Print Edition Week 4

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tan&cardinal otterbein college

thursday, oct. 8, 2009

vol. 91, issue 4




editorial Staff Editorial

President Krendl served breadsticks at Tuesday's spaghetti dinner REVENGE OF THE NERDS:

Dave Mead told it to us straight

Years ago, things that would have landed you in “The Island of Misfit Toys” are now becoming cool.


The geek shall inherit the Earth Geeks of the world: Dust off your 20-sided die, because being geeky is finally trendy


OC football is undefeated

The Communication building computer labs are always locked and won’t let us in

Otterbein’s cleaning crew was laid off

Otterbein’s budget has forced the school to cut retirement plans and salaries Information compiled by Andrew Henderson and Evan Tackett.


Fallon Forbush Rae Reed Andrew Henderson

Aaron Angel

assistant editors

t&c editorial staff

Jessica Miller

Peter Behr

Think back to middle school. What’s the one memory that really sticks out? Maybe it’s when you scored that gamewinning goal. Maybe it’s your first kiss. Well, for me, it’s beating “Final Fantasy VII” for the first time. Yes, I am a geek. Luckily for me, it’s finally cool to be a geek. If you don’t understand what I mean, just look at the entertainment industry. In a list of the ten highestgrossing films of all time, compiled by, seven of the movies can be considered “geeky.” The list includes two movies based on comic books, “Spider Man” and “The Dark Knight,” along with a movie based on a cartoon, “Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.” The “Star Wars” franchise actually holds three spots on

Editor-in-Chief News Editor Assistant News Editor Opinion Editor

Arts & Entertainment Editor Sports Editor

Patricia Begazo Randi Honkonen Greg Beers Sophia Garcia Britany Byers

The T&C staff would love to hear from you. Write a Letter to the Editor and tell us what you’re thinking. Letters to the editor are letters responding to a writer or an article published in the Tan & Cardinal.

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Copy Editor Copy Editor Photography Editor

Assistant Photography Editor

Jeana Harrington

this list with “Star Wars,” “Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace” and “Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.” Music has also seen a huge influence from geeks with the continuously growing popularity of “Geek Rock” artists like Weezer, Ben Folds, Barenaked Ladies and Guster. Video games have gone from an underground guilty pleasure to a completely dominant sub-culture of our society. “Pokémon” is the highestselling video game of all time, selling an overwhelming 20.08 million copies, according to Back in 1999, a copy of “Pokémon” for the Game Boy would run you about $39.99. So, if you do the math, that means the game grossed about $800 million. Keep in mind, the highest-grossing film of all time, “Titanic,” only grossed a total of about $600.8 million. Even in the previously untraveled world of fashion,

Web Editor

geeks have become a powerful force in recent years. Nintendo-themed apparel has popped up in several retail stores and has become quite popular. Also, thick, squared glasses have become extremely popular, most notably worn by Weezer front-man, Rivers Cuomo. Naturally, popular culture affects what things become trends and what is forgotten. When we were kids, television was the primary trend-setter. Shows like “Friends” told girls that it was cool to have Rachel’s hairstyle and shows like “TRL” said it was cool to be grunge like Kurt Cobain and Eddie Vedder. Now we have more channels of communication for people to tell us what’s cool. The Internet has spawned a multitude of images and identities for people to follow. But a side effect of the domination of the Internet is that the geeks have full reign over it. Instead of music and television


(614) 823-1159 Tan & Cardinal Otterbein College Westerville, OH 43081

contributing staff

For advertising information, contact Jeana Harrington at (614) 823-1159 or e-mail at

Gina Bericchia Mike Cirelli Hannah DeMilta Lindsey Hobbs Chelci Fauss- Johnson Tom Hough Ruth Payne Julie Sanchez Danielle Skinner Jason Wagner

Business Manager

Please keep your letter to 300 words or less. It is at the discretion of the Tan & Cardinal staff as to whether or not the letter will be published. Letters attacking an individual will not be accepted.

Letters must include the author’s first and last name, signature, phone number, address and affiliation to Otterbein College.




Emmy Beach Sarah Douglas Elizabeth Livingston Evan Tackett Breanna Watzka Nick Wood


setting current trends, companies like Google, Microsoft and Apple are. As a result, technology is the new trend. According to Amazon, the top-selling Christmas gifts for 2008 were all either MP3 players, video game consoles or GPS units. With the geeks setting our trends, it has given us a new kind of identity crisis. Where the “cool” kids used to be the ones who cared about their self-image, now it’s “cool” to be apathetic to what others think. When I was 16 playing “Halo 2” in my friend’s basement all night while pounding down a 24-case of Mountain Dew, I never really thought about the impact it might make. Little did I know, I was setting a trend. t&c

The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty and administration of Otterbein College. Opinions expressed in signed columns are those of the writer and not of the newspaper staff. Positions in unsigned editorials represent a consensus of the editorial staff. The first copy of the Tan & Cardinal is free to the public. Each additional copy is $0.50, and payment can be made at the office at 33 Collegeview, Westerville, OH 43081. Offenders will be prosecuted.


