the yearbook of otterbein college westerville, ohio
Suddenly, there is something you really like doing. It's exciting it's nice and it comes from within yourself•
Even .in asserting his individuality a student becomes a part of his friends his institution his world.
People around you Surround you. New roles happen You become the listener or the teacher the leader or the follower.
The third annual I.F.C. All-Campus Blast once again demonstrated " How to throw a party." The Westerville Armory was filled with students refreshing themselves and getting down to a little boogiein'.
The Inter-Fraternity Council is the organization of Greeks on campus, and represents all campus fraternities. The I.F.C. sponsors this event annually to give freshmen and independents a chance to meet the brothers of the fraternities.
Nancy Shelton captured first place in the Freshman Talent Show for her dramatic oral interpretation of a poem. Placing second and third in the great row of talent were Sue Ball and Ann Myers. Sue sang her way to the number two spot, while Ann Accom- panied herself on the piano as she sang. Randy Adams and Bob Pettigrew acted as the wacky masters of ceremonies for the event. The Freshman Talent Show was a successful en- deavor for all involved.
Homecoming at Otterbein is perhaps one of the biggest and most important events of the year. To present their candidates, all sorority sisters prepare a serenade for her to be sung during a ceremony prior to elections. Also, during the week before Homecoming, the sororities and fraternities work diligently through the night to create that winning float.
This year's theme "Around the World in Eighty Days" provided for great imagination and color spectrum. The heart of all lies in tradition. The variegated floats wound their way through the streets, Theta Nu sold big yellow mums, the band played to perfection, and the royalty led the parade.
With the late October weather beautifully obliging, Homecoming 1975 was an exciting and eventful day. Selected to reign over the festivities was Mary "Mem" Miller of Tau Epsilon Mu. Chosen as the Maid of Honor was Ruth Johnson, Epsilon Kappa Tau.
Count Dracula was presented as the Otterbein College 1974- 75 season opener. The cast and crew responded to the high demands by performing brilliantly. The infamous count, por- trayed by Jim West, along with spe- cial effects provided by the sound and light technicians, added a mysterious, eerie tone that stimulated the audience. This, combined with the fastpace action and the count's quest in search of life-giving blood and a desire to rule the world, made for an exciting presentation which Director James Avidon maintained was essential. Of course, the great success of the play was due largely to the mag- nificent performances by the entire cast. All of these ingredients made Count Dracula a superb production.
CAST (in order of appearance)
Sybil Seward ....................Leslie Young
Hennessey ............................ Cabot Rea
Dr. Arthur Seward ...............John Cain
Renfield ............................... Dan Hawk
Wesley ..................................Jon White
Jonathan Harker ................ Bill Brewer
Mina ............................ Sue Ann Kocks
Count Dracula ......................Jim West
Dr. Heinrich Van Helsing ........... Gian Morelli
guess who ... I vant to bite your neck ... allow me what a drip!
Panhellenic is the governing body for the seven sororities at Otterbein. As a self-governing organization it regulates matters pertaining to sorority life on campus. Its membership is comprised of three delegates from each of the seven sororities.
The teetertotter marathon was sponsored by Pan-Hel to raise money for the National Hemophiliac Society. Participants from each sorority relived their childhood by teetertottering in one hour shifts for a twenty-four hour period. Donations accumulated well over one hundred dollars.
Whether it is sorority volleyball, fraternity football, or GDI competition, intramurals is involvement for all.
Not all of Otterbein's athletes display their talents in varsity uniforms. An extensive intramural program allows both men and women to participate in football, volleyball, or basketball.
with all these people ... expression thought ... experiences smiles
World Campus Afloat is a unique educational experience. The program seeks to introduce students to the varied cultures of man through study voyages. For the student, World Campus Afloat becomes his community in which learning and living interact twenty-four hours a day.
McCurdy School, located in Santa Cruz, New Mexico, provides quality education for over six hundred students in a Christian atmosphere. The school's primary goal is to serve every young person with a special need. A limited amount of students in elementary or secondary education may be selected for a term of study and internship. Often, study projects are related to the merging of Spanish, Indian, and Anglo-American cultures.
The quiet study atmosphere the baggy eyes ... deviation from the routine
This year's fourth annual Opera Theatre production opened with two one act operas, "Amahl and the Night Visitors" and "The Impresario". Under the direction of Dr. William Wyman and senior theater major Bill Brewer, the two works offered delightful contrasts and the performances were better than ever.
On the keychain of life not only is there a key to opportunity and knowledge, but also a key to the memories of the past.
