April 2012
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Issue 47
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Spotlight on… Bennett’s Power Service Products Ltd.
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Theme: Lubricants & Fuel Additives
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April 2012 Western Trucking News, Ontario Trucking News & Eastern Trucking News are published monthly by Woodward Publishing Inc. Head Office: 259 Salmon Point Road, R.R. #1, Cherry Valley, Ontario, Canada K0K 1P0, 877.225.2232 Head Office: (Sales) Barb Woodward, barb@woodwardpublishing.com Sales: Carl McBride, carl@woodwardpublishing.com Art Director/MIS: Chris Charles, chris@woodwardpublishing.com Administration: Halina Mikicki, halina@woodwardpublishing.com Distribution: Rick Woodward Editor-in-Chief: Marek Krasuski, marek@woodwardpublishing.com Photojournalists: Barb Woodward, Wendy McBride & Rick Woodward French Translation: Kay Redhead Visit us on the web at: www.woodwardpublishing.com Copyright © 2011 Woodward Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Publication Agreement: No. #40806005
April 2012 3
Spotlight on… Bennetts Power Service Products Limited
Authorized Master Warehouse Distributor for Power Service Diesel Additives
Serving Canada Coast to Coast with Nation Wide Distribution By Marek Krasuski
rom its beginning back in 1956, Power Service Products, under the stewardship of company founder, Al Kramer, distinguished itself as a premier supplier of diesel fuel additives. With the help of his son, Ed Kramer, Al harnessed his abilities as a chemist for a major oil company to produce a diesel fuel supplement. When measured against competing products, the results were undeniable: Power Service dispersed water faster and more completely than the leading brands of the day. A focus on research and development, coupled with sound business principles, set the foundation upon which Power Service Products built a strong distributor network and a reputation for superior quality additives, a legacy that continues to this day. As a long time user of Power Service Products, Gerry Bennett had a firsthand understanding of their features and benefits. “I used their products all the time and never had any trouble. They delivered on the benefits they promised and outperformed competing brands,” he recalls. Impressed with product performance, Gerry began selling the company’s product line in 1994, initially on a part time basis until 1997 when, fully apprised of their exceptional attributes, he recognized the need to serve the Canadian marketplace. “I built a strong customer base as an exclusive supplier of the Power Service line of quality products. Since 1997 I have undergone tremendous growth, turning over more than 14,000 square feet of products annually,” he says. Today, the Winnipeg-
4 April 2012
based Bennett’s Power Service Products Limited stands as this country’s largest Master Warehouse Distributor. Strategically located for redistribution to all of Canada, Bennetts provides fuel additives to resellers, parts stores, filtration outlets, OEMs and dealerships in every province and territory across the country – a clear testament to the products’ popularity. Bennetts features four key Power Service products: Diesel Fuel Supplement + Cetane Boost, Diesel 911 for Winter Emergencies, Diesel Kleen + Cetane Boost, and Clear Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner. Each product consists of properties that address operational challenges, particularly in Canada’s diverse climate conditions. Diesel Fuel Supplement + Cetane Boost is crucial for optimizing engine performance in both winter and year round conditions. Proper ignition during the combustion cycle is essential for maximum operation, engine durability and fuel economy. Cetane number indicates the measure of diesel fuel ignition qual-
ity. Power Service Products’ Diesel Fuel Supplement boosts cetane up to four numbers for faster cold starts and smooth engine operation, as well decreases fuel consumption. It also keeps fuel injectors clean and protects against fuel filter icing. Diesel Fuel Supplement is also Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD) compliant and provides another crucial function – maximizing lubricity. USLD contains significantly less lubricity than previous fuels. This key ingredient lubricates injector parts and other components in the engine fuel system subjected to high pressures. By comparison, ULSD has a lubricity factor of 15 parts per million compared to older fuels with 445 parts per million. Diesel Fuel Supplement, therefore, compensates for the low lubricity in ULSD fuels. Other benefits include the prevention of fuel gelling in temperatures as low as -40 degrees F., and the provision of a lower Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP). The CFPP measures the fuel’s ability to run in the cold; a low CFPP provides better operability in frigid temperatures. Standing alongside the Diesel F u e l S u p ple-
ment +Cetane Boost, is Diesel 911, a product particularly useful in addressing the demands imposed by Canada’s cold-weather conditions, and appropriately named for its ability to overcome related emergencies. Diesel 911 de-ices frozen fuel filters as well as prevents fuel filter icing. Another crucial function is Diesel 911’s capacity to deal with gelling. When engines start in cold weather some of the fuel that goes into the engine returns at warmer temperatures to the tank, thus causing condensation. Water droplets accumulate at the filter which reduces fuel flow, causing gelling, diminished pressure and ultimately engine loss. Diesel 911 will re-liquify gelled fuel in minutes, thereby preventing delivery delays and eliminating the need for a tow truck. Like the Diesel Fuel Supplement, Diesel 911 provides for maximum fuel lubrication and protects fuel injectors and pumps against ULSD wear. Accompanying the a f o r e mentioned products is
Diesel Kleen Performance Improver, Bennett’s flagship product with Cetane boosts of up to six numbers. Performing beyond industry standards, Diesel Kleen cleans dirty injectors, reduces emissions, allows for faster cold starts and, like its sister products, contains slick diesel for maximum fuel lubrication. It also protects against sludge formation in fuel filters and injectors by preventing thermal breakdown of diesel fuel. Indeed, this concentrated performance improver generates up to eight percent in fuel savings, far exceeding the product’s cost. This is due, in part, to properties that reduce piston and combustion chamber deposits, prevent fuel filter blockage and the corrosion of fuel system components. The newest addition to the Power Service product line is the Clear – Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner, the final additive in a series of tools that cleans injectors and filters, prevents corrosion, maximizes lubricity, eliminates gelling, and extends overall engine life. Clear – Diesel is an advanced fuel tank cleaning technology that has
been proven in hundreds of fleet, marine, construction and agricultural applications. Chief among its benefits is the dispersion of diesel fuel contaminants and the removal of water from fuel. Clear
Diesel also prevents premature fuel-filter plugging, and the addition of +PetroFresh extends long term storage stability by keeping fuel fresh. All Power Service Products are tested extensively on various engines and because they are hydro carbon based, they will not harm engine parts or any running components. They are also user friendly. With more than 20 years experience as both consumer and distributor, Gerry Bennett ensures that all customers receive an environmentally-friendly quality product with prompt and efficient service. “All our additives are easy to use, have clear and simple mix instructions, and are available in multiple sizes to accommodate individual need. Once purchasers use our products, they no longer question their efficacy. Our customers, in fact, are our greatest promoters,” he claims. Backed by Power Service Products’ reputation as a leader in diesel fuel additive technology, a demonstrable record of customer service, and a successful history of on-time delivery across the nation, Master Warehouse Distributor, Gerry Bennett, looks forward to a future defined by continued success in providing the Canadian market with high-performance diesel additives. Contact Bennetts Power Service Products at: www.bennettspowerserviceproducts. ca, by email,gbennett@ powerservice.ca, or by p h o n e, 8 7 7 . 7 7 8 . 4 4 4 0 , 204.694.1777, fax, 204.633.0133. Bennetts Power Service Products mailing address is: PO Box 51016, RPO Tyndall Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2X 3C6.
April 2012 5
Eastern View:
Moncton’s New Transportation Discovery Centre By George Fullerton
ruck transport will be a cornerstone in the new Transportation Discovery Centre being built at the Moncton Museum. The first contract for construction of the addition to the current museum was awarded late in February 2012 and shovels will hit the ground in March. Jean Marc Picard, executive director of the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association, said the trucking industry has become actively involved in development of the Discovery Centre over the past few years. In addition to recognizing the region’s rich truck transport history and Moncton’s position as a commercial transportation hub, the Centre will also represent air, rail and
marine transport. The initiative to create the Transportation Discovery Centre began with a proposal from a group of Moncton area CN Railway retirees in the 1990’s. The regional truck transport industry has undertaken fundraising efforts which have generated a significant cash contribution to the $9 million project. Other transportation sectors, along with municipalities and the Federal Government, have also committed funds. In a 2011 statement, James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, commented, “Our Government received a strong mandate from Canadians to invest in important cultural projects that will boost tourism in our commun-
ities. By supporting these projects our Government is delivering on its commitment to strengthen our economy and support our arts, culture, and heritage.” The Discovery Centre will feature new exhibition galleries, an interactive exhibit on all modes of transportation, an education centre, gift shop, cafe, and an interior public plaza designed to preserve the 1916 sandstone facade of the former City Hall. The Transportation Discovery Centre will more than double the existing footprint of the current Museum to 31,000 square feet. Through the construction phase, expected to be twelve months, the Museum will be closed and some of the current
exhibits, as well as select educational activities, will shift to various venues around the city. Picard said that the trucking industry has been invited to take a lead in selecting exhibits and interactive learning tools for the Centre, and will work with museum curators to create a world class display that will reflect the past, present, and future of the truck transport industry. The Centre will heighten public exposure for the trucking industry, providing visitors an insight into contributions the industry makes to the socioeconomic well being of Canada, as well as the industry’s efforts to maintain a high degree of highway safety and to promote environmental sustainability.
Picard added that the Transportation Centre will also expose young people to the industry and raise their awareness of career opportunities in the field. This new development will stimulate the local economy and allow the Moncton Museum to offer visitors access to top quality arts and heritage attractions, including an
interactive educational experience focusing on the transportation industry. Picard said “We are very pleased that we could contribute to this project. The transportation industry is a big part of Atlantic Canada. This centre will certainly be a great addition to the museum, a great place to visit and learn about our industry.”
egies. The response can be directed to the truck or service department of the carrier. The system also has the capacity to notify nearest service center closest to the vehicle, and can even pre-order parts to be on hand when the truck arrives at the service centre. Virtual diagnostics have the potential to facilitate significant savings for operators. Dan Mills of Post Secondary Education, Training and Labour, New Brunswick, along with a rep from Nova Scotia Community College, will discuss recruitment and apprenticeship training programs for mechanics and technicians. Alisha Milner, VP of Global Natural Gas Vehicle Association, will provide an update on the development of natural gas fuels in the trucking industries. Milner leads the Canadian Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance and in her term has built membership and increased activity in export markets. In 2010 Milner
engaged a broad stakeholder group, including Natural Resources Canada and provincial governments, to develop ” Natural Gas Use in the Canadian Transportation SectorDeployment Roadmap”. The introduction of a new product room will be an opportunity for business to promote new technologies, services and supplies for the trucking industry. New product purveyors can use the three day conference to promote their products directly to industry personnel with decision making capacity. In addition to a static displays new product room, the new technologies and products can be presented to conference participants at a round table session on Tuesday morning. The conference also features entertainment with comedian, Francois Weber, following dinner on Monday. Daytime TV personality and green grocer, Pete Lucket, will entertain at the Tuesday luncheon.
Transport Technical Conference By George Fullerton
he 2012 Transport Technical Conference with a diverse line up of expert speakers promises to be a valuable opportunity to gather upto-date information about repair and maintenance of road transport equipment, safety, education and compliance issues regarding trucking equipment. Hosted by the Associated Trades Committee of the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association, the conference will take place April 29 through May 1, at Casino New Brunswick in Moncton. The Transport Technologies Conference is presented every two years, alternating with the Moncton Truck Show. While the truck show is more generic in nature, attracting upwards of 12,000 visitors through the doors over the two-day event, the technology conference is focused specifically on equipment technologies and, as such, attracts a very specific audience, including trucking fleet man6 April 2012
agers, repair and maintenance foremen and truck and trailer mechanics. The technical conference is open to APTA members as well as non-members. Kevin Swan, chair of the Associated Trades Committee, explained that conference planning got underway after the committee was elected at the APTA annual meeting in St. Johns NL. He said the Conference is an excellent opportunity for repair and maintenance staff to get information about new technologies and safety that can be immediately and directly transferred to employees on the shop floor. Guillermo Castillo, Cummins Inc, will deliver a presentation with a focus on hands safety, specifically looking at gloves to protect against chemical absorption. Cummins Inc has adopted a comprehensive chemical management control program focused on safer chemicals and sustainable materials aimed at better protecting
people and the environment. Their chemical management tool provides the means for prompt identification of chemicals and safe use, and is a key component in the enforcement of prohibited chemicals John Lunney, manager of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement with Public Safety New Brunswick, will speak to roadside compliance ratings. John’s employment credentials include numerous positions with Public Safety (CVSA) as well as serving as coordinator at the national level. He will call attention to the most common equipment failings identified by their data collected from CV inspections, which have tended to earn drivers and carriers demerit points that impact safety compliance ratings. “I hope my presentation will raise technicians’ awareness of the more common safety issues that result in warnings or out of service orders to the equipment they are working on,” he said, noting that service
and maintenance staff have a key part to play in ensuring highway safety and the success of the businesses they work for. Earning demerit points not only has direct impact on drivers and carriers through loss of productivity and the possibility of direct fines, but also results in a lower compliance rating on the national rating system. That lower compliance rating can come to the attention of insurers, and increasingly, customers who use the national compliance rating as a tool to evaluate the quality of the carriers they are doing business with. Demerit points can have far reaching consequences beyond a warning citation or an out-of-service order at a safety check. Both Detroit Diesel and Volvo will deliver presentations on their virtual diagnostics technologies by which engine alerts are electronically transmitted to a response centre that analyses the report and recommends repair strat-
PACT-Ottawa (Persons Against the Crime of Trafficking in Humans)
PACT-Ottawa Calls on Members of the Trucking Industry to Put the Brakes on Human Trafficking By Kim Howson, PACT-Ottawa
ACT-Ottawa (Persons Against the Crime of Trafficking in Humans) is calling on members of the trucking industry to help end human trafficking. PACTOttawa will be launching a TruckSTOP Campaign this spring. The TruckSTOP Campaign is a human trafficking awareness initiative that will provide truck drivers with information on signs they can look for to identify situations of human trafficking. We are asking them to call Crime Stoppers to report these suspected cases of human trafficking. You will start to see TruckSTOP materials at truck stops in late April. Audio CDs, wallet cards and posters will be available at truck stops between Ottawa and Windsor, as well as Fort Erie. All materials will be available free of charge. The audio CD includes a documentary on human trafficking called Watch for the Signs as well as an audio adaptation of The Walk, a play about trafficked women and girls. Human trafficking is happening in Canada. Men, women and children are being bought, sold, and transported here. It’s difficult to determine the number of victims, but Canadian citizens, permanent
residents, new immigrants and refugees are being exploited each year. Transportation is a key element of human trafficking. Traffickers move their victims frequently to isolate them and to avoid detection. They travel the same roads and highways that you do. PACT-Ottawa believes that truck drivers are in a position to help stop human trafficking and we’re giving them the tools to join the fight. The signs truck drivers can look for include individuals who: Look like they are constantly under surveillance Fear for their safety Are suffering from exhaustion or malnutrition Appear confused and unfamiliar with where they are working Exhibit visible signs of abuse, such as cigarette burns or cuts PACT-Ottawa is asking truck drivers that witness several of these signs and suspect human trafficking to call in a tip to local law enforcement or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222TIPS. The TruckSTOP Campaign was inspired by the success of a similar campaign in the United States run by Truckers Against Trafficking. A truck driver noticed suspicious activity
at a truck stop and called 911. His tip led to the rescue of 2 underage girls who had been kidnapped and forced into the sex trade, as well as 7 other individuals. Thirty one traffickers were arrested and convicted, and a trafficking ring that had operated across 13 states was shut down. One tip made a huge impact in combating human trafficking. PACT-Ottawa is an organization whose mission is to prevent the trafficking of persons and increase the protection of trafficking
victims. For more information on PACT-Ottawa or
the TruckSTOP campaign, visit www.pact-ottawa.org,
or e-mail truckstop@pactottawa.org.
Christina Harrison-Baird is the Chair of Persons Against the Crime of Trafficking in Humans (PACT-Ottawa) April 2012 7
Theme: Lubricants & Fuel Additives
Chemical Industry Endorses Use of Some Diesel Fuel Additives Seek advice from informed dealers about specific treatment application
By Marek Krasuski
emand for lubricants is projected to rise at an annual rate of 2.6 percent annually through to the year 2015. Though the manufacturing sector will outpace the motor vehicle aftermarket, the need for trucks running at optimal efficiency means that commercial transportation will capture a healthy share of the market. There is an amalgam of moving parts in trucks, and studies have shown that common industry pitfalls include the premature breakdown of bearings due to improper lubrication practices. Too much, too little, the wrong type, and the potential for machinery and vehicle failure rises dramatically. The premature wear of surface bodies that deteriorate prematurely from improper lubricant use is estimated to cost approximately 1 to 2 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the United States. In recent years there has been a push toward automated lubrication systems (ALS). Though existent for decades, the industry has been reluctant to embrace this technology. Common complaints include flaws in the distribution and provision of updated services. Maintenance personnel, moreover, are preoccupied with other priorities and remain unconvinced that automated systems are superior methods over conventional manual
8 April 2012
practices. There is also comfort in the familiar and adopting new practices is rarely the preferred choice. ALS proponents, however, encourage a costbenefit analysis of the two approaches. Manual lubrication, they say, requires extended downtime periods and presents increased risk to technicians who have to climb on, in, and around trucks and machinery to effectively service all lubrication points – a comparatively inefficient, risky and costly method. These systems are also criticized for targeting only one spot on a bearing. The expectation is that once it begins to move, the grease will spread over the entire surface. It’s an assumption undermined by recent studies showing that improper lubrication methods account for 53 percent of all bearing failures. In contrast, automated lubrication systems apply lubricants in small and measured amounts over short but frequent time intervals. They also ensure that this method of application guarantees all critical components are lubricated regardless of location and accessibility. Frequent lubrication disbursements also translate into extended life terms of components. Carefully measured amounts that target bearings means that waste is eliminated, less energy is expended due to less friction on joints, and overall productivity is enhanced. Common to most automated lubrication systems are five major components. These include a controller or timer powered by 12 or 24 volts that
activates the system, a pump and reservoir that dispenses lubricant into the system, supply lines that connect the pump to metering valves or injectors, metering vales that measure and dispense lubricant to application points, and feed lines that carry lubricant from the metering valves to the application points. Two types of ALS dominate the industry; progressive and parallel. The former consists of a pump which applies lubricant to each point through metering vales and feed lines. If any line or bearing is not receiving grease the system shuts down and signals the operator to take corrective action before damage results. The latter provides lubricant through a single supply line to multiple branches of injectors, each of which operate independently and can be individually adjusted to dispense varying amounts of lubrication to different application points. Aside from the stated b e n e f i t s o f A L S ov e r manual practices, what properties are common to all good lubricants that serve the intended purpose of reducing friction, or lubricity? Sources indicate that quality lubricants possess a high boiling point, low freezing point, high viscosity, thermal stability, corrosion prevention, and a high resistance to oxidation. Accompanying lubricants in maximizing the smooth operation of vehicles are fuel additives. There are a variety of suppliers of additives or fuel conditioners, some of whom make outrageous claims of huge savings on fuel consumption. These
are the ones, says Claude Drouin, franchise owner of ProLab, an industrial lubricants supplier, that have tarnished the industry’s reputation with the dubious moniker, ‘snake oil salesmen.’ “Many representatives make promises which they cannot deliver. Once the consumer has a bad experience with a poorly performing product they become more resistant to trying the good products that do, in fact, accomplish what they say they do.” Fuel additives for cold weather temperatures should provide specific functions that maximize engine operability. First among them is the ability to remove water. When engines start in cold weather, some of the fuel that goes into the engine returns at warmer temperatures to the tank, thus causing condensation. Water droplets accumulate at the filter which reduces fuel flow, resulting in gelling, reduced pressure and ultimately engine loss. Another feature of quality fuel conditioners, says
Claude Drouin, is the ability to clean fuel. “Petroleum comes from the ground and so is filled with impurities. Though it is treated, cleaned and refined, it can only be processed to a certain extent. The fuel we see in the tank may seem to be clean to the naked eye, but it is anything but clean,” he says. Engine filters then take over to collect the remaining particles before fuel enters the engine. Consequently, filters accumulate dirt and a layer of varnish builds on the inside walls of the fuel system, thus enhancing the overall contamination process and reducing performance of the fuel injection system. Drouin says that malfunctioning injectors compromise their ability to atomize fuel which results in a four to six percent fuel-burn loss. A high grade fuel conditioner will clean injectors, resume optimal atomization and regain a 100 percent fuel burn ratio. A third and equally important function of fuel additives comes in the wake of Ultra Low Sulfur
Diesel (ULSD) introduced into the market several years ago. USLD contains significantly less lubricity, a key ingredient that lubricates injector parts and other components in the engine fuel system subjected to high pressures. By comparison, ULSD has a lubricity factor of 15 parts per million compared to older fuels with 445 parts per million. Good fuel conditioners will compensate for the low lubricity in ULSD fuels. Despite complaints of inferior brands that deceive customers with unfounded claims, the chemical industry endorses the use of diesel fuel additives. The American National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) advises that consumers look for five properties that set the standard for premium diesel fuel additives. They are energy content, cetane number, cold temperature operability, thermal stability, and fuel injector cleanliness. The advice of many in the industry is to consult with informed dealers about specific treatment applications.
April 2012 9
Making Your Miles Count
Choosing a Trucking Company: Paid Miles
By Robert Scheper
n order to compare different company contracts, operators must compare sheep to sheep. The problem is some companies dress wolves in sheepskins. Accurate comparisons can be achieved if the details can be set side by side. Unfortunately, the industry does not have a very predictable standard when it comes to paid miles. It’s rare, but some companies actually pay by odometer readings. These industry anomalies are usually peculiar to niche markets. They should not be considered “standard” or even as a proposed standard. There are just too many drivers in the industry who would take advantage of odometer pay. For example, it would be much easier and profitable for the driver to route themselves around a city than through it, though the
added expense to the company would soon strangle profit margins. There must be a reasonable tradeoff or give-and-take between the driver/operator and the company. Fifteen years ago 8-12% of companies paid based on the shortest route; today only about 4-6% do so. It’s a nice drop and helpful in many situations, but doesn’t address any “practical routing shenanigans”. For the sake of this shenanigan’s article we’ll assume everyone abides by the ‘practical’ principle. The software used to calculate paid miles has many more settings than just practical and shortest. I don’t wish to present an exhaustive list of options in this article, but I would like to state a couple of the obvious ones. Outskirts to outskirts When a destination city is chosen, the software can place the destination at the outskirts of the city you are entering. Then when it’s time to change to an origin (leaving), the software again begins at the outskirts (even if it starts at the opposite end). In a large city the difference between destination and
Online Redesign
r l i n g t o n , VA – The American Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Research Institute today launched its newly redesigned website at www. atri-online.org. The new website features easier access for information on all of ATRI’s critical industry studies in nine focus areas: Commercial Drivers; Congestion and Mobility; Economic Analysis; Environment; Safety; Security; Technology; Transportation Infrastructure; and, Trucking Industry Operations. Visitors to ATRI’s new site also have the ability to suggest research topics 10 April 2012
to ATRI, get involved in specific ATRI studies and support ATRI through charitable contributions. The ATRI Board of Directors and Research Advisory Committee members are also available on the new website. As always, ATRI’s research results are available free of charge on the website to interested stakeholders. ATRI is the trucking industry’s 501(c)(3) not-forprofit research organization. It is engaged in critical research relating to freight transportation’s essential role in maintaining a safe, secure and efficient transportation system.
origin can be 20-30+ miles. Manual routing When a route is chosen from point A to point B (practical) the route can be altered if the dispatcher (or whomever) places a city/ town along the shortest route path. This effectively changes a practical setting to a shortest route setting (or at least something closer). City center to City center Some companies choose a city center to city center setting. This can be a fair system since occasionally an operator’s destination is on the outskirts going in and leaves the way they came (gleaning the extra miles from outskirts to center and back to outskirts). However, at times it can also work against an operator with the destination on the far city perimeter while a pickup is located on another end of the city, thus forcing
the driver to head back through the city again. It becomes a tradeoff that can be very comfortable, or aggravating, depending on dispatch and luck. industry standard postal/zip code to postal/zip code What is the most accurate setting and should prove to have the least potential conflict is postal code to postal code. Unfortunately, too many companies don’t use this standard (unless maybe they’re billing/quoting, but usually not even then). It’s the most accurate and fair system to use. If every trucking company charged customers using the same measurements (postal code to postal code) and then passed down those identical measurements to their driver/operators, apples would be apples and sheep would be sheep. There would be no place for
wolves to hide. Unfortunately, if a wolf can shave five percent off their running costs by using a different calculation method, a wolf can afford to stay in business when they probably shouldn’t. This method of cost cutting is deceptive at its very core. It is this very practice of lying to drivers that must stop. The professional and efficient companies would love to standardize their revenue and costs. Why should a good company have higher costs than a poorly run wolf? Standardizing pay structure is the truest method of leveling the playing field (as opposed to speed limiters). The real question is… who should be responsible for standardizing it? I’m not a believer in being dependant on the government or even the industry associations (who couldn’t enforce it any-
way). Drivers must be educated to make their own best choices. If every driver/operator understood the facts, individual and collective choices would create pressure on the wolves to stop lying. The future of the industry is in the hands of you and your five friends. Education may at times be slow, but supply and demand is the most efficient method of protecting every free market industry. Robert D Scheper operates an accounting and consulting firm in Steinbach, Manitoba. He has a Masters Degree in Business Administration and is the author of the Book “Making Your Miles Count: taxes, taxes, taxes” (now available on CD). You can find him at www.thrconsulting.ca and thrconsulting.blogspot.com or at 877.987.9787. You can email him at robert@thrconsulting.ca.