Westerville wine retailer, Vino Meza provides an ample selection of fine wine. COVER PHOTO BY GREG BEERS

thursday, oct. 8, 2009 | vol. 91, issue 4


Weekly Humorscopes (March 21-April 19)

(May 21-June 21)

(July 23-Aug. 22)

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)



Life ain’t all sunshine and rainbows for you, especially when you live in Ohio. But forget about that today because you are going to be called to travel to Africa later today.

I want to let you in on a little secret–from the time you are born, you start dying. Sad but true. So today you should say something nice to a stranger...or a cat. Or a goat.

Step into my office Leo, we need to chat. You’ve been picking on Virgo lately, and that’s not cool. Something bad is coming your way. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Remember last week when you told that person how you really felt about them? Well, it didn’t go over well. But don’t worry, you were just being honest.

I would love to tell you that you are going to have a bad day, but you’re not going to. Chances are you won’t fall off the Earth today, and that’s a good day if you ask me.

You’ve been real bad lately, and although that’s cool in a biker gang, you aren’t in a biker gang. Coal for you this Christmas. Should have thought ahead. Sorry.

Aries Today’s Birthday

(10/08/09) It’s your birthday today. Happy birthday! A birthday poem for you: Roses are red, violets are blue, I would avoid the zoo if I were you. Call it a hunch but I hear the lions are hungry and you look a little like lunch my friend.




(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

(April 20-May 20)

(June 22-July 22)






Hey, pull your birthday suit out of the closet today, dust it off and wear it with a smile. It’s your day and you can do no wrong.

You’ve been hitting the gym hard and it shows. Today, confront your childhood bully. Try to talk it out. If that doesn’t work, bench press him.

Winter is quickly approaching, and it is getting cold. I would suggest giving your coat to someone in need. But then won’t you be in need? Hmm.

Your luck is about to change. There is going to be a bad accident involving you, a deer and a locomotive. You will walk away unharmed. The deer...

If the earth stops turning right now, everything will fly around at 1,000 mph. Good news is your Ford Taurus will finally win a street race.

Ready, set, stop. Did you remember to wash your hands today? H1N1 is no laughing matter and I see it in your future.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

(Feb. 19-March 20)

by Nick Wood

Before reading the mad lib, fill in each blank with the indicated word. For extra mad lib fun, have your friends pick out the words, and then read the story together. And most importantly, be creative in your word choice! A review for the grammatically challenged:


NOUN: person, place, or thing. Ex: flamingo, spatula, freshman. ADJECTIVE: describes a noun. Ex: large, sweet, green. VERB: action word. Ex: jump, dive, blow. ADVERB: describes a verb. Ex: quickly, excitedly, hungrily.


A Day in the Park It was a [adjective] ________ Sunday afternoon. I was sitting on a giant [noun] ________ in the park when all of the sudden I saw an ice cream truck coming my way. Just then a stampede of [plural noun] ________ came [verb ending in -ing] ________ my way. I was so frightened that I [past tense verb] ________ into a pile of [plural noun] ________ just to avoid getting trampled. I guess they really wanted ice cream! I decided that I also wanted ice cream, but when I tried to climb out of the pile, a [noun] ________ bit my [body part] ________. I tried to [adverb]________ [verb] ________ it off, but it started [verb ending in -ing] ________ so I told it to get a life or I would throw [number] ________ [plural noun] ________ at it. By the time I climbed out of the pile I was wearing nothing but an old [noun] ________, but I didn’t care. I really wanted ice cream! As soon as I was able to stand up, [famous person] ________ handed me a [adjective] ________ [noun] ________ and said, “Here, put this on.” I was so thankful that I found the nearest [noun] ________ and started serenading it with [song title] ________________. Everyone in the park was so moved by the performance that I received a standing ovation and [number] ________ [adjective] ________ [plural noun] ________! My favorite! Just as I thought the day couldn’t get any better, a parade of [plural noun] ________ presented me with a [adjective] ________ gift wrapped in [plural noun] ________ in my honor. My very own ice cream truck! *Send your mad lib into and our favorite will receive a gnarly gift!

thursday, oct. 8, 2009 | vol. 91, issue 4|

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Budget cuts on the horizon Plans to cut expenses college wide and to reduce faculty/staff benefits were announced at Tuesday’s budget summit to counteract over $1 million shortfall in undergraduate tuition and the college’s $45 million debt

