Future Finance Invoice Brochure

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Tomorrows Cash Flow TODAY Call now: 01534 493933

Craig Dempster Denny Lane

Does your business trade on credit terms? If so, this facility is for you

Managing your cash flow is key to a successful business, but if you are frequently chasing overdue payments this can put a lot of pressure on both cash flow and staff and there is always the fear that a long-overdue bill can turn into a bad debt. Future Invoice Finance can help you. We provide cash flow in order for you to grow your business and take away the stress of debtor management. We allow you to derive working capital from the value of your trade invoices, removing the pressures of dealing with overdue payments and providing the flexibility your business needs. We provide an experienced credit control team and on-line 24 hour access to view your facility and credit control. Use Future Invoice Finance to improve cash flow, minimise risk of defaulting creditors and free your time to concentrate on your business.

“The wave of the future is coming and there is no fighting it.� Anne Morrow Lindbergh



Our service


How it works


Is our service for you?


Frequently asked questions


Web based management system


Our fees


Why use us?





Our service provides all important cash flow today:

Do you manage a growing business and worry that your cash flow is not keeping pace with the growth? Do you have a strong sales ledger and wish to access cash from those sales today? Would increased cash flow help your business? Do you find Credit Control difficult / unpleasant? Are you a small team without the resource to employ a full-time credit controller, or would like to reduce the burden on an existing credit control team? We provide an experienced credit controller to support your business. We provide experience in debtor management.

“Show me someone who doesn’t dream about the future and I’ll show you someone who doesn’t know where they are going” Anonymous


Future Invoice Finance - The Channel Island’s premier factoring service provider

H OW IT WOR K S You provide service/goods then invoice the customer Copy the invoice details to Future Invoice Finance By the next working day we provide up to 70% of the value of the invoice to you Customer pays bill and then we remit the balance to you

CUSTOMER CREDIT CO NTRO L PRO F E S SIO NALS By outsourcing credit control to us you save on manpower and avoid unpleasant conversations with slow payers. We provide a courteous, professional team with vast experience in credit control that will pursue invoices in a firm but fair manner. By acting as a buffer between your customers and your accounts we allow you to protect your business relationships whilst getting what you want when you want it.


Is our service for you?

Is your annual turnover above £100,000? Do you sell goods and/or services direct to customers? Do you offer deals on credit terms? Do you only send out invoices once the job is done /product is received? Do you have a low level of customer returns or disputes? If you answer yes to the above questions then our service could help to make your business more efficient!

“Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.” Denis Waitley


Frequently asked questions

H OW MUCH WILL IT CO ST ? We need to assess your business and see which of our services you may need. Once we have completed this assessment we will outline how this service will benefit your business.

WILL I LOSE CONTRO L O F MY BUSINE S S? Absolutely not! We increase your cash flow giving you more control over your business. You are not obliged to check with us before you make a sale. You have the flexibility of using our service on an individual client basis.

DO YOU REQUIRE PE RSO NAL GUARANTE E S ? We do require a director’s guarantee, but our real guarantee is based on the fact that we provide you with fast credit for the invoices that you tell us are genuine and will be paid.


Future Invoice Finance Tomorrow’s cash flow today!

WEB BA SED MA N AGE M E NT SYSTE M You can retain control of your finances and access a full overview of your financial position at any time via our simple online portal.

This web based portal allows instant 24 hour a day, 7 days a week access to your sales ledger.

“I look to the future because that’s where I’m going to spend the rest of my life.” George F. Burns


Our fees and how we calculate them

Our fee is made up of the following: Financing charge - This will be based on the profile of your business. Service charge - Typically between 5% and 8% of the value of your invoice, we charge upon every notification of a new invoice you wish to factor. Arrangement Fee -There will be a one-off fee to cover the costs of setting up your company on our system. Charges are always quoted in advance and in writing and will apply for 3 months from acceptance. Agreements are for a minimum of 12 months following which 6 months notice is required to terminate.


Why use Future Invoice Finance?

We are the premier factoring service provider in the Channel Islands. We are committed to high-quality service and ensure our standards stay high by constantly monitoring our performance through customer surveys. The benefits of improved cash flow are diverse and numerous. Some key advantages include: Ability to negotiate better prices with your suppliers for early payment Reduced use of overdraft / other borrowing facilities and therefore reduced borrowing fees. Avoid the hidden costs involved with providing your customers with unofficial extended credit terms. We are committed to the highest levels of service and guarantee we will meet these standards. If you feel, for any reason, we have not performed adequately we will refund our service charge for an agreed period.

“The future is always beginning now.� Mark Strand


Contact us

To find out more about Future Invoice Finance contact us. Future Invoice Finance 4 - 6 Duhamel Place, St Helier, Jersey, C.I , JE4 9TH Tel. +44 (0) 1534 493933 Fax. +44 (0) 1534 493944



Denny Lane - Director Mobile. +44 7797 719471 Email. denny.lane@future.je Craig Dempster - Director Mobile. +44 7797 827977 Email. craig.dempster@future.je


Future Group


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