New Kenworth T680 Sets High Standard for Excellence with Superior Fuel Efficiency, Performance & Comfort
ouisville, Ky. – Kenworth Truck Company set a high standard for excellence with the introduction of the Kenworth T680™, which offers superior fuel efficiency, performance and comfort. The announcement came at the 2012 Mid-America Trucking Show in Louisville. “It’s a great honor to proudly introduce the Kenworth T680, which establishes a new standard of excellence in the industry with exceptional styling, superior fuel efficiency, outstanding performance and extraordinary comfort,” said Gary Moore, Kenworth general manager and PACCAR vice president. “Our goal for the T680 is to be best-in-class in key areas, including aerodynamics, quietness, comfort, reliability, durability, and serviceability. The Kenworth T680 is the new leader of The World’s Best® product line.” Kenworth has designed an outstanding truck that takes the company’s long tradition of superior aerodynamics to a new level of achievement. “Simply put, the Kenworth T680 is Kenworth’s most aerodynamic truck … ever,” said Preston Feight, Kenworth chief engineer. “The T680 is designed to smoothly slice through the air, setting an industry standard for aerodynamics and fuel efficiency.” The T680’s extremely stylish and aerodynamic body shape also benefits from sculpted fullheight roof, optimized bumper and hood, fullheight side extenders, cab/sleeper-to-fairings closeout panels, chassis fairings extenders, and flush-mounted lighting. It all adds up to a significant 10 percent enhance-
ment in aerodynamics. The T680 was engineered with 65 percent more storage capacity, a 50 percent larger windshield, 40 percent less interior noise, 30 percent larger door openings, and best-in-class forward lighting. The Kenworth T680 is also designed to maximize performance in line haul, pickup and delivery, and regional hauling operations. Available with a new 76-inch sleeper or as a day cab, the T680 is standard with the fuel-efficient, 12.9-liter PACCAR MX engine and optional with the Cummins ISX15 engine. Kenworth’s newly designed T680 cab is a spacious 83 inches wide with a comfortable 23 inches of room between the seats for excellent sleeper ingress and egress. The T680 offers the premium Diamond VIT and Vantage trim levels and two interior color options of Sandstone Tan and Slate Gray. Here are key Kenworth T680 features: Stamped Aluminum Cab: The lightweight and corrosion-resistant cab uses stamped aluminum panels joined with selfpenetrating Henrob™ fasteners which help ensure excellent fit and finish while providing an extremely durable structure more resistant to water, noise and vibration. Acoustic treatments in the floor and firewall help block out airborne noise. Sleeper: The T680 features a new 76-inch sleeper integrated with the cab. The sculpted, full-height sleeper roof is a visually captivating styling feature that blends cab and sleeper shapes into one smooth aerodynamic arc. The roomy sleeper is 96 inches wide with a high
ceiling, 60 cubic feet of storage, and a full-height wardrobe cabinet. A new Kenworth innovation is the rotating table, which is robust enough for daily use and will last the entire life of the truck. Use it for meals, working on laptops, or reading. The sleeper offers a mount for a 23-inch flat screen TV, storage tray for DVD player or video game system, hook up for a microwave, and factory-installed inverter with optional shore power. Panoramic Windshield: The T680 is standard with a new panoramic one-piece, bonded-in windshield with a superior visibility. The windshield is 50 percent larger, has increased thickness to minimize the effects of rock incidents, offers efficient replacement time, and provides enhanced aerodynamics. Robust Door: The stamped aluminum door is lightweight and stiff, resulting in an extremely durable design. Computational fluid dynamics was used to design for smooth airflow around the cab and minimize noise-inducing turbulence. A pressure relief valve equalizes interior and exterior air pressure to make the door easy to open and close. The door is triple sealed against the elements and road noise. Hood and Bumper: The 3-piece aerodynamic hood is made of sheet molding compound (SMC). SMC is a lightweight, durable composite material with excellent finished surface, which is not only robust but also enables high paint quality. With the advanced hood assist system, lifting the hood requires just 35 lbs. of opening force. The stylish, signature Kenworth
grille is manufactured from corrosion-resistant aluminum wire mesh for superior protection of cooling system components. The two-piece aerodynamic bumper and chassis fairings are made from Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO), which enhances impact resistance and looks good with various paint colors. TPO is a durable material that does not react to sunlight. This allows for an in-mold-color option that reduces service costs for customers. Lighting: The T680 is standard with dual lamp Halogen headlights and optional with High Intensity Discharge Xenon lights. Seamless, integrated jeweled headlamps improve aerodynamics. All standard exterior lights utilize LED technology that provide a 20,000hour life, which equates to about 15 years of truck life. LED lights are also used extensively in the cab and sleeper. Driver Performance Center: The all-new Driver Performance Center (DPC) has a full-color, high-resolution, 5-inch Thin Film Transistor (TFT) display screen, which includes current truck information, diagnostic data, and popup alerts. Additionally, the DPC will display situational-specific recommenda-
tions to the driver which help improve vehicle performance. HVAC System: With industry-leading Automatic Temperature Control, simply set the desired temperature and the system maintains it. A one-touch feature provides maximum defrost. These new features help keep drivers comfortable and maintain their focus on driving. Seats: The Kenworth proprietary seats offer an advanced air suspension system that automatically adjusts to various driver weights. An adjustable shock provides a full range of seat comfort for driver-specific preferences. An optional passenger 180-degree swivel seat allows the occupant to face into the sleeper. This option, combined with the rotating table, create an industry-leading work and living environment. Kenworth Dash: The new dash cluster has an easy-to-read layout with nine standard gauges and 12 additional gauges available. New switches utilize the toggling feature that drivers prefer, while maintaining rocker switch functionality. The Kenworth dash includes Kenworth NavPlus® – with hands-free cell phone capability via Bluetooth
connections and voice commands. NavPlus is standard with premium interior trim. Kenworth Truck Company is the manufacturer of The World’s Best® heavy and medium duty trucks. Kenworth is an industry leader in providing fuel-saving technology solutions that help increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. The company’s dedication to the green fleet includes aerodynamic trucks, compressed and liquefied natural gas trucks, and medium duty dieselelectric hybrids. Kenworth is the only truck manufacturer to receive the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Excellence award in recognition of its environmentally friendly products. In addition, the fuel-efficient Kenworth T700 equipped with the low-emission PACCAR MX engine was named the 2011 Heavy Duty Commercial Truck of the Year by the American Truck Dealers. Kenworth was the recipient of the 2011 J.D. Power and Associates award for Highest in Customer Satisfaction for Heavy Duty Truck Dealer Service. Kenworth’s Internet home page is at www.kenworth. com. Kenworth. A PACCAR Company.
April 2012 11
Health Insurance Matters
Are you Exposed? Videos Help Make Informed Decisions
By Lina Demedeiros
re you exposed? The majority of both transport companies and owner operators are exposed to multiple risks. Many of these rise from misinformation and failure to address clients’ needs. These oversights can lead to extraordinary expenses that could have been avoided had people exercised due diligence and sought professional and unbiased advice. The primary goal for companies is to minimize their operational costs
12 April 2012
and increase profitability. Often the expectation is that suppliers, including those who offer insurance packages, will provide the necessary tools to help them reach their objectives. The rising costs associated with operational compliance threaten profit margins, prompting fleets and owner operators alike to contain costs and, in some cases, sever some of the most critical benefits which can later create extraordinary expenses. To draw attention to the importance of making informed choices on appropriate health insurance coverage, a series of videos is being created. It is available online at www.youtube.com/user/ LMD4Di. The interviews include Kevin Snobel, Safety and Compliance Consultant, Peter Carter, Editor for Today’s Trucking magazine, and myself.
The videos feature compelling discussions with industry experts and address pivotal issues regarding compliance and health benefits. They also call attention to the need of dealing with Certified Health Specialists, informed professionals who help accurately gauge and minimize risk exposure, and deliver unbiased advice free of charge. They also demonstrate methods by which quality advisors lay out the terms of contracts and provide summaries in understandable terms. These contracts, often exhaustive policies 92 pages in length, illustrate in detail product benefits, but do require the assistance of advisers capable of disseminating the information. We will be adding more video’s relating to the core issues within the transportation industry. Viewers will benefit from
an increased awareness which we hope will lead to informed decisions that increase profitability and reduce operational costs. There are several videos currently available. The first three, under the general heading, “Increasing Profits,” draw attention to the ramifications of “Contracting Bill 119” as well as a discussion on investing in safety and people. Another, entitled “People vs. Machines,” explores the value of human capital in comparison to a greater reliance on machines. The final installment thus far, “When It’s Too Late,” assesses the multiple risks rising from an incomplete understanding of various coverage plans. The transportation industry has changed dramatically over the years with much of the responsibility for the individual owner operator shifting to the transport company.
These videos help to navigate among the various pitfalls and the opportunities available when the right decisions are made. The foundation of our success is our valued customers, like - minded professionals who understand the benefit of retaining quality companies and quality people.
I encourage you to give us your feedback. We are available at facebook. com/LMD4DI Twitter at lmd4di, LinkedIn or our website at www.lmdfinancial.com. Please feel free to address any topic you would like us to address on line. We are limited to an overall maximum of 2.5 minutes.
April 2012 13
Keeping Your Vehicles Clean
Do you present a clean, green image to your clients?
By Jack Jackson
oday, many companies struggle with the best method to keep their fleets clean. Economics is always the first test of this struggle. The majority of major corporations and governments that consistently budget for keeping their image clean usually lead their industries. The size and scope of these companies enables them to apply the most efficient and cutting-edge technology to keep their fleets in the best shape and demonstrate that they meet today’s stringent ecological requirements. I was in Alberta recently with our early spring weather, driving the Queen Elizabeth II Highway between Calgary and Edmonton, roundtrip in two days. If you ever want to see what difference image can make, just drive around these cities or up and down the highway at this time of year. Wow, is it clean! If you ever wonder if your image sticks out when you are clean, there is no more evidence than on this route at this time of year. Unclean vehicles are caked with dirt obscure graphics including company name and colour. Clean vehicles, in contrast, really catch your eye. Imagine what your customers think! Later the same week I was driving the 401 from Toronto to Montreal and the same evidence was presented. A clean vehicle and truck stands out so much more as a company you want to do business with. With today’s available technology, many oper14 April 2012
ators are choosing to have control of their image with an ecological theme highlighted by modern truck green movements. Why not couple this with a green, clean graphic of your logo or product mural on the side of your truck? Do you believe people want to do business with companies that work on that clean, green image? Most do, yet we don’t take the time to consider the advantage you can have over your competition. Consider adding to your profile a green, clean image when presenting your company to potential cli-
ents. Include in your portfolio information on your efforts to become green, including the washing of your vehicles to maintain the best image, an especially important practice when arriving at your customers’ doors with deliveries. In your efforts to become green certified, make sure you use the correct chemicals with the most efficient usage of water. Green certification becomes a marketing advantage that you can present to your client something your competition may not even consider offering.
Most large corporations and government facilities wash their own vehicles, refusing to leave their image to some third party that may show up on weekends to pressure wash only the sides of their trucks since the back door is usually parked against a fence or building and, therefore, ignored. Too often cleaning chemicals are used without regard to their final des-
tination. Do they end up in sewers, or in the ground, or in your parking lot? Consider also whether your competition offers a green package to their customers, including washing procedures that can put them ahead of your company. It’s time to think of ways to be better, and washing your own vehicles with the proper methods will put you in the same league
as those industry leaders, many of whom through their own best cleaning efforts, have removed themselves from the commercial cleaning industry. Jack Jackson is President of Awash Systems Corp. Email: jjackson@awashystems.com or call 1 800 265 7405. Visit our website www.awashsystems. com. North America’s leader in Fleet Washing Solutions!
Kinedyne Expands Management Team
ranchburg, NJ – Kinedyne Corporation (“Kinedyne”), in a strategic move to expand its growing market presence in the Original Equipment Manufacturer (“OEM”) sector, and to gain greater presence in international markets, is pleased to announce three dynamic additions to its team. Ralph Abato, an esteemed industry veteran, has accepted the newly created position of VP of Strategic Initiatives for Kinedyne. In his new role, Ralph will leverage his twenty-eight years as a respected professional in the cargo securement industry, concentrating his talents and efforts on evaluating, developing and nurturing new innovative product and market opportunities. “We see tremendous
opportunities both domestically and abroad for Ralph to reinforce and expand best practices in the field of cargo securement and to lead our efforts with new products and markets beyond the scope of our traditional business” said James Klausmann II, Executive Vice President of Kinedyne. As a current Board Member of the Web Sling & Tie Down Association (“WSTDA”), Ralph will join Steve Atzeni, Kinedyne’s Vice President of North American Operations, as a second representative from Kinedyne to the WSTDA. A d d i t i o n a l l y, P a u l Wolford has joined Kinedyne as Director of Engineered Solutions with responsibilities in the US and Canadian marketplace. Paul is returning to Kinedyne where he spent over
18 years from 1981 to 2000 and played a pivotal role in the Company’s growth and success during that time. Paul will be responsible for OEM accounts and champion efforts in the growing market segment of Kaptive Beam® systems. Paul will contribute to the development of Kinedyne’s technical and engineered product solutions and, as such, will work closely with the Company’s Engineering department and customer base promoting a solutionbased sales methodology. Scott Frazier, Kinedyne’s recently appointed OEM Account Manager, will report to Paul and continue to work closely with the trailer builders and Kinedyne’s Sales Engineer, Todd Jenkins, in this very important market segment. “We are excited to have this talent rejoin our
team,” Klausmann said. “We are investing in new Kaptive Beam systems and the manufacturing processes to support them. Paul is the key person to take these products to market.” Mark Arnold, a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Project Manager formerly with Con-way Freight and Fed Ex Freight, is also joining the Kinedyne team. Mark brings 15 years of transportation experience to Kinedyne. In his new position he will be working very closely with management across the organization to improve operational efficiencies through detailed analysis, making productive use of customer feedback, and the creation of various training programs. His background and experience at the fleet level will
also be an asset to the sales team and will enable Kinedyne to enhance their selling approach by better understanding the needs of the fleets using Kinedyne products. “We’re pleased with the addition of these respected professionals,” says Larry Harrison, Kinedyne’s Vice President of Sales & Marketing. Harrison added, “They bring a wealth of experience and knowledge of the trucking industry and load securement requirements to our Company. Real growth opportunities for our business are greatly enhanced with these additions to our staff.” In their new roles, Ralph will report to Jamie Klausmann, Executive Vice President of Kinedyne, Paul will report to Larry Harrison, VP of Sales and Marketing and Mark will
report to Steve Atzeni, VP of North American Operations. Founded in 1968, Kinedyne Corporation is the world leader in manufacturing and distributing cargo control products for the transportation industry. Kinedyne products service users that include OEM’s, fleet operators and independent owner/operators. The company serves several markets including Heavy Duty Trucking, Government and Military, Farm and Agricultural, Moving and Storage, Automotive and Recreational Vehicles. Kinedyne is a New Jersey-based entity that has a worldwide operations group that includes Kinedyne Canada Ltd. (Canada), Nantong Kinedyne Ltd. (China), and Sistemas Kinedyne, S.A. (Mexico).
April 2012 15
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Michelin Renews Support for “Back on the Road” 2012
reenville, S.C. — Michelin Americas Truck Tires (MATT) will continue to support Arrow Truck Sales’ “Back on the Road”TM Program as a 2012 sponsor.The Back On The Road program provides one deserving truck driver with a truck and a job to get him or her back on the road — as well as many more prizes designed to keep the driver on the road. “This program enables a fresh start to a driver’s career in the trucking industry, and Michelin is proud, once again, to play a part in getting someone back on the road in 2012,” said Jaye Young, country marketing manager for MATT. “It is very moving each year to see the hope and financial opportunity that this program offers the winner. With the winning combination of Michelin X One XDA Energy and XZA3+ EVERTREAD tires on the truck, the driver will recognize maximum long haul fuel savings.” As a part of the sponsorship, MATT will donate MICHELIN® tires — including the XZA3 ®+ EVERTREAD™ steer tires and the X One® XDA® Energy drive tires — as well as the winning trucker will be enrolled in the MICHELIN® Advantage Program. Small fleets and owneroperators can have a direct connection with Michelin by signing up at no cost for the MICHELIN Advantage Program at www.michelintruck. com. The program provides the same pricing on both MICHELIN tires and retreads, whether at home or on the road. Program members also have access to MICHELIN® ONCall™ emergency road service with no dispatch fee and to a variety of business tools. “I can’t thank Michelin enough for sponsoring this program,” said David
Acosta, Arrow’s 2011 Back on the Road winner. “I have found the Michelin X One tires to be extremely durable, they wear real well and last a lot longer than other tires. I hope that any hard-working driver who’s looking for a second chance considers applying this year.” Each year, Back On The Road candidates are nominated via a 250-word essay submitted on the Back On The Road web site (www.arrowtruck. com/backontheroad). Nominations include, but are not limited to, truck drivers who have faced loss or unfortunate circumstances beyond their control or drivers who have selflessly advocated for the profession and the trucking industry in general. The winner will be announced at the MidAmerica Trucking Show (MATS) March 22 to 24, 2012, in Louisville, Ky. For more information or to learn more about previous winners visit www. arrowtruck.com/backontheroad. About Arrow Truck Sales Founded in 1950, the company started as a small used-truck lot in Kansas City, Mo. Arrow has since grown and prospered into 17 retail stores located in the U.S. and Canada, carrying a diverse inventory of all makes and models and offering a variety of value-added services. Visit www.arrowtruck.com to learn more about Arrow. Arrow Truck Sales, Inc. is part of the Volvo Group, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses and construction equipment, drive systems for marine and industrial applications, aerospace components and services, and one of the world’s leading producers of heavy-diesel engines (9-16 liter). The Group also provides complete
solutions for financing and service. The Volvo Group, which employs about 96,000 people, has production facilities in 19 countries and sells their products in more than 180 markets. Volvo Group sales for 2009 amounted to approximately 29
BUSD. The Volvo Group is a publicly held company headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange and are traded OTC in the U.S. Dedicated to the improvement of sustain-
able mobility, Michelin designs, manufactures and sells tires for every type of vehicle, including airplanes, automobiles, bicycles, earthmovers, farm equipment, heavyduty trucks and motorcycles. The company also publishes travel guides,
hotel and restaurant guides, maps and road atlases. Headquartered in Greenville, S.C., Michelin North America (www. michelintruck.com) employs more than 22,600 and operates 18 major manufacturing plants in 16 locations.
April 2012 17
Increase ROI on Your Truck Investment with an Automatic Lube System
n a study conducted by a major compone n t m a n u f a c t u r e r, improper lubrication accounts for 53% of all bearing failures, a major cause of equipment downtime and significant unnecessary maintenance costs. The majority of failures are caused by: contamination of bushings by dust, dirt and moist u r e ; inadequate amounts of lubricant applied to bearings; or over-lubrication of key pivot points. Direct costs resulting from inadequate lubrication can include: replacement bearings; labor to repair or replace bearings; downtime and its impact on customer service; or lost on-road time and replacement truck rental costs. Indirect, but very real costs include: wasted lube, environmental issues, safety or housekeeping issues, and higher labour costs related to inefficient manual lubrication practices. A completely reliable automatic lubrication
18 April 2012
system (ALS) from FLO can help. It protects your equipment investment and increases resale value by increasing the life of critical wear points. The system dispenses small measured amounts of lubricant at frequent intervals while your equipment is operating, thus maintaining
t h e correct amount of grease in the bearing at all times and a consistent lubricant seal to prevent dirt and contaminants from migrating into bearings. This is compared to the feast and famine conditions often associated with manual lubrication where lubrication is done “when there’s time”. It will reduce costly unscheduled downtime and labour costs when compared to the traditional method of point-by-point manual lubrication. There are fewer repairs and replacement parts to stock. It protects your equipment investment and increases resale value by increasing the life of critical wear points. Less
unplanned downtime means increased profits and overall productivity. Drivers stay focused on their primary jobs instead of climbing over and under equipment in parking lots to lubricate. Best of all, the FLO System uses your standard NLGI #2 inshop grease, so there is no need to purchase higher-cost grease just for the lube system. FLO systems are installed at your location by trained technicians w i t h fully equipped, industry exclusive Mobile Workshops. A typical, FLO installed System consists of a 12/24 VDC Series 203 pump, SSV positive displacement grease metering valves, fittings, tubing and hose. Pumps include an integrated adjustable timer for trouble-free operation and maximum flexibility. FLO Components Ltd. is a lubrication systems specialist and a leading supplier of “Total Lube Solutions” to major manufacturers and trucking companies in Ontario. Established in 1977, and based in Mississauga,
ON, FLO uses application expertise, qualified installation and service technicians, combined with high-quality products to provide cost effective lubrication Solutions. FLO designs, assembles and installs the highest quality systems for transportation, construction and municipal equipment users using components from industry
leaders such as Lincoln, Fairview, CoreLube, PetroCanada, and other world class manufacturers. FLO Solutions include: Systems Design, Auto Lube Systems, Fluid Dispensing Systems, General Lube Equipment, Specialty Lubricants, Trouble-shooting, In-house & On-site Service, Lubrication Audits, On-Site Installation,
Complete On-Site Personnel Training, Scheduled On-Site Maintenance Programs, and a Factory Authorized Warranty & Service Facility. For Total Lube Solutions, Go With The FLO! Call us: 800.668.5458, email us: sales@flocomponents.com, visit our web site: www.flocomponents. com.
10608 - WHEEL STUD SERVICE KIT The Wheel Stud Service Kit is completely portable and includes a 10 ton hydraulic cylinder to provide fast and effective removal of even the most seized studs. This kit also includes a rigid heat treated steel press frame, 4140 chrome-moly steel components, and a convenient carrying case. • Remove and install 10 studs in only 10-20 minutes! • Maximum safety from accurate installations! • Removal of the hub is no longer required! • Eliminates the risk of damage to hubs, seals, and bearings!
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1 800 661 4661 April 2012 19
The Safety Tip Adviser
Beware of the Sun’s Glare
By Alvis Violo
ith the winter firmly behind us it’s time to refresh our memories on how to drive in sunny conditions. Beyond having to prepare against other distractions on the road, drivers must also be aware of natural distractions such as the sun. Driving in the sun can obstruct your vision and cause limited sight. Without adequate protection, the sun not only endangers a driver’s safety, it also creates a vision-health hazard that we need to be aware of. The suspected cause of many motor vehicle accidents is poor visibility due to sun glare. Necessary precautions should be taken by drivers to ensure their safety and the safety of others on the road. The following tips will help reduce the dangers of driving on bright sunny days. Drive cautiously. Leave a proper distance to ensure ample reaction time. Make it a habit to lower your sun visors. Make sure all the windows are clean. Clean windows will help cut down on the sun’s glare. Ensure that wiper blades are in good condition. Also, keep the windshield washer fluid reservoir full and carry a bottle of windshield washer fluid for easy top-ups.
20 April 2012
Take an alternate route when possible, lined with trees or tall buildings instead of a route with extreme glare. Do not look directly at the sun. Direct eye contact with the sun can bleach the eye’s retina and affect vision from five seconds to as long as thirty seconds. Most importantly, wear sunglasses at all times. If you wear prescription eye glasses, have a set of prescription sun glasses made for you. Not only is it important to wear sunglasses at all times, it is even more important to wear a good pair of sun glasses. A good pair of sun glasses will have lenses that are polarized to reduce the sun’s glare. Polarized lenses utilize polarized filtering technology to diffuse and deflect concentrated light waves. Polarized lenses also provide excellent protection by blocking the glare that can cause eyestrain and fatigue. A good pair of sun glasses will also have lenses with UV protection to shield the eyes from damage. Reflected UV rays are believed to contribute to various eye diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration and photokeratitis (sunburn of the eyes). A driver may also experience blurred vision, change in colour vision, or difficulty seeing at night. Proper sun glasses are especially critical now as scientists point out the rapid deterioration of the Earth’s ozone layer and subsequent increased amount of harmful UV rays. As you can see, taking
safety precautions while driving in the sun will not only help us to avoid unwanted accidents, they will also help us to protect one of our most valuable assets, our eyes. I don’t know about you, but the first thing I am going to do Monday morning is to dig out my best pair of sun glasses. Drive safe, think positive
and be prosperous. Alvis Violo is the C.E.O. of Emergency Road Services Corporation., a coast to coast 24 hour bilingual roadside assistance company dedicated to the trucking industry in Canada and the U.S. For more information visit www. emergencyroadservices. com or call 877.377.2262. Please send your ques-
tions, feedback or comments about this column
to alvis@emergencyroadservices.com
Business Insurance Matters
Statutory Conditions of an Auto Policy By Linda Colgan
urchasing an auto policy may seem simple as long as you have specific details that are disclosed in order to secure pricing for acceptance. These details include driver history, experience, accidents, type and description of the vehicle and its use and
anticipated radius. Among other questions are: Any other drivers in the household? Have you committed fraud? Have you been cancelled by an Insurer? The process is fairly easy. As Insurance Brokers we are aware of changes and how they affect any auto policy, whether personal or commercial. The Insur-
ance Act of Ontario requires that Statutory Conditions be printed as part of any automobile policy issued in the Province of Ontario. For many, this is a cumbersome and mundane read, but it should be encouraged. The two sections that I find should be reviewed are “material change in risk” and “re-
quirements where loss or damage to automobile.” These are two very important sections that are not taxing in length, but speak volumes of the responsibilities expected of the policyholder. Not revealing proper details - having a car registered and plated at the cottage to save on insur-
ance premiums, but drive to and from work every day in Toronto; or, trucks that are used within an 50 km radius to save on insurance premiums, but travel from Toronto to Ottawa or Windsor - may achieve short-term benefit on insurance premiums, but if a claim occurs, the policy will not respond in a manner one had intended when purchased. The bitter truths are always revealed once a claim occurs. “Requirements where loss or damage to automobile” – section 6.3 a) and b) are referenced
many times when a claim occurs. If I write more on this section, and about the expectations of the policyholder in event of a loss, there would not be the need for one to refer to the Statutory Conditions. The best advice is to read and absorb the obligations assigned. Do I hear the turning of pages of the OAP 1 booklet or one’s auto insurance policy? I hope so. Linda Colgan is a Transportation Insurance Advisor with JDIMI. To contact Linda call 416.809.3103 or email lindac@jdimi. com.
Crime Alert
Costly Area Code
company I know actually received a call last week from the 809 area code. The woman said, “Hey, this is Karen. Sorry I missed you, get back to us quickly. I have something important to tell you.” Then she repeated a phone number beginning with 809. They did not respond. Then this week, they received the following e-mail: Do Not Dial Area Code 809, 284, and 876. This is very important information provided to us by AT&T. Don’t ever dial area code 809. This code is being distributed all over the US. This is scary, especially given the way they try to get you to call. Be sure you read this and pass it on! These individuals get you to call by telling you that there is information about a family member who has been ill or that someone has been arrested or died. They may also say you have won a wonderful prize, etc. In each case, you are told to call the 809 number right away. Since there are so many new area codes these days, people unknowingly return these calls. If you call from the U.S.
you will apparently be charged $2425 per-minute! Or, you’ll get a long recorded message. The point is they will try to keep you on the phone as long as possible to increase the charges. Why It Works: The 809 area code is located in the Dominican Republic. The charges afterward can become a real nightmare. That’s because you did actually make the call. If you complain to both your local phone company and your long distance carrier they will not want to get involved and will most likely tell you they are simply providing the billing for the foreign company. You’ll end up dealing with a foreign company that argues they have done nothing wrong. Please forward this entire message to your friends, family and colleagues to help them become aware of this scam. AT&T verifies it’s true, and so does Snopes (www. snopes.com/fraud/telephone/809.asp).
April 2012 21
Corporate Training Launches New Website
or years, Conestoga College has been successfully meeting the unique training needs of business and industry through our Corporate Training division. Whether it is performance improvement, workforce development, hiring and training assessments or employee advancement, Corporate Training through Conestoga College offers highly professional, unique and timely delivery of training. Our Corporate Training team can meet the unique training needs of business and industry in a variety
of training areas including, Business, Computer/ IT, Occupational Health & Safety, Technology & Trades, Languages and Health Care. Explore our New Look and discover the endless training opportunities for your workplace! Conestoga College’s Corporate Training division offers both Public Workshops and Customized Training to meet the unique needs of your organization. Public Workshops are a convenient means of training and enhancing the skills of one employee or
groups of employees. This spring, Conestoga College is offering a wide variety of Business Workshops, including both technical and soft skills training. Some of our most popular workshops include, Project Management Applications, Social Media for Business, Fundamentals of Technical Writing and Communicating with Others. If you’re seeking to advance your computer software skills, many one-day workshops are available. Training is available at Conestoga’s five locations including, Doon (Kitchener), Waterloo, Guelph,
Stratford and Ingersoll. Enjoy the benefits of online learning, allowing you the flexibility to attend a course from anywhere with course materials accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With many online courses available monthly, there is no need to wait for semester start dates. Connect Life and Learning today! Review the opportunities and additional details about what is being offered this spring. Spring/Summer 2012 Public Workshop Schedule Op e ni ng s f or Ma rc h workshops are still available! Review our winter schedule and register to-
day! Customized Workshops If you’re looking for customized training solutions to meet the needs of your industry and organization, please con-
tact Sheila McGlashan, 519.748.5220 ext. 2399, smcglashan@conestogac. on.ca, or Shawn DeBruyn, 519.748.5220 ext. 2456, sdebruyn@conestogac. on.ca.
Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake LLC
Stopping Distance Mandate Exceeded
lyria, Ohio – Bendix ® brand braking solutions developed and manufactured by Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake LLC (BSFB) are performing
22 April 2012
to expectation since the implementation of the federal reduced stopping distance regulations last August. In addition to giving heavy trucks the capability to stop within the required distance, the higher performing brakes have been smoothly integrated into fleet operations, while providing significantly more braking power for emergency situations. NHTSA requires a 30 percent reduction in stopping distance for new three-axle tractors with Gross Vehicle Weight Ratings (GVWRs) up to 59,600 lbs. and produced after the August 1, 2011, implementation date. Tractors with two axles, as well as severe service tractors with GVWRs above 59,600 lbs., must comply with the new mandate by August 1, 2013. Higher performing versions of the company’s popular Single Anchor Pin, ES™ drum brakes
are available in a variety of sizes for steer axle applications. They are engineered to develop the increased torque necessary for shorter stops. In addition, they sustain that torque, which reduces brake fade and allows shorter stops. The brakes achieve this performance through a combination of the ES brake’s existing features and design enhancements. Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake, a joint venture between Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC and Dana Commercial Vehicle Products, LLC, also produces the popular Bendix® ADB22X™ air disc brake. The patented air disc brake is a lightweight air disc brake design proven to significantly reduce stopping distance and extend brake system life for commercial vehicles. For more information, call 866.610.9709 or visit www.foundationbrakes. com.
Cross Border Services
Smuggler’s, If You Think You’re Going to Get Away With It, Think Again!
By Dawn Truell
arch 1, 2012: Fifty one pounds of cocaine hidden in the gas tank of a Nissan Sentra! The cocaine was wrapped in 20 bundles and was worth an estimated $513,700. The cocaine was discovered after a 22-year-old woman was pulled over at a checkpoint on Interstate 8 near Pine Valley in San Diego County. The packages were uncovered by agents with the help of a drugsniffing dog, authorities said. The woman’s name was not released. She is a United States citizen. The woman and cocaine were turned over to the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. February 23, 2012: Canada Border Services Agency seized a handgun and hollow-point ammunition. Mr. Graeff, a U.S. resident, was referred for a secondary examination after attempting to enter Canada at the Lansdowne Point of Entry in a commercial vehicle. During this time border services officers were preparing to search his vehicle. Graeff admitted to hiding a disassembled firearm throughout the cab of his
vehicle. They located the disassembled parts of a semi-automatic. 40 caliber hand gun in the cab, and found a 16-round magazine containing 15 rounds of hollow-point 40 caliber ammunition on his person. Graeff was charged with making a false statement and smuggling under the Customs Act, and with possession of a prohibited device and unlawful importation of a firearm without authorization under the Criminal Code. January 7, 2012: Border Services Officers identified a suspicious cargo ship-
seized a large cache of firearms and weapons at the Coutts, Alberta port of entry. A Florida resident, 54 years old, arrived at the port of Coutts, transiting to Alaska. When asked by CBSA officers if he had any firearms, he declared that he had none. Officers began a secondary examination of his pickup truck; here they discovered 75 firearms, including 48 handguns, four of which were loaded - one blowgun, one pistol crossbow and 12 high capacity magazines. This is the largest handgun seizure
ment off a flight from Iraq that was declared as spare car parts. Upon searching, CBSA Officers observed that the centre of a steel gear could be accessed and was not consistent with commercially manufactured machine parts. With the assistance of a detector dog it was determined that opium was concealed in the steel gear. Ten kilos of suspected opium, with an estimated value of $600,000, was seized at Toronto Pearson International Airport, Air Cargo. This is the second seizure of opium concealed in car parts for the Greater Toronto Area this year. February 21, 2012: CBSA
in the history of the port of Coutts. He was arrested and turned over to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. January 9, 2012: Border services officers identified a suspicious cargo shipment off a flight from Iran. Documentation accompanying the shipment identified the goods as spare parts. The shipment contained shock absorbers which were found to not fully compress. With the assistance of X-ray technology, the border services officers were able to identify over 13 kilos of opium with an estimated value of over $820,000.00. The opium was found concealed within the shock absorbers. The drugs were seized and turned over to the RCMP. January 7, 2012: While attempting to enter Canada by bus from Rochester, New York at the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie, a woman was found with a bag containing food. Hidden in these food items
border patrol officers, with the assistance of a detector dog handler and his dog KC, discovered a quantity of suspected narcotics including marijuana, psilocybin and oxycodone. She was charged with three counts of importing under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. January 11, 2012: A Winnipeg man attempted to enter Canada at the Peace Bridge when he was referred for a secondary inspection. During this examination Border Services Officers discovered a laptop computer in the cab of his truck containing sexually suggestive images that appeared to be child pornography. CBSA’s criminal investigators attended and charged him with attempting to smuggle, possession of illegally imported goods, and nonreport of goods. The Niagara Regional Police Service was contacted and laid further charges under the Criminal Code. A CBSA and NRPS joint investigation is ongoing in this case. On January 12, 2012, a Montana man arrived at the Blue Water Bridge in Port Edward seeking entry into Canada. He did not declare any firearms. He was referred to secondary screening for verification of his declaration where officers discovered a loaded handgun in the vehicle. He was charged with three counts under
the Customs Act including smuggling, failure to report goods upon importation to Canada, and willfully evading or attempting to evade compliance with any provision, and two counts under the Criminal Code, including unauthorized possession of a firearm and unauthorized possession of a firearm in a motor vehicle. February 22, 2012: In Ottawa Canada Border Services Agency announced the arrest of Steven Dyer, a U.S. fugitive wanted in Arizona for 13 counts of sexual misconduct with a minor. As reported by “America’s Most Wanted”, Dyer was released on bail and failed to appear for his court proceedings. He was convicted in absentia on April 16, 2002, on all 13 counts of child molestation, and faces a minimum term of 169 years behind bars. In December of last year, as a result of an intensive investigation, CBSA determined that Dyer had fraudulently assumed the identity of a Canadian citizen and was residing in Vancouver. It also learned that Dyer was outside of the country and was able to identify him upon his return to Canada. On February 21, 2012, the CBSA arrested Steven Dyer at the Montréal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport. He is currently detained in Montréal. In the U.S., authorities
charged 29 people with smuggling $325 million in counterfeit consumer goods from China, including phony Nike sneakers, Coach handbags and cigarettes through a New Jersey port. Agents secretly watched and listened, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said. Officials infiltrated two overlapping criminal rings and lured them to use a front company run by the government. Prosecutors said they used phony paperwork to import the goods; they used distributors and wholesalers, to launder the proceeds. March is Fraud Prevention Month: Recognize it. Report it. Stop it. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is attempting to inform the public and to prevent Fraud. “Organized crime presents a serious threat to Canadian communities and is linked to a wide range of criminal activity, including fraud,” said Public Safety Minister, Vic Toews. “Public awareness is critical to fighting fraud and our Government is committed to the development of initiatives that help inform Canadians on how to protect themselves and their families from fraudrelated crimes.” For further information please contact Dawn Truell, President, Cross Border Services, at: www. crossborderservices.org, crossborderservices@ cogeco.net.
April 2012 23
Kenworth & Gin-Cor Industries
Seminar on Ontario SPIF Weight Laws By Marek Krasuski
e n w o r t h Tr u c k Centres of Ontario and the Mattawabased Gin-Cor Industries delivered a joint presentation on changes to weight limits for Straight and Dump trucks set forth in the Ontario S.P.I.F. Weight Laws. The SPIF – Safe, Productive, Infrastructure Friendly - Program embodies regulations designed to remediate the $300 million in damages to Ontario roads and to reduce collision rates on some types of trucks. The event, which took place on February 22nd at the Kenworth dealership in Sudbury, Ontario, provided participants the opportunity to review with GinCor and Kenworth how the two companies can assist with the changes and explanation of costs that will be incurred when purchasing new vehicles that must conform to the
24 April 2012
regulations. Ke n w o r t h ’s G e n e r a l S a l e s M a n a g e r, G a r y Crudge, set the tone of the meeting with an overview of the Paccar MX engine and the unique features of its design. Paccar has invested $400 million in a new research-focused manufacturing facility in Mississippi. Concentration on research and development has contributed to the refinement of engine characteristics that can save operators two services each year, yielding an annual savings of $600. The B10 design life of the Paccar MX, Crudge says, is the best in class engine that can operate for one million miles before overhauling is required. He added “no other 13 litre engine has that kind of certification.” Quick acceleration, smooth overall operation and optimal fuel efficiency are due to the use of Compacted Graphite
Iron (CGI) in both cylinder block and head, a design feature unique to Paccar engines. In his closing remarks, Crudge urged participants to ensure that their dealer is certified to make vehicle adjustments in accordance with SPIF requirements. Many truck dealers have shied away from factory installation of suspension systems needed to meet SPIF rules. It’s considered a regional issue – Ontario only for now – and the onus for compliance rests largely on dealerships, end users, and the few suspension manufacturers who are rigorously developing equalized suspensions, such as Hendrickson and Wheel Monitor, the latter distributed by Ridewell. Gin-Cor Industries is working with both manufacturers to outfit customers with SPIF-complaint vehicles. The SPIF regulations consist of multiple sched-
ules, vehicle weight tables, preconditions and applicable rules. Even minor variances in vehicle application can change the qualifying preconditions, schedules and standards to which vehicles must comply. Dan Lebel of Gin Cor Industries, a builder of customized work trucks, delivered a power point presentation that clarified misunderstandings and provided an overview of the regulations. Gin-Cor is fully accredited to upgrade vehicles to SPIF-compliant standards. Dan explained that the allowable gross vehicle weight calculation for SPIF vehicles is now determined by minimum wheelbase, axle spread dimensions, self-steer axle, or inter-axle spacing, along with single or dual tires on self steer axle as distinct from pre-SPIF calculations which were determined by axle spread, axle
capacity and base length and a 1,500 KG cut back. The presentation included qualifying preconditions governing additional lift axles, self-steering axles on drawn trailers, auxiliary axles, tire widths, and minimum front axle weights, as well as vehicle weight limit charts in SPIF regulations 19 to 23. Exemptions were also listed. SPIF does not apply to over-dimensional vehicles or to motor vehicles or road building machines operated by,
or on behalf of, municipalities or other highway authorities. The seminar, which was followed by a question and answer period, has since generated heightened interest from participants who have been calling Gin-Cor for more information. Contact Gin-Cor Industries by telephone at 866.628.8292 or or visit www.gincor.com. Kenworth can be contacted at 888.255.7444 or visit their website www. kwtoronto.com.
Industry Members Chart Course for New Transportation Association By Marek Krasuski
elect members of the trucking industry have rallied to establish an organization and annual conference that is both robust and relevant to the needs of fleet operators, maintenance specialists, and other transportation experts. The new initiative is the outgrowth of a decision by seven branches of the Automotive Transportation Service Superintendents’ Association (ATSSA) to establish an association of fleet maintenance professionals separate and distinct from the Toronto ATSSA chapter which founded the group in 1938 and continues to hold the organization’s charter. Jim Pinder, speaking for the new association, anticipates that the collective experience and enthusiasm of the group’s members will lead to a new body that answers the needs of the trucking industry. “This new initiative will bring to the market a commercial vehicle event with focused attention on maintenance, safety, compliance, and the utilization of technology and innovation that is relevant and applicable to the industry.” Pinder’s reference applies in equal measure
to the new organization, possibly titled the Transportation Maintenance and Technology Association (TMTA) that will plan and support the technology conference. The annual event, the first of which is tentatively scheduled for the fall of 2012, will be named, fittingly, the Transportation Maintenance and Technology Conference (TMTC). Distinct from other organizations, Pinder describes the conference as “an opportunity to bring value-added information to the delegates so that when they leave, they will be able to take back to their fleets information that can be implemented in their employers’ daily operations.” Other distinguishing characteristics are the multiple sponsorship opportunities and an association that will be fully staffed and operated by a third-party business specialist charged with supporting activities such as webinars, newsletters, and information sessions on a year-round basis. The TMTC will also offer several levels of sponsorship to help underwrite the conference. Companies ranging in size from small operators, OEM distribu-
tors to major manufacturers will all have the chance to participate and generate market opportunities. They will benefit, moreover, from an organization with fewer restrictions that will empower sponsors to play a more active role in the organization and structure of the event. The TMTC will be delegate focused. Jim Pinder says that delivering seminars and presentations from field experts that are both topical and relevant to the needs of industry will be the incentive for
fleet owners to subsidize the costs of dispatching their fleet managers and employees to the conference. He cites new fuel mileage regulations, stopping distance requirements, engine standards, and new products as examples of industry topics for discussion. The decision to create a brand new organization and annual conference follows several meetings among participants from the seven provincial branches of the ATSSA. The latest, held on Feb-
ruary 18th of this year, marked the final step in proceeding with a new association which Pinder hopes will usher in the aforementioned benefits, as well as greater integration with all sectors of the industry. He underscores this sentiment with reference to the broad spectrum of participants at the First Sponsors meeting; among them, dealerships, fleet owners, equipment suppliers, leasing companies and members of the media. And with a gaze cast on the future,
Pinder envisions cross border relationships with organizations similarly aligned with best practices and maintenance standards. In his closing remarks, Jim Pinder credited the organizing committee, comprised of members from the seven provincial associations, as the real catalyst for change in a direction that stresses delegate focused, valueadded conferences and year-round events for fleet maintenance industry professionals.
Volvo Financial Services
Financial Services Workshop
reensboro, NC – Volvo Financial Services hosted a training session for truck and construction dealership personnel in the U.S. and Canada last month in Las Vegas. More than 200 attendees learned about the latest technological advances implemented to improve certain processes and support customer interactions and participated in several other training sessions. The Financial Services Workshop was structured
to promote open dialogue and feedback, with a focus on supporting dealership sales. “We received tremendous feedback about the effectiveness of the workshop,” said Tom Guse, president of the U.S. division of Volvo Financial Services. “The dealer representatives in attendance expressed appreciation for the opportunity to learn and network with colleagues and Volvo Financial Services staff with whom they work.
It is our goal to become the most preferred captive finance organization, and the Financial Services Workshop is evidence of that commitment.” Volvo Financial Services is the finance arm of the Volvo Group, one of the world’s leading providers of commercial transport solutions. The company provides financial services for the truck, construction equipment, bus, aerospace and marine industries. The Volvo Group is one
of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses and construction equipment, drive systems for marine and industrial applications, and aerospace components, and is one of the world’s leading producers of heavydiesel engines (9-16 liter). Volvo Group sales for 2011 amounted to nearly $47.8 billion. For more information about Volvo Financial Services, visit our web site at www.vfsco. com.
April 2012 25
ATSSA Toronto
Benson Group Hosts March Meeting By Barb Woodward
he Benson Group of Companies which includes B e n s o n Ti r e, B e n s o n Truck and Trailer, Beverly Tire, Jiffy Lube, Benson Auto Parts and Benson Heavy Duty Parts hosted the March meeting of the Toronto Chapter of the ATS. With a workforce of over 1,600 employees and 600 vehicles, they address customer needs across Ontario. Founded in 1953, The Benson Group began with one location and grew to
be the largest Goodyear dealer in Ontario. They are a third generation family owned company with 130 locations, 33 consumer facilities, 14 commercial truck locations, six tractor trailer repair shops, two retread plants, one off road facility, 73 auto parts stores, and one rim refinishing plant. Tire and trailer shops are open 24/7 with the exception of the Concord location. Their Truckwise facilities offer gold standard services and are audited by a third party to en-
sure continuity throughout North America. For more information on their services, visit www.bensontire. com. Arden and the Tourists were back with a 6 - piece band that made this year’s ATS Annual Ladies Dance a real smash. A crowd of 200 people were on hand to enjoy the festivities which included a full course sit down dinner. Major sponsors included Abram’s Towing, Emergency Road Services, Midwest Truck & Trailer, Texis Truck Exhaust and Zenith
Davy Truck Sales
Not a New Kid on the Block!
hen Davy Truck Sales opened for business in the commercial trucking industry, it did so with the commitment to providing a pleasant experience for its purchasing clients. The name Davy has become a renowned and reputable icon to people in the industry since company founder, Robert Davy, opened the Truck Equipment and Service Co. in Scarborough decades ago. From the age of 12, Robert’s son, Adam, matured alongside the growth of the business and has since built a career in
26 April 2012
truck sales, reinforcing a proud tradition established by his father. This success led to further developments. Adam’s most recent accomplishment is the establishment of Davy Truck Sales on Shawson Drive in Mississauga. Adam will continue the tradition of customer satisfaction by providing a smooth and pleasant sales and consulting environment – hallmarks of the company’s continuing success. With this in mind, he has built an inventory of previously owned quality Class 6-8 trucks. Product quality on all trucks is
backed by extended warranties that cover vehicles wherever they may be in North America. Davy Truck Sales also provides financing options through its leasing division. Adam and his staff are prepared to welcome clients to their new location at 5810 Shawson Drive in the Dixie and 401 area of Mississauga. He can be reached at 905.695.5526.
Auto Truck Collision. On behalf of the ATS membership we would like to thank all of the sponsors and volunteers who helped make this Ladies Night the best ever. In addition to the spot dance and door prizes, there were also two special draws for prizes which raised $2,000.00 for the ATSSA Apprentice Scholarship Program at Centennial College. Suggestions are always welcome and should be directed to Brian Sibbald, Entertainment Chairman at 905.302.5470. Centennial College works well with the ATS in providing new mechanics. Fleets are encouraged
to help by hiring apprentices as they will be ready next year for permanent placement. This year the ATSSA, in collaboration with its teaching partner, the Centennial College School of Transportation, provided additional funding to support top apprentices enrolled in the ATSSA Truck and Coach MAP32 (Modified Apprenticeship Program). The Toronto Chapter would like to advise that the CFMS has been postponed, but not cancelled, for this year. They are working with the other ATS branches to discuss methods by which the seminar will address
everyone’s concerns as well as make it a viable venture. Sponsors for monthly meetings are always welcome. This is your company’s opportunity to present your products to a captive audience! Also, if you know a company that would like to become a sponsor and they do sponsor a meeting, you will have your membership dues reimbursed. Meetings are held at the Paradise Banquet Hall located on Jane Street just below the 407. It is held at 6pm every second Thursday of the month from September through to and including June.
ATSSA Sudbury
Diverse Agenda at February & March Meetings By Marek Krasuski
he February and March meetings of the ATSSA in Sudbury were chock full of information from sponsors highlighting their latest technologies and on impending changes to inspection procedures, safety protocols, and unique product offerings. Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems, a North American leader in commercial safety and braking systems technologies, hosted the March meeting of the Sudbury Chapter. Two company representatives spoke to some 60 members about the Bendix-Wingman Advanced
Mitigation Technology. This recently launched product development incorporates a radar sensor that is mounted to the front of the vehicle and delivers both warnings and active interventions to help drivers avoid rear-end collisions. When drivers utilize the adaptive cruise control with braking feature, the system will also actively intervene to help them maintain a safe following distance behind a forward vehicle by reducing throttle; engaging the engine retarder; or, if necessary, applying the foundation brakes. The talk generated enthusiasm, evidenced by the number of questions
following the presentation. Earlier in the evening, Dave Kloos delivered his regular monthly “tech Talk,” this time on transmission fluids. ATS publicity spokesperson, Wes Govier, updated members on restructuring changes to the organization. A chief feature of the previous month’s event in February was a presentation of inspection changes to Ontario Regulation 611 under the Highway Traffic Act that were delivered by industry expert, Raymond Lendt, President of the consulting firm Profacts. Lendt detailed some of the changes which will apply to all trucks with a gross
vehicle weight of 4,500 kilograms or more. Lendt urged industry members who packed the conference hall at the Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel to document all business activities for proof of compliance with Ministry guidelines. Failure to demonstrate completed work and inspections to MTO officials adversely affects CVOR (Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration) ratings. If violations continue, Lendt said, carriers run the risk of refusal for insurance coverage by the major companies. Raymond Lendt’s presentation emphasized risk mitigation and the importance of familiarity with, and adherence to, the new changes in achieving this objective.
The revisions affect ten categories of inspection. Detailed information is available online at: Periodic Commercial Motor Vehicle Inspection. The new regulations come into effect July 2013. Lendt’s afternoon presentation was followed by news updates at the evening meeting. ATSSA publicity officer, Wes Govier, addressed future structural changes to the organization and drew attention to member satisfaction with the Sudbury chapter’s performance. Membership grew by the addition of two new applicants. Mention was also made of financial support for apprenticeship training. In his monthly “tech talk” Dave Kloos emphasized thoroughness in maintenance inspections by calling attention to some procedures which are often overlooked. Vi c e Pr e side n t Mike Hamel presented a compelling video documenting the serious accidental falls that people take, particularly during winter months. He cited shocking statistics showing that 20 people die each year as a result of such falls, and that they occur in Ontario every 20 minutes. Following a splendid b u f f e t a t th e H ow a rd Johnson’s, the evening’s sponsor, Scott Deslippe of Xtreme Brake International, engaged members with a description of the company’s unique product features and the benefits provided to users. Among them are stainless steel cables on brakes so that
shoes and cores last longer than any others on the market today. Also unique to EBI’s brake design is the absence of rivet holes. This increases brake surface and results in a 30 to 50 percent improvement in lining wear. A solid surface also prevents uneven wear and tear on the shoe and drum. Xtreme brakes are also designed to be re-lined right on the wheel end which reduces lining costs, labour expenses, and eliminates core hassles. Deslippe’s presentation included additional benefits. “We have the best performing brake with increased stopping power,” he says. His claim is attributed to the findings from independent tests demonstrating that Xtreme brakes stop an average 30 feet shorter at speeds of 60 mph than riveted brakes with the same brake lining. Seminar participants were also impressed by Scott’s claims that the company’s brake cams and bushings span the life of the trailers on which they are installed. T h e S u d b u r y AT S S A holds monthly meetings on the second Thursday of each month from September to June at the award winning Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel. Sponsors are encouraged to support the monthly dinner meetings. These are unique opportunities to engage in one place with transportation fleet maintenance and distributors from Sudbury, Timmins, North Bay and Manitoulin Island.
April 2012 27
New Products & Services
Phillips Industries
Sta-Dyr® Weather-Tite™ Connectors
hillips Industries introduced their latest corrosionblocker product innovations a the TMC’s 2012 Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition. The new Sta-Dyr® Weather-Tite™ Connectors, seven-way male connector plugs with integrated seals that stop moisture from entering the electrical system. Phillips Industries leads the industry in testing and development of products to stop magnesium
chloride from entering truck and trailer electrical systems and causing damage. Damage can be costly from unscheduled downtime, interruption in electrical power and even potential electrical arcing caused by moisture and contaminates in the socket. Phillips is excited to introduce the first connector, an unbreakable glass filled nylon connector, and the second, a hybrid combination using unbreakable glass filled nylon and zinc die cast. Each new Weather-Tite™
connector has added protection from moisture with a 3-blade Nitrile wiper seal at the mating end. This Weather-Tite™ seal effectively blocks any contaminants from entering at the 7-way connection. Interactive and handson displays of the new Weather-Tite™ Connectors will be on exhibit in Booth #818 during exhibition hours so fleet representatives can see for themselves how this product gives added protection against corrosion
build up in the electrical system. Features of the WeatherTite™ Connectors include: Nitrile sealing rings that stop magnesium chloride and other debris from entering socket, mates with any SAE approved 7-way conductor socket, wiper seals are field replaceable, connector rear is sealed with compression clamp and TPR sleeve for further corrosion protection, cable guard is ratchet locked preventing vibration from loosening guard, connector has ABS
bumper, 26 gauge brass insert pins have stainless steel compression springs and standard with dielectric grease. Phillips Weather-Tite™ Connectors will be available July 2012 on new
equipment or for replacement from authorized Phillips distributors. Visit www.phillipsind. com to learn how Phillips products can make a difference in your operation.
Mack Trucks, Inc.
Mack® Granite™ Military Truck Starred as the Leader of the Decepticons
reensboro, NC – The Mack® Granite™ military truck that took the form of Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, was in the Mack booth (#30245) during the 2012 Mid-America Trucking Show, March 22-24, in Louisville, KY. A photographer was available to take photos of show attendees with Megatron for posting to the Mack Facebook page. In the DreamWorks Pictures/Paramount Pictures’ production, Megatron leads the Decepticons in an epic battle against the Autobots. The
28 April 2012
Mack Granite joined the Tran sf o r m e r s: Dar k o f the Moon cast of Shia LaBeouf, Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, Tyrese Gibson,
Josh Duhamel and John Turturro. Transformers: Dark of the Moon is the second Transformers movie to
feature a Mack. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen included two MackPinnacle™ tractors
and a Mack Granite mixer truck. For more information about Mack’s presence at
the Mid-America Trucking Show, please visit www.macktrucksevents. com.
New Products & Services
Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC
Autovue® Lane Departure Warning System
lyria, Ohio – With the addition of AutoVue® Lane Departure Warning (LDW) System from Bendix CVS to its portfolio of commercial vehicle safety technologies, Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC continues to make highways safer for fleets, drivers, and all motorists on the road. AutoVue, which Bendix purchased from Iteris, Inc., in 2011, is a vision-based system that links a camera with a 60-degree field of view to an onboard computer that uses image recognition software to track visible lane markings. This market-leading LDW system continually monitors a vehicle’s position and detects when the vehicle begins to drift toward an unintended lane change. Upon detection, AutoVue emits a distinctive “rumble strip” or other audible warning to alert the driver to make a correction.
“Lane drift can be the result of anything from drowsiness and distractions to adverse weather conditions, and even a slight or momentary drift can have catastrophic consequences in terms of human and financial loss,” said TJ Thomas, Bendix director of marketing and customer solutions, Controls group. “The AutoVue Lane Departure Warning System can significantly reduce the possibility of a lane departure-based incident.” AutoVue is effective day and night, and in most weather conditions where lane markings are visible – even in low-visibility situations such as fog or rain. The system recognizes both solid and dashed shoulder lines, centerlines, and lines between lanes, even if they are heavily faded. In snowy conditions, if a driver can see a line, the AutoVue
system can as well. When a vehicle is operating on snow-covered roadways, the AutoVue LDW system senses that it can’t see lines, goes into a disabled state, and notifies the driver by lighting up the orange reduced-function light. The system is also optimized to nearly eliminate false alarms: No warnings are provided for planned lane departures indicated by an activated turn signal, and the system disables warnings when the vehicle’s speed is less than 37 mph. And, as an added driver support feature, an alert will sound when the vehicle drifts in the opposite direction of the activated turn signal. T h e A u t o Vu e L D W system is available on vehicles from a wide variety of original equipment manufacturers in North
America, Europe, and Japan, and can be configured to specific vehicle makes and models for aftermarket instal-
lation. The system can also be retrofit to vehicles already in service. Like other major Bendix safety technologies, AutoVue can be linked
to the SafetyDirect® from Bendix CVS Web portal, which allows fleet owners the opportunity to analyze real-time safety information transmitted wirelessly from their vehicles. Using existing fleet communication systems, SafetyDirect provides immediate warnings and critical safety information, as well as driver performance data and event-based information. Other onboard safety systems linked to SafetyDirect include BendixWingman ® Advanced™
– A Collision Mitigation Technology, Bendix ESP® Electronic Stability Program full-stability system, and SmarTire™ Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) by Bendix CVS. “The integration of SafetyDirect and AutoVue Lane Departure Warning technology into the Bendix portfolio makes this the most comprehensive active safety data offering on the market today,” said Hans Molin, Bendix product manager for vision systems and SafetyDirect. For more information, call 800-AIR-BRAKE or visit www.bendix.com.
Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC ™
eTrac Automated Air Bag Transfer System
lyria, Ohio – Bend i x Com m e rc i al Vehicle Systems LLC, the North American leader in the development and manufacture of leading-edge active safety technologies, energy management solutions, and braking systems, later this year will introduce Bendix® eTrac™, an automated air pressure transfer system for Bendix ABS-6 braking systems with automatic traction control. Designed for 6x2 tractors and trucks, the eTrac transfer system fully automates what currently is a manual system of air
pressure transfer. When added to Bendix Smart ATC™ (automatic traction control) and BendixABS-6 Advanced with ESP® Electronic Stability Program (Bendix ESP ®), eTrac automatically engages and disengages – without driver input – the vehicle’s airbag pressure transfer system during low-traction events. Pressure is transferred from the undriven axle to the driven axle without requiring manual input or driver action. “By automating the air transfer process, the eTrac system will make it easier
for fleets to take advantage of the more efficient suspensions typically found on 6x2 tractors,” said TJ Thomas, Bendix director of marketing and customer solutions, Controls group. The Bendix® eTrac™ automated air pressure transfer system provides protection against drivetrain damage by automatically disengaging after a low-traction event or when the vehicle’s resumed speed exceeds 25 mph. The system also allows for manual activation at speeds below 10 mph, or when a vehicle’s ATC mud/snow switch is enabled.
April 2012 29
New Products & Services
Espar Heater Systems
The Newest, The Smartest, Controllers on the Market
spar Heater Systems is proud to announce the release of the aforementioned controllers to the truck market. These controllers were developed to meet customer demands for a wider variety of options in the controls of the popular range of Espar bunk heaters and engine pre-heaters. The Multi-Max F1000 serves the needs of the Hydronic line of Engine Coolant heaters and the Digi-Max D1000 serves the needs of the Airtronic D2/ D4 bunk heaters. The Multi-Max F1000 gives fleets something they’ve been wanting for years – complete control over their fleet’s pre-heat coolant heaters. Thanks to the Multi-Max F1000, no longer will you need to rely on your drivers to properly program and run their vehicle’s coolant heater. By introducing a desktop programmer and a Micro SD card slot, the Multi-Max gives you tamper-proof control of every aspect of every heater’s operating parameters based on each vehicle’s individual work schedule.
In less than 5-minutes you’ll be able to program the heater to have: • as many as 4 distinct events per day, each with a different start and finish time, triggered on whatever day of the week that vehicle is in use, • as well as a High Temperature Disable set point, • a Maximum Manual Run-time, • a Low Voltage Disable set point, • your preferred PM Interval, • and an Exercise Scheduler. Through the Micro SD card slot, those same settings can then be used to program one, or multiple vehicles heaters. By taking the driver out of the programming process, running your coolant heaters means no more unnecessary idling, no more needless engine wear-and-tear, no more wasted time, and no more wasted fuel. With the Multi-Max F1000 as soon as your worker’s arrive on site, they’re guaranteed to climb into a warm, de-iced and work-ready vehicle. Maintenance Technicians will value: • the controller’s diag-
nostic indicator, a tricolored LED light with a simple flash code notifies drivers when the heater needs either routine or unscheduled attention, and how, once in the shop, that same flashing code tells them the fault code causing the problem, al-
lowing them to quickly and more accurately diagnose the service issue and get the truck back into service faster. Drivers are sure to appreciate: • the controller’s onebutton on/off control with a maximum runtime preset by operations takes all uncertainty out of their heater’s operation, • the diagnostic indicator alerts them to service issues, and how, as soon as they arrive on site to start their shift, they have
a vehicle that’s as workready as they are. • No lost settings if disconnected from power source. The Digi-Max D1000 controller gives drivers maximum control and after hearing from drivers that they’d like to see more real-time information, we added a larger display screen to accommodate things like a: • Constant Heater Status Display • Temperature
Set Point with either Celsius or Fahrenheit options • and a Runtime CountDown Clock And by isolating problem shut-offs from routine shut-offs through: • a “Check Heater” indicator and • simplified Diagnostic Service Messages
The larger display screen allowed us to provide drivers with the second thing they asked for; peace of mind. Driver Managers focused their requests on tools that would enhance their support value to their drivers, so we: • made the controls easier to operate, reducing the potential for driver error; • added Descriptive Fault Code Messages, allowing them to help their drivers navigate service issues more quickly; • and added a Programmable Low Voltage Shutoff to prevent unnecessary delivery delays by ensuring they don’t receive any early morning calls from drivers in need of a boost. • Maintenance Technicians that asked for improved guidance are sure to enjoy how the controller’s simplified menu allows them to more easily program the heater’s operating parameters, and how the depth and quality of information they can access permits a quicker and more accurate diagnosis of service issues, enabling them to get the heater running and truck back into service faster.
Fleet Managers are sure to appreciate the complete control the Digi-Max D1000 gives them over each and every aspect of their heaters’ operation, from the: • Maximum Run Time Limiter, and • Customized PM Schedule Alerts • Programmable Lowvoltage Shut-off The cumulative effect of these new features on these new controllers are a suite of Smart operational choices that deliver fleet wide productivity improvements and substantial bottom line benefits. Espar heaters are designed for mobile applications such as truck, bus and automotive, the systems utilize 12 or 24 volt battery systems and gasoline or diesel as an on-board fuel. They operate as diesel or gasoline furnaces with sealed combustion chambers. Espar air heaters use forced air as a heating medium while the Espar coolant heaters circulate the engine coolant to transfer heat. For more information Espar can be found at www. espar.com.
Meritor, Inc.
Series 30 Demonstrates Superior Payload
roy, Mich., – Meritor, Inc. (NYSE: MTOR) showcased its proven, durable ProTec™ Series 30 High Mobility Independent Suspension (HMIS) at the Association of the United States Army’s (AUSA) Winter Exposition in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Feb. 2224. With vehicle testing in full force since its introduction in late summer 2010, the ProTec continues to deliver payload, performance and protection to meet the extreme demands of the military market. The suspension solution for applications requiring GAWRs up to 14,000 30 April 2012
pounds, the ProTec Series 30 is designed to handle the rough terrain of realworld combat, and is currently in use on combat vehicles in Afghanistan. Meritor Defense has integrated the ProTec Series 30 in several applications, including the HMMWV and Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), to demonstrate improvements in ride quality, vehicle mobility, off-road speeds and load-carrying capacity with lower life-cycle costs. “Utilizing a full vehicle systems integration approach to product design and validation testing, we’re able to evaluate and prove performance of our
defense products in realworld environments and mission profiles,” said Dave Damian, director, Sales and Business Development, Meritor Defense. “With
and performance that our military demands.” Providing an optimal balance of payload, performance and protection for the full range of light tactical and armored
military products, just as any other product line, it’s critical to perform complete vehicle testing to ensure all of our specifications are accurate and provide the ultimate durability, ride quality
vehicles, the ProTec Series 30 offers the best solution for our warfighter. Meritor Defense suspensions are backed by its
global aftermarket support system to deliver after-the-sale support with on-time delivery and technical and Customer Care assistance. Customer Care’s highlytrained professionals provide vehicle OEMs, dealers, distributers, fleets and driv-
ers with a one-call solution. For more information, call 888-725-9355 to view the ProTec Series 30.
Meritor, Inc. is a leading global supplier of drivetrain, mobility, braking and aftermarket solutions for commercial vehicle and industrial markets. With more than a 100year legacy of providing innovative products that offer superior performance, efficiency and reliability, the company serves commercial truck, trailer, off-highway, defense, specialty and aftermarket customers in more than 70 countries. Meritor is based in Troy, Mich., United States. For important information, visit the company’s web site at meritor. com.
New Products & Services
Vehicle Testing Principals
re you testing trailer lights with unknown battery voltage and without circuit diagnostics? And are you checking brake operation by applying shop air to the trailer service without regulated air and not releasing the spring brakes with a known air pressure? These universal practices have huge hidden costs with excessive labor and road expenses as well as downtime. Basic engineering testing protocol requires a known source (power or air) and a standard testing process. Without these two basics, results are neither verifiable nor repeatable. These principles apply to vehicle electrical and air system testing. In case of testing trailer electrical circuits, a known filtered regulated power source capable of delivering 20 amps is required. Modern trailer
electronics, including LED lighting and ABS electronic control units, require pure direct current power (12vdc in North America) to operate. A fully charged battery with sufficient amp hours will work depending upon the job. The ideal source, if 110 ac power is available, is a true 20 amp power supply which produces constant filtered regulated power. In case of testing ABS, a marginal battery at 11 volts may initially fire up the ECU and within a few minutes, the voltage is insufficient to power the ECU. Are you using a battery without a volt meter? Or, are you using a trailer light testing device with a volt meter providing at least one volt increments and an amp meter reading one amp increments or better with a 5% accuracy? LITECHECK testers display electrical information in digital format reading to 0.01 with
a 2% accuracy and display circuit conditions. Air delivery is important in pressure and volume. The trailer air testing process should duplicate the tractor operation for emergency (supply) and brake (control) pressures. Low pressures will not likely
indicate air loss and excessive air pressure will create an air loss. Inconsistent air pressure delivery negates a reliable slack adjustment and inspection. A common problem is compounding the brake system by applying the control air before releasing
the spring brake which may damage the mechanical components. Again, developing a proper process is critical for brake system inspection and maintenance. As the industry is coping with increasing regulations, trailer technology, and a technician shortage,
establishing a repeatable process with the proper tools will positively impact the bottom line. LITE-CHECK products address all of the electrical and air issues, providing repeatable results with a standard process and accurate readings.
and adapter/purge fitting, two EZ-Ject universal A/C dye cartridges with co-solvent free Fluoro-Lite® dye ? each ½ oz cartridge can service up to 14 vehicles ? an 8 oz bottle of Dye-Lite® All-In-One™ concentrated oil dye that services up to 16 vehicles, an 8 oz bottle of Dye-Lite coolant dye that services up to 8 vehicles, and fluorescence-enhancing glasses. Everything
is stored in a convenient, sturdy carrying case. All Tracerline® universal/POE A/C dyes have been laboratory tested and proven safe for use in hybrid vehicles. For more information about the TP-8647HD heavy-duty kit, call tollfree 800.641.1133. Outside the United States and Canada, call 516.333.1254. Website at www.tracerline. com.
Tracer Products
Heavy Duty Kit
estbury, New York — Tracer Products has introduced a special leak detection kit that makes it easy for heavy duty technicians to find all air conditioning and fluid leaks the first time — and avoid costly comebacks. The TP-8647HD kit features the OPTIMAX Jr™, a cordless, blue light LED leak detection flashlight
with mega power that reveals even the smallest leaks. It is ideal for leak checking hard-to-reach spots that are inaccessible to larger lamps. This ultracompact leak detector has a 100,000-hour service life and is powered by three AA batteries, which are included. Also included in the kit are an EZ-Ject™ A/C dye injector with hose/coupler
April 2012 31
Tires & Wheels
Wide Single Drive Tire Introduced at MATS
ort Mill, South Carolina - Following last year’s challenge to Mid-America Trucking Show attendees to provide feedback on tire designs, Continental Tire the Americas, LLC’s (“Continental”) Commercial Vehicle Tire business unit will be showcasing its first wide single drive tire product at the 2012 event. Continental’s HDL2 Eco Plus (Heavy Drive Long Haul) in size 445/50R22.5 has now been officially launched for sale and will be on display in the Continental pavilion at MATS, booth 18252, said Clif Armstrong, Continental’s director of marketing for commercial vehicle tires in the Americas. “Along with Continent-
al’s HTL1 trailer tire, the HDL2 Eco Plus represents the new standards in fuel efficiency and mileage for long haul fleets who want to maximize the benefits of wide single truck tires,” Armstrong said. “Not only are these tires easier to check for inflation, and easier to maintain, but their lowered weight from two less beads, sidewalls and rim assemblies and advanced compounding mean that they offer significant reductions in rolling resistance. This translates directly into both fuel and maintenance savings for cost-conscious fleets and owner-operators.” The HDL2 Eco Plus wide single features 27/32nds of tread depth, a closed shoulder and a three-
dimensional sipe in the center of each tread block that allows flexibility, but couples the groove under compression for increased strength. The tire’s advanced groove geometry separates the forces at each side of the groove bottom and reduces premature wear, said Roger Stansbie, Continental’s director of commercial vehicle tire research and development in the Americas. Additiona l
features for lower rolling resistance, and thus, better fuel economy, include straighter, narrow groove designs and Continental’s Eco Plus advanced compounding. The HDL2 Eco Plus is also the first of a series of drive tires from Continental to feature evolving sipe technologies, where a void in the middle of the tread blocks creates a regenerating sipe as t h e
tread wears, Stansbie said. “The sipes at the top of the tread disappear through the life of the tread, the shape of the tread block evolves and the void creates a new sipe. This ensures that the tread design of the HDL2 Eco Plus maintains its traction characteristics throughout the tire’s lifetime, and prevents the tread blocks from wearing prematurely into rib shapes,” Stansbie explained. Continental wide single truck tires are also an excellent choice for fleets who want to maximize their cargo carrying capacity, Armstrong s a i d . “ C o n t i n e n t a l ’s 445/50R22.5 tires replace
a twin set of 275/80R22.5 duals with significant savings in weight — 668 pounds less when combined with aluminum wheels on a five axle combination. This means our customers can boost their payloads to carry additional cargo and make every truckload count.” “Put together the benefits and these Continental products represent the evolution of wide singles,” he said. The HDL2 Eco Plus wide single is available now from Continental truck tire dealers throughout NAFTA countries, in size 445/50R22.5, load range L. For technical information, visit www.continental-truck.com.
New SP348 Targets Regional Fleet, School Bus, Pickup & Delivery Applications
kron, Ohio – The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. has expanded its portfolio of Dunlop brand truck tires with the new Dunlop SP348, an all-position steer tire for regional fleet, school bus and pickup and delivery applications. “Our dealers have been asking for more Dunlop brand tires to round out their line-up of products,” said Donn Kramer, director of product marketing, Goodyear Commercial Tire Systems. “The new Dunlop SP348 is a great ‘all-around player’ and has been designed for optimal performance in tough regional and delivery truck applications, as well as on school buses.” Features in32 April 2012
clude a deep tread, which helps provide more miles to removal; a rugged casing design; enhanced shoulder rib for improved scrub resistance and protection against curbing abrasions; and stone ejectors in grooves, which help provide cutand puncture-resistance for longer casing life. The Dunlop SP348 currently is available in seven sizes: 11R22.5, 225/70R19.5, 245/70R19.5, 10R22.5, 12R22.5, 11R24.5, and 295/75R22.5. Tw o s i z e s – 285/75R24.5 a n d 255/70R22.5 – will be added during the s e c o n d quarter of 2012. “With a full complement of sizes for a
wide range of vehicles, the Dunlop SP348 is a highvalue, high-technology product that will enable regional trucks and school buses to operate with confidence,” said Kramer.
Goodyear Commercial Tire Systems offers a broad portfolio of products and services to the commercial fleet industry, including a full range of original equipment and
replacement tires. This includes the 24/7 fleetHQ Solution Center, national programs, tire management tools, online information, and business problem-solving tools for
tomorrow’s commercial fleets. For more information, go to www.goodyeartrucktires.com. For more information about fleetHQ, go to http:// fleethq.com.
Goodyear Severe Service Tire
kron, Ohio – The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. has introduced a new truck tire for oil field, mining, logging and construction applications: the Goodyear G741 MSD. “These are demanding applications that require a tire that’s big, rough and tough, but also versatile and adaptable to a variety of conditions and environments,” said Andrea Berryman, segment marketing manager, Goodyear. The G741 MSD contains a wide range of features,
including: • Deep 33/32-inch tread with a wide footprint to help provide high mileage and traction. • An aggressive, selfcleaning tread design to help resist mud build-up and enhance grip. • A cut- and chip-resistant tread compound that helps provide longlasting performance on tough terrain. • Tread block sipes to enhance
traction in wet, snow and icy conditions while helping to maintain dry traction. “The G741 MSD also boasts an innovative sidewall design that allows chains to be placed above the tread blocks for enhanced traction and grip,” said Berryman. The tire will be available this May in size 11R24.5, Load Range H. Goodyear Commercial Tire
Systems offers a broad portfolio of products and services to the commercial fleet industry, including a full range of original equipment and replacement tires. This includes the 24/7 fleetHQ Solution Center, national programs, tire management tools, online information, and business problemsolving tools for tomorrow’s commercial fleets. For more information, go to www.goodyeartrucktires.com. For more information about fleetHQ, go to http://fleethq. com.
Tires & Wheels
April 2012 33
34 April 2012
April 2012 35
Bendix Celebrates Decade with Knorr-Bremse Group
lyria, Ohio – Marking a decade of further innovation and leadership in commercial vehicle safety, Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC yesterday celebrated its 10-year anniversary as a proud member of the Knorr-Bremse Group. Based in Munich, Germany, Knorr-Bremse is the world’s pre-eminent manufacturer of braking systems for rail and commercial vehicles. Bendix, the North American leader in the development of commercial vehicle active safety, energy management, and braking system solutions, was acquired by Knorr-Bremse in 2002. Since then, the company has extended its more than 80-year legacy as a technology trailblazer, expanding and further diversifying its operations and technological expertise, and helping to improve highway safety. From 1993 to 2002, Bendix had been part of a joint venture between KnorrBremse and AlliedSignal (later, Honeywell, Inc.). “From the start, the Bendix partnership with Knorr-Bremse has showcased what can be accomplished when two industry leaders – each with an incredibly rich heritage of leadership, customer focus, and innovation – come together,” said Bendix President and CEO Joe McAleese. Capitalizing on its longestablished position as an industry pioneer, over the past decade Bendix has introduced an impressive array of groundbreaking active safety and braking system technologies, as well as additional milestones in business expansion – accomplishments McAleese believes have been made possible due to its affiliation with the Knorr-Bremse Group. They include: Ensuring Business Growth Through Strategic Expansion, Alliances, and Acquisitions 36 April 2012
2004: The formation of Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake LLC (BSFB), a joint venture between Bendix and Dana Commercial Vehicle Products, LLC. BSFB offers complete wheel-end solutions, including foundation drum brakes, air disc brakes, slack adjusters, and actuators, plus a full array of related aftermarket parts for medium- and heavyduty commercial vehicles across North America. 2006: The purchase of Di-Pro Inc., which expanded Bendix operations to include the manufacture and distribution of heavy-duty trucking spring brake actuators and brake chambers. 2008: The purchase of select assets from SmarTire, incorporating the technology for SmarTire™ Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) by Bendix CVS. By providing realtime data on tire pressure and temperature changes, SmarTire TPMS helps save fuel and keeps trucks on the road. 2008: Acquisition of the radar-based VORAD® Collision Warning System from Eaton Corporation. VORAD provides following distance alerts, collision alerts, and stationary object alerts to drivers. The move further enhanced to company’s ability to provide an economic payback to vehicle operators through a complete range of active safety systems. 2010: Integration of Hasse & Wrede torsional vibration engine dampers – another North American arm of the KnorrBremse Group – as a part of the Bendix business, broadening its customer offering. 2011: Expansion of the potent Bendix electronics product line with the purchase of select assets – including SafetyDirect® and the AutoVue® Lane Departure Warning System – from Iteris, Inc. The market-leading, vision-based Lane Departure Warning
(LDW) System, AutoVue alerts truck drivers if they inadvertently drift out of their lane. SafetyDirect is a Web portal that allows fleet owners the opportunity to analyze data and safety information that is wirelessly transmitted – in real time – from their vehicles via existing fleet communication systems. 2011: Establishment of a new Bendix business unit solely focused on remanufacturing. Capitalizing on more than 35 years’ experience in remanufacturing compressors, air dryers, valves, and brake shoes, the unit expands the company’s aftermarket business in North America and worldwide. Launching Groundbreaking Technologies 2004: The North American launch of the Bendix® ESP® Electronic Stability Program system, the first widely available full-stability solution for the commercial vehicle market. Unlike roll-only systems, Bendix ESP addresses both roll and directional stability through additional sensors and braking capabilities that can deliver earlier recognition and quicker intervention to help prevent rollovers and loss of control on a wide variety of surface conditions. 2008: Availability of the aluminum hub and the Splined Disc® Rotor assembly for air disc brakes that reduces total wheelend weight, greatly reduces rotor dynamic stresses, provides improved thermal balance, and offers longer brake life. 2008: The introduction of Bendix® PuraGuard® oil-coalescing technology as an integral part of all Bendix air dryers. Ongoing competitive testing puts PuraGuard technology in the industry-leading position among oil-coalescing air dryers. 2009: The launch of Bendix® Wingman® ACB – Active Cruise with Brak-
ing, which allows drivers to not only maintain a set speed, but also a set following distance. If the forward vehicle slows, the system will de-throttle the engine, apply the engine retarder, and apply the foundation brakes if needed. 2009: First North American vehicle demonstration of the revolutionary Bendix® Pneumatic Booster System (PBS®), the first air management system of its kind. The PBS engine booster simultaneously improves fuel economy and vehicle acceleration while reducing engine emissions. 2011: Release of the Bendix® EverSure® spring brake with No Touch™ technology. EverSure is a next-generation doublediaphragm spring brake for drum brakes featuring unsurpassed durability and the lightest weight in the industry. 2011: Launch of Bendix® Wingman® Advanced™ – A Collision Mitigation Technology, which delivers adaptive cruise control with braking features along with collision mitigation technology. The technology was introduced at the 2011 MidAmerica Trucking Show. 2011: Bendix makes available expanded solenoid valve technologies as a low-weight, cost-effective alternative to pneumatically controlled accessory and fan clutch valves for medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles. Both boast a streamlined design to effectively and efficiently address the electronic control of commercial vehicle air functions not associated with the braking system. Achieving Milestones in Production and Customer Service that Define a True Leader 2005: Shipment of the 200,000th Bendix integrated control module. Bendix led the commercial vehicle industry in the development of these complex
pre-manufactured, pretested sub-assemblies. 2006: Startup of air disc brake production for the commercial vehicle market at the company’s then Frankfort, Ky.-based facility, becoming the first truck brake manufacturer with the ability to massproduce air disc brakes in North America. 2007: Distribution of the 5,000th download of the Bendix®ACom® diagnostic software. This milestone customer service offering assists fleets and technicians in the diagnosis, repair, troubleshooting, and recalibration of components that form the Bendix antilock braking and stability systems. 2010: Delivery of the 100,000th Bendix® ESP® Electronic Stability Program system, marking a major milestone in highway safety solutions. 2010: Production of the 750,000th Bendix® BA921® air compressor. Lightweight and compact, the BA-921 compressor is popular across a wide range of build platforms and features the highest boost capability on the market. 2011: Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake manufactures its 175,000th Bendix® ADB22X™ air disc brake from the Bowling Green, Ky., operations. The ADB22X air disc brake – the next generation in air disc brake technology – offers twice the lining life, four times the rotor life, and half the service time – leading to rapid market penetration. 2011: Release of the company’s one millionth Bendix® ABS-6™ braking system. The Bendix ABS-6 family includes the standard antilock braking system, a premium system with Bendix® Smart ATC™ (automatic traction control), and Bendix ABS-6 Advanced with ESP®. 2012: During its first decade as a wholly owned part of the Knorr-Bremse Group, the veteran, 100
percent ASE-certified Bendix Service, Warranty and Training (SWAT) Team trains nearly 73,000 customers (equaling 345,548 student training hours). 2012: Continuing its renowned performance and serving as a vital resource to commercial vehicle operators, the Bendix Tech Team fields over 700,000 inbound calls. The team boasts over 85 years of collective expertise in commercial vehicle operation. Opening State-of-the-Art Facilities to Enable Enhanced Capabilities 2007: The opening of the BSFB wheel-end production facility in Bowling Green, Ky., which manufactures the full lineup of Bendix foundation brake products. The facility was designed to feature the most productive and economic movement of materials and personnel. 2008: The launch of the new 75,000-square-foot Dressed Cab Assembly Center in Huntington, Ind. A business that has experienced exponential growth, the facility is the second modules center opened by Bendix in Huntington. The complex integrated modules produced at this site range from those including cabs containing only brake and accelerator pedals to fully dressed cab modules incorporating 1,000 components from more than 140 suppliers. 2010: The startup of actuator manufacturing in Acuña, Mexico. Following its operations optimization strategy, Bendix added to its expansive manufacturing campus in Acuña with the upgraded 67,000-square-foot facility, a former brownfield. For more information, call 800-AIR-BRAKE (800.247.2725) or visit w w w. b e n d i x . c o m . To learn more about career opportunities at Bendix, visit www.bendix.com/ careers. Follow Bendix on Twitter at http://twitter. com/Bendix_CVS.
