#130 March

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March 2019 Issue 130





CAREERS: Editorial: What We Can Learn From the Humboldt Tragedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Outridge Cartoon: March Break Blues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Women In Trucking Report: February Member of the Month . . . . 20




HEAD OFFICE: Trenton, Ontario, Canada, 877.225.2232 www.vttmag.ca SALES: Barb Woodward: 877.225.2232, ext 302 barb@vttmag.ca ART DIRECTOR/MIS: Chris Charles: ext 305 chris@vttmag.ca CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Marek Krasuski marek@vttmag.ca Copyright © 2018 – 2022118 Ontario Limited. All rights reserved. Publication Agreement: No. 40806005

COLUMNS: Business Insurance Matters: Today’s Hard Market Means Some Carriers Will Be in Facility Pool . . . . . 11 Cross Border Services: Major Cocaine Bust in Alberta . . . . . . 8 Factoring: How to Calculate Working Capital . . . 7 Healthy Trucker: Workout Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Keep Your Vehicles Clean Top 5 Results of Clean Trucks . . . . . 26 MarketWatch: Heavy Vehicle Parts Aftermarket . . . . 5 Petro-Canada Lubricants: Futureproofing Your Fleet With an Oil Analysis Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Tires & Wheels: Retreading Rules of the Road . . . . . . 10 Transport For Christ: The Answer to Your Problems . . . . . 25 Women In Trucking: What A Year It’s Been . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 INDUSTRY NEWS: Cummins: Cummins Filtration FleetguardFIT Named Top Product for 2019 . . . . . . 25 Highlight Motor Group: Highlight Supports SickKids VS Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 NEW PRODUCTS: Master Promotions Ltd.: Registration Now Open for Canada North Resources Expo 2019 . . . . . . . 15 Volvo Trucks: Versatile Workstation for VNL 760, 740 & VNX 740 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 PRODUCTS & SERVICES DIRECTORY . . 12 SPECIAL REPORTS: Sudbury Conference Highlights . . . . . 9 THEME: CABS & CHASSIS Charting Developments in Cab & Chassis Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TRACTION & TRUCKPRO DIRECTORY . 16 March 2019   3

March Theme: Cabs & Chassis

By Marek Krasuski

Charting Developments in Cab & Chassis Design


till early in the New Year, trucking could prove to be a challenge in the months ahead. Supply chain issues will press the industry, in part because of unresolved trade and tariff disputes which can directly impact upon transportation activity. For example, when the Trump Administration imposed a 10 percent tariff on steel from China they retaliated with a 25 percent tax on soybeans. China is a large consumer of American soybeans, so American Carriers were impacted by diminished demand for this foodstuff. It remains to be seen what effect steel tariffs will have on cabs, chassis and related products, though there are some telling indications. It is true that truck and trailer prices have not spiked as much as anticipated - yet! But by the same token dump bodies did rise 11.5 percent in September 2018 over the same period in September 2017, and light duty trailers reached a 9 percent increase. Since dump bodies contain more steel than other body products the significant price increase came as no surprise. In other areas of the market reduced demand for residential housing impacted trucking as it represents 25 percent of fixed investments for Carriers. Further, companies have been building large inventories of imported products, thereby reducing demand for freight services. But every sector experiences several business cycles, typically expansion, boom, peak, and depression before returning once again to a phase of expansion. So the industry continues

to forge ahead in spite of the peaks and valleys. It’s the inevitable cost of doing business. Cabs and chassis are one sector of the market that continues to evolve. Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) is easing the truck driving experience these days with enhancements to the 2020 Freightliner new Cascadia. Cab improvements include Aerodynamic Height Control where the height of the cab is lowered electronically once the vehicle reaches 55 mph. Lower aerodynamic resistance results as air flows more efficiently over and under the front of the truck to reduce drag. Safety measures are in place with the installation of Side Guard Assist which identifies objects in the blind spot of the passenger side view mirror and on the trailer. In addition, enhanced steering features are integral to the Cascadia’s Level 2 automation. Drivers can have both lateral steering and longitudinal control. Plans are underway for further automation. E l s e w h e r e Vo l v o h a s a d d e d advanced work stations with ergonomic features to its VNL 760, 740 and VNX 740 models. The workstation is multifunctional, changing from a sitting area with cushions that easily unfold into a bed. Additional enhancements include an angled table for easy seating, a 103-degree cushion seat angle to improve seating comfort, and connected cushions that can be easily secured to allow for adequate rest. Volvo describes the workstation as a prominent feature of the cab by providing drivers with the

Enhancements to the 2020 Freightliner new Cascadia included cab improvements such as Aerodynamic Height Control. 4    March 2019

Volvo has added advanced work stations with ergonomic features to its VNL 760, 740 and VNX 740 models. flexibility to personalize their living space while on the road. Testifying to its utilitarian and comfort level Volvo said: “This advanced workstation is the latest example of the emphasis Volvo Trucks has placed on enhancing driver comfort and driver productivity. The ability to create an exceptional all-in-one living space and working environment is essential to attracting and keeping drivers.” Meanwhile Fiat Chrysler has made improvements to its medium duty 2019 Ram chassis and cab. It provides greater weight rating of up to 43,000 pounds including cab and chassis, and a maximum payload of 12,510 pounds. The Class 4 and 5 chassis cabs are becoming robust, so much so that they are competing with the Class 6 models. The Ram’s cab has a larger center console with 12 storage combinations. The console comes with five USB ports for faster charging. Optional 115-volt plugs can charge power tools at up to 400 watts. Chassis design includes standard cab for driver and passengers and bare frame rails, wheels, axles and tires. Contractors then complete modifications for required applications - dumps, tow trucks, emergency vehicles etc. The truck frames are now being built with up to 97 percent strong steel strength and have eight cross members with 34 inch spacing. Ford, too, has beefed up construction of its chassis cab for

the Class 3-5 Super Duty truck. Cabs are constructed with high strength military grade aluminum alloy, ensuring superior strength. Stronger, yes, and with the benefit of lighter weight. Ford says the reinforced cab is more resistant to dents and dings and less vulnerable to red rust corrosion. Chassis components are similarly robust with a frame stronger than previous generations. Axles, suspensions, brakes, and drivelines are larger, enabling trucks to take on tougher jobs. The need for sleeker, lighter and more efficient cabs is behind a partial shift toward lighter materials than steel, the traditional option in truck cab construction. But it’s hard to migrate too far away from this traditional resource. One reason is ease of manufacture compared to aluminum or other alternatives like carbon fiber. Creases, corners, angles and bends are not as easily formed with aluminum. Steel is better able to accept sharp angles as its resilience can withstand the pressures of being drawn deep into machines. Stamping tools that shape materials for cabs do not work as well with aluminum due to an effect called springback, a tendency for aluminum to bounce back to its original shape; this despite the fact that aluminum is a lighter material. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17 >>


By Mike Whalen

Heavy Vehicle Parts Aftermarket Part Two – Changes in the Truck Parts and Component Aftermarket: Where do you go from here?


irst let's have a quick review of Part One of Heavy Vehicle Parts Aftermarker. During the 70’s and early eighties I managed a parts business that served the off-highway truck and equipment market segments. The business started as a small filtration distributorship that added other parts specialties that included hydraulic hose, fittings and pre-made hose assemblies plus mufflers and exhaust parts and wear parts for off-road equipment. We concentrated on the HD offroad market segments and stayed away from the on-highway long haul markets. As we grew, we also stayed away from large truck fleet accounts that were the targets of the large parts distributors. Our customers were mixed vocational fleets of purpose-built trucks and off-road equipment serving the construction, forestry, mining and municipal markets. We also made sure the parts groups we carried all had a service component. A major shift has taken place in aftermarket distribution. The original channel for aftermarket service parts was the OE dealer. This moved to a shared aftermarket

– probably around 75% through the OE dealer and 25% from independent distributors. Remember that the OEM dealer, at one point, was the major customer for OEM parts for trucks not represented by the specific dealer performing the service. OE dealers bought service parts for the truck brands they didn’t represent from the independent aftermarket parts distributors. As OE dealers began to be recognized as all-makes parts distributors, the parts manufacturer sold directly to them or through allmakes direct ship, PDC and private brand programs. The OE dealer is now a direct competitor of the independent parts and service distributor. Today we have four categories of parts and service outlets competing for the after-market parts market. 1. The OE dealer with all-makes parts programs. 2. Multi-line parts distributors. 3. General all-makes independent service providers. 4. Specialty parts and service providers. These four groups now dominate the aftermarket. So where does the small independent fit?

Groups Three and Four are readymade for those without the financial strength to fund a multi-line parts distributorship. Those with the expertise needed to service allmakes trucks and off-road machines are perfect candidates for number 3. Number four is the category most suitable for the smaller parts and service specialist. WHAT’S OLD IS NEW AGAIN. As mentioned in part one, my initial foray into the engine powered truck and equipment aftermarket included parts categories that needed service and installation expertise. Because Canada has always been a vocational market, our target always included the mixed truck and off-road machinery fleet used in forestry, mining, construction, utility, municipal and agriculture. What makes this approach attractive? EVERYONE IS A POTENTIAL CUSTOMER From O/O’s, medium to large Fleets, and OE dealers. Because your parts acquisition cost is low and the in-shop job time is low, you can wholesale your service to the OE dealer and multi-line parts distributor.

Entry takes in-depth knowledge and training. General repair shops don’t have the trained specialists necessary to complete specialty repairs at a cost competitive with a shop that performs these repairs over and over again. This allows the OE dealer and general repair facilities to have the work done off-site and add mark-up. By outsourcing these specialized services, the fleet and OE dealer can free up their class A technicians for work on engines and drive trains. This has an added benefit, during this time of technician shortages, to eliminate some of the time consuming and costly work that is provided by this group of specialists. LIMITED COMPETITION Only those with the specialized knowledge and training could enter these specialized markets. Plus – training is provided by the manufacturers supplying the parts and components. A good example is in the world of filtration. As noted previously, back in 1970 I joined a small business that specialized in filtration. The business was centered on mixed fleet filter inventory management and air filter cleaning. Our sales were almost evenly split between fleet end-users, multi-line aftermarket parts distributors – and OEM dealers. In fact, over 60% of our business was to OE dealers and independent aftermarket parts distributors. We became the largest Canadian ‘single location’ distributor for the brands we carried. It’s amazing what happens when your business is recognized as ‘the expert’ in a given field. Just look at the long time Association of Diesel Engine Specialists (ADS) and how their members are viewed by the on and off-road diesel engine market. Other parts/service categories include: exhaust & emission controls, hydraulics, lighting, cooling and air conditioning. We ’ l l p r o f i l e s o m e o f t h e s e ‘Specialists’ in future columns. Next Month: A new channel: Combined product/service with hub and spoke specialized distribution.


March 2019   5

By Ellen Voie

What A Year It’s Been


s we close the calendar pages on 2018, we wanted to take the opportunity to look back at the amazing growth and successes for Women In Trucking (WIT) Association this past year. In January we started the weekly Women In Trucking Show on SiriusXM’s Road Dog Channel 146. Every Saturday, WIT President Ellen Voie interviews guests on topics as diverse as self defense, drones, trade show and so much more. This has given us the opportunity to reach an even great audience and to interact with current and potential members on the air. We were also thrilled to announce a new platform on our website for our members to meet each other virtually and to interact online. The Engage Platform is fast becoming a way to share best practices, find solu-

tions from other members and to just meet others with the same concerns or challenges. We recently launched the Engage App as well to reach even more of our members. Since ten percent of our members are in Canada, we launched our first Canadian Image Team at Truck World in Toronto in March. We’ve also held two Canadian “Salute to Women Behind the Wheel” events in Canada in 2018. After years of searching for a way to introduce young girls to careers in trucking, we finally came out with a Clare, the truck driver doll. Created by HABAUSA.com and sold through the manufacturer as well as Amazon.com and in TA and Petro Travel Centers, the doll was an immediate hit. She even has her own “Where’s Clare” Facebook page and Twitter Feed. Drivers are taking their Clare dolls all over the


Highlight Supports SickKids VS Campaign


oncord, Ontario – Highlight Motor Group President Kirk Kalinitchenko along with Vice-Presidents, Bob Cascagnette and Yury Eskin, delivered a $5,000 donation to the SickKids Foundation. These funds will be put towards the SickKids VS campaign to build a new SickKids hospital. SickKids Toronto hospital was originally built in 1949 and went through expansion in 1993. Medical advancements have come such a long way since then which is why the SickKids VS campaign was launched in 2017.

