T&C - Fall Semester 2012, 2014

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tan cardinal

Dance, Dance Evolution

otterbein university wednesday, dec. 5, 2012 vol. 94, issue 13 www.otterbein360.com

photo by kristen davis


Tan & Cardinal


t&c editorial staff

Mike Cirelli Lindsay Paulsen Katie Taggart Dennison Sleeper

Editor-in-Chief News Editor Assistant News Editor

Opinion Editor Laina Thompson Arts & Entertainment Editor Ally Nagle Sports Editor Josh Park Copy Editor Chelsea Coleman Copy Editor Kristen Davis Photography Editor Blythe Malone Photography Editor Anna Schiffbauer Business Manager Danielle Lanning Assistant Business Manager Lindsey Hobbs Web Editor assistant editors Susanna Harris Olivia Delahunty Julia Robideau Jon Bozeka Paul Griffin contributing staff Susanna Harris Kendra Schwarz Jon Bozeka Josh Hartley Jordan Brown contact us 614-823-1159 TCeditor@otterbein360.com Tan & Cardinal Otterbein University Westerville, OH 43081 advertising For advertising information, contact Anna Schiffbauer at 614-823-1159 or by email at sales@otterbein360.com policies The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty and administration of Otterbein University. Opinions expressed in signed columns are those of the writer and not of the newspaper staff. Positions in unsigned editorials represent a consensus of the editorial staff. The first copy of the Tan & Cardinal is free to the public. Each additional copy is $0.50, and payment can be made at the office at 33 Collegeview, Westerville, OH 43081. Offenders will be prosecuted. The T&C staff would love to hear from you. Write a letter to the editor and tell us what you’re thinking. Letters to the editor are letters responding to a writer or an article published in the Tan & Cardinal. Please keep your letter to 300 words or less. It is at the discretion of the Tan & Cardinal staff as to whether or not the letter will be published. Letters attacking an individual will not be accepted. Letters must include the author’s first and last name, signature, phone number, address and affiliation to Otterbein University.

wednesday, dec. 5, 2012

T&C staff turns a new page The incoming editor-in-chief of the T&C discusses her vision for the newspaper Hello from the other side of the bridge! While many students are in the midst of the annual pre-finals frenzy to finish off the semester, the Tan & Cardinal staff is already assuming that it will, in fact, survive the looming predicted apocalypse and is gearing up for 2013. The approaching holiday season always seems to symbolize the idea of bidding farewell to old times and welcoming in the new year. This week’s issue of the T&C seems to embody that same idea and is special for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that our opinion section is devoted to the two remaining senior goodbye columns of our outgoing Editor-in-Chief Mike Cirelli and A&E Editor Laina Thompson. Secondly, this issue will be the first finished product made entirely by the new staff. As Mike, Laina and the rest of the 2012 staff are on their way out (or even shifting to new positions), now is an appropri-



Otterbein’s most memorable moments in the form of some brilliant photos. Laina Thompson has brought us a colorful A&E section and Ally Nagle ate time for me to not only has kept us in-tune with the commend them for a job well done, but also to curse them for highs and lows of Otterbein’s sports teams. making the new staff ’s job that In the past year, Lindsey much harder after they set the Hobbs, who is technically the bar so high. outgoing web editor, has not However, as the T&C’s only been the one-woman firincoming editor-in-chief, I can ing squad of confidently say Otterbein360 that I believe I look forward to tweets, but that our new has also taken staff is cerseeing not only the way on the role as tainly up to the the fearless challenge. We in which our media can reporter of have a good the group, and balance of ex- shape the university, tackled a numperienced T&C ber of substanbut also in the way that veterans and a tial issues that few fresh faces the university can shape would have that I can only sometimes imagine will our media. been easier left bring new life, untouched. knowledge and In addition quirkiness to to maintainLindsay Paulsen our newsroom. ing the current Mike Cirelli incoming editor-in-chief momentum and the rest of of the paper, the 2012 staff have done a one of the major goals for this fantastic job of modifying the year’s T&C is to merge fully internal processes of the T&C, with Otterbein360 to provide which has helped us to prostudents with a more multiduce not only a higher quality dimensional experience of product for our readers, but also helped those of us on staff our university through student media. maintain our sanity during our What do I mean by this? Tuesday production nights. We, as a staff, are hoping that Photo Editors Blythe the T&C and Otterbein360 will Malone and Kristen Davis become synonymous, rather have helped capture some of


