"Overseas Diary"
June 1918 - April 1919
Alfred Walter Elliott, Sr.
Alfred Walter Elliott, Sr. was born on 13 December 1891 in Galloway, Ohio to Francis Marion Elliott (1854-1928) and Katherine Dellinger Elliott (1856-1934). While a student at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio he enlisted in the United States Army on 2 October 1917. During WWI, Private First Class Elliott served in the 83rd Division, 158th Field Artillery Brigade, 324th Field Artillery Regiment, likely as a field telephone lineman. He received an honorable discharge as a Corporal on 4 June 1919 at Camp Sherman in Chillicothe, Ohio.
Alfred Elliott, Sr. kept a diary, writing almost daily, starting on 3 June 1918 at Camp Sherman until early April 1919 in Annecy, France before embarking on the U.S.S. Seattle for New York.
In addition to the transcription, you can follow his journey to the places he mentions.
Copyright © 11 November 2019
Diary transcription and notes by Cynthia Roberts Whitaker, great-granddaughter of Alfred Walter Elliott, Sr.
by Cynthia Roberts Whitaker
After 8 months training at Camp Sherman O[hio]. Left for Camp Mills L.I. [Long Island]. Traveled in day coaches. Arrived at L.I. June 5th. June 11th boarded Leicestshire [Leicestershire], an Eng. ship, for England. My first trip of any kind on the ocean. Most of the boys got sea sick — I was fortunate by not being effected. Trip was rather tiresome. but had no accidents. Arrived at Eng. June 23rd [Liverpool]. Came through the Irish sea between Ireland and Scotland. There were 13 ships in the bunch. Were guarded continually by Battleships but no subs were sighted.
Went from L. to a camp (rest) at Borden. Arrived there at 3:30 in the AM. The English soldiers had a lunch ready for us.
June 26th. Left for [Le] Havre France from South Hampton. Only one night’s ride on the boat across the English Channel. Marched about six miles to another rest camp.
June 29th marched back to Le Havre and boarded Pullmans [40 hommes (men) 8 chevaux (horses)]. Carried our rations with us — corn beef — beans, tomatoes, jam, hardtack. Landed Sun. eve.
June 30 at Bain. Pitched pup tents in a big field. I pitched with Moss Rutan. Got our barrack bags for first time.
July 1st We’re billeted out around the village. Slept in pup tents in an old orchard. Close order drill — more close order drill — then some more — Sun. and Sat. same as Mon. and Tues. Fellows pretty much dogged. Possibly punishment for a few getting soused on French wine and cider.
July 8th: Regular drill
July 9th: Recvd first mail from States. I only heard from Frances [his sister Frances C. Elliott Murlette (1893-1994)].
July 10th: Rained — had speech from French sergt. Went out with instrument detail. Having some trouble with my heel.
July 11th: Worked with detail helping clean out well at convent.
Saw rather interesting feat in growing plum, pear and apple shrubs along stone wall.
July 12th: Rained in morning. I slept. Were issued our gas masks. Bloodied Frank Steven’s nose. Went out on instrument detail.
11th continued: Worked until 7:30 on well. Had two real meals cooked up by real women.
13th: Drill in morning — swimming and washed clothes in P.M.
14th: Got ready for inspection in the morning, decorated the billet with holly and ferns but it was called off on account of rain. Slept in the afternoon. Took walk in eve with Sgt Flannery. National Fete day in France.
15th: Got first mail. Recvd 10 letters. War news sounds good.
17th: Big rain storm.
18th Pay day. Were paid in French money. Many crap games. Also many drunks.
July 18th: First day’s instruction
on 155 gun. Moved from Bain [Bain-de-Bretagne] to Camp Coetquidan Aug 14/18. Quite an artillery camp.
Was transferred to Hdqrs Co. Sept 5th to learn switch board work.
Left Camp Coetquidan Sept 23rd and started from gere [gare: train station] at 3:00 a.m. Tues 24 Travelled Tues and Wed — detrained Wed. night and hiked 7 mi. Arrived at a French camp at 3:30 Thurs A.M. Left Gere [gare: train station] Thurs night at 7:00 o’clock. Hiked until 1:30. Camped in a woods and left at 1:00 P.M. next day. Hiked unit 4:30 and arrived at Brigade Hdqrs. Went a couple mi. on and camped. Slept in an old shell torn house. Left next a.m. at 8:30 on Audey’s Big Truck.
Went to regimental Hdqrs. Unloaded and started to string wire 3. mi. to 1st Battalion. It is now 4:30. We have run out 4 reels of wire and no 1st Btln. Haven’t had dinner yet and don’t know if we will get back for supper but we will get back. ((August 28th)).
Oct 1st Didn’t get in until dark. Eat supper and went out and strung wire until 12:00 o’clock.
Oct 3rd: Am on duty at the central [switchboard] every day from 4 to 8 — a.m. and p.m. Everything moving good. Mess is fine. Not much doing for our regiment.
