Crosstalk - February 2016

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A Section of the Anglican Journal / February 2016

Syrian Refugees Arrive in Ottawa BY BARBARA APRO

On December 31st, and January 1st, the Parish of March and Kanata community welcomed the Syrian refugee family members they are sponsoring through the Blended Visa OfficeReferred (BVOR) Program. This is made possible through the Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Ottawa being a Sponsorship Agreement Holder. The Parish and surrounding community have been overwhelmed with offers of time and talent to support the family and have raised nearly $30,000 since the campaign began at the end of September 2015. With the surplus, the Parish is looking towards sponsoring a second family in 2016 and

is continuing its fundraising campaign. Fifty other parishes or community groups are already sponsoring, or getting ready to sponsor, refugees from Syria, Iraq, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Burundi, under the Diocese’s agreement with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. Many of these initiatives may be contributed to through the Diocese of Ottawa’s webpage, or directly through the respective churches. More information is available by writing to the Diocesan Refugee Working Group

ReInvention: Stories from an Urban Church In Review BY MORGAN BELL

Vocation. Homeless ministry. Budgetary constraints. Emergent worship. Community backlash. Youth ministry. In his first book, ReInvention, the Rev’d Mark Whittall covers all aspects of what it means to lead a “Spirit-led, Christcentred, contemporary urban church” – and what it’s like to start one. Whittall – a successful business executive turned Anglican clergyman – humbly and insightfully relates his experiences as parish priest of St. Albans Church, a new “church plant” in downtown Ottawa. St. Albans is an old building

with a new congregation; a painful backstory with a hope-filled future; a story of church resilience, indeed Resurrection, when the trend for mainline churches seems to be death and despair. In ReInvention, Whittall acknowledges this wellknown transition into postChristendom. Drawing on trusted academics as well as his own background as a theoretical physicist, Whittall views this trend not as one of absolute denominational demise, but as a paradigm shift from Church hegemony to an “age of authenticity” where the Church is a choice among many communitybuilding groups and spiritual See STORY, p. 3


Barbara Apro

Members of the Parish of March’s Kanata Syrian Refugee Sponsorship Committee prepare for the arrival of their first Syrian refugee family member, December 31, 2015, at the Ottawa International Airport. The family of four has taken up residence in Kanata and will be supported by the Committee for the upcoming year, and in friendship beyond.

International Seal of Approval for Anglican Health Centre in Jerusalem News from our companion diocese BY ANGLICAN NEWS SERVICE


[ACNS] The Princess Basma Centre for Disabled Children, a rehabilitation facility for children with disabilities run by the Diocese of Jerusalem, has become the first Palestinian rehabilitation centre to receive accreditation from the Joint Commission International (JCI). JCI accreditation is considered the gold standard in global health care. The Princess Basma Centre received the prestigious accolade for its Ambulatory Care Program “The accreditation certi-

fies that Princess Basma Centre provides a high quality standard of service provision to its patients receiving rehabilitation services,” a spokesman for the Diocese of Jerusalem said. The centre is celebrating half-a-century of serving disabled children and adults from Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem; and earlier this year its newly renovated children’s wing was re-commissioned by the Archbishop of Jerusalem, Suheil Dawani. “On the anniversary of our 50 years serving our communities, it is no doubt that in order to continue serving for another 50 years, highest standards of therapy services for our patients should be our number one priority,”

the centre’s general director, Ibrahim Faltas, said as he thanked staff for “their hard work and persistence in order to achieve the accreditation.” The JCI works to improve patient safety and quality of health care in the international community by offering education, publications, advisory services, and international accreditation and certification. In more than 100 countries, JCI partners with hospitals, clinics, and academic medical centres; health systems and agencies; government ministries; academia; and international advocates to promote rigorous standards of care and to provide solutions for achieving peak performance.

Page 2 • CROSSTALK • February 2016


An Introduction to Our Sacred Writings By The Rt. Rev. John Chapman Our Sacred Story Embracing God’s Future (our roadmap for the future) in the Diocese of Ottawa calls us to much. We will be challenged to think differently about how we as communities of faith embrace the mission of God and discern the voice of God in our personal and communal lives. With the “ups and downs” this might cause in our lives, it is important for us to stay grounded in our core teachings. To engage those activities that keep us rooted in Jesus. To this end I would suggest that the only way for us to truly stay rooted is through faithful and regular reading and study of the sacred scriptures, the Bible. Over the next couple of issues, I will draw from a portion of an unpublished work of mine that discusses the Bible with the hope that it might become more accessible to people of faith or people who long for faith. Today’s submission includes a brief overview of how we might consider the Bible with particular attention to the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). Academic prowess offers no real spiritual advantage when studying the Bible. Varying degrees of literacy and formal theological education will not proportionately impact upon the quality and nature of a person’s spiritual journey. Everyone is an authority in so far as the sacred stories feed and nourish the soul and heart of the believer. The biblical scholars themselves will concede that their thoughts and conclusions are best tested through the eyes of the unprejudiced reader¹. The writings are yours to be used in the development of your faith and relationship with God, and are rendered holy by their use. In fact, it is no exaggeration to state that the Bible is not a book, it is not an articulation of belief, it is not a collection of doctrine, it is not a book of history nor is it a book of stories. Rather, the sacred writings are a living, breathing account of God’s interaction with human kind both past and present. The Bible lives!

The Bible, more than anything else, is the story of faith. A faith that transforms human history and makes it sacred. It is rendered sacred because it is first and foremost the story of God’s relationship with humankind, God’s relationship with the created order, and the story of God’s covenant with us and the promise under which we live - to love God, and to love our neighbours as ourselves. The sacred accounts include joy, tragedy, disappointment, political and social intrigue, war and peace. God lives fully in us and among us. The biblical stories are relived every day, every month and every Century that has passed and those to come. So, where did the Bible come from, and when was it written? It is most important to realize that for thousands of years the stories and accounts of God’s relationship with the people were written in the minds of the people of God. The Hebrew tribe committed to memory those significant and important events, and ensured through their most gifted story tellers that this sacred knowledge was passed on to succeeding generations. This was appropriate behaviour for such a nomadic people. In time, the people settled into more permanent communities so that they gained the time and opportunity to record, for the benefit of succeeding generations, the sacred teachings and stories. The Bible, specifically in this case the Old Testament, (more properly referred to as the Hebrew Scriptures), did not acquire its “final form” until the 2nd Century BCE². However, the Torah or the Law, which includes the first five books of the Bible, took its shape as early as the 4th Century BCE. The creation of the sacred scriptures was a long process, taking hundreds of years. The following gives an indication of one way in which scholars have established dates related to the development

