The Boyfriend - 1962

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Odober 26-27-28

SYNOPSIS OF SCENES TIME: 1926 ACT ONE: Mme. DuBonnet's Finishing School, Villa Caprice. ACT T W O: La Plage. Same Afternoon. ACT T H R EE: Terrace of Cafe Pataplon. That Night.

MUSICAL NUMBERS OVERTURE (ACT I) Perfect Young Ladies . ..... ... ........ . .. ..... .... ... .... .. . .Hortense and the Girls The Boy Friend .... ... ...... .. .. . ... .. . Polly and the Girls Won't You Charleston With Me? ... .... ... ..... ........ Maisie and Bobby Fancy Forgetting .. . .. .... Mme. DuBonnet and Percival I Could Be Happy With You ... ... .... . .. ... Polly and Tony The Boy Friend (Reprise) .... ... .. ... .... .... Company (ACT II) Sur Le Plage ... . .Boys and Girls Room in Bloomsbury . ......... Polly and Tony I've Got the "You-Don't-Want-To-Play-With-Me" Blues. Mme. DuBonnet, Percival, and the Girls Safety in Numbers .. ... ... .. .... . .. Maisie and the Boys ...... ... ... .. Polly and Tony I Could Be Happy With You (Reprise) (ACT III) The Riviera .. .. .... ... ... ... .. .... .. .... ..... . Room in Bloomsbury (Reprise) It's Never Too Late to Fall in Love . The Tango ... ........ . ........ ... ..... .... .. ... ...... ... . Poor Little Pierette .. ... .... .. .... .... ... ..... .. ..... . Finale .......... .. .... ..

.... .Boys and Girls .. . ....... .. ..... .. ... .. .. .. ..Tony Dulcie and Lord Brockhurst . ........ Pepe and Lolita ..Mme. DuBonnet and Polly ... Entire Company

ORCHESTRA Strings: Elizabeth Johnston, Tom Mignery, Virginia Tyson. Brass: Tom Besk, Tom Morrison, Ted Nichols. Reeds: Lyle Berkhymer, Stewart Miller, Gene Kohler, Barbara Bojanowski. Percussion: Marcia Davis. Piano: Jim Gallagher.

OTTERBEIN COLLEGE THEATRE in association with the Dept. of Music PRESENTS



... .. Sondra Spangler Hortense . ..... Pat Riddel Nancy Maisie. ..Judy Hunt Mary Meek Fay ... Dulcie ... . ... Joyce Curmode .Barbara Parker Polly .. . Marcel . .. ..... .... Dave McCracken•• .... ... .. .... Dean Mizer Pierre ....... . ...... .... Mike Doney Alphonse Gendarme . ..

Mme. DuBonnet . ..... .. .. Judy Stone Bobby Van Rusen .. .John Soliday• Percival Browne ..... Gordon Gregg Tony.... .. .. ...... .. ... Jack Bryan• Lord Brockhurst ...... Jim Bebee• Lady Brockhurst ........ Carol Alban• Pepe .. .... .. ... . .. .. .. . ... Lloyd Lewis•• Lolita ..... .... ...... ... ... .Judy Wyatt Waiter ......... .. ...... .... ..... .. ..Ken Hall .... ... ...... Ken Hall


.. ......... ... ... .... Charles W. Dodrill General Director .. .. .... ............ ... ... .. ... .. Conductor .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. . ... ... ... .. . .. ......... .. .Alan Bradley Designer-Technical Director ... .. ... .. ... ..... .. ... ... .. .... ... ... .. .. ... .. Fred J. Thayer Choreographer .. .. ..... ..... ... .. .. . .. ... ..... .... ............ .. Lloyd Lewis•• Choral Director ........... .. ... ... . ....... ... ..... ....... ... .... .. .. .. Richard H. Chamberlain Assistant to Choreographer ..... .. .. ...... ... .. ...... .. ... ................. Joanne Van Sant Assistant to Choral Director .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .. .... ..... .. ... ........ .. ... L. Lee Shackson Assistant to Director .. .......... .... ... .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... ...... ....... ... ... Helen Staats• Stage Manager .... .... ..... .. .... ..... ...... ...... ...... .. ..... ..... .. .. ....... .. ... .. .. Richard Berry• "The Boy Friend" is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International, 119 West 57th. Street, New York, N. Y.


