Nunsense Program

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Otterbcin Summer Theatre


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r The Understudy Nunsense


i June 23 - July 30


3)TTERBEIN Summer Thhatrb

OMMflfD NURSERIES i Columbus:

1156 Oakland Park Ave. 614-268-351 1 Delaware:

25 Kilbourne Rd. 740-369-5454 Dublin:

4261 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. 614-874-2400 New Albany:

5211 Johnstown Rd. 614-917-1020






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"^2 A€res of^Gardening Pleasure^

Otterbein Summer Theatre Presents

NtfNsmsE A Musical Comedy

Book) Musk <& Lyrics bj Dan Goggin Directed <& Choreographed by

Doreen Dunn Musical Direction by

Scenic Design

Lori Kay Harvey

Rob Johnson

Lighting Design

Costume Design

Elliot France

Marcia Hain

Sound Design

Stage Managed by

Natalie Moran

Rachel Heine

July 14-17, 21-24, 27-30 Campus Center Theatre, 100 West Home Street

Cast Sister Sister Sister Sister Sister

Mary Hubert......... Mary Regina.......... Maty xAmnesia....... Marv Leo................. Miu:y Robert Anne j

....... Emma Brock Lauren Friednash ....•rjoyah Spangler ....... Molly \\Ltzel .. Shayna Zalcberg

OitcMssriu Keyboards............................. Lori Kay Harvey, Dennis Davenport Reeds.......................................................................... John Vermeulen Percussion.............Tomasz Jarzecki, Dean Appleman Ouiv'23,29,30)

SBinifi Time: The present Place: Mt. Saint Helen’s School Auditorium

Please Note: Strobe lights will be used during this production.

The video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Nunsense is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC.

PMMcnoiil^ lohn Stefano Department Chair/Co-Producer...................... . Audience Services Director/Co-Producer....... ............... Elizabeth Saltzgiver Assistant Audience Services Director.............. .................................lA)lly Levi Production Manager.......................................... ......................Christina Erance Speech and Dialects Coach................................ .........................Melissa I.usher Technical Director............................................. .......................... Colin Murray Scenic Studio Supervisor................................... ........................Richard Uhrick Costume Shop Supervisor................................. ............................. Marcia Main Sound Consultant............................................... .......................... ....Dave Mead Assistant Stage Managers............................... ... Kathryn Sykes, Katie ['alter Master Carpenter................................................ ..................... Justin P. Conway Charge Artist....................................................... .....................Alexandria Flynn Props Master....................................................... .........................Michael Minite Wardrobe Master................................................ ...........................Eimily Mellon Master Electrician.............................................. ............................Wilm Pierson Technical Apprentices....................................... ..... Shelly Vance, Kelly Ganley Box Office Manager.......................................... .......................... Jordan Martin Box Office Assistants........................................ Maria Archer, Jamie I'erguson House Manager..............................................................................Deanne Reed Office Assistant................................................. ..............................Stanzi Davis Publication Designer........................................ ........................ Jamie Ferguson

TtemmifliT Dan Goggin (Author) conceiv^ed the idea for the musical Nmsense af­ ter the phenomenal success of the Nunsense greeting card line, which he created with Marilyn Farina. Dan has also written scores for the Off-Broadway musical Hark, the Broadway production Legend, starring Elizabeth Ashley and R Murray Abraham; Seven, starring Jane 'Wliite; the musical M One-Way Ticket to Broadiray; and two revues: Because We’re Decadent ss.nd Something for Everybody’s Mother. Dan has applied for admis­ sion to the Little Order of Floboken, but Sister Mary Regina says she is much too busy with Nunsense to answer any letters now.

