<!&tterbein '1College ~beatre
THE IM,PORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST BY OSCAR WILDE May 13, 14, 15, 1965 Di·r eotor: M,rs. Ortha Stambaugh Designer-Technical Director: Prof. Fred T,hayer
CAST OF CHARACTERS Algernon Moncrje££
.. . .Jim Lewis
ETnest Worthing
. .Jack Wifight**
Ceoily Cardew
........ Vicki Bryan**
Gwendolen Fairfax
.. Barbara Wylie**
....... Ted Barainet••
Lane ...
..... Nick Walker
Lady Brncknell
... Barbara MiHer
Miss Pr,i sm
... Deedi Bebout
Reverend Chausuble
.. .. .. ............ ............ ... Bob Sutter
••Denotes members of Th.eta .Ailpha Pihi Dramaitics Fraternity
SYNOPSIS OF SCENES ACT I Algernon Monorieff's flat irn Hal.£ Moon Street, W. ACT II The garden act the Manor House, Woolton, Londorn ACT III The garrden at the Manor House, Wool ton TIME - London, 1895
ABOUT THE PLAY Oscar Wilde was born in Ireland .in 1854, and died in Paris 46 later, a£tea- a life filled wiith fame and scandal. He had adready begun 1to make a l,i terary reputaition as a,n undergmduaite at Trinity Col'lege, Dublin, and Magda,le111 College, Oxford, where he received the Newdigate P11ize for Poetry. 'When he was twenty-seven a colleotion of poems appeared, and was followed by THE HAPPY PRINCE AND OTHER TALES (1888). TCITT year,s later his famous novel, THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY, appeared. Then, in rapid succession, the plays. W ilde is cred:iited today with the revival of the thea,tre trad:iition of C0111gireve and Sheridan. He calJed THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST "A Trivial Comedy for Serious People," noting that it:s first act is "ingenious," ·the second "beautilul," and the third "abominably clever." The play satirizes biinth, love, mairriage, deaith, and respectability -everything that man cons:rders important.
THEATRE STAFF Pmf. Chades W. Dodrill**
Diireotor of Theatre
Mrs. Or,tha Stambaiugh
.. ......Director
Prof. Fred Thayer•* ..
.. ... Designer-Techniical Director
Mrs. Nancy Norris
...... Publicity Director
Dr. James Grissinger
... Chairman, Dept. of Speech
Kay BJ.ackledge• *
... .Box Office
Viicki Bryan°
.... .Box Office
Ted Baranet•*
.. .. Student Assistant
Jack Wright**
..S.tudernt Assistant
ACKNOW LEDGEMENTS Eaves Costume Company, New York, New York
PRODUCTION STAFF STUDENT DIRECTOR: Dave Samson AssISTANT To DIRECTOR: Sandra Leadingham STAGE MANAGER: Jan,e t Parsons CosTUMEs: Kathy Morris*, Chmn., Marsha Shauck, E laine Mollencopf*. HousE MANAGER: Holly Putterbaug,h LIGHTS: Lighting Class - Speeoh 214, Lynne Putterbaugh*, Ron Orbin*. :MAKEUP: Speech 314. PROGRAMS: Kay Blackledge** , Chmn. PROPERTIES: Marilou Holford**, Chmn., Linda Krakauskas, Tom James, Jeanne Lord*, Doug Bennett, Jan Lenahan. P UBLICITY: Go,r don Cook*, Chmn., Carol Darling**, Jan Len(!Jhan, Sherry Washburn, Charma Moreland. SET CONSTRUCTION: Stage Craft class, Shirley Gill, Bonney Burns, Keith Kaufman*, Pat Pierson. TICKETS: Vicki Bryan**, Dave Orb1n**, co-chmn., Jim Miskimen, Bonnie O'Leary, Penny Redmond, Judi Garratt, Pam Hudson.
MAILING LIST Mai ling li~t request cards are availabl,e at the box-office. If you would like to be on o ur rnai1ing list and receive announcements of all our future cultural activities, please fi1l out a card and leave it at the box-office. The REFRESHMENT ~tand is located in the north lobby for your convenience and pleasure. We would appreciate your cooperation 1n not bringing cups back into ·the auditorium. Thank you. Restrooms are located off rhe main corridor immediately beneath the main lobby.