Denotes members of Cap and Dagger Dramatics Club Denotes m.e mbers of Theta Alpha Phi Dramatics Fraternity

PRODUCTION STAFF COSTUMES • Judy Jones.. Chm., Barbara Johnson, Judy Baumbaugh, Molly Showalter, Barbara Bushong"" . LIGHTIN G - Dick Russo• Chm., Helen Staats•, Lee Phillips, Don Martin•, Barbara Bushong•• . MA KE- UP - Barbara Bushongu Chm., John Ad~ms•, Helen Staats•, Ronda Plessinger, E. G. Buchsieb, Betsy Woods, Linda Painter, Barbara Acton• . PROGRAMS - John Adams• Chm., Barbara Johnson, Sandy Williams. PR OPERTIES · Susan Morain" Chm., Karen Sherbine, Judy Minshall, Lidy Hagerty. PUBL ICIT Y . Kay Koontz.,. Chm., Susan Gallagher", Jan Richards, John Plischke, Sandra Williams, Morris Bailey• . SCENER Y · Carol Alban•, Nancy Volz, Arlene Huff, Kay Blackledge, Bette Smith, Pa tsy Staby, Janet Lacy, and members of Stagecraft 213. SO UND - Richard Bennett• Chm. STA GE CARPENTER - Don Porter• TICKETS · Lois Augenstein" Chm., Valerie Kneale, Susan Gallagher•, Becky Stiverson, Margie Lenggl, Charlotte Hickelooper. USHER S - JoA nn Hoffman" Chm., Jane Barnes, Pat Krohn, Sue Roth, Susan Gallagher", Dee R andolph, Nancy Volz, Julie Provan, Tina Hoffman, Betty Smith, Patsy Staby, Dick Rhoades, Pat Resko, Rosemary Gorman, Ann Barich.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Robert Verbeck, Cubbage Comers Westerville Police Department Goodwill Industries Talbott's Flowers Mrs. George Henderson McVay's Furniture COMING EVENTS

OTTERBEIN COLLEGE THEATRE December 6, 7, 8, 9 ... ... .. .. ... ...... .... .. .... ... ............ .... ......... ...... ................... "Tartuffe" by Moliere, to be presented arena style with a "town and gown" cast March 1, 2, 3 .... ... ................ ... ............ .... .. ... ... ............ ........ .... ..... .. ...... .. .... "John Brown's Body" with a professional guest star May II, 12 .. ...

..... "Death of a Salesman"

WESTERVILLE CONCERTS ARTISTS SERIES November 14 ......... ... ... ......... .. .. .... ... ..... ................. ... Columbus Symphony Orchestra with the Otterbein A Cappella Choir January 10 ...... .. ....................... ............... .......... ............. ........... Cleveland Playhouse presenting Henrik Ibsen's great play, "Hedda Gabler" February 12 .................................. ...... ...... ........................

......... Cesare Valet Valetti: Tenor

March 13 ... ..... .. ... .. ... ...... .... ..... ... ...... ... ...... .. .... ... ............... .. .... .. ......... ...... .. Columbus Boys Choir

INTERMISSIONS WILL BE TEN MINUTES F'OREIGN F-[LM SERIES Five award-winning f~reign films will be offered during the 1961-62 season by the Otterbein College Theatre. nA Sheep Has Five Legs" was shown to an enthusiastic audience on September 27. The college has purchased a new carbon-arc projector tu increase the quality of all movie showings. "Richard III", starring Laurence Olivier, will be shown on November 21. Admission is 50¢. SCHOLARSHIP FUND A new scholarship fund has been Qstablished in honor of Prof. John F. Smith, esteemed Professor of Speech at Otterbein from 1927 to 1950. This fund will be used to help attract talented young people in the areas of theatre and speech. Persons interested in contributing may obtain additional information from the Deoartment of Speech or the College Development Office. Your support will be appreciated. ANTA EXHIBIT,


BROADWAY, 1960 - 196111

The exhibit in our lobby was prepared and designed by the American National Theatre and Academy, 1545 Broadway, New York, N.Y., and is being shown here by QJ:eCiau.. arrangement. The Otterbein College Theatre is a member of t his t.orig:cessionally Chartered organization whose purpose is to propagate the living theatre in America. Our many thanks to ANTA for this fine exhibit of Broadway productions during the 1960-61 season. We hope you enjoy it. GREEN ROOM We have just finished redecorating our Green Room, located in the basement of this building under the stage. You are welcome to visit our backstage facilities and chat with the performers in the Green Room immediately after the ~~ow. See you ther~. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A special note of thanks to ~ur choreographer for tonight's production. Lloyd Lewis, a 1954 graduate of Otterbein, is currently director of ~peech and dr~a at d 1 Springfield North High School in Springfield, Ohio. While at ~tterbe1~ he Paye lead roles in ti The Shrike, 11 11 The Winslow Boy, 11 and 11 Winterset •1 Our sincere thanks to Lloyd for his capable assistance. TRYOUTS Tryouts fer the Town and Gown production, 11 Tartuffe,u to be presented December 6, 7, 8 9 will be held Monday and Tuesday nights of next week, October 30 and 31. All i~treested town people and students are urged to attend one of these try(,ut sessions.

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