Section Française
Les manufacturiers de camions
Une Vue D’ensemble de Développements Récents Par Marek Krasuski
es recherches continues et le développement de technologies de camions et de moteurs nous a donné des camions plus sécuritaires avec des moteurs plus puissants, des émissions réduits, une meilleure consommation de carburant et une meilleure performance de tous les points de vue. Aujourd’hui, la plupart des constructeurs de camions rivalisent à qui mieux mieux pour produire les dernières avances qui marchent avec leur temps, voire dépassent les normes courantes environnementales et les règlements de performance. Voici une vue d’ensemble de certaines de ces innovations. Mack est en train de se faire une réputation dans la provision de camions spécifiques pour des municipalités partout en Amérique du nord en commencant par la ville de New York. Pour répondre au mandat du Maire Michael Bloomberg qui exige que les départements de la ville réduisent leur consommation de diesel par quelques 10 millions gallons par an, Mack a provisionné la ville de camions equipés d’un système de freinage hydraulique régénérateur. Monté sur la transmission, ce système hydraulique contient une pompe qui met sous pression une grande boîte de fluide hydraulique. Au moment de l’accéleration, le fluide s’échappe et la pompe fonctionne comme un moteur qui aide la livraison de la puissance du moteur diesel. Ceci aide a son tour le véhicule à gagner des vitesses de 30 mph. L’appréciation pour Mack chez les municipalités provient de ses véhicules qui utilisent des carburants alternatifs. Le TerraPro cabover et les modèles à basse-entrée utilisent le gaz naturel liquide et le gaz de déchets. La plus récente innovation de chez Mack est le Tow Plough qui s’attache derrière un chasse-neige tombereau et
est contrölé par un systéme hydraulique de la cabine du premier camion. Cette technologie est capable de chasser un swathe de 30 pieds, ce qui économise du temps et des ressources pour les municipalités. Selon des chiffres de ventes récentes, le manufacturier de camions Volvo a gagné la plus grande part du marché du poids lourd en L’Amérique du Nord en 2011. La compagnie attribue ce succès à des initiatives en l’efficacité de carburant, le comfort des conducteurs et des mesures de sécurité. Pendant le troisième trimestre de l’année passée, Volvo a présenté l’ ensemble XE13 transmission. Cet ensemble est basé sur la notion d’efficacité. Il commande un classement de 425 puissance de chevaux, tout en permettant le moteur à opérer à 1.150 rpm à des vitesses de 65 mph. Selon le president de la compagnie, Ron Huibers, « Notre première présentation du concept XE13 a concentré sur des flottes caractérisées par l’économie du carburant, qui passe beaucoup de temps à rouler aux vitesses de route normales. Le nouveau classement 455 a pour but de servir les demandes de flottes à long transport. » Les données montrent que le XE13 donne un profit en économie de carburant de trois pour cent. Volvo déclare que ses clients ont bénéficié d’un profit total de huit pour cent en economie de carburant comparée aux moteurs EPA de 2007. Pendant l’ American Trucking Association’s Management Conference and Exhibition de 2011, Navistar a présenté une série de conforts intégrée dans ses modèles les plus populaires, International ProStar et International TranStar. On a pris cette initiative pour répondre aux demandes de la clientèle pour des caractéristiques susceptibles à attirer et à retenir de bons conduc-
teurs. Ces caractéristiques incluent des aménagements d’intérieur à point de diamant sur les sièges, les panneaux de portiéres et dans les couchettes, Ces additions, qui seront disponibles plus tard cette année, sont accompagnées par un systéme GPS sur le tableau de bord qui inclue un pronostic, un moniteur de pression de pneus, un système de chaine stéréo de haute qualité, un iPod/ MP3 à fonction commande et contröle. Il y a aussi des mesures de sécurité pour sauvegarder la diminution de la batterie, spécialement dans des températures sévères, en l’occurence un appareil qui démarre automatiquement le moteur et réalimente la batterie. Navistar a également intégré à ces modèles le Bendix Wingman Advanced, système de mitigation de collision qui alerte le conducteur au rapprochement des véhicules et, si c’est nécessaire, est capable d’activer les freins pour eviter une collision. Tous ces caractéristiques se trouve sur le web-site de la compagnie. Entretemps Kenworth continue à présenter ses tchnologies les plus récentes. Les efforts de la compagnie pour modifier les moteurs en conformité avec les nouvelles normes de l‘administration Obama sont déjà en préparation. Les nouveaux règlements exigent que les camions construits entre 2014 et 2018 conforment à une réduction de 20 pour cent en consommation de carburant et en émissions de gaz contribuant à l’effet de serre. Selon Gary Crudge, Directeur de Ventes chez Kenworth Truck Centres, les moteurs MX, construits par PACCAR qui font rouler beaucoup des unités de Kenworth sont déjà à la hauteur des nouvelles normes. « Ils ont construit les moteurs de cette façon pour éviter le procéssus de la réconstruction en 2014. » a -t-il déclaré. Crudge a ajouté que les camions équippés de MX
peuvent réaliser des économies de 5 à $6.000 par an et même plus. « On peut dire avec certitude sur les camions qui roulent 300.000 milles par an, nous pouvons réaliser jusqu’à $1.200 d’économies de carburant par an dépendant du kilométrage, de la performance du conducteur, du poids et du terrain en comparaison aux camions plus agés qui consomment plus de carburant. Le moteur modèle PACCAR MX est le seul moteur diesel qui utilise Compact Graphite Iron (CGI ) pour le bloc- cylindre et la culasse. D’autres manufacturiers n’utilisent CGI que pour les blocs. Les moteurs sont donc 20% plus légers et 75% plus forts que ceux construits de fer gris et ont l’avantage d’être moins bruyants, plus durables et d’une intégité structurale améliorée. L’addition la plus récente de Kenworth est sa ligne d’amélioration de performance, le Systeme NavPlus, un réseau de communication intégré qui rend la conduite plus facile, plus sécuritaire,et plus rentable. Il offre tout, de la navigation spécifique pour camions aux conversations téléphonique mains libres – avec des contröles audio (y compris une radio satéllite, AM/FM, CD, MP3 et USB), et des entrées pour appareils photographiques, jusqu’à quatre caméras video pour surveiller le camion et la remorque. En plus, un écran avec bouton programmé pour appeler le Kenworth Premier Care Customer Centre qui est en opération 24 heures
par jour, 7 jours par semaine pour l’assistance sur la route », selon la compagnie. Particuliérement à noter est la présentation récente du Cat CT660 Vocational Truck dont la conception a été inspirée par des spécifications données par des conducteurs expérimentés. Les premières technologies de camions de sport qui offrent des commodités opérationnelles et fournissent des informations pour améliorer la gestion des flottes. Ces améliorations incluent une meilleure visibilité et des informations qui aident à réduire les coûts, à optimiser l’efficacité et améliorer la sécurité, dit Cat. La conception du camion souligne une attention détaillée aux jauges. Ce qui est unique au T660, c’est que l’indicateur de vitesse et le tachomètre sont fusionné en une seule jauge. En plus, des conduits de climatisation arrondis optimisent les températures refroidissantes et rechauffantes. Le T660 a une belle présentation et est equipé de pièces détachées faciles à remplacer, particluièrement les composants vulnérables de la cabine. Par exemple, des sections individuelles de la calandre peuvent être changées. Les pare-chocs du camion sont faits d’un matériel à base de caoutchouc qui est capable de reprendre sa place, si jamais il heurte un autre objet. Un bloc-cilyndre en CGI réduit le bruit du moteur et assure un parcours plus tranquille. Au delà de grands manu-
facturiers d’autres personnes jouent un röle dans l’invention des innovations de l’industrie. Une telle personne, qui depuis des décennies travaille à l’abri d’une certaine obscurité est Ralph Fitzsimmons. Le profile de sa Round Truck Cab figure dans cette publication et le numéro de mars de Western Trucking News et Eastern Trucking News. La forme circulaire de la conception du camion atténue les dommages d’une collision en détournant les objets du véhicule au lieu de leur permettre de pénétrer le véhicule au moment du choc. Cet inventeur du Yukon, qui pendant des décennies travaille à raffiner des conceptions de la machine, donne aussi du crédit à la cabine surbaissée comme mesure de sécurité. Comme il l’explique « Les personnes, les animaux et les objets sont souvent écrasés après le choc initial avec un camion conventionnel, alors que le Round Truck Cab se tient à 18 pouces de la route au lieu de 24 pouces. Moins d’espace entre le camion et la route réduit la possibilité d’être forcé sous le camion ou les roues au moment du choc initial. L’inventeur continue à chercher des partenaires pour faciliter la production de ses inventions. Des innovation en cours de développement par des manufacturiers et des individus anonymes continuent à assurer que les camions deviennent de plus en plus sécuritaires, de plus en plus efficaces et de plus en plus faciles à opérer.
April 2012 37
The Products & Services Directory is your direct route to professional companies serving your local trucking market across Canada. Include your company in the directory by contacting Barb Woodward by phone at 877.225.2232, fax at 613.476.5959 or email at Barb@woodwardpublishing.com. Visit us online at www.woodwardpublishing.com. accounting, tax & bookkeeping
automated Lubrication systems
Account & Records Management Bookkeeping For Your Business & Personal Finances Toll Free: 888.644.2333
••• TruckersBooks Software Cut your Bookkeeping & Tax Services costs. Easy-to-use spreadsheet Bookkeeping Management System Software for Truckers. No bookkeeping experience needed. Save up to $600.00 per year in service fees. Toll Free: 888.456.6504 Tel: 905.305.6696 www.truckersbooks.com Air Brake Training for Mechanics
Beka Lube Products Inc. “Technology you can rely on.” 2830 Argentia Road, Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L5N 8G4 Toll Free: 888.862.7461 Tel: 905.821.1050 Fax: 905.858.0597 info@beka-lube.com www.beka-lube.com
buildings - all steel pre-engineered
A-Z Technical Building Systems Inc. 299 Mill Road, Unit 1510 Etobicoke, ON M9C 4V9 Toll Free: 877.743.5888 Tel: 416.626.1794 Fax: 416.626.5512 a-ztech@sympatico.ca
••• Norsteel Buildings Limited
50 Admiral Blvd. Mississauga, ON L5T 2W1 Tel: 905.671.2355 Toll Free: 800.668.5458 Fax: 905.671.2358 sales@flocomponents.com www.flocomponents.com
compliance services
Air Conditioning & Heating: Sales & Service
Lubecore International Inc. 7065 Twiss Road Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 Tel: 905.864.3110 Fax: 905.878.6935 info@lubecore.com www.lubecore.com
Mover’s Equipment & Supplies 6176 Atlantic Drive,Mississauga, ON L4C 1W2 Toll Free: 800.668.3773
15 Wanless Court Ayr, ON N0B 1E0 Toll Free: 888.823.7611 Tel: 519.624.4003 Fax: 519.624.5501 manwin@bellnet.ca
Niagara Service & Supply Ltd. 150 South Service Road Stoney Creek, ON Toll Free: 800.268.5076 Tel: 905.573.3101 sales@ niagarasevice.com
Wilson Instruments Ltd. 43 Crowe Bay Heights, R. R. 2 Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 Toll Free: 877.467.4440 Tel: 705.653.2403 Fax: 705.653.5560 WilsonInstruments@sympatico.ca www.wilsoninstrumentsltd.com 38 April 2012
S.E.T.I. Imports Inc. 81 Tremaine Road Milton, ON L9T 2W8 Tel: 905.878.7161 Fax: 905.878.7730 info@seti-imports.com www.autogreaser.com or www.seti-imports.com
SKF Lubrication Solutions (A Division of SKF Canada Ltd.) “Greasing on the Go!” 5777 Coopers Avenue Mississauga, ON L4Z 1R9 Toll Free: 800.207. 5823 (LUBE) Tel: 905.631.1821 Fax; 905.631.1787 marketing@skf.ca www.skf.ca
Tel: 905.670.4488
clutch products
Manwin Enterprises Inc.
Cross Border Services C-TPAT, FAST, PIP, CSA, SCAC, Bonded Carrier, NAFTA, Customs Brokerage and SAPP. 4130 Foxwood Drive Burlington, ON L7M 4L3 Tel: 905.973.9136 Fax: 905.315.7427 crossborderservices@cogeco.net www.crossborderservices.org
Clutch Distribution Centre Inc. Specializing in all types of new and reman clutches, clutch components, new and used flywheel exchanges, and flywheel grinding. Pickup and delivery within the GTA available upon request. Fast and friendly service since 1986. Mention this ad for a discount. 30 Baywood Road, Unit 7 Toronto, ON M9V 3Z2 Tel: 416.745.9220 Tel [alt]: 416.742.0003 Fax:416.745.7829 rvenneri@cdcparts.com www.cdcparts.com
DPF Cleaning Specialists
Clean and Care of your DPF is our only business with replacement of popular part numbers. 5325 Outer Drive Windsor, ON N9A 6J3 Toll Free: 877.373.2580 Tel: 519.737.6005 Fax: 519.737.0005 info@dpfcleaningspecialists.com www.dpfcleaningspecialists.com
315 Matheson Blvd. East Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X8 Toll Free: 800.263.0664 Tel: 905.501.5000 Fax: 905.501.0395 canadasales@jdfactors.com
“Large Account Service” to small fleet & start-up companies.” 176 Seacliff Drive West, Leamington, ON N8H 3Y5 Toll Free: 877.653.9426 Tel: 519. 419.5044 Fax: 519.326.4047 riacobelli@liquidcapitalcorp.com www.liquidcapitalmidwest.com
driver services, recruitment & employment
Mortgage Alliance Maximum Results (Reg: 10224)
Drakkar Human Resources 1131 Derry Road East Mississauga, ON L5T 1P3 Toll Free: 877.372.5527 Tel: 905.795.1397 Fax: 905.795.1391 MississaugaResumes@drakkar.ca www.drakkar.ca
Fax: 905.670.2748 info@movers3.com
J D Factors
Liquid Capital Midwest Corp.
cargo control products
factoring, finance & foreign exchange
Tel: 905.477.0057
Toll Free: 866.822.4022
Freinmeister Group Inc. 6 Farnham Crescent London, ON N6K 1K1 Tel: 519.641.6770 ron@freinmeister.com www.freinmeister.com
A proud Canadian remanufacturer Integrated Training Resources of quality Heavy Duty & automotive P. O. Box 402, 140 Market Drive clutches since 1980. Specializing Milton, ON L9T 4Y9 in heavy duty & custom made Toll Free: 888.812.0099 clutches including our own. Tel: 905.693.0660 81 Northline Road Fax: 905.693.0332 Toronto, ON M4B 3E9 info@integratedtrainingresources.ca Toll Free: 800.677.9038 www.integratedtrainingresources.ca Tel: 416.759.2245 DPF Cleaning Fax: 416.759.5890
Fax: 888.477.0029
1405 Denison Street Markham, ON L3R 5V2
compliance services
Fil-Mor Automotive & Clutch Products Ltd.
Resurfacing all types of flywheels and repairing lugs. A good line of clutch related components including clutch brakes, clutch forks, drive lugs, release bearings, pilot bushings/bearings, master/ slave cylinders, flywheels and alignment tools.
Supplying Steel Buildings across Canada and around the world.
Flo Components Ltd.
clutch products
Contact: Norm Williams An Independently Owned & Operated Franchise of the MAC Network. debt consolidation. mortgages. Will consider selfemployed individuals. 1165 Franklin Blvd., Unit 1, Cambridge, ON N1R 8E1 Toll Free: 877.904.9222 www.findthebestmortgage.ca
Fasteners, Fittings, Hose & Shop Maintenance
Danatec Educational Services Ltd “Changing the way you train since 1985. Canada’s leading TDG Training & Services.” 201-11450 29 th Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3V5 Toll Free: 800.465.3366 Tel: 403.232.6950 Fax: 403.232.6952 info@danatec.com www.danatec.com
Kee Human Resources 6760 Davand Drive, Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L5T 2L9 Toll Free: 800.661.0377 Tel: 905.670.0835 Fax: 866.329.5331 keeto@keetransport.com www.keetransport.com Emergency Road Services
F.B. Feeney Hardware
“Serving the industrial and trucking aftermarket since 1952.” 32 Carnforth Road Toronto, ON M4A 2K7 Toll Free: 800.363.0639 Tel: 416.750.4610 Fax: 416.750.4164 tfeeney@feeneyhardware.com www.feeneyhardware.com
ICC The Compliance Center Inc. Dangerous Goods Supplies & Services. 205 Matheson Blvd. East, Unit 7 Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X8 Toll Free: 888.977.4834 Tel: 905.890.7228 Fax: 905.890.7070 sales@thecompliancecenter.com www.thecompliancecenter.com
Emergency Road Services Corporation 3413 Wolfedale Road, Suite 5 Mississauga, ON L5C 1Z8 Toll Free: 877.377.2262 Tel: 905.277.2377 Fax: 905.277.2378 info@emergencyroadservices.com www.emergencyroadservices.com
Multi-Line Fastener Supply Co. Ltd.
“Serving fastener needs for Industrial, Automotive & Maintenance Trades.” 1100 Courtney Park Dr. E., Unit 5, Mississauga, ON L5T 1L7 Tel: 905.677.5088 Fax: 905.677.4917 www.multilinefasteners.com
insurance brokers
insurance brokers
Donaldson Company P. O. Box 1299, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1299 USA Toll Free: 800.374.1374 Tel: 952.887.3699 Fax: 952.887.3716 engineserviceparts@donaldson.com www.donaldson-filters.com fleet management & litigation support
DWS Fleet Management Services Fleet Management & Litigation Support for the Trucking Industry. 21 Lake Street, Ste. 2101, Wrentham, MA 02093-1214 Tel: 508.384.9021 Cell: 508.397.7169 Fax: 508.384.9010 dws@darrystuart.com www.darrystuart.com or www.ecmteam.com fuel additives & lubricants
Bennetts Power Service Products P. O. Box 51016, RPO Tyndall Park Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 Toll Free: 877.778.4440 Tel: 204.694.1777 Fax: 204.633.0133 gbennett@powerservice.ca www.powerservice.ca insurance brokers
DriverCheck Inc.
Bryson & Associates Insurance Brokers Ltd. Bryson Insurance & Financial Services Ltd. “For All Your Trucking Insurance Needs. Transportation Insurance, Fleet Safety Management Services, Bonds, Health, Drug, Dental, Life & Disability Insurance. Same Day Quotes up to 10 units.” Toll Free: 800.661.5196 Fax: 905.426.4959 dbundock@bryson-insurance.com www.bryson-insurance.com
Hallmark Insurance Brokers Ltd. “The Transit Authority” 4 Lansing Square, Suite 100 Toronto, ON M2J 5A2 Toll Free: 800.492.4070 Tel: 416.492.4070 Fax: 416.492.4321 trucking@hallmarkins.com www.hallmarkins.com
HUB International Ontario Ltd Transportation Insurance 33 Princess Street, Suite 501 Canadian Insurance Brokers Inc. Leamington, ON N8H 5C5 1 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 415 Toll Free: 800.463.4700 Toronto, ON M4P 3Z1 Tel: 519.326.9339 Tel: 416.486.0951 Fax: 519.326.0128 Fax: 416.489.5311 dan.mcguire@hubinternational.com jasonj@cibi.ca www.hubinternational.com www.cibi.ca
Dalton Timmis Insurance Group The Perfect Fit for your trucking insurance needs. 35 Stone Church Road Ancaster, ON L9K 1S5 Toll Free: 888.385.8466 Tel: 905.648.3922 Fax: 905.648.2640 info@daltontimmis.com www.daltontimmis.com
825 Queen Street East Toronto, ON M4M 1H8 Toll Free: 800.263.3030 Tel: 416.778.8000 Fax: 416.778.4492 lgarofalo@bairdmacgregor.com www.bairdmacgregor.com
The Perfect Fit for your trucking insurance needs. 14-600 Crowfoot Cres. NW Calgary, AB T3G 0B4 Toll Free: 866.472.0721 Tel: 403.241.2288 Fax: 866.399.3177 info@daltontimmis.com www.daltontimmis.com
Hutchinson Fuels 8 Loyalist Drive, Unit #2 Brighton, ON K0K 1H0 Toll Free: 800.465.0449 Tel: 613.475.3334 Fax: 613.475.4480
NOCO Lubricants Company Best Service, Best Value, Best Quality 2 Bradpenn Road Toronto, ON M8Z 5S9 Toll Free: 800.414.6626 Tel: 416.232.6626 Fax: 416.201.9880 orderdesk@noco.ca www.noco.ca
Transportation Insurance Broker/Advisor 2150 Islington Avenue Toronto, ON M9P 3V4 Toll Free: 877.232.9996 Tel: 416.521.6713 Fax: 416.259.7178 lindac@jdimi.com www.jdimi.com
ON-Board truck Scales
Vulcan On-Board Scales
RP Oil Limited
Baizana Insurance Brokers 806 Greenbank Road Ottawa, ON K2J 1A2 Toll Free: 877.791.1682 Tel: 613.825.5575 Fax: 613.825.5624 info@baizanainsurance.com www.baizanainsurance.com
Permits & services
730 Permit Services
Rainbow Insurance Brokers Inc
Box 755, 2085 Shanly Road Cardinal, ON K0E 1E0 Toll Free: 800.410.4754 Tel: 613.657.1244 Fax: 613.657.1453 info@730permitservices.com www.730permitservices.com
Wakefield Canada Inc. In Business since 1995 958 Road 2 East Kingsville, ON N9Y 2E4 Tel: 519.733.3268 Fax: 519.733.3282 trishd@xplornet.com www.rainbowinsurancebrokers.com
Castrol HD creates products that deliver superior performance and greater reliability with the goal of reducing customer operating costs. 3620 Lakeshore Blvd. West Toronto, ON M8W 1P2 Toll Free: 800.268.5339 Tel: 416.252.5511 ext 4449 Fax: 416.252.7315 mpagnanelli@wakefieldcanada.ca www.castrol.ca lubricants (synthetic)
What you want to protect the most. We protect the best! 30 Queen Street North Kitchener, ON N2H 6N2 Toll Free: 800.265.2634 Tel: 519.579.4270 Fax: 519.741.1977 cbunn@erb-erb.com or info@erb-erb.com www.erb-erb.com
#11-1642 Langan Avenue,Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1K5 Toll Free: 800.663.0854 Tel: 604.944.1481 Fax: 604.944.1482 www.vulcanscales.com
••• Erb and Erb Insurance Brokers Ltd.
De-On Supply Inc. 1595 Lobsinger Line, R. R. #1 Waterloo, ON N2J 4G8 Toll Free: 800.824.4115 Fax: 888.626.7843 info@deonsupply.com www.deonsupply.com
Best Services, Best Value, Best Quality
1111 Burns Street E. Unit 3 Whitby, ON L1N 6A6 Toll Free: 800.335.6623 Tel: 905.666.2313 Fax: 905.666.2761 larryharris@rpoil.com
Rust Control Products
Corrosion Control Coatings Ltd
Exclusive Canadian distributor of Worried about substance misuse & Tectyl ® industrial corrosion control abuse in your workplace? products. 1 Manley Street 106 Colborne Street, P. O. Box 1088 Ayr, ON N0B 1E0 Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0 Toll Free: 800.463.4310 Toll Free: 800.934.7771 Tel: 519.632.9371 Fax: 800.563.8078 Fax: 519.632.9534 dwells@cc-coatings.com www.cc-coatings.com drivercheck@drivercheck.ca www.drivercheck.ca ••• oil furnace sales & Service v
Jones Deslauriers Insurance Management Inc.
Dalton Timmis Insurance Group
Baird MacGregor Insurance Brokers LP
Medical Testing & Assesments
C.U.T.C. Inc. 1295 Carol Crescent Laval, QC H7W 1G3 Toll Free: 866.927.8294 Tel: 450.687.8294 Fax: 450.687.6963 pvoelker@sympatico.ca Pressure Washers
Krown Corporate 35 Magnum Drive Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Toll Free: 800.267.5744 Tel: 905.939.8750 Fax: 905.939.8710 info@krown.com www.krown.com tarps & tarping systems
Cramaro Tarpaulin Systems
Cramaro, for all your tarping needs. 206 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek, ON L8E 2L8 Toll Free: 800.565.8277 Tel: 905.662.2757 Fax: 905.662.4811 mail@cramarotarps.com www.cramarotarps.com
Load Covering Solutions Ltd.
“Keeping You Covered” 5499 Harvester Road Burlington, ON L7L 5V4 Toll Free: 800.465.8277 Tel: 905.335.2012 Fax: 905.335.8499 www.loadcoveringsolutions.com
Trison Tarps 130 Copernicus Blvd. Brantford, ON N3P 1L9 Toll Free: 866.948.2777 Tel: 519.720.9464 Fax: 519.720.9468 paul@trisontarps.ca www.trisontarps.ca test equipment-brakes, abs, lights
The CG & B Group Inc. Package policies for both local and long haul fleets. 120 South Town Centre Blvd. Markham, ON L6G 1C3 Toll Free: 800.267.6670 Tel: 905.479.6670 Fax: 905.479.9164 cgb@cgbgroup.com www.cgbgroup.com
Sinwal Enterprises Inc 5656 Bell Harbour Drive Mississauga, ON L5M 5J3 Toll Free: 866.326.7645 Tel: 416.520.5527 Fax: 905.814.1802 lubedealer@rogers.com www.sinwal.com
Can-Clean Pressure Washers 6790 Davand Drive, Units 13 & 14 Mississauga, ON L5T 2G5 Toll Free: 888.568.8001 Tel: 905.568.4868 Fax: 905.565.8821 info@can-clean.com www.can-clean.com
Lite-Check, LLC 3102 East Trent Avenue Spokane, WA, 92202 Toll Free: 800.343.8579 Tel: 509.535.7512 Fax: 509.535.7680 info@lite-check.com www.lite-check.com April 2012 39
tire balancing
towing services
tire & wheel service & equipmenT
Duret et Landry Inc. 2250 Industrial Blvd. Laval, QC H7S 1P9 Toll Free: 800.663.0814 Tel: 514.337.7777 Fax: 450.663.2688 elandry@CorghiCanada.com
Ontario Office
Corghi, ON Contact: Terry Lefebvre Tel: 416.902.5663 www.CorghiCanada.com
Abrams Towing
“Service Across Ontario” 24 Hour Heavy Towing Toll Free: 888.667.5438 Tel: 416.398.2500 www.abrams.ca
6500 Millcreek Drive Mississauga, ON L5N 2W6 Toll Free: 800.267.2185 Tel: 905.821.0799 Fax: 905.821.2073 info@hofmann.ca or johnvl@hofmann.ca www.hofmann.ca
Pat Rogers Towing
Transit Trailer Ltd.
Action Automotive, Towing & Recovery
“Meeting Your Service Needs in Eastern Ontario” P. O. Box 126 Trenton ON K8V 5R2 Toll Free: 800.551.6151 Tel: 613.394.4924 Fax: 613.394.2428 action@reach.net www.actiontowing.com
24 Hour Emergency Service Kingston, ON Toll Free: 888.221.3672 Tel: 613.384.2572 PatRogersTowing.com trailer manufacturers
trailer manufacturers [ tankers ]
Gervais Towing & Recovery 1485 Startop Road Ottawa, ON K1B 3W5 Toll Free: 888.689.2170 Tel: 613.747.4666 Fax: 613.747.8323 info@gervaistowing.com www.gervaistowing.com
185 Bartley Drive Toronto, ON M4A 1E6 We offer service to your light & medium duty vehicles in most areas of Ontario, 24/7. Simply dial... Toll Free: 855.424.2300 Tel: 416.424.2300 Fax: 416.424.2303 john@stellarroadside.com www.stellarroadside.com
40 April 2012
Transportation Training
5238 Hwy. 69 South Sudbury, ON P3E 4N1 Toll Free: 800.261.4252 Tel: 705.523.2341 Fax: 705.523.2817 gobbotowing@bellnet.ca
J P Towing Service & Storage Ltd 11 Glen Scarlett Road Toronto, ON M6N 1P5 Toll Free: 866.527.8225 Tel: 416.203.9300 Fax: 416.203.9303 sales@jptowing.com www.jptowing.com
Fort Garry Industries
Proud distributors for Lode-King, Midland Manufacturing, Arctic Manufacturing, Landoll, CMIC Container Chassis and more. trailers@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com/trailers
Crossroads Training Academy
Centennial College
Refrigerated Transportation Specialists 290 Hamilton Road New Hamburg, ON N3A 1A2 Toll Free: 800.665.2653 Tel: 519.662.2710 Fax: 519.662.3316 info@erbgroup.com www.erbgroup.com
Looking for a career? Apprenticeship Training: Truck, Coach & Heavy Equipment Technicians. P. O. Box 631, Station A Toronto, ON M1K 5E9 Tel: 416.289.5000 Ext 7606 dormiston@ centennialcollege.ca www.centennialcollege.ca
Kee Training Academy 6760 Davand Drive, Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L5T 2L9 Toll Free: 800.661.0377 Tel: 905.670.0835 Fax: 866.329.5331 keeto@keetransport.com www.keetransport.com
107 Bellevue Drive, Box 1450 Belleville, ON K8N 5J1 Toll Free: 800.267.1888 Tel: 613.961.5144 Fax: 613.961.1255 or 888.485.6487 ChrisMcMillan@itsinc.on.ca www.itstruck.ca
Commercial Heavy Equipment Training Contact: Gordon Brown 2421 Cawthra Road,Mississauga, ON L5A 2W7 Toll Free: 800.297.4322 Tel: 416.456.2438 Fax: 905.281.9637 training@chet.ca www.chet.ca
Crossroads Training Academy K.B.W. Towing
KBW Truck Transfer Service Heavy & Medium Towing, Flatbed Specialists. 1 Towns Road Etobicoke, ON M8Z 1A1 Toll Free: 866.616.6379 Tel: 416.255.4443 Fax: 416.252.2558 edkbw@hotmail.com
Smartway Trailer Rentals 2891 Sideroad 10 Bradford, ON L3Z 2A4 Toll Free: 888.747.7667 Tel: 905.775.6700 Fax: 905.775.7250 info@smartwaytrailers.ca www.smartwaytrailers.ca
Crossroads Truck Training Academy
10 Maple Street, Smiths Falls, ON K7A 1Z5 Toll Free: 866.529.1113 Tel: 613.742.7499 Fax: 613.742.7899 erica@bellnet.ca www.crossroadstrainingacademy. com Contact: Brent Nantais 505 Kenora Ave., Bldg. #1, Unit #1 Hamilton, ON L8E 3P2 Toll Free: 800.273.5867 Tel: 905.575.7606 Fax: 905.388.6699 brent@danbro-training.com
Friendly Truck Driving School Contact: Thiru Mahalingam 850 Tapscott Road, Unit 9 Scarborough, ON M1Z 1N4 Tel: 416.291.9075 Fax: 416.291.1144 friendlydriving@yahoo.com www.friendlydriving.com
Greater Ottawa Truck Training
International Truckload Services Inc. Head Office – 36 Cardico Drive Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Toll Free: 866.482.5311 Fax: 905.888.6061 j.ciciretto@gtatrailer.com www.gtatrailer.com
Contact: Brian Adams or Erica Kelly 2020 Bantree Street Ottawa, ON K1B 5A4 Toll Free: 866.529.1113 Tel: 613.742.7499 Fax: 613.742.7899 Brian@crossroadstrainingacademy.com www.crossroadstrainingacademy.com
Danbro Truck Training
GTA Trailer Rentals Inc.