Thurs Aug 4th (sic): Tore down our lines and left camp at 7:30. Was on the road all night. Landed in Franco American Camp
somewhere back of Verdun front. Staid here Thurs-Thurs night and left Fri at 4:00 P.M. on the truck with gang and equipment for new position. Strung wire to Brig Hdqrs and First Bn. Fritz dropping over some highly explosive hardware. Our American of the Pioneer Div. heard of a Frenchman killed. None of our men injured. Lineman [Guy] Cole from KY and I slept in a pile of ammunition boxes. Fine bed.
Sun Oct 6th: Didn’t know it tho until about 4:00 P.M. Put in 2nd and 3rd BN. Wire and worked on dug out with Forest, Cole, Harris, and Bill ((Stokey)). Went for duty at 3:00 to 6:00 at mystic central. Slept in almost dug out until 4:00 a.m. “Whispering” [word] sent to Brigade Hdqrs for duty. Dugout not comfortable will work on it some more
today. 158th are all located along the banks of the Meuse R.
Monday Oct 7th Think I shall take a much needed wash in the old Meuse today. Everything quiet during the night.
Oct 8th — Found a “cushy” dugout last night. Are all set. Barrage started this a.m. at 4:00 o’clock and lasted until 12:30. Everything worked like a machine. About 2,000 prisoners.
The old 324th Heavy Fatigue Association [324th Heavy Field Artillery] of the National Mob is in action at last and we are on our way to Berlin.
Oct 9. Everything in good shape at this position. Ready to move. 1st Bn moved forward last night.
Oct 10th Fixed up a nice dugout last night
for a little time as Corp Stokes [either Alfred or Archibald, same home address and probably brothers] had russled some ham and bread. Had a little stove set up and all, when two jazz ((artists)) and their orderlies busted in and took charge. Big time was all off. Mess kitchen (Regimental) caught up with us last night and put out our awful feed.
Oct 11th Moved out this a.m. forward about 6 kilos. Stokes, Abe Moore, and couple more of us cooked coffee and [word] and toasted bread for dinner on the faithful little stove. Are in positions Germans held about three days ago. “Blaze” Burns and I hitched a pup tent in a big [two words] above the dugout. Had about 5 gas alarms during the night. 1st Bn stopped a counter attack in about “[word]” minutes this P.M.
Oct 12th Everything quiet.
We left at 9:30 and had to hike. Andy and the linesman stayed over to show their new man the lines. Hiked all night until about 6:30 in the A.M. I rode Pete [name] horse about an hour. Went to sleep on it and almost fell off. Also went to sleep leaning up against a [word]. Then we had a [word] “[word]” breakfast off the supply co. When we landed and got a bunk in a Barracks and just got to sleep good when Jerry W. [probably Jerry E. Warren] called us and we had to move. Got located in our end of a building where some [word] had stayed. Stokes, Schaller, Forest [Cecil Forrest], Millholand [probably Paul C. Milhollin], Papanek [probably John H. Papanek], Johnny Rouston [probably John C. Routzahn] and Lisle [probably Robert C. Lisle] got a [two words] and everything. Christon [probably Fotis Christon] and Vanderburg [probably William J. Vanderburg] came back to the co. today. next day — have forgotten
the date, we moved our bunks—again. Laid a wire to Brig Hdqrs in A.M. I guarded the [word] stuff while someone rifled mine. Stole my friend’s light. Harris [probably Earl R. Harris], Wessel [Christian C. Wessel] and myself located ourselves in a better dugout. Stove that smoked and smoked. Wood scarce. Had to go on duty at central from 12-2. Nothing doing no fire. Rested. Read part of a book. Carry On. Up 6:00 next morning. Got ready and moved out of said rest camp. Went ahead and camped in a woods. Ran into a big [word] courtesy of 77th artillery. Pitched tents with Al Stokes. Slept fine. Cooked our own breakfast next morning. Booku [beaucoup] bacon and toast and coffee. Moved on early. Located at noon and cooked our own again. No water — no coffee. Worked all afternoon fixing up an old road that
on the front last night
Oct 13. Oodles of mail. In all I rcvd 25 letters. Also the American which Gladys send several weeks ago. Shrapnel injured a couple of Btry A men. Several casualties in the Regiment.
Oct 14. Nothing much doing.
Oct 15 — Barrage from 7:30 until 3:30 P.M. Drove Fritz [the Germans] out of woods where he had been for some time. [words] Regimental mess feeding fair. Are in German dugouts. Were made for allied fire so we are facing the wrong way. No hits by Bocher. [Bochers is a contemptuous term used to refer to a German, especially a German solider in WWI or WWII.]
Oct 16 Wed as usual.
17th Took my 3 days wash and shave today. Also my
Feet. Lots of doughboys come back. 114th pretty badly shot up. Rumor: Kaiser has quit the throne. Fried hard cakes in hot grease tonight. Pretty good.
