T&C - Fall Semester 2012, Week 5

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tan cardinal

otterbein university wednesday, sept. 26, 2012 vol. 94, issue 5 www.otterbein360.com

Making some ‘Noise’ This fall’s comedy, “Noises Off,” is directed by an Otterbein alumnus with Broadway experience 4 much ado about nothing:

The action of the play in “Nothing On,” the play within the play, is interrupted once again due to the antics of its cast.

photo by blythe malone



Tan & Cardinal


wednesday, sept. 26, 2012

t&c editorial staff

Mike Cirelli Lindsay Paulsen Katie Taggart Dennison Sleeper

Editor-in-Chief News Editor Assistant News Editor

Opinion Editor Laina Thompson Arts & Entertainment Editor Ally Nagle Sports Editor Chelsea Coleman Copy Editor Josh Park Copy Editor Kristen Davis Photography Editor Blythe Malone Photography Editor Anna Schiffbauer Business Manager Danielle Lanning Assistant Business Manager Lindsey Hobbs Web Editor assistant editors Pat Basista contributing staff Maura Breen Jordan Brown Lauren Edmonds Jazmyne Flowe Derek Self contact us 614-823-1159 TCeditor@otterbein360.com Tan & Cardinal Otterbein University Westerville, OH 43081 advertising For advertising information, contact Anna Schiffbauer at 614-823-1159 or by email at sales@otterbein360.com policies The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty and administration of Otterbein University. Opinions expressed in signed columns are those of the writer and not of the newspaper staff. Positions in unsigned editorials represent a consensus of the editorial staff. The first copy of the Tan & Cardinal is free to the public. Each additional copy is $0.50, and payment can be made at the office at 33 Collegeview, Westerville, OH 43081. Offenders will be prosecuted. The T&C staff would love to hear from you. Write a letter to the editor and tell us what you’re thinking. Letters to the editor are letters responding to a writer or an article published in the Tan & Cardinal. Please keep your letter to 300 words or less. It is at the discretion of the Tan & Cardinal staff as to whether or not the letter will be published. Letters attacking an individual will not be accepted. Letters must include the author’s first and last name, signature, phone number, address and affiliation to Otterbein University.

centeR point:

photo by blythe malone

Vicki McGillin and Bob Gatti talk to students about the importance of the resource center in Academic and Student Affairs.

New ‘safe space’ for Otterbein students Women’s and Gender Resource Center designed to provide on-campus support and assistance BY LAUREN EDMONDS Staff Writer

Designed to welcome students who are looking for a supportive environment, the Women’s and Gender Resource Center will open at noon Oct. 1, located on the first floor of 25 W. Home St. Adviser Tammy Birk said the center is geared toward helping those who are looking for help or guidance concerning assault or violence, depression, eating disorders and other instances where a student might want a “safe space.” She said that this “safe space” is a place where students who feel confused, intimidated or vulnerable can find judgment-free support and resources. The office will be staffed from noon to midnight Sunday through Thursday and noon to 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. A 24/7 hotline that will be available for students needing assistance is developing and will be accessible later in the semester. In addition to providing immediate assistance, the resource center will host programming, screen films related to women’s and gender-related issues, lead support groups and host other activities that keep in line with its mission. It will be staffed by a combination of alumni and student interns and volunteers, something which Birk said student organizers lobbied for. She said many students would prefer to talk to a peer as opposed to an authority figure about difficulties they are working through, and that all