of the Bible as we know it today: The first evidence that suggests the existence of sacred, authoritative writing comes from the second century BCE. In his hymn, praising famous men, Jesus ben Sirach provides a roll call of the heroes of the faith (see Ecclesiasticus 44-49). References to these men follow the order in which they appear in the Hebrew Scriptures...the names included indicate that Jesus ben Sirach possessed knowledge of all of the main figures in the scriptures³. Hundreds of people spent time gathering together the stories, teachings and history of the Jewish people in relation to God. These teachings were amplified, edited or altered up to the first Century CE. at which time the “Canon of Scriptures” (which is to say, those books of the Bible that ‘officially’ comprise the total Bible) was closed. No further additions or alterations were accepted. (It is popularly believed that the Canon of Old Testament scripture was closed at the Council of Jamnia circa 90 C.E. – John H Hayes). The final form of the Hebrew Scriptures, that form which is familiar to the Twenty First Century biblical reader, include the following books: 1. The Torah (The first 5 Books of the Bible) 2. The Prophets 3. Psalms 4. Other Writings eg. Kings, Chronicles These pictures, stories and historical accounts which have been gathered over the Centuries from Moses, David, Isaac, Jacob, Elijah and many others, could be viewed by us in the same way in which we study the history of nations. Some of the stories outline historical truths that give account of political, cultural and military “happenings” at a certain point in national development. Others are the intentional myths and stories of the time. These are extremely valuable since it is through these stories that the truth of God is discov-

ered, nurtured and taught to succeeding generations. Truths that are so powerful, so emotional, that a medium other than a linear explanation of facts must be utilized. These are the accounts that touch the soul! By embracing these sacred writings, faith is fostered and maintained, values are established and morals are taught. As a result, the fabric of a believing people, constructed upon the foundation of the religious experience of others, is woven into the fullness of hope, belief and confidence in an ever-present Creator. The pictures and stories found in the Bible are also very different. They

constitute divinely inspired truths as God has revealed them to the people, or, in many cases, revealed to a single person, who must then relay this information to the community. Their primary task is to reveal the nature of God to all of humanity, beginning of course with the people of Palestine. The stories have been compiled, edited and reworked so that generations of readers will find one glorious truth, that God is active in all life - active in the activities of the past and present, and in the hopes and dreams for those to follow. Through reading and praying with the Bible, believers therefore encounter God, today. It is believed by many Christian people that

See STORY, p. 7

Clergy News and Updates Rev. Canon Jim Beall has been appointed Interim Priest at St. Matthew’s Church in the Glebe; effective Sunday, February 21 to Sunday, March 06, 2016. Rev. Rhonda Waters Associate Priest and Director of Education at Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal will transfer to the Diocese of Ottawa; effective March 01, 2016. She will be appointed Interim Priest in Charge (full time) at St. Matthew’s Church in the Glebe; effective Sunday, March 13, 2016.

Mr. Michael Herbert Director of Financial Ministries has informed the Bishop that he intends to retire effective June 30, 2016. Michael has served the people of the diocese for over a decade and in that time he has supported the financial ministries of our parishes and ministries with deep care, insight, and compassion. Parish leaders throughout the diocese will miss him greatly but of course celebrate with him, perhaps enviously, the time he will now have to put towards his many hobbies and activities.

CROSSTALK • February 2016 Page 3


Reaching Out to ‘Tent City’


- Continued from page 1 centres. Cue the story of St. Albans Church. As a new church plant, Whittall shares how this small urban church is acting as a “research & development laboratory” to discover what it truly means to “be Church” in the 21st century, but more importantly, how that looks when it is lived out. Whittall and his congregation have committed to being a church that welcomes the stranger – be they young, atheist, transgendered, married, homeless, rich, or anyone in between – and aims to live out the Gospel in the 21st century. ReInvention tells of St. Albans’ growth as a church – the good, the bad, and the ugly. The book shines a light on Centre 454, a day centre for the homeless housed in the church. It showcases how they built and facilitate a youth and young adult ministry for the neighbouring uOttawa community. Whittall explains how the Spirit led the church to new,

emerging forms of worship infused with deep liturgical elements from many traditions. In relaying his church’s vocation and self-expression, Whittall gives the reader a springboard for inspiration regarding their own community of faith. This book is a “must read” for any church leader who feels that God is calling their church to live out their vocation in a new, authentic way. ReInvention was written with the promise that “God is not done with us yet” and Whittall, in explaining how St. Albans Church was planted, proves that this isn’t some lofty, far-off promise: the Gospel can be and is lived out through the Church. The Ottawa Book Launch for ReInvention: Stories from an Urban Church will take place at 7:30pm, Saturday, January 30th at St. Alban’s Church (454 King Edward Ave). All are welcome.

Churches Host ‘Abiding in Right Relations’ Conference

By Anglican Journal Members of Anglican, Lutheran, United Church and Presbyterian churches from across Alberta and Montana joined together in Airdrie, Alta., for the Abiding in Right Relations conference November 20-21, where they listened, learned and talked about how to strengthen ties between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. The conference, “Laying the Foundation,” was organized by the Anglican dioceses of Edmonton and Calgary, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Synod of Alberta and the Territories, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Montana Synod. It included an education session on the doctrine of discovery, as well as a panel featuring Bishop Larry Kochendorfer of the ELCIC, Bishop Greg Kerr Wilson of the diocese of Calgary, Bishop Jessica Crist of the ELCA and Bishop Carol Gallagher of The Episcopal Church, who spoke on their relation-

ships with Indigenous people in their respective churches. There was also a discussion of the implications of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the 94 Calls to Action that came out of its final event in Ottawa last June, as well as the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Participants were encouraged to put pressure on their elected representatives to ensure Canadian students learn about the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Danielle Black and Shilo Black, two Indigenous youth from Treaty 7 territory in Alberta, shared from their own experience about the systemic intergenerational effects of residential schools. The conference also featured more hands-on activities, such as the KAIROS’ blanket exercise (, an interactive way of teaching about the impact of European colonization on Indigenous populations. The Messenger

By Anglican Journal In response to a group of around 60 homeless people who had set up some 45 tents next to the diocese of British Columbia’s Christ Church Cathedral, in Victoria, the cathedral’s rector, Dean Ansley Tucker, gave an Advent sermon exhorting her congregation to be active in understanding and helping their new neighbours. “We need to inform ourselves and disabuse ourselves of assumptions and prejudices that have little or no basis in fact,” she said. “Secondly, we are called, as Christians, to respond to individuals with compassion—real compassion, not just warm fellow feeling. Thirdly, we are called to use our voices and connections to ensure that the systemic issues that create and sustain poverty and homelessness in our community are addressed.” People had begun pitching tents on a strip of land between the cathedral and the law courts of Victoria in August for a night or two at a time, but in November, numbers began to increase. As the tent city grew, neighbours began to complain about noise, alleged thefts, break-ins and minor vandalism, and while there was no damage to cathedral property, Tucker and the cathedral wardens were aware of the situation. Because the land they were camped on belonged to the province rather than the municipality, city bylaws restricting camping were not in effect, which allowed those living in the tents a degree of stability. The campers themselves have been very concerned about the property, keeping it clean and secure. Heeding Tucker’s words, parishioners have been providing clothing, blankets and food to those who have set up camp. The Rev. Nancy Ford, the cathedral’s deacon to the city, has been listening to the concerns of the campers and called for compassion. “Unless we change our response to those in the tent city, we will not see the changes needed to alleviate such economic and social inequalities in our society,” she said. The Diocesan Post

