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The "O" Club
survived by hi wife, Jean, and daughter, Pamela All
ton Barber '78.
Jack Overcash passed away in April 2004.
Robert Seibert passed away Nov. 7, 2004. He is survived by hi wife, Nancy Longmire Seibert '52; ,md three daughters, Kathleen
Seibert (James '75) Martin '74, Rebecca Seibert (Robert '75) Deckard '76,
and Belinda Seibert (Kevin
'79) Lynch '77.
Charley Eversole passed away Sept. 2, 2004. He taught science and math at Shore Junior High School in Euclid from 1955-1982, and at Euclid High School until 1986. He retired after 31 years. He pent the last 20 years of hi life a a volunteer with the inging Angel . He is urvived by wife, Katherine, and son , Charle and William hersole.
Gordon Mingus pa ed away June 15, 2004.
William Lamb passed away epc. 3, 2004.
Robert Ringo passed away Oct. 26, 2004. He was preceded in death by his parents and ister, Jackie Collins. He is ·urvived by wife, Bev Peck Ringo '62; daughters, Jenny Ringo '88 and Julie (Rick) Flury '90; grand on, Nicholas; brother, Ron (Carol Lou) Ringo; and numerou niece , nephew and friend .
David Gordon pas ed away July 2, 2004. In hi lifetime, he taught at Franklin Jr. High and Schaefer Middle School and was al ·o a farmer. He was a life long member of the Bethel Baptist Church. He is survived by his parents; son, Kenneth Robert Gordon; tep-son, Ged Degenhart and Chri Dumell; two sister and a brother-in-law, Jane Gordon Cook and ally and Marlin Brallier; one brother and sister-in-law, Bill and Carole Gordon; special nephew, Randy and Anaela Moodispaugh and many nieces, nephews and cou ins.
Letha Anderson Hunter passed away Oct. 17, 2004.
William Thomas Moore
passed away Aug. 7, 2004. He retired from Coming Inc. as division vice president after 32 years of ervice. His memberships include the American Ceramic Society, the Center for Manufacturing Enterprise at Cornell University, Five Rivers Council of The Boy couts of America, Pi Kappa Phi, "O" Club foundation and radium committee. He i survi,·ed by his wife Emily Crose Moore '63; on Jeffrey Moore, daughter Kimberly (Hugh) Hillix; daughter Kathleen ( Cott) Bulkley; six grandchildren; cou ins Richard C. Hohn '63 and wife ally; Roger A. Hohn '66 and wife Linda; Doris Peden Fouts '49. He was preceded in death by parent Roger T. Moore '31 and
Helen Ewry Moore '55;
aunts and uncles Margaret
Moore Glover '33, Harold Glover '34; Kathryn Moore Hohn '36, Wendell Hohn '35; Lucile Ewry Peden '23, Roy F. Peden '22, Don P. Fouts '45;
cousin David B. Peden '54.
Robert Abdalla pas ed away Nov. 24, 2004. He was a Naturopachic physician and erved the people of Licking County for over 35 years. He was the past president of Ohio Massatherapy, past president and faculty member of Mid We tern College of Massotherapy, and attended the Central States College of Health Science . He was the founder and producer/director of Encore Productions. He is preceded in death by his parents. He is survived by ons, Robert Nathaniel and Andrew Lee Abdalla; brother , George (Carol) Abdalla and Anthony (Jeri) Abdalla.
Barbara Sponsel Bulthaup
passed away Aug. 25, 2004. She taught English in the Westerville chool system for many years. She i survived by husband Donald Bulthaup, who is an emeriti member of the Otterbein College faculty and former academic dean.
Jeffrey Snyder pa sed away Nov. 8, 2004. He was a community banker in alida for 25 years and vice president/loan officer for Collegiate Peak Bank at the time of hi death. He is survived by hi wife, Barbara Elliott Snyder '72; sons, Barry and Kurt nyder; parents David and Jean '40 Snyder; and brother, teven (Merry) Snyders.
Otterbein has learned chat
Daniel Vonschriltz Jr.
passed away.
We are deeply saddened to report the death of Associate Dean of Academic Affair and Director of Institutional Research Dan Thompson '78. Dan died unexpectedly of a heart attack on March 4, 2005, after Towers had already gone to pres . A memorial service was held on March 8. The Otterbein community wi hes to extend our thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathie to Dan's family and friends. A full tory of Dan's accomplishment and full obituary will follow in the next is ue of Tower . Friends, if they wi h, may contribute to the Daniel C. Thompson Memorial Fund, Institutional Advancement, c/o of Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio or to the American Heart Association.
Martha Montgomery
Bieberle passed away Feb. 3, 2005. While at Otterbein, Martha was a member of Sigma Alpha Tau, serving a · president her senior year, and Trea urcr her junior year. he al o played field hockey. he just celebrated her 20th anniver ary working at Di ney World. he is survived by two mall sons, Guy and amuel, and her husband, Dariu Bieberle.