Scapin gave students an opportunity to work in the "commedia" style. The object of such is to entertain by working improvisionally to recapture the spirit of broad farce and just good fun. Patricia Ryan, a Denison University faculty member, was guest director.
CAST BOX (alphabetically)
Geronte ................................John Cain
Argante .............................Jerry Confer
Porter No. I .................. Tom Downard
Porter No. 2 ........................ Dan Hawk
Nerive ..................................... Pam Hill
Hyacintha .................... Sue Ann Kocks
Carlos ..................... Michael McCleese
Silvester ........................... Gian Morelli
Zerbinetta ..................... Nancy Shelton
Leander ........................James St. Clair
Octavio ........................... David Well er
Scapino...................................Jim West
Winter Weekend '75 commenced with CPB's ski trip to Clearfork Ski Resort followed by ice skating later in the evening. Also planned for this weekend was the OtterbeinOberlin basketball game (in which we were victorious) highlighted by the coronation of the queen. After the game, a seimi-formal dance, "Les Reflections Crystal-line", brought this magical weekend to a close. Its French theme coincided with the French-oriented play, Scapin, also being presented this weekend.
Residence Program Service sponsored a "Whiz Quiz" tournament similar to the "In the Know" television game show. Questions were posed to teams of four players each. Topics ranged from varied fields such as literature, science, history, music, art, geography, vocabulary, and general knowledge. By the way, do you know which figure of Greek mythology was forced to spend eternity pushing a rock up a hill?
RPS with the help of Mrs. Thomas, held a fashion show in the lounge of Hanby Hall. The cloths from the Last Straw boutique were modeled by girls from the dorm.
Mass confusion reigned before each rehearsal as members retrieved instruments, grabbed music folders, and exchanged anecdotes about Director Gary Tirey. However, from such chaos came excellence.
The Concert Choir, under direction of Dr. William Wyman has released a two-album recording of representative selections included in the choir repetoire from 1971-1975. The choir is a major touring ensemble which works hard but also enjoys many good times together. The vocal music department remained outstanding as always this year.
"Ballet Encounter", an evening of dance and comment conceived by Jacques D'Amboise of the New York City Ballet opened the Artist Series for winter term. Closely following this was Robert Gralnik's lecture on the life and times of Chopin. The Columbus String Quartet, a young energetic ensemble of musicians performed an informal Rug Concert. The setting provided an informal introduction to chamber music and an exciting musical experience for all.
C. Snodgrass, R. Harrison, C. Fowler, B. Fox, W. Wetherbee, P. Burns, P. Stout, D.
L. Fett, L. Jones, K. Tnplett, G. Bixler, R. Johnson, D. Launder, M. Horn, P. Call, C. Phalor, M. Barr, L. Marshall,
M. Arnold, V. Ingles, D. Scott, A. Stallings, B. Bone, B. Lehman, P. Lutz, J. Weixel, c. Claggett, M. Foster, S. Loos, L. Stark, I. Jochem,