Page 4 • CROSSTALK • February 2016


Diocese of Ottawa Receiving $25,000 Grant for Refugee Work By Ven. David Selzer, Executive Archdeacon On Monday, January 11, the Diocese of Ottawa was notified that it was receiving a $25,000 grant from the Ottawa Community Foundation to deploy a Refugee Administrative Assistant for six months, to do the vast administrative work associated with refugee sponsorship. Thanks to the Ottawa Community Foundation for its recognition of the need and support the Diocese has been given. Currently with the extensive work of Don Smith, Chair of the Refugee Working Group, and some very capable volunteers – The Rev. Carol Hotte, Sue Sams, and Hannah Miller-Selzer – and many volunteers in congregations and Sponsor Groups, the Diocese of Ottawa now has over 50 congregations and Sponsor Groups (groups

Crosstalk A ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa.

of individuals who have organized to sponsor refugees under the auspices of the Sponsorship Agreement Holder of the Diocese of Ottawa). This response to the Syrian-Iraqi refugee crisis is overwhelmingly positive. Don Smith has given countless hours for refugee support, and provides education, consulting, and leadership for the City of Ottawa in response to the refugee crisis. People who are working with the Diocese of Ottawa, as a Sponsorship Agreement Holder, are most grateful for the support, the resources available, and the generosity of the Diocese in its efforts to sponsor individuals in need through the world. If you wish to volunteer, please contact the Refugee Working Group at


The Rt. Rev. John Chapman, Bishop of Ottawa


Stephanie Boyd

Crosstalk is published 10 times a year (September to June) and mailed as a section of the Anglican Journal. Printed and mailed by Webnews Printing Inc. in North York, Ontario, Crosstalk is a member of the Canadian Church Press and the Anglican Editors Association. Subscriptions:

All are invited join the Friends of the Bishop Dinner, a wonderful fundraiser in support of the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund.

Interfaith Council By Rev. John Wilker-Blakley Dear Brother and Sisters in Christ, We met at the Capital Region Interfaith Council Sunday, December 13, 2015. At that meeting we were settling the Executive of the Council for the new year, and we gave the “I and my faith” portion of the meeting over to the Muslim representative to present Islam. (Every few meetings we have one religious group present their faith in greater detail). Here is a precise of my notes. Islam is a faith based on the prophesies of Mohammad who lived between c.570 CE and 8 June 632 CE. In essence the faith holds three key components. The word Islam mean peace, submission, and obedience to God. It considers itself to be one of the three Abrahamic faiths (with Judaism and Christianity). At its centre is the belief that Allah, which is simply the name for God and is the term used by all Arabic speaking believer whether Christian, Muslim, or Jew. The chief holy book is the Koran (or recitation). It

is the instructions which the prophet Mohammad is believed to have received. Islam is a moral system of purposeful life, is designed like most religious systems to answer the key questions in life, and contains three interconnected components; faith, worship, and behaviour. Each of these in tern contains five points of faith. Faith 1. The Unity of God. 2. A belief in angels as divine messengers. 3. Divinely inspired scripture (unchanged or altered for more than 1400 years). 4. The work of the prophets as signs of God (these include the Jewish prophets and Jesus) and that the prophets were innocent of sin. 5. All will be accountable to God in hereafter for lives lived on earth. Worship 1. Attestation. Each Muslim must at some point in their lives attest to the belief in one God and in the prophet Mohammad. 2. Must believe in (and hope-

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fully say) five daily prayers. 3. Fast for the month of Ramadan. 4. Give annually to charity 2.5% of net worth. 5. Where at all possible make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime. Behaviour Behaviour is expected live up to set of rights and obligations. 1. To Creator, believe, trust, help in God’s works, follow. 2. Self care, body, mind and spirit. 3. Care for others in order of priority; parents, spouse, children, fellow Muslims, fellow human beings. 4. Care for animals of God’s creation. 5. Care for the universe God made. In addition, our speaker mentioned that there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and about 1 million in Canada and due to immigration policy, many of those in Canada are very well educated. Our speaker commented that many of the problems created by extremism has come from the misread-

ing of the Hadiths (or sayings) of the prophets (these are not scripture but form a secondary text used in jurisprudence). These are often cherry picked and read out of context by some groups. Islam, like other religious systems, has made compromises with the various cultures into which it has gone. As a result, while the Holy Koran treats women with great reverence and equality, this has not always translated into cultural practice. Our speaker commented that until 1979, Islam was largely ignored in the west, but the Iranian revolution catapulted the faith into view and brought to light the divisions between Sunni and Shi’ite. This was further aggravated by the American use of Afghanistan to wage a proxy war on Russia thereby empowering the Mujaheddin and of course part of the fall out of this is the events and movements that eventually lead to 9/11 and following. This is a very truncated summary, but I think captures the essence of what is beautiful in this faith.

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Stephanie Boyd Crosstalk 71 Bronson Ave. Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G6 (613) 232-7124, ext. 245 Submission Deadline for the March 2016 Issue is January 25, 2015.

CROSSTALK • February 2016 Page 5

A ‘Super’ Christmas By Morgan Brown Take the Christmas story, add our congregation’s playwright/director, stir in superhero costumes, liberally sprinkle with singing/dance numbers, and draw in young people from within and without the church. Result? A Super Christmas – The Musical, presented by the St Barnabas Players. Phyllis Heeney is an active member and actor in the amateur theatre community, has created several Christmas plays over the years, aimed at engaging the youth of St Barnabas Anglican; her 2015 effort began with a call for superhero costumes! A true community production, my wife dug out two cow costumes she’d made for our boys over a decade ago, as well as a “Tin Man” costume from one son’s role in The Wizard of Oz. Though I hadn’t been on stage since elementary school, it fell upon my shoulders to play Tin Man, the uptight commander of a gaggle of quar-


Morgan Brown

Spiderman takes part in the production of ‘A Super Christmas’ at St. Barnabas, Deep River. relsome superheroes, since both our boys are at university, and it’s exceedingly difficult to refuse Phyllis. After all, the suit fit! Thankfully Tin Man had only a small part, limited to a couple of brief appearances to give the superheroes their rather vague assignment: find a new hero, who is going to save the world, who gets his (or her) power from G-O-D, and present a welcome wag-


on package. The superheroes – Bat Girl, Spiderman, Hawk Girl, Hulk, Super Girl and Cat Woman – are suspicious and annoyed with the intrusion of a new hero on their patch. After all, they save people on a daily basis, and resent any upstart. We meet the pregnant and footsore Mary, with her patient long-suffering husband Joseph, the latter laden with their worldly belongings. A chance meeting with the superheroes steers them to the local alpaca barn, since all the Deep River hotels are booked solid. The superheroes continue their quest, reaching a moonlit hillside only to be informed, by very vocal cows and donkeys, to return to the alpaca barn where they will find the new hero. Lo and behold, the baby Jesus has been born, but where is the new hero? The animals, fed up with the superheroes’ blindness, do a dance number and sing “Hero’s Just a Baby”. Finally,

