine and racial. Like Audra McDonald in Porgy & Bess, Parker brings a cumulative cultural intelligence and recognizable passion to a classic part without succumbing to cliché. The key is in her readings, the authentic Southern lilt—the blues sanity—that evokes the sensibility of Bessie Smith’s “St. Louis Blues” and matches the love-wisdom in the finest, toughest, modern R&B music—that erotic realness radio DJs called “Quiet Storm.” Thanks to Parker, Williams’ great poetry (“It wasn’t the Flamingo, it was the Tarantula! The Tarantula Arms!” and “Suddenly there is God. So quickly!”) virtually sings like never before.

Singin’ in the Gallery: dana schutz leads a merry and mad dash through her fertile imagination. Colorful and edgy, the paintings will change your day. dana schutz: Piano in the rain is at Friedrich Petzel Gallery, 537 W. 22nd st., through June 16 [melissa stern] Arnold’s Kingdom: everything old is new again in the 40-year career retrospective of contemporary sculptor anne arnold, whose extremely expressive cats, dogs, pigs and other assorted animals are on display at the alexandre Gallery in the Fuller building, 41 e. 57th st., though this upcoming week and into early summer. not strictly representational, but you’ll recognize the genus, something rare in the art world these days. [marsha mcCreadie] JAZZ Undead Jazz Festival Alive: no jazz subgenre—only the word “edgy”—covers all 70some intrepid ensembles catchable for one low price at neighboring Village venues le Poisson rouge, Kenny’s Castaways and sullivan Hall from early eve to the wee hours of Wednesday, may 8, plus smaller shows at brooklyn masonic temple, may 9; seeds (near brooklyn’s Grand army Plaza) on may 11; and 92y tribeca, may 12. [Howard mandel] Jazz Foundation’s Greatest of Nights: the Jazz Foundation of america is the most righteous of organizations, saving and enriching the lives of musicians in need. buy tickets now for its annual fundraiser, a Great night in Harlem, with Quincy Jones, randy Weston, James Carter, the treme and rebirth brass bands, macy Gray, Geri allen and many more donating performances to inspire generous financial support. apollo theater, may 17 [Hm]

M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 | nyp r e s s. c o m


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O U R TOW N : D OW N TOWN | MAY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2