Row: S. Woodring, E. Schacht, J. Melhorn, M. Miller, J. Moore, P. Shelton, M. Dunaway, A. Backer, Second Row: B. Bible, B. Wolboldt M. Johnson, Third Row: D. Williams, L. Fry, S. Scars, C. Wells, K. Lafferty, M. Slack, P. lluslon, J. Conover, M. O'dell, Fourth Row: R. Sando, T. Blair, C. Roh, Fifth Row: R. Whitmeyer, P. Buchanan, J. Kassing, S. Boas, A. Wandrisco, J. Melick, B. Rogers, D. Diamond, S. Raymond, L. Bechtel, On Roof: B. Seibert, L. Woodward, V. Hodgeon, J. Pfancuff, L. Bailey, S. Cline, T. llcrtlein, F. Donisi, S. Fast, Top Row: P. Marstrell, J. Herron, II. Schulz, C. Lantz, A. West, C. Cargcs, D. Lamb
Front Row: P. Masters, B. Hannis, J. Hollinger, B. Cunnings, M. Well,, C. Geisler, L. Rice, Second Row: L. Davis,B. Bean , B. Simmons, J. Flippo, C. Cole, D. Venable , Third Row : C. Manuel, S. Smith, M. Hobgood , S. Reinhart , M Allen , B Mood y, K. Paul , Fourth Row: :'\. Ballog, S. horn, ' T. Streb, S. Kinse y, C. Bateman , Fifth Row : E. Milne, K. Shannon, J. Hoge, K. Shaver, M. Griffin, N Osbahr, J. Jone,, Sixth Row: S. I-lent 1 Hritz, B. Shultz, M Whitacre, C. Conklin, B. Smith, N. Jakibek, K. Jones, L. Kern, B Vogler, T. Engle, K. Henthorn , S. Miller '
Front Row: S. Militelo, D. Switzer, Second Row: S. Webb, R. Stauffer, J. Voneida, J. Recob, R. Miller, C. Walther, G Gill, G. Mayfield, Third Row: M. Dozier, M. Griffith, W. Muzzioli, D. Robbins, M. Crum, D. Vonschitz , J. Hoye r, D. Wright , Back Row: K. FoUrath, R. Hutka, M. Snider, J. Humphreys, D. King, M. Greenham
J. Reid , C . Moon, J. Witback, Wolff, T. McCurdy, R. Mauer, J. Lewis,T Collins, A. Carcia , Second Row: R. Smith , MacVoy,G. McComb,R. Moomaw,T Anderson R. Deltz, A Ettenhoffer, J. Ruhle , Frish, Roberts, D . Cockay ne, Wright,Wondere, P Eisman, J. Kalb, R Dodge F.Vogle, J. lniger, P Miller, Last How : J. Minehart, J Chamberlin , Michaels, McKee, D Moore,T. Harbreck, S Reall, E. Brookover, D Weeks , T Welch, 8 · Sokolosfsky, S. Mill ill er, C. Case, M. Shannon , J. H usse
Front Row: D. Stuckey, P. Pauley, E. Dagen, T. Radbill, L. Bccthal, D. Burns, B. Kending, B. Pfahlor, Second Row: S. Schnar, S· Atkins,S T.JonesTaren· , P. S. telli, C. Ansel, I?· Kasaunic, A. Alberts, P. McKee, C. Phalor, R. Adams, Third Row: P. Goodridge, B. Lehman, L. Roraback, L. Bradford, D. M,llcr, M. Sommer, T. Wolfe, Fouth Row: B. Bean, E. Schacht, M. Payne, S. Delay, M. Arnold, G. Vauder, Stairs: Christopher, R. Evans, C. Manuel, M. Basha, E. Thomas, M. Steeley, D. Morgan, C. Cro,swhitc, L. Bailey, K. Oldag, T. Collins, P. Shelden, S. Ricard, · K N eiderer ·
CAMPUS CENTER OFFICE: Mrs. Kaufmann, R. Carpolotti, Mrs. Bagley
CAMPUS PROGRAMMING BOARD: R. Carpolotti, L. Austen, D. Ste vens, C. Ansel, B. Lehman. Back Row: T. Radbill, D. Inscho, R. Adams, G. Wooten, B. Kending, D. Shuey
REGISTRARS OFFICE: Seated: P. Baker, Standing: Secretaries and R. Shield
LEARNING RESOURCE STAFF: B. Eaton, M. Rohal, R. Flemming
Above, PANHELLENIC Front: K. Bennett, D. Smith, S. Woodring, J. Mathias, B. Bean, Standing: S. Crihfield, C. Pfost, K. Dechert, C. Manuel, F. Shaw, S. Tice, D. Hammer, P. Shelton, P. Grubbs, Sitting on sign: P. Pifer, C. Henthorn, T. Hertlein Right, SCOPE, Sitting: J. Hoge, N. Flinchbaugh, M. Hobgood, B. Moody, B. Weisbrod, J. Brush. Standing: C. Terry, K. Maurer, D. Buckle, S. Eubanks, D. Stevens, R. Clarke, D. Barber, E. Teichert, W. Greene,
Left: HISTORYDEPT. REPRESENTATIVE, Standing: Dr. Winkates, Dr. Hancock, Dr. Laubach, Sitting: T. Shanks, M. Arnold, B. Jamison. Below: SEARCH GROUP, Front: K. Christy, G. Crosby, J. Ray, E. Teichert, B. James, E. Smeltz.
VARSITY BASKETBALL , Kneeling: K. McCaulsky, S. Reali, T. Morrison, G. Horner, K.
WOMENS BASKETBALL TEAM, Kneeling: C. Pitts, J. Thurston, K. Kipfinger, A. Black. P. Pifer, S. Subich, Standing, P. Pifer, K. Cook, C. Geisler, P. Milner, C. Hlava, K. Smith, D.