Contact: Robert Barclay 888 Wallbridge Loyalist Road C.R.S. Bldg, Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 Toll Free: 888.282.6605 Tel: 613.771.1495 Fax: 613.771.1495 Contact: Robert Barclay 1525 Centennial Drive Kingston, ON K7P 2Y7 Toll Free: 888.282.6605 Tel: 613.389.6000 Fax: 613.389.1998
Erb Group of Companies
Crossroads Training Academy
Crossroads Training Academy
R. R. #2, Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 Tel: 519.836.5821 Fax: 519.836.9396
3700 Weston Road Toronto, ON M9L 2Z4 Tel: 416.667.9700 Bedard Tankers Inc. Fax: 416.667.8272 Leader in Dry Bulk, Liquid, Liquified vince@ Compressed Gas & Cryogenic Road carmentransportationgroup.com Tanker Trailers. www.carmentransportationgroup. 5785 Place Turcot com Montreal, QC H4C 1V9 Tel: 514.937.1670 ••• Fax: 514.937.2190 btinc@aei.ca www.bedardtankers.com trailer Sales, leasing, rentals & service
Stellar Roadside Assistance Ltd.
Transportation Training
Brian Kurtz Trucking Ltd.
Carmen Transportation Group
85 Pondhollow Road Sudbury, ON P3E 6C1
27 Automatic Road, Brampton, ON L6S 5N8 Toll Free: 800.373.6678 Tel: 905.791.1369 ext 3747 Fax: 905.791.1278 recruiting@yanke.ca www.yanke.ca
Titan Trailers
1129 Hwy #3, R. R. #3 Delhi, ON N4B 2W6 Tel: 519.688.4826 Fax: 519.688.6453 info@titantrailers.com www.titantrailers.com
Gobbo Towing & Recovery Ltd.
Servicing GTA, Ontario and USA A company you can count on! 185 Bartley Drive Toronto, ON M4A 1E6 Toll Free: 800.773.7952 Tel: 416.656.4000 Fax: 416.656.3065 carol@atowing.ca www.atowing.ca
22217 Bloomfield Rd., R. R. #6 Chatham, ON N7M 5J6 Toll Free: 877.995.5999 Tel: 519.354.9944 Fax: 519.354.9782 info@transittrailer.com www.transittrailer.com
towing services
A Towing Service Ltd.
Transport Companies
Transport Companies
Hofmann Balancing Techniques Ltd
trailer Sales, leasing, rentals & service
Yanke Group of Companies
Counteract Balancing Beads 13029 8th Line Georgetown, ON L7G 4S4 Toll Free: 800.572.8952 Tel: 905.873.3339 Fax: 905.873.3088 info@counteractbalancing.com www.counteractbalancing.com
towing services
Star Van Systems 10 Kerivan Court, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5P6 Toll Free: 800.263.4884 Fax: 905.643.8700 kens@starvansystems.com www.starvansystems.com
Contact: Read Conley or Diane Austin 49 Truman Road Barrie, ON L4N 8Y7 Toll Free: 866.446.0057 Tel: 705.719.2419 Fax: 705.719.2438 read@crossroadstrainingacademy.com diane@crossroadstrainingacademy. com or crossroadstruc1@bellnet.ca www.crossroadstrainingacademy.com
Contact: Shahram Dowlatshahi 5 Caesar Avenue Ottawa, ON K2G 0A8 Tel: 613.727.4688 Fax: 613.727.5997 gott@greaterottawatrucktraining.com www.greaterottawatrucktraining.com
Jay’s Professional Truck Training Centre
Contact: Jay or Chandrika 589 Middlefield Road, Unit 11 Scarborough, ON M1V 4Y6 Tel: 416.299.9638 Fax: 416.609.9814 jaystruck@bellnet.ca www.jaystrucktraining.ca
Kim Richardson Transportation Specialists Inc. Heavy equipment & forklift also available. Contact: Roxanne Wilkieson 172 Argyle Street N., Upper Level Caledonia, ON N3W 2J2 Toll Free: 800.771.8171 Tel: 905.765.3445 Fax: 905.765.1444 rwilkieson@krway.com www.krway.com
Transportation Training
Transportation Training
Transportation Training
truck delivery
truck parts & supplies
truck parts & supplies
Fort Garry Industries Kim Richardson Transportation Specialists Inc. Heavy equipment & forklift also available. Contact: Roxanne Wilkieson 634 Ireland Road Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K8 Toll Free: 800.771.8171 Tel: 519.426.8260 ext. 232 Fax: 519.428.3112 rwilkieson@krway.com www.krway.com
Kim Richardson Transportation Specialists Inc. Heavy equipment & forklift also available. Contact: Roxanne Wilkieson 120 Bill Martyn Parkway St. Thomas, ON N5R 6A7 Toll Free: 800.771.8171 Tel: 905.765.3445 Fax: 905.765.1444 rwilkieson@krway.com www.krway.com
Modern Training Ontario Contact: Nick Korakas 308 Kenora Avenue, Hamilton, ON L8E 2W2 Toll Free: 866.443.7483 Tel: 905.573.9675 Fax: 905.573.6425 info@moderntraining.com www.moderntraining.com
Northern Academy of Transportation Training Contact: Kevin Pattison 25 Vagnini Court, Lively, ON P3Y 1K8 Toll Free: 800.719.9334 Tel: 705.692.9222 Fax: 705.692.9256 info@northernacademy.ca www.northernacademy.ca
Northstar Truck Driving School Contact: Robert Labute 5044 Walker Road, Windsor, ON, N9A 6J3 Tel: 519.737.0444 Fax: 519.737.0445 northstartruck@bellnet.ca www.northstartruckdrivingschool.com
Ontario Truck Driving School (Chatham) Contact: Bill Kent 1005 Richmond Street, Chatham, ON N7M 5J5 Toll Free: 800.263.4777 Tel: 519.355.0077 Fax: 866.800.6837 training@otds.com www.otds.com
Ontario Truck Driving School (London) Contact: Bill Kent Forklift & Heavy Equipment Training Available 427 Exeter Road, London, ON N6E 2Z3 Toll Free: 800.263.4777 Tel: 519.858.9338 Fax: 519.858.0920 training@otds.com www.otds.com
Ontario Truck Driving School (Niagara-on-the-Lake) Contact: Bill Kent (Truck and Bus Course Info) Contact: Wayne Saunders (Heavy Equipment Info) 281 Queenston Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Toll Free: 800.263.4777 Tel: 905.685.1117 Fax: 905.641.0533 training@otds.com www.otds.com
Ontario Truck Driving School (Oldcastle) Contact: Bill Kent 2155 Fasan Drive, Oldcastle, ON, N0R 1L0 Toll Free: 866.410.0333 Tel: 519.258.0333 Fax: 519.258.9065 training@otds.com www.otds.com
Shaun-David Truck Training School Contact: David Nicholas
Acadian Driveaway
10 Spalding Drive
185 Carrier Drive Toronto, ON M9W 5N5 Toll Free: 800.668.1879 Tel: 416.679.1977 Fax: 416.679.1988 info@AcadianDriveaway.ca www.AcadianDriveaway.ca
Brantford, ON N3T 6B8 Toll Free: 866.550.5589 Tel: 519.720.9349 Fax: 519.720.9351 shaundavid@bellnet.ca www.shaundavidtts.com
Tri-County Truck Driver Training Contact: Richard Wynia 480 Waydom Drive Ayr, ON N0B 1E0 Toll Free: 800.265.0400 Tel: 519.653.1700 Fax: 519.622.4002
Ontario Truck Driving School (Owen Sound)
Contact: Admissions Officer 1051 2nd Avenue East Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H8 Toll Free: 800.263.4777 Tel: 519.376.0444 Fax: 866.800.6837 training@otds.com www.otds.com
Valley Driver Training
Fort Garry Industries Sales and NSM certified installation of snow plows, sanders, mixers, dump bodies and more. truckequip@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com/equipment truck Exhaust systems
Fort Garry Industries 1523 Ross Avenue East Regina, SK S4N 7E5 Toll Free: 800.552.8044 Tel: 306.757.5606 Fax: 306.781.7926 regina@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com
99 Cote Blvd.
3455 Miners Avenue P. O. Box 1848, Saskatoon, SK S7K 7K9 Toll Free: 800.772.4599 Tel: 306.242.3465 Fax: 306.933.4850 saskatoon@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com
Hanmer, ON P3P 1L9 Tel: 705.969.8848 Fax: 705.969.3584
Truck & Trailer Repairs
Ontario Truck Driving School (Sarnia)
safeties and a whole lot more.
Fort Garry Industries
Texis Truck Exhaust “Diesel Performance Specialisits” 1850 Gage Court Mississauga, ON L5S 1S2 Toll Free: 800.267.4740 Tel: 905.795.2838 Fax: 905.678.3030 texis@bellnet.ca www.texisexhaust.com truck lighting & accessories
Brake specialists, installations, info@fgiltd.ca
Contact: Bill Kent 141 Mitton Street South Sarnia, ON N7T 3C5 Toll Free: 800.263.4777 Tel: 519.332.8778 Fax: 866.800.6837 training@otds.com www.otds.com
MTT Repair Services Inc.
Ontario Truck Training Academy (Peterborough)
Fax: 905.677.2774
Contact: Yogan Sockalingam 4 Wilkinson Road, 2nd Floor Brampton, ON L6T 4M3 Tel: 905.793.9546 Fax: 905.793.6426 yogan@safetytruck.com www.safetytruck.com
2525 Inskster Blvd. R. R. #2 Stn Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2E6 Toll Free: 800.282.8044 Tel: 204.632.8261 Fax: 204.956.1786 winnipeg@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com
Fort Garry Industries
Contact: Dennis Lagrois 199 Wentworth Street East Oshawa ON L1H 3V6 Toll Free: 800.753.2284 Tel: 905.723.1237 Fax: 905.723.1245 admin@otta.ca www.otta.ca
Safety Truck Training School Ltd
Fort Garry Industries
Contact: Jamie Fitchett
Ontario Truck Training Academy valleydrivertraining@hotmail.com (Oshawa)
Contact: Dennis Langrois 365 Lansdowne Street East, Unit 3 Peterborough, ON K9L 2A3 Toll Free: 800.939.1463 Tel: 705.743.1888 Fax: 705.743.1875 admin@otta.ca www.otta.ca
truck equipment
1440 Highland Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A7 Toll Free: 866.883.6120 Tel: 204.571.5980 Fax: 204.571.5982 brandon@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com
1868 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905.677.2771 info@mttrepair.com truck CUSTOMIZING
Quality Custom 12 Clarke Blvd. Brampton, ON L6W 1X3 Tel: 905.451.8550 Fax: 905.451.7627 info@qualitycollision.ca www.qualitycustom.ca
Grote Industries Co. 230 Travail Road Markham, ON L3S 3J1 Toll Free: 800.268.5612 Tel: 905.209.9744 Fax: 905.209.9757 or Toll Free: 800.267.9024 mark.paul@grote.com www.grote.com truck parts & supplies
Discount Truck Parts Ltd. Quality truck parts at discount prices. 11633 – 156 th Street Edmonton, AB T5M 3T8 Toll Free: 800.661.5051 Tel: 780.454.5050 sales@gearcentregroup.com www.discountruckparts.com
Fort Garry Industries 5350-72nd Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4X5 Toll Free: 800.661.3126 Tel: 403.236.9712 Fax: 403.236.7249 calgary@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com
red deer
Fort Garry Industries 7947 Edgar Industrial Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 3R2 Toll Free: 866.297.0022 Tel: 403.343.1383 Fax: 403.347.8275 reddeer@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com Ontario
Fort Garry Industries 731 Gana Court Mississauga, ON L5S 1P2 Toll Free: 888.456.6567 Tel: 905.564.5404 Fax: 905.564.8455 mississauga@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com
thunder bay
Fort Garry Industries 915 Walsh Street West Thunder Bay, ON P7E 4X5 Toll Free: 800.465.5044 Tel: 807.577.5724 Fax: 807.475.9033 thunderbay@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com
Levy Steering Centre Ltd. 1409 Shawson Drive Mississauga, ON L4W 1C4 Toll Free: 800.565.5389 Tel: 905.564.1899 Fax: 905.564.1911 orderdesk@levysteering.com www.levysteering.com
Shield Truck Accessories
16230-118th Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5V 1C6 Toll Free: 800.663.9366 Tel: 780.447.4422 Fax: 780.447.3289 edmonton@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com
P. O. Box 281 Aylmer, ON N5H 2R9 Toll Free: 866.617.0201 Tel: 519.765.2828 Fax: 519.765.2821 hans@shieldtruckaccessories.com www.shieldtruckaccessories.com
Fort Garry Industries
grande prairie
Fort Garry Industries 10610-82 Avenue Clairmont, AB T0H 0W0 Toll Free: 866.424.5479 Tel: 780.402.9864 Fax: 780.402.8659 grandeprairie@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com nd
Fort Garry Industries 5701-63rd Avenue Lloydminster, AB T9V 3B8 Toll Free: 800.661.9709 Tel: 780.875.9115 Fax: 780.875.1403 lloydminster@fgiltd.ca www.fgiltd.com
truck sales, leasing, parts & service
Arrow Truck Sales “Premium Used Truck Dealer”. 1285 Shawson Drive Mississauga, ON L4W 1C4 Toll Free: 800.794.8627 Tel: 905.564.3411 Fax: 905.564.3419 vgupta@arrowtruck.com www.arrowtruck.com April 2012 41
truck sales, leasing, parts & service
truck sales, leasing, parts & service
truck transmissions, differentials & pto’s
truck transmissions, differentials & pto’s
Gerry’s Truck Centre “Your Complete Transportation
Surgenor Truck Centre
Business Partner.”
261 Binnington Court Kingston, ON K7M 9H2 Toll Free: 877.548.1101 Tel: 613.548.1100 Fax: 613.548.4990 mgallant@surgenortruck.com www.surgenortruck.com
4049 Eastgate Cres. London, ON N6L 1B7 Toll Free: 800.363.4380 Tel: 519.652.2100 Fax: 519.652.6593 info@gerrystrucks.com www.gerrystrucks.com
Truck tire sales & service
Awash Systems Corp. C & R Transmission Service Ltd. We service clutches also. 13 Anderson Blvd. Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4 Toll Free: 888.297.0682 Tel: 905.642.4556 Fax: 905.642.2293 manager@crtransmission.com
Canada-Wide Parts Distributors Ltd
Canada’s leading supplier of Powertrain Components. 1261A Shawson Drive Mississauga, ON L4W 1C4 Toll Free: 877.564.3116 Tel: 905.564.3116 Fax: 905.564.3119 customerservice@ canadawideparts.com www.canadawideparts.com
Toll Free: 800.267.0633 1248 McAdoo’s Lane, R. R. #1 Glenburnie, ON K0H 1S0 Toll Free: 800.267.0633 Tel: 613.546.0431 Fax: 613.546.4206 www.morgan-diesel.com
Automatic Wash Systems and Water Treatment Recycling Systems customized to your requirements. 2810 Matheson Blvd. E., 2nd Floor Mississauga, ON L2T 2B9 Toll Free: 800.265.7405 Tel: 905.624.7227 iinfo@awashsystems.com www.awashsystems.com
Trans Canada Automatic Truck Wash
Diesel Truck Parts Inc.
Morgan’s Diesel Truck Parts & Service Inc.
truck Wash Systems
Ontario Regional Office
Over 100 Truck Tire Service Centres Across Canada 520 Abilene Drive Mississauga, ON L5T 2H7 Toll Free: 800.465.0618 Tel: 905.564.5171 Fax: 905.564.5175 LHardy@oktire.com www.oktire.com
Canada Powertrain 3833 Nashua Drive Mississauga, ON L4V 1R3 Toll Free: 800.268.4809 Tel: 905.677.3522 Fax: 905.677.4618 parts@cptparts.com www.cptparts.com
Domar Transmission Ltd. When it comes to transmissions… think DOMAR 130 Skyway Avenue, Toronto, ON M9W 4Y9 Tel: 416.675.2268 Toll Free Tel: 800.387.4883 Email: domar@fcibroadband.com
Home of the 8 Minute Semi Wash and the Clean Ride Car Wash Yellowhead Highway 16 West South at Range Road 14, P. O. Box 1825 Lloydminster, AB T9V 3C2 Tel: 780.874.9274 Fax: 780.874.9275 greg@tctw.ca www.tctw.ca
Truck-Lite Co., LLC
Truck-Lite’s New 5” x 7” LED Headlamp
alconer, New York – In 2009, TruckLite broke into the world of forward lighting with a successful release of the world’s first 7” round DOT approved LED Headlamp. As market interest grew and LED technology evolved and improved, TruckLite responded to demand and is proudly releasing a 5”x7” LED headlamp application. Made in the U.S.A., the new 5”x7” version, part #27450C, was designed to utilize cuttingedge 2 LED arrays and complex reflector, creating smooth, even light output and clean streamlined appearance. The use of metalized reflector optics provides a lighting experience that is both smooth and clean across the driving surface. Truck-Lite’s 5”x7” LED 42 April 2012
headlamp system meets and exceeds FMVSS-108 and CMVSS-108 DOT requirements for both low
and high beam performance. New LED technology has enabled Truck- Lite to engineer LED headlamp products that produce light far closer to the actual color temperature of natural sunlight (6,000K) than conventional incandescent or halogen lamps. The lamps multi-volt design works with both 12v and 24v systems.
John Howells, VP of Sales for Truck-Lite stated, “We are a one-stop lighting manufacturer that can offer you quality LED applications
from the front of the truck to the rear of the trailer. Our existing as well as new headlamp offering really speaks to high performance, durability and increased visibility for forward lighting applications. Offering longer life than comparable incandescent lamps, these LED
headlamp products are worth the upfront investment, saving the time and expense of replacing lamps multiple times.” The transition of forward lighting to a 12 volt LED headlamp ap-
solid-state, bulb-free system that is impervious to damage caused by shock and vibration. The military grade, die-cast aluminum housing and nonyellowing polycarbonate lens offer opti-
plication means brighter, crisper and whiter light output than incandescent alternatives, while offering longer life and greater dependability that has since become standard for LED signalling and marking products. All LED headlamps feature a
m u m protection against damage from impact, roadside debris and other hazards, combined to create a maintenance free system. Truck-Lite’s LED headlamps are drop-in replacements for lamp numbers 6052, 6053, H6054 and HP6054 utilizing standard
H4 3 blade connector. Advanced LED technology has significantly reduced LED headlamp current draw to 3.6a high beam and 1.8a low beam, allowing more power for other vehicle requirements and extending alternator life. Truck-Lite Co., LLC is headquartered in Falconer New York, with additional manufacturing facilities in Wellsboro, Coudersport, and McElhattan, Pennsylvania, as well as Birmingham and Harlow England, and other facilities around the world. Truck-Lite is a major producer of signal lighting, forward lighting, wiring harnesses, mirrors, turn signal switches and safety accessories to the heavy duty truck, trailer and commercial vehicle industries. For more information v i s i t w w w. t r u c k - l i t e . com.
Alphabetical List of Advertisers
Advertisers by Product or Service
Advertiser Page Publication
Air Conditioning Sales & Service Wilson Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Auto Body & Sandblasting Services Streamline Auto Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Automated Greasing Systems Flo Components Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Lubecore International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 7, 27 Brake Products & Brake Testing Products Litecheck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 EBI Canada Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Buildings, All Steel Span-Tech Steel Buildings Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Bully Dog Products Moneysworth Auto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 DEF Products Anco Chemicals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Brenntag Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Diesel Performance Products Performance Products (Bully Dog) . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Emergency Road Services Emergency Road Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 34 Employment Opportunities Atlantis Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Behind The Wheel Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Best Transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Canada Cartage Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Concord Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 DMR Truck Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Drakkar Human Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Erb Group of Companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 International Truckload Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . 57 Kindersley Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Kleysen Transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Laidlaw Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Mackie Auto Transporter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Skelton Truck Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Star Van Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 The Rosedale Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 TransX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 60 White Oak Transport Limited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Factoring & Finance J.D. Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Liquid Capital Midwest Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fuel Additives Bennett’s Power Service Products Ltd.. . . . . . . 4, 5 CFTS Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fuel Saving Products Airtabs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Heating Sales & Service Espar Heating Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Wilson Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Insurance Brokers Hallmark Insurance Brokers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Lubricants Castrol Wakefield (H2Blu). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Imperial Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Shell Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Permits & Waivers C.U.T.C. Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Steering & Clutch Products Levy Steering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Towing Companies Abrams Towing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Tools Trison Tarps Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,14 Theft Prevention Products The Fuel Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tire Sales & Service Benson Tire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Trailer Mfgrs, Sales & Service (Tankers) Bedard Tankers Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Hutchinson Industries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Tremcar Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 59 Truck Exhaust Sales & Service Texis Truck Exhaust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Truck Parts & Accessories Traction Truck Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Truck Repairs TruckPro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Truck Sales (Used) Arrow Truck Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 54 Davy Truck Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Truck Transmissions Domar Transmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 29 Tuning Services Moneysworth Auto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Video Recording Equipment Windshield Cam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Weigh Scales (On Board) Vulcan On-Board Scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
A&A Exhaust Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Abrams Towing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Airtabs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Anco Chemicals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Arrow Truck Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 54 Ontario Trucking News Atlantis Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Ontario Trucking News
Bedard Tankers Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Behind the Wheel Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Bennett’s Power Service Products Ltd.. . . . . . . 4, 5 Benson Tire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Best Transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Ontario Trucking News Brenntag Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
C.U.T.C. Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Canada Cartage Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Canada Wide Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Ontario Trucking News Castrol Wakefield (H2Blu Feature). . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ontario Trucking News CFTS Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Concord Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Davy Truck Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario Trucking News DMR Truck Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Domar Transmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 29 Drakkar Human Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
EBI Canada Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Emergency Road Services of Canada Inc. . . . . 1,34 Erb Group of Companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Espar Heating Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Flo Components Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Ontario Trucking News
Hallmark Insurance Brokers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Hutchinson Industries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern Trucking News
Imperial Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Ontario Trucking News International Truckload Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . 57 Ontario Trucking News
J.D. Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Kindersley Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Ontario & Western Trucking News Kleysen Transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Laidlaw Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Eastern Trucking News Levy Steering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Liquid Capital Midwest Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario Trucking News Litecheck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Lubecore International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 7, 27
Mackie Auto Transporter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Moneysworth Auto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Ontario Trucking News
Newcom Business Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Performance Diesel (Bully Dog). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Road Today Truck Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Shell Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Span-Tech Steel Buildings Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ontario Trucking News Skelton Truck Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Star Van Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Ontario Trucking News Streamline Auto Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Texis Truck Exhaust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Fuel Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The Rosedale Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Tiger Tool International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Traction Truck Parts & TruckPro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario & Western Trucking News TransX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 60 Tremcar Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 59 Trison Tarps Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 14
Vulcan On-Board Scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Western & Eastern Trucking News
White Oak Transport Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Wilson Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Ontario Trucking News Windshield Cam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
page publications Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News
Eastern & Western Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News Ontario & Western Trucking News Eastern Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News
Eastern Trucking News
Ontario & Western Trucking News Ontario & Western Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News
Western & Eastern Trucking News April 2012 43
Welcome to our complimentary Truck Stop Directory. We want to help truckers and travellers find the nearest truck stop on route to their destination. For details on how you can list your truck stop, call Barb Woodward at 877.225.2232 or email Barb at barb@woodwardpublishing.com. Alberta
Cougar Fuels Ltd. 5602-54th Avenue
Bonnyville, AB Tel: 780.826.3043 Fax: 780.826.6353 Email: brentm@cougarfuelsltd.ca www.cougarfuelsltd.ca
Convenience store, cardlock and showers.
Calgary Husky Travel Centre 2525-32nd Avenue NE Calgary, AB T1Y 6B7 Tel: 403.291.1233 www.myhusky.ca
British Columbia
Strathmore Husky Travel Centre
436 Ridge Road Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5 Tel: 403.934.3522 Fax: 403.934.3555 Email: hk7969@popmail. huskyenergy.com Web: www.myhusky.ca Open 24 hours, 7 days, restaurant, cardlock, ATM, convenience store, showers. British Columbia
Jepson Petroleum Ltd. Box 1408 Golden, BC V0A 1H0 Tel: 250.344.6161 Fax: 250.344.2232 Email: ladine@jepsonpetro.com Open 8am-5pm mon-fri, lubes & propane, 24hr cardlock, regular, diesel & diesel mark.
RoadKing Travel Centre 4949 Barlow Trail SE Calgary, AB T2B 3B5 Tel: 403.569.6251 Fax: 403.235.5095 www.roadking.ca
7620A Vedder Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 4E8 Tel: 604.858.5113 www.myhusky.ca
RoadKing Travel Centre Strathcona Inc.
26 Strathmoor Drive Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2B6 Tel: 780.417.9400 Fax: 780.417.9449
Nisku Truck Stop
Suite 201 - 8020 Sparrow Drive Leduc, AB T9E 7G3 Tel: 780.986.7867 Fax: 780.986.7898 Web: www.myhusky.ca Open 24 hours, 7 days, restaurant, cardlock, ATM, convenience store, showers, scale.
Hancock Petroleum
5904-44 Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 1V6 Tel: 888.875.2495 Fax: 780.875.2095 Convenience store, showers & laundry facilities th
Chilliwack Petro-Pass
45461 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC Tel: 604.795.9421 Fax: 604.792.8931 chilliwack@southcoastpetro.ca Commercial cardlock open 24hrs, 7 days, convenience store open Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm (washrooms).
Cool Creek Agencies
7985 Lickman Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 3Z9 Tel: 604.795.5335 Fax: 604.794.5080 sdufault@coolcreek.ca Full service islands, driver’s lounge & game room, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking & CAT scale
Husky Travel Centre
5721-44th Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 0B3 Tel: 780.872.7089 www.myhusky.ca
Husky Travel Centre
561-15th Street SW Medicine Hat, AB T1A 4W2 Tel: 403.527.5561
Petro Canada Card Lock AgCom Petroleum Fuel Sales 1802-10 Avenue, SW Medicine Hat, AB Tel: 403.527.6411 Fax: 403.529.1660 Showers.
44 April 2012
Husky Travel Centre 10128 Nordel Court Delta, BC V4G 1J7 Tel: 604.582.1433 www.myhusky.ca
Petro Canada Southcoast Petroleum Ltd.
10178 Nordel Court Delta, BC Tel: 604.581.3835 Fax: 604.581.3850 nordel@southcoastpetro.ca Canopy, fax, photocopier, nearby gov’t scale, restaurant & ATM.
Petro Pass
Brandon Husky Travel Centre 1990-18th Street North Brandon, MB R7C 1B3 Tel: 204.728.7387 www.myhusky.ca
Dogwood Valley Husky Travel Centre 27052 Baker Road Hope, BC V0X 1L3 Tel: 604.869.9443 www.myhusky.ca
Flood Hope Husky Travel Centre 61850 Flood-Hope Road R.R. #2, Hope, BC V0X 1L2 Tel: 604.869.9214 www.myhusky.ca
Wagons West Travel Plaza 3999 Airport Road Merritt, BC V1K 1R2 Tel: 250.378.2100 Fax: 250.378.6060 Open 24 hours, 7 days, restaurant, convenience store, showers, TV with cable, Greyhound.
Hwy 75 South, Box 989 Morris, MB R0G 1K0 Tel: 204.746.8999 Fax: 204.746.2611 Email: morrismohawk@yahoo.ca Web: www.myhusky.ca Open 24 hours, 7 days, restaurant Mon. – Fri. 6am-11pm, Sat. & Sun. – 7am-11pm, cardlock, ATM, convenience store with lottery, showers.
217 Main Street Morris, MB Tel: 204.746.8967 Fax: 204.746.6008 Open 24-7, full service islands, drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store, ATM & parking
Exit 450, 2600 Mountain Road Moncton, NB E1G 3T6 Tel: 506.859.6000 Fax: 506.859.6005 Open 24-7, convenience store, fast food, ATM & washrooms.
