154 W. Home St./Theme (18)
155 W. Home St./Theme (16)
162 W. Home St./Theme (17)
25 W. Home St. Hall (61)
46 W. Home St./Theme (52)
Art and Communication Building (1)
Austin E. Knowlton Center for Equine Science (67)
Battelle Fine Arts Center (14)
Business Office/HR (62)
Campus Center (44)
Cellar House/Advancement (34)
Chapel (47)
Clements Hall (48)
Clements House (3)
Clements Recreation Center (23)
Clippinger Hall (40)
Community Engagement (42)
Counseling Center (19)
Courtright Memorial Library (30)
Cowan Hall/Fritsche Theatre (38)
Davis Hall (21)
DeVore Hall (55)
Dunlap-King Hall (10)
Engle Hall (58)
Epsilon Kappa Tau (41)
Eta Phi Mu (33)
Events and Conferences (63)
Financial Aid (46)
Fishbaugh Baseball Field (25)
Frank Museum of Art (66)
Garst Hall (56)
Hanby Hall (50)
Hanby House (9)
Hancock House/Marketing (37)
Health and Sport Sciences (22)
Health Center (53)
Howard House/Alumni (35)
Kappa Phi Omega (43)
Lambda Gamma Epsilon (39)
Mayne Hall (28)
Memorial Stadium (20)
Multicultural Center (45)
Otterbein Police (4)
Otterbein Softball Field (24)
Pi Beta Sigma (65)
Pi Kappa Phi (36)
Practice Field (60)

Psychology Department (29)
Richard A. Sanders Tennis Courts (59)
Rike Center (26)
Roush Hall (32)
Scott Hall (57)
Service Department (12)
Shear-McFadden Center (15)
Sigma Alpha Tau (27)
Sigma Delta Phi (5)
Student Affairs Office (49)
Tau Delta (8)
Tau Epsilon Mu (6)
Testing Site (7)
The Commons on Home Street (54)
The Commons on Park Street (11)
The Point (2)
Theta Nu (51)
Towers Hall (31)
Women’s Club Thrift Shop (13)
Zeta Phi (64)
1. Art and Communication Building
2. The Point
3. Clements House
4. Otterbein Police
5. Sigma Delta Phi
6. Tau Epsilon Mu
7. Testing Site

8. Tau Delta
9. Hanby House
10. Dunlap-King Hall
11. The Commons on Park Street
12. Service Department
13. Women’s Club Thrift Shop
14. Battelle Fine Arts Center
15. Shear-McFadden Science Center
16. 155 W. Home St./Theme
17. 162 W. Home St./Theme
18. 154 W. Home St./Theme
19. Counseling Center
20. Memorial Stadium
21. Davis Hall
22. Health and Sport Sciences
23. Clements Recreation Center
24. Otterbein Softball Field
25. Fishbaugh Baseball Field
26. Rike Center
27. Sigma Alpha Tau
28. Mayne Hall
29. Psychology Department
30. Courtright Memorial Library
31. Towers Hall
32. Roush Hall
33. Eta Phi Mu
34. Cellar House/Advancement
35. Howard House/Alumni
36. Pi Kappa Phi
37. Hancock House/Marketing
38. Cowan Hall/Fritsche Theatre
39. Lambda Gamma Epsilon
40. Clippinger Hall
41. Epsilon Kappa Tau
42. Community Engagement
43. Kappa Phi Omega
44. Campus Center
45. Multicultural Center
46. Financial Aid
47. Chapel
48. Clements Hall
49. Student Affairs Office
50. Hanby Hall
51. Theta Nu
52. 46 W. Home St./Theme
53. Health Center
54. The Commons on Home Street
55. DeVore Hall
56. Garst Hall
57. Scott Hall
58. Engle Hall