Basket Ball Athletics. esting. Bingham as Referee showed his old mettle in giving
The basketball eason ha biased decisions at every oppor- T h e large number 0 ~ track men closed and a brief review of it as tunity and openly coaching his who have worked all winter under a whole - might not be amiss. Basketball has been very popular in Otterbein this year and quite successful, too. The six home games were well attended and the vis iting te :i ms given nice treatment by t he crowd.
The season opened with a practice game with Bliss Business C olle ? e on · January 13. This game proved interesting and showed th a t w e had t he m a terial for- a -go o d te a m C ly m e r led the goal throwin g with I 2 fi el d goals. Sc o re O tte r bei n 38 , B lis s 22.
J a nu ary 20 witnes s ed what mi g ht well have been ca lle d an i ndo o r footba!l gam e w it h E dm ist on and Johnston usiness C ollege. The g am e was lost in the first ten minutes of p la y, Otterbein leading in the scoring after that. Kring led in goal throwing with 7 field goals. Score Otterbein 29, E. & J. 38.
team on the field. In spite of the direction of Captain Ayer this Otterbein carried away the gives proof for the assertion that victory by mere hard playing. the interest aroused in track work Strahl bagged 4 baskets from the last spring has not died out. field. Score , Otterbein 26, Ohio Although Ditmer, Bennett and a Wesleyan 25. few others will be mi ss ed, the A second ga me was played showing that new and othe r old wi th Deni son on February 17. me n are making war r an t s the preTh is was one of the fastest and diction that the team will be easily the cleanest game of the stronger this year than last. season. The first half looked like The performance of the mt>n at an in glo rio us defeat, but in the O. S. U recently was very credsecond we ou tpointed Denis o n 18 ita ble Ayer's enduran ce a nd to 14 The game was decided by per s istency g ained much app lause foul g oa ls . Clym e r le d the sc o r- an d in the h a lt m ile he cro s ed i ng wjt h 7 fi eld g oal s Sc o r e, O t -t h e l in e a h e ad of G reen. Li ebte rbei n 27 , D e ni so n 33 c a p pr o v e d th a t h e is goo d fo r The next g a m e w a~ pla y e d on sever al e ve nts. Crecelius gai n e d Ma rch 3. O n th is date Wit en- a good lea on nis m a n in the reberg's team was clearly outplayed, lay race and Risley's mile would getting only four field goals. have taken second easily in the Otterbein's spee d was grea t and Denison meet last sp r ing.
her team work superb. Strahl M ee t s have been arranged here led with IO goals from field. with Witt en berg May 19 and Score, Otterbein 46, Wittenberg Denison June 2• The following
No. 3
o f the Athletic Board last Thursday, Mgr. R y mer submitted a contr a ct for a baseball game with Denison at Granville April 28.
Uniforms were purchased for the baseball team. The Otterbein team will pre se nt as fine an appe aran ce as any team in the state tbis spring.
Freshman-Junior Banquet.
On January and his tr.en
2 7 Captain Kring i5. events are scheduled: 100-yard played their first On March 10 the season closed d¥h, 220-yard dash, 880- yard game abroad. The game was with the fastest game of basket dash, mile run, 120-yard and 220- played with Denison at Granville ball ever seen here. The Findlay yard hurdles , hi g h and broad and was very fast though quite College team came here fresh jump, shot, disc a nd hammer clean. The first half was close from three years of play in which but in tbe second half Denison's only two games had been lost. t-hrow' pole vault a nd rd ay race. superior team work began to tell Our team showed the best form It is th e purpose of th e captain and it proved a walkaway. Kring from the outset and won by a to try out every man who will ag a in led our team in goal throv. - satisfactory score. Score, Otter- come upon the field for work. ing, bagging f, field goals in the bein 43, Findlay 30. There ou g ht to be no fewer than course of the game. Score, Otter- Th is we think is a very fair a do ze n men working regular!y bein 24, Denison 49. record. Five games won out of at every event. Forty men will