many of our traditional students.” Student Affairs has begun using MAP-Works©, a new software that aids in minimizing students who The college is facing drop due to situations that could All Other a budget crisis, and the be addressed by staff. “We need administration is proposing data of who and why we’re losing an additional $450,000 cut to students,” Gatti said. “We will gain Housekeeping college expense budgets and more comprehensive sense of issues 14% Prof. Fees/ $360,000 in cuts to employee students go through.” Contract Svcs. retirement. “Enrollment is the key,” Mead said. 2% “This isn’t the address a As vice president of enrollment, 3% new president wants to give in Equipment Thomas Stein is vital to turning the Purchases 2% the first 100 days,” President college around. Kathy Krendl said. “My job has always felt stressful,” Food Service 4% The administration is Stein said. “It goes with the position. proposing to the Board You have to have pressure to meet a 3 percent reduction in enrollment. I thrive on it.” 4% Utilities 63% retirement contributions and Stein said that he plans on having a 3.5 percent reduction in the largest growth of enrollment in 3% Maint. and discretionary expenses college the continuing studies program. Repairs wide to go in affect Dec. 1, “The increase in enrollment had a 5% 2009. negative effect on the college,” Mead Since salary and benefits said. Even though enrollment went up Salaries and from 2,285 full-time undergraduate are the college’s largest Benefits Depreciation expense category, the students in ‘08-‘09 to 2,326 in ‘09administration has considered ‘10, the number of “high aid” layoffs, mandatory short term students increased. GRAPHIC BY LINDSEY HOBBS unpaid dismissals, changes in According to Mead, the INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE BUSINESS OFFICE TUITION DRIVEN: Tuition comprised 59 percent of ‘09’s budget. health premiums and benefits, college puts together over changes in retirement plans and 1,500 freshman financial aid decreases in wages. packages each year knowing most will not choose “I can’t wait to spend the next four years here. I am “There is a $1.1 million shortfall that we need to Otterbein. afraid because it’s a private college. We rely on other make up,” Dave Mead, vice president of Business In 2008, the college earned $54.3 million and sources for funding. I run cross country, and we have Affairs, said. gave $21.8 million (approximately 40 percent of really nice buses. I really like them, but I know that According to Mead, the sour economy and high earned) away as awards for students. In 2009, could be cut. I’m over at the equine center a lot, and unemployment rate have caused credit freezes for however, the college gave nearly 43 percent of its it’s so nice. But now I feel bad knowing that people students and families, loss in investments for the earned tuition in awards. This gave Otterbein an are suffering, and I’m in this nice building.” college and loss of willing and able donors for the additional $900,000 deficit. ―Tiffany Fritz annual fund. The college endowment has sunk from In order to increase tuition revenue, the college freshman pre-vet $100 million to $71 million. “No one is happy…I’m contracted a two-year agreement with financial not happy,” Mead said. firm Hardwick/Day to optimize enrollment. “I “They (staff) might reconsider if their incentives are being taken away. The perk of a small school is that According to Mead, the college has already had think as we put new programs in, students will pay professors can help beyond the class. This can affect to scale back on purchasing new equipment, on for that,” Stein said. the appeal for the professors to choose to be here at marketing and on library acquisitions. There have According to Mead, the number of Ohio Otterbein versus other schools.” been no wage increases and employee positions high school graduates is projected to drop by 10 ―Casey Buckler have been left vacant. percent. “We are working hard to press outside of freshman psychology “We are not alone in this process,” Krendl Ohio to bring more students,” said Stein. said. According to Mead, other peer colleges like The new science and equine facilities (which “Obviously no one’s happy about it, but I think Baldwin-Wallace College and Capital University are added $26 million in debt), the development of people are committed to not having it effect students. reducing their retirement by one-fourth or having 4-5 new graduate programs and making at least We’re in a period where we’re trying to do more with pay cuts across the board as high as 7-10 percent. 75 percent of all graduate and continuing studies less. We’re trying to innovate to attract new students. In a few years, the hope is to be up (enrollment) 50, One problem addressed was Otterbein’s courses available online by summer of 2010 are even 150 students.” retention rate. “The retention committee has been hoping to grow enrollment to 4,800. ―Paul Eisenstein, more reactive than proactive,” Robert Gatti, vice “I assure you. We will work our way through Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences president of Student Affairs, said. “We lose way too this,” Krendl said. t&c BY FALLON FORBUSH News Editor

2009 Expenses


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According to the WPD and the Otterbein Security Log, the following have been reported from October 1 through October 6.

1. 10/1 A student reported a vehicle stolen. WPD located it and impounded it for processing. 2. 10/2 A student reported his wallet missing at the Campus Center. 3. 10/3 After getting a fever and throwing up, a resident from Scott Hall was transported to St. Ann’s. 4. 10/4 Around 2:30 a.m., on the porch of 32 W. Home Street, a fight was reported to WPD. 5. 10/4 At 5:58 a.m., a student reported a sexual assault in Davis Hall.


6. 10/4 An intoxicated student was vomiting and going in and out of consciousness in the Davis Hall parking lot. Friends transported the student to a hospital. 7. 10/5 There was a gas leak at Scott Hall. WFD was notified.