W.A.A., First Row: N. Osbhar, L. Davis, J. Rhodehamel, C. Rorie, A. Milne, N. Bickel, N. Everhart, Second Row C.C. Geisler, Third Row: D. Kasow, L. Austen, J. Hollinger, C. Bateman, V. Ettenhoffer, C. Cramer, P. Pifer, R. Saylor, Fourth Row: D. Kasow, P. Pifer, B. Nelson, B. Bean, J. Hickman, S. Lord, K. Smith, Fifth Row: J. Jones, P. Andrews, Griffin, N. Starkey, C. Ansel, S. Trice, L. Hammond, Sixth Row: B. Wagner, K. Watts, J. Farkas, S. Walrafen, G. Free- man, C. Loudenslager, J. Hickman.
PHI SIGMA IOTA, Front Row: Dr. O'bear, M. Hobgood, . Jakubek, J. Silver, Second Row: D. Burns, J. Beaudoin, K. Jones, Third Row: Dr. Neff, E. Giamarco, Mrs. Viallon, Fourth Row: P. Pease, M. Hedges.
SIGMA ZETZ, Fromt Row: A. Ohlinger, J. Vickers, S. Raymond, B. Comery, B. Hornock. Second Row: R. Moomaw, D. Underwood, K. Wheeler, S. Waggamon, D. Byers, K. Ogle, D. Patton, B. Hutson, A. Goff.
DELTA OMICRON, Front: R. Johnson, G. Bixler, A. White, Second Row: P. Buchanan, L. Prentiss, M. Wells, Third Row: J. Leasure, R. Sando, J. Kinney, Fourth Row: B. Bisisel, L. DeMojzes, M. Collins, C. Stettner, M. Grace.
Black Culture Week is an annual Event on Campus, sponsered by Soul. The weeks' activities included guest speakers, a panel discussion, a movies, a soul dance and the traditional soul dinner.
Right, 0.S.M.E.A., Front: J. Antrum, R. Sando, Second Row: M. Grace, A. Ratecliffe, L. Kern, Ms. Reynolds, Third Row: T. Eldridge, C. Stettner, C. Brown, N. Saver, L. Jones, Fourth Row: R. Nicholson, T. Bach, M. Collins, D. Scott, L. Marshall, Fifth Row: J. Hyles, A. Brenard, J. Howlett, G. Leach, L. Prentice, J. Kinney, B. Green, C. Fowler, L. Navarro, Above, Choir, Front: A. Ratecliffe, J. Leasure, D. Banwart, C. Windom, M. Grace, B. Bischel, B. Pfahler, R. Johnson, C. Brown, A. Ciampa, Second Row: S. Miller, A. Vittur, S. Gooding, D. Scott, G. Bixler, C. Stettner, J. Carter, M. Whitacre, L. Demojzes, J. Spetich, L. Marshall, Third Row: B. Green, M. McCleese, S. Ricard, D. MacCallum, W. Outten, D. Robbins, J. Antrum, J. Launer, C. Cady, Fourth Row: K. Carter, S. Swink, D. Moore, A. Bernard, T. Eldridge, C. Rea
CAP & DAGGER, Front Row: B. Grimes, J. James, C. Snodgrass, S. Hall, B. Kosciuk, B. Titus, D. Banwart, D. Deitz, P. Bums, Second Row: A. Vittur, G. Simmons, M. Bookwalter, J. Sides, P. Hill, J. Cain, S. Kocks, D. Miller, Third Row: C. Sterle, K. Kiser, D. Hawk, M. McCleese, S. Black, Dr. Dodrill, Fourth Row: G. Ballinger, T. Downard, D. Robinson, L. Young, R. Adams, J. Jacobs, J. West, Fifth Row: F. DeBell, J. Turner, T. Espenschied, J. St. Clair, B. Kending, J. Herron
ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA, Sitting: J. Hoge, J. James, N. Flinchbaugh, L. Baker, S. Pass, I. Jochem, Standing; L. Stark, S. Gooding, M. Bricker, B. Hill, J. Farkas, B. Brown, R. Whitmeye•, M. Wilson, L. Rice, P. Allton, D. Tyler, C. Smith, S. Walrafen, M. Odell, J. Tressler, C. Terry, M. Holmes, M. Horn, S. Girton, L. Sigrist, J. Squire, P. Buckingham, K. Kiser, J. Soon
R.O. T.C., Front: J. Lopez, C. McDonald, G. Neptune, M. Davis, Second Row: D. Doherty, M. Martinelli, C. Bright, R. Scull
194 organizations.