such meetings are confidential. blankets, a microwave and a She also said that this is a minifridge. “student-led, student-defined and “It doesn’t look like Otterstudent-staffed” project and that bein,” Shaffer said. “We wanted the enthusiasm of these student to make the atmosphere feel notleaders is what made it possible. on-campus. Not as separation, Junior Alex Shaffer, head but as a safe space.” intern of the center and triple Birk said, “It’s designed to major in literary studies; creative help you feel like you’re not in an writing; and women’s, gender institutional place.” and sexuality studies, said, “We Faculty and students in the as interns and women’s, gender volunteers are all and sexuality being trained in studies program learning how to We as interns and vol- helped launch deal with some- unteers are all being the center, but one who is physiit will serve the cally, mentally or trained in learning Otterbein comsexually abused.” munity, not solely Birk said the how to deal with some- students involved resource center in the WGSS wants to partone who is physically, program or solely ner with affiliwomen. ated groups, not mentally or sexually Birk said compete with people have abused. theml, and will been interested work closely with in creating it organizations, for a while, but such as FreeZone Alex Shaffer it needed the or Voices for attention and Planned Parent- junior, head intern of excitement of the hood (VOX), that WGRC WGSS program are interested in to get off the promoting the ground. center’s goals. In addition, Affiliated groups will also have the center is a collaboration space to store materials and between Student Affairs and archives in the center, which can Academic Affairs, which is “very help assure continuity in recordunusual,” according to Birk, keeping. because it can support both curBoth the office and meeting ricular and cocurricular activities. room of the resource center are She said that women’s and designed to be welcoming and gender centers are fairly common comfortable to students. They on college campuses and some have been painted a deep purple have safe spaces for students, but and equipped with a resource few are collaborative in the way library, couches, a television, she hopes this center to be.

Junior French and literary studies major Susie Long supports the WGSS program and the WGRC. “We live on a progressive campus, but words like feminism and marriage equality are kind of taboo,” she said. She is taking WGSS as a minor, and although she is not officially involved in the resource center, she said it will be a good place for people with questions or misconceptions to get information. She also emphasized that men and straight allies are welcome. Junior creative writing major Mitch Gaver will be volunteering at the center when it opens. In an email interview, he said, “I think the center cannot only provide a safe, comfortable environment for young women to gather and discuss their varying issues and aid each other in finding solutions, but also in educating the young men of our university. “Though I expect resistance from the male population at first, I think once the goals and objectives of the resource center are clearly explained to them, they may understand its necessity and, hopefully, utilize its resources,” he said. The center will hold an open house Tuesday, Oct. 2, from 3 to 4 p.m. Those interested will have the opportunity to see the facilities and meet the interns and volunteers who will be staffing the center.


news Options vary for student voters


vol. 94, issue 5


From absentee ballots to political organizations, learn your choices Last week, the WBNS Channel 10 “Show You Care & Vote” bus pulled up outside the Campus Center to give Otterbein students the opportunity to register to vote in the upcoming election. Students wanting to make their voices heard in their new location, or for those who cannot vote in their hometown, have a couple of options. Those registered to vote in another state or county of Ohio have the option of applying for an absentee ballot. Another option is to register to vote in state. Students wanting to visit the polls Nov. 6 are required to register to vote in Ohio. Rochelle Young, the executive producer of special projects at WBNS-10TV, said the company’s employees on campus signed up 31 Otterbein students for new voter registrations and had 31 applications for absentee ballots. She said she was thrilled at the number of students applying for the absentee ballots. She also said the number of students applying for absentee voting and students registering to vote is about 50-50 among college students.


Editor’s Note

 For

more information on when, where and how to vote, visit Otterbein360.com.



“So many students are applying for the absentee ballot,” Young said. “But a lot of students and a lot of people like to go out to the polls and vote on Election Day.” Senior Michael Grumney, a life science major and the leader of the Otterbein College Republicans, said he hopes that students not only take the time to vote, but also take time to educate themselves on the issues at hand in the upcoming election. “The best thing for a young voter today is to simply educate yourself,” Grumney said. “By educating yourself and voting, you are contributing to the formation of this country presently and in the future.” “Don’t just form your opinion on hearsay or those tacky TV ads,” he said. “Come to us. We’d be happy to tell you what we’re all about and what we stand for.” As an organization, Grumney said he hopes that the recently developed Otterbein College Republicans can provide students with a means of educating themselves on both sides of the political spectrum. He said that without the other side, there would be no debate, and he would like to lead a group that strives to eliminate stereotypes attached to both political sides. “What I really want to hinder is the mudslinging and bashing and focus more on the positivity of the Republican Party and what we stand for rather than why the other guy is wrong,”