Cathedral Choir Offers Video Christmas Message By Matthew Larkin FRCCO, Organist and Director of Music at Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa Early in December, the Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys embarked on a project that would, it was hoped, engage with our neighbours in the downtown core and beyond in the spirit of sharing news of God’s faithfulness to everyone around us who might not ordinarily hear the message of Christmas in the busy and often unhappy world in which we live. With the news being filled with stories of people struggling to make ends meet, of an increasing number of Canadians living in poverty, of refugees being forced to leave their homes, and of children living in unsafe conditions here and around the world, the video is the choir’s way of saying that as committed Christians, we affirm our desire to stand with the vulnerable and the less-fortunate at a time of year when Black Fridays dominate the airwaves, and crass commercial-

ism is in the air. On a blustery late Tuesday afternoon, the choir bundled up and made their way to a concrete pedestrian tunnel underneath Wellington Street, leading to the Ottawa River Walkway. The recording environment was thus acoustically quite unique, with the shape and surface of the tunnel acting as a natural amplifier, and giving the scenery a distinctly urban look. While cyclists whizzed by obliviously, twenty boys and sixteen men rendered a lovely modern setting of the Coventry Carol, by UK composer Philip Stopford. Dating from an English 16th century pageant detailing the story of the Holy Innocents, the carol evocatively tells of the time that Joseph, heeding the warnings of an angel, took his young family to Egypt (as countless others did) to escape the tyranny of Herod of Judea, and echoes the lament of parents who were forced to give up their children as Herod’s soldiers drew near. The experience of the Holy Family is thus

relevant to that of millions of people now displaced by conflict around the world, and to the many thousands of Canadians – some of whom are but a short distance from the door of the Cathedral who lack adequate food and shelter through the winter months. This need is particularly acute at Christmas, where things can be almost unbearable for the lonely and unloved. The message of this carol, and of our offering of this video performance, is that we as a church community are here as a refuge to everyone, at Christmas, and at every other time. The boys, in particular, were very motivated to lend their support to an initiative which is intended to comfort others, and most especially to offer empathy and support to young people like them. The video was recorded and edited by Craig Conoly of Dan Rascal Production Company. View online:

the superheroes clue in; even Joseph gets caught up (“It’s catchy”), performing a guitar (broom and shovel) duet with a donkey. Are you following? Thus the superheroes realize that Jesus is the new hero, come to save the world from S-I-N. There’s still plenty of room for the superheroes to fight injustice and spread God’s love; they don’t get laid off after all! Tin Man returns with the next superhero assignment; protect baby Jesus from Herod! Phyllis’ play put a somewhat different spin on the original Christmas story, which our congregation presented a few days later on Christmas Eve. But in A Super Christmas she captured the importance of Jesus’ arrival for us, the trials and tribulations of His parents, how we are called to seek and follow Him, and how all of us have a rôle in His Kingdom. Reverend François Trottier, our incumbent, loved the production - its message, humour and outreach to the

wider community. The play drew in many participants, including several from outside the usual church activities. Except for yours truly (remember, I fit the suit), the actors were fourteen and younger (how do they remember all those lines?). They delivered their fast-paced repartee and sang three numbers with lots of choreography. So hats off to Phyllis, for a delightful retelling of the Christmas Story; sure, it took several liberties from the original, but the central theme of God’s Christmas Gift was never in doubt. And kudos to Phyllis for showing actors, production crew and audience that the church is alive, active, fun and inviting. It should also be noted – the production raised $550 for the Deep River refugee sponsorship. Now that’s a Super Christmas!

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Page 6 • CROSSTALK • February 2016


A Community Christmas with Centre 454

Thank you to all who helped provide another successful Christmas Party to the community of Centre 454!!

Special Thank You to Monkey Junk who provided wonderful music throughout the festivities. photos:

Bryan Shane

Women Helping Women By Heidi Danson, Administrative Assistant at the Synod Office As most of you know in October I read a magazine article about homeless women and the struggles they face every month with their periods, where they so often have to choose between food & shelter and sanitary products. I then launched the The campaign ran over 9 weeks, during this time a partnership with the Ottawa Police Service was formed and the project became sponsored by MediaStyle, a communications company. On December 18th the campaign concluded. We were able to donate over 300 completed purses to our Anglican Diocese of Ottawa Shelters and Day Programs, over 300 completed purses to the incoming Syrian Refugees, and we donated a total of over 4,000 completed purses and additional items to Ottawa’s most vulnerable. I am grateful for the immense support of our com-

munity, the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, and the Ottawa Police Service. It is a true testament of what we can all achieve when we come together to do good to help others in vulnerable circumstances. This project would not have been possible without all of you. I would like to thank you for your kind words of encouragement and support, your donations, and the sharing of the project on social media and word-ofmouth. Your donations have provided these women with not only life necessities, but hope. So, from the bottom my heart thank you!!! Sometimes we just need a little inspiration and although the Christmas season inspires many of us to give to those around us, Women Helping Women was a campaign to raise awareness to the on-going need that many women are faced with – no access to safe feminine hygiene products. We will continue to advocate this campaign in 2016.

Please continue to visit us online at for information on a 2016 campaign.

Deadlines and Submission Guidelines for Crosstalk Deadlines: March - January 25 April - February 25 May - March 25

Question or Information:

Submission: News - 500 words or less Articles - 750 words or less Letters to the Editor - 300 words or less Reviews - 400 words or less Original Cartoon or Artwork - contact the Editor Contact the Editor at:

Photographs Very large, high resolution (at least 300 dpi) JPEG or TIFF format Include name of photographer. (613) 232-7124, ext. 245

CROSSTALK • February 2016 Page 7

FROM THE BISHOP Our Sacred Writings... - Continued from page 2 “all things necessary for salvation are contained in the Old and New Testaments”⁴. To say this another way, through the divine writings of the scriptures we are able to discern, sufficient for our salvation, the nature of God. In recognizing and learning to understand God’s activity throughout history, we are able to see and understand God’s activity in the present. This, of course demands the obvious; we must participate in Bible study, and sermons must be carefully prepared and attentively heard. Watershed Moments (ref. Anderson) If you were to tell your life story, you would not begin at infancy and proceed from there through adolescence to your adult years. Rather, there is a “moment” or moments when you become aware through reflection of certain critical events in your life. The full impact of these events begins to take focus and inform self-understanding. These are moments of discernment. They are critical and necessary moments that must occur in order for us to live and grow spiritually as well as emotionally. You might try to think back upon a few of these moments now - the good and the bad. Recognize how your understanding of these events have contributed to your self-understanding, the decisions that you may have made and continue to make, and the nature of your hopes and dreams. Informed by these understandings, we then can begin to tell our story beginning from our earliest recollection. We often include a

chronology of events, a time line if you will. People of import are discussed and stories are told that reveal their lives in relation to ours and, what we have learned from these encounters. Some of the stories reveal a truth that is much deeper than what words alone could describe. We then reach for allegory and symbol. Some stories will have been a little exaggerated to make a point. This usually means that these accounts point to an event or discovery that is so very important it must never be forgotten. An exaggerated anecdote helps us to remember. So much of understanding comes through remembering. The Hebrew notion of remember and remembering is to bring the past to the present in a real and concrete manner. To remember great Aunt Jane through stories and conversation is to bring Aunt Jane to the present. To remember is to make present and real something of the past. If our nations remembered a little more clearly their respective histories, peace would most certainly reign. The same is true of our faith story and our Biblical faith story. In our Biblical story there exist two significant moments when our ancestors became “aware” and it became imperative that they be “remembered”. The FIRST, was the Exodus, when the people of God became aware of themselves as a saved people, bound to God in a covenant articulated in the Law of Moses (The Torah), and when the great themes of faith were recognized and taught. These