fall semester 2013 to spring semester 2013

Assistant Business Manager Distribution Manager

than being recognized as two separate entities. This is a logical progression for our student media groups, as it’s no secret that our society is drifting away from physical newspapers to web-based productions. Additionally, I am hoping to foster the creation of a paper and a website that can really serve a utilitarian function as a source of information, rather than just something to scan over before class or to read as you’re waiting for a friend for lunch in the Campus Center. Finally, I am also hoping to embrace the close-knit nature of our small Otterbein community by giving readers a more personal perspective on the events, personalities and problems we encounter on our campus. I look forward to seeing not only the way in which our media can shape the university, but also in the way that the university can shape our media. Happy finals, happy holidays and happy reading, Otterbein. Best, Lindsay Paulsen Incoming Editor-in-Chief

lindsay paulsen is a junior journalism and equine business and facility management major and is the incoming editor-inchief for the t&c.

Calling all Otterbein students Are you dying to voice your opinions on Otterbein issues?

Interested? Apply now! Gain experience, build your resume and earn some extra cash.

The T&C is looking for columnists to write weekly articles on topics you find interesting. Submit two sample columns of 400 words each on relevant topics involving Otterbein. Submit four future topic ideas as well.

Email your cover letter, resume and references to Hillary Warren at adviser@ otterbein360.com. Format your attachment as “Name_ Resume.”

Email your entries to Lindsay Paulsen at tceditor@otterbein360.com by Friday, January 25, 2013.

Deadline for applications Tuesday, December 11, 2013


vol. 94, issue 13

Campus smoking policy may change



Otterbein professor Robert Braun is encouraging a change in college regulation Students might need to think twice about lighting up their cigarettes on Otterbein’s campus in the future. The Ohio Board of Regents published a resolution this year requesting all colleges and universities in the state change their current smoking policy to either a smoke or tobacco-free policy campus wide. Dr. Robert E. Braun, an assistant professor of allied health at Otterbein, said he wants the university to consider a similar policy known as the Grade A policy for smoke-free air, adopted by Ohio in 2006. Grade A means smoking at a bar, a restaurant, a workplace and any other public place besides outside is prohibited, according to the American Lung Association’s State of Tobacco Control website. Going smoke free means tobacco use would be prohibited on Otterbein’s campus, including all academic buildings and dorms. Ohio State University has

& 1.


had a smoke free campus for a few years said Eunice Hornsby, assistant director of organization and human resources consulting. “There is a proposal now to have a tobacco free campus,” she said. “This will include things such as smokeless cigarettes, hookah smoked product, and oral tobacco (snuff, chew, snus). “We have the smoking policy for the health of the students, staff and faculty.” Capital University, on the other hand, does not have a smoking or tobacco policy. Alyssa Otto, a senior athletic training major at Capital, said, “Capital is not smoke free. There are designated places for people to smoke, but we are not a smoke-free campus.” Braun said that Otterbein is currently in the beginning stages of this initiative. “We currently are assessing the attitudes and beliefs of the students,” he said. He wants to promote a healthier environment for everybody at Otterbein. He said the policy would also demonstrate that Otterbein cares about the community. Lee Ann Bowers, a nurse

bUtt oUt:

practitioner at the Otterbein Student Health Center, said she agrees with this idea of a healthy campus. Bowers said that a smoke-free policy should be enforced. She added that smoking causes mouth and throat cancer, and that both could be prevented. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” she said. Otterbein’s current policy states that people cannot smoke near or within residence halls, theme houses or Commons apartments. Smokers must remain at least 20 feet away from any campus building to avoid smoke from entering the building. Rease Johnson, a first year