Grumney said. From the political left, the Otterbein Students for Obama organization states it is committed to providing students with relevant information regarding the presidential election. Candyce Canzoneri, the advisor of Otterbein Students for Obama, said the group will try to spotlight issues that have a direct impact on college students. “One thing we can talk to students directly and immediately about is that Obama is in favor of expanding Pell Grants that provide financial aid to college students,” Canzoneri said. “Obama has already increased the amount of financial aid available.” Otterbein sophomore Molly Loar, a student leader for the Otterbein Students for Obama organization, said the most important goal at the moment is getting students registered to vote. “The first thing that we are trying to emphasize outside of the campaign is to encourage students to register to vote,” Loar said. “This is the first time many students can vote so (it is) important they feel empowered to take a stand for issues that are important to them.” Once voting registration is complete, both organizations plan to direct their attention toward their individual parties — specifically the presidential race between Republican Mitt Romney and Democrat Barack Obama.

Students interested in voting absentee who did not get the chance to stop by the Campus Center Monday can either go online to download and complete the Ohio Absentee Ballot Application or look for voting representatives around campus. Those applying for an absentee ballot will be asked to fill out their name, current address and

According to the Otterbein University Police Daily Crime Log, the following has been reported from Sept. 21 to 24.

1. 2.


3. 4.


Underage possession was reported at Engle Hall.


A wallet was stolen at the Campus Center.

Drug paraphernalia was reported at the Park Street Commons.

3 Engle Hall

2 130 N. Center St.

4 Campus Center

9/23 A man was found urinating on the side of the stadium on 130 N. Center St. An open container was found nearby. A report of public undecency and an open container were filed.



Park Street Commons

Last week, the T&C wrote that underage consumption and possession were reported at Garst Hall when they actually occurred at Engle Hall. inFoRmation compiled by Katie taggaRt

either the last four digits of their Social Security number or their Ohio driver’s license number. Grumney and Loar both noted that it’s important for voters to make their voices heard. “To throw your vote away, I think it is very unfortunate,” Grumney said. “If you don’t speak your mind, somebody else is going to speak it for you.” t&c


gRaphic by KRiSten Sapp

BY DEREK SELF Contributing Writer


arts & ente

Tan & Cardinal

Latest play presents challenge for actors Cast embraces difficulties of multiple roles for each actor, scenes within scenes and intentional mistakes BY MAURA BREEN Staff Writer

The Otterbein Theatre Department’s first production of the year, “Noises Off,” is a play within a play. In the play, which was written by Michael Frayn in 1982, the audience follows the story of a group of actors rehearsing for an upcoming show, “Nothing On.” Otterbein alumnus Dan Knechtges is directing the play. Raised in Cleveland, Ohio, he graduated from what was then Otterbein College in 1994 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in musical theater. He has worked with many shows both on Broadway and off-Broadway as a choreographer and director. He has also worked on operas and concerts across the country. Now a Tony-nominated choreographer and director, he is back where he started.

“Working with Dan has been amazing,” said senior musical theater major Austin Ramsey, who is playing Frederick Fellowes in the play. “He is a Broadway director and has given me a lot of insight about the business, and is really doing a great job putting together this extremely difficult show.” Lloyd, the fictional director, has his work cut out for him with actors who don’t seem to know what they’re doing. None of the fictional actors is prepared for opening night, and their play looks like it’s going to be a disaster. Students are each playing two parts: their character in the play and the character that their character is playing. “One of the biggest challenges we all face as actors in this show is the idea of duality,” senior musical theater major Joyah Spangler said. “We are playing actors who are playing