6 3 7 1



8. 10/6 Between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., a hit/skip accident was reported in the 33 Collegeview parking lot. 9. 10/6 At 190 W. Park Street, there was an alcohol violation at 11:00 p.m. t&c INFORMATION COMPILED BY RAE REED






Finding a job on campus is proving to be a hassle for both federal work-study students and non-federal work-study students. Otterbein offers jobs to students in several places including the library, the mail room, the copy center and individual academic departments. However, for people like Savannah Byrne, freshman equine business and facility management major, finding a job hasn’t been easy. “I came to Otterbein and had planned on doing work-study,” she said. “But it was kind of hard to find out about jobs.” Robert Gatti, vice president of Student Affairs, thinks students are having difficulty for a number of reasons. “We could just have a lot of returning upperclassmen,” Gatti said. According to Gatti, Otterbein departments do not have limitations on re-hiring students who want to return to their previous position. Those students can either be federal or non-federal work-study. However,

new hires must be federal workstudy students. This creates problems for not only freshmen, but also upperclassmen who are not workstudy and looking for a job. Jill Humrichhouse, sophomore music education major, had a job in Student Affairs over the summer, but when the school year began she did not get hired back. “We were all under the impression that because we had (worked there over the summer) we would get hired turned out, that was not the case,” Humrichouse said. “They (Student Affairs) said that because I was not work-study and because my employment was not actually during the school year, I was not automatically hired back.” “I think it sucks, yeah, but I guess I understand the rule. I definitely think that work-study should be a priority,” Humrichouse said. Other non-federal work-study students disagree. “I definitely don’t think it’s fair that they give priority to work-study students because I know that I need more money than the government thinks I do. I’m paying for school myself,” Mandy Markiecki, senior

public relations major and non-federal work-study student, said. According to Gatti, Otterbein received additional work-study funds this year, but that has not eliminated problems with the system. “One of the problems is it’s not centralized. There really is no one person who oversees the program, which can lead to problems like students without jobs,” Gatti said. “We need to address the situation.” According to Gatti, Otterbein is in the process of hiring a grad student to oversee the program. Not all students are failing to find positions on campus. “I looked ahead of time this summer. It was pretty easy to find one,” Sarah Bookner, freshman equine science major, said. Bookner does have federal work-study. For those students who have yet to give up the job hunt, positions are posted on an as-needed basis on the Human Resources page of the Otterbein College Intranet site, under the Jobs link. Gatti advises students who are still looking to “be persistent.” He said, if you don’t get your first choice to look to your second or third choice. t&c

Senate Bill 08/09-37



• Adds the dean of Social Science Studies and dean of Professional Studies as faculty members • Adds the chair of Integrated Studies as a faculty member

Senate Bill 09/10-1

Some work-study students, both federal and non-federal, are struggling to find available positions this quarter, but school officials say to keep trying

Senate Meeting

• Adopts standards and processes for curricular transition from quarters to semesters • Changes total number of hours required for majors/minors to graduate from 180 quarter hours to the equivalent of 128 semester hours • Requires departments to leave room for 13 classes of general education

Senate Bill 09/10-2

Students search for campus jobs

• Amends the Otterbein College statement on curriculum organization by removing the divisions from the approval process • Moves some items up for approval from one committee to another • Makes it the responsibility of the Registrar to report any change of curricular information, like course titles and descriptions, to the Curriculum Committee


thursday, oct. 8, 2009 | vol. 91, issue 4 |

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arts & entertainment

What’s your flavor?


Girl Talk might mash up campus GIRL ROCK:

DJ Gregg Gillis’ albums are as varied as the music that he creates.

Students are trying to bring musician Gregg Gillis to Otterbein BY MIKE CIRELLI Staff Writer

Girl Talk, a.k.a. DJ Gregg Gillis, might be coming to Otterbein during this school year. Junior Tyler Harris e-mailed the king of song mashups several months ago and was pleasantly surprised when he responded. His unconfirmed appearance, however, doesn’t come without stipulations. Gillis said he would be happy to come to Otterbein if Harris and the approximately ten other students directly involved in this project could find a charity to sponsor the event. Harris said “We’re looking at using Up ‘til Dawn, with St. Jude’s, but it’s currently speculation.” Up ‘til Dawn funds research and awareness for childhood cancer and is a program of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Otterbein organizations have collaborated with it before. page 6 |

With tickets costing around $20-25, the concert revenue could be as high as $4,000. After paying for production and security fees, the rest of the money will go to Up ‘til Dawn. Harris and his cohorts are considering opening the event to the community and nearby colleges, too. Mike Stumpf, assistant director for the Center for Student Involvement, thinks the project could see successful results. “If the students have dedication,” he said, “anything’s possible. It’s a good idea.” Harris is similarly optimistic about the potential concert. “With the people from the Campus Programming Board and many students wanting to get involved,” he said, “I think there’s a good chance it will happen.” Harris emphasized that the program is, however, still only in the early stages of planning. Girl Talk’s performance has not yet been confirmed.