include: i) the promise to the patriarchs; ii) the divine deliverance of Israel from Egypt; iii) the guidance in the wilderness wanderings; iv) the giving of the Law at Sinai; v) the inheritance of the promised land⁵. The SECOND, was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. At the moment of the Resurrection, followers of Christ looked upon their history and story (personal and communal) in light of this event. Their lives were now different viewed through the lens of Jesus and, their understanding of the Old Testament could now be interpreted as a prelude to the saving ministry of Jesus. There are, of course, other ‘watershed’ moments of great importance, but certainly less so than those of Moses and Jesus. For example, the reign of David and Solomon, the exile and the teachings of Elijah are also deeply significant. All of the events following the Exodus helped the people of God to understand more fully whom they were and what they were called to do. It was the light shed by these most significant events that caused the people of God to recall their lives in a new way, as chosen people living intimately with God. Abraham and Sarah could now be seen for what they were, the father and mother of Israel. The act of Creation could now be understood as the greatest act of God. Jacob wrestling with God’s angel made so much more sense to a people now cognizant of their relationship with God. In essence, one could say that Moses

changed everything! For the Christian, one could say that Moses and Jesus changed everything. Our understanding of our history, our pain, struggle, despair and joy was different now that the people of God were looking through glasses tinted with the covenant of the Law and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. A Common Question of Concern Amongst Believers “So, why is it that the Bible is so violent?” The wonder of God is that God is revealed through people! There is nothing mechanical or distant about God’s relationship to humanity. Therefore, our expression of God is limited only by our understanding and attitude. The people of antiquity, living in what is commonly called the Holy Land, lived in very violent times. Since conquest, power and control were intimately a part of their living, it makes sense that they would appreciate an understanding of God that would demonstrate these “values”. Are we any different? Do we not appropriate religious symbols and language when we think about or engage in so-called national geo-political activities? Are not all of our wars to some extent, holy wars? Do we not think that God is on the side of right? Do we not believe that the western world is right? In our generation we are so able to cloak our violence that we sometimes even believe that we are a peaceful people!

with God’s story today what the folk of the Old Testament did in their time; using God to legitimize personal and cultural values and bias. However, the TRUTH of GOD lies beneath this “human stuff”. That truth, as I understand it, is this; God loves the life which God created and will NEVER desert or destroy it. This truth is felt and believed throughout biblical time as profoundly as it is today. This insight is affirmed through the prophets - prophetic utterance constantly and consistently called the people back. Jesus Christ the ultimate prophet, the child of God, sacrifices himself for us in order to call us back to the covenant, the promise that we will love and obey God always. As the Biblical people matured into a deeper knowledge of God, we continue this journey bolstered and enlightened by the timeless stories, lessons and prayers contained in our sacred writings. It is our task to figure out the will of God in those times and relate these same teachings to today; because the teachings of God as articulated in our sacred writings are TIMELESS. The Hebrew Scriptures and the message of Jesus convey the truth of God. That is, an injunction to love God, seek truth, compassion, forgiveness, peace, justice and hope. Let us pray that we may truly hear and that we might truly remember … † John

You see, we are doing

¹ The implication here is clear. The first task for those preparing to study the bible is to adopt an unprejudiced mind set; to allow the scriptures to speak, to reveal God to us and not for the scriptures to say what we wish them to say or even what we have been taught to think they ought to say. ² In our time of pluralism and appropriate respect for all religious traditions, it has become common among biblical scholars to refer to the period of history before the coming of Christ as BCE or before the common era; and the period of time after the coming of Christ as CE or common era. ³ John H. Hayes, An Introduction to the Old Testament , (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1979). Page 20 ⁴ Note: Articles of Religion, Canadian Book of Common Prayer, (Article VI), page 700 ⁵ B.W. Anderson, Understanding the Old Testament, (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall Inc, 1966). Page 17.

Page 8 • CROSSTALK • February 2016


Prayer Matters Does Lent Matter? By Paul Dumbrille, Anglican Fellowship of Prayer Representative Does Lent Matter? Yes. I think it does. Lent, is a valuable time for Christians. The word “Lent” comes from a variety of Anglo-Saxon and Germanic words meaning “spring”, a time budding with new life and hope. For Christians, Lent is not a celebration of nature; rather, it is a process of prayer and spiritual renewal looking to a time budding with new spiritual life and hope. The Lenten season is an opportunity to cultivate the interior life through spiritual exercises and practices. Rather than being seen as a forty day endurance test, or a bleak and restricted time, Lent is a quality season. It is a time of rediscovery, a valuable chance to open ourselves more deeply to the beauty and power of the dying and rising to new life in Jesus. It is a time to ponder the reality of the death and resurrection and to allow it to soak into

our deepest parts. Lent is the time for new life and hope. In the Lenten season, self-examination is crucial. An individual’s response to the call for purposeful reflection on one’s need for God is an important factor in choosing how one will observe Lent. Through the centuries, Lent became characterized by practices which typify the meaning of this season. Prayer. Lent invites us to step aside from the busyness of our daily life, with the many things that clutter and crowd our time, in order to get in touch with the self and at a deeper level, with the Spirit of God within. Prayer is attention to God; it places

us in a posture of listening. Amidst all the noise and tumult of our daily life, Lent encourages us to experience a new depth, an authentic attentiveness to God through which we learn to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his spirit. Take a daily “Time Out” for God. Go to a quiet place, light a candle and: Read the Bible - take time each day to read the Scripture, contemplate on what it says, what it means and how it applies to your life; spend time listening to God, rather than speaking to Him; read a Christian book; and/or write a thankfulness journal. Fasting. Fasting signifies a willingness to free ourselves from the desires, ambitions and pursuits that center on the demands of the self. It points to a willingness to be freed from the self-centeredness that drives so much of our life in order to experience more fully the liberating power of Christ. Fasting reminds us of the truth that the deepest hunger in our lives must be the hunger for God. Set aside one day a week on which you will go with-

out one meal, and spend an equivalent time intentionally seeking God’s presence with you. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, from sunrise to sunset, refrain from eating solid foods and only drink water or juice. Every time you feel hunger pangs, think of God and pray. Almsgiving. True hunger for God leads to the giving of ourselves to others. Lent calls us to a greater compassion for others, especially the poor and needy. It invites us to examine ourselves honestly on how subtly we have accepted society’s addiction to possessions, to affluence. Through the days of Lent we are encouraged to focus our eyes on Jesus who gave his whole life in faithfulness to God, giving his life totally out of love for all. As we keep that clear focus we join our life in the loving intention of Jesus to give himself for all by: giving up eating/drinking something that you like and/ or give up watching television or some other activity and donate the money saved and time saved; bringing non-perishable food items to a place

where they will be taken to the Food Banks for the needy; giving money to Lenten outreach projects of your parish; donating money to the Primates World Relief and Development Fund or other Christian relief efforts; visiting someone who is a shut-in, ill, alone, or otherwise needs a friendly visit; inviting someone who lives alone to have a meal with you and your family, or cook and deliver a meal to someone who is ill or grieving or alone. Let God Work. Lent is a marvellous time for experiencing “the unsearchable riches of Christ”. It can be a time for spiritual growth enabling us to walk in a newness of life. Lent provides several special days that are available to provide us experiences that deepen our relationship with God: Ash Wednesday; Palm Sunday; Maundy; Thursday; Good Friday; and the Easter Vigil. This year, let us all take the opportunity that Lent offers to renew our spiritual life and come closer to God, through Jesus Christ.

