15 minute read
Alumni Notes
J hilanthropy
compiled b~ Lori E. Green
SBC Provides $75,000 for Linden Project
On Oct. 18, 2004, The BC Foundation-the philanthropic arm of BC Communications, lnc.-pre ented Otterbein College with a $75,000 grant to upport the Center for Community Engagement's partnership with the Linden Education and Aspiration Program (LEAP) for ac-ri. k students. In attendance were Columbu Public Schools Superintendent Gene Harri , Ohio ongre man Pat Tiberi and Otterbein and BC officials.
SBC' enior Vice President of External Affairs Mike Kehoe said, "The future of a trong and vibrant world lies in our classroom~. That future i in jeopardy because in many clas rooms there are students who don't believe college is an option for them."
In connection with the Gaining Early Awareness and Readines for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), Otterbein will use the grant to fund it's three functions: Project AIL ( ummer Academy for Integrated Learning), a ummer teaching camp for local teacher ; the Otterbein-Indianola Middle chool Mentoring Program, which pairs middle school students with Otterbein student as tutors and role models; and a new Indianola College Club for middle school student and their familie to improve students' academic performance and increa e post-secondary education awareness and opportunitie .
Help for at-risk students: President DeVore accepts a check from BC. From left, Congressman Pat Tiberi , DeVore , Columbus Public Schools Superintendent Gene Harris, and SBC Vice President of External Affairs Mike Kehoe.
Merck Grant to Fund Life Sciences and Chemistry Research, Teaching
A grant of $60,000 from the Merck Company Foundation will pro\'ide funding for a three-year project that will develop collaborative and interdi ·ciplinary research and teaching within the Life Sciences and Chemistry departments. It also will upport four undergraduate research experiences annually.
New Endowed Funds
John H. Baffa Scholars hip Fund
John H. Baffa '69 ha pro\'ided for a scholar-hip in his e care char will as i·t endowed scholars who major in Equine cience.
Lowell (Rip) and Ann Shauck Collins Memorial Scholarship
Ann Shauck Collins '51 and her hu band Lowell have pledged a percentage of their e rate co support an endowed scholarship for Otterbein rudencs.
Marilyn E. Day Scholarship Created in memory of Marilyn E. Day '53, thi scholarship will be awarded annually to students majoring in physical education or ports medicine, and who have financial need. Commences: 2005
Harold and Virginia Ruffing Endowed Award Virginia Banta Ruffing '71 and her husband Harold created an award that will be presented annually to an outstanding elementary education major. Commences: 2006
Robert and Annbeth S. Wilkinson Schola1·ship Robert Wilkinson '56 and Annbeth Sommers Wilkinson '56 created an endowed cholar hip in memory of their grandson, Bradley Wilkinson. The scholar hip annually will be awarded to a student majoring in education or bu iness. Commences: 2006
Tom Bromeley '5 1, Jean Hostetler Bromeley '54, Jeff Lehman, pmfessor of Life Sciences, Tracey Lehman, ancy ikiforow, Brent DeVore 'H86. Katel)'n Tilley '05
from the 2004 Reco9nition anJ 0 ,<c,l,io 0,11,g, il<ranl ofTru "'"'aod P,cs;Jem C Brea< lleVm, h<"cd Hcciws< Leadership Gi\'ing ociety (LG ) donors at an e,·ening reception anJ Jinner Oct. 15 at
Dinner Nationwide Atrium in downtown Columhus. Some 200 gue t:, attended the event, and were honoreJ for their generous investment of at lea t 1,000 in the College dl1ring fi cal year 2004 (July I, 2003 through June 30, 2004 ). More than 6.25 million wa rai cd last year for Orrerbein through donations, grant and corporate matching gifts. Heritage members have contributed cumulative gift:, of 50,000 or more through ca h contributions or deferred gift commitments, and are acknowledged in four level : Guardian's Circle, Benefactor's Circle, Leader' Circle and Founder's Circle. H ritage Fellow hip in\'e tors have made cumulative gifts and commitments to Otterbein College that exceed 5 million. LG members, including alumni, parents and friends, provide upporr to Otterbein College that help trength n the educational opportunities pro"ided to tudents through endowments, the Annual Fund and other funds which upport programming and educational opportunities. Ken and Connie Hellwanh Leonard '63 In all, more than 130 new donors invested in the College at LG level in fiscal year 2004. Edwin "Dubbs" Roush '47, Mary Bivins 'H85.
Beatrice Ulrich Holm '52, Ann Yost Ickes '53. Charlotte Sanders '/-191 , Dick and.as '29.