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Harris foresees the concert taking place in the Clements Center since it houses a large number of people. He estimates that it would take place during the spring quarter of this school year. Harris started a group on Facebook, Girl Talk at Otterbein, and was astounded when it accumulated over 200 members in three weeks. At press time, the group reached an apex of over 350 members. Girl Talk is idolized by fans and critics alike for his unusually coherent song mashups. A typical Girl Talk song digitally fastens together beats, instrumentation, singing, rapping and other snippets from at least 20 other songs, forming an entirely new opus at the end. Harris feels that his music appeals to a wide variety of people since it covers so many genres. “He makes it so that everyone can enjoy it,” he said. t&c


Name: Jennifer Powers

Favorite t.v. show: the Office

Grade: junior

Favorite album: Crosby, Stills & Nash’s 1969 self-titled release

Major: creative writing

Favorite childhood memory: Going to the family cabin

Hometown: Westerville, OH What’s your flavor? chocolate Pet peeve: chewing noises

Favorite pastime: jigsaw puzzles

Greatest achievement: getting comfortable with not having anything figured out

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Scandanavia

Interesting fact: extremely indecisive

thursday, oct. 8, 2009 | vol. 91, issue 4

arts & entertainment

Sophistication available Uptown for under $10 a bottle

Vino Meza offers wines and local food at inexpensive prices to students right down the street from campus SWIRL, SNIFF, SIP, SWALLOW:

Otterbein students can discover the world of wine at the local wine shop, Vino Meza

BY EMMY BEACH Staff Writer

College parties are pretty typical. Loud music, cheap beer, and someone generally ends up behind a couch or under a table. For those interested in something a bit more refined than the standard college fare, check out Vino Meza on State Street in Uptown Westerville. Vino Meza is a great neighborhood stop for specialty

wines and locally-produced, handmade artisan foods. At Vino Meza, college students don’t have to break the bank to enjoy a fine wine. The store has a wide selection of inexpensive, quality wines fit for a student’s budget. Several wines can be found at under $10; some cost less than five. In addition to fine wines, Vino Meza provides customers with Ohio-made jams, honey,

sauces and cheeses. Vino Meza’s food assortments are made from only all-natural ingredients. Many organic items can be found throughout the store as well. Patrons can purchase organic candles made by The Candlelab Company from Worthington. The candles are clean-burning, all natural and made from soy wax. Although the shop emphasizes the local quality of


its merchandise, customers can also find products from places across the ocean. Wines from Australia, Portugal, Italy and Germany can be found in their inventory, and for reasonable prices. Every Friday for $10, the store has themed wine tastings. This Friday the shop is featuring wines for the fall season. The price includes a sampling of light appetizers.

The tasting begins at 6:30 p.m. and reservations are not required. Vino Meza gives customers the opportunity to book private parties for several friends. So instead of the usual “pub crawl,” students can enjoy a variety of light hors d’oeuvres. So make a point to class up your next party–uncork a nice bottle of Riesling. Natty Light every weekend can certainly get old. t&c


Table Italian cuisine right in the Corner down the street

Cardone’s offers good Italian food this side of the Atlantic BY GINA BERICCHIA & HANNAH DEMILTA Columnists

ZOMBIE HORDES TAKE OVER OTTERBEIN: Otterbein students Jason Watts, Paschal Domicone and Zach Earhart let their inner living dead run rampant during the game humans vs. zombies which is currently going on all over campus. PHOTO BY GREG BEERS

thursday, oct. 8, 2009 | vol. 91, issue 4

We had the preconceived notion that Cardone’s Restaurant & Bar was going to be too expensive and stuffy for most college students. Perhaps we were thinking of the Italian restaurant that was previously in the plaza or the white tablecloths one can see through the windows. Our first visit to Cardone’s proved us wrong. We were pleasantly surprised by this Italian restaurant’s reasonable prices and inviting atmosphere. One meal was less than $20, and that included bread, house salad, main entrée, dessert and a glass of wine.

The décor was warm, and the wait staff was friendly. While the atmosphere is more relaxing than we had expected, Cardone’s does still have “something special.” It makes a great place for special occasions such as a date night. They have a small patio out front with outdoor seating that is open in the summer. We tried the traditional spaghetti and meatballs, which came with three homemade meatballs in marinara sauce. We also tried the Gnocchi alla Gorgonzola, served in a very rich gorgonzola sauce. We each had a glass from their Italian wine list and enjoyed the tiramisu for dessert. While they offer traditional Italian meals like chicken

Parmesan and pizza, they also offer unique dishes like panseared jumbo sea scallops tossed in a caper with olive and garlic tomato sauce, all served with bucatini. They have a small lunch menu of sandwiches and appetizers, which they start serving at 11 a.m. We think this charming, local Italian restaurant is worth trying for dinner and drinks. Cardone’s claims that everything is made from scratch using family recipes passed down from generation to generation. Cardone’s is located down the street from Otterbein at 377 W. Main St. You can reach the restaurant by phone at (614)3922267 or check out their Web site at t&c |