Oct 23rd Fired our second big barrage. Absolute success. Record letter from Bradfield. Have my dugout fix up “tres bon”.
Oct 24th Sgt Ray Fannery came back to Bty “A” today. Doughboys gained 4 kilos. Started up to the front this afternoon but changed our mind. Too many shells. Another rumor: Kaiser has accepted Wilson’s terms.
25th-28th Regular work nothing out of order. Gen. Flemming [Brig. Adrian S.Fleming] in hospital. Col. [Thomas Q.] Ashburn in charge of Brigade. We are to be relieved by a regiment tonight. Col. Shelton in charge. 104th I think
had been shelled. Engineer. First [word] stuck in first shell hole. Work all in vain. We enjoyed it tho. Cooked our own supper again. Stokes and I build a fire and cooked together. Red Hoover drew 4 days rations instead of [word] morale Lucky he did. Stokes and I are sleeping together again. Haven’t washed since we left the rest camp. Getting pretty greasy.
Nov 2. Loafed all A.M. and moved out at 12:00 Fell in with the gang but took a detour. Raining. Got lost after traveling [word] miles. Stopped along the road. All wet to the skin. No supper and no place to go. Kirk and Weanir [probably Joe Weiner] went on to a town and left us to our fate. Andy found some dugouts. We got our packs and plowed up the road about half a mile. Stokes and I got in one together and slept in a man hole
Nov. 3. Sunday Never realized it until someone reminded me of it tonight. Bill and I got up at 6:30. Forgot to say that we had a can of Bulley for supper. Bill swiped it off the truck. Well we pack up and go back to the truck. Sammy Sprague grabbed off a bucket of molasses and we toasted bread and fried bacon. No coffee but filled up and had some good water as there was a spring close. After dinner Cecil Forrest and [words] took detail. Salvagers, as they have dubbed us got together and fixed up a cosey dugout and were “all set” until Edgar Taylor came down and told us we had to move up on the hill. With that going well after many sayings we moved and pitched a double tent. Knocked off a good supper. Made own bed. 9 blankets and planned how we would fix it up. Forrest has grabbed off a dandy little stove.
Nov 4th. Nothing doing much.
Nov. 4. Monday: Nothing doing much. Only fixing up tent. Forrest raised it about 1 foot putting boards around the bottom. Worked from 10:00 to 12:00. Had a toast and butter feed in our tent in eve. Wrote letters. Austria Signs Armistice.
Nov. 5th Worked from 8:00 to 10:00. Orders for regiment to move out at 1:00 o’clock. Tel. detail to stay over and take up wire in A.M.
Nov 6th. We moved out about 10:00. Rained during the night. Only traveled about 4 or 5 miles and stopped in a place where a German camp had been. Saw several dead American boys. Are putting up in a German made barracks hastily constructed out of pine. Muddy, very muddy. Strung a wire to general fixing systems.
Nov. 7th Slept in barracks with tel. detail and ordinance men. Forrest and I fixed up a room that had been made for a couple of German officers. Got two wooden beds, hand
made, a stove, table, stool and everything. We made a rug out of an old coffee sack. Forrest made a double door out of a couple old window frames. Also put in a double window. All set. Still raining and very muddy. Allies present armistice terms to Germany yesterday.
Nov. 8th Were issued cakes, chocolate and camel cigarettes last night. Also chewing tobacco, Bull Durham matches and plug. Report last night that Metz was captured, 130,000 prisoners and trucks for the first time during the war were allowed to run with headlights.
Have been having pancakes and bacon for breakfast every morning. Am on duty at the switchboard. Not much doing. Had quite a time getting a fire started. Cut some splinters off an old maple tree that a shell had hit. Got 4 letters yesterday. Minnie [his sister, Minnie Elliott Frazier (18971921)], Kelly, and two from Bee. Everyone seems in good spirits this A.M. Peace seems to be near. No cannonading.
Nov. 9. Sat. Signing the pay roll today. Allies give Germany 72 hours to decide on Armistice.
Mon. Nov 11. This time will be up. Rained all night. Our roof leaked but we stretched pup tents over our beds and fooled it.
Nov. 10. Moved out of the mud on a hurry up order at 4 o’clock Sat night. Maj. [Thomas F.] Lancer, the pancake eater and the medics monopolized our truck and we had to walk all but “Simm”. Troop movement was very congested because of hurrying of troops forward to take up position before Armistice is signed. We travelled until 4 o’clock Sun morning and flopped until 7:00. Up with orders to move 8:30. We moved at 1200. Traveled until dark, very slowly, bad roads and horses all in. I had
a Bully Beaf Headache. Got the truck stuck when trying to park. The men strung a line to Brig. Forrest and I slept in the open on a big piece of siding.
Nov. 11th We made a house of a double pup tent.