CROSSTALK • February 2016 Page 9


Learning from One Another, Dreaming for the Future By Leslie Giddings, Child, Youth, and Adult Learning Facilitator A key part of any special event in the life of a parish is “the debrief ”. This is the time we take with one another about what worked, what didn’t, what excited us, and what we hope for when the dust settles. Debriefing is so important because it helps us look toward the future. Sometimes we find ourselves so exhausted when the event is over that we don’t get to thinking about it until we are planning again for next year. I wanted to take the time now to feature some of the amazing special events that happened in Advent/Christmas 2015 in Children and Youth Ministry. Perhaps this will spur some February conversations about Advent 2016 in your parish. I humbly remind you that I am available to support planning, preparation, brainstorming, and debriefing as part of my role

Collaboration and Transition

as Child, Youth, and Adult Learning Facilitator. Please contact me at lesliegiddings@ottawa.anglican. ca for more information about the support available for children and youth ministry. Additionally, I commend to you the article on Page 5 “A ‘Super’ Christmas” by Morgan Brown. I hope you will draw inspiration from St. Barnabas, Deep River as they turned their pageant into a fundraising event for refugee sponsorship.

St. Marks’ Christmas Pageant The last few years, St Mark’s Church School children have put on a special pageant for Christmas. This year was no exception. Written and directed by Cynthia Greer, Nursery coordinator, and assisted by Kate GreerClose, Church school leader, each pageant has followed the lectionary. This year the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Malachi foretold Christ’s

birth. Twenty children and youth took part, following the Sung Eucharist on December 20, with readings and singing, and re-enacting the nativity, bringing “good tidings of great joy” to the whole congregation. Glory to God in the highest heaven. From “Mark This Word”, December 27, 2015


St. John the Evangelist, Ottawa collaborated with St. Mark’s to provide additional costumes for the Church School pageant this year. In previous years, St. John’s held a 4pm Christmas Eve service with a pageant involving visiting children and narrated by the youth group. For the past two years, St. John’s has adapted a different model for Christmas Eve. Margaret Kasurak, Godly Play teacher at St. John’s describes the service: The children come dressed in their pjs, often with their favourite stuffy, and sitting on quilts in front of the altar listen to the story of the first Christmas which is based on the Children’s Liturgy from Godly Play. There is absolute silence as the children listen, spellbound, to this amazing story. Afterwards the Rector invites the children and their families to the Lord’s table. This is

truly a special way to spend this most special night. The focus is on creating a comfortable environment for the children and parents, many of whom are visiting to

Selina Ingles, Last Quarter Design

the parish with friends and relatives. In addition, to the Nativity story and Eucharist, there are peaceful carols and the children learn to pray the Lord’s Prayer in movement.

New Star at St. Paul’s, Shawville Another successful production at St. Paul’s with Susan Lewis (script editor and director), Teri Smart, and the Rev. Mary McDowell (coproducers) and leadership provided by the youth narrators William Bastien, Emma and April Judd. Advent concluded with an outstanding Church School presentation involving all ages called the “New Star”. Everyone enjoyed the humour and the energy of teh dedicated cast in telling the story of our Saviour’s birth. Additionally, St. Paul’s engaged in Church School Visioning in early January. They reflected on the changes implemented in the fall, which included a 10 week program with a choice on Sunday mornings between and active outdoor activity, a quiet indoor activity, and a conversation with guest pre-

senters about relevant faith matters. They looked to the community for inspiration and creativity to provide meaningful religious education for their children and youth.


Scott and Jenn Judd

Stephen Close

Epiphany Children’s Party Young folk (and the young at heart!) at St. Margaret’s, Vanier participated in games, story-telling, crafts (the messy sort!), and acting. The community enjoyed a supper and a King’s cake as well as as celebration of thanksgiving.


Teenagers and adults helped to supervise craft tables and finger food was generously donated by members of the congregation.


Philip Owens

Crosstalk Submission Deadlines: March - January 25 April - February 25 May - March 25

Page 10 • CROSSTALK • February 2016


Observing Lent By Rev. Canon Stewart Murray As the deadline for this article approached I was thinking about a number of possible topics and was not having much success in settling on one. Since I have always enjoyed a good murder mystery as a refreshing change of pace, I thought maybe a break with P.D.James, one of my favourite authors, might help. The title I settled on was ‘Devices and Desires’. I had just sat down to begin to reread this book when I received one of those nudges from the Holy Spirit that prompted me to realize that confession was to be the subject for this Lenten article. The title of the book is a line from the prayer of confession in the services of Morning and Evening Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer: “ We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts…”. During Lent we are invited “to observe a

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Support Development The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund

holy Lent by self-examination, penitence, prayer ….” (BAS p. 282). This is the hard work of being a Christian. If you are like me it is easier to do the outward work of being a Christian, to be busy with the many opportunities for service in the Church and in the community. It is much more difficult to be still and look with God’s help on the condition of our hearts and souls. A quick illustration of this is that Easter Sunday congregations are far greater then those on Ash Wednesday!

By Rev. Gregor Sneddon Welcome to Flesh made Word, a title that invokes the early Christian formula of salvation: “God became human that human might become God.” I am passionate about reclaiming the Christian tradition that often seems to have been abandoned for a juridical conservative moralism or a groundless neo-liberal spiritualism. Why are we doing what we do as Christians? I am proposing to you, friends, that our “why” of Christian life is far beyond anything we can ask or imagine. Beyond a place to belong—a community in a lonely world, beyond an insurance plan of eternal life, beyond a good set of values to learn and share, beyond even a platform for social justice—though all of these are important, no doubt. I propose to you that the future of the cosmos the fulfillment of life itself, rests in our hands. It is up to us, fragile, human beings, made in His image and given the extraordinarily dangerous gift of freewill. I thought I would offer 6 Principles that my writing will stand upon. These may

To be still with our own thoughts and not be distracted by all that we need to do, is difficult. We live in a culture, and at times a Church, that values action and results based activities. Lent is a time we are challenged to stop, look inward and reflect on our spiritual health. As Christians our outward actions and priorities ought to be shaped by our relationship with Jesus Christ and His life in us. A time of self examination gives us the opportunity to assess that most important of relationships. The following questions and suggestions can be useful in such a process. Is my understanding of who I am grounded in the Gospel or have I allowed the values of the culture, such as wealth, power and influence, to define me? Do I think my relationship with Jesus is the most important one in my life or does He come further down the list?