Left, ALUMNI DEVELOPMENT, Sitting: J. Bailey, P. Zech. Standing: E. Williams, K. Hoyt, C. Turner, ALUMNI DEVELOPMENT STAFF (Below right), Front: B. Recob, S. Hughes, M. Bivins, J. Muschott, M. Leonard, G. Esty, V. McCullen
PRE-SCHOOL STAFF, (L. To R.), P. Early P. Witt, M. Clymer, C. Poor
To be an active champion of Otterbein you need to keep thoroughly acquainted with what Otterbein is doing.
But Otterbein College remains ..... , distinctive ..... almost unique.
This year's women's softball team played a rather dismal season. Coach Denise Durocher explained the teams losses due to inexperience in the field. However, after lots of playing experience and time, next season should be brighter.
Early season control problems plagued the Cardinal hurlers, while sixty feet away several Otters came home with respectable batting averages. Larry Beck, who led the Otter and the Ohio Athletic Conference in hitting with a .500 average was voted the Most Valuable Player by his teammates. Don Dyson, both a starting and relief pitcher went home with the Most Valuable Freshman Trophy.
the old Otterbein and the new .. . emphasizing the individual .. . young people of college age crave activity they glory in independence ... and scorn restraint.
The annual Scavenger Hunt sponsored by C.P .B. got off to a slow start with only six teams entered. Students had two days to find such items as a prof dressed as an animal or perhaps a semi truck. Cash prizes of $50, $30, and $10 were awarded to the groups with the most items.
Sphinx and Arbutus won the annual competition at Harmony Night. The event attracted eleven Greek quartets and a large crowd. Panhellenic Council awarded the sorority winners with a trophy and ten dollars, while IFC pro vided a five dollar prize to the winners in the fraternity division.
"Otterst ock"
Engle Productions in association with Residence Programming Service presented the Otterbein Music Festival. The order of the day was seven continuous hours of live music, and the sounds were provided by campus based talent. Jazz, folk, soul, rock, country, and featured soloists per formed a wide variety of quality music.
What looks like you will die but what's really you will still live. Life is changed, not taken away.
-Trina Paulus
A scope of • expenence unlimited in value.
The coronation of the May Day queen and presentation of her court opened Caberet in May 1975. Jan Hollinger of Theta Nu was crowned May Day Queen, Leslie Roraback of Sigma Alpha Tau as Maid of Honor, and Elaine Schacht, Tau Epsilon Mu and Julie Mathias, Epsilon Kappa Tau were attendents
pie in the eye . . snow cones greek games . . . tikes on bikes frisbees . . and . . lots of watermelon!
The Danish Gymmm Team presented the first public performance in the Rike Center. Members of the team, are carefully selected from among Denmark's outstanding gymnasts. Vaulting and tumbling by men and exercise in balanced beams and with such equipment as hoops, balls, clubs, ropes, and tambourines by the woment, highlighted the program. Also in- , eluded was a selection of ancient Danish folk dances.
Otterbein is .. People.
Ackennan, Harry Frank 37 101, 168
Adams, Randy Carl 2.5 , 142 , 143, 174, 176 , 189, 238
Adkins, Crystal Ann
Adkins, Robert Edward