IkD&icAli NoikBEirs


Welcome......................................................................................Sr. Mary Regina “Nunsense is Habit-Forming”.................................................................... Cast Opening Remarks.........................................................Srs. Regina and Hubert “A Difficult Transition”............................................................................... Cast The Quiz..................................................................................Sr. Mary Amnesia “Benedicite”....................................................................................Sr. Mary Leo “The Biggest Ain’t the Best”............................ Srs. Mary Hubert & Mary Leo “Playing Second Fiddle”..........................................................Sr. Robert Anne Taldng Responsibility................................................................. Sr. Mary Regina “So You Want to be a Nun”.................................................. Sr. Mary Amnesia A Word from the Reverend Mother......................................... Sr. Mary Regina “Turn Up the Spotlight”............................................................Sr. Mary Regina “Lilacs Bring Back Memories”.............. Srs. Regina, Hubert, Leo &c Amnesia “An Unexpected Discovery”....................................................Sr. Mary Regina “Tackle That Temptation with a Time Step”.............Sr. Mary Hubert & Cast There will he one fifteen minute intermission.

Robert to the Rescue............................................................... Sr. Robert Anne “Growing Up Catholic”.............. Srs. Robert Anne, Leo, Hubert & Amnesia “We’ve Got to Clean Out the Freezer”....................................................... Cast A Minor Catastrophe.....................................................................................Cast “Just a Coupl’a Sisters”................................................ Srs. Regina and Hubert “Soup’s On” (I'he Dying Nun Ballet)...................... ....................Sr. Mary Leo Baking with the BVM................................................... Sr. Julia, Cliild of God “Playing Second Fiddle” (Reprise)......................................... Sr. Robert Anne “1 Just VChnt to be a Star”........................................................Sr. Robert Anne “The Drive In”........................................... Srs. Robert Anne, Amnesia & Leo A Home Movie.............................................................................................. Cast “I Could’ve Gone to Nashville”........................................... Sr. Mary Amnesia “Gloria in Excelsis Deo”.............................................................................. Cast Closing Remarks..........................................................Sr. Mary Regina & Cast “Holier Than Thou”...................................................Sr. Mary Hubert & Cast “Nunsense is Habit-Forming” (Reprise)..................................................... Cast

CAST Sister Mary Hubert entered the Tittle Sisters of Hoboken upon graduation from Precious Blood Elementary School. Sister currently serves the Order as Mistress of Novices, training new recruits. Her position is not unlike a drill sergeant, however, she is the first txt point out that her approach is more gende - but firm. Sister is a little “off-the-wall” at times but this has been attributed to the fact that she was trampled by a camel that went beserk during the annual nativity pageant held in the leper colony. (She was portraying one of the three wise men.) Sister Mary Hubert is the former Emma Brock. Ms. Brock was seen in The Droii’^' Chaperone (Mrs. Tottendale), A Doll’s House (the nanny), dhe’s Sander’s Family Christmas (Mrs. Sanders), Born Yes­ terday (the manicurist). Pippin (Berthe), and You Can't Take it With You (Penny). Sister Mary Regina, the beloved Mother Superior f)f the IJttle Sisters of Hoboken, is oiiginally from a small county in Ireland called Kilquirkj-. She headed the pioneering group of mis­ sionaries who established the leper colony in the Mediterranean and later rettuned to Hobt)ken as the Superior General of the Order. After N/msense, Mother Superior says she has no desire t(j continue in the theatre, but rumor has it that she would consider doing national commer­ cials or a television series to raise mttney for the Order. Prior to taking her vows. Sister Mary Regina was Lauren TAiednash. You may have seen l .auren 'in A Doll’s House, The Mousetrap, Dead Man’s Cell Phone, Babes in Arms, or Nine. This show has provided so muclt laughter and joy for her, and she owes an enormous thanks to Doreen, Lori Kay, Melissa, Rachel, Katie, Kathryn, and this BEAUTIl'’UI. all-girl cast for the memoriesl Much love to the LiT Sass Between Class of 2012, and my phenomenal family and friends. Please enjoy the show! Sister Mary Amnesia is truly a lost soul. She arrived at the convent in her habit without a due as to her identity...recalling only that a crucifix fell on her head. Tt has been said that she resembles Jtjyah Spangler, who learned ventriloquism when she became a Tattle Sister of Hobttken and previously played Janet V'an De Graff (The Drontry Chaperond), Nora (A Dolls Housij, and Mollie (J'he Mousetrap) at Otterbein University^ She has m:iny people she wishes to thank....but regretfully cannf)t remember tiny of their names. Sister Mary Leo came to the order from an Illinois farm. She entered the convent to dedicate her life to God through the dance. Many people think that she took her name from the famous “leotard,” but that is not true. She is named after her Uncle Leo, a notorious Chicago gangster. Sister thought that by taking his name, the Lord would go easy on him. She is a novice and has much to learn. Before joining the Order, Sister was known as Molly Wetzel, who tested her dancing ability by appearing in the last two Otterbein dance concerts. Prior to taking her vow of poverty. Sister supported herself by portraying Nadine in The W ild Party, Maid/Monkey/ Cloud in The Drowsy Chaperone, Peggy Sawyer in 42nd Street, and Niki Harris in Curtains. Sister Robert Anne was a child of a disadvantaged Brooklyn family. .After dropping out of Verna’s Cashier School, Reverend Mother took pity on poor little Shayna Zalcberg and ac­ cepted her into the Little Sisters of Hoboken, where she became Sister Robert Anne. Today she is one of the most popular sisters with New jersey kids because she speaks their language. Reverend Mother regrets the fact that a lot of this language is unprintable. Sister Robert Anne had a very checkered career prior to entering the convent, including acting stints in Mousetrap as Miss Casevvell, Suzette in Dont Dresspor Dinner, Suzanne'm A Question op Mercy, Madeline True in The W''ild Party and Essie in You Cant Take it With You. She would like to thank Sister Mary^ Lynn and Sister M;u:y Miriam, without whom none of her life would have been possible.