Colors That Speak From ClassiCs to lloyd martin


ith his latest solo exhibition, Mettere at Stephen Haller Gallery, Lloyd Martin continues to explore the rhythms of the industrial architecture bY John GoodRICh around his Provincetown studio. To the ichael Rosenfeld Gallery’s busy artist’s great credit, his paintings are never and exuberant installation of merely descriptive. They could just as easily works on paper (…On Paper) be aerial views of city scenes, in the manner reflects the sheer diversity of American of Mondrian’s “Broadway Boogie-Woogie,” art in the 1940s through ’70s. The three only paced by large planes of scraped and dozen drawings, collages, mixed media streaked color. The artist’s recent work has taken on boldworks and paintings on paper cover a lot of ground—everything from Gaston er colors and juicier textures, as evidenced Lachaise’s breezy line drawing of a nude in the nearly 6-foot-square canvas “Check” to Nancy Grossman’s tightly wound draw- (2012). Martin is a shrewd colorist, and vivid ing of a leather-bound head. But the bulk hues animate this composition of sturdy, of the show presents an intriguing mix of repetitive horizontals divided by subtler vermid-century trends, from abstract expres- ticals. The artist knows how to set a brushy sionism to geometric abstraction to figu- scarlet against a warmer, more buoyant red, rative images ranging from the surreal to or a heavy, stilled ochre-green against an electric greenish yellow. As slim horizontal the socially conscious. Celebrated artists such as de Koon- rectangles, laid one above the other, climb ing, Krasner, Baziotes and Stamos ably up the canvas, they move through such contrasting notes, occasionrepresent the New York School, but Anne Ryan’s PAvel TChelITChew’S ally encountering a long off-white rectangle that abstraction—a remarkwATeRColoR of An compels a sideways shift, ably atmospheric collage ARTeRY-enCloSed where the climbing begins of off-white bits of paper and fabric—seems most heAd eeRIlY CombIneS anew. If a Mondrian is kind of comfortable with the usu- The SenSuAl And The visual haiku—a contained ally smaller scale of works PSYChedelIC. poem, with each note on paper; its meditative, deliberated design seems closer in spirit findings its own indispensable weight and to the spry geometric abstractions by Bur- location—a painting like “Check” is more like a prose poem. Martin may not attempt goyne Diller and Charmion von Weigand. Among several surrealism-tinged Mondrian’s elemental velocity of form, but pieces, Pavel Tchelitchew’s watercolor of his interests are wider, encompassing texan artery-enclosed head eerily combines tures, passages and surfaces. At points, though, his paintings also the sensual and the psychedelic. It could hardly differ more from Morris Graves’ achieve a Mondrianesque climax of rhythm. serene paean to nature, a painting in tem- In the 2-foot-square “Shim Series (5)” (2012), pera of a stylized falcon, on view in the a pair of thin reds, differentiated in temperature, are pressed to the canvas’s edges by gallery’s office. Other figurative works include brightly broadly competing planes of brilliant yellow colored collages by Romare Bearden and and earthy green at the center. Little prisms Benny Andrews that pointedly address of color, not bright in color but crucial in racial issues. But the most biting com- their locations, sputter in the interstices mentary of all comes from Robert Cole- between these larger forms. Why, if colors and shapes could only scott’s loopy, mock-cheerful sketch of a prancing, top-hatted pair: a leggy blonde speak … but of course they do, once you closely tailed by a limber black youth. get beyond the basic feats of style and techBeneath appears a line from a Robert Louis nique, and in a painting like this you’re liable Stevenson poem: “I have a little shadow…” to find an earful. And then there’s the gouache by Bob Thompson, who, before his death at 30, …On Paper, through June 29 at michael produced a body of paintings uniquely rosenfeld Gallery, 24 W. 57th st., 212-247-0082, inflected by Pop, surrealism and folk art. www.michaelrosenfeldart.com Charged with vibrant but measured hues, his image of fantastical creatures—they Lloyd Martin: Mettere, through may 12 at appear to be erecting a wall—adds to the stephen Haller Gallery, 542 W. 26th st., 212-741show a singular note of funky classicism. 7777, www.stephenhallergallery.com




The Price of Jazz Jazz Gallery’s leGaCy and ledGer bY howARd mAndel


atest music organization to enter the tight local real estate market: the Jazz Gallery, which lost the lease on its loft at Hudson and Spring streets after 17 years. Moving an ongoing venture at any time is painful, but seldom worse than right now in Manhattan, where the Gallery wants to stay. Still, the can-do spirit that has exemplified the Gallery since its founding prevails. Executive director Deborah Steinglass takes the task as an opportunity for growth, calling the effort “A Home Run.” The Gallery is a unique venue that has introduced scores of progressive musicians at modest prices to local audiences while also exhibiting jazz-related visual art. It’s a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, neither bar nor restaurant but lowkey listening room, with good sight lines and folding chairs. It’s larger than The Stone, its nearest relative aesthetically speaking (but way across town), and the vibe is more relaxed. It was established in 1996 by Dale Fitzgerald, who retired three years ago to work as business manager to trumpeter Roy Hargrove (also present at the Gallery’s birth), and has been booked since 2000 by Rio Sakairi. From its start, the Gallery’s focus has been on emerging artists—many of whom have been émigrés, lending the place an international cast—plus experimentation and large ensembles. It’s hard for little-known big bands to find rehearsal space, a stage, open-minded curators or curious listeners, yet the Gallery has even commissioned large ensemble works (with grants from private funders and government agencies). Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society had its “jazz venue” debut there in 2007; pianist Orrin Evans and his Captain Black Big Band performed there in early April; and Karl Berger’s Improvisers Orchestra is nearing the end of its twice-monthly residency, during which open-to-the-public rehearsals are followed by full concerts. Alto saxophonist