What I have done since the last Lent to grow in my knowledge of Jesus and my faith? Have I grown in love and knowledge of the Scriptures? Has prayer become a dynamic way of living or is it simply something done by rote out of a book? It is important, I have found, to remember that it is Jesus who is our role model. It can be all too easy to compare ourselves to others, who from our perspective seem not be living a ‘good’ life, to bolster our sense of self worth. The Ten Commandments are also a useful guide in self examination. As you prayerfully read through them, look at the deeper challenge of each one. For example the 5th commandment “Thou shall not kill” is not simply about murder, but about how we treat others. As our Lord tells us “You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will

Flesh Made Word

be adjusted, added to, corrected but here goes:

1. The incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ restores human nature, (vrs individuals) and opens the way for human beings, through grace, to reclaim their divine inheritance (personhood) and “become participants in the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4). Human nature is good; “this goodness is capable of unlimited development, indeed, of being turned into Christ and deified” (Thomas Keating). 2. Each of us is a divine ‘intention’ or logos that yearns for fulfillment. Christian life is a “work”—a work of yielding to the truth of whom we are created to be. The Church is the body of the logoi journeying to this Eschatological hope. The profound dignity of baptism claims true human freedom which is the fulfillment (telos) of existence. True life is freely offered and its realization must be freely chosen. 3. Our true identity, personhood, is found in communion with the Holy Trinity (and

thus the Church): claimed at Baptism as a passover from death to life, and nurtured and sustained through the Eucharist. Our person is always and only “being in relation.” Worship, prayer, repentance and ascetic practice are the ways we freely turn towards true life in God. We cannot achieve by our effort; rather, our participation is always a response, a yielding, a consenting to the grace of the indwelling Holy Trinity. 4. The work is the edification of the primary human faculty, the crown jewel of human beings as made in the image of God: the will. God does not transgress human freedom, he invites—the response is ours as revealed by Mary’s “yes” to be the Godbearer. God’s activity is kenosis, self-emptying love that is the way of the cross we follow, we receive of, participate in, and become. The salvation of the cosmos hangs on man’s proper use of selfdetermination. “All of us are made in the image of God, but to be in God’s likeness is for those who by great love, have attached their freedom to God.” St Diadochos of

be subject to judgment. But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. (Matt. 5:21) Perhaps there is a person who I have written off in my life and I need to forgive them or even harder ask their forgiveness. The BAS has a a litany of penitence in the Ash Wednesday Service (BAS p. 283) that can also be a useful aid. One of the fruits of such self examination is the opportunity to confess to our heavenly Father our sins of commission and omission and to ask His forgiveness and His grace to think and act according to His will. This Lent give yourself the gift of time to grow in knowledge of your own soul through self-examination and penitence and resolve to lead a life grounded in the power of Jesus Christ.

Photiki. 5. Love is the cause and the fruit. Our desire, our yearning for God is the “very marrow of our inward state” (Rumi)—or is it God yearning for us? “What you are looking for is what is looking” says St Francis. The fruit of love is love. Claiming personhood, bares the fruits of the Spirit: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Gal 5:22-23). Love is the earth, the seed, and the fruit of the vineyard. 6. Finally, reason, intellect, logic—the mind—is a finite tool, important, but incapable of travelling very far upon the limitless path towards God and Christian perfection. The language of faith is doxological and “antinomic”, a journey of the kataphatic to the apophatic. Paradox, art, hymn, touch, beauty, “unknowing”, the “luminous darkness”, and silence are paths leading us into the holy mystery of love crucified. Originally published in The Community.

CROSSTALK • February 2016 Page 11


Lanark Deanery So Old It Doesn’t Have a History. By Glenn J Lockwood What we see here is one half of a stereoscope view of a small log structure in Montague Township photographed circa 1873. What it shows is a building known to local tradition as ‘Little Church.’ The problem with this building like so much in local rural society from the early nineteenth century, is that we know almost nothing about it. Although the Diocesan Archives strives to compile an administrative history of each church built or each congregation formed in the territory known today as the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, this building is so old and obscure that it could be said to not have a history. All we have are fragments of myth to grasp at. So let us grasp. The Reverend Ebenezer Morris, a travelling missionary covering the Johnstown and Bathurst Districts from Merrickville, actually resided in Montague Township beginning about 1843. In his reports to the Toronto Diocese Church Society for the years 1846 to 1849, Morris reported an Anglican

house of worship being built in Montague in addition to Holy Trinity Church at Merrickville. It is believed that this log church was constructed on the rear half of lot eight in the sixth concession of Montague in the early 1840s. No description or proper name for this house of worship (apart from ‘Little Church’ has survived since it fell victim to neglect in the late Victorian period. Carved headstones in the adjacent cemetery (shown here

surrounded by a picket fence) bear dates ranging from 1838 to 1870, however field stone markers imply that some burials here may be earlier. In the 1970s the surviving carved headstones were encased in cement to mark the spot, effectively allowing acid raid to better erode the inscriptions on them. The only specific recorded reference to this building was made by the editor of the Smith’s Falls Review in March 1863, when he stated: “We understand


ACW Achievements from 2015

By Leslie Giddings, Diocesan ACW Treasurer The Anglican Church Women Diocesan Executive had a successful year financially. Our receipts were $3,000 more than our expenses. We have downsized to six members and now meet every three months or so. However, we do communicate by e-mail and telephone in the interim. The downsizing has caused us to make some changes to our mission. We no longer have the Advent lunch for the Bishop and his staff, but now support members of the Community Services for their Christmas celebrations. I am happy to report that we were again able to give Bishop Chapman $1,000 for his discretionary fund. We

were also able to provide funds for advertising, hosting, and refreshments for two events to raise money for St, Jude’s Cathedral, Iqaluit. The cost of bales in 2015 was greatly less than is previous years sue to the very hard work of Evelyn Presley, who has managed to find alternate ways of shipping, rather than Canada Post. However, we sent far fewer bales this year. While we have to know at the beginning of each year if we have the funds available to cover the costs, I am happy to report that we have enough year-end balance to do bales again in 2016. Marni Crossley attended the ACW Conference in Newfoundland which helps up stay in contact with other ACW groups across Canada. Thanks to the members of our church groups, we were

able to send funds in support of the Council of the North, PWRDF, Hospice Care Ottawa (formerly Maycourt), Centre 454, the Well, as well as $3,500 for Fair Share. I am hoping that in 2016 we will receive more funds for the Thank Offering, the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund, and Outreach. I also would like to thank Sharon Seguin for her assistance be doing the bank deposits and letters regarding finance (and also for keeping me on track). Blessings on you and your groups in 2016.