CMTIffe iKiUi ftlOfiirAl»HlE& Sister Mary Memento (Director/Choreographer) survived 13 5'ears of all-girls Catholic schools before she left for a NYC stage career, rooming with John Travolta and hanging out with Ted Danson, Bette Midler, and Bruce Willis. She then married a professional poker player, who ran away to Vegas to pursue his fortune. So, she reluctantly returned to the convent, having come full circle, and now directs the local high school’s all-girl spring musical. In the interim lost years as Doreen Dunn, she could be found writing and directing productions all over the world from NY to Vegas to Edinburgh, Scotland and Paris, Friince. OST favorites include Private Lives, Indian Blood, last yeiur’s The Alonsetrap and the original N/msense with p;u-tner-in-crime Rob Johnson. Other Ohio credits inclutle CATCO, Players’ Tlieatre, Phoenix Theatre for Children, Gallery Players and Cleveltuid Public Theatre. A graduate of Northwestern University, she is also the recipient of two Ohio Arts Council Playwriring E'ellowships and is a member of five theatrical unions. She currendy sen-es an additional penance as the director of the Eastland Fairfield Career & Technical Schools’ Performing Arts Program. Sister Mary Melody (Musical Director) is our convent musician. She was part of the origi­ nal contingent who established the leper colony served by the Order. Sister achieved much notoriety when she published her first music book. Tiro Part Inventions for the Fingerless, which she dedicated to the lepers. Sister Mary Melody has helped the Order enormously by taking her talent (tutside the convent walls, where she is knou’n as Lori Kay Harvey. Acting credits include national and international tours, numerous regiouiU theatre productions tu-ound the country, concerts at Carnegie Hall, Avery I'isher Hall, The Kennedy Center, Cincinnati Music Hall, and Indianapolis Circle Theatre, Grammy nominated recordings on the TEfoXRC label with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra under the direction of Cincinnati’s favorite son. Mae­ stro Erich Kunzel, and television appearances on Sex and the City, Guiding Light, and the Mel Torme Christmas Special. This production marks I,ori Kay’s 20th musical for which she has either music directed or performed as a show pianist. Lori Kay received her bachelor’s degree in Voice and Theatre from the Indiana University Schotjl of Music and is an adjunct faculty member at Otterbein University in the vt^ice and music theatre departments. Raised Catholic since birth, this Sister really hopes you enjoy the show! Gloria in excelsis deo! Brother Rob Johnson (Scenic Designer) felt he had a monil and an aesthetic obligation to design the set after viewing the rendering designed by the students of Mt. Saint Helen’s. He convinced Reverend Motlier that her benefit would never be successful if the audience ran out screaming as soon as “die curtain went up.” He is a fiJl professor in the Department of Theatre & Dance at Otterbein University. With Otterbein since 1987, Rob teaches scenic design, scenic rendering, model-making, computer-aided drafting and a number of specialty courses in computer graphics. Recent design work at Otterbein includes the settings for the musical The Drojvsj Chaperone and the comedy Born Yesterday. He would, as alw'ays, like to thank God for his many blessings and wttndcrful career. Sister Marcia Hain (Ct^stume Designer) is the seamstress of the Ijttle Sisters of Hobf)ken. She came to the Order after a harried time at Otterbein University, where she has been a mem­ ber of the Tech Staff since 1989. She runs the costume shop fiill time and has tilso designed die productions of The Droirpi Chaperone, Yon Can’t Tah it With You, The 25th Anmtal Putnam County Spelling Bee, Don’t Dress For Dinner, Babes In Arms, Altar Boy-:;^ Dance 20()9.- To Em/j His