Armistice was signed and went into effect at 11 o’clock today. Everybody happy. On duty from 7:00 to 8:00.
Nov. 12. Orders to “delouse”. Am not effected. Don’t know when it will take place. Salvaged with Forrest in P.M. (Souvenir).
Nov 13. Rcvd word that we had been assigned to the 32nd div and would accompany them on to the Rhine for guard duty during the period of Armistice. Had a fire in our tent this a.m. Forrest built a big fire and went to work
while I proceeded to sleep thru Reville. Someone yelled “tent on fire” and I made it out of my bed and up to the fire in nothing. Wessel came to the rescue and we “[word]” it “toot sweet”.
Bokoo mail.
Latest development in our drive to the Rhine is that there is a possibility of us being motorized. First chilly weather to amount to anything.
Nov 14th Thurs. Took a hike with Wessel and Harris up to the front lines. Day was too hazy to observe. Took our rations along and cooked our own dinner. Pork and beans, salmon, buttered toast and coffee. Had some hike and enjoyed it very much. Pretty tired tho.
Nov. 15th Prisoners coming past in goodly numbers.
American, French, and Italian. We are eagerly awaiting call to go on our famous trip to the Rhine.
Nov. 16th. Orders to move. Left about 12:30. Hiked 11 kilos. Went through Harmout [Haraumont], Ecurie [Écurey-en-Verdunois], Lissey, and Marville. Sleeping tonight in an officers quarters with Forrest, Sprague, Gillespie. Reville in a.m. at 6:15.
Nov. 17th Same.
[using a typewriter] This is a souvenir American that I salvaged in Jametz. We got up at six ten to stand reville and it was over. Eat breakfast, shaved and looked over the village. The orders were changed and we were to move out at ten instead of eleven. Forrest and I were a bit late but we got in O.K. Hiked to St Jean [Saint-Jean-les-Longuyon]. Got in at one o’clock. Were billeted in a big house. Very comfortable. Eat dinner, very light beans, bread and coffee. The boys are cleaning up and looking for cooties. This is Sunday but how should we know it. The Chaplain announced Mass this A.M. The Germans only left this town yesterday.
Nov 18th Monday. Morning and a bad start. Forrest, Millholand and I didn’t stand Reville and therefore had to load the officers’ bed rolls. Will stand it tomorrow. We’re to start out at seven o’clock but will not start till eight.
Later — Started out at 9:30. Hiked until dark. Fine country. Good scenery. Nice day. I rode a good part of it with Johnny Routson. Brigade truck run over my foot. Didn’t bust it much. Andy got run over by the ((kitchen)). Hurt his foot pretty bad. Eat dinner on the road. Soup. [Bum] headache all day. Came through Longuyeu [Longuyon], Marville, and Villes Les Chevre [Villers-la-Chèvre]. We’re staying in a French home, very glad to have us. They can talk German. Bochers only left this town this morning. Traveled 27 kilometers. First snow.
Nove 19th/18
Stayed over in this burg for a rest and an inspection. Had plenty of inspections but very little rest. (Insp [inspection] by div Gen
Nov. 20th.
Packed up and marched out of Chevre [Villers-la-Chèvre] about 10:30. Fine day to hike, didn’t stop for dinner but had coffee and hard tack. Went through Longovy [Longwy] quite a big town. Manufactures country, the best we have seen. Passed from France to Luxembourg at 3:00 o’clock in the P.M. People speak both French and German. Have been starved. Have lived mostly on potatoes and bread. First town in L [Luxembourg]. was Rodagur [Rodange]. Very clean and nice buildings. Btrys stopped at Radagne [Rodange] Reg Hdqrs. Came on to Petagur [Pétange] where we put up for the night. People very glad to see us and welcome us as
well as they know how. Booze and a few other things but most everyone is broke.
We are sleeping in a bowling alley. My first night in Luxembourg also my first night in a bowling alley.
Am on guard at the command post from 10:00 until two. My first guard in France.
Nov 21.
Orders to leave at 9:00 o’clock. Left about 11:00. People gave us the glad hand. Gave us apples (threw them out of the windows and let us scramble for them. Hiked about 30 kilos. No dinner and about the fastest hiking we ever did. Several of the boys were put under arrest for falling out. About 4:00 o’clock we took a detour thru the north end of the city
and I slept in a driveway [word] had a better bed. Sunday morning.
Cold as thunder. Cooks tried to cook some German Bully Beef but wasn’t very successful, it was threw out. Forest and I located along a wall that surrounded a graveyard built a fire, washed our neck and ears, shaved and cleaned up in general. Grabbled off a can of sweet potatoes and some Beef Hash and made a conglomeration of stew with the beans we had for dinner. Recv’d several letters but none from Jessie or Gladys, also wrote several in a cafe and while on duty. Was successful in missing Reville and Retreat. Worked from 8 to 12 for Forest and enjoyed a good cozy room.