According to the Otterbein University Police Daily Crime Log, the following has been reported from Nov. 28 to 30.

photo by kristen davis

Otterbein students may not be able to smoke on campus because of a new policy in the works. voice music education major, said he agrees with this statement. “I, being allergic to tobacco, would appreciate if campus was tobacco free, also smoke is bad for voice majors’ voices.” Braun said that community forums and interviews will be held for residents that live in the area around the Otterbein campus because the policy could affect them too. “This will show how forward thinking we are on this health issue,” Braun said. “This will reflect positively on our campus and show our dedication to wellness of the students, employees, and surrounding community.” Sarah Hoagland, a senior accounting major, is against

the proposed policy. “A policy forbidding any tobacco use on campus would almost be infringing on people’s rights,” she said. Braun said that he will be surveying students across campus to get a better sense of how they feel about the policy. He will then take the responses from the survey and create a policy based on them. After that, the policy will be presented to the Student Life Committee. Braun said, “Our plan would be to have the new policy in place by the end of spring semester, 2013.”

t&c GraphiC by kristen sapp


Davis Hall


11/28 A report of disorderly conduct was reported at 25 W. Home Street at 12:10 a.m.


11/28 Building.

Textbooks were stolen from a professor’s office in the Science


Drug abuse was reported at Davis Hall.


25 W. Home


2 Science Building

inForMation CoMpiLed by CheLsea CoLeMan

news 4 New fraternity still in works

wednesday, dec. 5, 2012

Tan & Cardinal

Otterbein’s Interfraternity Council voted ‘no’ to Phi Delta Theta By Jon Bozeka Staff Writer

After a receiving a “no” vote from Otterbein’s Interfraternity Council on Wednesday, Nov. 28, Phi Delta Theta will not soon become an official Greek chapter on campus. Phi Delta Theta is a national fraternity with many chapters across the country as well as in Canada. President of the IFC and senior theater and English double major Pascal Domicone said that he told Phi Delta Theta President Andrew Pea, a political science major, to remain optimistic. “Keep your hopes up and do the final things. ... Keep it going, and they can get voted in.” Domicone said he remains optimistic but was not surprised by the outcome. “Going in, I had a feeling I knew what the result would be. ... The vote was ‘no’, but it’s very doable next time they do it.”

Domicone served as a mediator in the vote and his job was to make sure personal feelings were set aside. Pea said he was upset by the outcome. “(We) can’t control how they vote. ... (We have got to) keep our heads up about things.” Pea said the fraternity was handed a list of about 10 requirements, and they had met all but the social and executive functions. It was because of these missing requirements that the IFC voted no. He also said that they utilized a variety of outlets to promote the organization. He created a Facebook event as well as a Twitter for supporters to follow. “We didn’t do any campaigns but spoke to individuals,” Pea said. Phi Delta Theta needed to meet with Zeta Phi and Alpha Sigma Phi as part of their requirements to join the IFC. Pea said that Phi Delta Theta has al-


smiling on:

photo by kristen davis

Even after a “no” vote, Phi Delta Theta remains hopeful.

have not met with me personally, our chapters did have a mixer (though).” Kayla Walsh, a freshman BFA acting major and new member of Sigma Alpha Tau, said “Frankly, Phi Delt men are the most gentlemanly fraternity on campus, and it’s disappointing that they are not ‘official’,” she said. Kappa Phi Omega senior and

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music education major Bethany Stang also spoke on the issue. “I think they would offer so much to campus, but I thought they had all the requirements.” After the vote, Phi Delta Theta tweeted that even though they were saddened, they are still proud to be Phi’s and thankful for those who supported them through the vote.