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This $1.3 billion fundraising campaign will allow SickKids Toronto to undergo a complete transformation and maintain its position as a worldclass, family-centred facility. “We wanted to support this great cause and explained to all Highlight personnel that we would match the amount they were able to generate during our company Christmas party. ” exclaims Kirk Kalinitchenko, Founder, President and CEO. To discover more about Highlight Motor Group, visit their website at www.highlightmotor.com.


world and posting photos of her making deliveries, enjoying vacations and helping out in the truck. In March, we had the exciting opportunity to give away a Volvo VNL, thanks to Arrow Truck Sales. Tiffany Hanna, a driver for Prime, Inc. was handed the keys to the tractor after submitting the winning essay on why we need more women in trucking. We’re planning another truck giveaway in the future, so watch our website for information. Michelin joined WIT as the newest Gold Level Partner, which means they participate at a higher level, both financially and through the involvement of Adam Murphy, who now serves on the WIT board of directors. Michelin joins Arrow Truck Sales, Bendix, BMO Transportation Finance, Expediter Services, Freightliner, Great Dane, J. B. Hunt, and Walmart Transportation as Gold Level Partners. To continue our quest to reach the next generation, we created a supply chain activity book called, “Scouting for Cookies.” The book follows a young girl as she learns how the grain from the field is transported to the bakery on a truck, then to the packaging, warehouse and distribution sites via trucks. Finally, the scout is the final mile delivery. Our goal is for children to have a personal connection to the trucks they see on the road and perhaps, think about their own milk and cookies that

could possibly be on the truck. In September, we also started the 150 Challenge with Expediter Services. This was our goal to create 150 women owned businesses by helping female drivers purchase her first truck or expand her fleet. By the end of the year, we were halfway to our goal, but plan to expand this opportunity throughout 2019. In November, WIT’s Ellen Voie was named the National Association of Small Trucking Company’s “Person of the Year.” She was recognized for her, “vision, energy, and forward thinking,” by NASTC President, David Owen at their annual conference. WIT’s own Accelerate! Conference and Expo was held in Dallas, Texas in November and a record-breaking audience was on hand to learn, network, and enjoy the opportunity to have fun at an event comprised mostly of women! Over 830 people registered for this 4th annual event, and we’re anticipating more than 1,000 at next year’s conference. You can be a part of this forwardthinking group of 4,000 men and women who support the organization’s mission to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments, and minimize obstacles faced by women working in the industry. Find out more at www.womenintrucking.org.



By Bruce Sayer

How to Calculate Working Capital


o run a trucking business you must have Working Capital. Working Capital is the measure of cash or liquid assets needed for day to day operations. Calculating your Working Capital is essential to determining your company’s ability to meet financial obligations. Whether you are a 1 truck company invoicing your customers $20,000 a month, or a 25 truck company invoicing $500,000 a month, the principle remains the same. As long as you have enough available cash over the next 30 days to pay for all expenses, you have sufficient working capital. Too often companies confuse operating profit with working capital.

Company owners look at the statement of profit and loss (Income Statement) and see that they had more revenues than expenses. This often causes confusion as the company may appear to be making money, but there is never enough cash available to meet obligations. Frequently, this is caused by the profit of the company being used to pay down debt (such as payment for equipment) or it is tied up in accounts receivable that have not yet been collected. To correctly calculate working capital, your company requires the use of another financial statement; the balance sheet. A balance sheet will tell you whether you have enough

assets converting to cash (over the short term) compared to the financial obligations that you have to pay. The benefit of calculating working capital is that it will allow you to determine if you will have a “Cash Crisis” looming even though you are running a profitable trucking company. The calculation of current assets (assets that will convert to cash within 12 months) vs current liabilities (things that you will have to pay within 12 months) is termed “the Working Capital Ratio”. Successful companies should maintain a ratio ranging between 1.2 and 2.0. If your working capital ratio is 1.2 this would mean that you will have $1.20 of cash

to pay for every $1.00 you have to pay out. Calculating Working Capital Ratio is simple; Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities = Working Capital Ratio For example, if a trucking company has $50,000 in Current Assets, and $24,000 in Current Liabilities the math is 50,000 / 24,00 = 2.08 (Working Capital Ratio). Its Working Capital Ratio of 2.08 indicates that this is a healthy business with more than sufficient liquidity to meet ongoing financial obligations. A key component of the above formula is “Current Assets”. These assets include accounts receivable, which rank as one of your company’s most valuable assets. For trucking companies that frequently face a cash shortage due to poor cash flow, accounts receivable are your ticket to cash flow freedom. Reputable freight factoring companies will purchase your invoice receivables at a discount to provide immediate access to your money. Factoring invoices to create positive cash flow is now a mainstream financial strategy used by a growing number of trucking companies to maintain operations, take on more customers and fuel growth. For more information about invoice factoring for trucking companies, visit us online at www.AccutracCapital. com or call today at 855.838.7575.


March 2019   7

Cross Border Services

By Dawn Truell, President, Cross Border Services

Major Cocaine Bust in Alberta


t the Sweetgrass/Coutts Border Crossing into Alberta a transport truck was pulled over for secondary screening because the driver was on the CBSA radar as suspected of involvement in drug trafficking. During inspection the CBSA border officers came across 83 one-kilogram bundles of cocaine stashed in different locations within the cab area. The cocaine, valued at $5 million, was found behind the microwave, under a mattress, in a duffel bag and inside the two jockey boxes. Upon the truck being returned from the impound lot to the truck’s owner, there was a further 17 onekilogram packages that had apparently not been found during inspection at the border. The 54-year-old driver was from British Columbia and the junior driver, 32 years old, resides in

Ontario. The younger driver was new to Canada and to trucking, barely spoke English and needed a translator during the inspection, questioning and trial. Both drivers claimed that they were completely unaware of the cocaine being in the truck. During the trial it was concluded that there was not enough hard evidence such as DNA or fingerprints to prove beyond reasonable doubt that these two drivers had anything to do with the placement of the cocaine in the truck. It was concluded that the younger driver’s charges of possession with the intent to traffic and importation of drugs into Canada were dismissed and the senior driver, 54, his charges were stopped due to his passing away. I chose not to identify names in this article out of respect to the families related to the

death of one of the drivers. For more information about this article or safety & compliance programs such as C-TPAT, FAST,

PIP, TTP, AEO, CSA, please contact Cross Border Services at www. crossborderservices.org or email dawntruell@gmail.com.



Canada Cartage Helps to “Hack” Cargo Theft


amilton, Ontario – During the weekend of January 26th and 27th, over 600 students from universities across Ontario came together in Hamilton at McMaster University for a 30-hour non-stop “hack-a-thon” called “DeltaHacks” (www.deltahacks.com). At the hacka-thon, sponsor companies provided students with various business challenges, and the students then chose a challenge and had 24 hours to develop technology solutions to the

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problem. Students worked all night in teams to build their solutions, which were then judged the following day and winners selected. Canada Cartage partnered with the Innovation Factory to participate as a sponsor, along with other companies such as RBC, TD Canada Trust, and Arcelor Mittal. Canada Cartage selected “Cargo Theft” as the industry challenge for the students, and suggested that they try to develop a “theft detection” app that could provide

an early warning, real-time alert to Operations’ dispatchers that a theft may be in progress. A total of 19 teams accepted Canada Cartage’s challenge, and engineered a wide range of software and hardware solutions. These included technology solutions using artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, radio frequency i.d. tags, IoT (“Internet-of-Things”) solutions, and mobile phone apps. Judges from Canada Cartage were Andrew Cree,

Chief Information Officer, Andrew Ravindran, Director Enterprise Applications & IT Project Management, and Dave Zavitz, Chief Administrative Officer, who selected the top 3 winning teams. “We are excited with the quality of the solutions presented, as well as the incredible talent and enthusiasm exhibited by the students,” says Andrew Cree, Chief Information Officer. For more information, visit www. canadacartage.com.


Special Report:

By Marek Krasuski

Sudbury Conference Highlights Innovation Opportunities


n February 6 th & 7 th, 2019 Sudbury hosted the second annual Beyond Digi tal Transformation (BDT) Conference. The theme of this year’s event, “Mining DisruptED,” was to call attention to new and emerging technologies that are changing the mining sector, and the challenges the industry needs to address. The occasion was spearheaded by a partnership between NORCAT, the Sudbury based innovation mining centre with an operating mine that helps companies develop their products in real world conditions, and the Partners in Achieving Change Excellence (PACE). PACE CEO Neha Singh described the conference as an opportunity to forge ahead and chart new paths of mining development. “This is about how to adopt new technologies and to maximize return on investment in the mining sector. Sharing ideas presented by various companies, this conference enables participants to learn what developments are underway in this dynamic sector,” she said. Principal mining companies like Barrick Gold, Vale and Goldcorp were on hand to apprise participants of their latest innovations. Singh was confident that companies in northern Ontario and elsewhere would learn what global mining companies are looking for in reaching new levels of digital transformation and how this knowledge could be used in achieving technology solutions. Mining has evolved almost beyond recognition from traditional practices

of decades ago. Longstanding images of hard rock miners slaving away under punishing conditions has long since passed – at least in developed nations. In fact, as technology matures expect to see fewer jobs underground and more above ground workers with sophisticated technology-centred skill sets. Unlike yesteryear when mining extraction companies were major employers, today most mining jobs – fully three quarters of them – are to be found in the supply and services sector, smaller businesses that support the industry through innovative products and services. Northern Ontario is one of the world’s most developed and sophisticated mining innovation regions. Many of the Supply and Services companies here install their products and deliver services to companies all over the world. In cycles of robust development opportunities emerge for innovative companies in many sectors, among them transportation. On the list of companies with a transportation component that partner with NORCAT, the mining innovation centre in Sudbury, is Jannatec, creator of core technologies that contributes to the safe operations of mining vehicular equipment. Typical of risk to miners and equipment underground are collisions. These hazards arise from a miner’s limited ability to see and hear in tight environments where multiple operations are underway deep below the surface. To minimize collision incidence the company

NORCAT, located in Timmins Ontario, is a global leader in augmented reality, skilled labour training and development.

Jannatec ENSO SmartView uses their JAWS collision avoidance system which allows mines and industries to monitor their equipment, enhance safety and save on costs. Photo courtesy of Jannatec Technologies developed the Jannatec Advanced Warning System (J.A.W.S. 2). The alert programme comprises a series of radio frequency transceivers which are attached to all underground mining vehicles, personnel and hazards. The transceivers can be modified to match the specific requirements of each mine site. The devices detect and transmit warnings of other vehicles and personnel in the area. Mining personnel who receive a visual warning of moving loaders, tractors and trucks, for example, can take measures to remove themselves from approaching vehicles. Similarly, machine operators are warned of pedestrians in the vicinity. Larger underground equipment such as 50-tonne haulage trucks will receive a warning, allowing them to yield right of way to smaller vehicles before proceeding. This stand alone system can be easily integrated into standard safety practices. Symbotictware is another company that offers both hardware and software solutions to analyze data, maximize safety and improve asset utilization for the mining, environment, oil/gas, municipal and transportations industries. One product is SpeedGuard, a solution that prevents mobile equipment operators from over-speeding. This results in increased mine safety by preventing speeds in excess of equipment and mining company parameters. To be sure money is saved by minimizing premature component failure when

operating above manufacturer specifications. Te s m a n , a n o t h e r C a n a d i a n m a n u f a c t u r i n g c o m p a n y, h a s developed devices to remove the miner from the dangers of direct contact with drill holes. It has mechanized the drilling of holes by attaching remote drills and other equipment to loaders. The operator then proceeds with drilling from a safe distance of 17 feet from the exploration site at the mine face. The control panel in front of the operator records vital data such as the depth of the drill holes and the material which has been extracted. The Remote Loader completely removes all water and debris from the holes, while the touch screen records endoscopic inspection of all holes along with comments about the status of the work. An additional product, Tesman’s Communication Station, generates customized reports for engineers, planners, and maintenance personnel. Each day key data such as drilling progress, machine productivity, ground conditions, drilling accuracy and machine maintenance can be monitored. Proceeds from this second annual Beyond Digital Transformation (BDT) conference partnered by PACE and NORCAT and supported by many sponsors were generously donated to several charities. For event highlights go to beyonddigitaltransformation.com.


March 2019   9

Tires & Wheels

By Jeffrey Parks, Managing Director, Retread Tire Association

Retreading Rules of the Road


ere are some rules to remember when you are considering retread tires. Rule one – buy from a reputable retreader. We at the Retread Tire Association can always supply you with a list of retreaders near you, but you should still do some research on your own. Find out who is local in your area. You can you take your fleet’s performance up a notch by partnering with a quality retread shop that really does have your best interest in mind (which of course is also in his best interest by growing repeat customers). Would you like to tour a retread plant? RTA can help you do that. These days, of course we have the Internet so we can look up the website of just about any retread company and get their story without too much digging. Look at their

website and see what kind of history they have and the pride they take in their work. You can call and ask questions about the equipment and processes used. Ask for a few names of their repeat customers and how satisfied they are with the service and performance. Find out whom you’re dealing with and build a relationship with them, especially if your fleet (of one or many vehicles) is going to need ongoing upkeep and you want a reliable source for replacement tires quickly and economically. Rule two – proper inflation of your tires. Keep your eye on the seasons. In hot weather or cold, inflate properly and invest a few bucks in a calibrated tire gauge, one that you can set up and use reliably every day to insure that mishaps caused by under or overinflation are kept in the distance.

Rule 3 – Proper matching of tires. Mismatched tires running in the wrong axle positions can have deadly and expensive consequences. Here’s a link (http://bit.ly/1QnvV9C) to an excellent article by Peggy Fisher at TireBusiness magazine detailing proper tire matching techniques and guidelines for success. Rule 4 – Educate yourself and ask questions. At RTA we give answers and connect our members so that someone who learned the hard way, and wants to share that experience may answer the problem you need to solve. ARE YOU STRADDLING THE FENCE? It’s quite possible that you aren’t certain that enacting a retreading program will be worth your time and dollars. Consider these other factors: • Making one new tire requires about 22 gallons of oil. Conversely

a new tread applied to your used casing is made with around 7 gallons of oil. Project that out by retreading each tire up to 4 times. You’ll be saving close to 50 gallons of oil for each wheel position during the life of that truck. A significant amount of environmental impact is minimized. • Your retread comes with a new warranty. That’s right, depending on the tread wear and casing used; your reputable retreader will stand by his work and apply some type of new warranty to ensure your satisfaction. These warranties represent a good part of your potential financial gain by minimizing failures. Considering that today there are almost as many retreaded tires as new tires on the road, why not give us a call at the Retread Tire Association at 831.620.5345 or email us at info@ retreadtire.org and let us help you get retreading into your bottom line.