Steve Coleman has enjoyed a long-running Monday evening workshop, recently in alternation with composer/reeds player Henry Threadgill. Trumpeter Ambrose Akinmusire, drummer-bandleader Dafnis Prieto, pianist Jason Moran, saxophonist Miguel Zenon, guitarist Lionel Loueke, singer Gretchen Parlato and bassist Linda Oh are Gallery favorites who’ve graduated to gigs at the Village Vanguard, Jazz Standard, Jazz at Lincoln Center, the Kennedy Center, MacArthur fellowships and far-reaching tours. They return to the Gallery for special events. Impressed and want to be the Gallery’s new landlord? “We are looking for a new space that will maintain the intimacy and warmth of our current venue,” reads a communiqué from Steinglass on the Gallery’s website. “It must provide musicians with great performance room acoustics, rehearsal space, and the ability to record and stream live music. We are committed to continuing to offer more than 180 performances a year, residency commissions, and The Woodshed, which provides free rehearsal space to musicians who have performed here.” The place may get noisy sometimes, so those with tender eardrums need not apply. However, potential lessors are probably less worried about the noise level than the bottom line. The Gallery has launched a $250,000 capital campaign to support the move and provide a cash reserve (donate through JazzGallery.org or send checks to the Jazz Gallery, 290 Hudson St., New York, NY 10013). If $250,000 sounds like a lot, consider that Jazz at Lincoln Center raised $3.6 million—14 times as much—with its midApril gala that showcased Paul Simon with Wynton Marsalis’ LCJO. The National Jazz Museum in Harlem has begun a $22 million campaign to build a facility and a $2.5 million endowment. Roulette spent $3.5 mil opening its new home near Atlantic Yards, with $447,000 from the office of Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz. The Gallery should survive.

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New Site. New Content. Newly relevant.

Contact the author at jazzmandel@gmail.com M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 | nyp r e s s. c o m




vuillard Confidential master oF intimism Gets intense bY mARIo nAveS


ong gone, I hope, are the days when the French painter Édouard Vuillard (1868-1940) was pooh-poohed as being insufficiently radical or, if you prefer, overly bourgeois—as if art steeped in domesticity and comfort somehow precluded pictorial innovation. If Édouard Vuillard: A Painter and His Muses, 1890-1940, an exhibition at the Jewish Museum, doesn’t put that avantgardist trope to bed, nothing will. Actually, make that the first three galleries. In them, we encounter an artist of brooding intensity and startling economy. The standard telling of Intimism underlines how a select group of painters brought Impressionist facture out of the sunlight and into the dining room. Dubbing themselves the Nabis—from the Hebrew and Arabic, meaning “prophets”—these artists looked for inspiration in the color-laden symbolism of Paul Gauguin, the decorative

flourishes of Art Nouveau and the flat spaces found in Japanese prints. The resulting imagery spoke (as the novelist André Gide had it) “in a low tone, suitable to confidences.” Low, confidential and given to unnerving moments of introspection. New Yorkers familiar with MoMA’s “Interior: Mother and Sister of the Artist” (1893), a cornerstone of the permanent collection, know Vuillard wasn’t inspired by hearth and home so much as haunted by them. In the best paintings, familial complexity is distilled into images of daunting psychological nuance. (Not for nothing is Proust’s name bandied about when speaking of Vuillard’s art.) A blunt emphasis on pattern and architecture reinforces a signature strain of emotional pressurization. The curators insist on the theatricality of “Marie Opening the Window” (1893), a portrait of Vuillard’s sister, as if its cloistered drama were somehow diminished by it. The organizing conceit of A Painter and His Muses is the role Jewish patronage played in the Parisian art world—a fascinating historical fillip and as good an excuse

as any to mount a summer crowd-pleaser. But a truer title might be What’s Love Got to Do With It? It was, after all, about the time Vuillard began an extended relationship with his dealer’s wife that the art slackened, its gains in scale, vigor and sumptuousness being a lousy recompense for a marked loss in tone, pith and bite. Which is no reason to forego the astringent pleasures shunted toward the front end of this handsomely mounted, if lopsided, exhibition.

Édouard Vuillard: A Painter and His Muses, 1890-1940, at the Jewish museum, 1109 Fifth ave., until sept. 23.

Édouard Vuillard, “Misia and Vallotton at Villeneuve,” 1899.