I umn i N otes
The Online World of Otterbein Alumni
by Becky Fickel Smith'81, Directcrr of Alumni Relations
One of the many joys of my position is visiting with Alumni Book Club site to see what books the club will be alumni friend and sharing with them the exciting happen reading the next few months. She was breathles when I ing on campus and the anticipated change to occur in the showed her the pictures of the renovations to Cowan Hall, Otterbein Alumni area. I was reminiscing with an alumna Otter Bean Cafe and the Stadium demolition! from the Class of '48 of the time Then we wanted to see if a she, her daughter (also an alum- Otterbein College classmate was registered in the na) and I had a coke date in the Alumni Online Community "Online Directory" and we realRoost. Though it seemed like ized he was not regi tered as an
The 200-5 Cerdinol MfgreUon W'1I tal<e \IS lo beaubful yesterday, it was 20 years ago. ~~:; 1 1:i1 ;:a~~~:?u"'~ 1~~::~~~S::\:in9 Online Con11nunity registrant.
he indicated she needed to
:~i::/:.~"!::;::':~~~;neor:;~e:e:0a:':, On the front page of the Alurn,
register for the Ft. Myers, Florida ;::;;;;:::'.::==== the details and register online •:'::~"';'"••••••••"•"""'•0 and plan to Jo•n us for 1089"'"'°""' ..'""' L--===----" ni Home site we clicked on Alumni Gathering. Since wc ::.".::,N•w•
were itting in an Akron, OH bents/ R'9lrtretieA C-1• ssNotas Oubs Thts annual gathering wlll tah 1)1-Ke on St¥1d.ay March 6, 2005 at 12:00 Pm at CyprHsLakaCountryCk.b. Jtwll~hostadby8tl'S7M'ldSheilitFreemM,Edwin '47 itnd Manlou '45 R.oush itr\11 8ud Yoest 'SJ and featunng guest President Devore. "New User" and preceded to ( l l d . register a you nee IS your inten,et cafe, we pulled out the AloMol Aw.,., Chod< ................ ..,.,.~...,.~,.. -. alumni number located on the
laptop and logged on to
Make plans now to come back to campus Jun• 10-12. we·n have 10!.KS, entert~nmant, the annual M'ICMOl"I ar\11 much m0te, Q.l.\jj!J_, back of your Towers n1agazine
www.Otterbein.edu and clicked on alumni. Right there on the ~;:,:;•..~ '"•'• Ott= •·· ;:~:,.....,,.,.,,..,_...,.""'1 Events Registration page was the ~"""' ____
above your address). Now we 00 ""'' ~ 'w"•~·••• ...,..,,,, _ Iwere able to view the "Class Note ", "Online Directory" and form to regL ter for the Florida gathering. he was regi tered "My Profile" page . in 20 econd . And she was able to see who el e wa attend- The Online Community website provides you with ing the gathering. happenings at the 'Bein and alumni events. Periodically
I proceeded to show her other changes that have visit the website and find out more on upcoming spring occurred to the Otterbein Online ommunity. We viewed events for alumni. (See the back cover for date of the the "Alumni Calendar" which details daily events in the Community Plunge for alumni and tudent or the Sunday arts, athletic , alumni and other all-campu events offered Brunch/ pring Musical event.) By spring the website will to alumni. he was curious as co where the 11th annual get a new Online Community design and we will be unveilCardinal Migration will be held. o we clicked the "Alum- ing email newsletters to Online Community regi trants in ni ew "site to view the detail of the migration to Colo- the summer. (You will also want to make sure you are regi nial Williamsburg scheduled for April 7 - 10. he was able tered on the Online Community at www.Otterbein.edu to view the schedule of events, pre-migration option and >click on alumni to be a recipient of the upcoming email regi ter right on-line for this life-long learning experience. new letters. If your email ha changed and you are a regi We read the Alumni Weekend" ave the Date" information trant, send your new email (addre and/or phone) to highlighting ome of the events planned for June 10- 12. MHarsha@otterbein.edu. (Watch this site for more details of the program and cla s It'· about life-long relationships! Little did I know reunion .) he wa unable to attend '04 Homecoming so twenty years later from our Roost coke date, my alumna we viewed pictures on the "Alumni Photos" ite. friend and I would be connecting to Otterbein from an
What other alumni new did we find? ince we were in internet cafe through the world wide web! a bookstore internet cafe, wc checked out the Otterbein
NYC alumni gathered for a holiday get-wgether chat was well attended. From left are Pamela McVeagh '04, Mandy Bnmo '04 (currently a regular on Guiding Light), and Aaron Ramey '98.
