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Why backpacking works
Studies have shown that being out in the reduction of glucose intolerance, woods can improve your mood, focus, reduced LDL (Bad cholesterol) as well as creativity and intuition, as well as its many the aforementioned mental benefits beneficial effects on your physical well-being. which also includes improved selfBut be prepared – you might get addicted to it. esteem and reduced depression and anxiety. Those same studies showed HIKING ENGAGES THE that people walking indoors (like on a FOLLOWING MUSCLES: treadmill or at a gym) instead of in
Abs, low back, glutes, hamstrings, calves, nature did not receive the same benefit ankle stabilizers, quads, hip flexors, and if you and in some cases showed increased have hiking poles you will also engage your rates of depression and anxiety. Don’t biceps, triceps, forearms and delts, not to get me wrong I am not anti-gym (I work mention your heart. In case this didn’t stand at a gym). Gyms can provide a great out to you, that is almost your entire body social aspect to your exercise regime that gets involved while you are hiking, and weight training is essential to help providing both an aerobic aspect and a increase your strength for your next muscle strengthening aspect. hike, but there are ways to strength
A 155 pound female will burn on average train out on the trail too. Φ around 350 calories per hour. Add a backpack and that number increases to 400 calories per hour. Climbing a hill with that backpack? Then your numbers just jumped to around 500 calories per hour (*calorie burn is estimate and depends on fitness level, terrain, backpack weight etc.)
You might say, “Well I can get those H IKING IS AN AMAZING workout, and benefits from the gym, so why go all yo u need is a good pair of shoes and hiking?” Well, numerous studies have maybe a backpack. linked spending time in nature with a
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