Nov. 25th Stood Revile for the first time since the armistice has been signed. Had pancakes for Breakfast
made from German flour. Rain coats and rubber boots are in order as it is raining this A.M. Not much doing today. I wrote letters all afternoon in a cafe. Missed retreat as usual.
Nov 26th On duty from 4 to 6 a.m. Wrote to Iva and Mother Cook. Got in some supplies yesterday but officers took all the chocolates and chewing gum. Sold the men some bum cigarettes. Dreary day, not much doing. Loafed with Btry “A” this afternoon and evening on duty from 10:00 to 12:00.
Nov 27. We are three kilometers from German soil and 3 from Thremes a city of 100.00. Orders now are that we will go 30 kilos on the other side of the Rhine.
Took a bath this a.m. in a cold [word], warm water tho. Edgar Taylor and I washed our clothes. Don’t know when we will get ‘em dry tho.
as it is still raining. Missed revile again. Shrader and Gillespie were put in the kitchen for missing. Andy took Sammie out. Btry E. bought a hog for Thanksgiving dinner, $1.80 per lb.
Orders came in that a certain percent of men could go to Luxembourg but after they had their passes all made out the order came to cancel them and several were very disappointed. Stood Reville, had boiled potatoes and corned beef [word] for breakfast. Rations came in at 4:00 a.m. Several truck loads of YMCA came in yesterday.
A growling angry bunch before dinner but Louis filled ‘em with steak, mashed spuds, gravy, stewed carrots, cold slaw, bread, butter, coffee and an apple. All you could eat. Louis grabbed all the apples. Cabbage and carrots on the side. Supplies not in yet.
Nov 29th, Friday, raining, inspection. Sammy Sprague just awakened me out of a dream about home so I could go on duty at 4:00 o’clock. Made pack and shaved for inspection in a.m. Got “Y” supplies issued the P.M. Loafed with Btry “A” at the corner cafe, their Hdqrs. Worked form 10 to 12 tonight. Feel very impossible.
Nov 30th :—:
Inspection called off. Move tomorrow. Band concert at 3:00 o’clock. Worked from 4 to 6:00. Closed station at 6. New shoes, new underclothes. I didn’t get any to fit.
Sunday Dec. 1st. Moved out at 9:00 o’clock. Good day to hike. The colors and standard of the 324 H.F.A. were carried across the German line today at 2:00 bells. Doty and Vetter carrying them. “Windy” Buckley [probably George D. Buckley] and Pete Olefsen (Oaper) were the guards. Country looks practically same as Luxembourg and a good bit like France. Went through Echternach the last town in Luxembourg a
Luxembourg. We entered going down a long, long hill with beautiful cedar trees along one side and clean, neat looking houses on the other.
We went thru the valley and where the people lived. They were about the best class of people we have seen and talked to since being over here. We climbed the hill to a village named Kirchburg where we stayed all night. Most every one was all fine. We slept in a barn on some rye straws. Got up at six o’clock with orders to move out at 7:30. Had a good breakfast. Fried potatoes, bully beef, prunes, bread and coffee. Move out in good time. Went most of the way thru a big birch forrest [illegible] beautiful. I drove the ration cart about a mile, then walked up with Ex Sgt. Flannery. Bought some
apples at a hotel. 5 for a Franc. Very good. Arrived at Hostrit [Hostert] about 1:30. Billeted in a school house. Only travelled about six kilos. Had dinner and supper together beef steak and gravy. Wessel, Harris and I took a walk but didn’t find much of a town. Had a song and joke fest then went to bed. Van woke us at 6:00. Nov 22nd bugler over slept. Stew for breakfast. Lt. Wernir [Wranir] our French orientation officer and his orderly Jake or lot are going to have us today. We are serenading him with songs, Marseilles. Jake led it.
Left around noon. Travelled 4 kilos and had dinner, coffee, beans & hard tack. Got into position about dark. No big [word]. Went through Root [Roodt-sur-Syre], Paerg [Berg] and stopped at Biven. Slept in barns. Faust, Bill Cunningham
very good town. We are billeted tonight in Jarrel [probably Irrel] a German village. The people are very good to us but the fellows are not trusting them. We also have a machine gun mounted at every cross road. Am on guard tonight with Forest and Wessel. Am sleeping in a barn, very up to date. Am writing by electric light. My first night in Germany.
Dec. 2nd
We are up for Reville, bad night. Everyone got sick on some salmon. Had to give up both trucks. I managed to get my roll on the truck as usual. Moved out at 9:00 o’clock. Went through Neiderveis [Niederweis] and [blank]. Very hilly. Stayed all night in Nederfober-Strateir (Niederstedem). Slept in a barn. Btry. A issued “Y” stuff.
Dec. 3rd.