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Online poll reflects protection of president Whether you are the president of the United States or an “average Joe,” don’t you still deserve protection? Why can’t Bush and the rest of us get some protection too? Last week, a poll on Facebook asking, “Should President Obama be killed?” was removed after approximately 300 people had the chance to JASON answer the quesWAGNER tion. The hasty action to remove the poll was followed by a Secret Service investigation. Do we have freedom of speech through social networking sites? Why aren’t other politicians getting the same treatment? Freedom of speech and press is a right established by our Constitution, but many citizens don’t realize the limitations that come with it. Any speech that can potentially cause violence or racketeering may be illegal. Offensive speech and/ or expression may be deemed




With user-generated content here should the line be drawn between free speech and saftey?

inappropriate enough for legal action to be taken against it, such as some pornography and violent protests. It is certainly understandable that the people of Facebook decided to remove the poll. It had the potential to grow into something that may have caused a violent response. However, I can’t help but wonder why

Obama is the only one that is receiving this rapid-removaltype response. I did a search on Facebook to see if anyone else is being threatened through the social network site. Just type in the words, “kill Bush,” and look no further. Three groups come up immediately: “Who wants to kill Bush,” “Let’s kill Bush with

shoes” and “We all want to kill George Bush.” Some people may laugh. They will see the groups as jokes and will not be taken seriously. However, Bush was our president until about a year ago. Some of the posts on the site, including, “I want to kill the president of the United States of America,” date back as far

as 2007, while Bush was still in office. Yet, the group still exists today with 428 members. A post from someone in the group even goes into description about “Pullin’ out the 9 mill and goin’ to town on those Mo’ F**kas.” Regardless of justified reason or not, the group is indisputably instigating possible violence. Why is this group not pulled? Certainly protecting the president is priority No. 1 for the Secret Service, and Facebook needed to act quickly to remove the poll because of its nature. But why hasn’t this happened before? Facebook made the right choice to pull the poll, but they need to start making these censorship decisions with standards that are applicable to a wide range of people, rather than only the man currently sitting in the Oval Office. t&c JASON WAGNER IS A SENIOR SPEECH COMMUNICATION MAJOR AND IS A STAFF WRITER FOR THE


Say What?

N WHAT INSTANCE SHOULD FACEBOOK CENSOR USER-GENERATED CONTENT? “Any usergenerated content that is violent shouldn’t be promoted and should be banned.” —Hannah Ullom sophomore public relations & organizational communication

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“People are going to say what they think and are allowed to do that. Facebook shouldn’t take it off.”

—Katelyn Jinks freshman undecided

“Anything that is potentially violent. There is a lot of crazy stuff on Facebook.”

—Derek Weinrich junior history

“Anything that falls under hate crime legislation toward individuals or groups.”


thursday, oct. 8, 2009 | vol. 91, issue 4



Coulda. Woulda. Shoulda.

Nightlife doesn’t exist here

Your parents might be excited to know that Westerville is safe, but beware, it is not built for a college student As I walk down State Street, I cannot help but think, “Thank God that my friends and I are 21.” The Westerville of our freshman year is way different than the Westerville of today. Don’t get me wrong, there is still the same amount of bars and stores. But things just aren’t the same. To me, “Historic Uptown” is not a destination; it’s a memory. Instead of seeing what is there, I see what used to be. Damn, now I just feel old. During that freshman fall, our group of friends explored Uptown as much as we could. Getting pizza, buying records and hanging out was an everyday occurrence. Today, none of this remains. Even into our senior year, our original gang still sticks together. Sure, some relationships aren’t as tight as they used to be, but some relationships have gotten closer. I can’t even think about going to “Classics” (or any other bar) without Andrew Henderson. I relate Westerville to the computer game “Oregon Trail.” If you don’t die of typhoid or dysentery on your way to Oregon, you might get to see a picture of the valley. Here at Otterbein, the classes are typhoid and dysentery. And if you make it through those, you might get to see something cool. I’m tired of sitting and waiting: I’m going to attempt to ford the river. Take a walk through Uptown after 6 p.m., and tell me what you see–closed stores. Even White



Unless you’re going to a bar, you won’t find too much to do around town.

Castle closes at 10 p.m. on the weeknights. And how many antique stores does one neighborhood really need? Honestly. Gone are the days of Ol’Bag’s original “College Night,” or that Asian-bagel place where Jimmy V’s now stands. Goodbye Sour Records, Manhattan’s and Michael’s Pizza–you will all be missed. Schneider’s Bakery is the closest place Westerville has made for a college student. The amazing doughnuts and drunken escapades will never leave my memories. But, of course, I would do it all again. Otterbein has been a great four years of my life. I have so many friends, stories and memories it would take a year’s worth of T&C articles just to cover freshman year. However, my advice to the freshmen is this: You are now the ones in charge–the torch has been passed. Make this place fun again, even if it’s just on campus. t&c TOM HOUGH IS A SENIOR BROADCASTING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS MAJOR AND IS A COLUMNIST FOR THE t&c.

thursday, oct. 8, 2009 | vol. 91, issue 4

Westerville may be the perfect place to settle down and start a family, but it isn’t so ideal for college students to have fun. As soon as we graduate high school, we imagine the crazy college life we see in movies. As soon as you arrive at Otterbein, of course you are excited because you aren’t at home with your parents, but little do you know that the nightlife is almost non-existent. The occasional doughnut run and free movie night are great sometimes when you just want to relax, but a lot of students want more. Westerville really has nothing to offer for people to have a good time. There’s the Old Bag of Nails, Jimmy V’s and Classics, but if you aren’t 21, the most fun you will have is eating a good meal. There is also the infamous Whiskey Dick’s and their Wednesday college nights. When you are a freshman, Whiskey Dick’s is probably the most fun you will have, but as you get older, you realize that it is really not the greatest place.