After losing two games in sue- eight. One game was lost be- make this possible. Several new cession our team got down to cause our captain was out with a men are already doing well at the playing in earnest. They <level- bad ankle and- Strahl was out of pole vau lt and high jump oped more speed and better team the last game-. This record is For the shot put and broad work. On Februry 2 they went d'\.ie to the fine work our team jump e ntirely new material must to Springfield and met Wittenbere- has done as a team. Kring has be developed, and although we our old rival. This team had proven an able captain and every- are now apparently weak at the defeated us last year by a score of thing has gone very smoothly. hurdles, all have faith in Funk's 34 to 17 and hoped to do better No man has tried to make an in- ability to muster men for these than that this year. Clymer lea dividual record and those grand- events. Success in tracl< athletwith six field goals. Score, Ot- stand plays for which Otterbein ics depends upon persistent interbein 33, Wittenberg 30. has so long been noted have been dividual work and not a few of
On February 10 we played the entirely eradicated. the men are showing that they Ohio Wesleyan team at home, Captain Kring has played a fine realize this. The game was rough and uninter- ( Cnn,tinued on Page Two. ) At the regular weekly meeting
One o f th e s we llest a ffa irs of this y ear occur re d las t T ues day eveni ng w he n t he F r es h ma n .b anquete d t he J uniors in th e a so ci a ti on parlors Everythin g c onnected with the function wa&a uccess and although it is now a thing of the past wilt always be r emembered by those in at tenda nc e The decorations w e r e fi t ti ng fo r t he occas io n a s a ls o w e re th e toas ts, mu si c and menu. II the proph e cies of Mi s s B a le and Mr. Titu s , both speaking on their respectiv e classes of thirty years h e oce came true the m 1... mbers of the classes of '09 and '07 will be found in every vocation of lite. When at the expiration of this thirty years we all hope to meet in a like function. In the welcoming and resp onsh e addresses Mr. Hall and Miss Tr uxal reviewed the qualit y of th e two classes and agreed with Mr. Ayer in bis poem entitled • 'The Bes t " that in these classes are foun d the representative students of gra,nd old Otterbein. Mr. K e ihl acti ng as toastmaster introduced each of the speakers with a few clever rem arks
Toastmaster- S. J. Keihl, '09; address of welcome, P. R. Hall, '09; response, Miss T ruxal, '07 ; music, vocal solo, Miss W e inland, '07; "Our Renown," W . G. Snavely, '07; music, violin solo , Robert Anderson, '09; " 107 Thirty Years Hence, Miss Bale, '07; " '09 Thirty Years Hence, M. 0. Titus, '09; "The Best," J. Warren Ayer, ' 07; music, quartet.
( Co ntinu e d fr om Page O n e .)
In the lnterests of the Sfude n ts of Otterbein University.
L. K. FUNKHOUSER, Ed ito r
l: A. LA WREN CE , Asst. Editor
Business ManagerHE. YOUNG, Asst. Bus Manager
J H. K1RKB~!ffE, Sub . Agent
Addr ess all Mail to OTT ERB EfN WE E KLY Lock Box 63, Wes t er vill e, Oh io.
Subscription Price
Pe r Year 75 c} In Advance
Spun g Term 2 5c
Atte ntion !
It has b een the aim of the man a gement o f thi s p a per t o intro d u c e the W e ek lp t o t h e greate s t nu m b e r of the s t ud ents of Otterb ei n a nd this end t h e first th ree i ss u es h ave bee n g i ven a way Whe th e r or n ot th is paper h a s m e r i t ed t h e m any conim endat o ry re marks co n cerning i ts purposes, we are unable t o judge, we leave that to our rea de rs. But i t is sufficient t o s a y
game b o t h at fo r war d and a t gu a r d a nd it is i n a g reat d eg re e to his consistent, untiri n g effort that the seas on has heen so s ucce ssfu l. Many m en who thought they knew all ab o ut ba sk e t ba ll pro phesied at the begi n nin g ol the season that we wou id not win a game. Clymer at forward played his first season on the ' varsity. He is a sure goal thr o wer and a very swift man to follow on the floor. He has been ch osen as next year's captain and sure ty deserves the honor. Smith , p laying his second year on the J varsity, is eas ily the best guard we have ever had on a ' varsity team He has n e ve r bad mo t e than t wo goals throw n o n him in one g a me an d has p la yed som e o f the be s t for wards in the st ate. In two yea rs he ha s fi fteen go als thro wn on him i n fifteen g am e s Weaver a t center is a ne w man a nd has shown rap id progress throughout t he se a so n. H e a l .v ays does his best a n d can be counted to take that eve r y effort will b e ma d e to c a re of his position another year. demonstrate that the pap e r will Voorhes, too, is a new man at abide by its origfnal decision t o gu a rd bu t ha s done credit to himsel f and we are counting on him s tand for the int e rests of t h e
Th a t i Qth e k:in d of a D ru g Store we ha ve We k ee g up with the t ime s You ma y exp Act to find ever ) tb 'i ng yon need in the Drug line he 1e. Co rne and s ee We a1·e especially prep a red t o fill Ph y sicians' Prescripti ons and F a mily Recipes-quality and pri r es g uaranteed.
E.M.Ranck'sUp=to=DatePharmacy, Westerville, Ohio.
Gym Carnival.