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Citizen-Artist a noËl CoWard Film series to remember bY ARmond whITe


n a Noël Coward-worthy lyric, a pop singer-songwriter once mused about “the stillness of remembering what you had and what you lost.” Seeing some of the newly restored 35mm prints of classic Noël Coward films in the Film Society of Lincoln Center’s Coward on Film (May 11-13) inspires such wistfulness. As part of the citywide Noël Coward tribute Star Quality: The World of Noël Coward, the film series at the Walter Reade Theater makes it evident that current pop culture has not produced the kind of multitalented demi-giants like the 20th century’s Coward, Jean Cocteau, Orson Welles, Melvin Van Peebles. Very possibly Michael Jackson and R. Kelly might have joined their ranks, had scandal, opprobrium and racism not intervened. And George Clooney certainly doesn’t rate—no matter how relentlessly the media celebrates him or how egregiously he fails. Coward’s output as writer, composer, performer and filmmaker typifies a lost era of doubling on brass; the expectation that an artist should be good at more than one thing, even if only to create vehicles for himself. Coward’s inventiveness is nothing like today’s preening self-promoters. His film work reminds one of how an artist’s engagement with the arts also services a society’s spiritual needs—a culture in the largest sense. Note the rich, deep vein of patriotism that runs through the movies In Which We Serve and This Happy Breed as well as the social authenticity of Blithe Spirit and the magnificent Brief Encounter. Coward’s

plays-into-film suggest a debt to the civilization that formed him, paid back with a genuine reflection of its habits and voice. The dramatic family pageant of This Happy Breed (first filmed as Cavalcade, the Academy Award-winning Best Picture of 1933) puts national portraiture and critique in proper perspective—not the polarized, obnoxious mess to which our contemporary PC entertainment has sunk. The Criterion Collection contributes to the Coward remembrance with an extraordinary box set. “David Lean Directs Noël Coward” collects the four major films made during the polymath and cinema auteur’s WWII-era partnership. Nothing else in film history is like this superb mesh of two distinct sensibilities, a clever traditional craftsman (Coward) elevated by a pioneering visionary (Lean). The Criterion box refurbishes Brief Encounter and finally makes available the three hard-to-find treasures. These movies give a fascinated view of a nation’s traditions that is so familiar it may seem superficial; yet the films transcend the trends of their time by penetrating their familiar domestic surfaces. Coward and Lean’s perceptions have stood the test of being popular, then unfashionable and now impeccable. Their influence on Terence Davies (The Deep Blue Sea), Mike Leigh (Happy-Go-Lucky), André Téchiné (Scene of the Crime) and Steven Spielberg (Schindler’s List) is clear proof of Coward and Lean’s indestructible artistry. Of course, the Lean package is just part of the Coward oeuvre; his lighter musicalcomedy work (from Bitter Sweet to Design for Living) is also represented in the Lincoln Center retrospective. Coward’s film output preserves the idea of a citizenartist as an artist of civilization.

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Healthy Manhattan a monthly advertising supplement

Two New Drugs for Melanoma The medications are a help but don’t cure the deadliest skin cancer By Dr. Cynthia Paulis There seems be a breakthrough in treatment for melanoma patients with two drugs approved by the FDA last year, Yervoy (ipilimumab) and Zelboraf (vemurafenib). Melanoma, a skin cancer, causes death in almost 9,000 Americans annually and has had an alarming rise of occurrence in young women between the ages of 18 and 35. Though it accounts for just 4 percent of all skin cancer, it is the most lethal form of such cancer. With early detection and proper treatment the cure rate for melanoma is 95 percent, but finding it early is the key. Once the cancer spreads, patients with inoperable melanoma will live just a few months. The two new drugs work through completely different mechanisms. Yervoy, developed by Bristol-Myers Squibb, works by allowing the body’s immune system to recognize, target and attack cells in melanoma tumors. It is a monoclonal antibody that blocks a molecule known as cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen that may involve a role in slowing down or turning off the body’s immune system, thereby affecting its ability to fight off cancerous cells. The drug is administered intravenously in four infusions over a three-month period. The cost of the drug is high, $120,000. In clinical tests, patients lived an average of 10 months versus 6 months without the drugs, but some have lived for two to three years after the treatment. See MELANOMA on page 19