Premium Steer Tire Achieves Extraordinary Mileage in Fleet Evaluations


allas, Texas – The Goodyear Endurance LHS long-haul steer tire, Goodyear’s best long-haul steer tire for miles to removal, is delivering remarkable mileag e in fleet testing. “This tire, which was introduced last year, is providing extraordinary mileage in fleet evaluations – in some cases, 175,000 miles, 186,000 miles and in one fleet test, more than 210,000 miles,” said Mahesh Kavaturu, Director of Technology, Commercial Tires. Kavaturu noted that 13 fleets have evaluated the tire, logging more than 13 million combined miles to date and more than 200 fleets are currently running the Goodyear Endurance LHS. Like its complement tire, the Goodyear Endurance LHD long-haul drive tire, the Goodyear Endurance LHS is SmartWay-verified and is a key part of Goodyear’s Total Solution of trusted products, reliable services and fleet management tools, delivered by a nationwide network. 10    March 2019

Optimized to help provide long miles to removal, the Goodyear Endurance LHS features: A new, wear-resistant tread compound; a new dual-layer tread with uniform stiffness for slow, even wear; new rigid casing construction for a consistent footprint; and new casing compounds for low rolling resistance. “Long-haul fleets are the biggest segment of the North American trucking market,” said Kavaturu. “When it comes to tires, these companies measure every mile. They want to get as many miles as possible out of their tire investment, without sacrificing other performance benefits like fuel efficiency, even wear and traction.” “We are confident the new Goodyear Endurance LHS, along with the Goodyear Endurance LHD, can help fleets achieve this balance and ultimately lower their operating costs,” he added. The Goodyear Endurance LHS is available in the following sizes: 295/75R22.5 (Load Ranges G and

H); 11R22.5 (Load Ranges G and H); 285/75R24.5 (Load Ranges G and H); and 11R24.5 (Load Ranges G and H). Both the Goodyear Endurance LHS and Goodyear Endurance LHD are available through the Goodyear Commercial Tire & Service Network, which encompasses more than 2,300 Goodyear Commercial Tire & Service

Centers and authorized, independent Goodyear commercial tire dealerships throughout the United States and Canada. “We are confident the Goodyear Endurance LHS will become the ‘go-to’ steer tire for long-haul fleets that are looking for optimal returns on their tire investment,” said Kavaturu.


Business Insurance Matters

By Linda Colgan

Today’s Hard Market Means Some Carriers Will Be in Facility Pool


t never ceases to amaze me how rules or systems are implemented and there always seems to be the perpetrators who try to circumvent the system. Rules, when it comes to insurance are stringent. The language of a policy may not be crystal clear, however it is the responsibly of the Broker to assist in understanding the perimeters of the insurance policy and to ensure that the statutory conditions are understood. With the hardening of the market so many Carriers canvassing the marketplace are seeking better rates, less stringent underwriting requirements or simply trying to find insurance. Depending on losses or other issues (i.e. lack of safety and compliance) Insurers are elevating premiums to double digit increases or at times not offering renewal at all. A non-renewal in this market

almost always dictates the carrier is bound for Facility. Facility is not a market that is flexible or competitive in premium. Facility is one step away from having no insurance. They are the last opportunity for insurance. Facility expects that the signature on the application attests that the information is true and accurate. This includes radius of operations for each vehicle. I would highly recommend that each vehicle’s radius be checked. If going cross border make sure the application rates it as such. If not, a problem will exist if a loss should occur. If a Broker presents a quote through Facility that is in line or more competitive, something is skewed. Make sure correspondence with the Broker is in writing and point out any inaccuracies. To falsify information to gain temporary financial relief on rate is a deadly gamble. If the

rating is not accurate and a loss occurs; too late to plead the fifth! The loss potentially can be denied all together. Imagine not only having to pay for the physical damage losses but to pay legal fees for years to defend a liability case. Hardly a tradeoff for inaccurate rating! Be prudent and hold the Broker accountable for the information and to ensure the underwriter receives accurate information. When the renewal terms are presented, the Carrier should make sure that the full vehicle list, values and description of freight depicts precise information as provided. Companies should be talking to their Broker well in advance of renewal date to determine the expectation with the current market. It’s up to the Carrier to have the knowledge of losses and the cost versus premium. There does not appear to be any

break on the horizon. Losses are becoming more frequent. Severe losses are happening regardless of the weather. Insurers are no longer trading premium for losses. Profit has to be made and the fuses are short. Accountability is the answer in almost every discussion. Whether it be profiles such as the SMS or CVOR or severity/frequency of losses. Many Carriers are burdened with Facility as the auto Insurer and losing a competitive edge in the transportation marketplace. The end of the hard market is not in sight as yet nor any time in the near future. Linda Colgan has been an Insurance Broker in the transportation industry since 1986 and is Senior Account Executive with Bryson & Associates Insurance Brokers Ltd. Contact Linda at 416.809.3103 or feel free to email Linda at lcolgan@brysoninsurance. ca.


March 2019   11

VOCATIONAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES DIRECTORY The Products & Services Directory is your direct route to professional companies serving the Trucking Industry across Canada. Include your company in the directory by contacting Barb Woodward by phone at 877.225.2232 ext 302 or email at Barb@vttmag.ca. Visit us online at www.vttmag.ca. ACCOUNTING, TAX & BOOKKEEPING




CROSS BORDER SERVICES ACCOUNT & RECORDS MANAGEMENT Bookkeeping For Your Business & Personal Finances Toll Free: 905.767.5458


CTPAT, FAST, PIP TTP, AEO, CSA, SCAC, MC, DOT, CVOR, NEXUS, Bonding, Training Programs & Seminars, for ALL Business Types.

PAT’S DRIVELINE “Over 35 years of Driveshaft Manufacturing Expertise”

1450 Headon Road, PO Box 93005


Burlington, ON L7M 4A3 Tel: 905.973.9136 Alt Tel: 289.337.9134 Contact: Dawn Truell, BSc Psych, BBA dawntruell@gmail.com www.crossborderservices.org

BEKA-LUBE PRODUCTS INC. “BEKA is Canada’s leading brand of automatic lubrication systems for industrial, over-the-road and off-road applications. All BEKA products are designed with the durability required for harsh environments found on trucks, agricultural and construction machinery.” 2830 Argentia Road, Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L5N 8G4 Toll Free: 888.862.7461 Tel: 905.821.1050 Fax: 905.858.0597 info@beka-lube.com www.beka-lube.com



ITR CANADA INC. Canadian consulting and training resource company, committed to providing exceptional products and services to the transportation industry, specializing in D.O.T. drug and alcohol compliance. Milton, ON L9T 3Y5 Toll Free: 888.812.0099

50 Admiral Blvd. Mississauga, ON L5T 2W1 Toll Free: 800.668.5458 Tel: 905.671.2355 Fax: 905.671.2358 sales@flocomponents.com www.flocomponents.com



490 McGeachie Drive

FLO COMPONENTS LTD. “For Total Lube Solutions, Go With the FLO!”

MONCTON Unit 5, 191 Henri Dunant Street Moncton, NB E1E 1E4 Toll Free: 844.701.GEAR (4327) Tel: 506.855.GEAR (4327) Fax: 506.859.GEAR (4327) sales@gearcentregroup.com www.gearcentre.com

INTERNATIONAL TRUCKLOAD SERVICES INC. 107 Bellevue Drive, Box 1450 Belleville, ON K8N 5J1 Toll Free: 800.267.1888 Tel: 613.961.5144 Fax: 613.961.1255 or 888.485.6487 English or Punjabi Call Monty at 800.267.1888 or 613.961.5144 extn 123 recruiting@itsinc.on.ca www.itstruck.ca

Tel: 905.693.0660 Fax: 905.693.0332 clientservices@itrcanada.com www.itrcanada.com


#1, 7337 Pacific Circle Mississauga, ON L5T 1V1 Toll Free: 877.438.3155 Tel: 905.564.3155 Fax: 905.564.3166 sales@gearcentregroup.com www.patsdriveline.com


IMVR – IRIS “Your Goals Are Our Priority.” 4654 Ontario Street Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4 Toll Free: 855.224.iMVR (4687) Tel: 289.260.2820 Fax: 905.670.3436 info@imvr.ca www.iMVR.ca

KELSEY TRAIL TRUCKING LTD. We are your “one-stop” total logistics solutions provider since 1981. We have been helping companies get maximum results at exceptional value. Our flat deck long haul services are a key link in any efficient supply chain. LTL, FTL, over dimensional and weight-permitted shipments across Canada. All of our trucks are equipped with a GPS system. We strategically designed our company to be your edge. Experience it today! 2246 Bowman Street Innisfil, ON L9S 3V5 Toll Free: 888.564.8161 Tel: 705.436.6713 Fax: 705.436.9705 tyler@kelseytrail.com www.kelseytrail.com



Components by:


••• S.E.T.I. Inc. Service, Experience, Technology, Innovation! 5314 Trafalgar Road Milton, ON L9E 0Y8 Tel: 905.878.7161 info@seti-imports.com www.autogreaser.com or www.seti-imports.com


A one-stop total exhaust and emission solution provider. Our products, services and manufacturing abilities enable us to provide our customers with the highest standards in exhaust parts and services. 480 Grays Road, Hamilton, ON L8E 2Z4 Toll Free: 800.461.2495 Tel: 905.578.4303 Fax: 905.578.4381 terrya@aaexhaust.com www.aaexhaust.com


PAT’S DRIVELINE “Over 35 years of Driveshaft Manufacturing Expertise” ALBERTA

WILSON INSTRUMENTS LTD. The Anti-Idling Experts 43 Crowe Bay Heights, RR 2 Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 Tel: 705.653.2403 Fax: 705.653.5560 WilsonInstruments@sympatico.ca www.wilsoninstrumentsltd.com

12    March 2019

14715-116th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 3E8 Toll Free: 800.661.8826 Tel: 780.453.5105 Fax: 780.452.3555 sales@gearcentregroup.com www.patsdriveline.com

KEE HUMAN RESOURCES “Your Goals Are Our Priority.” 6950 Kenderry Gate Mississauga, ON L5T 2S7 Toll Free: 877.670.3426 Tel: 905.670.3426 Fax: 905.670.3436 recruit@keehumanresources.com www.keehumanresources.com


EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION LTD. A trucking company based in Grimsby, Ontario that specializes in the movement of oversize and overweight loads. We have an extensive line of heavy haul equipment including flatbeds, step-decks, double drops, floats, mini-decks, extendable trailers, steering dollies and multiaxle transporters with capacities up to 80 tons. 263 South Service Road Grimsby, ON L3M 1Y6 Toll Free: 800.263.0240 Tel: 905.945.9654 Fax: 905.945.4151 JKingma@empiretrans.com www.empiretrans.com

SIEMENS TRANSPORTATION GROUP INC. Siemens Transportation Group Inc. spans across North America. As an international, family-owned operation, it encompasses specialized transportation companies for a total supply chain solution. These companies range from international Truckload, Less Than Truckload service, International Flat Deck service, Ground Courier service and Warehouse Distribution service P.O. Box 7290 Saskatoon, SK S7K 4J2 Toll Free: 888.878.9585 Fax: 306.668.5849 driver.recruitment@siemenstransport.com www.siemenstransport.com


THE ROSEDALE GROUP “As a transportation and warehousing service provider since 1969, The Rosedale Group, has a proud history of meeting the industry-specific requirements of our customers. We, as a company, have a fundamental belief that our people make the difference in how we consistently deliver total customer satisfaction.” 6845 Invader Crescent Mississauga, ON L5T 2B7 Toll Free: 855.721.3962 Tel: 905.670.0057 Fax: 844.314.5953 timd@rosedale.ca or recruiting@rosedale.ca www.rosedalegroup.ca


ACCUTRAC CAPITAL SOLUTIONS INC. “Accutrac provides cash flow solutions structured specifically for the freight and trucking industry. We’ve made factoring easy to understand and affordable with one low cost, all in. Qualification is easy and funding is available same day.” 174 West Street South, 2nd Floor Orillia, ON L3V 6L4 Toll Free: 866.531.2615 Toll Free Fax: 866.531.2651 Bruce@accutraccapital.com www.AccutracCapital.com



BEKA-LUBE PRODUCTS INC. “Providing a selection of hand-held grease guns from the world-leading MATO application hardware. It delivers safe, reliable and environmentally-friendly handling of lubricants. Operators are able to apply grease precisely to the zerks or surfaces, but without the residual mess long associated with the lubricating process.” 2830 Argentia Road, Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L5N 8G4 Toll Free: 888.862.7461 Tel: 905.821.1050 Fax: 905.858.0597 info@beka-lube.com www.beka-lube.com


J D Factors 315 Matheson Blvd. East Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X8 Toll Free: 800.263.0664 Tel: 905.501.5000 Fax: 905.501.0395 CanadaSales@JDFactors.com www.JDFactors.com WESTERN CANADA

1-141 Commercial Drive Calgary, AB T3Z 2A7 Tel: 587.483.2630 Fax: 800.939.2305 EASTERN CANADA

6600 route Transcanadienne bureau 610 Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 4S2 Toll Free: 888.694.8721 Fax: 514.694.4411



