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Maybourn Riviera

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Wilmotte & Associés SAS d’Architecture

Maybourne Riviera

PROJECT The Maybourne Riviera ARCHITECTURE Wilmotte & Associés SAS d’Architecture LOCATION Cap Martin, France OTIIMA SYSTEM 38 FUSION PHOTOGRAPHY www.maybourneriviera.com

The striking modernist architecture of The Maybourne Riviera forges its way into the glistening Mediterranean Sea. Dramatic views of the coastline take in Cap Martin and Italy to the east, Monte Carlo to the west, all bathed in brilliant light. The setting is unrivalled, the neverending sea and sky viewed from every room, and as you step out into the warm, saltwater breeze, all it takes is a moment to softly slip into Riviera time.

The 38 Fusion frame windows, from floor to ceiling, flood each of the 69 rooms and suites with golden light. Designed to enjoy the extensive panoramic view of the sea from the comfort of their private terrace or balconies. A 25m long glass facade, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, provides a transcendent gastronomic experience, through an inspiring and unforgettable landscape. There are 2000m2 of OTIIMA frames throughout the building, which vary between 3 and 5 meters in height, creating an imposing presence of Maybourne Riviera in Cap Martin.

A surpreendente arquitetura moderna de Maybourne Riviera forja o seu caminho para o resplandecente Mar Mediterrâneo. Paisagens da linha costeira acolhem Cap Martin e Itália a leste, e Monte Carlo a oeste, todos banhados por uma luz brilhante. O cenário é incomparável, o mar e o céu sem fim, visto de todas as salas, faz viajar pelos tempos da Riviera.

Janelas 38 Fusion inundam cada um dos 69 quartos e suítes com luz dourada. Amplamente concebidos, usufruem de uma vista panorâmica para o mar a partir dos seus terraços ou varandas privadas. Uma fachada em vidro de 25m de comprimento, com vista para o mar mediterrâneo, proporciona uma experiência gastronómica transcendente, através de uma paisagem inspiradora e inesquecível. São 2000m2 de caixilharia OTIIMA em todo o edifício, que varia entre os 3 e 5 metros de altura, criando uma presença imponente de Maybourne Riviera em Cap Martin.

Late sketch sessions capturing the dramatic views of The Maybourne Riviera

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