characters in the play within the play. I am playing the aging actress Dotty Otley who is playing the frumpy, low-brow housekeeper, Mrs. Clackett. This means two different physical lives for each character, two different dialects, two different through lines to play and keeping straight when you are which of the two.” Senior musical theater major Austin Ramsey said his character, Frederick, is interesting. “His wife just left him, and it is his first time acting onstage,” Ramsey said. “Freddy always tends to keep rehearsals from moving forward. He always asks (fictional director) Lloyd if he is moving in the right spot or saying the right lines.” Each of the three acts in “Noises Off ” is performed from a different point of view. The first act is the dress rehearsal, the second takes place a month later, and the third

takes place at the end of the 10-week run of the show. Throughout the play, emotions run high both onstage and offstage as the fictional characters forget lines, break or misplace props and deal with intertwining personal relationships. This slapstick comedy is full of humorous mistakes, onstage chaos and problems of all kinds. “Another big challenge is the fact that in Act 2, the audience is taken behind the scenes of the play to see the mayhem that ensues backstage,” Spangler said. “This means two things: First, the main action takes place in silence as the actors are still performing the show within a show simultaneously. Second, virtually none of the actors leaves the stage for more than a few moments the entire act. It is mayhem trying to get all of our timing togeth-

er, but once we do, I think this show will be a riotous night of organized chaos.” “The running onstage is very difficult,” Ramsey said. “Timing is key, but it’s definitely coming together. Freddy’s pants are always falling down, so it can sometimes become a hazard while running up the stairs and down the stairs with my pants down, literally.” t&c


“Noises Off”

 Fritsche Theatre at Cowan Hall  Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m.  Sept. 28 to 29, 8 p.m.  Sept. 30, 2 p.m.  Oct. 4 to 6, 8 p.m.  Tickets: Each student gets one free ticket with a Cardinal Card. General admission is $25.

maKe ’em laugh

Meet ‘Noises Of



Otterbein alu Knechtges, who 1994 with a Bach Arts in musical t director of “No He has worke off Broadway as a choregrapher.

Did Otterbein ap about directing

pantS on the gRound:

photo by blythe malone

“Noises Off” includes at least one wardrobe malfunction.


photo by blythe malone

Each actor must portray a character playing another character.

I approached about doing a pl wanted to stretch do more plays in musicals, and the tacted me about and I accepted.



wednesday, sept. 26, 2012

Check Otterbein360 tomorrow for coverage of Mitt Romney’s rally in Westerville.

If you want to hear the best music and keep up on Otterbein sports, keep your radio dial locked on WOBN 97.5 The Wildcard! photo by blythe malone

Amid all the chaos of the play, the fictional director pauses to joke with the cast of his fictional play, “Nothing On.”

tff ’ director thetalksdirector about his

s directing and traveling the globe

BREEN Writer


umnus Dan o graduated in helor of Fine theater, is the oises Off.” ed both on and s a director and

pproach you “Noises Off?”

d Otterbein lay because I h myself and nstead of en they cont “Noises Off,”

Why did you want to do this play?

Because it is an intricate masterpiece of comedic farce. I love the way it plays with conventional comedic stereotypes. ... It has two plays going on at the same time for most of the show, which allows it to be a very satisfying evening.

Explain your experience directing “Noises Off.” It’s fun to be back at the place where I cut my teeth in theater, and I enjoy watching young actors do the same and surpass what I was able to do in my years at Otterbein.

What is your all-time favorite play?

How could one choose? Some of my favorite playwrights are Shakespeare, Douglas Carter Beane, Stephen Sondheim.

What is your favorite thing about New York?

The people, the energy, the culture and the importance of the arts in everyday life.

You have traveled across the country and world. What is your favorite place and why?

I have a couple. Berlin, Germany, because it is the European version of New York City. La Jolla, Calif., because of its perfect weather year-round. But it’s always nice to come home to Ohio because it is where I grew up.

