Otterbein Towers Winter Spring 2005

Page 38


hilanthropy compiled b~ Lori E. Green

SBC Provides $75,000 for Linden Project On Oct. 18, 2004, The BC Foundation-the philan­ thropic arm of BC Communications, lnc.-pre ented Otterbein C ollege with a $75,000 grant to upport the Center for Community Engagement's partnership with the Linden Education and Aspiration Program (LEAP) for ac-ri. k students. In attendance were Columbu Public Schools Superintendent Gene Harri , Ohio ongre man Pat Tiberi and Otterbein and BC officials. SBC' enior Vice President of External Affairs Mike Kehoe said, "The future of a trong and vibrant world lies in our classroom~. That future i in jeopardy because in many clas rooms there are students who don't believe col­ lege is an option for them." In connection with the Gaining Early Awareness and Readines for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), Otterbein will use the grant to fund it's three functions: Project AIL ( ummer Academy for Integrated Learn­ ing), a ummer teaching camp for local teacher ; the Otterbein-Indianola Middle chool Mentoring Program, which pairs middle school students with Otterbein stu­ dent as tutors and role models; and a new Indianola Col­ lege Club for middle school student and their familie to improve students' academic performance and increa e post-secondary education awareness and opportunitie .

Merck Grant to Fund Life Sciences and Chemistry Research, Teaching A grant of $60,000 from the Merck Company Founda­ tion will pro\'ide funding for a three-year project that will develop collaborative and interdi ·ciplinary research and teaching within the Life Sciences and Chemistry depart­ ments. It also will upport four undergraduate research experiences annually.

New Endowed Funds John H. Baffa Scholars hip Fund John H. Baffa '69 ha pro\'ided for a scholar-hip in his e care char will as i ·t endowed scholars who major in Equine cience.

Lowell (Rip) and Ann Shauck Collins Memorial Scholars hip Ann Shauck Collins '51 and her hu band Lowell have pledged a percentage of their e rate co support an endowed scholarship for Otterbein rudencs.

Marilyn E. Day Scholars hip Created in memory of Marilyn E. Day '53, thi scholarship will be awarded annually to students majoring in physical education or ports medicine, and who have financial need.

Commences: 2005 Harold and Virginia Ruffing Endowed Award Virginia Banta Ruffing '71 and her husband Harold creat­ ed an award that will be presented annually to an outstand­ ing elementary education major. Commences: 2006

Robert and Annbeth S. Wilkinson Schola1·ship Robert Wilkinson '56 and Annbeth Sommers Wilkinson '56 created an endowed cholar hip in memory of their Help for at-risk students: President DeVore accepts a check from BC. From left, Congressman Pat Tiberi , DeVore , Columbus Public Schools Superintendent Gene Harris, and SBC Vice President of External Affairs Mike Kehoe.

grandson, Bradley Wilkinson. The scholar hip annually will be awarded to a student majoring in education or bu iness. Commences: 2006


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