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ready met with some fraternities, including Eta Phi Mu, Lambda Gamma Epsilon and Sigma Delta Phi. According to Pea, the group has interacted with other fraternities and sororities on campus as well. He spoke to executives from both Eta Phi Mu and Lambda Gamma Epsilon, and the group played capture the flag with Sigma Delta Phi. Matt Cole, freshman music business major and a new member of Sigma Delta Phi, said “In my opinion, I think I agree with IFC voting down Phi Delt. IFC gave Phi Delt a list of things to complete and they approached IFC before they completed them.” Senior guitar performance major Isaac Maupin and President of Sigma Delta Phi spoke on his feelings about the vote. “Since they did not complete their IFC requirements that’s why they were not let in. ... They

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arts & entertainment 5 Feel the ‘Pulse’ in performance If you want to keep up on Otterbein www.otterbein360.com

vol. 94, issue 13

Dance concert dissects technology’s importance on past and future Kendra Schwarz Staff Writer

Imagine a world without any technology. How would our economy function? How would our relationships be different? Could we, as a technology hungry generation, survive? These are all questions and issues addressed in “Dance Concert: Pulse.” “It’s a story about where we have come from, in terms of technology, and where we might be going,” said head of Otterbein’s dance program Stella Kane, who is also the artistic director and a choreographer for the dance concert. The idea evolved from many discussions Kane had with Rob Johnson, a design technology professor, about technology and how it is a vital part of the way we live. Kane had been frustrated

with students texting in her class. The frustration and lengthy discussions with Johnson and the dance faculty about the use of technology gave form to the idea behind “Pulse.” The performance, about an hour and a half long, will show how humans have gone from the primitive state as cavemen into modern society in which everything is available virtually with a click of a button. Kane described the concert as a narrative experience that captivates the audience, which could be attributed to the faculty choreographers using the same theme throughout for the first time. Dancer Kelsey Gorman, a senior psychology and public relations major, described the theme of the concert as “how we have moved through different decades until technology takes over our lives.” She also said the show will

make clear that without technology, the universe seems to stop for people who depend on it. Since the concert focuses on technology, the audience will see advanced lighting design, such as LED lights. Also, some of the 25 total dancers have worked on making videos and text that will be projected onto a screen for each piece. The projection will be used throughout the performance. Among the students, Kane said she appreciates senior music education major Chelsey Loschelder who is the student choreographer for the concert. Loschelder’s piece tells the story of the degression of silent films and the emergence of movies with music and speech. The characters in this piece “freak out” because they realize their fame in the silent movie industry is over. The final piece, choreographed by Kane, embodies what the concert is about: how technology is such a pivotal aspect of our lives and we forget how much we depend on it until it is taken away. This last number will also feature an original composition by Johnson as a lesson for his students. He wrote the song that would teach his students to “go outside the box.” The seniors are excited about being apart of this performance and what it stands for. Gorman is most excited to see how the audience reacts to the strongly powered message that “Pulse” presents. “I hope that it will be a dance concert that will make you think,” said Molly Sullivan, dancer and senior public accounting major. “I think the last piece is very dramatic and will make the people really think about it.” Kane said she hopes the audience will leave feeling positive.



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move feet to the beat:

photo by kristen davis

The first piece in “Pulse” involves cavemen.

Dance Concert: Pulse

sports and hear some great music, then make sure your radio is tuned to WOBN 97.5 FM The Wildcard!

Don’t miss our great showcases like The Cardinal Sports Wrap Mondays at 9 p.m. and Folk Otterbein Fridays at 3 p.m.!

Check out Otterbein360 to find out how Otterbein athletes are spending their winter break.


Tan & Cardinal

arts & entertainment

wednesday, dec. 5, 2012

Destination: DeGeneres

Broadcasting major reaches goal to become an intern for ‘Ellen’ Josh hartley Contributing Writer

in control:

photo by blythe malone

Johnson looks at multiple monitors while maneuvering the T2, a machine that stores videos, in the main control room.