Ohio State has everything so close to campus, and luckily for Otterbein students, it’s only ten minutes away. It has bars, clubs, restaurants, hookah bars, galleries, the Blue Jackets, the Clippers and of course the Buckeyes. But there is a reason why people don’t choose The Ohio State University. Students come to Otterbein because it’s small, has good academic programs and sports, but I feel like that isn’t the only reason. Otterbein is cozy, and it is like a home away from home. The city may not be the most fun, but our time here is what we make it. This time is supposed to be the best time of our lives, and is the last amount of freedom we will have before the real world hits us. So have fun at Otterbein and explore beyond it. See what surrounding areas have to offer. Would I come to Otterbein again because of Westerville? Of course. Westerville may not be the greatest place for fun, but it is what you make it. If I could change anything, I would definitely make Westerville a little more edgy. It needs a little more color and excitement, but luckily if Westerville can’t break from its cookie-cutter mold, we still have crazy Columbus surrounding us. t&c CHELCI FAUSS-JOHNSON IS A SENIOR BROADCASTING AND SPANISH MAJOR AND IS A COLUMNIST FOR THE t&c. |

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Can you name that caricature?


Answer: Jay Leno

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thursday, oct. 8, 2009 | vol. 91, issue 4


League should shift focus to players’ plight Bringing awareness to breast cancer is commendable, but the NFL could think more inside the box While watching football this past Sunday, I noticed something a little odd with the 26 teams who played. Every team was wearing pink in some form to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Seeing a professional league take BY AARON such a proactive ANGEL Sports Editor stance on a disease that will affect one in eight women in their lifetime is something to be admired. But then I thought about the NFL’s big day of awareness and thought, “why not think of a cause that relates to football a bit more?” Let’s get something straight. The breast cancer awareness day was great and should be admired. I appreciate what NFL

commissioner Roger Goodell and the rest of the league set out to do. But to be fair, there are a few issues that relate directly to football that the NFL has yet to acknowledge, let alone set aside a week during the season to bring awareness. One should obviously be “Concussion Awareness Day.” This topic has been one that the NFL has swept under the rug until recently. One key factor for that is a league-wide study that found Alzheimer’s disease and other memory-related diseases affect football players 19 times the normal rate of men aged 30-49 years old. This is not a particularly revolutionary finding. Anyone who has played, or have friends that play rough sports like football, know that someone with a concussion acts

more ridiculous than a freshman who had one drink too many at their first college party. Strides have been made on all levels of the sport to prevent concussions, whether it be different ways players are taught how to tackle or the evolution of the football helmet over the past decade. Acknowledging the issue could also be a positive stance for the league to make on the public relations front. Especially with Arizona Cardinals receiver Sean Morey, Baltimore Ravens center Matt Birk and Seattle Seahawks linebacker Lofa Tatupu being the first three active players to voluntarily donate their brains and spinal cord tissue to a Boston University medical school to study the effects of brain injuries. If players are already on

Cardinals miss the mark Despite scoreless first half, Marietta’s offense proves too strong BY DANIELLE SKINNER Staff Writer

In the second OAC matchup this season, the Cardinals men’s soccer team fell to the Marietta Pioneers, 1-0, on Tuesday. This loss makes the Cardinals 1-1 in the OAC and 3-5-3 overall. In the first half, the Cardinal defense stayed tough, with goalkeeper Dave Dziedzicki making three saves on five Pioneer shots. The Otterbein offense took four shots on goal to no avail as both teams finished the first half scoreless. Having several missed opportunities did not lower morale for Otterbein. “I think it motivates us that we are able to create so many opportunities,” Dziedzicki said. The second period started off with aggressive play from both teams. A yellow card on Otterbein’s Brett Rogan gave Marietta an ideal scoring

opportunity, but the Pioneers could not take advantage. Otterbein started the second half with two missed shots on goal, both narrowly missing the net. Although Marietta played physical, the Cardinals say that tough play does not sway them. “We respond well to intense physical situations, we unfortunately could not capitalize,” Dziedzicki said. Close shots on goal continued to be the story for Otterbein. The crowd was constantly gasping, but groans of disappointment always followed. The groans intensified when a foul by Otterbein in the goal box caused a penalty kick goal by Marietta’s Dele Adedapo. With nine minutes of play, Otterbein fought to gain control of the game. There were two more close shots on goal, but Otterbein was unable to capitalize.