O U R TOW N D OW N TOWN | MAY 1 0 , 2 0 1 1

CheCkiNg for SkiN CaNCer Anybody can get skin cancer, but some things that put you at higher risk are: • Being fair-skinned • A family history of melanoma • Exposure to the sun through work and play • A history of sunburns early in life • Skin that burns, freckles, reddens easily or becomes painful in the sun • Blue or green eyes The key to reducing your risk of getting skin cancer is prevention. Avoid the most intense sun rays which are between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Sunscreen of an SPF or 30 or higher should be applied a minimum of 30 minutes before going out so the skin can absorb it properly. Don’t be deceived

by cloudy days because you can still get burned. Check your sun screen label and make sure it protects against both UVA and UVB rays. It is important to apply a liberal amount of sunscreen frequently and especially after sweating and swimming. If you are prone to sunburn wear long sleeves and a wide-brimmed hat as well as sunglasses to protect your eyes. Certain meds such as tetracycline, antipsoriatics and St. John’s wort can make your sun sensitive and vulnerable to sunburn. The majority of malignant melanomas are brown to blackpigmented lesions. Melanoma will oftentimes develop from a preexisting mole or look like a new mole. Warning signs include any change in size, shape, color or elevation of a mole. The appearance of a new mole during

adulthood or new pain, itching, ulceration or bleeding of a preexisting mole should be checked out immediately. The best time to check for skin cancers is right after bathing. Stand in front of a mirror in a well-lighted room. Examine the front and back of your body in the mirror then look at your right and left sides with your arms raised. Bend your elbows and look carefully at forearms, upper arms and palms. Look at the backs of your legs and feet and the spaces between your toes and the soles of your feet. Examine the back of your neck and scalp with a hand mirror and comb your hair to examine the scalp closely. Check your back and buttocks with a hand mirror. While this may all seem extreme, remember that the life you save could be your own. —By Dr. Cynthia Paulis

Healthy Manhattan Melanoma from page 18 Along with the cost, there is another drawback. Yervoy can take up to two weeks to work versus other chemotherapy drugs with can kill cancer cells quickly, and if a person has a very aggressive form of melanoma there may not be enough time for it to work. Yervoy does not work directly on the tumors but works on the immune system; as a result some of the side effects can be colitis, diarrhea, hepatitis, endocrine dysfunction and skin problems. According to the FDA, 12.9 percent of patients treated with Yervoy suffered severe or fatal autoimmune reactions. Zelboraf, unlike Yervoy, is a prescription Zelboraf (vemurafenib) is an FDA-approved medication of two capsules taken twice drug to treat melanoma. a day. The drug works by targeting a specific mutation in the BRAF gene that is responsible for approximately half of all stage four melanomas. It will not work on are not medications that will cure endthe melanomas without the BRAF gene. In stage melanoma but they have proven to clinical trials 132 patients taking Zelboraf extend the person’s life. were followed for 13 months. More than Dr. Anna Pavlick, associate professor half of the patients in the study had their of oncology at NYU Langone Medical tumors shrink by 30% and another 33% of Center, spent nine years involved in the patients showed that the drug slowed clinical trials with the new drugs and is one or stopped progression of the tumors. of the authors of a report on melanoma Fourteen percent of the clinical trial in the New England Journal Medicine in patients had no improvement. More than February. In a phone interview, she said, half the patients were alive after 16 months “Zelboraf will make a big difference in the and some for a few years. The drug costs lives of BRAF-positive melanoma patients. $9,400 a month and is also covered by We now have the capacity to analyze the insurance. patient’s melanoma tumor for the genetic The side effects of the drug include mutation BRAF and use Zelboraf to joint pain, rash, skin that burns easily attack the tumor, shrink it, and stop the in the sun, fatigue and hair loss. progression of this deadly disease.” Approximately 25 percent of the patients Dr. Pavlick remains hopeful for a future who take the drug may also develop new cure for this deadly disease. “This is just a squamous cell skin cancers. These cancers small step in the management of malignant are less dangerous than melanoma and can melanoma,” she said. “We still need to be removed by a dermatologist. do research to continue to find a cure so With both Yervoy and Zelboraf, these people can lead long and productive lives.”

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Turning Patients into Parents

The Fertility Preservation Program at the Ronald O. Perelman and Claudia Cohen Center for Reproductive Medicine of Weill Cornell Medical College gives cancer patients the greatest chance of having a baby. Infertility is often a by-product of life-saving treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. And whether you’re newly diagnosed about to begin treatment, in the middle of that treatment or in remission, our team stands ready to expedite the process and support you through this challenging time. For many women, the path to fertility preservation begins with freezing eggs or embryos. Before beginning cancer treatment, women can undergo a cycle of ovarian stimulation. The eggs are then removed and either frozen or fertilized with available sperm. Both frozen eggs and embryos can be used after cancer treatments are completed. Women who cannot delay their treatments and take the time for an IVF cycle can have their ovarian tissue frozen.