ClttATlYfe iKAIi ftlOtirA^HlE& Own, Dance 2007.- Gotta Dance!, Urinetown, My W'cry, The Spitfire Grill, Prirate Lives, Hello, Dolly!, Harvey, Dance 2006; Street Test, Share A Good Man Charlie Broun, Dance 2005; Passions, The Upfi Duckling + 2, The Music Man, Schoolhonse Kock, Live!, The .Mystery of Edwin Drood, A Guy, A Girl and Gershwin, Blithe Spirit, The Secret Garden, Oklahoma, Hay Fever, Dance 2000, Pinocchio, How The Other Half larves. Once Upon A Mattress, 1776, A Few Good Men, and Sherlock's Hist Case. She also served as Asstrdate Designer for Phantom. Ms. Main has an extensive background in Home Economics, as well as commercial cosmraing and free-lance design and construction. Marcia wishes to thank you all for 22 years of drama! Brother Elliot France (Lighting Designer) is ;m “altar person” at Mt. Saint Helen’s. Althtmgh his mtiin experience is in lighting candles. Reverend Mother feels that “light is light” and therefore requested that Elliot design the lighting for Nunsense. In all fairness we must add diat Elliot’s previous designs for Otterbein University include Julius Caesar, Necessary Targets, And Baby Makes 7, and Rounding Third. He graduated from Otterbein in 2005 with a degree in Design/Technology and has since become Lighting Director for Mills James Productions here in Columbus. He would like to thank all his family and friends for their continued love and support! Enjoy the show! Sister Natalie Moran (Sound Designer/Sound Operator) is an adopted daughter of the Order. She was found on the doorstep with no note - just a pair (tf headphones. When she is not living at the convent, she goes to school. She uill be a junior BFA Design/Technician starting next school year. Natalie has worked on several productions at Otterbein including Pippin (Assistant Sound Operator), Otterbein Summer Theatre 2010 (Mhrdrobe Master), Bom S'esterday (Sound Designer), The Wild Party (Assistant Charge Artist), and The Storytelling Ability of a Boy (Charge Artist). She would like to thank her parents for their love, support, and keep­ ing her apartment filled with cooking supplies. Sister Rachel Heine (Stage Manager) is an assistant at Mt. Saint Helen’s. She was originally a nun in the Cisterian Abbey of Our Lady of Dallas, but was asked to leave after shouting “Places, please!” during Grand Silence. Sister Rachel was given the job of supervising Nunsense as a penance for past sins committed as an Assistant Stage Manager for The Mousetrap, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Don't Dressfor Dinner, The Wild Party and as Props Master forM Doll's House. Sister Melissa Lusher (Speech & Dialects Coach) teaches speech, dialects, and theatre his­ tory in the Department of Theatre :ind Dance at Otterbein University, where she is also the resident speech/dialects ctrach for all productions. In addition, she regularly serves as a guest ditilecf coach at area universities and theatre companies. Recent guest coaching posts include Nories Offax Ohio Wesleyan Llniversity, Homebody/Kabulat Denison LIniversity, and Flay Fever at the Dublin Abbey Theatre. Melissa holds an MFA in Acting from tiie combined program of Carnegie Melkm University and the Moscow Art Theatre in Russia and a BI'A in Act­ ing from Carnegie Mellon. She was a founding company member of die .American Studio Tlieatre in New Abrk City and also served as the company’s resident voice and speech coadi. Melissa performs regularly with Actors’ Theatre Company (Goneril in King Lear, Maria in Twelfth Night, and multiple roles in Measurefor Measure). Other favorite roles include Marina in