thursday, oct. 8, 2009 | vol. 91, issue 4

“Any time a penalty kick decides the outcome of a game, it’s frustrating. Next time, we will have to work a bit harder to be sure we don’t leave it up to a penalty kick to decide the outcome,” senior midfielder Auggie Fisher said. The game marked Otterbein’s first loss to an OAC opponent this season. “Any game in the OAC tournament will be big because it’s win or go home,” senior midfielder and forward Cody DiLauro said. If the two teams should meet during the OAC tournament, the game will be a true rematch. “It’s hard to forget a loss, and we would love a second shot at any team who has beaten us–especially if they’ve done it two years in a row,” Fisher said. The Cardinals are looking forward to redeem themselves this Saturday when they face off against Baldwin-Wallace College at 1 p.m. t&c

board, why shouldn’t the league jump aboard? The problem with concussions among athletes is that they not only affect memory loss, but several professors from universities across the nation found that the excessive brain damage a player encounters during a career lead to a higher rate of suicide and death. A Boston University study found that six former NFL players who all died by the age of 50 had signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which increases rates of depression and dementia. A piggy-back idea off that would be a “Retired Players Awareness Day.” Former NFL players who retired before 1993, before players began making ridiculous amounts of money, have been left out in the cold to


take care of rare and expensive medical conditions that the average person can only imagine of having. Most former players who can’t physically work have burned through what little retirement money they set aside and are forced to live off relatives while paying for expensive surgeries and medications without the benefit of health insurance. It has gotten to a point where a congressional hearing was scheduled earlier in the year to discuss the plight former players are dealing with in their later years. I love that the NFL feels it should bring awareness to various causes during the season, but it can’t hurt to think of causes that relate more to the league itself next time. t&c

On the fieldoff the field Name: Matt Beckett Year: Senior Major: international studies Favorite movie quote:

“I heard that. I wish I didn’t hear that, but I just heard that.” Joe Lo Truglio in Pineapple Express

Favorite vacation spot:

south of France

Favorite class: history Favorite food:

anything Italian

Best dance music: rap/hip-hop

Perfect weather: PHOTO BY GREG BEERS

FOURTH TIME IS A CHARM: Beckett scores four goals against Urbana.

fall weather


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Student athlete proves to be juggling act

Otterbein juniors Jenny Knox and Lindsey Rudibaugh balance schoolwork with a long soccer season BY JULIE SANCHEZ Staff Writer


Jenny Knox and Lindsey Rudibaugh are tied with a team-best four goals so far in the 2009 campaign. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY GREG BEERS


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Monday-Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Coupon is good through Wednesday, Oct. 14 page 12 |

t&c |

Playing for a top Division III soccer team can be stressful. Adding time-consuming majors can be more than enough for anyone to juggle. Juniors Jenny Knox, allied health major, and Lindsey Rudibaugh, early childhood education major, have been up for the challenge the past three seasons. “I’ve learned to manage my time well,” Knox said. “I have learned to find time to study, and to give myself a break on the weekends to have some down time.” Rudibaugh, on the other hand, said she likes to “Take it day by day. Time management is crucial.” Both players agree that playing a sport helps them organize their time better. In any sport, players have something special that they bring to their team. “Laughter,” Rudibaugh said. “Everyone can always count on me doing something a little ‘crazy.’” Knox believes that organization is crucial when you are on the field. “As a central defender, my role is to organize,” Knox said. “My goal is to create communication between everyone on the field, not just between me and certain players. We succeed the most when everyone is working together.” Despite the pressures on and off the field, both players have excelled in the classroom. Knox was named to the 2008 ESPN The Magazine Academic AllDistrict IV second team early last season.

When asked what her strongest attribute was, Knox said, “My confidence.” Against Wilmington, Knox took her fourth successful penalty kick this season to propel the Cardinals past the Quakers by a score of 3-1. Rudibaugh says that her strongest attribute is her “work ethic.” She plays well with all the offensive players, including former high school teammate Cristen Herold. Playing against Ohio Wesleyan, Rudibaugh received a pass from Herold and scored in the 93rd minute to give the team a 1-0 overtime victory. “We’ve done well,” Knox said about how the team has done so far this season.

“I’ve learned to find time to study, and to give myself a break on the weekends to have some down time.” Jenny Knox junior defender “We’ve shut teams out, come from behind and come out of some battles with a victory. We have a lot of character that we can use to our advantage.” Knox said. “Conference play has just begun, and you can feel a different kind of attitude throughout the team. “I’m excited to see what we can do throughout the rest of the season.” Rudibaugh said, “Everyone just needs to keep playing for each other. The sky is the limit when we all work together.” Even though she was named “player of the week,” Knox still admits she has things she needs to work on. “I’m making it a goal right now to put one (at least) in the net this year.” Rudibaugh still admits she still has things she needs to work on as well. “I need to relax more, and not let the other team or the referees get in my head too much.” t&c

thursday, oct. 8, 2009 | vol. 91, issue 4

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