Exit 115, Perth-Andover, NB Tel: 506.273.9682 Fax: 506.273.9682 Open 24-7, full service islands, driver’s lounge with large screen, restaurant, satellite TV, convenience store, showers, laundry, parking & free high-speed internet.
Petro Canada-Petro Pass 500 Oak Point Highway Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204.949.7292 Fax: 204.949.7295 Open 24-7, driver’s lounge & game room, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking
6757 Hwy #2 Enfield, NS S2T 1C8 Tel: 902.882.2522 Fax: 902.883.1769 Open 24-7, full-service islands, driver’s lounge, restaurant (6 am-11pm), convenience store, showers & parking.
315 Ouellette Street Grand Falls, NB Tel: 506.473.5575 Fax: 506.475.9816 Toll Free: 800.361.8322 truro heights guypass@nb.sympatico.ca Truro Heights Circle K Driver’s lounge & game room, 86 Connector Rd., Hwy 102 Exit 13, convenience store, showers, Truro Heights, NS B2N 5B6 laundry facilities, internet services, Tel: 902.897.0333 showers, parking & CAT scale. Fax: 902.897.0499 mONCTON Open 24-7, self service islands, driver’s lounge, restaurant, convenience store, showers & parking.
Tobique One Stop
Petro Canada-Petro Pass
Nova Scotia
Enfield Big Stop (Circle K)
grand falls
Morris Husky Chilliwack Husky Travel Centre
New Brunswick
Salisbury Big Stop
Ontario, Eastern
Antrim Truck Stop
580 White Lake Road, Arnprior, ON K7S 3G9 Tel: 613.623.3003 Fax: 613.623.1003 Toll Free: 866.334.4775 jack@antrimwesternstar.com Open 24-7, full service islands, restaurant, convenience store, showers, overnight parking, driver’s lounge, CAT scale, garage service facilities, tire service, Western Star truck dealer.
25 Bellevue Dr., Hwy 401 Exit 538 (rear of Ultramar Service Station) Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 Tel: 613.771.1755 Open 24 hrs, lunch counter, convenience store, washrooms, showers, short-time parking & driver’s lounge
2986 Fredericton Road cARDINAL Salisbury, NB E4J 2G1 Tel: 506.372.3333 Fax: 506.372.0083 2085 Shanly Rd., Hwy 401 Exit 730 Open 24-7, driver’s lounge & game Cardinal, ON K0C 1E0 room, restaurant, convenience Tel: 613.657.3019 store, showers, laundry facilities, Husky Travel Centre Open 24 hrs, restaurant, parking & CAT scale convenience store,washrooms, 9206-97th Street P etro Canada-Petro Pass waasis showers, overnight parking & R.R. #2, Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V2 928 Marion Street, Lincoln Big Stop Circle K driver’s lounge. Tel: 250.495.6443 415 Nevers Rd. Winnipeg, MB Cornwall www.myhusky.ca Waasis, NB E3B 9E1 Tel: 204.949.7280 Tel: 506.446.4444 SICAMOUS Fax: 204.949.7288 Driver Fax: 506.446.4455 Open 24-7, driver’s lounge & game bigstop_bluecanoe@yahoo.ca room, convenience store, laundry Fifth Wheel Truck Stop Open 24-7, Irving FP Solution 1901 McConnell Avenue, facilities, showers & parking I-24, driver’s lounge, restaurant, Hwy 401 Exit 792 convenience store,showers,laundry New Brunswick Cornwall, ON K6H 5R6 facilities, free over night parking. Tel: 613.933.8363 Husky Travel Centre woodstock aulac Fax: 613.932.3952 1340 Trans Canada Hwy. M urray’s Truck Stop Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, full-service Aulac Big Stop Circle K Exit 191, 198 Beardsley Road Sicamous, BC V0G 2V0 fuel islands, convenience store 170 Aulac Road Woodstock, NB fuel bar, take-out food, CAT scale, Tel: 250.836.4675 Aulac, NB E4L 2X2 Tel: 506.328.2994 Blue Beacon truck wash, propane, Fax: 280.836.2230 Tel: 506.536.1339 Driver’s Fax: 506.325.2148 Sunoco Cardlock, restaurant, 200+ Contact: Shelley Arvandel email: calving.murraystruckstop Fax: 506.536.0579 truck parking, private showers, www.myhusky.ca @gmail.com laundry facilities, driver’s lounge Email: aulac@eastlink.ca & arcade room, Bell Canada www.murraystruckstop.ca Open 24-7, restaurant (6amOpen 24-7, full service islands, internet kiosk, barber shop, ATM, Open 24-7, full service islands, 10pm), convenience store, driver s lounge, restaurant, drug testing centre, chapel, motel driver’s lounge & game room, showers, laundry facilities, parking, convenience store, showers, (smoking & non-smoking), tire shop, restaurant, convenience store, photocopier, oil products, ATM and laundry facilities, parking & CAT lube shop, mechanic shop, Irving showers, laundry facilities, parking scale. fax machine. & CAT scale & tire sales & service. cardlock.
Ontario, Eastern
Quick Stop 215 Hwy #49 Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0 Tel: 613.396.3043 Fax: 613.396.1449 Open 6am-10pm, 7 days, full service islands, Subway, convenience store, parking & coffee drive-thru.
Ontario, Eastern
Ontario, Northern
Angelo’s Truck Stop
2025 County Road 44 Spencerville, ON K0E 1X0 Tel: 613.925.5158 Fax: 613.925.5158 Open 7 days, game room, restaurant, convenience store, showers, parking & CAT scale.
vankleek hill
Herb’s Travel Plaza
Esso-Dunvegan 1515 County Road #20, (Hwy 417 Exit 51) Dunvegan, ON Tel: 613.527.1026 or 613.627.2100 Fax: 613.527.2726 Open 24-7, full service islands, restaurant (Tim Horton’s), convenience store, showers, parking & ATM.
Kingston Husky Truck Stop Joyceville Road (Hwy 401 Exit 632) Joyceville, ON Tel: 613.542.3468 www.myhusky.ca
Esso-Kingston Hwy 401 Exit 611 Kingston, ON Tel: 613.384.8888 Fax: 613.634.3162 Open 24-7
21160 Service Road, Exit 27 off Hwy 417 Vankleek Hill, Ontario Toll Free: 800.593.4372 Tel: 613.525.2120 Fax: 613.525.1595 Email: suzie_vink@yahoo.ca Open 24-7 driver’s lounge, restaurant, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, internet services, showers & parking.
Bradford Husky Travel Centre Hwy 400 & 88 Bradford, ON Tel: 905.775.5794 www.myhusky.ca
Ultramar 3199 Hawthorne Road, (Exit 110 off Hwy 417) Behind Ultramar Service Station Ottawa, ON K1G 3V8 Tel: 613.248.9319 Open 24 hrs, lunch counter, convenience store, washrooms, driver’s lounge, showers & short-time parking
Esso Truck Stop
2154 Riverside Drive Timmins, ON Tel: 705.268.3400 Fax: 705.267.7231 bgagnon@krebenterprises.ca Open 24-7, restaurant, convenience store, ATM & showers.
Hwy 401, Exit 250, 806607 Oxford Road, Drumbo, ON N0J 1G0 Tel: 519.463.5088 Fax: 519.463.5628 Email: amdroit1990@hotmail.com
fort erie
Waubaushene Truck Stop
21 Quarry Road, Box 419, Waubaushene, ON L0K 2L0 Tel: 705.538.2900 Fax: 705.538.0452 Email: bramji@sympatico.ca Ontario, Western
Ultramar 1637 Pettit Road (Exit 5 off QEW) Fort Erie, ON L2A 5M4 Tel: 905.994.8293 Open 24 hrs, restaurant, washrooms, showers, overnight parking & driver’s lounge
4673 Ontario Street, (Exit 64 off QEW) Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4 Tel: 905.563.8816 Fax: 905.563.4770 Email: relaystation@bellnet.ca Open 24-7, restaurant, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking
Jeremy’s Truck Stop & Country Restaurant
220 Highway 17 West Nairn Centre, ON P0M 2L0 Tel: 705.869.4100 Fax: 705.869.6796
3060 Hwy 11 North North Bay, ON Tel: 705.474.8410 Fax: 705.495.4076 Toll Free: 888.474.8410 Email: baytruckstop@bellnet.ca Web: www.transportmall.com Open 24-7, full service islands, restaurant, convenience store, showers, parking & truck repairs within 2 km.
Sudbury Petro Pass
3070 Regent Street Sudbury, ON Tel: 705.522.8701 Fax: 705.522.4280 Open Mon-Fri. 6am-11pm, Sat. 8am-8pm & sun. 10am-9pm, driver’s lounge & game room, convenience store (hot food, pizza, chilli & soup), laundry facilities, showers & parking.
Fifth Wheel Truck Stop
2475 South Service Road, (Exit 431, Hwy 401, Waverly Road) Bowmanville, ON L1C 3L1 Tel: 905.623.3604 Fax: 905.623.7109 Open 24 hrs., diesel fuel, convenience store, CAT scale, gasoline (self service), ATM, propane, convenience store at fuel bar, Sunoco fleet fuel cardlock ,full service fuel islands, restaurant, private showers, laundry facilities, driver’s lounge & arcade room, 100+ truck parking capacity, motel (smoking & non-smoking),Bell Canada internet kiosk, Irving cardlock.
Fifth Wheel Truck Stop
3305 Dorchester Road, (Exit 199, Hwy 401, East of London) Dorchester, ON N0L 1G0 Tel: 519.268.7319 Fax: 519.268.2967 Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, convenience store, CAT scale, blue beacon truck wash, drug testing centre, gasoline (self serve), ATM, take-out food, open roads chapel, Sunoco & Irving Cardlock, full service fuel islands, restaurant, private showers, laundry facilities, driver’s lounge, 150+ parking capacity, motel (smoking & non-smoking), arcade room, convenience store.
Flying M Truck Stop
7340 Colonel Talbot Road London, ON Tel: 519.652.2728 Fax: 519.652.6554 Email: flyingmtruckstop.com Open 24 hrs, 6 days, full service islands, driver’s lounge, restaurant, convenience store, ATM, internet services, showers, garage on premises & parking
London Husky Travel Centre
Hwy 401 & 74 (Exit 195 off 401) Belmont, ON Tel: 519.644.0200 www.myhusky.ca
Beamsville Relay Station
hWY 144 @ 560a
Hwy 144 & 560A Tel: 705.655.4911 or 705.523.4917 Fax: 705.523.4160 jim_blackbearhunting@live.com
Ontario, Western
Trucker’s Haven
Watershed Car & Truck Stop
BayTruck Stop
1993 Hwy 15, Exit 623 Kingston, ON K7L 4V3 Tel & Fax: 613.542.7971 Email: AkashIndia@hotmail.com Open 24/7, fast-food, convenience store, ATM, overnight parking.
Ontario, Western
Ontario, Northern
north bay
Ontario, Western
Fifth Wheel Truck Stop 398 North Service Road, (Exit 74, off QEW, E. of Hamilton) (Casablanca Blvd. Exit) Grimsby, ON L3M 4E8 Tel: 905.945.0300 Fax: 905.945.1115 Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, convenience store, CAT scale, Blue Beacon truck wash, ATM, drug testing centre, gasoline, Sunoco & Irving cardlock, full service fuel islands, restaurant, private showers, laundry facilities, driver’s lounge & arcade room,100+ parking capacity, chapel, motel (smoking & non- smoking).
Fifth Wheel Truck Stop
40 Chisolm Dr. (Hwy 401 Exit 320) Milton, ON L9T 3G9 Tel: 905.878.8441 Fax: 905.878.9376 Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, convenience store, CAT scale, Blue Beacon truck wash, ATM, lube shop, Sunoco & Irving Cardlock, full service fuel islands, restaurant, showers, laundry facilities, driver’s lounge & arcade room, 100+ parking, chapel, motel (smoking & non-smoking), & lottery tickets.
535 Mill Street (Hwy 401 Exit 230 on TA site) Woodstock, ON N4S 7V6 Tel: 519.421.3144 Open 24 hrs, restaurant, convenience store, washrooms, showers, driver’s lounge & overnight parking. Québec
Irving 24
5918, Rue Notre Dame Est Montreal, QC H1N 2C5 Tel: 514.257.8626 Fax: 514.259.0910 Open 24-7, restaurant, convenience store & laundry facilities. Saskatchewan
Estevan Husky Travel Centre 201- 4th Street, Estevan, SK S4A 0T5 Tel: 306.634.3109 www.myhusky.ca
Husky Bulk Sales
Husky Travel Centre
336 Kenora Avenue Hamilton, ON L8E 2W2 Tel: 905.561.4712 Fax: 905.561.7757 Email: wayne@marshalltruck.com Web: www.marshalltruck.com Open 24-7 for cardlock, open 7am-12am mon-fri, 7am-5pm Sat, closed Sunday, full service islands, driver’s lounge, restaurant, showers & parking
Hwy 401 Exit 14, Tecumseh, ON Tel: 519.737.6401 www.myhusky.ca
Marshall Truck & Trailer Repair & Truck Stop
Windsor Husky Travel Centre
200 Clements Road Pickering, ON Tel: 905.428.9700 www.myhusky.ca
port Hope
2211 County Road 28 (Hwy 401 Exit 464) Port Hope, ON L1A 3W4 Tel: 905.885.4600 Open 24 hrs, lunch counter, convenience store,washrooms, showers, driver’s lounge & short-time parking
210 North McDonald Street Regina, SK S4N 5W3 Tel: 306.721.6880 www.myhusky.ca
Regina Husky Travel Centre 1755 Prince of Wales Drive Regina, SK S4Z 1A5 Tel: 306.789.3477 www.myhusky.ca
Petro Canada-Petro Pass
402-51st Street East Saskatoon, SK Tel: 306.934.6766 Fax: 306.668.6110 Email: rainbow@sasktel.net Driver’s lounge, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers, scale & parking
stoney creek
Petro-Pass Kitchener 120 Conestoga College Blvd. Kitchener, ON N2P 2N6 Tel: 519.748.5550 Fax: 519.748.9656 Driver’s lounge & game room, convenience store, laundry facilities, showers & CAT scale.
Stop 50 Truck Stop
1310 South Service Road (Exit QEW at Fifty Road) Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5C5 Tel: 905.643.1151 Fax: 905.643.8068 Open 24-7, full service islands, restaurant, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking
swift current
Husky Travel Centre
1510 South Service Road West (Trans Canada Hwy 1 West) Swift Current, SK S9H 3T1 Tel: 306.773.6444 www.myhusky.ca April 2012 45
MINI Connection from Across the Pond By Wendy Morgan McBride
t’s Sunday afternoon and I am on the couch watching NASCAR and wondering if there is anything better to do. Spring is definitely here, I think, when the season starts with the Daytona 500. As I watch, a commercial comes on saying, “There is something about cars, we connect with them, we talk about them, we share them.” Unfortunately, brand messaging does not work for me, especially as I focus on writing this article while watching the race. But these words came through loud and clear and are especially fitting for anyone who loves cars. Sherry-Lyn and Paul are such car lovers as well. Sherry-Lyn had a wish list that dated back some 15 years, and the one thing that never changed was to own an Austin Mini. On their 20th Anniversary, back in 2003, her husband Paul helped shorten her wish list with that special purchase. It might be small, in fact it is referred to as a MINI, but this 1962 Austin Mini trumps the competition on adventure, cuteness and fun. Sherry-Lyn giggles with joy every time she gets to drive her little car and beams with pride
46 April 2012
when she talks about it. Paul is equally enthusiastic. These two can give you the history of all the Austin cars made and even have the trivia down pat. They are longstanding members of both the Quinte and Kingston Boots and Bonnets clubs. “We love just having fun and being able to show it off and talk about our other kid – our Mini,” they said. This little car, which was imported from England in 2000and arrived at the BMC Mini in Stoney Creek, was already sold, sight unseen. Before leaving England, a cleanup and facelift replaced the original surf blue paint with a two-tone Tartan red body and black roof. The interior was also painted to match; the seats were upholstered in a deep red to complete the look. Under the hood you will find an 850 CC 4-speed 32 BHP motor with just over 60,000 miles on it. Weighing in around 1300 lbs., this car can actually fit inside the new 2012 models with dimensions of 10 x 4 feet. Despite its compact size, it still seats 4 adults comfortably. In the rear window above the boot you will see the best little security system warning with a “boot monkey,” a testament to the Mini being the “original Smart Car”. Sherry-Lyn was quick to point out they have b e e n banned from the M o n t e Carlo rallies be-
cause, she laughs, they won too many races as they can travel at speeds of upwards of 200 KM/h. This Mini gets 40 m/g and was designed by Sir Alec Issigonis when oil prices started to rise in 1959. Actors and celebrities alike loved these little cars because they were so easy for getting around and their speed enabled owners to quickly get away from it all. I am thinking they were probably very easy to ship to filming locations so celebs could have their own transportation. The first of their kind, Mini Coopers offered the most interior space ever seen in a car so compact. The innovative new drive train design and placement of the wheels in the four corners of the vehicle made increased interior space possible. The efficiency of design and excellent handling of the original Mini Cooper made it an instant success. The original Mini Cooper engines were A-series twin engines with straight four carburetors and 544 cams. Their engine displacement was between 850 and 1,275 cubic centimeters. In the 1962 model, bore by stroke measured 2.46 by 3.2 inches, with a compression ratio of 9.0 to 1. These compact cars went from zero to 60 mph in seven seconds. They reached top speeds of around 100 mph. Original Mini Coopers came with either four-speed manual, four-speed automatic, or five-speed manual transmissions. The smallest compact car of the time, the original Cooper was 3.05 meters long by 1.40 meters wide and 1.35 meters tall. The original brakes were lockhead discs with hydraulic assist in the front and drum brakes in the back. Sherry-Lyn left
me with the first of her many eventful times in her car. She and Paul both chuckle about this and say that this particular adventure helped them learn something really fast. “The day we brought the Mini home we were only driving from Warkworth to Belleville, on average a 40 minute drive,” she explained. “Our trip took just over 2 hours. First, we did not realize it was low on fuel, the first mistake anyone can make when they purchase a new used car. Excitement takes over and blinds you to the importance of checking all the gauges. Once re-fueled Paul drove, but the vehicle would not stay in gear. Here we are on the side of the road thinking ‘what did we buy into?’ Ching ching is going through my head, thinking we’re just wasting a lot of money on mounting expenses. After checking underneath to see if the transmission was leaking, Paul banged the bottom a couple times and we were able to get it going again. This was routine practice all the way home. When we finally did arrive we found the stabilizer had fallen down. That eventful trip home taught us a lot in a short time.” Well, as you know the season is almost here; new cruise nights to attend, more drivers/ owners to interview, and new and exciting classics to discover. I can’t wait and yes, I am excited! That being said, if you have a classic cool ride you want to see featured, contact me via email cwmcbride@ cogeco.ca or visit our facebook page: “Cool Rides – A Trip Back in Time” where I feature unpublished photos of each car featured and links to the ones you missed.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
Winner of 29th Highway Hero Award
o u i s v i l l e, Ky. , March 22, 2012 – The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company has named its 29th North America Highway Hero: a Tennessee-based truck driver who rescued a woman from a gunwielding attacker. Chosen from among four finalists, Mike Schiotis of Spring Hill, Tenn., today accepted the 2011 Goodyear North America Highway Hero Award during the Mid-America Trucking Show, which is taking place this week in Louisville, Ky. Schiotis, who works for Seville, Ohio-based Panther Expedited Services Inc., was driving to his destination in Pennsylvania on Nov. 1, 2011, when he saw a woman walking with a man close behind her. Thinking they were injured, he slowed down and noticed that the man was pointing a gun at the woman. Schiotis stopped his truck and the woman began pounding on his door, screaming “Help me! He’s going to kill me!” Schiotis jumped out of his truck and positioned himself between the woman, who was bleeding from the head, and her assailant. He
helped the woman into his rig and decided to take her to the next truck stop. The gun-carrying man got back in his car and began to follow Schiotis’ truck. Schiotis pulled into a truck stop, but decided it was safer to continue down the highway. Meanwhile, he notified the Pennsylvania State Highway Patrol, then used his CB radio to tell other truckers in the area about what was transpiring. Another truck driver, who was behind S c h i o t i s ’ 1 8 - w h e e l e r, heard him and took action. Together, they drove side-by-side, weaving back and forth to prevent the gunman from closing in on Schiotis’ tractor. This gave troopers time to catch up with the man and apprehend him. “We are grateful to Mike Schiotis for his quick thinking and brave actions,” said Phillip Kane, vice president of Goodyear Commercial Tire Systems. “He literally put himself ‘in the line of fire,’ and in all probability, prevented a tragedy from taking place. Mike’s decision to interject himself into this dangerous situation is a powerful example of the selfless-
ness and professionalism exhibited by many of today’s professional truck drivers. Because of his action, a life was saved. For this, Mike Schiotis has earned the right to be called a hero.” Schiotis and three other truck drivers were selected as finalists for the 2011 North America Highway Hero Award. Other finalists included: John Crozman of Black Hawk, S.D., a driver for Long Haul Trucking in Albertville, Minn. While driving down a rest stop access road near Summit, S.D., on Feb. 3, 2011, in the middle of a severe snowstorm, Crozman noticed a candle flickering inside a car that was parked on the side of the highway. Fighting sub-zero winds, Crozman walked to the car and found an elderly couple inside. Ill-equipped for the dangerous weather, they had been trapped in the car for more than four hours. Crozman led the shivering man and woman to his truck and let them spend the night in his warm sleeper cab. The next day, he made sure they were safe and their car was rescued before continuing along
2011 Goodyear North America Highway Hero Award winner Mike Schiotis (left), with Mark Pillow, director of business solutions, Goodyear Commercial Tire Systems. Schiotis, who rescued a woman from a gun-wielding attacker, received the Highway Hero Award on March 22.
2011 Goodyear North America Highway Hero Award winner Mike Schiotis (left), with Mark Pillow, director of business solutions, Goodyear Commercial Tire Systems. Schiotis, who rescued a woman from a gun-wielding attacker, received the Highway Hero Award on March 22. his route. Melville Farnell of Shelburne, Ontario, a driver for Tupling Farms Produce Inc., also based in Shelburne. Farnell was making a delivery on May 13, 2011, when a car that was traveling in the opposite direction veered into the path of his truck and slammed into it headon. The impact caused Farnell’s tractor-trailer to jack knife. Diesel fuel began leaking onto the highway. Though shaken, Farnell approached the car, which had come to stop in a ditch. He observed a semi-conscious male in the driver’s seat. Farnell broke the driver’s side window and pulled the much heavier motorist to safety just minutes before the car exploded. John Neumeier of Russia, Ohio, a driver for Bohman Trucking, also based in Russia. Neumeier was loading his milk delivery truck around 9 p.m. on Nov. 14, 2011,
when a car driving down a nearby road missed a curve and plunged into an eight-foot-deep pond. As the car began to sink, Neumeier spotted the driver’s cell phone light. Knowing he had little time to waste, he grabbed a large wrench, dove into the pond, and beat on the driver’s side window until it broke. Neumeier pulled the driver, a 65-year-old man, out by his feet and hauled him to shore. The man was taken away by ambulance. “Each of these finalists is a Highway Hero in his own right,” said Kane. “Each man rescued someone who was in lifethreatening peril. We are honoured to recognize these selfless gentlemen for their acts of courage and compassion.” Founded by Goodyear in 1983, the Highway Hero program honours professional truck drivers for the often unnoticed r e s c ue s an d r o adside
assistance they provide as their jobs take them across the United States and Canada. To nominate a driver for the 2012 Goodyear North America Highway Hero Award, click here. An independent panel of judges will review nominations and help select next year’s honourees. About Goodyear Commercial Tire Systems: Goodyear Commerc i a l Ti r e S y s t e m s o f fers a broad portfolio of products and services to the commercial fleet industry, including a full range of original equipment and replacement tires; the fleetHQ portfolio of business solutions, which includes the 24/7 fleetHQ Solution Center; national programs; tire management tools; online information; and problem-solving business solutions for tomorrow’s trucking fleets. For more, visit www.goodyeartrucktires.com.
April 2012 47
Energy Fact Sheet
U.S. President’s Energy Resources Blueprint
n his State of the Union Address, President Obama laid out a Blueprint for an America Built to Last, underscoring his commitment to an allof-the-above approach that develops every available source of American energy. This commitment includes the safe and responsible production of our oil and natural gas resources. Today, American oil production is at the highest level in eight years and last year we relied less on foreign oil than in any of the past 16 years. At the same time, the President believes we need to double-down on clean energy in the United States. Transitioning to cleaner sources of energy will enhance our national security, protect the environment and public health, and grow our economy and create new jobs. Over the past few years, renewable energy
48 April 2012
use has nearly doubled. In fact, in 2011, the United States reclaimed the position as the world’s leading investor in clean energy – but staying on top will depend on smart, aggressive action moving forward. President Obama will begin the second day of his post-State of the Union swing with an event at a UPS facility in Las Vegas, focusing on the importance of American workers developing Americanmade energy for an economy that’s built to last. Following this event, the President will travel to Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado to deliver remarks on American energy and the steps his Administration is taking to promote energy security. President Obama’s Plan to Advance Safe Production of Oil and Gas Resources To Create Jobs, Enhance Energy Security,
and Cut Pollution Make a new lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico to move forward on our national commitment to safe and responsible oil and gas development: In his State of the Union Address, the President directed the Department of Interior to finalize a national offshore energy plan that makes 75% of our potential offshore resources available for development by opening new areas for drilling in the Gulf and Alaska. On Thursday, the President will take a concrete step forward to develop our oil and gas resources, announcing that the Department of Interior will hold a new lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico. This lease sale will make approximately 38 million acres available, and could result in the production of 1 billion barrels of oil and 4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
Promote safe, responsible development of the near 100-year supply of natural gas, supporting more than 600,000 jobs while ensuring public health and safety: In 2009, we became the world’s leading producer of natural gas. In the State of the Union, the President directed the Administration to ensure safe shale gas development that, according to independent estimates, will support more than 600,000 jobs by the end of the decade. These actions will include moving forward with common-sense new rules to require disclosure of the chemicals used in fracking operations on public lands. Reducing our dependence on oil by encouraging greater use of natural gas in transportation: The President’s plan includes: proposing new incentives for medium-
and heavy-duty trucks that run on natural gas or other alternative fuels; launching a competitive grant program to support communities to overcome the barriers to natural gas vehicle deployment; developing transportation corridors that allow trucks fueled by liquefied natural gas to transport goods; and supporting programs to convert municipal buses and trucks to run on natural gas and to find new ways to convert and store natural gas.
Harnessing American ingenuity to catalyze breakthrough technologies for natural gas: The Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) will announce a new research competition in the coming months that will engage our country’s brightest scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs to find ways to harness our abundant supplies of domestic natural gas to lessen our dependence of foreign oil for vehicles.
American Truck Dealers (ATD)
Long-Time Mack Dealer Named Dealer of the Year
reensboro, NC – Terry Dotson, president, chairman and CEO of Prestonburg, KY-based Worldwide Equipment Enterprises, was named the 2012 Truck Dealer of the Year, a national award co-sponsored by the American Truck Dealers (ATD) and Heavy Duty Trucking magazine.