MULTI-LINE FASTENER SUPPLY COMPANY LTD. “Serving fastener needs for Industrial, Automotive & Maintenance Trades.” 1100 Courtney Park Dr. E., Unit 5 Mississauga, ON L5T 1L7 Tel: 905.677.5088 Fax: 905.677.4917 brendachu@multilinefasteners.com www.multilinefasteners.com

ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER CANADA LIMITED Package policies for both local and long haul fleets. Our team of transportation specialists have in-depth industry knowledge and extensive experience designing and implementing programs to fit our clients’ needs. 120 South Town Centre Blvd. Markham, ON L6G 1C3 Toll Free: 800.267.6670 Tel: 905.479.6670 Markham: john_clancy@ajg.com London: cameron_blair@ajg.com ajgcanada.com


JONES DESLAURIERS INSURANCE MANAGEMENT INC. Transportation Insurance Broker/Advisor™ 2375 Skymark Avenue Mississauga, ON L4W 4Y6 Toll Free: 877.232.9996 Tel: 416.240.5695 Fax: 416.259.7178 donnyc@jdimi.com www.jdimi.com


FLEET-TAX SERVICES INC. Celebrating 15 Years in Business! Our team is very well known for their MTO & DOT Audit Support, Authorities, IRP, Fuel & Mileage Taxes, Drug & Alcohol Testing Center 4654 Ontario Street Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4 Tel: 905.563.1010 Fax: 905.563.1015 www.fleettaxservices.com

PERMITS & SERVICES C.U.T.C. INC. Serving the Transportation industry since 1989. 1295 Crois Carol Laval, QC H7W 1G3 Toll Free: 866.927.8294 Tel: 450.687.8294 Fax: 450.687.6963 pvoelker@sympatico.ca www.cutcinc.ca

RUST PREVENTIVE PRODUCTS PALMER ATLANTIC INSURANCE LTD. One of Canada’s leading Trucking Insurance and Risk Services Brokers, specializing in coverage for local and long-haul fleets and owner-operators. Check out our website to learn more about how we can help you today! 538 Main Street, Unit 1 Hartland, NB E7P 2N5 Toll Free: 800.267.8006 Tel: 506.375.7500 Fax: 506.375.4232 jpalmer@palmeratlantic.ca www.palmeratlantic.ca


KROWN CORPORATE “Krown offers a superior line of rust inhibiting products and body maintenance programs to help keep your trucks on the road.” 35 Magnum Drive Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Toll Free: 800.267.5744 Tel: 905.939.8750 Fax: 905.939.8710 info@krown.com www.krown.com


BAIRD MACGREGOR INSURANCE BROKERS LP At Baird MacGregor you are under our shield of protection. We are known throughout the business community for our commitment to acountabilty, consistency, innovation and excellence in all that we do. We have specialized in providing cost-effective insurance and unique risk management solutions since 1979. 825 Queen Street East Toronto, ON M4M 1H8 Toll Free: 800.263.3030 Tel: 416.778.8000 Fax: 416.778.4492 lgarofalo@bairdmacgregor.com www.bairdmacgregor.com



BENNETTS POWER SERVICE PRODUCTS P. O. Box 51016, RPO Tyndall Park Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 Toll Free: 877.778.4440 Tel: 204.694.1777 Fax: 204.633.0133 gbennett@powerservice.ca www.powerservice.ca

ERB AND ERB INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. What you want to protect the most. We protect the best! 818 Victoria Street North Kitchener, ON N2B 1C3 Toll Free: 800.265.2634 Tel: 519.579.4270 Fax: 519.741.1977 cbunn@erb-erb.com or info@erb-erb.com www.erb-erb.com


••• LIQUID CAPITAL MIDWEST CORP. “Others Promise… We Deliver” White Glove Service and Industry Expertise. Same-day funding, including weekends. Customized competitive rates. 176 Seacliff Drive West Leamington, ON N8H 3Y5 Toll Free: 877.653.9426 Tel: 519.419.5044 Fax: 855.295.6605 riacobelli@liquidcapitalcorp.com www.liquidcapitalmidwest.com


BRYSON & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. “It’s not what you pay. It’s what you get for what you pay. Transportation, Logistics, Cargo, Fleet Safety Management Services & Bonds.” Toll Free: 800.661.5196 Tel: 905.426.8787 Fax: 905.426.4959 tmccarthy@brysoninsurance.ca www.brysoninsurance.ca

VULCAN ON-BOARD SCALES On-board weighing systems for the trucking industry. 1765 Springfield Road, Unit 106 Kelowna, BC V1Y 5V5 Toll Free: 800.663.0854 Tel: 604.944.1481 Fax: 604.944.1482 www.vulcanscales.com


730 PERMIT SERVICES INC. A Division of Disa Permits Canada Company ULC Established in 1992, our experts have detailed knowledge of the filing systems for permits, accounting and audits. BROCKVILLE 1245 California Avenue, Unit B Brockville, ON K6V 7N5 Toll Free: 800.410.4754 Tel: 613.657.1244 Fax: 613.657.1453 info@permitservices.com WOODSTOCK 535 Mill Street Woodstock, ON N4S 0A9 Tel: 519.537.8658 Fax: 519.537.7956 jgoff@730permitservices.com www.730permitservices.com

FLO COMPONENTS LTD. Grease & oil pumps, hose reels, meters, control valves – all the necessary components to safely store, dispense and track your service shop’s bulk fluids. 50 Admiral Blvd. Mississauga, ON L5T 2W1 Toll Free: 800.668.5458 Tel: 905.671.2355 Fax: 905.671.2358 sales@flocomponents.com www.flocomponents.com Components by:


ABRAMS TOWING “Service Across Ontario” 24 Hour Heavy Towing Toll Free: 888.667.5438 Tel: 416.398.9474 www.abrams.ca

March 2019   13


FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES Proud distributors of Lode-King, Midland Manufacturing, Landoll and more. trailers@fgiltd.ca www.fgitrailers.com


KEE TRAINING ACADEMY “Your Goals Are Our Priority.” 6950 Kenderry Gate Mississauga, ON L5T 2S7 Toll Free: 877.670.3426 Tel: 905.670.3426 Fax: 905.670.3436 recruit@keehumanresources.com www.keehumanresources.com


TruckPro locations on page 17


M.T.T. REPAIR SERVICES INC. M.T.T. Repair Services Inc. is a family owned and operated business that has been providing quality repairs and services since 1975. We operate out of a 14,000 square foot building with eleven bays including a truck and trailer paint bay and two sandblasting bays. M.T.T. Repair Services currently employs trailer mechanics, welders, body men and painters. We are also an accredited vehicle inspection station that allows us to conduct annual safety inspections to all of your trailers. 1868 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905.677.2771 Fax: 905.677.2774 info@mttrepair.com www.mttrepair.com


Traction locations on page 16



CALGARY FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 5350-72nd Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4X5 Toll Free: 800.661.3126 Tel: 403.236.9712 Fax: 403.236.7249 calgary@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com

14    March 2019



EDMONTON FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 16230-118th Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5V 1C6 Toll Free: 800.663.9366 Tel: 780.447.4422 Fax: 780.447.3289 edmonton@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com GRANDE PRAIRIE FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 10610-82nd Avenue Clairmont, AB T8X 5G9 Toll Free: 866.424.5479 Tel: 780.402.9864 Fax: 780.402.8659 grandeprairie@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com LLOYDMINSTER FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 5701-63rd Avenue Lloydminster, AB T9V 3B8 Toll Free: 800.661.9709 Tel: 780.875.9115 Fax: 780.875.1403 lloydminster@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com RED DEER FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 170 Queens Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 0R5 Toll Free: 866.297.0022 Tel: 403.343.1383 Fax: 403.347.8275 reddeer@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com MANITOBA


1440 Highland Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A7 Toll Free: 866.883.6120 Tel: 204.571.5980 Fax: 204.571.5982 brandon@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com WINNIPEG FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 2525 Inkster Blvd. Winnipeg, MB R2R 2Y4 Toll Free: 800.282.8044 Tel: 204.632.8261 Fax: 204.956.1786 winnipeg@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com ONTARIO

MISSISSAUGA FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 731 Gana Court Mississauga, ON L5S 1P2 Toll Free: 888.456.6567 Tel: 905.564.5404 Fax: 905.564.8455 mississauga@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com SUDBURY FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES C-112 Fielding Road Lively, ON P3Y 1L5 Toll Free: 866.328.7725 Tel: 705.222.1042 sudbury@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com THUNDER BAY FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 915 Walsh Street West Thunder Bay, ON P7E 4X5 Toll Free: 800.465.5044 Tel: 807.577.5724 Fax: 807.475.9033 thunderbay@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com




Fort Garry Industries 1523 Ross Avenue East Regina, SK S4N 7E5 Toll Free: 800.552.8044 Tel: 306.757.5606 Fax: 306.781.7926 regina@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com SASKATOON

Fort Garry Industries 3426 Faithfull Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 8H1 Toll Free: 800.772.4599 Tel: 306.242.3465 Fax: 306.933.4850 saskatoon@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com



FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES Sales and NSM certified installation of snow plows, sanders, mixers, dump bodies and more. truckequip@fgiltd.ca www.fortgarryindustries.com


A & A EXHAUST SYSTEMS A one-stop total exhaust and emission solution provider. Our products, services and manufacturing abilities enable us to provide our customers with the highest standards in exhaust parts and services. 480 Grays Road, Hamilton, ON L8E 2Z4 Toll Free: 800.461.2495 Tel: 905.578.4303 Fax: 905.578.4381 terrya@aaexhaust.com www.aaexhaust.com


MINIMIZER Minimizer has been in business for over 30 years. If it’s on/in a heavy duty truck and can be made of polymers, Minimizer is the brand most trusted.We have the only lifetime guarantee in the industry with products proven where it matters most – on trucks & trailers. 500 Minimizer Way S.E. Blooming Prairie, MN 55917 Toll Free: 800.248.3855 Tel: 507.583.2112 Fax: 507.583.7540 info@minimizer.com www.minimizer.com

Texis Truck Exhaust “Diesel Performance Specialists” 1850 Gage Court Mississauga, ON L5S 1S2 Toll Free: 800.267.4740 Tel: 905.795.2838 Fax: 905.678.3030 texis@bellnet.ca www.texisexhaust.com



QUALITY COLLISION CENTRE Quality Collision Centre has been providing superior collision & body work for heavy trucks, trailers & cars since 1979. When you bring your vehicle in to Quality Collision Centre, you can be assured of timely turnaround, expert repairs & complete satisfaction. 12 Clarke Blvd., Brampton, ON L6W 1X3 Tel: 905.451.8550 Fax: 905.451.7627 info@qualitycollision.ca www.qualitycollision.ca


THE TRUCK EXHAUST PLACE Since 1982 we have been a one stop exhaust shop for the trucking industry as well as the heavy duty exhaust needs of industrial, farming, manufacturers and mining industry. We have been helping fleets, owner-operators, brokers, truck repair facilities, municipalities and manufactures get their equipment up and running and their trucks back on the road with minimal down time. 1365 Bonhill Road Mississauga, ON L6T 1M1 Toll Free: 800.385.8801 Tel: 905.670.0100 Fax: 905.670.8128 mitch@totalexhaust.com www.totalexhaust.com


DRIVE STAR SHUTTLE SYSTEM LTD. Providing “drive-away” and tow-a-way services to the class 6, 7 and 8 truck markets, in both Canada and the United States. 1625 Stone Church Road East Hamilton, ON L8W 3Y5 Toll Free: 866.378.7827 Tel: 289.960.0759 sales@drivestardelivers.com www.drivestardelivers.com

GERRY’S TRUCK CENTRE “Your Complete Transportation Business Partner” 4049 Eastgate Cres. London, ON N6L 1B7 Toll Free: 800.363.4380 Tel: 519.652.2100 Fax: 519.652.6593 info@gerrystrucks.com www.gerrystrucks.com


LOUNSBURY HEAVY-DUTY TRUCK CENTRE Truck Sales, Parts, Service, Body Shop Repairs, Radiator Sales & Recore along with the latest in Hunter Alignment Technology for all makes and models. Two locations in New Brunswick to serve you. MONCTON 725 St. George Blvd. Moncton, NB E1E 2C2 Toll Free: 800.561.7782 Tel: 506.857.4345 • Fax: 506.857.4346 FREDERICTON 14 Millennium Drive Fredericton NB E3C 2N8 Toll Free: 888.339.7344 Tel: 506.459.1204 • Fax: 506.454.1376 lounsbury.truck@lounsburys.com www.lounsburytruck.com


C & R TRANSMISSION SERVICE LTD. Your Complete Driveline Service Center. Authorized Allison Overhaul & Maintenance Dealer. Large Inventory of the Most Popular Clutches, Transmissions & Differentials. Factory-Trained Rebuilders & 9 Service Bays. 13 Anderson Blvd. Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4 Toll Free: 888.297.0682 Tel: 905.642.4556 Fax: 905.642.2293 manager@crtransmission.com www.crtransmission.com




MONCTON Unit 5, 191 Henri Dunant Street Moncton, NB E1E 1E4 Toll Free: 844.701.GEAR (4327) Tel: 506.855.GEAR (4327) Fax: 506.859.GEAR (4327) sales@gearcentregroup.com www.gearcentre.com ONTARIO

MISSISSAUGA #3, 7337 Pacific Circle Mississauga, ON L5T 1V1 Toll Free: 844.564.8998 Tel: 905.564.8998 Fax: 905.564.6284 sales@gearcentregroup.com www.gearcentre.