Using a state-of-the-art minimally invasive technique, surgeons can remove tissue from the ovary and freeze it. After cancer treatments are complete, the tissue can be transplanted back into the woman. Men who have been diagnosed with cancer can choose to have their sperm or testicular tissue frozen prior to treatment. And for men who have no sperm after cancer treatment, surgeons can perform microscopic sperm recovery. Any sperm found in the testicular tissue is then used to fertilize eggs. By using these cutting-edge techniques, our doctors try to minimize the effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments and preserve your ability to become a parent in the future.

If you or someone you know is of child-bearing years and has been recently diagnosed with cancer, please call us at (646) 962-5450.

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O U R TOW N : D OW N TOWN | MAY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2

Take Charge Of Your Fertility For anyone a diagnosis of cancer is overwhelming. And while it may be difficult to think about, it is critically important that you take steps to preserve your fertility before, during and after life-saving cancer treatments. The doctors at the Fertility Preservation Program at the Center for Reproductive Medicine stand ready to help both male and female patients have a baby after cancer.* If you or someone you know is of child- bearing years and has been recently diagnosed with cancer, please contact us at (646) 962-5450.

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M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 | nyp r e s s. c o m


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Eating Through the Nose

K-E diet, though popular with brides, has complications connected to it

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O U R TOW N D OW NTOWN | MAY 1 0 , 2 0 1 1


By Dr. Cynthia Paulis y cellphone rang the other night, and a chirpy voice wanted to know where I had been. It was the food police. After losing 40 pounds on Jenny Craig, I figured I could go it alone,

so I dropped out of the program. Before you know it, the pounds started creeping back on after eating out with friends, conference meetings, banquets and travel. I was horrified to see I had gained it all back and then some. This was not my first to the diet merrySee K-E on page 24

ARE YOU BEGINNING TO THINK ABOUT A FALL/2013 PUBLIC SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN PLACEMENT FOR YOUR CHILD? ANNOUNCING A WORKSHOP BY ROBIN ARONOW, PH.D. Ò LIFE AFTER NURSERY SCHOOL: THE MANHATTAN PUBLIC SCHOOL ADMISSION PROCESSÓ TUESDAY MAY 22, 2012 6:15-6:25 PM Sign-In, 6:30-8:30 PM Presentation Ansche Chesed 251 W. 100th St. at West End Avenue EARLY COST- $55 Per Family Available for purchase is a $15 information packet containing valuable articles, directories and worksheets for those beginning the process, if not bought previously. Public School Workshop *Getting Started; Valuable Resources *Admission Facts and Application Procedures *Timelines *What to Look for When Touring *Zoned Schools and Overcrowding *Non-zoned and Lottery Options *Gifted and Talented Programs and Testing *Dual Language Programs *Charter Schools *Magnet Schools *Public vs Private School *Standardized Testing and School Progress Reports

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Questions: 212-316-0186 or robin@schoolsearchnyc.com Robin Aronow is an educational consultant in private practice, as well as a consultant to many nursery and elementary schools and the Blackboard Awards. M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 | nyp r e s s. c o m


Healthy Manhattan K-E from page 22

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O U R TOW N D OW N TOWN | MAY 1 0 , 2 0 1 1

go-round. I have been through Weight Watchers, lost 50 pounds, Atkins Diet, lost 40 pounds but was cranky all the time from not eating any carbs, Optifast, where you drink protein drinks and water, lost 30 pounds and was hungry and cranky all the time and lived in the bathroom. Over the years I have lost and gained back the weight of a person. I marvel at the brave souls who go on The Biggest Loser and watch them transform over months from morbidly obese to fit and buff. The problem with the show is that it doesn’t equate to reality. Who can work out all day long every single day, unless you are a gym instructor? Now there is a new trend for a fast weight-loss fix called the K-E diet, otherwise known as the feeding-tube diet. Started one month ago in Miami, the K-E or Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition diet is a radical program that promises a 20-pound weight loss in 10 days without hunger pangs or the need for exercise. Here’s one catch: You walk around for 10 days wearing a feeding tube through your nose while you are being infused an 800-calorie diet of a powdered food supplement diluted in water. The tube is connected to a battery powered pump, and the powder is delivered 24/7. You wear the pump like a purse over your shoulder. Bridezillas in their quest for the perfect figure on their big day have been flocking to this concierge clinic run by Dr. Oliver Di Pietro of Bay Harbor Islands, Fla. For $1,500, brides are shedding pounds as they trot around town with a tube hanging out of their nose. Di Pietro is importing this radical weight-loss program from Europe, where, according to his video, it has been used “over 100,000 times in 33,000 patients.” De Pietro claims it is “a hunger-free way of dieting. Being fed a high-protein, high-fat diet with no carbohydrates causes a state of profound ketosis. You burn fat, not muscle. It