Dotson first made his mark on the business as the leading salesman for Mack at Worldwide Equipment back in 1976. Known as “Mr. Mack” at Mack corporate headquarters, Dotson knew his job was to sell value. More than 35 years later, Dotson continues to sell value and service. “In this age of instant
gratification everything is better, cheaper, stronger and faster. Our position is to provide a source of value,” he told Heavy Duty Trucking. “All of us at Mack congratulate Terry on this wellearned recognition,” said Kevin Flaherty, president, Mack Trucks North American Sales & Marketing. “We are honored to have partnered with Terry and the great team at Worldwide Equipment for many years.” Worldwide Equipment was established in 1967 as a small supplier to the coal industry. Today, the company operates in six states and has 35 locations, including 15 full-service dealerships and 20 parts and leasing locations. With more than 900 employees, Worldwide has earned a reputation for doing whatever it takes to take care of its customers. “Worldwide Equipment has remained a successful Mack dealer for decades because drivers, owneroperators and fleets appreciate the company’s integrity in both sales and service,” Flaherty said. Nominees for the ATD/ Heavy Duty Trucking Truck Dealer of the Year are
evaluated on several categories, including dealership performance, civic contributions and industry leadership. A panel of professors from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business chose the winner and runner-up. Dotson received this highest honor out of a select group of dealers from across the country and was recognized at the 49th Annual ATD Convention in Las Vegas on Feb. 4. Dedicated to quality, reliability, and total customer satisfaction, Mack Trucks, Inc. has provided its customers with innovative transportation solutions for more than a century. Today, Mack is one of North America’s largest producers of heavy-duty trucks and MACK® trucks are sold and serviced through an extensive distribution network in more than 45 countries. Mack trucks and diesel engines sold in North America are assembled in the United States. Mack manufacturing locations are certified to the internationally recognized ISO 9001 standard for quality and ISO 14001 standard for environmental management systems. Mack is also a proud sponsor of
Share the Road, an American Trucking Associations’ public information campaign aimed at enhancing the safety of our nation’s roadways. Mack Trucks, Inc. is part of the Volvo Group, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses and construction equipment, drive systems for marine and industrial applications, aerospace components and services, and is one of the world’s leading producers of heavy-diesel engines (9-16 liter). The Group also provides complete solutions
for financing and service. The Volvo Group, which employs nearly 118,000 people, has production facilities in 19 countries and sells their products in more than 180 markets. Volvo Group sales for 2011 amounted to $47.8 billion. The Volvo Group is a publicly-held company headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange and are traded OTC in the U.S. For more information about Mack, visit our Web site at www.macktrucks. com.
April 2012 49
Betts Spring
Lightweight Poly Fender With Anti-Spray Benefits
a s Ve g a s , N V SprayOff™ AntiSpray Poly Guard, the latest spray suppress i o n i n n ov a t i o n f r o m Betts Spring Company, is being introduced this week during HDAW ’12. SprayOff’s™ engineered design is light weight, strong, and incorporates a unique channel design
which controls road spray. Its use on commercial vehicles enhances fleet safety and reduces costs through weight reduction and diminished damage from corrosion. The safety and cost reduction benefits of SprayOFF™ will be on display Jan 23 – 25 in the combined Betts/LifeTime Fender exhibition
booths #826 and #828 at the Mirage Events Center, Las Vegas, NV. Corrosion is a primary contributor to life-cycle costs for many trucking fleets. Corrosion related damage can be reduced if less anti-icing chemicals come in contact with vehicle surfaces or enter the vehicle sys-
Tremcar West Inc.
Opening of New Tremcar Service Center
arch 22, 2012 – Tr e m c a r i s pleased to announce a new addition to the Tremcar family with a new service center; Tremcar West, that has opened in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Tr e m c a r t a k e s t h e i r customers to heart and
50 April 2012
is even more present in the region for all of your servicing/repairs/ certification needs. Please do not hesitate to make Tremcar your dealer of choice for all of your future repairs/ servicing needs. Our new service center can be found at 202
Melville Street in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Our staff at this location consists of the following; Sales: Darren Williams, Service: Paul Bacik, Parts: Jason Wagner. They can be reached at 306.931.9777 and by fax at 306.931.9778.
tems – a key element of SprayOff’s™ value proposition. By redirecting road spray down and away from the vehicle in a controlled manner, SprayOff™ diminishes a root cause of corrosion. Additionally, control of road spray increases both the vehicle operator and other drivers’ visibility, improving safety by reducing the chance of accidents. SprayOff™ Anti-Spray P o l y Guards weigh substantially less than most typical poly quarter fenders, yet are extremely durable. This unique combination of weight management and strength is the result of proprietary design principles applied during product develop-
ment. SprayOff™ accepts multiple top flaps, is assembled in standard or low mount configurations which can be field modi-
fied and are unhanded, accommodating easy change from left to right. SprayOff™ is now available through Betts and Life-Time Fenders distribution channels. For over one hundred forty (140) years and dur-
ing six generations of continuous family ownership, Betts Spring Company has practiced daily the mission of its founder and decorated spring maker William Michael Betts I – “Building Well, Serving Better”. From its proud beginning as the first spring manufacturer in the Western United States, Betts has evolved into a diversified manufacturing and distribution company servicing the requirements of heavy duty trucking, automotive and industrial clients with innovative, patented solutions, products and services Made in the USA. For more information, please visit www.bettspring. com.
Fleet Safety Council
Fleet Safety Council 2012 Events
he 21st Annual Fleet Safety Council Educational Conference will be held on October 19th to 21st, 2012 at the Holiday Inn in Markham, Ontario. The Infrastructure Health and Safety Association Fleet Safety Council’s Annual Educational Conference will also be held at the Holiday Inn on October 19th to 21st, 2012. This event brings together fleet safety professionals from the truck, bus and courier industries as well as insurance and many other related businesses to discuss the latest in driver training, staff development and risk management techniques. Our Theme this year is
“Road to Best Practices: Improving Performance, Productivity and Profitability through Effective Safety Management”. The Annual Educational conference brings together professionals from across Ontario, representing a transportation sector workforce of over 68,500. Supporting our theme this year, we are assembling a powerful group of people to host a series of seminars and workshops, including: Breaking the Cycle of Risky Behaviour, Safety System Self Evaluation, Driver Selection, Training and Management, Optimizing Your Fleet’s Fuel Economy, and Compliance Management Our final session will have each delegate prepare an individualized Safety Management Action Plan that they can take home to their companies and immediately use. Our delegates will leave this year’s conference with
skills and materials that they need to “hit the ground running!” Our informationpacked agendas and growing list of major sponsors provide our delegates with an exceptional opportunity to build contacts, gain knowledge and have fun!
That is why the delegate list continues to grow every year. The Council’s goal is to achieve knowledge through training. In today’s uncertain business environment, the Fleet Safety Council’s mission is
certainly a necessity for all companies. For more information on attending or sponsoring this event, please contact Betty Taylor, Lori Van Opstal or Rick Geller, or visit our website at www.ihsa.ca Yours in Safety,
Conference Committe, Fleet Safety Council includes: Administrator Betty Taylor at 800.263.5024 ext 7936, Organizing Chair, Lori Van Opstal, at lorivo@ execulink.com and ViceChair Rick Geller at rick. geller@nbfc.com.
Kenworth Trucks
Kenworth Radios Now Offer Bluetooth Capability
irkland, Wash. – To help truck fleets and drivers meet the new hands-free cell phone law, Kenworth now offers customers two Bluetooth capability choices – factory-installed radios and Kenworth NavPlus® – for Kenworth trucks. “While Kenworth NavPlus® is the ultimate do-all, hands-free cell phone system married
to true-truck navigation, iPod and MP3 integration, diagnostics, gauges and a host of other features, some drivers just want basic Bluetooth capability, and that’s what we now offer with our two high-quality radios,” said Michelle Harry, Kenworth’s special projects marketing manager. According to Harry, Kenworth’s AM/FM/CD radio,
available with and without satellite radio capability, provides outstanding clarity and functionality. A small Bluetooth microphone is mounted in the Apillar trim above the driver, which allows excellent sound for those receiving calls from the driver. Up to eight cell phones can be synchronized to the radios and contacts can be automatically loaded.
A contact screen makes calling easy while parked, but drivers can also take advantage of Voice Command mode to make calls while on the move. When incoming calls are received, the radio displays the name of the caller and phone number. Pushing the OK button accepts the call, while the ESC button rejects the call.
April 2012 51
Jim Painter Named President of Polar Tank Trailer
t. Cloud, Minn.– Polar Corporation today appointed Jim Painter president of Polar Tank Trailer, North America’s largest manufacturer of aluminum, stainless steel, and carbon steel tank trailers. Painter will be responsible for overall performance of the division, including three manufac-
turing plants, the dealer network, and several strategic initiatives related to the dramatic growth of the tank trailer industry. He will be based at Polar Tank Trailer’s headquarters in Opole, Minn., and report to Ted Fick, Polar Corporation president and CEO. Painter was president of Quality Trailer Products, a Polar company, since
2000. “Jim is an accomplished senior executive whose leadership within Polar over the last 11 years has been outstanding,” said Fick. “As president of Polar Tank Trailer, his immediate focus will be on advancing our fastest-growing business unit.” Polar Tank Trailer builds custom tank trailers for
dry and liquid bulk cargoes including oil and fuel, food products, asphalt, chemicals, and corrosives. Quality Trailer Products manufactures and distributes both original and aftermarket components for commercial trailers. Before joining Quality Trailer Products, Painter was an officer and vice president at Simpson In-
dustries where he was responsible for the Engine Products group, a global manufacturing operation. He also held positions of increasing management and executive responsibilities at Rockwell International, including president of the Rockwell Clutch Co. and general manager of the Specialty Axle Division.
Randy Arlt Named Vice President, Sales & Marketing
t. Cloud, Minn. — Polar Corporation has named Randy Arlt vice president of sales and marketing for Polar Tank Trailer, the company’s tank trailer manufacturing business. Arlt previously was vice president of business development for Polar Corporation and served as president of Polar Tank
52 April 2012
Trailer from April 2003 to March 2011. Arlt’s broad base of experience includes 17 years with Eaton Corporation, most recently as director of sales for the company’s hydraulics operations. During his 17 years with Eaton, Arlt served as general manager of the mobile hydraulics division, and held sev-
eral positions, including operations management, product engineering, and sales. Arlt earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue University and a master’s degree in business from St. Thomas University. “At a time when demand for dry and liquid bulk tank trailers is high and
the market is competitive, we’re fortunate to have Randy leading our sales and marketing effort,” said Ted Fick, president and CEO, Polar Corp. “His extensive knowledge of our products, customers, and the industry make him an invaluable and versatile member of our leadership team.” Based in St. Cloud,
Minn., Polar Tank Trailer is North America’s largest manufacturer of aluminum, stainless steel, and carbon steel tank trailers. With three manufacturing plants, the company designs and builds custom tank trailers for dry and liquid bulk cargoes including oil and fuel, food products, asphalt, chemicals, and corrosives.
Freight Wing
New 2012 AeroFlex Side Skirt
eattle, – Some things improve with age. It’s why executives at Seattlebased Freight Wing are all smiles as they recently launched their AeroFlex 2012 side skirts. “Fuel-efficient, lightweight, durable and affordable are what best describe our new generation side skirts,” said Sean Graham, president of Freight Wing, who brought some of the first trailer side skirts to market seven years ago. “With the reduced price of the AeroFlex 2012, the return on investment is often less than 35,000 miles of trailer utilization,” said Graham. “We want to help fleets and owner operators that need to comply with the California mandate of trailer aerodynamics by lowering the cost of implementations. However with today’s fuel prices, many of our customers are realizing
that aerodynamic side skirts represent one of the best investments they can make regardless of the California rules. Plus, we now offer financing programs that result in net profits from day one, as payments are significantly less than the fuel savings.” With more than 30,000 sets of side skirts on the road today, Freight Wing is a market leader and has hundreds of fleet customers that are experiencing the benefits of improved fuel economy. According to Graham, Freight Wing customers are seeing a 4- to 7-percent improvement in fuel economy, depending on their application and operating speeds. AeroFlex side skirts showed a 7 percent reduction in fuel consumption at 65 mph in J1321 Joint TMC/SAE Fuel Consumption Test Procedure Type II track testing. The EPA SmartWay
program has verified the AeroFlex 2012 as an “advanced trailer skirt,” and it therefore meets the aerodynamic requirements of California regulations as a single device. “With our latest generation AeroFlex side skirts we deliver great fuel economy performance, only in a redesigned package that is 30 pounds lighter at only 150 pounds total, yet just as durable as our original AeroFlex side skirt,” said Graham. Using a dense matrix polyethylene material – a custom engineered automotive plastic – AeroFlex 2012 side skirts were formulated for extreme conditions. “Simply put, the material we use is the most durable, most flexible and lightest weight on the market,” Graham said. “They’ve been tested to withstand temperatures beyond what any trucker would ever encounter –
from minus 103-degrees Fahrenheit to 158-degrees Fahrenheit. Plus they have excellent ‘shape memory’ – able to return to their original form after large impacts better than any other material we’ve tested. That’s critical for long-life performance and years of productive service.” According to Graham, the AeroFlex 2012 also incorporates a new mounting clamp system that is easier to install and maintain. “We still use fiberglass rods, which provide ample support and flexibility – allowing the three-part skirt panels to bend in or up, should they have a side impact, or if they bottom out. But the mounting system attaching the rods to the trailer has been improved to prevent slipping during extreme impacts, and therefore the adjustment of rods to maintain fairing alignment.
While other trailer side skirt manufacturers use fiberglass or aluminum panels, Graham said those can have problems with impact resistance or damage when dragged over pavement in low clearance situations. “Our earliest generation of side skirts, seven years ago, featured aluminum panels that worked well, as long as they didn’t run into anything,” said Graham. “We then tried fiber-
glass, which had much better side impact resistance, but would crack and fray after repeated ground impacts. All our research, testing and experience has shown that high tech automotive plastics withstand ground impacts better than other materials on the market. This allows our skirts to hug the road – with less gap between the road and the skirt which improves aerodynamics and fuel economy.
April 2012 53
Truckers’ Voice
Subject: Speed Limiter Trial By Peter Turner
n Monday, March 5, 2012, Lee Ingratta appeared in court in Welland, Ontario to challenge the Ministry of Transport (MTO) and their agents to accept responsibility for damages caused when accessing a truck’s computer to verify if the truck met governmental requirements. Unfortunately, we will not know the ruling until July 20, 2012, a date which is still deemed tentative. Until then the government will be conducting business as usual. In his closing arguments MTO lawyer, Mr. John Petrosoniak, stated that it is not a “right,” but a “privilege” to be a trucker or a businessman in the trucking industry, and if the rules are not acceptable people should get out of trucking. My interpretation of this statement is that the Government will dictate to
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you, that you have no say, and unless you keep quiet it will put you out of business. Non-Ontario Truckers will be treated in the same manner. So if you don’t like it, do not come to Ontario. This sounds like dictatorship or protectionism to me. I thought Canada was a free and democratic society. Under the Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration (CVOR) the MTO and its agents have, and continue to have, the right to put anything they want on your record without facts or proof or notification. Here is where MTO violates our civil rights. You cannot challenge anything on your CVOR. It is there for life, for all to see, including all insurance companies and future employers as well as the public. In the Foreshew case, MTO did use the entire CVOR from day one, in-
stead of the two years which were permitted. I was told that MTO can use any information to obtain a conviction. This is how it becomes defamatory: A communication takes place if: the impugned words would tend to lower the plaintiff’s reputation in the eyes of a reasonable person; the words did in fact refer to the plaintiff; and the words were published, meaning that they were communicated to at least one person other than the plaintiff. Even though the govern-
ment was unsuccessful in getting a conviction or having the charges reduced, it will still be added to your CVOR record. This also includes warnings and possible violations. It sounds like MTO is reverting to the cold-war tactics of the 50’s. For more on this and other issues visit our website: www.thetruckersvoice.ca Editor’s Note: While Woodward Publishing welcomes comments from industry professionals, the views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.
The PACCAR MX Engine Powerful Combination in Fuel Economy & Performance
ouisville, Ky. – It’s a bona fide success. T hat’s the mes sage from Gary Moore, Kenworth general manager and PACCAR vice president, as he spoke about the PACCAR MX engine. The PACCAR MX engine is available with a horsepower range of 380 hp to 485 hp and torque up to 1,750 lb-ft on selected Kenworth Class 8 models. It’s an ideal choice for Kenworth customers operating in many over-the-road, pickup and delivery, and vocational applications. “The engine is being highly recommended by our Kenworth dealers,” said Reid Nabarrete, assistant Kenworth general manager for marketing and sales. One such customer is TransAm Trucking Inc., a
leading refrigerated fleet based in Olathe, Kan., which operates 500 Kenworth T660s and T700s equipped with 485 hp PACCAR MX engines. “The PACCAR MX engine and enhanced aerodynamics of our new Kenworths have delivered a 10-1/2 percent improvement in fuel economy, and that’s really helped us offset the additional costs of the new emission technology,” said Russ McElliott, president of TransAm Trucking. McElliott said before TransAm Trucking took delivery of its first PACCAR MX in January 2011, the company anticipated some issues with the emission control system. “And yet despite that fact, the Kenworth chassis and PACCAR MX engine combination has been the
most reliable truck and new engine platform we have ever run in the history of our company from day one. Kenworth and its dealer MHC Kenworth worked
through t h o s e new technology issues.” Bobby McConal, fleet manager for Steve Kent Trucking in Lottie, La., agreed that having one service organization handle the truck and engine is a benefit. “Our standard spec going forward is the
PACCAR MX engine,” he said. “If we have an engine issue, we want it solved at the dealership. That way, at all of our service points, we don’t have to wait on an-
other engine manufacturer to make a decision. We want one standard engine that we can depend on in the field and at our Kenworth dealer.” The Kenworth dealer network’s constant commitment to superior satisfaction is demonstrated by Kenworth receiving the 2011 J.D. Power and Associates award for “High-
est in Customer Satisfaction for Heavy Duty Truck Dealer Service.”* Nabarrete said that Canadian customers are just as enthused with the PACCAR MX engine. “The higher horsepower, up to 485, and torque level, match up well with many fleets in Canada,” he said. “With our 12.9-liter engine, they reap improved fuel economy.” Hall said the 12.9-liter PACCAR MX consistently provides a 3 percent to 4 percent advantage in fuel economy. “That’s a savings of $5,000 a year per truck,” he said. U l t i m a t e l y, N a b a r rete said fuel economy and engine performance will set the PACCAR MX apart from its competitors. “With diesel prices continuing to climb, fleets need to get
the best fuel mileage possible. And we feel the MX is best in class and we’ve been seeing it first hand from customer reports.” “We’re getting 4/10ths of a mile per gallon better with the T660 and PACCAR MX engine over the other trucks in our fleet,” said Tracy Bogler, president of Woody Bogler Trucking of Rosebud, Mo. “In fact, our best driver is getting almost 8 mpg.” According to Bogler, the fuel economy improvement means about a $4,000 savings per year, per truck. And, once the entire fleet is converted over to the T660 with PACCAR MX, it will result in a fleet savings of around $500,000. Ke n w o r t h ’s I n t e r n e t home page is at www. kenworth.com.
Volvo Trucks
Volvo Hybrid Truck, Mean Green, to Attempt World Speed Record
ean Green, the world’s fastest hybrid truck, will attempt to reach speeds in excess of 260 km/h (165 mph) April 27 at Wendover Airfield in Utah, USA, to best its own world speed records. The Volvo-built hybrid currently holds speed records in the standing 500 meter, standing kilometer and flying kilometer international speed standards.*
“Technology and innovation are at the core of our business,” said Ron Huibers, president, Volvo Trucks North American Sales & Marketing. “Mean Green is a prime example of Volvo’s technical capabilities and our continued focus on emerging technologies. Our engineers developed the world’s fastest hybrid truck utilizing the same Volvo hybrid drive system powering hundreds
of Volvo buses throughout the world, including London’s double-decker buses.” In building the Mean Green, which was revealed by Volvo Trucks yesterday at the MidAmerica Trucking Show, Volvo’s team of hybrid technology experts adapted Volvo’s hybrid driveline to the chassis requirements of a worldclass truck built for speed. Engineers then outfitted Mean Green with a highly tuned Volvo D16 engine and a modified version of Volvo’s automated I-Shift gearbox, which interacts with the hybrid’s electric motor. “The result is a lightning-speed boost from start-off without any of the customary dieselengine delay,” said Boije
Ovebrink, Mean Green’s owner and driver. “It’s like a champagne cork, but without the sound effects. For the first couple of seconds the truck just makes a slight whistle until the diesel engine, which runs on renewable liquid rosin diesel, starts delivering with explosive force.” In total, Mean Green pumps out a massive 2,100 horsepower and nearly 5,000 lb-ft. torque of which, 200 horsepower and 885 lb-ft. of torque come from the electric m o t o r. A e r o d y n a m i c s also plays a vital role in achieving top speed, so Volvo designers selected a North American VN cab and sculpted the optimal aerodynamic shape for the truck. Mean Green features
modified versions of the following Volvo production components: Volvo hybrid motor, Volvo hybrid battery, Volvo D16 diesel engine, Volvo IShift automated manual transmission, Volvo VN cab and frame and a rear axle with 1.85:1 ratio During its North American tour, Mean Green will also visit Truck World, April 19 to 21, in Toronto, and the Volvo Ocean
Race, May 17 to 20, in Miami. *Standing kilometer The truck starts off from a standstill, spanning the 1,000-meter course in one direction and then the other. The average speed from the two runs is noted as the official figure. Flying kilometer - The truck is in motion prior to spanning the defined 1,000-meter course in each direction.
April 2012 55
Transport for Christ
The Easter Story
By Len Reimer
hile on earth, Jesus lived like any other man. He worked as a carpenter and visited with friends. He ate, slept and travelled to many places. However, Jesus was also different from you and me. Jesus never did anything wrong. All the time he lived on earth, even as a little boy, he never did one bad thing. Jesus was the only man who ever lived a perfect life. He was one-of-akind. Because Jesus lived a perfect life, he had no Sin
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that needed punishment and, therefore, he did not need to die. Although free from death, he told people that one day men would kill him. They would beat him, striking him many, many times with a whip. Then they would hammer huge nails through his hands and his feet to hang him on a wooden cross. Jesus would die. After being dead for three days he would come back to life. Those who heard him say this did not believe it. They told him not to talk that way, but what Jesus said was true. He told his friends the rest of God`s plan - he told them the good news! It was all about God`s promise - it was all about the lamb. Another name for Jesus was the Lamb of God. Well, Jesus was a man. Jesus was perfect as he was without sin. While on earth, He allowed men to bring him
to a cross, a special place of death. The Bible says that as Jesus hung on the cross he took all our sin upon himself. (John 1:29) “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” He took the sin of everyone –from the best of people to the worst of men and women. Because Jesus had taken all our sin onto himself, he had to suffer the punishment. Jesus had to die. The Bible says that Jesus died for us. He took all the punishment our sin deserved. He was the final lamb; man did not need to bring any more lambs to an altar. Jesus had done it all. The Lord had kept his promise. The Bible tells us more. It says that after Jesus died, his friends took his body down from the cross. They put him in a special grave called a tomb. A tomb is like a cave, a small room cut in solid rock. Slowly,
they rolled a big stone across the door. Then, sadly, they turned and went home. The next day the men who had killed Jesus told soldiers to guard the tomb. They knew that Jesus had said that he would rise from the dead after three days. They did not want anyone taking Jesus` body away and pretending that he was alive.
They wanted to make sure his body stayed dead in the tomb. In spite of this, neither the soldiers nor the big stone could stop God. Nothing could stop God`s plan. As Jesus had said, after three days he rose from the dead! Jesus was alive! An angel rolled back the stone so everyone could see that Jesus was not in the grave.
Jesus promised to do this for all those who would trust and accept him as Saviour. All people need to do is believe that Jesus is their Lamb, that he took the punishment for their sin. So we need to trust Jesus, believe that what he says is true. Anyone who trusts in Jesus will live forever in heaven. Happy Easter!
Complacency Coach
What Do You Do to Make it Go?
By Bruce Outridge
’ll never forget that winter. It was one of the coldest on record. A deep freeze had fallen across all of North America
and things were grinding to a halt. It didn’t seem to matter where you bought your fuel, what type of truck you had, or how well maintained the truck was. Mother Nature was wreaking havoc. To add even more trouble to an already bad situation was the fact that Christmas was just days away and everyone was trying to get home for the holidays. I watched trucks pulling into the fuel bars at truck stops just puffing smoke,
trying to get in and dump fuel additives in the tank to thaw out the freezing diesel fuel. Nothing seemed to protect you for long once you were down south of the Michigan line that year. It seemed that at every table the conversation revolved around what was the best thing to put in your tanks to help, what shouldn’t be done, and what was the best kept secret. The answers could be haggled all night with no clear winner. I myself froze
up in Indiana just south of Indianapolis, two miles from the truck stop. It took two days to get the truck into the shop - that’s how long the line was for each truck to be thawed out. It then took another day for the truck to thaw and be prepared for operation. Many of us drivers were sleeping on pool tables and in the restaurant waiting for the trucks to thaw one by one. As a driver, you may not have much option on the equipment you are given, but as an Owner Operator there may be things you can do. First, realize there is no surefire way to avoid breakdowns or weatherrelated delays. But the drivers that minimize their effects are the ones that take precautions in the beginning to get it right. It all starts when buying your truck, taking time to understand its specifica-
tions, and learning how to best protect your fuel from freezing. In that frigid year, it was the trucks with the fairings over the fuel tanks that worked the best because the heat from the motor stayed in around the fuel tanks. You may not have that option on the truck you buy, but looking at other components such as fuel heating systems and self-greasing systems can help down the road. Moreover, the best move you can make, regardless of the truck you own, is to have in place a good preventive maintenance program - one that you have budgeted for and maintain on a monthly basis.
Mother Nature has a way of throwing us all a curve and you never know when the next game begins. Being prepared is like being on a professional sports team - you keep practicing and stay in top condition so you are game ready at all times. You and your truck need to be ready. The game may begin tomorrow! About the Author Bruce Outridge is a business and leadership consultant for the transportation industry. He helps Owner Operators and Professional Drivers have successful careers. For more information please visit his website at www.outridge. ca.
April 2012 57
From the
Driver’s Seat By: Carl McBride
Lubricants & Fuel Additives
58 April 2012
or the longest time I have heard the debate over whose responsible for the care of a truck. Is it the driver’s job or the maintenance department’s job? Looking after the maintenance of both truck and trailer should, in my opinion, be a team effort and one that is carried out with pride. So our question of the month is: “Should the driver be responsible for ensuring that proper lubricants and fuel additives be used on the truck, or is that the maintenance department’s responsibility?”
Jean Dennis Gagnon drives for Petit Transport out of St. Helene, Quebec: “The responsibility for using proper lubricants and fuel additives should be a 50/50 job. The drivers should always keep the maintenance people aware of what needs to be done to the truck so the garage can do the job. This kind of communication keeps the equipment running in top form all the time. The service at Petit Transport is always first class and that makes the drivers proud and happy to drive their equipment.”
Kris Kubimski is a broker who drives for C.A.R.S Transport out of Hawkesbury, Ontario: “As a broker I find it necessary to do as much maintenance on my truck as possible. The cost of labor in the garage today has become too high for the average broker to afford and still stay in business.”
Steve Madill, broker for Anvil Ring Transport out of Sherwood Park, Alberta, had this to say: “Being a broker, I feel maintenance of my truck should be a 50/50 job. The driver should monitor all the needs of the truck and pass this information on to the maintenance people as quickly as possible. Keeping your truck well maintained prevents fewer breakdowns on the road. This saves time and money, and don’t forget that it keeps the customer happy when the load arrives on time.”
William Ryder drives for R.E West Transport out of Ashland City, Tennessee, U.S: “Maintenance on any truck starts with the driver. They monitor how the truck runs and what needs to be done to it. This information is passed on to the garage as quickly as possible. The sooner the garage knows what is needed to be done on a truck, the sooner the truck is safely back on the road working.” ••• Visit us at booth #5038 at Truck World 2012 in Toronto on April 19th to 21st. We will be very happy to see you.