ALLIED TRANSMISSIONS LTD. Allied Transmissions Ltd. is an authorized Allison dealer who is committed to providing the highest standard of service. 235149 Ryan Road S.E. Calgary, AB T1X 0K1 Toll Free: 888.232.2203 Tel: 403.279.9505 • Fax: 403.279.7362 sales@allied-transmission.com service@allied-transmission.com www.allied-transmission.com

EDMONTON 14811-116th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 3E8 Toll Free: 800.661.8825 Tel: 780.452.6933 Fax: 780.455.8612 sales@gearcentregroup.com www.gearcentre.com

Authorized Allison Dealer

AWASH (ECOWASH) SYSTEMS CORP. Portable Automated Truck Wash Systems including Battery & Electric versions, customized to your requirements. We are the OEM. CANADA

19 Community Avenue Hamilton, ON L8E 2X9 U.S.A.

6405 Inducon Drive East Sanborn, NY, USA 14132 Toll Free: 800.265.7405 Tel: 905.662.2662 Fax: 888.407.9498 info@awashsystems.com



CALGARY 7170 Blackfoot Trail SE Calgary, AB T2H 2M1 Toll Free: 800.661.1378 Tel: 403.252.3880 Fax: 403.252.6308 sales@gearcentregroup.com www.gearcentre.com


Servicing Truck, RV, Oilfield, Highway, Bus, Construction Automatic & Powershift Transmissions as well as Chelsea PTO Sales & Service Specializing in parts and service for the Allison Transmission. Over 15+ years of Service Excellence in Western Canada & Abroad. RR 1, Site 1, Box 9 27312 – 84, Twp 394 Aspelund Industrial Park Blackfalds, AB TOM 0J0 Toll Free: 877.321.7732 (SPEC) Tel: 403.885.5566 Fax: 403.885.2556 sales@siautomatics.com service@siautomatics.com www.siautomatics.com

COMPASS VEHICLE DELIVERY INC. All types of vehicles delivered across Canada. We specialize in fleet relocation. P.O. Box 265 Stn. Main 4-996 County Road 40 Trenton, ON K8V 5R5 Tel: 613.392.9676 Fax: 613.392.8730 sales@compassvehicledelivery.com www.compassvehicledelivery.com


Registration Now Open for Canada North Resources Expo 2019


rince George, British Columbia – The Canada North Resources Expo is preparing for its big return to the CN Centre in Prince George, British Columbia on May 24th & 25th. The biennial trade event focuses on major resource sectors vital to Northern Canada’s economy, including forestry and heavy construction. Visitor registration is now open for this key trade event. “With limited space remaining for exhibitors, we are excited to open up visitor registration for 2019,” says Mark Cusack, National Show Manager. “We’re looking forward to a year of growth at the show, with a number of new industry players signed on for the event and a great list of attractions being planned.” Filling an expansive four acres of exhibit space, Canada North Resources Expo features all the equipment

needed to get big jobs done. Hundreds of industry leaders from the following sectors will be in attendance: Forestry, Mining, Screening/Crushing/Recycling, Trucking and Transportation, Contractor/Construction, and many others. In addition, the Interior Safety Conference will be returning as a popular feature for industry members on site. Pre-registration allows attendees to plan their visit in advance and receive a show badge and other exclusive communication in the months leading up to Canada North Resources Expo 2019. Registration is newly open on-

line at secure.masterpromotions.ca/ cnre/here. Canada Resources North Expo has strong ties to the community and local not-for-profit organizations. Past editions have included efforts to benefit AimHi, the Prince George Association for Community Living, the Salvation Army Food Bank, and scholarship funding for Northwest Community College. Each show raises thousands of dollars to support the education of local students going into resource industry professions. In 2019, more charitable features are planned to benefit the commun-

ity, such as Family Day on Saturday to celebrate the future of the industry, along with others to be announced. For complete show details, visit www.CNRE.ca or find the show on Facebook and Twitter. SHOW INFORMATION Friday, May 24 from 9:00am – 5:00pm & Saturday, May 25 from 9:00am – 5:00pm CN Centre, 2187 Ospika Boulevard, South Prince George, BC, www.CNCentre.ca MEDIA INQUIRIES Mark Cusack, National Show Manager, Master Promotions Ltd., mcusack@mpltd.ca, call 888.454. 7469 or contact Aurora Boudreau, Marketing Coordinator, aboudreau@mpltd.ca, call 1.888.454.7469. For complete company information and event schedule, visit www. masterpromotions.ca.


March 2019   15

Traction Locations








BONNYVILLE TRACTION BONNYVILLE Northern Truck & Industrial 6201-C 50th Avenue Bonnyville, AB T9N 2L9 Tel: 780.826.5855 BROOKS TRACTION BROOKS NAPA Auto Parts 99 - 7th Street East Brooks, AB T1R 1C1 Tel: 403.501.5551 CALGARY TRACTION CALGARY Calgary Heavy Truck & Collision 7404 44th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 3G7 Tel: 403.279.2870 DRAYTON VALLEY TRACTION DRAYTON VALLEY Drayton Valley Auto Parts Ltd. 3347 - 50th Street Drayton Valley, AB T7A 0C6 Tel: 780.542.6881 EDMONTON TRACTION HEAD OFFICE 18532 - 116th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5S 2W8 Tel: 780.489.7555 EDMONTON NORTH WEST TRACTION HEAVY DUTY PARTS 18051 - 111th Ave. North West Edmonton NW, AB T5S 2P2 Tel: 780.444.4334 EDMONTON SOUTH TRACTION HEAVY DUTY PARTS 3404 - 78th Avenue Edmonton South, AB T6B 2X9 Tel: 800.252.7992 EDSON TRACTION EDSON NAPA Auto Parts 4833 - 2nd Avenue Edson, AB T7E 1T8 Tel: 780.712.4152 FAIRVIEW TRACTION FAIRVIEW Fairview Automotive & Industrial Supplies 11019 - 101st Avenue Fairview AB T0H 1L0 Tel: 780.835.4971

FORT MCMURRAY TRACTION FORT MCMURRAY Paramount Parts Inc. 10218 King Street Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1X9 Tel: 780.791.3000 GRANDE PRAIRIE TRACTION GRANDE PRAIRIE Bradvin HD Inc. 16101 - 101st Street, Unit 4 Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0P2 Tel: 780.538.3038 HIGH PRAIRIE TRACTION HIGH PRAIRIE High Prairie Truck & Trailer Ltd. 5309 - 53rd Av., Hwy 2 West High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Tel: 780.523.4777 HINTON TRACTION HINTON NAPA Auto Parts 120 North Street Hinton, AB T7V 1S8 Tel: 780.865.8800 LA CRETE TRACTION LA CRETE Schellenberg Heavy Equipment 10704 99th Street La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Tel: 780.928.3406 LLOYDMINSTER TRACTION LLOYDMINSTER Truck Zone Inc. 5205 - 65th Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 2E8 Tel: 780.875.7712 MEDICINE HAT TRACTION MEDICINE HAT Hydraco Industries Ltd. 2111 - 9th Avenue South West Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G8 Tel: 403.526.2244 PEACE RIVER TRACTION PEACE RIVER Peace Truck & Trailer Ltd. 9103 - 75th Street Peace River, AB T8S 1T2 Tel: 780.624.8655 RED DEER TRACTION HEAVY DUTY PARTS 8045 Edgar Industrial Cr. Red Deer, AB T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.342.7884

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE TRACTION ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE NAPA Auto Parts 4528F - 47th Avenue Rocky Mtn House, AB T4T 0A9 Tel: 403.845.2709 WABASCA TRACTION WABASCA Pelican Automotive 2330 Pelican Business Park Wabasca, AB T0G 2A0 Tel: 780.891.3600 WHITECOURT TRACTION WHITECOURT KW Mechanical Ltd. 4004 - 41st Avenue Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N4 Tel: 780.706.2252

FORT NELSON TRACTION FORT NELSON NAPA Auto Parts 5320 - 49th Avenue Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.2783 KAMLOOPS TRACTION KAMLOOPS Premium Truck & Trailer 1875 Kryczka Place Kamloops, BC V1S 1S4 Tel: 250.374.3100 KELOWNA TRACTION KELOWNA Central Valley Truck Service 105 Adams Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7R1 Tel: 250.765.7738 PORT MCNEILL TRACTION PORT MCNEILL North Island Pacific Parts 470 Pioneer Hill Drive Port McNeill, BC V0N 2R0 Tel: 250.956.4401 PRINCE GEORGE TRACTION PRINCE GEORGE NAPA Auto Parts 564 - 2nd Avenue Prince George, BC V2L 2Z9 Tel: 250.563.7778 QUESNEL TRACTION QUESNEL NAPA Auto Parts 1185 Hwy 97 North Quesnel, BC V2J 2Y3 Tel: 250.991.0650 SIDNEY TRACTION SIDNEY PM Industries 1785 Mills Road Sidney, BC V8L 5S9 Tel: 250.656.1689 SMITHERS TRACTION SMITHERS Smithers Parts & Service 3465 Victoria Drive Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4287 SQUAMISH TRACTION SQUAMISH Triton Auto & Industrial Ltd. 1003 Industrial Way Squamish, BC V0N 3G0 Tel: 604.892.5951 SURREY TRACTION SURREY Trailine Trailer Parts Ltd. 10304 - 120th Street Surrey, BC V3V 4G1 Tel: 604.582.4888

TERRACE TRACTION TERRACE BOW VALLEY MACHINE 5107 Keith Avenue Terrace, BC V8G 1K8 Tel: 250.638.0099 VANDERHOOF TRACTION VANDERHOOF P & H Supplies Ltd. 279 1st Street East Vanderhoof, BC, V0J 3A0 Tel: 250.567.9266 WILLIAMS LAKE TRACTION WILLIAMS LAKE W.L. Forestry Supplies Ltd. 675 North Mackenzie Avenue Williams Lake, BC V2G 1N9 Tel: 250.392.6699

NIPAWIN TRACTION NIPAWIN NAPA Auto Parts 811 Nipawin Road East Nipawin, SK S0E 1E0 Tel: 306.862.9881 PRINCE ALBERT TRACTION PRINCE ALBERT Unified Auto Parts Inc. 365-36th Street West Prince Albert, SK S6V 7L4 Tel: 306.764.4220 REGINA TRACTION HEAVY DUTY PARTS 405 Park Street Regina, SK S4N 5B2 Tel: 800.667.9856 SASKATOON TRACTION SASKATOON NAPA Auto Parts 2815 Faithfull Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 8E8 Tel: 306.244.9877 SWIFT CURRENT TRACTION SWIFT CURRENT Swift Current Brake & Drive Ltd. 1511 Cheadle Street West Swift Current, SK S9H 5G4 Tel: 306.773.7293 TISDALE TRACTION TISDALE Unified Auto Parts Inc. 911 101st Avenue Tisdale, SK S0E 1T0 Tel: 306.873.2131 WEYBURN TRACTION WEYBURN Southern Industrial & Truck Ltd. 300 Hwy 13, South Service Road Crossroads Industrial Park Weyburn, SK S4H 2K7 Tel: 306.842.2422 YORKTON TRACTION YORKTON 537 Broadway Street East Yorkton, SK S3N 2W7 Tel: 306.782.4313

BRITISH COLUMBIA 100 MILE HOUSE TRACTION 100 MILE HOUSE Total Parts Express Ltd. 260 Exeter Road 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0 Tel: 250.395.2277 ABBOTSFORD TRACTION ABBOTSFORD Truckpart Abbotsford 31107 Peardonville Road, Bay 11 Abbotsford, BC, V2T 6T9 Tel: 604.746.9660 BURNS LAKE TRACTION BURNS LAKE Polar Park Automotive 831 Hwy 16 West Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Tel: 250.692.7501 CHETWYND TRACTION CHETWYND Gear-O-Rama Supply 4876 North Access Road Chetwynd, BC V0C 1J0 Tel: 250.788.2255 CHILLIWACK TRACTION CHILLIWACK Lickman Truck & Trailer Parts & Services Ltd. 43915 Industrial Way Chilliwack, BC V2R 3A4 Tel: 604.793.9660 COURTENAY TRACTION COURTENAY Taurus Heavy Duty Ventures 2703A Kilpatrick Avenue Courtenay, BC V9N 6P4 Tel: 250.871.1191

MANITOBA BRANDON TRACTION BRANDON NAPA Auto Parts 1940 Queen’s Avenue Brandon, MB R7B 0T1 Tel: 204.727.4850 WINNIPEG TRACTION HEAVY DUTY PARTS 200 Oak Point Highway Winnipeg, MB R2R 1V1 Tel: 888.320.5505 N. W. TERRITORIES YELLOWKNIFE TRACTION YELLOWKNIFE NAPA Auto Parts 114 - 314 Old Airport Road Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2 Tel: 867.669.6272 SASKATCHEWAN MEADOW LAKE TRACTION MEADOW LAKE Unified Auto Parts Inc. 807 - 1st Avenue West Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Y4 Tel: 306.236.4800 MELFORT TRACTION MELFORT Unified Auto Parts Inc. 990 Hwy 6 South Melfort, SK S0E 1A0 Tel: 306.752.9308 MOOSE JAW TRACTION MOOSE JAW Golden West Trailer & Equipment Ltd. 1802 Stadacona Street West Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4N8 Tel: 306.692.7402

YUKON WHITEHORSE TRACTION WHITEHORSE Pacesetter Trading Company Ltd. 126 Industrial Road Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2T9 Tel: 867.393.3902


New Minimizer Steerable Axle Fender Bracket Kit


looming Prairie, Minnesota – Minimizer has developed a new steerable axle fender bracket kit for use with a Watson Chalin SL20K-2065 axle. “This is about meeting demand,” M i n i m i z e r Te c h n i c a l M a n a g e r Gordon Eby said. “This particular Watson Chalin axle is fairly new, and we started getting a number of requests for a kit that would work on that axle, so we designed a solution.” This new bracket kit is designed

16    March 2019

for MIN2220 fenders. “The tires that are normally on this Watson Chalin axle fit the MIN2220 best,” Eby said. The new steerable axle fender bracket kit – part number 104264 – features an easy bolt-on design for quick installation. Steerable kits are made to bolt on using existing holes on the brake assembly, allowing the fender to raise, lower and steer with the axle. To learn more about the new steerable lift axle bracket kit, visit

us online at www.minimizer.com or

call us at 800.248.3855.


