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Outdoor Clubs
PERMITTED TRAILS FOR FAT BIKES THIS WINTER GATINEAU PARK: Snowshoe trails 64, 65, 66 and possibly 67. Access depends on weather. KANATA LAKES TRAIL SYSTEM: 32 kilometres, advanced, single track. The west part of this trail system is an adrenalin rush while the east side is tamer. Trails are marked; stay off ski tracks. ALMONTE RIVERSIDE TRAIL: 6 kilometres, intermediate, single track. Bumpy trail with lots of rocks and roots. Several short rock gardens and bridges add to the fun. Trail net work is still expanding. OSGOODE MULTI-USE PATHWAY: 21 kilometres, rail bed shared with snowmobiles. Trail runs from Leitrim Road to Buckles Street through the Village of Osgoode. Use safety lights. Know what is ahead of you, and behind. MTB KINGSTON: 39 kilometres, intermediate, single track. Trails are open only to MTB club members. Network of five distinct loops that can be ridden individually or as a full circuit. Home loop is the main trail that provides access to Pete’s Loop, The Ridge and Route 66. Collin’s Lake Trail can be done on its own or combined with Home Loop. EAGLE’S NEST IN CALABOGIE: 19 kilometres, intermediate, double track. This snowmobile/four-wheeler trail through the forest behind Calabo gie Peaks is not used much. A third of the way along, a detour up the hill to Eagle’s Nest gets you an amazing view. FOREST LEA TRAIL SYSTEM IN PEMBROKE: 24 kilometres, advanced, single track. A purpose-built mountain bike trail in a stacked loop system. Rocky and rooty. BEACHBURG, ONT. TRAILS OTTAWA RIVER CORRIDOR TRAIL: 49 kilometres, advanced, single track. LAVALLEE LOOP IN VILLAGE: 800 metres, beginner, single track that varies from technical to open “flowy” ATV trail. MONT STE-MARIE, QUE: 11 kilome tres, three groomed snowmobile trails. A test project.
For more info it’s the Ottawa Mountain Bike Association or check them out on their Facebook page.
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ACC Ottawa Section www.alpineclubottawa.ca Adventure Sports Access Group www.asag.ca Algonquin Backcountry Recreationalists www.abrweb.ca Black Sheep Cycling www.blacksheepmtb.com Camp Fortune Ski Club www.campfortuneskiclub.ca Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society www.cpaws.org Chelsea Nordiq Club www.chelseanordiq.ca Creative Wheel www.creativewheel.ca Cross Country Ontario www.xco.org Esprit Rafting www.espritrafting.com Hike Ontario www.hikeontario.com Kanata XCSki Club www.kanataxcski.ca Madawaska Kanu Centre www.owl-mkc.ca Nakkertok XCSki Club www.nakkertok.ca Natural Fitness Lab www.naturalfitnesslab.com Ottawa Alpine Club www.alpineclubottawa.ca Ottawa Bicycle Club www.ottawabicycleclub.ca Ottawa Inline Skating Club www.inlineottawa.com Ottawa Mountain Biking Association www.ottawamba.org Ottawa New Edinburgh Club www.onec.ca Ottawa Orienteering Club www.ottawaoc.ca
Ottawa Outdoor Club www.ottawaoutdoorclub.ca Ottawa Rambling Club www.ottawaramblers.org Ottawa Rowing Club www.ottawarowingclub.com Ottawa Sailing School www.boattraining.com Ottawa Sport and Social Club www.ossc.ca Ottawa Triathlon Club www.ottawatriathlonclub.com OttawaCarleton Ultimate Association www.ocua.ca Oxygene www.cluboxygene.qc.ca RA Ski and Snowboard Club www.raski.ca Rideau Trial Association www.rideautrial.org River Run Rafting www.riverrunners.com Ski Extreme skiextreme.ca Snowhawks Ski School www.snowhawks.com Somersault Events www.somersault.ca TriRudy www.trirudy.com uOttawa Outdoors Club de plein air www.outdehors.ca West Carleton Nordic Ski Club www.wcnordic.com XC Ottawa www.xcottawa.ca
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