is painless. You feel no hunger and no appetite.” The diet reminded me of Optifast, which was all of the rage in the ’80s. Like the K-E, you were not allowed to eat solid food—only water, unsweetened tea and black coffee with no additives of any kind. On both diets, patients have to take a laxative because they become constipated due to the lack of fiber in their systems and they are likely to develop bad breath from the ketosis. On the K-E, the patient checks their urine for ketones using a dip stick and sees the doctor three times a week, but blood is drawn only once at the beginning. The K-E dieter goes cold turkey on food to a ketotic state and then after 10 days back to food. This yo-yo diet is problematic in that patients can develop kidney stones, headaches and dehydration, not to mention the problems involved with a nasal tube dangling around in a non-sterile environment. Nasal infection, perforated throat, lung damage, GI bleeding and pneumonia are some of the other possible complications. The problem with crash diets of any kind is that once food is introduced back into the system, the person starts to regain weight. The solution to any successful weight-loss program is portion size. We have become such a supersized nation in our food portions that our girth is also getting supersized. Keeping a food diary in which you write down everything that passes your lips gives you a good idea of how many calories you are actually consuming. So often we wind up snacking through the day, not realizing the number of calories we are actually consuming, so keeping a diary reminds us of what we are eating. Exercise is also important, even if it consists of brisk walking several times a week or biking to help burn off the calories. While I begin my quest again to shed the pounds in time for summer, I can guarantee that as I ride my bike around town, I will not be sporting a tube dangling out of my nose.

Patients can develop kidney stones, headaches and dehydration, not to mention the problems involved with a nasal tube dangling around.

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moms from page 12 Good GirlS (don’t) Wear underPantS My daughter is a nudist. She is an unrepentant clothes-doffing, underweareschewing, bum-baring, breeze-loving, parts-showing nudist. It’s sort of awesome, but also a little disconcerting. I love that my daughter so exults in her physical being, that she is so unreservedly comfortable with her physical self. And yet I catch myself, sometimes, pestering her about sweaters and socks and underpants. Aren’t you cold? Would you like to put on socks? Let’s put on underpants, shall we?! I don’t worry about her becoming a lifelong nudist. I worry about her getting cold. I also worry about her peeing on the couch, which hasn’t happened yet, but still: one particularly engrossing episode of Global Grover and all the Scotch gard in the world won’t save our off-white sofa … I love that she is so unabashedly, physically she. So I resolve to not worry about shame or unshame and to just let her be. But if she pees on my couch, those underpants are going on with duct tape. —Catherine Connors writes at herbadmother.com

a KiSS iS JuSt a KiSS My son is 7 and a half years old and is consistently recognized for having such a warm demeanor. When he was a toddler, he always licked his friends and family to show his love. Other mothers would say, “What is wrong with your son?” My immediate thought was: He isn’t even 2—at least he isn’t hitting or biting! Fast forward to 6 years old: I get a call from his kindergarten teacher saying, “Ithan is kissing all the girls.” I wish every parent could get that call from school. “Your kid is a bit too loving; we need your help to teach him to curb that a little.” Did she want me to punish him? I would never punish him for loving! —Lori Zaslow, co-founder of Project Soulmate, Bravo TV’s “Love Broker”

a tale oF tWo diaPerS Over the past eight years, the funniest (and grossest) moment of mommy hood with twins was when I finally thought (emphasis on thought) I got the hang of having two infants. In a rush, I decided to be the champion of all mothers of multiples and change both boys’ diapers at the same time. Boy, was I confident! Onesies unbuttoned? Check! Dirty diapers off? Check! New ones ready? Check! Right before what would have been an extremely triumphant moment