Ahem , Frederic John
Akar, Jacqueline Jasmine 22.5
Albani , Cerald
Albert , John Curtis
Alexander, Barbara 161
Allen , Barbara English
Allen , Melissa Gayle 130 , 164
Allton , Pamela Dee 190
Alonso, Bernadette Teresa
Anderson , Eric Caldwell 170
Anderson , Sharon Lynn
Anclrews, Patricia Erdine 130 158 182 , 205
Ankrom , Jeff Alan 153
Ansel, Cindy Sue 19 , l06 , 158 174 174 , 182 217
Antram , Joseph Milton 124 , 148 171 ,188, 21.5
Arbuckle , Paul Keith
Arnold, Matthew Dean 171 , 179 , 194, 214, 235
Arnold , Marianne 158 174 , 207
Askins, Rebecca Kay
Atkins, Faith Annette 69
Atkins, Steven Scott 174
Atwood , Benjamine Lowell
Auch, Peggy Ann 94
Augspurger, Betsy Lou 37, .51, 158, Austen , Lou Ann 40 , 161 , 176 , 179, 182 , 196
Babcock, Bryan Neal
Bach, Timothy Paul
Bachman , Christopher Charles
Bachtel , Thomas Edward 141, 171
Backer, Ann Bronwyn 109, 163,
Bailev, Linda Ann 26, 56, 57, 163, 174 , 237
Baird, Cynthia Ellen 94
Baker, Elizabeth Jane 190
Baker, Frederick Leslie
Baker, John Patrick
Baker, Peter Brumbaugh !09, 190
Baker, Victoria Ann
Baldwin, Danny Leonard
Ball, Susan Michele 187
Ballinger, Cordon Thomas 189
Ballog, Nancy Alma 21 , 164 , 196
Banwart , Deborah Jean 128, 161 188, 189
Barber, Delores J can , 178, 184, Bargar, Mary Joanne 160
Barlowe, Jerilyn Williams
Barnes, Mark Allen
Barnhart, Linda Carol
Barr, Melissa Anne 1.58 , 207, 217
Barrows, Holly Jean
Bartlett, Deborah Lynn
Basha, Michael Anthony 28 , 172 , 174
Bateman , Cheryl Lynn 106 164 , 182
Bauer, Michael Lee
Beall, Charles Allen !07
Beam, Chcrvl Brown
Bean , Bethany Louise 88, 164 174 , 178 , 182, 217
Beasley, Gregory Allen 76
Beaudoin , Jacqueline Diane 182
Beaver, Allan Wayne
Bennett, Karen Jo 160, l 78
Benua, Bettie Bishop
Beny, Mark Robert
Beoddy, Suzanne Scott 164
Berens, John Albert
Bemard, Alan Wayne 128 , 171 , 188, 173 187
Beveridge, Kyle Edwin 208
Bcwlev, Walter Ciles
Bible, ,Brenda 40 , 163
Bichsel, Beth Anne 90 , 128, 173, 183, 188
Bickel , Nancy Alice 1.57, 1.58 , 182, 235
Biddlestone, Sandra Lee
Binningham, J.M. Darci
Bixler, Cayle Loraine 96, 138 1.58, 183 188
Black, Ann Katherine 21, 56, 57 , 65 130, 192 , 212
Black, James Emest 189
Blackbum, Kevin Eric
Blair, Teresa Marie 40 , 41, 135 136 137 163
Blake, Rex Kevin
Blowers, Michael David
Blum , Jerry Arthur 168 235
Boas, Shelly Leigh 163
Bobb, Cheryl Lynne
Bolen, Robert Lamar
Boles, Robert Stewart 223
Boltz, Robert Joseph
Bone, Rebecca Sue 158
Bookwalter, Donald Martin 78 , 189
Borden, Charles Robert !06 , 166
Boving, Janet Elizabeth
Bower, Cary Lee
Bowers, Michael Raymond 198
Bowles, Steven Leigh 166
Bowlus, Mary Ann 159
Bowser, Lois Jean
Bowsher, Deborah Elaine !07
Boyd, Colleen Taylor
Boyer, Jeffrey Alan
Braddock , Theresa Marie
Bradford , Georgia Campbell
Bradford, Paul Frederick 171 , 174
Bradshaw , Mark Ellis I0.5
Brewer, William Everett 43 75
Brice, Charles Allen
Bricker, Mary Carol I 58 190, 207
Bricker, Paula Ann 1.58, 226, 23.5
Bridgeman , David Harold
Bright, Charles Christopher 109, 1.57, 190 , 236
Bright , Timothy John 190
Bringardner, Leo Joseph I 72
Bromley, David Thomas 126 , 127
Brookover, Edward Elias 170
Broska, Charles John
Brown, Catherine Elizabeth 148 159 188
Browf, David Merle
Brown, Jim Alan 124 , 1.57, 171
Brown , Jeffrey Lou is
Brown, Thomas Wood 172