Yolodya (I ,aMama F,.T.C.), Margaret in Richard III and Itmilia in Ofhe/lo (AST), Cl5'temnestra in The Greeks (Moscow Art Theatre), and the title role in tAiss Julie (CMLl). Melissa is a member of the Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VLASTA). Brother Dave Mead (Sttund Designer) has worked on national touring productions of I be TantasHcks, and The Great Radio City Music Hall Spectacular as an audio designer for theatrical productions. Regionally, Mead has worked as a sound designer for Players Theatre, and the Contemporary American Theatre Company. Mead has served as a sound designer and sound consultant for the Otrerbein Universitt' Theatre Department for the past seventeen years and over 46 different productions. Notable Otterbei.n productions include Into The Woods, hvita. Cabaret, To Kill a Mockingbird, Jesus Christ Superstar and West Side Story. In 2008 Mead stepped down as CEO of Live Technologies, Inc. after founding and leading the company for twentythree years. During that period of time the company grew from a staff of five to over eightyassociates and sales exceeding nine million dollars. Mead is currently working as a business develttpment associate for live Technologies. Brother Colin Murray (Teclinical Director) is a t^vo-time award winning Technical Direc­ tor from Pickeringttjn. l ie has worked as Technical Director for several productions at Otterbein, including Born Yesterday and Dead Man's Cell Phone. Colin also works as a freelance lighting technician and rigger for local producdon companies, and serves as Pickerington High School Central’s resident lighting designer. YCTen he is not working in theater he spends his time as the director of aquatic life at Club 27 and is training to join the Columbus Lire Department. Colin would like to thank his family and friends for their support, Eric for teaching me what he knows, Dan for keeping him full, tmd Rick, Steve, Jared, and R.J. for carrying the Hag. Brother Richard Uhrick (Scenic Studio Supervisor) Before his return to his alma mater, he worked in Regional Theatres across the Midwest and New England. He received his Master’s in Theatre I'echnology from UMKC in 1997. He now lives in Columbus with his wife, lasa, and his son Michael. 'Iliey work with Oliio Pug Rescue, to provide abandoned or surrendered dogs foster homes. In addition, they are active fitster parents. Rich is also a published poet and newsletter editor for the Columbus Bonsai Society. Brother Justin P. Conway (Master Carpenter) Fresh off the build of The Understudy, ]asnn is proud to be sticking around for some fun with nuns this summer as Master Carpenter tor Nnnsense. Justin will be a jiuiior Design/Technology major in the upcoming school year. Pre­ viously at Otterbein, Justin has served in such positions as Assistant Master Electrician for Dance 2011: Trip the I-ight Fantastic, Assistant Lighting Designer for The Wild Party, Assistant Technical Director for Born Yesterday, and Master Carpenter for Pippin, as well as many other run-crew positions at Otterbein. After graduation, Justin hopes to take what he has learned at Otterbein and turn it into a career in special effects and pyrotechnics for live events and theatre. Justin would like to extend special thanks to technical director Colin Murray and tech apprentices Shelly Vance and Kelly Ganley for all of their hard work this summer. Break a leg cast and crew, and, audience, enjoy tlie show! Sister Kadc Falter hails from Gahanna, Ohio. She spends her time around the convent laughing at and with her other sisters, violating quiet hours, and watching her favorite movie: The Sound of Music. Since bectsming a nun, Katie L’altcr has been known as Sister Mary Laugh-