Those who d i d not see the exhibition of gym class Saturday night missed the best treat of the year. Under the direction of Mr. Eyman the boys ha v e worked bard and hav e been benefited greatly by the work as the exhibition last night indicated. The calisthenics, buck horse "and parallel bar work was was exceller.t. The special features were interesting To much credit can not be given Mr. Eyman.
New Field Secretary.
Rev. A. E Davi s, of Lima, Ohio, has been app oi n ted Fi e ld Secretary of the University and
will begin his work the first of
April. Rev. Da vi s graduated from 0. U. in 188 1 and is enthuas a star guard next year. Strahl studen ts of t h e co ll ege. Hence siastic over the int ere sts of the ·11 b th t who has played part of the season school. There is lftt le doubt but e very studen t wt O serve a at forward is one of the fast e st t hl·s pap er will fu rther the inter- that he will make a success of his men on the team. Accurate in
es ts o f each one in fur t h ering th e passing, sure in goal throwing, work for he has a pleasing addre s s and good executive ability. Rev. Davis gave an interesting talk in chapel Wednesday morning.
inte r es t s of all. Read what are and well versed in the gamti he the i n t ere s t s of a 11 a n d proved a valuable addition to the a nd y o u will read what yourown team. A number of the second i n teres ts are. All the news will team men might be mentioned in d d c t b Mr. Clarence Mathias, of b e up- t o- ate , an 1or you o e this connection, and they really h h Id Logan Ohio, visited his brother u p -to-d ate m e an s t at y ou s ou deserve it but space will not per-
If not, d o so b efore the next iss ue. Plac e yo ur n a me in th e bo x o n th e fir st fl oo r.
25c Spring Term
Next Door to
New Spring
s onabl e , tw e nt y- fi ve cents for the place next year as there will be s p r in g te r m, and no one can no dearth of material. a ffor d to be wit hout a c o py. In conclusion an individual
Y.W.C. A.
Miss Radford who has b ee n doing Y W . C. A work in India for a number of years will be here to address the entire student body at the regular mee ting of the Y W. C. A. Tuesda y evening. At the meeting las t week Miss Grace Ressler made a report of the work for the yea r. Her report showed t hat the past y ear bas been a most excellen t one, especially in Bible and Mi ssion study work; also financiall y.
s ummary of the goals each man has thrown as well as those thro w n by his opponent will be given. By way of exp lanation we mi g ht say that too m uch impo r tanc e mu st no t b e g ive n to this as a gua rd c a n not th row so many g oals and his opponen t na turally t hrows the most goals for the opposing team Player Kring, forward Clymer, " traW, " W e aver, center mitb, guard Voorhees, " Kring, "
the spring term.
h O b · here Saturday. subscribe for t e tter e m mit. Suffice it to say that every Mr. Arthur Kohler is a new We e kly. T h e pr ice is mos t rea- man will have to work to hold his student that is already in for Made up in the la test s ty les , and you aave fr om $5 to $10 b y pl a cing your order w it h us. Sat is fa ction an d a perfect fit garantttd. We al s o do p ress ing in a neat m a nner
Ralph ( Bunk) Morris received a large donation from home last week and shared up with his friends with a spread after the concert last Friday night. It was surely a go o d treat.
Baseball Supplies and Sporting Goods of all descriptions. Prices the lowe st.
Street , Columbus, <>.
The place to get a quick lunch or a good meal is at
Y. M. C. A. I man himself.
importance that men
The young men of the Otter- into a recognition of their relaOPFICE
bein Christian Association enjoy- tions to God. 15 E.Collesre Ave., WESTERYILLE, O ed a rare privilege on last Thurs- In dosing Mr. Buad emphasiz-
day evening at the -regular mid- ed that ' we as students avail ourweek session: The large at selve s of the many opportunities, ten dance on the part of men was whereby we may become accertainly gratifying to the speaker quainted with city social life. o f the evening . Our business is to strive, to find, Mr. S. S. Budd, Secretary of 1 to seek and not to yield. Ohio associations, former State secretary of Massachusetts addressed the members on, "An PERSONALS. E4ucated Man's Obligations in Make it a point to subscribe the Betterment of Social Lite." for the Otterbein Weekly if, you Mr. Budd is recognized as one of have not already done so. the strong association' workers Mrs. L. O. Miller, '77, of Daythroughout the c ountry. His ton, is visiting ther father, Dr. address manifested depth of Haywood here. thought and practicable application He called attention to the fact
Levitt Custer, 84, of Dayton, John Shoemaker, '94, of Pittsburg, Pa., were in Westerville that Ch rist is .the representative Sunday. of service, and that our obligations are in proportion to our Misses Lillian Mauk and ora
Do you want a
Try our LA SYLVIA.
It is delightful and it stays dy you.