Moving out at 8:30. Bad morning, it is raining. Went through Bitburg, quite a
city. Went up a hill about 3 kilos long. Ration cart lead horse give out. Stopped off in Badem. Am sleeping in a barn again tonight, with Forest. Had bokoo beans for supper. (Went through Erdorf, A R ((Cruts)).
Dec. 4th Up for Reville for once. Are laying over here for the day. Had a good breakfast. Bacon, potatoes, peaches, gravy bread and coffee. Had our armors issued. I spent the morning getting Gaudier to sew ‘em on. Got in commissaries. Jam and chewing gum. I bought a whole carton of gum. Sent cards home. Bought apples. Band concert.
Dec. 5th. Left at 830. Had dinner on the way. Had an extra can of jam. Shared it with Arch Stokes and Irish Driscoll. New horse on the rations cart. Went down a winding mountain road and up again. About the biggest hill I ever went down and up. Stopped at Maudreshet [Manderscheid]. Got to bed at one o’clock. Everyone pretty much dogged.
Dec 6th Left at 7:30 after sleeping in a Beer Hall on straw. Didn’t get to bed until 1:00 o’clock. Didn’t get up for Reville. Wet dreary day. Stopped for dinner. Covered 32 kilometers. Had several big hills. Pulled in after dark and got to bed about 11:00 o’clock. Up at 5:00. Some of the Btrys. got up at 3:30. Let at 6:30. Horses falling fast. Went thru a fairly big town yesterday. Dawn, but it was twilight when we went through. Many hills and very beautiful country if we weren’t in the army. “Andy” got sore at Louis at supper and slugged him. Capt. Morse relieved from his command. Allan Grant recommended for a reduction, wrote out his own charges, got em lowered and the Col. turned them down.
Dec 7th Sat.
On the way at 6:30 up a big hill first thing. Roads muddy. Horses fatigued. Went 11 kilos. Landed at 11:30. Boku dead horses along the road. Had to lull in a field while the 2nd Army Corp moved out of Kelburg [Kelberg]. Are billeted in an old snopps [schnapps] room. Old lady put up some opposition but [word] Srgt Buckley got us in o.k. Capt De Wolf put a 45 in the old black horse that wore himself out on an army ration cart. Am on guard tonight from 6:00 to 10:30 at the battalion.
Dec 8th
Rest day. I rested. Had a headache and slept through dinner. Had a big argument in eve. on militarism.
Dec 9th
Up and off at 8:30. Several horses dead. Country very hilly. I sat on a hill this a.m. and could see 5 towns. Roads [word]. Passed many fine forests. Saw a big castle. Stopped for
dinner at 12:00. Pulled in at dark. Stopped in a really up to date school house. Had a [word] headache. Stopped at Kurrenbourg [Kürrenberg]. 22 K. today.
Dec 10th Orders to move at 8:30 — 18 Kilos to go. Only have about 30 K. to go yet to get to Coblenz [Koblenz]. Got in Ochtendung about 4:00 o’clock. After the usual jam with Buckley got billeted in a really German home. Forest, (Kilry), Taylor Edgar, Donahue, and Schotte are in one room. The people treat us fine. Sprague and one of the Fraulines are out after a can of beer now. Hdqrs Co. got paid tonight. We possibly will be paid tomorrow. YMCA located here. Town pretty fair size. Edgar Taylor got sick.
Dec 11th missed Reville as usual. Carried wood for Sgt. Cole. Shaved my mustache off. Forest went back with a detail to pick up tin cans and bury them.
Got paid for Sept and Oct. 327 Francs. Got my hair cut. Went cootie hunting. Wiley & Edgar Taylor found boku.
Boku mail. I got 14 letters.
Dec. 12th Up for Reville. Pan cakes for breakfast.
Loafed all day. People fed us in the afternoon. On guard tonight from 10: to 2:00.
Dec 13th 1918 — My birthday and we have orders to movie to the Rhine. Raining. Didn’t get across. Are scheduled to cross tomorrow at 10:00. It is Fri. Dec. 13th and we are billeted in a dance all in Bldg. no 13. Hiked about 20 kilos. 10 more tomorrow. Kirkpatrick and Dawson came back from brigade today. Dawson asked the boys how they found cooties. Milholand told him they found us, we didn’t have to look for ‘em. Came past Coblenz [Koblenz] within about 2 kilos are about 4 from it now.
Dec. 14. Wessel sounded a false alarm and we got up for Reville about 45 minutes early. I shaved before breakfast. Off at 8 bells. Went about 10 kilos. Crossed the Rhine at ten o’clock. Not such a big river as I thot. Only about as big as Mad River or as big as the Scioto. Matter, Ward and Powell all strived. Are staying all night in Sayn. An old castle on the edge of town. We climbed a circular stair way and went to the top. I twas build 1200 years ago and was last occupied by Sayn about 600 years ago. Quite a historic place. Had dinner and supper together so we borrowed some spuds from the old lady. Got some grapes, bread, butter and coffee from the kitchen and had a feast.