Have you tried new things throughout your travels, such as eating something you never thought you would? Absolutely. Food and wine (are) passion, and I try new things in every place I visit. I believe that you can discover humanity through food.

You must have met some interesting people throughout your travels. Is there one person that you remember the most, and if so, why? Vanessa Williams for her generosity. She’s a dear friend. Stephen Sondheim for his brilliance. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson for their humor and openness. Penny Marshall for her intelligence and effortless humor. Humor is a powerful thing.


Make sure to check out the showcases for this semester including GIRLTALK! Mondays at 8, and The Cardinal Sports Wrap Mondays at 9!


opinion 6 Letter to the & Meet the new phone, same as the old phone Editor

wednesday, sept. 26, 2012

Tan & Cardinal

The lackluster debut of the iPhone 5 demonstrates how successful Apple has become at branding

I miss my smartphones. A few years ago, I bought a Droid when they were first released, and it was wonderful. It gave me directions, I could watch TV at work, and most importantly, I could show other DENNISON people how SLEEPER much better my phone was than theirs. That phone tragically and mysteriously snapped in half at the end of a four-day music festival, and apart from the few squatters we let sleep in our tents, I have no idea how it happened. What I mean by this is, I want an iPhone, but I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t want an iPhone because they are expensive, because I can find other phones of comparable quality and because I really don’t need to update my Facebook at 4 a.m. It’s a nice

convenience item that I really don’t “need.” My life will be fine without it. But the success of the Apple market — and the new iPhone 5 in particular — is a testament to how Steve Jobs and the Apple corporation mastered marketing. The new iPhone has a screen that’s a tiny bit bigger than the iPhone 4S, it’s a tiny bit thinner, it’s more updated, and it’s supposed to be faster. A recent skit on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” demonstrated how minor these changes are. The show interviewed people on the street after showing them an iPhone 4S but pretending it was an iPhone 5, and most people not only thought it was the newer version but also commented on how much nicer it was and how they needed to buy it. The changes are minor, but it’s the brand that allows the product to survive. Everything from the limited colors to similar designs and logos on Apple

products creates a familiar uniformity that people relate to and desire. Apple isn’t advertised as a company that sells products; it’s advertised as a community and a lifestyle choice. Why else would people put Apple stickers on their cars? I wouldn’t put a Toshiba or Sprite sticker on my car not only because it looks ridiculous, but because I have no reason to advertise for them. But many people don’t see it as an advertisement for a company; they see it as a reflection of who they are, an “Apple person.” This is why so many of us can rationalize forking over hundreds of dollars for a product that is almost identical to what we already have. Steve Jobs is not only one of the most successful and innovative CEOs of all time, but he is also one of the most controversial. After reading more about how he started his company and how much adversity he faced, I can see how he became such a

powerful and aggressive businessman. Apple’s lawsuit against Samsung’s patent infringement and Jobs’ statement of going “thermonuclear war” on Google are examples of how aggressive he can be. Apple has also come under scrutiny for its human rights violations in China. Factories that make Apple products in China have experienced high rates of suicide and wage and hour violations. The reason you and I and others want the iPhone 5 is because the brand is well-known and synonymous with shiny, new, cutting-edge products. So much so that we just assume if it has a higher number than the last one, it must be the greatest new product, even if it might not be that great. So maybe hold out for the iPhone 6 or 6B or whatever, because at this rate, we might get another one by Christmas. t&c DENNISON SLEEPER IS A JUNIOR JOURNALISM MAJOR AND THE OPINION EDITOR FOR t&c.

phoney pRomiSeS:

When set side by side, the minor differences between the iPhone 5 and its precursor become more pronounced.

do you & What think? Do you think that the iPhone 5 is worth the price? Take our poll and comment on our stories at Otterbein360.com.