Hey, get your own Towers! Robert Bartholomew '50 (left) visits with Chester Ferguson '27 at Elmwood Assisted Living in Green Springs, Ohio.
Career Corner
by Meg Barkhymer '68 Dtrecwr of Career Dei,elopment Services
Editor's Note: Starting this issue, Alumni Notes will include " areer Comer," which will feature pertinent information on resumes, job searching, and other career-related topics. For more information, contact Meg Barkh·ymer at mbarkhymel®otterbein . edu.
The 10-Step Plan for a Career Change
l. A ss your like and di like . Spend ome time redi covering yourself. 2. Research new care r . Learn about career that center around your pa · ions. 3. Take an inventory of your tran ferable kills. You may already have a olid basis for a new career. 4. heck out pos ible training and education if you will need it to make the change. 5. etwork. Broaden your current network by joining profe ional organizations and coma ting Otterbein alumni working in the field you want to enter. 6. Gain experienc . G tting a part-time job or volunteering in your new field can olidify your decisions and give you needed experience. 7. Find a mentor. Locate omeone who can help you through the overwhelming time .
Consider a lateral move. ometimes thi can erve a a springboard to a bigger change. 9. Review job hunting ba ic . If you need a refresher cour e, the Otterbein areer enter can help. LO. Be flexible. et po itive goal but expect etbacks and change. Just don't let these get you down.
Josephine Moomaw Lahey '39 (right), visited her sister, Marney Moomaw Wells '3 7, in Delray Beach, Florida for Marney's 90th birthday. Josephine now resides in Colorado Springs, Colorado. All four Moomaw sisters, from Sugarcreek, Ohio, graduated from Otterbein. Only Marney and JoseJJhine remain. Alumni and friends gathered last October at the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. A reception hosted by John '68 and usie King brought together more than 50 peopl.e. Some of the guests attended a performance of the National Symphony Pops Orchestra following the reception.
The London Experience Provides "Old World" Uoliday flavor
The Otterbein College Alumni Association offers The London Experience • November 29 - December 13, 2005 • Only $2450 from Columbus, Ohio
The LonJon Experience is a special opportunity to travel to England and sec the magnificent sights at holiday rime 1 For the past 35 years, groups of Otterhein students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni and friends have all taken advantage of The LonJon Experience. You'll ee and experience many exciting landmarks of England in two lllcation - tratfmd-on-Avon and London.
Sites in tratford-on-Avon include 4 nights with bed and fu ll breakfast accommodations. A performance at The Royal Shakespeare Theatre, visits to Anne Hathaway's cottage, Mary Arden's house, hakespeare's birthplace and day trips to Coventry Cathedral, Warwick Castle,_ tonehenge and Bath. London includes 9 nights with private bath and fu ll hrcakfast, three theatre performances, transportation pas. for bus and underground travel; half-day guided sightseeing tour, visits to the Briti h Museum, Tower of London, tour of Parliament, Dover, Canterhury Cathedral, Windsor via Rrirish Rail (optional) and much more.
The London Experience is set for ovember 29 December 13, 2005 at an approximated cost of $2445 per person based on double occupancy. With the camaraderie of Otterhein alumni, student and friend and an exceptional inclu. i\·e price covering accommodation., excursions, full breakfa t· and transportation from Columbus, this is truly a distinctive opportunity.
Your non-refundable deposit of $400 i due by August 1, 2005 with the remainder due by October 1, 2005, also non-refundable. For a hrochure and more information, please contact Becky Fickel Smith, '81 at the Office of Alumni Relations, 614-823-1650 or RSmith@Otterbein.edu or the college website WW\\'.otterhein.edu click alumni.
Save the Date for AlumMatters
News from the Office of Alumni Relations: 614-823-1650 Register online for these events at www.otterbein.edu >click alumni
First Mondays of Each Month
Alunmi Book Club at the Otter Bean afe. Check www.ottcrbein.edu click on alumni for book club web ice.
April 3, 8 p.m. NYC Alumni Gathering
cw York City Alumni and Friend Gathering at the Manhattan Theatre Club. ign up by March 22 at www.ottcrbein.edu >click alumni or call 1-888-6142600. Featuring the enior howcase performers of Otterbein Theatre.
