Otis Library Workshops Menu

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P RE SENT A T I ON S for Classes

Side Orders

Create a combo for your students by choosing from the sides below:

Guided Research: Bring the students in. We work with each one-on-one directing and modeling how to find appropriate materials.........1 hr

Library Intro:

Whet your student’s appetite with this brief overview of library ingredients and how to find each...........................................15-20 min

Scavenger Hunt:

Nicely paired with a Library Intro, or just throw them in and get introduced to the Library THROUGH the Hunt. We can prepare a handout so that students can actually learn for themselves what’s available in the Otis Library......................................................................................... 30 min.


What are databases and why do students need them? Show and tell about the different ones Library subscribes to.............15-20 min

Chef’s Delig


------ Artists Epicurean ‘ Books -----w books and onders, artists’ o Special Co ther items from lle available fo ctions menu are r experienc your class to e. the chef, C Please contact ath for additio y Chambers, nal inform ati (cathcham @otis.edu on ).

Millard Sheets

Library Serving You Since 1997

Types of Information:

Learn the difference between news, academic / scholarly, professional, and popular sources ....................15 min


CRAAP Not all info is created equal. Learn the 5 criteria for use in evaluating info ..........................................................15 to 30 min.

Copyright: It’s a gray area, but there are guidelines............15 min Citations: Learn why, then find out how to cite the sources of

your information. ............................................................................15 min

Plagiarism: g - What it is and how to avoid it................15 min

Special Managero’fsColor by

on Interacti rs is one of the lbe A f e s o J s from treasure in z ama g ections that oll t. Special C ed upon reques w ie v e b r can ble fo rly valua Particula Connections in students lor and Design. Co through

W O RK S HOP S M EN U Sue Maberry (310) 665-6925 - Heather Cleary (310) 665-6926 Jean-Marie Venturini (310) 846-2628 - Kathleen Forrest (310) 846-2576 9045 Lincoln Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 - Ahmanson Building, 3rd Floor, rm 306



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Combo Plates

O-Space Course Management System: The online work space for Otis Classes and Community Groups. Upload your syllabus, articles to read, movies to watch, links to websites, es, or quizzes to take. Have online class discussions; use the gradebook, or track attendance. Server: Jean-Marie Venturini


ePortfolios: An Electronic Portfolio is an online multi-mediaa


collection of written and visual work. Faculty, students, and staff ff may create ePortfolios for a wide variety of uses, such as a class ass that requires posting artwork for review. Individuals can also use se personal ePortfolios as they build their body of work. Graduating ng seniors can direct potential galleries or employers to their site. Server: Heather Cleary.


Join us fo r a demo of how to tu rn your desktop compute r in a video d emo tool! to

Learning ePortfolios: Learn about this specific type of ePortfolio and how to use the submissions feature. Students will start using their Learning ePortfolios during Foundation year and maintain it throughout their years at Otis. It is an opportunity for them to reflect on their own learning and make various connections ns among their experiences at Otis. Several sections of this important nt topic will be available on different days and times to accommodate your schedules. Servers: Heather Cleary and Jean-Marie Venturini.

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Quick V ideo

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Catch of the Day

ePortfolio Innovations This workshop will focus on innovative ways to use the O-Space ePortfolio as a teaching tool for presenting dynamic course content. Server: Jean-Marie Venturini.

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ace us on O-Sp ats will foc e tr te r. u e in rd o These 15-m prepared to deliciously quicktips, nd Time: Location a the TLC Fridays in Mondays, m 2:00p 11:45am - 1

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the d Search d select an n a , entas bank e r p s for image ate re rn tion. C ws and bu ho s e e d c li s cti n D. Pra to a C presentatio e th h e iz wit n a g Or viewer. ws. Create ho slides searches. d canne images into t Expor rPoint. e w o P

Basic Database Searching: Introduction to the various online resources purchased by the Otis Library and to the methods for finding needles among the haystack of the billions b of pages of data. Discussion of appropriate research strategies s Servers: Sue Maberry and Heather Cleary Blogs: Start a blog and use it in class or for a group with a B common c interest. Create and customize your own. Enhance your y blog with images, public and private profiles, and chat rooms. r Discuss pedagogy of using blogs. Server: Heather Cleary Se S PowerPoint for Beginners: Learn the basics so that P yyou can make class and group presentations and upload yo Po P PowerPoint study guides to O-Space. Learn the fundamenta tals of this very versatile software. Server: Shelley Forbes. Appointments are available for 60 minute one-on-one Ap coaching. See Kathleen Forrest for details and reservations. cco

Computer Applications: Want to learn Keynote, Excel, Co C W Word, Photoshop, GarageBand, etc.? If we don’t know the program, we can refer you to the online software-training p database, Lynda.com. Server: Kathleen Forrest d

Scanning Slides, Photos, & Prints and CapturSca S ing in ng Your Own Photos to Use: Useful skills for te teaching eac are covered with these two workshops. Learn how to scan a variety of image formats as well as capture your ssca photos from your own camera. Once you have your images, pho learn Photoshop basics on how to save them to use for your lear own class or project. Server: Derek McMullen

Best Practices: Review: Chickering and Gamson’s Be "Sev "Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education." Discuss how you can apply these valuable Edu techniques using today’s newest technology. tech Server: Kathleen Forrest Serv

iiBooks Bo Author: Learn how to create an interactive eBook eBo for the iPad

iTunes U: Incorporate podcasts in any class - traditional, iTu online or blended. Create your own illustrated lectures to use onli as class assignments. Server: Kathleen Forrest

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.