iPhone 4S Design: 9.3 mm thick, glass front and back, metal slides, nonremovable battery

iPhone 5 Design: 7.6 mm thick, metal casing, nonremovable battery Screen: 4 inches, 640 by 1136, IPS

Screen: 3.5 inches, 640 by 960, IPS Power: dual-core 1 GHz Apple A5

Power: “twice as fast” processor, 1 GB RAM

Connectivity: 30-pin port, micro-SIM, no microSD

Connectivity: mini 19-pin proprietary port, nano-SIM, no microSD, 4G option

Storage: 16/32/64GB, nonexpandable

Storage: 16/32/64GB, nonexpandable

Camera: 8 MP, LED flash

Camera: 8 MP, LED flash, sapphire lens

Welcome to Otterbein. Please check your First Amendment rights at the door. … Wait, what? Regardless of whether or not the Otterbein Police Department is compelled by law to follow public records laws — which the editorial staff made clear is questionable last week in its news reporting and editorial — student censorship is a bad policy. Period. As an Otterbein alumnus and former Tan & Cardinal/Otterbein360.com news editor, I am appalled at the recent policy the university’s Police Department has chosen to implement. Otterbein’s decision to stifle the expression of its students by censoring public information is not only violating fundamental democratic principles, it also hinders learning that is vital for students who want to pursue a career in journalism. Journalists gather, interpret and report the facts, and working with the thenOtterbein Security Department and Westerville Police Division is where I learned to apply these skills and sound editorial judgment that is absolutely necessary for the job. Students need to be treated like the adults they are, and the student media deserves the respect that all other publications in the real world receive. I know firsthand that the editorial staff has always had policies in place that protect victims’ privacy and steers content to serve its purpose: to inform the Otterbein community and foster knowledge and the free flow of information. The university needs to let them do their jobs. I commend the current staff for being a real voice for students, and I encourage the student body to petition the administration and express its opinions on this issue. If Otterbein truly believes that its students have the right to openly express their viewpoints — free of administrative interference — Otterbein should include free expression privileges in the Campus Life Handbook immediately. Fallon W. Forbush Otterbein University, Class of 2011

photo by nicholaS chan


vol. 94, issue 5



Wanted: Recreation Leaders Care After School in Worthington is looking for Recreation Leaders. Work with children in grades K-6, M-F, 2-6 p.m. at $9.50/hr. Flex scheduling avail. High school diploma/ experience required. Interviewing Now! Visit www.careafterschool.com for details AND call 614431-2266 ext. 222. We’Ve got SpiRit:

photo by KRiSten daViS

The cheerleaders along with Cardy celebrated another touchdown before the 21-7 win.

Moving up to a new level The cheerleading squad gains a new coach and new philosophy BY JORDAN BROWN Staff Writer

Otterbein’s cheerleading squad has been getting a makeover. With a new head coach, the team purchased new uniforms and is striving to have more interaction with students. In the spring, Liz Rossetti, an OSU graduate and former varsity cheerleader, became the new head coach of Otterbein’s cheerleading team. Rossetti, who is no stranger to the cheerleading world, is also the president and founder of Otterbein’s neighbor, AmeriCheer, located on Collegeview Road. AmeriCheer is a cheerleading and dance company that trains teams and individuals for competitions. It also hosts its own competitions throughout the United Stares. One of Rossetti’s goals has been to implement upbeat and fun ways to interact with Otterbein students. “We are working Cardy into our cheers, and we’ll be doing fun things in the end zone after touchdowns as well,” Rossetti

said. “We want to keep the traditions going, but also grow from them.” Senior nursing major Jordan Long, the senior captain of the cheerleading team, is thrilled to be getting active on campus as a team. “We are building closer bonds with the band and also supporting other sports teams at Otterbein,” Long said. Along with the new coach came new uniforms. “Every couple years we get new uniforms, and we needed them to keep us looking fresh,” Rossetti said. “They are highperformance uniforms that helps them move well.” Uniforms might not be the only gear change the team will be sporting. Megaphones are being added to the cheers to get the crowd energized. “We use to just go with the flow of the game and not do much, but we have worked hard to make sure to change that,” junior psychology major Jessie Shibko said. Rossetti would also like the team to enter winter competi-