ClUiATIfK ter. In the past she was an ASM for The Understudy and The Drowsy Chaperone. She would like to thank all of her wonderful sisters at the convent for all the laughs they have provided. Sister Emily Mellon (Wardrobe Master) is a sophomore BA Theatre major. She would like to thank the cast and crew for all of their hard work, and the audience for their patronage. She would like to give a special, thanks to Natalie Moran, Kelly Ganley, justin Conway, Wilm .Pierson, Shelly V;ince, and Colin Murray for being a joy to work with this summer. Most of all, Emily would like t(.> thank her family for all of their love and support. Enjoy the show! Brother Michael Minite (Pntps Master) is a junior Theatre Design/Technology major at Otterbein with an emphasis in Stage Management. His previous credits include The Drowsy Chaperone (ASM), Dance 2011: Trip the Light Fantastic (SM) and The 23th AnnualTutnani County Spelling Bee (SM). During this production, he also fills in as Brother Futon Fouette where needed. Sister Kathryn Sykes (Assistant Stage Manager) is so blessed to be a part of Nunseure. In her spare time Kathryn (AKA Sister Mary Sunshine) enjttys laughing, drinking t(K) much coffee, and dancing. Kathryat would like to thiink all the people who’ve helped her get here, and to God for the gift of life.

HnMMBrUsrbsr Otterbein Summer Theatre honors those who have given so generously to the 2011 Season. Thank you for contributing to the education of our students!

Designer ($500 - $999)

Diva ($250-$499)

Christine Cnx Richard Gilbert & Dr. Kathy A. Krendl Mark & Betty' Peters

Albert Minor, Jr. Dr. Hugh & Elizabeth Allen Pearson McWane Carttlyn .Vlerry & Robert Redfield Dr. Ted & Eileen Huston Douglas Stneltz Mr. & Mrs. Paul Reiner

Star ($100-$249) Barbara Rupple Ernest & Maryann Biirthel Vince & Gayle Herried James & Linda Paxton Dianna Ball John & Rowene Bessey Dennis & Jane Blank Michael & Gloria Burns Drs. David & Fidith Cole Edmund & Diane Cox

Juanita & Marvin Rusk Roy & Joy Croy Paul Flammock Tracy Shea Donald & Carol Shoemaker Herbert & Jeanne Johnston Howard & Bonnie Spring ]ody Jones David & Beckey Stamm Robert & Pctlly I.indemann J. Mikal & Janice Townsley Bernard I.osekamp Dr. Joanne F'. Van Sant Rf)n Lykins Wiliis White, Jr. Michael & Nancy Miller James & Sue Wintering Dennis & Sue Ann Norton Dr. Jeffrey & Veronica Reutter

Supporting Actor ($50 $99) Nancy Gates Sylvia Vance laionard & Roberta Clark jack & Peggy- Moreland Nancy Pifer John & Clare Shary Mr. & Mrs. Harold Amspoker Carl & Caroly'n Boelim Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Cash Barb Clapham Mike & Debra Collins Margaret I^cwne Mr. & Mr.s. James Farmer Herbert & Judith Gross Philip & Kathleen Ciross

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hansgen Ned & jenny Heinbach Richard & Ann Henderson Nationwide Foundation Bernard & julanc Himmelsbach Norman & Felice Httsansky Timothy & Sally Key Thomas & G ail Kolda Mr. & Mrs. William Lathrop Mr. & Ms. lied Lawrence Christine Lei Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Litvak William & Judith McCartney Nellie Molea

William Murphy Muriel Pratt Nancy Schweiger Mr. & Mrs. Alan Smith Rex & jane Sprague Thomtis & Beverly Ann Stcckert I,ee & Adele Stratton Roger & Margaret Trent David & Patricia Uhrick â– Anne Van Buskirk Kay Wagner jean & Donald Watren Carl & Judith Weav'cr