TruckPro Locations








ACHESON TRUCKPRO ACHESON Silver Mechanical Services [2013] Ltd. 26724 Acheson Road Acheson, AB T7X 6B2 Tel: 780.962.8030 BROOKS TRUCKPRO BROOKS Hopf Mechanical & Hydraulics 660 Aquaduct Drive Brooks, AB T1R 1C5 Tel: 403.501.0190 CALGARY TRUCKPRO CALGARY (14A Street) Alberta Auto & Truck Repair Inc. 4150-B 14A Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 3L3 Tel: 403.543.1000 CALGARY TRUCKPRO CALGARY Calgary Heavy Truck & Collision 7404 44th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 3G7 Tel: 403.287.6888 DRUMHELLER TRUCKPRO DRUMHELLER Drum Diesel 901 South Railway Ave., Bay 13 Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 Tel: 403.823.7966 EDMONTON NORTH WEST TRUCKPRO EDMONTON NW Truck Zone Inc. 15816 - 111th Ave. North West Edmonton, AB T5M 2R8 Tel: 780.451.0225

FORT MACLEOD TRUCKPRO FORT MACLEOD MoBoot’s Ag Mechanics Ltd. 112 - 12th Street Fort MacLeod, AB T0L 0Z0 Tel: 403.795.2645 FORT SASKATCHEWAN TRUCKPRO FORT SASKATCHEWAN Cart Construction Inc. 11401 - 85th Avenue, Unit #11 Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 0A9 Tel: 780.998.5028 GRANDE PRAIRIE TRUCKPRO GRANDE PRAIRIE Bradvin Trailer Sales Ltd. 10920 - 87th Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 8K4 Tel: 780.539.6260 LA CRETE TRUCKPRO LA CRETE Schellenberg Heavy Equipment 10704 - 99th Street La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Tel: 780.928.3406 LLOYDMINSTER TRUCKPRO LLOYDMINSTER TRUCK ZONE INC. 5205 - 65th Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 2E8 Tel: 780.875.7712 MEDICINE HAT TRUCKPRO MEDICINE HAT Hydraco Industries Ltd. 2111 - 9th Avenue SW Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G8 Tel: 403.526.2244 PEACE RIVER TRUCKPRO PEACE RIVER Peace Truck & Trailer Ltd. 9103 - 75th Street Peace River, AB T8S 1T2 Tel: 780.624.8655

RED DEER TRUCKPRO RED DEER Central Alberta Heavy Duty Repair 10 - 7719 Edgar Industrial Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.358.5335 TABER TRUCKPRO TABER Geeraert Mechanical Service 5911-B 50th Avenue Taber, AB T1G 1W7 Tel: 403.223.8744 TWO HILLS TRUCKPRO TWO HILLS Two Hills Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. 5929 - 47th Avenue Two Hills, AB T0B 4K0 Tel: 780.657.3304 WHITECOURT TRUCKPRO WHITECOURT KW Mechanical Ltd. 4004 - 41st Avenue Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N4 Tel: 780.706.2252

KAMLOOPS TRUCKPRO KAMLOOPS Premium Truck & Trailer 1875 Kryczka Place Kamloops, BC V1S 1S4 Tel: 250.374.3100 KELOWNA TRUCKPRO KELOWNA Central Valley Truck Services Ltd. 105 Adams Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7R1 Tel: 250.765.7738 NANAIMO TRUCKPRO NANAIMO P.M. Industries Ltd. 4950 Jordan Avenue Nanaimo, BC V9T 2H8 Tel: 250.758.8004 SIDNEY TRUCKPRO SIDNEY P.M. Industries Ltd. 1785 Mills Road Sidney, BC V8L 5S9 Tel: 250.656.1689 SMITHERS TRUCKPRO SMITHERS Smithers Parts & Service (2005) Ltd. 3465 Victoria Drive Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4287

DAUPHIN TRUCKPRO DAUPHIN A.R.J. Heavy Truck & Trailer Repair 107053, PTH 20 Dauphin, MB R7N 2V3 Tel: 204.638.0711 NEEPAWA TRUCKPRO NEEPAWA T.I.C. Parts & Service 220 Hwy 5 North Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Tel: 204.476.3809 WINKLER TRUCKPRO WINKLER Road Rig Parts & Service Ltd. 530 George Avenue Winkler, MB R6W 0J4 Tel: 204.331.4744 WINNIPEG NORTH WEST TRUCKPRO WINNIPEG NW DAB’s Repair Ltd. 2126 Logan Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2R 0J2 Tel: 204.694.2390

REGINA TRUCKPRO REGINA (9TH AVE.) Frame & Wheel Alignment Co. (1988) Ltd. 805 - 9th Avenue Regina, SK S4N 7P4 Tel: 306.569.2350 SASKATOON TRUCKPRO SASKATOON NE A-Line Frame & Alignment Services Ltd. 3246 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 5Y2 Tel: 306.931.6612 SWIFT CURRENT TRUCKPRO SWIFT CURRENT Finning Canada 2635 North Service Road West Swift Current, SK S9H 5L4 Tel: 306.773.3240 WEYBURN TRUCKPRO WEYBURN Southern Industrial & Truck Ltd. 300 Hwy 13, South Service Road Weyburn, SK S4H 2K7 Tel: 306.842.2422 YORKTON TRUCKPRO YORKTON Truck Proz Inc. 537 Broadway Street East Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3 Tel: 306.782.4313


Profiling truck cabs calls for some discussion on the importance of aerodynamic designs. The industry invests heavily in aerodynamic features on truck cabs, modifying everything from changes to the hood, roof fairings, fenders, bumpers and mirrors. The absence of aerodynamic features, particularly on

BRITISH COLUMBIA CHILLIWACK TRUCKPRO CHILLIWACK Triton Truck & Trailer Repair 44137 Progress Way Chilliwack, BC V2R 0W3 Tel: 604.701.4428 FORT NELSON TRUCKPRO FORT NELSON Gearheads Truck Repair 5204 - 46th Avenue Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.4327

lon haul tractors subject to persistent aerodynamic drag, can result in a 10 percent reduction in fuel efficiency. Studies have found that compared to traditional styled tractors, newer aerodynamic models achieve 30 percent more fuel economy. In the On Highway market it seems there is no end to the improvements in efficiency and driver comfort. Kenworth’s W990 is a case in

Fiat-Chrysler has made improvements to its medium duty 2019 Ram chassis and cab. It provides greater weight rating of up to 43,000 pounds including cab and chassis, and a maximum payload of 12,510 pounds.

MANITOBA BRANDON TRUCKPRO BRANDON Total Works Truck Equipment 501 Middleton Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A8 Tel: 204.728.3821

ONTARIO DRYDEN TRUCKPRO DRYDEN Webb Truck Repair Inc. 16677 Hwy 17 West Dryden, ON P8N 2Y7 Tel: 807.937.4444 SASKATCHEWAN MOOSE JAW TRUCKPRO MOOSE JAW Golden West Trailer & Equipment Ltd. 1802 Stadacona Street West Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4N8 Tel: 306.692.7402

point. The cab’s latest long hood classic appearance makes a strong presentation with a length of 131.5 inches from bumper to back of cab. The interior has hand stitched upholstery with fully adjustable air cushion seats orthopedically shaped for optimal comfort and support. The state-ofthe-art dash features multiplexed electronic instrumentation and easily accessible switches and controls. The Peterbilt Model 579, which can be spec’d for virtually any application, comes in both day cab and sleeper configurations. The cab, Peterbilt says, has been designed to fit around the needs of the driver. Plenty of leg room and fully adjustable steering column add to the spacious ergonomically designed interior. The sleeper doubles as an efficient workspace; a retractable desk top provides a convenient surface work area and storage space for a laptop. The cab is equipped with new sound abatement technology that minimizes outside noise. With a call out to drivers for feedback, Navistar has modified many features to improve driver comfort with a view

YUKON WHITEHORSE TRUCKPRO WHITEHORSE Kulan Mechanical 7 Laberge Road Whitehorse, YK Y1A 5Z3 Tel: 867.393.4581

to fuel consumption as well. It has improved aerodynamic contours of the hood, fenders, wheel openings and chassis skirts, modifications made after wind tunnel and coast down testing. Interior changes include a column shifter which is now attached to the steering column so drivers can keep their hands on the wheel at all times. More space has been added for additional elbow, hip and leg room. Door openings have been enlarged to improve entry and egress. A new one piece window allows for more unobstructed side views with better placement of cab and hood mirrors. Repositioning of displays and controls are within easier reach as well. Navistar also improved door seals to reduce noise for a quieter cabin. With a view toward driver retention, an ever present problem in the industry, companies today are tailoring work environments in the truck to be as user friendly as possible. Consequently comfort, ease of operation, visibility, and maneuverability will continue to figure prominently in the design and build process.


March 2019   17


Volvo to Offer Versatile Workstation for VNL 760, 740 & VNX 740 Models


o l v o Tr u c k s a d d s a n ergonomically advanced workstation to its VNL 760, 740 and VNX 740 models, providing a flexible living environment for thousands of drivers who make their homes on the road. Designed to improve driver productivity, comfort

and overall convenience, the upgrade is now available for order. Each year, truck drivers spend thousands of hours in their cabs driving, living and keeping the economy going. The new workstation provides a relaxing, versatile living space for work and rest to enhance

driver productivity. This workstation was developed as a result of rigorous testing and input from Volvo customers and drivers. It features ergonomic advancements that allow drivers to enjoy the comforts of home while on the road. The workstation transforms from a sitting

This new workstation setup is designed to improve driver productivity, comfort and overall convenience. A LPH A B ETICA L LI ST OF A DV E RTI S E R S ADVERTISER


A Abrams Towing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern Accutrac Capital Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

B Bryson & Assoc. Insurance Brokers Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern

C C.U.T.C. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

D Dieter’s Metal Fabricating Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 DMR Truck Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Eastern

E Edge Transportation Services Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Western Empire Transportation Services Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Eastern

F Fleet-Tax Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern

I International Truckload Services Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Eastern

J J D Factors Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3

K Kindersley Transport Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Eastern

P Private Motor Truck Council of Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Eastern

T Texis Truck Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern The Gear Centre Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 The Rosedale Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 25 Traction Truck Parts & TruckPro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

V Volvo Trucks Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 27

W Wilson Truck Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Eastern 18    March 2019

area and table for relaxing, eating and catching up on work, then lowers as a base for seating cushions that unfold into a bed. Additional enhancements include an angled table for easy seating; a 103-degree cushion seat angle to improve seating comfort; and connected cushions that can be easily secured to allow for adequate rest. The workstation is a prominent feature in the cab, giving drivers flexibility to personalize their living space while on the road. With various configuration possibilities, solo drivers may prefer to leave the table set-up and sleep in the top bunk, while team drivers may choose to collapse the table for access to both bunk beds. The workstation also allows space for storage inside the bottom bunk bases. Ideal for owner/operators and fleet drivers on the road for extended periods of time, the workstation has been shown to help boost resale value for customers. Previously successful on the VNL 670 model, the enhanced workstation for the VNL 760, 740 and VNX 740 models entered production in February 2019.