After 147 “Kahla Johnson, Intern Please” YouTube videos, the senior broadcasting major is preparing to depart for her debut as a new intern for “The Ellen DeGeneres Show Johnson first came in contact with “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Oct. 15. After sending a personal message to Ellen’s YouTube account for the first time, one of DeGeneres’s employees began correspondence with Johnson. That was a big day for Johnson, as it was also the day the Columbus Dispatch article on her videos was published, as well as the release of her “Gangnam Style” parody, “Kahla Style.” Ten days later, Johnson got word that she would be hired at “Ellen.” Junior vocal performance major, Andrew Szczerba was a “Kahla Style” participant and said he is very excited for Johnson’s opportunity. He said Kahla is the right person for the internship. “She is one of the most genuine and dedicated people I know,” Szczerba said. “She puts

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her heart and soul into everything she does, and it shows. I can’t wait for Ellen to get to know and love Kahla just like we do here at Otterbein.” Lucky for Szczerba, DeGeneres’s intern staff already seems to like Johnson. Johnson was in contact with three different people prior to the news that she became an intern, but kept to secrecy since nothing was official. The first two contacts were from DeGeneres’s social media department. They found her videos, but she was interviewed by the internship coordinator. While awaiting communication with the other interns, she said she feels that her drive and passion are skills that will distinguish her from coworkers. She said she’s most excited about participating in the show’s production as well as audience participation. “She’s worked really hard on her production skills,” communication professor Janice Windborne said. “She has a really good imagination, a positive attitude.” Windborne said the videos not only show Johnson’s determination, but also that she’s a

good producer and will deliver what’s asked of her.. “She created (videos) with people she didn’t pay, (who) just did it because of the energy and enthusiasm that she shared with them and got them to feel,” Windborne said. “That’s a really good producer, and she’s going to a place where that’s what it’s all about.” Senior broadcasting major Danny Lebsock said he believes her internship will have a lasting impact on Otterbein’s Journalism and Media Communication Department. “I think it may . . . inspire people in the department to go for their dreams, even if they think they might be out of reach,” Lebsock said. Johnson will begin her internship on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” starting Jan. 2, 2013. The internship will last until her graduation in May 2013. She will move out to Los Angeles just after Christmas day to move in and get settled. Her first orders of business once in LA are to find a church home and go sightseeing. Johnson plans to start a blog and weekly video updates for all of her family, friends and fans. t&c


vol. 94, issue 13



T&C lifers look back on career

Seniors say goodbye Two seniors reflect on their T&C experience and the people who helped them along the way

The editor-in-chief leaned back in her chair and asked, “What changes would you make as editor-inchief ?” A year ago, as I explained to a panel of seniors why I should be the next editor of the newspaper, I was asked that Mike question. And Cirelli now, as I reluctantly — but also eagerly — pass the wheel to the next captain, I’d like to reflect on my answer. No, I didn’t accomplish everything I said I would during that interview. It’s the truth, and I’m not ashamed of it. Like any student newspaper in the country, the T&C hops back and forth between well-oiled order and unchained pandemonium. Reporters miss deadlines. Oafish editors OK stories without doing the one thing their title obliges them to do. Ink-stained proofreaders flounder around the newsroom begging writers to check their facts. Once, I lost my cool and hung up on someone. It’s one crisis after another. And sometimes, amid the din, it can become easy to lose track of long-term goals and just focus on getting the damn issue to the printer before sunrise. One of my goals was to include an absolutely stellar news story and feature story in every issue. Did I accomplish it? Maybe about half the time. Some of my favorite stories were Laina Thompson’s coverage of the quirky couple who wed in a frat house on a whim; Lindsey Hobbs’ investigative story on the Otterbein Police Department’s lack of disclosure; and Morgan Hendrickson’s immersion into the goofy yet undeniably practical world of the Otterbein Scooter Squad. I also planned to run an editorial every two weeks, another goal that turned out to be too lofty. But the editorials that my staff and I did manage to finish were exceptional and made a difference. In one of my favorites, we argued that leftover mealswipe money — which turned out to total more than $10,000

a year — be used in ways that more directly benefit students. After the article was published, the dean of Student Affairs asked me to meet with him to discuss different uses for the money. A third goal of mine was to revamp and accelerate the editing process of the newspaper. My first attempt failed; my second attempt worked out beautifully. I also had every intention of redesigning the paper. Never happened. When I answered that question a year ago, spewing an annoyingly enthusiastic list of proposed changes, I’m sure that behind her smile, the previous editor-in-chief was thinking, “He’ll learn.” I did. And now, as I watch the new editor-in-chief take her place at the top of the masthead — newspaper lingo for staff list — I know she aspires to accomplish a slew of goals just as ambitious as mine. My advice to her: Don’t give up on any of them. t&c Mike Cirelli is a senior journalisM Major and the editor-in-Chief for the t&C.