HMoiim Usr Lisr omt. Extra ($10-$49)

I ! i


Richard & ( tail Lyndcs I...en & Sharon Bussard David & Karen ITeddcn (jcorge & Kimberly Hoessly Joann Price Ruth Adaraonis linda Bixby Patrick & linda Blayney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brown Kathleen Butler Ted Cdiimey Dr. John & Barbara Condon Richard & Marie Dilley Henry & Emily Hall Warren & Hazel Hayes )ohn & Ann Hentz Barbara Hughes Larry & Nancy Johnson Michael & Judith Krasnoff Mr. & Mrs. P'ranklin Martens Mr. & Mrs. Mart in Miller Neil & Connie Ostrove Helen SamueLs Herbert & Joan Seiple Ronald & Joyce St. Pierre James & Ramona Edman Jolin & Martha Straltan Roger & Joann Wilson |ohn & Jean Zcttler Delores Evans

Charles & Charlene Hammond Elliott & Ruth Hodgdon Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Kline Elsie Kraft Alan & Carol Norris Daniel & Mildred Patience Robert & J anice Patton Mary Jane Slak Marilyn Spires-Pietotri James Tarpoff Ann Ziegel David Binkovitz fern Hunt Thomsis & Susan ViTiite Sara Willson Virginia Jones Donald Swift l-awTcnce & Constance Ackert

Bruce Ardinger David & lienise Clouse Jack Garnet David & Alma Holl Joseph & Elizabeth Kolmer Barbara Martin Trudy Mason Paoicia Miller William Miller Madelon Timmons & William Miller Robert & Ideanor Murphy

James & Carol Waugh Grace Wiley Rev. l.aura Wilson Duane & Diane Yothers Marvin & Anne Bonowitz Gerald & Karen Ciula Candyce Couzoneri Candis Criner Janice Dunphy Leslie Goodman Beverly Green Jill dr William Harper David & Marge Markowich Karen Brown Mary McGuire Gerane Rohner David & Diane Russell Paul & Alyce Sheridan Joan St. James Janice Staats Paul & l.aura Stehura Normtin Ullom-Morse Richard & Diane Demlow Hope Seel Diana Butts


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Otterbein Summer Theatre Latecomer’s Policy - The House Manager may seat late­ comers only during times which minimize disruption of the performance. The management accepts no responsibility for inconvenience to latecomers and can make no adjust­ ment because of it. Fire Notice - The exits are indicated by red lights. In the event of fire or other emergency, please do not run - walk to the exit as directed by theatre management. Cameras and Recording Devices - The use of recording equipment and the taking of photographs during the perfor­ mance are strictly prohibited. Restrooms and Telephones - The restrooms and tele­ phones are located underneath the lobby in Cowan Hall and on the ground level of the Campus Center Administrative Office (614) 823-1657 Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. -4:00 p.m.

Box Office (614) 823-1109 Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m.

Otterbein Summer Theatre


O I' 1 1: R 151- I X


Music & Lyrics by Dan Goggin

July 14-17, 21-24, 28-30

July Call or Come in Today! Box Office: 614-823-1109 Campus Center Theatre • 100 W. Home St. 116








2:00 Nunshnsr

8:00 F------------------- 2S 1





Nunsf.nsh 8:00

20 Nunsi-n.sf. 8:00

Nunsfnse 8:00

Nunsense 8:00


After an accidental poisoning in the convent, the Little Sisters of Hoboken are in dire need of funds to bury the 52 sisters who have fallen victim to the cooking of Sister Julia, Child of God. So, they decide to put on a fundraising variety show. It is here we meet Reverend Mother Regina; Sister Mary Hubert, the Mistress of Novices; Sister Robert Anne, a streetwise nun from Brook­ lyn; Sister Mary Leo, a novice who is a wannabe ballerina; and Sister Mary Amnesia. Nunsense has become an international phenomenon with more than 5,000 productions worldwide.

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