ExEcutivE EditoR allen Houston ahouston@manhattanmedia.com EditoR-in-cHiEF marissa maier mmaier@manhattanmedia.com SPEciaL SEctionS EditoR Josh Rogers jrogers@manhattanmedia.com FEatuREd contRiButoRS Whitney Casser, Leonora Desar, Penny Gray, Tom Hall, Courtney Holbrook, Regan Hofmann, alan Krawitz, mary morris, Robby Ritacco, Lillian Rizzo, Paulette Safdieh contRiButing PHotogRaPHERS George Denison, Veronica Hoglund, Wyatt Kostygan, andrew Schwartz intERn andrew Rice


for me, I got the gift that only a baby boy could give: the oh-so familiar splash of you-know-what to my chin and neck. But, it wasn’t just one infant who gave me the shower. One aimed for the chin; the other, for the neck. So, if you’re like me and have experienced the warmth of a double tinkle to your face, admit it: motherhood is awesome. —Tiffany Casanova is an entertainment lawyer by day and producer of family web series “Tristin and Tyler’s Tales from the City!” by night, tristinandtyler.com.

liKe Mother, liKe dauGhter When my daughter Rochelle was 2 years old, I remember being in a store and she was screaming, throwing a tantrum. I was mortified. As a young mother, I didn’t know what to do. So I said to her, “You have to be quiet!” It was the “terrible twos” when she had that moment. But that was the only time it happened!

He paced a little more. But then, finally, he got it. “Now, I understand, Mommy,” he said to me. He gave me a hug and he went to bed! —Rochelle Jacobs-Silpe, co-creator of June Jacobs SpaCollection

When nature CallS the eCo-Minded One day we ran out of TP at home, but we serendipitously had a large stack of washable flannel wipes in the bathroom that we were using for baby wipes for Damien at the time. Cotton wipes are softer, denser and more effective, and they all go in the same laundry bin. From that day forth, the fluffy cotton wipes have been used to pat ourselves (and our son) dry. Damien has long been out of diapers, but the flannel wipes remain—I’m never going back! —adriane Stare, Owner and Founder of Caribou Baby

—June Jacobs, CEO of June Jacobs Spa Collection

Actually, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! We’re all about stubbornness, survival, being strong-willed and never giving up. When I was young and had really long hair, my mom liked to blow it out. One time, she had dressed me up … and was doing my hair and I just remember the tears falling down my face. I was so angry! But, in the end, I knew she was going to win and I was going to have to have my hair blown out. So I let her do it. One night, my own son Jake was refusing to go to sleep. He paced the room, going in circles for an hour. Finally, I said to him, “We can sit here all night long. I don’t mind. Because I’m going to win this in the end.”

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PUBLIC NOTICE nEW yORK CITy DEPARTMEnT OF TRAnSPORTATIOn nOTICE OF PuBLIC hEARInG The New York City Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing on Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 2:00 P.M., at 55 Water St., 9th Floor Room 945, on the following petitions for revocable consent, all in the Borough of Manhattan: #1 46 West 69th Street LLC -to continue to maintain and use a fenced-in area on the south sidewalk of W 69th St., east of Columbus Ave., in the Borough of Manhattan. #2 208 East 72nd Street LLC- to continue to maintain and use a fenced-in area on the south sidewalk of E 72nd St., east of Third Ave., in the Borough of Manhattan #3 Bottle Tower, Inc.-to continue to maintain and use a stoop and a fenced-in area on the east sidewalk of Bedford St., between Grove and Barrow Sts. in the Borough of Manhattan. #4 Doves’ Nest NYC, LLC-to continue to maintain and use a stoop and a fenced-in area on the south sidewalk of W 10th St., between Fifth Ave. and Sixth Ave., in the Borough of Manhattan. #5 Texas Eastern Transmission Partners, LP-to construct, maintain and use a 30-inch diameter natural gas pipeline in submerged lands within the NYC owned portion of the Hudson River. Interested parties can obtain copies of proposed agreements or request sign-language interpreters (with at least seven days prior notice) at 55 Water St., 9th Fl. SW New York, NY 10041, or by calling (212) 839-6550.



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