Dec. 15—Sunday. Slept until 7:00 o’clock. Left at 8:45. Went up a mountain grade over ten kilos long. Got the top at one o’clock. Saw a big flock of sheep.
Shepherd, dog, and all.
Day quite warm for Dec. People all eager to see us and meet us with smiling faces. After a good bit of ruminating around we landed at [blank] about two bells. Just a small burg but we are to stay here for some time. Have a guard house and everything. Am billeted in a German home with Forest, Dawson, Routson [Routzahn], Moore, Mitchell. So endeth Sunday.
Dec 16th Slept all night missed Reville as usual. Bum breakfast. Boiled spuds, molasses, bread and coffee. Loafed in a.m. Set up telephone central in P.M. Was on duty from 2:30 to 4:30. Had big feed at the Dutch house of chicken, sour crout [kraut], mashed spuds and gravy. Had usual stone age games with doitcle gals and were kept from going to bed until 10:00 bells.
Dec 17 Worked in a.m. from 7 to 10:30. Cleaned up a bit.
Loafed in P.M. Rcvd mail. Chewing gum in two. Am on duty tonight all night. Thought I was going to bed hungry but a good Samaritan in the form of a servant girl came in with a roast beef sandwich. Everything quiet.
Dec 18th. According to reports the armistice has been postponed one month. Also we are to be motorized soon. Getting home for Christmas seems to be out of order.
Dec 19th Took a hike over to next burg with Wessel and Harris. Got some jam and a loaf of brown bread. Had to smuggle both. Eats very scarce.
Dec 20th. Cap. took our hay out of the guard house. Have to sleep on the floor now. Chaplain gets K. of C. Supplies. Officers gets most of ‘em. Everybody pretty much disappointed.
Dec 21st. Buckley got us some chocolate and cakes. Up with a headache. Worked until 10:30 and went to
bed. Didn’t get up until 4:00. Worked for Wessel while he had a feed up where he stays. Andy relieved us for supplies or I wouldn’t have had any. Had beaucoup ((slum)). Sat up with Shirey [probably Charles C.] and the guard until 12:00 o’clock. Had chocolate, cakes and Gillespie brought in some potato salad. Capt Coombs [Coombe, Harry E] is to take command of the headquarters Co. Dr ((Mipalondo)) goes to SOS as translator for peace commission. Lt Col Riggs and Major Roth assigned to Regiment. Gen Pershing in area of corp headquarters. Inspection of one of the divisions tomorrow.
Dec 22nd. Sunday. Had service at 1100 o’clock. Very good. Band accompaniment. Read McLures Magazine all afternoon. Boucoup mail in evening.
Dec 23rd. Monday. First snow. Melted before noon. Weather very mild. No cold weather yet to amount to anything. Kirk puts out 4 bags of
chocolate. 2 Francs. More 2nd class mail.
24th Rcved American from Gladys. Also some religious papers from Mrs Kegg. Had a headache, took a walk up in the forests and came back with a smile.
Dec 25th Xmas day. We awoke to find everything covered with snow. Sure was beautiful. Had plenty of candy and Y supplies. Also a good dinner. Took a hike with Wessel and Shirey to find one of Krauts hunting lodges. Caught Johnny Routzahn going to 1st Bn. and went along with him. Mail tonight.
Easter in the U.S., 4th of July in France, Thanksgiving in Luxembourg, and Xmas in Germany. Some globetrotter. Very good day.
12 new men added to the band.
26th Just took a big walk with Johnnie ((Patrick)) up in the forest. Beaucoup snow. Dandy scenery.
27th Nothing much doing. Same routine. Fell out for
drill. Same drill.
Dec 28th Move up to Grosmaschied [Grossmaischeid]. Raining bad and roads full of ice. Got located and set up a central in about 20 minutes. Wessel, Harris, Miller and I are sleeping in a room with the switchboards.
Dec 29th Same old stuff.
Dec 30th Kausen quarantined for chicken pox. Recreation tent pitched. [Year 1919]
Jan 6th Recreation tent never used. Moved it today. Engineers are erecting us a mess hall. Btry “A” getting shower baths. One apiece. YMCA established. Don’t have much but writing paper and advice. Got paid tonight in German money. I drew 488 Mrks, equivalent to about $60.00 real money. Went hunting this a.m. with Smitli [probably Yalter L. Smitli]. Got a shot at a deer and Smitli got cold feet and came in. Edgar Taylor
Wessel and I are going in the a.m. Transferred to hdqrs. co. last week. We are wearing our service chevrons.
Jan. 7th. Went out before daylight with Wessel and Edgar Taylor to get ourselves a deer and sure nuf I got one, a little fawn, about 100 pounds. Shot at four before I landed a hit. Edgar skinned and gutted him with a pen knife. We carried him into the burg in a sack. An old Frauline is going to put up a feed for us tomorrow night.