Never in my life have I eaten more Jimmy John’s and drank more Diet Coke than I have during my time with the T&C. Working here has helped shape my college experience. I’ve worked my way up from an impressionlaina able young fresht hoMpson man writer, to the confident and experienced A&E editor — the position I wanted since I was that freshman. I loved that job. While I favor writing about video games, I have really enjoyed allowing the campus to come alive through my section with profiles, event coverage and other creative stories. Production nights have always been the highlight of my school week. I will fondly remember things such as: family dinners, best f-ing ever, declaring Rae Day for Chipotle, deciphering

what was going through our editor Mike’s mind as he stared at whatever weird layout I had that week, covering all the Zeta wedding madness, the semester reign of smooth jazz Dr. Jones and all the friends I’ve met along the way. Tuesday nights were a time to do what I loved. A time to share some food, ideas and laughs with friends, a time to push myself to do better for my section each week, a time to catch up on my Netflix, a time to form special memories with each person I shared my Tuesday’s with. Mike and Lindsey, I will always remember that day Freshman year that we met in the Comm Building, eating sandwiches off of frisbees where we were first introduced to the T&C. At the time, I had no idea of the amazing things we would all accomplish while at Otterbein. I can’t wait to see where life takes us all. I am expecting great things. Josh, I pass the torch on to you. I know you will do a wonderful job as A&E editor. Just don’t let the calendar or pictures of puppies get you down. Katie, peace, love and bacon. May your Mountain Dew cup forever runneth over. It has been a pleasure to work with you. Ally, It was fun racing to see who could make it on the board first. You make the best and biggest cake balls. Blythe, I am sorry for all the frustration I’ve caused you over my constant photo changes. But you have delivered some amazing shots and added a lot of life to my section. Kristen, you will make an amazing photo editor. You have taken some fantastic shots so far, and your determination is so great to see. Dennison, you and your rants. You are a great source of entertainment every Tuesday night. Good luck with your comedy and those Jonda boys. Danielle, your spunk and determination astound me. This semester, copy editor. Next semester, the world. Chelsea, I am going to miss almost falling out of my chair every time I hear “It’s so fluffy!”

across the room. You did great with the Zeta wedding and you managed to not get nacho cheese on Dr. Warren’s robe. Anna, please run for president some day, and keep dressing like Madeline. You need to bake me some of those brownies you keep talking about before I graduate. Lindsay, you are going to make an amazing EIC. I am never going to forget your article when you compared trying on jeans to being a rotisserie chicken. I think of it when I go jean shopping. Dr. Warren, you have been a solid source of information, inspiration and support these past four years. I appreciate your sense of humor and how you play mother hen to all of us. I will always look up to you as both a newspaper advisor and a friend. Swags, you are a role model to me. You’ve pushed me to challenge myself and my section every week. I have learned so much from you and appreciate the time you dedicate to the staff. Family, I appreciate the support and love you have always given me. Thank you for always believing in me and putting up with my antics, you only have one more semester to pay for. To the lovely ladies of Epsilon Kappa Tau, thanks for reading the paper and dealing with my shameless plugs at meetings. Hayden, no longer will you have to deal with me getting home Tuesday at two in the morning either bursting with excitement about something that happened that night or passing out the second I get over the threshold from exhaustion. You have been so great and supportive. I love you five-ever. To the loyal T&C readers, or anyone who is reading this right now, thank you for supporting the paper. We work so hard every week and are so proud to present campus with the finished product. I am really going to miss this paper when I graduate. It’s been fun, Otterbein.


laina thoMpson is a senior journalsiM Major and the arts & entertainMent editor for the t&C.