Brown , Wanda Bernice 161 179 , 190
Brunk, Joseph Jamison
Brush , James Jonathan 178
Bryant, Ronald Edwin
Buchan , Robert Dana 124, 21.5
Buchanan , Patricia Ann 40, 163 188 , 183
Buckingham, Pamela Jean 190
Buckle, David Lewis 1.57 , 168 , 178
Buckner, Marilyn Denise
Bullar, Lu Ellyn 97
Burch, David Eric
Burchinal, Charles Stephen
Burkl1art, Douglas Otto
Burnett Jeffrey Alan
Butz, Robin
Buxton, Kathy Joann
Byers, Richard Henry 38, 190 , 183
Byrnes, Michael Patrick 171 , 21.5
Byrnes, Michael Patrick 171, 21.5
Cady, Chester William 187, 188
Cain, John Mead 132, 133 189 , 239
Calhoun, Steven Lee 17 ! , 179
Call, Patricia Lynn 34 1.58, 241
Callendine, Kay Elizabeth 1.58 , 244
Campbell, Timothy Colin
Campbell , Myron Keith 171
Campbell, Scott Emerson 3.5, 36, 140 , 171, 179
Canini, Anthony Mario
Carlisle, Howard Raynor
Carlton, Keith Hughs 17 l
Cam1ichael, Salli Wells
Carpenter, Owen Bruce
Carter, E. Jane 129, 148 , 188
Carter, Kevin Arthur 148, 188
Case , Charles Edward 68, 170
Chadwell, Michael Clen 141
Chakroff, Patricia Ellen 141
Chamberlain , James Robert 87, 170
Cheeseman , David Dean 128 , 148
Cho, Sun Ok 118
Christner, Karen Lynn
Bechtel, Linda Carol 22 , I 36 163 174
Becker, Rebecca Lee
Becler, Robert Walter 88
Belcher, Stephen Wesley
Belknap, Cerald Paul
Benadum, Gary Paul
Benadum , Kimberly Ann
250 index
Bums, Debra Elaine 108 158 174 , 182
Bums, Michael Joseph
Bums, Pamela Ann 1.58, 18()
Busch, Marla Kay 161
Bush, Sherry Iyser
Bush , Steve Alan
Butler, Ann Elizabeth
Christopher, Lee Anne 161, 174
Christy, Kim Elizabeth 1.59, 179
Ciampa, Anna Marie 148, 160, 188
Claggett , Cynthia Marie 1.58
Clark, Constance Lee
Clarck, Margaret Marie
Clark, Richard William l06 , 166
Clarke, Elaine Anne
Cline, Susan Helen 16
Closs, Cary John
Cockayne, Dennis Lee 170
Coey, Darrel Dee 171
Coldwell , Donald Alan 171
Cole, Carol Ann 30 !07 , 164
Cole, Cathleen Sue
Cole, David Bates 171
Cole, John William
Cole, Karen Lynnette 184 , 210
Cole, Randolph Van 227
Coleman, Larry Kent 97 , 210
Collins, Deborah Ellen IOI
Collins, Cary Richard
Collins, Melody Young 146, 183 , 188 Collins, Timothy Richard 170 , 174
Colton , Glen Foster 172
Comery, Thomas Donald 166 183
Omdit, Cary Dean
Conery, Barbara Cail 1.5!), 190
Omfcr, Jerry Allison 132, 133
Conklin, Cheryl Beth 164
Conley, Lorna Janine 161
Connelly, Diane
Conover, Jo yce Ellen 163
Conway, Chris Robert
Cook, Karen Yvette
Cook, Sheri Lyn
Cooley, John Alden
Corbin, Carol Ann 40, 161
Cordle, Keith Brian
Cornwell, William Kent 172
Cory, Sharon Rae
Costine, Melanie Ann 134 136 161
Cox, James Ray
Cramer, Carol Jo 162, 182
Cramer, James Paul
Crane, Karen Sue 19
Crans, Deborah Ann
Crihfield , Sandra Kay 38 96, 160 , 178
Crissinger, Scott Alan
Crist, Kay Ann
Crome, Theresa Kay
Crosby, Cail Ann 178
Crosswhite, Carol Marie 100, 1.59, 174
Crouthers, Lou Ann
Crowe, Frederick Russell
Cru, Mark Allen
Culver, Carrie Fern
Cunning, Roherta Jean 164
Curry, Dana Carol 162
Dailey, Michael Ann 161
Daley, Gary Fenton
Dalrymple, Karen Ann 118
Dandrea, Robert Lewis
Daniell, Timothy
Daniels, Mary Elizaheth
Fackler, Bradley Eugene 101 , 168
Farkas, Jean Marguerite 147, 182 , 190
Fanner, Peggy Jean
Fast , Susan L ynn 38 163
Fett , Linda Jane 158 , 216
Feurer, Deborah Ann
Florini, Danielle Mary 56. 57
Fisher, Debra Lynn 160