Chaplain starts public speaking class tonight. Drafted Geo. Dugan and in to help him.
Jan 8th
Sent 488 marks home thru the Y.M.C.A. Harris and I skipped foot drill and took a walk. Recv’d my Xmas package. Had a big feed on the deer, spuds, gravy, sour kraut, dried apples,
bread and coffee. Oh boy.
They are raising cain around tonight about the deer hunting. A couple of fellows killed a forester’s dog and a couple more made him fret it by taking aim at him. Orders were issued tonight that anyone caught hunting deer will be court martialed.
Jan 10 — On leave to Coblentz [Koblenz].
Took truck from Grossmaschid to Cliva M. [probably town of Kleinmaischied] Truck went bad. Transferred to another waited 1/2 hour for Capt.Hagggard to get his [word] passes stamped. Got started about 900 o’clock. Trip made in good time after we got started. Went from Sayn down the Rhine and saw the statue of William I on a big horse where the Rhine and Mosel rivers come together. Got in about 10:45 went souviniering with
Blaze Burns until dinner time. Didn’t get much but post cards and chevrons. Also a couple of rolls of film for my camera. Vest pocked cameras were priced at 400 marks, about $150. Had dinner at YMCA headquarters. Pretty good. Costed nothing. After dinner a Y.M. man took us out to Kaiser Wilhelm I castle [probably Kurfürstliches Schloss]. Built and rebuilt. Don’t remember when it was originally built. Went through all the rooms. Boucoup paintings and statues. Saw bed that Kaiser I slept in, also the one where Queen Victoria slept on her honeymoon. Saw some furniture made in 1400. Not a bad joint. Came back and had supper and went to a vaudeville show of local talent. Some good. Started home at 9.40 truck engine working bad. Got home about 12:00 Slept.
Dec 11th
Inspection at 9:00. Commended very lightly by our Capt. Coombes. Got my hair cut. Took a walk out in the deer country in the P.M. with Pvt Harris. Didn’t see any deer. Am going to bed tonight with a very sore tonsil.
Jan 12th Jan13th Harris went Coblenz [Koblenz].
Jan 14th Sent souvenirs home.
Jan 15th 308 on train starting home.
Jan 16th Got four letters. Went to Dierdorf and bot a pair of trench boots.
Jan 17th [blank]
Jan 25th Things have been going as usual. We are rapidly being motorized, have most of motors in. Horses are being deloused and turned in. Pretty cold. Minstrel show played here tonight in the mess hall. Made a hit.
Jan 31 — Went to Coblenz.
Feb 3rd Had a gun (rifle) issued me. Saw a
movie in the mess hall. Got acquainted with YMCA man’s choir in Washington. Inspections galore.
Feb 5th. Shot at pistol range. Made 87 our of possible 100.
YMCA girl coming tomorrow. Harris in Coblentz.
Feb 11th
128th Inf. Showing here tonight. Kilroy and Edgar Taylor to Neuwied on pass. Football game tomorrow.
Feb 12th 2nd div beat the 32nd 18 to 0 in football. “Babu”, “Flu”, and Ed Taylor went to hospital last night. Pretty sick myself.
Ordinary routine of existence around Gross Maischidt [Grossmaischeid].
Feb 23rd Got a pass to Neuwied. Didn’t get started u until about 10 o’clock. Got there in time to look around before dinner. Had dinner and went to bed with a headache.
and wasn’t much doing for me that day.
Feb 24th Went up the river on a sight seeing trip. Had a good day and enjoyed the trip. Loafed around the Recreation Room and had “fral” ice cream and cake.
Feb 25th Went down the Rhine towards Cologne. Trip not so good. Altho enjoyed. Went to movie “Baby Mine” then to 125th Inf show. Big dance at Recreation Bldg. Four YMCA girls present.
Feb 26th. Went in swimming after breakfast. Lost Wessel’s watch. Passes extended 3 more days. Went to 1st Engineer’s show in P.M. Good show. Changed sleeping quarters. Change not so good.
Feb 27th
May move to Amancy [Annecy] France.
Left Coblentz [Koblenz] March 30, Sunday at
11:00 o’clockP.M. Travelled in German coaches 3rd class. I slept in the baggage rack. Not so bad as one would think. Travelled 2 nights and two days. Arrived in Amancy [Annecy] about 3:00 o’clock on Thurs. Apr. 1st after the usual routine of checking in we were assigned our hotels at Uncle Sam’s expense. This was the first time I had slept in a bed since I had been home. We were to eat at a French restaurant but ate for the most part at their “Y” restaurant. Have quite a time sleeping. Haven’t been able to get up before 10:00 o’clock. We are in the last of the Alps.
Took a ride on Lake Amancy [Annecy] today. Very historic. Saw place
September Morn was painted. Also where “Wondering Jew” was written. Also the pass where Hannibal took his troops across the Alps and several places of historic value.