CONFERENCES Private Motor Truck Council of Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Eastern EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES DMR Truck Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Eastern Edge Transportation Services Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Western Empire Transportation Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Eastern International Truckload Services Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Eastern Kindersley Transport Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Eastern The Rosedale Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 25 Wilson Truck Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Eastern FACTORING & FINANCE Accutrac Capital Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 J D Factors Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3 INSURANCE BROKERS Bryson & Assoc. Insurance Brokers Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern PERMITS & WAIVERS C.U.T.C. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fleet-Tax Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern TOWING Abrams Towing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIRS TruckPro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TRUCK ACCESSORIES Dieter’s Metal Fabricating Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Traction Truck Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TRUCK EXHAUST SALES & SERVICE Texis Truck Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern TRUCK MANUFACTURERS Volvo Trucks Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 27 TRUCK & TRAILER PARTS & ACCESSORIES Traction Truck Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TRUCK TRANSMISSIONS The Gear Centre Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Healthy Trucker

By Andrea Morley

Workout Motivation


e’ve all been there: finishing a long day at work, tackling your to-do list, and then sitting down to relax, if you have time. Maybe you’re on the road and in the truck for the night, or maybe you’re at home and ready to enjoy some time with your family. At that point, a workout feels nearly impossible, and before you know it, you’ve talked yourself out of it. If you’re not blessed with endless energy or you aren’t in the routine of working out, it can be a difficult process trying to get into the routine. Here are some tips for getting into the swing of working out, so that you can become fit and feel great! Make your workouts work for YOU: This is your life, you’re in control and you get to decide when, where, and how you’re going to exercise. Find the time of day that you feel the most energized, motivated, and able to work out. For some, that’s early in the morning, and for others, it’s late at night. You may fall somewhere in between, or maybe you break your workout up throughout the day, doing 10 minutes before work, on break, and after work. Find the time that works for you and then stick to it, so that it becomes part of your routine and you become accustomed to moving at that time. You also get to decide what type of

workout you’re going to do, and I always recommend doing the workout you enjoy over anything else. If you don’t like it, you won’t do it consistently or effectively, so decide what exercises you find fun (or maybe just tolerable…I get it) and do that! Your options are endless, including weight lifting, cardio, walking, short and intense HIIT workouts, swimming, golf, pickleball, body weight workouts, yoga, and more! Finally, decide where you work out best. This may depend on what type of exercise you’re doing (obviously swimming and golf require a certain environment), but if you’re just lifting weights or doing cardio, it’s up to you! If you feed off the energy at a gym or a class, you may be more motivated while you’re there, so you’ll get a better workout. But if the gym is 30 minutes from your house or you work on the road, you may not make it there very often, so you may want to get a few dumbbells for your house or truck. You may choose to work out alone, or alongside someone else - but don’t ever rely on someone else to help you get fit! Stop thinking about it: If you give yourself a minute, you’ll find 18 excuses for why you shouldn’t work out. You’re busy, you’re tired, you worked out once and hurt your toe, your hamster is sick… the list goes

on. The only way to avoid this is to not give yourself that minute of thinking. Either think about something else, like how great your workout will be and how good you’ll feel after, or just stop thinking all together and get the workout done! When the workout time you chose above rolls around, immediately get your workout clothes on and head to your workout area, whether it be your basement, gym, or beside your truck. Start warming up, and get ready to rock it! When you feel like quitting: Need a little extra boost to get you in the zone? Pump up your favorite music to move to, whether it be rock, hip hop, or even classical…to each

their own! If that’s not enough, watch a short video on YouTube to get you motivated, like an inspiring clip from the Olympics, an athlete training for a championship, or a motivational speech. Then, get moving! If you’re tired and stay still, you’ll become more tired and relaxed. If you’re tired and start moving, your body will begin to produce more endorphins, providing you more energy. Focus on completing your workout in 10 minute chunks, to help the time feel like it’s passing quickly and to keep yourself focused on what you’re doing now, not what you still have left to do. Nobody is going to do your workout for you, so accept the fact that it’s your responsibility to move your body regularly, and keep going. If you’re sick, exhausted, or just can’t make the time: Sometimes, it’s just not the right time for a workout. If that really is the case and you know it’s not just an excuse, take a break for the day! Let yourself heal, be productive, or sleep in. Working out isn’t the only side to getting healthy, so keep your nutrition dialed in and get back to working out as soon as you can, but do some stretches or get outdoors if you can. If you miss more than a few days in a row, you’ll have a tough time getting back into the routine, so try and make sure your break doesn’t turn into a hiatus! Above all, have fun with your workouts and stay as consistent as you can. Consistency is the only way you’ll see results, and those results are what will get you wanting to work out more!


March 2019   19

WIT Announces its 2019 February Member of the Month


lover, Wisconsin – Women I n Tr u c k i n g A s s o c i a t i o n (WIT) has announced Liuba Bulavynets as its February 2019 Member of the Month. Liuba is the project manager and developer for Amous International, located in Oak Brook, Illinois. At the age of 12, Liuba entered a boarding school as an orphan. The school focused on using sports to give the children an opportunity to compete and flourish. Even though this school looked stable from the outside, Liuba went through many hardships with her peers and teachers. Going against all of the negativity being pushed her way, she powered through and began running. She competed in triathlons, winning gold medals in Ukraine multiple times. Doing this sealed in her mind that she is capable of

accomplishing anything she wants as long as she puts the work in. Once her athletic career came to an end, Liuba was left with little options. She began applying to a wide variety of jobs. When Amous came across her application, they were intrigued at how someone with almost nothing was able to accomplish so much by the age of 22. “After the first meeting with her, we understood Liuba would be an extraordinary addition to the team. She began aggressively learning how to code, using the willpower that made her a successful athlete, and learn the insides and out of the logistics world,” said Mark Shevchuk. Within a couple of months, she was able to become an implementation lead. Not only did she work as a coder, she went further in helping train and manage new hires.

WIT Continues Partnership with BMO Transportation Finance


lover, Wisconsin – The Women In Trucking Association (WIT) is pleased to announce that BMO Transportation Finance has renewed its Gold Level Partnership to continue supporting the non-profit association’s efforts to increase the number of women employed in the transportation industry. BMO Transportation Finance has supported WIT since 2014. In addition to providing financial support, the company actively participates in the association. John Dietze, Managing Director, Dealer Sales, serves on the board of directors for both the WIT Association and Foundation. “BMO Transportation Finance is proud to be a part of Women in Trucking, and is focused on accelerating diversity and inclusion in the workplace,” said Dietze. “In 2018, BMO was recognized for its efforts in advancing the role of women at work and in the community. BMO’s participation in WIT is a natural extension of the values our business holds.”

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“This industry needs more women, as both drivers and corporate l e a d e r s , ” s a i d E l l e n Vo i e, W I T President and CEO. “With support from business leaders like BMO Transportation Finance, we are able to increase the visibility of the critical issue of gender diversity and encourage women around the world to see transportation as a viable career opportunity.” Since 2007 the Women In Trucking Association has been committed to encouraging women to consider careers in the trucking industry, addressing obstacles that might keep them from succeeding, and celebrating the success of its members. WIT’s annual Accelerate! Conference and Exhibition, a program aimed at developing 150 womenowned businesses, scholarships for transportation careers, and a Professional Development Certification (PDC) program are just a few examples of recent initiatives that are helping the organization achieve its mission.


Liubas story shows exactly how ambition and drive can take one through many exciting avenues in life. Amous International began sponsoring and working with Liuba in late 2017. However, at that time, she had no knowledge and experience in logistics and computer science. What Amous did see in Liuba was incredible amounts of determination and willpower to achieve new goals in life, and from day one, Liuba exceeded every expectation. Amous International was inspired by Liubas’ life and what she made of it. “We wanted to see more success stories of Women in the world of logistics and coding, which lead us to sponsor more women around the world. With the help of Women In Trucking and other organizations, we hope to be an example for others

to follow as well,” said Mark. For more information, visit www. womenintrucking.org or call 888.464.9482.



Wide Single Tire Weight Parity with Duals Adopted in National MOU


t the meeting of the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety in late January, the Heavy Truck Weight and Dimension Limits for Interprovincial Operations in Canada were amended to allow the use of wide based single tires at the same weight limits are dual tires. “We are grateful for the leadership shown by the First Ministers, Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety and the Provincial and Territorial government representatives of the Task Force on Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Policy for moving forward on this issue so that the trucking industry can take advantage of this progressive equipment technology under the MOU umbrella,” says CTA’s Sr. VP, Policy, Geoff Wood. The updated Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) summary can be found at cantruck. ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ MOU-Summary-2019_public.pdf and has also been posted on the Task Force on Vehicle Weights and Dimensions website. For wide base single tires, the primary change that has been made is to Clause 10 (page 9): PREVIOUSLY 10. Its axle weights, when an axle is fitted with two single tires, each of which has a width of 445 mm or greater, do not exceed 7700 kg for Single Axles and 15,400 kg for Tandem Axle Groups.

AS AMENDED 10. Its axle weights, when an axle in a single, tandem or tridem axle group is fitted with either two sets of dual tires, or two single tires each of which has a width of 445 mm or greater, do not exceed the weight limit stipulated for each axle type in its vehicle category. This update to the MOU will allow movement of designated single tire trucks and trailers operating on designated highway in each province/ territory. With the MOU updated, provinces and territories will now work towards amending their regulations to reflect the recent changes and in the interim (where required) offer permits or other avenues to facilitate the movement of single tire equipped vehicles. A consultation with individual provincial/territorial authorities is strongly recommended to determine appropriate compliance options during this interim period. See the following MoU status summary at cantruck. ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ VWD-MOU-Status-Summary_public. pdf for additional details on the 2019 amendments and other years: “The outcome of this policy decision which also saw an all-handson-deck effort from the provincial trucking associations in the Alliance strikes a good balance between road infrastructure preservation and productivity, safety and environmental considerations. It also levels the playing field with respect to Canadian

and US fleets in their tire spec’ing options. The ultimate goal of this effort now and all MoU updates is to have all jurisdictions adopt the MOU changes in their regulations as quickly as individual regulatory/legislative timetables permit,” added Wood. With the single tires now addressed

in the MOU, it clears a policy backlog for CTA with respect to weights and dimensions issues nationally. The policy development focus at CTA can now regroup and prepare for further direction from its Board and membership on issues of priority national in scope.



TTSAO Applauds National Driver Training Standards


he Truck Training School Association of Ontario (TTSAO) could not be more pleased with the commitment made by Canada’s Transportation Ministers, the commitment to the

development of a National Entry Level Driver Training Standard by 2020. The TTSAO was viewed by government and industry as a major stakeholder when Ontario introduced and mandated Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT). President of the TTSAO, Kim Richardson said, “Our association attended many consultation sessions along with other fine organizations and associations across the province. The TTSAO’s finger prints are all over the Ontario MELT standard.” The TTSAO utilized the TTSAO C a r r i e r G r o u p a n d t h e T T S AO Insurance Group during the consultation sessions. The TTSAO looks forward to working with CCMTA and the other national stakeholders on this important initiative. “The industry, the general public and all road users will be a safer place with national training standards for commercial truck drivers. It is one more step toward professional truck driving becoming a skilled trade in the country,” added Richardson. For more information visit www. ttsao.com.


March 2019   21

Petro-Canada Lubricants

By Brian Humphrey, OEM Technical Liaison

Futureproofing Your Fleet With an Oil Analysis Program


leet owners and operators are required to make several crucial decisions each day to maintain the health of their fleet. Ensuring high levels of safety are paramount but increasing financial pressures are making the job continually harder. In the face of this pressure, owners and operators must reduce downtime and unnecessary costs wherever possible. Undertaking regular oil analysis can spot signs of mechanical failure early b efore they become expensive to repair and offers the potential to extend drain intervals* - both of which can save significant costs in the long term. Obtaining better fuel economy can also help fleets deal with the expectations they are required to meet, leading many to move to lower viscosity oils. Owners generally observe a 1-2 per cent improvement in fuel economy with these oils, and a well implemented oil analysis program can provide assurances that lower viscosity oils do not carry unintended consequences. PREPARING FOR CHANGE Making changes, like implementing a used oil analysis program, should always be supported by recommendations from the vehicle’s Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) manual and advice from technical experts, which is vitally important when considering extending drain intervals. Deviations from OEM recommendations can void warranty coverage and result in expensive repair costs. The function of the fleet also affects the ability to extend drain intervals and must be considered by fleet owners. Oil changes and intervals for vehicles that are regularly stop-andgo, like waste fleets or snow removal trucks, tend to be more frequent as the oil tends to break down more rapidly. Conversely, long distance trips typically put less stress on engine oil which can allow longer drain intervals to be obtained. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? As well as extending drain intervals, a well-designed oil analysis program can reduce unscheduled downtime and improve equipment reliability, which extends vehicle life and crucially reduces maintenance costs.

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Used oil analysis identifies causes of increased engine wear by closely examining for traces of environmental contamination, including dust, dirt and waste, as well as system contaminants such as fuel, coolant and soot, reducing the likelihood of catastrophic equipment failure. The level of these impurities can reveal how and why machinery is wearing, while identifying the source or cause of the contamination. When monitored at regular intervals over time, fluctuations in used oil analysis results can help pinpoint minor mechanical problems so that they can be fixed quickly and cost effectively. HOW DOES IT WORK? Recommendations from the OEM manual recommendations and a technical advisor should determine the frequency of the oil analysis testing as they will consider the age of the vehicle as well as its application. The process of oil analysis however, typically involves three simple steps: taking a representative sample from the vehicle, sending the sample to a qualified used oil analysis laboratory, and interpreting/acting upon the recommendations of the results. Technical advisors will take stock, evaluate the results and provide recommendations on whether it is possible to extend oil drain intervals and whether the oil is the right viscosity for the engine. When transitioning to the latest heavy-duty engine oils, used oil analysis can provide reassurance that the oil is protecting vital engine components and bring to attention

maintenance issues before they become too serious or expensive to repair. Incorporating analysis into a maintenance program can therefore improve vehicle reliability while reducing unplanned downtime,

helping to alleviate the financial pressure that fleet owners are constantly under. *Extending drain intervals should always be undertaken in conjunction with an oil analysis program.



By Marek Krasuski

What We Can Learn From the Humboldt Tragedy


n the intervening month since the last edition of this magazine’s publication a frenzy of media coverage has surfaced over the Humboldt crash. If your recollection is blurred here are some of the details. On April 6, 2018 a semi truck carrying a load of peat moss ignored a stop sign at the intersection of highways 35 and 335 just north of the town of Tisdale, Saskatchewan. A bus carrying 20 people, a hockey team and their supporters, had the right of way and continued northward on Highway 35 through the intersecting Highway 535. That’s when all hell broke loose. The driver of a truck, Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, sped through the intersection heading westward on Hwy 535 at about 100 km/h and crashed into the side of the bus. The sheer force of impact catapulted the bus into the air and onto a neighbouring field – its resting place not only for the bus, but for 16 of the 29 passengers who lost their lives that day. The remaining 13 passengers suffered bodily harm to varying degrees, some of them critical. The accident site was not the 401, but a rural corner with little traffic. The cause of such destruction at such an out-of-the-way place defies logic given its remote location and ample warnings. There are four related signs warning motorists on Highway 535 of the approaching Stop sign. Sidhu was oblivious to them all. Instead he was preoccupied with a loose tarp that was flapping in the wind covering his load, according to testimony given in court. Even more astonishing is that his commercial truck driving training lasted about a week before he was tested and received his license. Astonishing because it makes a mockery of c o m m e r c i a l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ’s longstanding mantra: Safety Safety Safety! Sidhu himself admitted the accident happened “because of my lack of experience.” To the driver’s credit he has been immensely contrite and remorseful for the damage he caused for so many – however unwittingly. He has also pleaded guilty to all charges, preferring to waive any defense and spare survivors and relatives the ordeal of a protracted court case.