April 7-10 - Cardinal Migration at Williamsburg, VA
April 23, 8:30 a.m. Spring Cleaning Community Plunge
Alumni, students, faculty and staff will be painting, planting and polishing at local school , non-profit agency partner , and local park . Engage as an tterbcin partn r in our community by working alongside of a current cudent! For more information, contact Angela Gude at AGude@otterbein.edu or 614-823-3206.
May 22, 12:30 p.m. Brunch and Jesus Christ Superstar
un<lay brunch with 2:00 p.m. performance of Jesu hrist uperstar. pon orcd by O tterbein College Theatre, Bon Appetit and Alumni Relacion . o c $25.00 for brunch and theatre tickers. Reservations by May l t W\,\'W.ottcrbein.edu >click alumni or call l-88 -6142600. Limited seating.
June 10-12 · Alumni Weekend
( ee information, facing page) la s Reunions for 1950, '55, '60, '65, '70, '75, and ' 0. elebrating O tterbein' Pa t Present and Future. Watch th website www.otterbein.edu >click alumni.
Saturday, June 18 - Annual JuneBug Jamboree
Dayton, Ohio region
Celebratinq Otterhei 's Past, Present &future!
Alumni Weekend!
June l 0, l l, l 2, 2005 Specialeventsfor reunion classes of1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975and 1980 on the evenings of Friday, June 10 and Saturday, June 11
• Celebrating the Golden Reunion for the Class of'5 5 • Honoring the 2005 Alumni
Award winner · at the annual
A lumni Luncheon • Class Reunion Hospitality Rooms in Towers Hall • Alumni Choir Concert • " clebrate on the Shadow of
Towers" on Friday at dinner • Clas of 65, 70, 75, 80 Reunion
Gathering on Friday night at
Emba" YSuites • All-Class Dinner at Little Turtle
Country Cluh • hare your Otterbein Memories and hear a few from Dean Joanne
Van ant • Connect with your pa·t faculty and staff member such a Dr.
Thomas Ken, Dr. Bob Pia e, De,m
Bob Gatti and Anne P1yfogle
• Clement Recreation Center
Tour with Exerci ing Tidhits for those ewer 45 • Discover the 21st century Residence Hall Living and Leaming
Environment in newly remn'ateJ Mayne Hall • Through ight and Sound, Witness the Renovation in Cowan
Hall • Tour Frank Museum of Arc featuring Nigerian Images • Campus and Westerville Van
For a schedule of ewnts for Alumni Wleekend, periodically visit the Otterbein College website at www.otterbein.edu >click alumni, en call 1-88 -614-2600.
• Otterbein' 10 -15 Year M,ner
Plan by President Brent De Vore • Thinking about coll ege for your adolescent? Learn more from our
Admission raff on the college sear h proce. s
A photographic retrospective of Otterbein College
From the football team that beat OSU to the basketball team that won the CAA title, from the Banjo-Mandolin Orchestra to the Cardinal Marching Band, from the literary societies to Greek Wee I< , from 1847 to the present, the Courtright Memorial Library will take you through time one frame at a time, exploring the J>ast that shapes our future. Nearby in the Otter Bean afe yoa can SClm/>le historical Otterbein desserts.
Towers Otr.erbein College One Otterbein College Westerville, OH 4308 1
Sue Ellen Lavelle Cellar House
Alumni, students, faculty and staff will be painting, planting and polishing at local schools, nonprofit agency partners, and local parks on Saturday, April 23, 8:30 a.m. (meet at the Campus Center). Engage as an Otterbein partner in our community by working alongside a current student! For more information contact Angela Gude at AGude@otterbein.edu or 614-8233206. Register online at www.otterbein.edu >click alumni.
Two Events Coming this Spring!
For more information on these or other alumni events , www.otterbein.edu >click alumni 1 -888-614-2600. Spring Musical with Sunday Brunch
Sunday, May 22, 12:30 p.m. brunch with 2 p.m. performance of Jesus Christ Superstar Sunday brunch is a highlight in the Otterbein Cardinal's Nest when omelets are cooked to order and you leave the cooking to Bon Appetit. A special appearance will be made by a representative of the Otterbein Department of Theatre to enlighten you on the performance of Jesus Christ Superstar. In the newly renovated Cowan Hall, you will witness one of Andrew Lloyd Webber's best scores as Otterbein student performers illuminate the transcendent power of the human spirit with a passion that goes straight to the heart. Cost is $25 for ticket and brunch. Reservations by May 1 at www.Otterbein.edu, click on Alumni or call 1-888-614-2600. Limited seating. Sponsored by Otterbein College Theatre, Bon Appetit, and Alumni Relations.