tions, where it would compete against other colleges at Otterbein’s level. The squad has not entered competitions before. Shibko said Rossetti’s drive and determination inspire the team to work hard to learn and enjoy the sport as much as she does. “Liz knows a lot about cheerleading, and (the fact that she was) an OSU cheerleader in college definitely helps us,” Shibko said. Long said, “Her strong leadership and direction have brought us together as a team and have connected us with important organizations of the Otterbein community, and we appreciate her for that.” Long said the team’s attitude has changed since Rossetti took the head coach position. She said the squad is really embracing the coach’s ideas and encouragement. Shibko added that a lot of hours have been dedicated to the cheerleading program. “I can assure you that your view of Otterbein cheerleading will change if you see us.” t&c



Tan & Cardinal

taKing Flight:

wednesday, sept. 26, 2012

photo by KRiSten daViS, headShot pRoVided by ed Syguda

Alana Gaither warms up and practices her technique on the sideline during games in order to keep her muscles fresh and ready to go if she is needed to kick.

Ponytail aside, she is a typical teammate Though kicker Alana Gaither is breaking barriers in Otterbein football, she says she is just another player BY JAZMYNE FLOWE Staff Writer

For more than 100 years, football has always seemed to be a man’s game. But Otterbein football player Alana Gaither wanted to change that tradition. The sophomore public relations major aspired to go to a bigger university to play soccer, but when the opportunity arose to play both soccer and football at Otterbein, Gaither considered the decision a no-brainer. Gaither said she joined the football team because she has a love and passion for the game. “When I first arrived at Otterbein, a lot of people were shocked or didn’t agree that a girl should be on the field, but I had a passion for the sport and I wasn’t going to let someone’s opinions get in the way,” Gaither

said. “The team and the coaches supported me no matter what everyone else thought.” Gaither said she is grateful for how accepting the team has been to her these past two years. “They were my motivation and backbone last year when I got injured. If it wasn’t for their support during rehab, I don’t think I would have had the motivation to get where I am today. They are all like my big brothers, and I look up to them more than they will ever know.” Having a female on the team might be a shock to some, but for the players, it just feels natural. “She just feels like part of the team,” senior offensive lineman Jon Busby said. “We don’t even notice that she is a female. We just notice her as a strong player.

She definitely brings consistency to our team.”

We don’t even notice that she is a female. We just notice her as a strong player. She definitely brings consistency to our team.

Jon Busby senior, offensive lineman

Gaither and sophomore Nick Ganus, the two strongest kickers on the team, try to challenge each other as well as help each

other. Neither thinks they battle for the position. “I think the competition between Nick and I help make us stronger kickers,” Gaither said. “We help each other out no matter what the circumstance may be.” “We both kind of do our own thing,” Ganus said. “We have completely different kicking styles, but we know when the other is doing something wrong. When she is struggling with the ball height, I try to help her out and do a drill with her, where she tries to kick my hand to follow through.” Gaither has mixed feelings about the attention she has been receiving. “I am grateful to have the opportunity to do the sports I love, but I feel so silly getting

attention for being a girl on the football team when I’m surrounded by players like Trey Fairchild,” Gaither said. Fairchild, a senior wide receiver and third-year letterman, was named a second-team preseason All-American by D3foot ball.com. The football team will put its undefeated record on the line next Saturday when it travels to Berea, Ohio, to take on Baldwin Wallace University. “Whenever I get the opportunity to kick, it’s all thanks to the team,” Gaither said. “They are the ones taking the ball down the field and putting in the sweat and blood. The offensive line and my holder, sophomore quarterback Brick Davis, are so impressive that I owe them so much for the work that they put in.” t&c

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