God knows I would never want to be in his place for some stupid and tragic oversight I made, which is why I have some compassion for him as well as, of course, the long suffering victims and their families. Some victims directly affected by Sidhu’s actions have publicly said as much too, extended their forgiveness to the driver. Truly the actions of a noble heart. Meanwhile Sidhu awaits his fate. He can receive up to 14 years in jail. The judge will render a decision on March 22 following submissions from the Crown and Defense teams. But back to the responsibility, if any, of other participants in this tragedy. While on the one hand industry insists upon safety, how is it that drivers with such sketchy training are allowed to be entrusted with the lethal force of a loaded Semi? Yvette Lagrois of Ontario Truck Training Academy (OTTA) says responsibility for training needs to shift from trucking companies to regulators. “Truck training was perceived as the responsibility of an employer. Truck Training and truck driving is a skill, and a driver needs to have a set of pre-selected skills like dexterity, and be able to judge/adjust for the risk of driving or pre-qualification. Humboldt was that defining moment, when as a country we seriously thought about

how new drivers are thrown out there, and how as a society we need to take actionable plans to prevent this from happening again.” She went on to say that national requirements emphasize completion of the road test at the expense of formal training required to make licensed drivers into good drivers capable of handling the weight of their many responsibilities. Lagrois feels a national funding program would assist in making accessible universal training. Others believe that Electronic Logging Devices, once they are mandatory across the board in Canada, will prevent drivers from the fudging of books, a charge which was laid against Sidhu in the Humboldt case. But will this prevent further abuse of Hours of Service regulations so that drivers will not continue to drive beyond their allotted limits? Sidhu took it upon himself to take a job for which he was unqualified, a fact that even his own lawyer admits to. “He took the job, quite frankly, with the complete absence of prior driving skill,” said defense attorney Mark Brayford. His employer, too, faces a number of charges related to safety and log keeping regulations. The question presses though: Will operators and companies who break the law cease to do so once ELDs are mandatory?

Sidhu is not the first to be involved in a tragedy at this intersection or to miss the stop sign. Twenty years ago a family of six lost their lives by failing to stop at the crossroads. Some local people familiar with the crossway claim the long lightly used highway tends to put drivers in a trance-like state that compromises their alertness. Locals have been advocating for years to install rumble strips to alert drivers to the oncoming intersection and Stop sign. The province, who is responsible for these highways, has failed to do so thus far. During these final weeks while the judge and Sidhu contemplate his fate, the trucking industry and governments must be reflecting on their respective responsibilities and considering an effective plan of action to minimize future accidents. Installing rumble strips is a good place to start. The national implementation of the MELT program will hopefully happen sooner than later in the wake of Humboldt. Thus far only Ontario has introduced this mandatory level training standard. Alberta and Saskatchewan are following suit. Finally, the better use of enforcement resources, especially applied to companies and operators with a history of ignoring compliance, may reassure Canadians that trucking is indeed a safety conscious industry.


March 2019   23

Private Motor Truck Council of Canada [PMTC]

PMTC Releases 3rd Annual Private Fleet Benchmarking Survey Instrument


ilton, Ontario – The Private Motor Truck Council of Canada is pleased to announce that their 3rd annual Canadian Fleet Benchmarking Survey Instrument is live as of February 4th. This study is open for completion by all Private Fleets which have a base of operations in Canada. “For the last 2 years the PMTC has partnered with the National Private Truck Council and re-introduced the

first Canadian specific private benchmarking survey reports since 2011,” remarked PMTC President Mike Millian. “The response to these surveys and the quality of the Benchmarking report produced have been gratifying and provide a valuable tool and resource to our membership. As a result, we are once again partnering with the NPTC for the 2019 Survey. The NPTC has been producing a private fleet benchmark survey in the USA annu-


Thunder Bay Should Re-Think Truck Route


s the leading voice for improving highway safety, the Ontario Trucking Association says a new designated truck route passed by Thunder Bay City Council this week will likely undermine road safety rather than strengthen it. “OTA believes that Council’s decision to create a new truck route will not improve safety for the citizens of Thunder Bay. It appears City Council made a policy decision with many unintended consequences that will negatively impact road safety and traffic flow - particularly for local commuters on Hwy 11/17 between Red River Road and the Harbour Expressway, as well as the area of the Village of Kakabeka Falls,” said OTA President Stephen Laskowski. As has been reported to OTA, the decades-long concern spurring the historic debate is vehicle speed of both commercial trucks and passenger vehicles in the Arthur Street and Dawson Road area. In 2018, the Ontario Trucking Association suggested the City of Thunder Bay consider utilizing the new provincial powers granted to municipalities to designate these areas as community safety zones, thereby giving the city the authority

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to lower vehicle speeds as well as the option to introduce photo radar. Although there appears to be varying traffic collision statistics bandied about, the official collision data used to prepare the municipal truck route report to the City of Thunder Bay shows that the five-year average for collisions involving commercial trucks where the truck driver is at fault is 1.8 collisions per year on Arthur Street and three collisions per year on Dawson Road. “Although we would like to see these numbers reduced to zero, based on current truck volumes in this area, these collision figures would seem to indicate that the creation of a new truck route is not necessary. If the issue is speed, then designating the appropriate areas along Dawson Road and Arthur Street as community safety zones makes the most sense and the best way to directly tackle the problem,” added Laskowski. OTA is asking council not to not ratify the motion, thereby delaying the implementation of the proposed new truck route, until there’s proper consultation with stakeholders involving a more comprehensive statistical, safety, traffic flow and legal analysis of this proposed alternative truck route.


ally since 2005, and by partnering with them again, the PMTC feels it is guaranteeing another quality and highly respected report for our members.” The PMTC has a benchmarking committee, made up of Canadian operators who review the survey annually. The committee works on shaping the survey and updating it to ensure it is reflective of the current Canadian marketplace. This input is invaluable in ensuring the survey instrument is current, relevant and valuable to Canadian fleets. The survey is designed for the benefit of PMTC members, and its results will only be provided, at no charge, with their PMTC membership. The survey is yet another value add that will allow private fleets to benchmark their operations to other best-in class performers. A performance evaluation/ validation and opportunity identification guide based on industry standards of excellence. This free value to our members would not be possible without the support of our Sponsor, Bell Mobility. For the 2nd consecutive year

Bell has partnered with the PMTC and its members. This sponsorship helps to cover the costs of the report, which allows the PMTC to provide this report free to its membership. The results of the benchmarking report will be released on June 13, 2019, and an overview will be provided at the PMTC’s annual conference. Participants in the survey, who are PMTC members, will be invited to sit in on a special pre-release webcast to review the results in detail. In addition, those member companies that participate in the survey are welcome to request specialized, customized reports to better calibrate their operation against best-in-class performers. To complete the survey, please go to www.pmtc.ca / CMFiles / 2019PMTCBenchmarkingSurvey.pdf. Carriers will have until March 15th to complete and submit their responses. The PMTC Benchmark Study can also be found on the PMTC website at www.pmtc.ca under the Publications Tab.


Transport For Christ

By Chaplain Len Reimer

The Answer to Your Problems


e maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul.” Psalm 23:2-3 Do you have feelings or a sense of guilt and fear deep inside your heart? Do you wonder about the purpose of your life? Many people are trying to find the answer to these questions. You may find entertainments or other activities that may relieve you of these feelings for a short time, then they return, perhaps stronger than ever before. In the beginning God’s creation was perfect. Man had no problems until the devil came and enticed him to disobey God. He fell into sin and he was no longer perfect. Ever since that time all humanity has been sinful. Can you relate to this fall? When you were a child, God was not keeping track of your sins but was forgiving

you for Jesus sake. As you matured these things began to change and you started to have guilty feelings. What happened? God was letting you feel the guilt of your sins. No longer was the blood of Jesus covering your sins. God was saying, “You are now responsible for what you are doing.” What can you do to enjoy peace? You cannot pay for your sins no matter how many good deeds you do. In God’s eyes we are still sinners. He cannot tolerate sin. According to Isaiah 59:2 sin separates us from God. Now here is the beautiful and simple plan God has to help. Jesus, God’s sinless and perfect Son came to bring this plan. He took our sins upon Himself and died on the cross, paying the price that was demanded for our sins. God wants to help us. He will forgive us when we are willing to admit that we are sinners and call on

Him for help. All our efforts and good intentions cannot cleanse us from sin. There is only one way we can be cleansed from our sins and that is by having the blood of Jesus Christ applied to our hearts. If you come to God with all your heart, forsake your sins and follow in obedience. He will do what is best for you. This is faith – trusting God completely with

your life. Once you have given all to God, the peace that you receive in your heart will be the evidence that He has forgiven you. The forgiveness you receive from God will make you FREE; free with the sweet confidence that now you are a child of God. A new purpose is born that will enable you to overcome feelings of fear and emptiness.



Cummins Filtration FleetguardFIT™ Named Top Product for 2019


a s h v i l l e , Te n n e s s e e – Cummins Filtration has been awarded Heavy Duty Trucking’s “Top 20 Products for 2019” award for FleetguardFIT, the industry’s first complete real-time filtration monitoring system. This award recognizes FleetguardFIT for its innovation, potential to address significant industry issues and its ability to help a fleet’s bottom line. In addition, FleetguardFIT was also recognized by Diesel Progress as a “Notable Product for 2018” for its unique ability to instantly monitor air, fuel and lube filters, as well as oil condition. Beyond providing customers with full visibility to the overall oil and filtration health of their equipment, FleetguardFIT also helps indicate engine or equipment issues through sensing and advanced analytics of the filter’s performance. Early problem detection reduces customer downtime and extends equipment life for FleetguardFIT customers. “FleetguardFIT allows our customers to monitor filter and oil performance in real-time, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding the maintenance of their

equipment,” said Amy Davis, Vice President of Cummins Filtration. “We are proud of the acknowledgement from Heavy Duty Trucking and Diesel Progress recognizing FleetguardFIT’s ability to optimize maintenance costs and minimize unplanned downtime, thereby driving improved total cost of ownership.” Cummins Filtration continues to enhance our line of intelligent products that work with any telematics communication device upon integration. FleetguardFIT delivers value to multiple applications in a variety of on – and off-highway markets, including truck, bus, mining, oil & gas and construction among others. FleetguardFIT will be on display at the Cummins booth #1323 at the Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) Annual Meeting & Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y Exhibition in March. For more information about Cummins Filtration visit www. cumminsfiltration.com to learn more or follow Cummins Filtration on YouTube at www.youtube.com/ FleetguardFiltration. For more information about C u m m i n s I n c . , v i s i t w w w. cummins.com. Follow Cummins on Twitter at www.twitter.com/ cummins and on YouTube at www. youtube.com/cumminsinc.


March 2019   25

Keeping Your Vehicles Clean

By Jack Jackson

Top 5 Results of Clean Trucks


here are many reasons to have a clean truck. We thought we would list the top 5 results of a clean truck this month as we are in the most difficult time to keep any vehicle clean, winter. 1. Company image is enhanced. The public view of your company is a professional image that you truly care about the way you are portrayed on the highways and customers’ locations. If you care about your image it is perceived that you care about your business, your employees and your customers. 2. Employee morale increases. Just as anyone who washes their car feels a sense of pride and for some reason, the car just drives a little better; it is the same for your employees, especially your drivers. Imagine showing up to a dirty, dusty office building every day with grime and filth. Imagine if your computer screen, your

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window to the world in your office, was filthy and the screen was full of dead bug parts and a film of dirt. Not a good feeling to start your day. Even employees who don’t drive the trucks have a sense of pride for the company seeing crisp, clean trucks in the parking lot ready to drive to their customers. 3. Vehicles last longer. Ask any mechanic or auto manufacturer, never washing your vehicle only leads to issues, no matter which area of the

continent you live. Salt and dust, dirt and oil not only lead to rust on the body, the inner parts of your vehicle’s underside begin to feel the lack of care as well. People respect clean vehicles and will go out of their way to make sure they take care of them. It just makes common sense. 4. Lowers overall cost of maintenance. Just as #3 adds life to a vehicle, washing more often lowers the cost of maintenance on brakes, body and electronic, handles, the list goes on.

Just as any machinery that is ignored, it breaks down sooner and costs more inevitably for replacement parts or complete replacement. 5. Customer Referrals. By showing you care about your staff, your vehicles and your company leads to caring more for your customers. Perception is reality. Check out the largest companies in the world that have a presence with their fleets. How did they get that big and have such a great customer base? Ask yourself the question, “What do their vehicles look like?” I think you will find the answer on how they view their image. Awash (Ecowash) Systems Corp. is the premier wash design company that solves washing where no one else can. Jack Jackson, President of Awash (Ecowash) Systems Corp., email jjackson@awashsystems.com or call 1.800.265.7405, visit www.awashsystems.com.


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