PWRDF The Anglican Church of Canada’s Agency for Relief and Development

there will be a Soiree under the auspice[s] of Loyal Orange Lodge No. 31 at Little Church, Montague, this evening. Doors will open at 6 o’clock and chair to be taken on arrival of County Master. Speakers: Rev. Mr. Parnell; Rev. Mr. McGill; W.O. Buell Esq.; and Mr. William Gill. Refreshments served and choir in attendance.” The speakers incongruously appear to have been Orangemen and Liberals. The early construction of this building is evident in its compact size, the use of a hip roof, and large twelveover-twelve pane sashes. During the thirty years that intervened between this pioneer house of worship being built and this photograph being taken, the forest had been felled, and the shallow soil revealed. By the 1880s area observers either commented “when a grasshopper travels through Montague, he has to carry a lunch,” or declared that “Montague is nothing but rock, swamps and mortgages.” Again, what little we know about Little Church belongs to the realm of myth. A report in 1901 by the rural dean for Lanark stated: “A new station has been added

to this mission, called North Montague, where monthly services have been held by the rector of Montague for many years. At one time a log church stood here and a graveyard. The graveyard remains, but the church became unfit for use some years ago; the roof fell in and a neighbour blandly absorbed the logs. The congregation held together, however, worshipping in an Orange Hall.” The continuing congregation came to be known as Christ Church, Montague, and would build a stone church on a different site at a nearby crossroads in 1906. Christ Church closed a century later. ___________ If you would like to help the Archives preserve the records of the Diocese, why not become a Friend of the Archives? Your $20 membership brings you three issues of the Newsletter, and you will receive a tax receipt for further donations above that amount. Queen’s University Archives, Crain Estate-Misc. Stereographics

Diocesan Archives 51 R10 1

Show your school spirit! Know a student who’s going to college? Send them with a loving prayer and a Hope Bear dressed in a scarf of their college colours. Perfect for graduation too! Contact AFC to order.

Page 12 • CROSSTALK • February 2016


January 30

Book Launch: At 7:30pm at St. Alban’s (454 King Edward Ave). All are welcome to the Ottawa Book Launch for ReInvention: Stories from an Urban Church. Info:

February 02

Ottawa Anglican Youth Leaders Meeting: At 7pm at St. Stephen’s (930 Watson) Info: (613) 232-7124, x237

February 05

Trivia Night: At 7:30pm at Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm (2452 Yorks Corners Rd). Hosted by Holy Trinity Metcalfe, bring your team of 6-8 friends for a great night of fun and laughs. Feat. Valentine’s desserts, snacks, door prizes, live & silent auctions. Funds raised will support parish restoration loan. Info: (613) 821-2873 (613) 425-1080

February 07

Jazz Vespers: At 4:30pm at All Saints, Westboro (347 Richmond Rd). Jazz Vespers is a very present form of a variety ancient tradition. Come and be moved, comforted, uplifted, outraged, or whatever else you may need. And come and hear how these musicians interpret the centuries. Info: (613) 240-0404 St. Luke’s Recital Series: At 7:30pm at St. Luke’s (760 Somerset St W). By popular demand, Toronto pianist Ronée Boyce returns to St. Luke’s to perform music by Beethoven, Janácek and Albeniz. Admission by donation. Info: (613) 235-3416

February 09

Annual Pancake Supper: At 5:30pm in the Great Hall

at Christ Church Cathedral (414 Sparks St). Come and enjoy pancakes, sausages, maple syrup, and Mardis Gras fun for children of all ages. Tickets: (613) 236-9149 Shrovetide Pancake Supper: From 4-7pm at Church of the Ascension (253 Echo Dr). This fundraiser for the Centretown Emergency Food Bank serves up ham and sausage, from-scratch organic pancakes, real maple syrup, and homemade applesauce. Donations of nonperishable food items are welcome. Tickets: $12 Adults $10 Students $6 Kids under 14 $3 Kids under 4 Info: St. Mark’s Annual Pancake Supper: At 5pm at St. Mark’s (1606 Fisher Ave). Regular or whole wheat pancakes, sausages, syrup or unsweetened applesauce, ice cream, and refreshments. Tickets: $8 Adults Children under 12 eat free. Info: (613) 224-7431

February 12

Songs for a New Home: At 7:30pm at Christ Church Cathedral (414 Sparks St). Cathedral Arts is proud to present a concert, “Songs for a New Home”, in support of Syrian refugees. Doors open at 6:30pm. There will be a cash bar and a silent auction. Tickets: $20 Adults Children 12 and under are free. Info: (613) 567-1787

February 13

Good Food Market: From 9-noon at Epiphany, Gloucester (1290 Ogilvie Rd). A not-for-profit market providing affordable food, free snacks, live music, used books, and local yard sales. Come for the food, stay for the community. Info: (613) 746-9278

February 20

Concert Series: At 7:30 pm at St. James, Carleton Place (225 Edmund st). Ottawa Cape Breton Session. Tickets: $20 or $50 for the series (3 concerts) Info: (613) 257-3178

CALENDAR Stewardship Café: From 9:30-2pm at Epiphany, Gloucester (1290 Ogilvie Rd). Join the Stewardship Subcommittee for conversations and case studies about Stewardship and bring successes and challenges to the table. Refreshments and lunch provided. Info: jane-scanlon@ottawa. RSVP: Lenten Quiet Day: At 9am at St. Barnabas (70 James St). All are welcome to attend the Lenten Quiet Day with Sister Debra SSJD. Morning Prayer and Mass at 9am, followed by three talks interspersed with times of quiet. Come for part or all. Soup/refreshments provided. Bring a bag lunch and a desire for a time of learning/reflection. Info:

February 21

Evensong: At 7pm at St. Barnabas (70 James St). A beautiful traditional service of Evensong, sung by the award-winning Choir of St. Barnabas, durected by Wesley R Warren. Music by Howells, Gibbons, Whitlock, and Bach. All welcome! St. Luke’ Recital Series: At 7:30pm at St. Luke’s (760 Somerset St W). An evening of original compositions and jazz standards. Asmission by donation. Info: (613) 235-3416

February 27

DYC Sponsored Worship Night: At 7pm at St. Alban’s (454 King Edward Ave). Info: (613) 232-7124, x237

Santa Rosa de Lima: At Christ Church Cathedral (414 Sparks St). An evening of South American music, food, and poetry with the Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys. 5pm: Choral Evensong, all are welcome. 6:30pm: Four-course South American inspired meal, with poetry and piano reflections. Info: (613) 236-9149, x12

7:15pm at Good Shepherd Barrhaven (5-3500 Fallowfield Rd). Join us for this men’s prayer group. We meet monthly for Evening Prayer, followed by a cold beverage at the Royal Canadian Legion next door. The atmosphere is casual, and no-one is required to pray aloud unless they wish to. All men are welcome. Info: (613) 823-8118

March 04-06

Professional Development/Retreat for Children and Youth Minnistry Leaders: In partnership with the Diocese of Montreal. Info:

March 06

Jazz Vespers: At 4:30pm

at All Saints, Westboro (347 Richmond Rd). Jazz Vespers is a very present form of a variety ancient tradition. Come and be moved, comforted, uplifted, outraged, or whatever else you may need. And come and hear how these musicians interpret the centuries. Info: (613) 240-0404 St. Luke’ Recital Series: At 7:30pm at St. Luke’s (760 Somerset St W). Catherine Donkin and Amélie Langlois (piano duets); Duo Rideau returns for an exciting evening of piano duets by Schubert and other great composers. Admission is by donation. Info: (613) 235-3416

March 10

Pysanka Workshop: From 6:30-9:30pm at Epiphany, Gloucester (1290 Ogilvie Rd). Join us for an evening of Ukrainian Easter egg decorating. Info: (613) 746-9278

Connect with the Diocese are several ways that you can connect with There the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa @OttawaAnglican

February 29

Prayer and a Pint: At

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