Thumbs up Thumbs Down By t&C staff

Pledging is over and the night air is once again quiet. ABC Family’s 25 Days  of Christmas has begun. Kate Middleton is  pregnant.

It’s 65 degrees outside. 

The McRib is coming back.

The Otterbein Christmas tree still looks small and it’s sad. The world may or may  not end before graduation.

It’s 65 degrees outside. The week before exams  brings out the crazy.

The search is on for people with swipes to share.



Tan & Cardinal

wednesday, dec. 5, 2012

Otterbein to install turf

The Athletic Department sets dates for renovations to Memorial Stadium By Jordan Brown Staff Writer

The rumors are true that Otterbein Athletics has plans to convert Memorial Stadium’s grass field to a turf field, with construction tentatively expected to begin in 2015. “Within the last year there has been a push to move this project along,” Athlectic Director Dawn Stewart said. “It’s driven by the fact that there is so much maintenance that goes into the grass on all of our fields. And if you do the math, it’s used a very small amount of time over the year compared to what it could be used if we had turf in place, or a new track,” she said. Assistant Director of Development Mike Griffin said the fundraising goal for the project is $2 million and he expects construction to begin in 2015. According to Griffin, the project idea was already put in place long before Stewart was hired. “Ever since the renovations to Memorial Stadium were completed in 2005, the idea of converting the natural grass football field to artificial turf was discussed,” Griffin said. “People felt that because the stadium was so impressive, there was an opportunity to make the track and field a real visual focal point of campus.” Stewart said she believes this is something the university has needed for some time and with a strong background and involvement in fundraising, she has already begun the process of raising money for the new field. With Otterbein being strongly influenced by alumni, organizations such as the “O” Club and the Clements Foundation have made substantial connections to this project in order to help raise additional funds needed for the project. “Once we can reach about $1.4 million committed in writing we will begin the process of talking to the turf companies to get an idea of different design standpoints and the scope of what the project will really be,” Stewart said. This is just another change occurring within the athletic

department as there have also been many new hires. According to Stewart, the new coaching additions have built up a lot of excitement causing a burst of momentum for the turf field. “Setting the project aside, when you consider the timing of me being new to campus, Coach (Tim) Doup, the hiring of Todd Adrian, there’s a lot of excitement,” Stewart said. “We have a great opportunity for us to reconnect with our alumni base and talk about all the great things that are going on within Otterbein Athletics.” While the turf field would greatly benefit the Otterbein football program, other teams plan to take advantage of the new additions as well, including the men’s and women’s soccer and lacrosse teams as well as the track team. The field will also allow many other teams and students to use it as a training facility for workouts. “What people need to understand about this project is it will impact not only the athletic programs, but all student usage here at Otterbein,” Stewart said. “This will impact the club and intramural opportunities for all students.” Head coach of the Otterbein women’s soccer team Brandon Koons said he believes that playing in the stadium brings a whole new dynamic to the game. “Being under the lights is a great feeling,” he said. “The setting is beautiful. We love our field with the trees and houses around us, but it’s a whole different kind of excitement,” he said. A turf field also presents opportunities to get the community involved as well. “We will be able to hold youth camps in the stadium for local schools, and that’s a great way to get more kids on campus,” Koons said. “It’s also a great recruiting opportunity for our team.” Junior psychology major Ben Sizemore is a quarterback at Otterbein and explained benefits for the football team. “In general, turf is a nicer surface to play on,” Sizemore said. “(It) will allow for a much

faster game. With turf we’ll have a place to practice in case of bad weather.” Griffin said he believes the new field will not only be a great addition for Otterbein Athletics but will also increase the exposure of Otterbein University with the inclusion of more athletic events. For the Athletic Department, this renovation is only the beginning. “If I’m not constantly looking into how to move our facilities forward, than I’m not doing my job,” Stewart said. “When we finish this project, we will be looking at the next project. In the long term, I’d like to have another turf field, and the Rike Center needs attention as well.”


bringing the turf:

photos by kristen davis

Memorial Stadium is upgrading to a turf field soon

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.