Fisher, David Wesley
Fisher, Kathleen Susan
Flarety, Scott Reilly
Flinchbaugh, Bruce Edward 89 , 145 , 168
Graff, Wend y Sue
Grahm , Thomas Randell
Gray, Ley Mary
Greegor, Roge r Willard
Green , Kelly Brian 128, 131 188
Green , Oscar Dcrwood
Greene, W a lt e r Elson 104 , 172 , 178
Greenham , Martin Neil
Greer, D e nnis Steven
Griffin, Marolin Patricia 119. 164 , 182
Griffith , Rebecca Steele
Griffith , Mark Elli, Dantonio, Frank Luke
Darling, Miachcl F. 187
Daubenmire, David Edward 165
Davis, Benjamin Stewart
Davis, Lynn Anne
Davis, Linda Diane 164 182
Flinchbaugh, Nancy June 31 , 158 , 235 178 ,
Flippo, Jud y Lynn 164
Flippo, Thomas Allen 98
Follas, Donovan Kent
Follrath , Kevin Joseph
Griffith , Rodne y Eugen e
Grimes. Rebecca Lvnn 33 90 , 189 229, 242
Grist , Karen Caye 57, 141 , 159 , 205
Grosh , Robert Clelland
Grote, Diane Michelle 140
Grubbs , Pamela Jeanne 161 , 178 Davis, Martin Lee
DeBcll , Frederick Jay 168, 189
Dechert, Karen Lou 103 , l 59, 178
Deckard, Robert William 23 83 , 127
Deitz, Dorothy Jane 142 , 143, 189
Deklyn, Charles Coulter
DeLay, Linda Susan 82 , 158 , 174 , 194 , 210
Fontanarosa, Daviid Michael
Foote, Carol Dawn
Ford, Donald Richard 190
Forman , Thomas Frank
Foster, Linda Sue 161, 219
Foster, Merrilee 158, 205 , 247
Fowler, Christine Lynn 158, 187 188
1lagemann , Deborah
Hale, Gerald David
Hale, Harland Hanna
Hall, Gretchen Marie
Hall, Harold Emmons
Hall, Rebecca Lee 164
Hall , Susan Marie 161 , 189 Demojzes, Lynn Corbin 93 , 148, 183, 188
Denlinger, Thomas Edwin
Detamore, Dan Dee
Detty, Gregory Mark 18, 166, 187
Devereaux , Patricia Anne
Devoll , Stephen Philip
Fox, Rebecca Sue 158
Francis, Donna Ruth
Franci,, Val E.
Franklin, Judith Ann 111
Frazier, James Edward
Frazier, Melissa Lou
Hamilton , Roland Elwood
Hamilton , Mary Tere,a
Hammer, Diane Grace 32 , I 12 162 , 178
Hammond , Linda Sue 89 , 159, 182
Hangen, Thomas Loran
Hannahs, Barbara Anne 164 , 205 Dewey, Deborah Parke
Freeman , Gretchen Sue 158, 182 , 232
I Hanrahan, Kathleen Mary Diamond, Deborah Ann 126 127 , 156 163
Dick, David Earl 230
Diltz, Elmer Fred 190
Dimar, John Richard
Dobbins, Robbin Yvette
Docobo, Richard Douglas
French, Jeffrey Robert
Fresch. Robert Jonathan 170
Fretz, Diane Lynn
Hanson, Tere,a Ann
Hanshaw, Therc,a Cail 161
Harbrccht , Thomas 170
Frissora, Michael Hannah Delphine 87
Fritz, Wayne Michael
I lard, Mary Alice
Frost , Patrick Joseph Harper, Jimmie Lee Dodge, Robert Thomas 170
Dodrill , Dwight Bradley
Doggett, Thomas Oscar
Dohertv, Oaniel Leo 190 230
Donaugh , Douglas D.
Frost , Sharon Ann
Fry, Lynnette Kay 163 235
Fry, Lora Catherine 19 , 161
Fullen , Milton Ernest
Fultz, Stanley Jay 166
Harrison, Robin I 58
Hart, Susan Dawn 89 , 158
Harting, Valerie Marsha 40, 161
Hartley, Janine Marie
Hartman , Scott Alan Donelson , Frederick Love
Furry, Craig William
Harvey, Laurence Alan 124 , 171 Donisi, Frankie Philomena 163 Doolcvy, Gabriel , Joann Smith
Hastings Jame, Thoma, James Edward
Gallatin , Albert Charles
Hatem, Abe
Douglas, Marilyn
Gallup, Wallace Andrew 77 , 195
Hatem , Stephanie Jean 192, 221 Downard, Harry Thomas 189
Gantz, Victoria Hattie
Hawk, Lewis Daniel 23 171 , 189 Downing, Jeffrey Duane 171, 187 , 207 , 218, Carcia, Alex 28, I 70
Hawkins, Anne Loui,e 128, 161 223
Carden , Susan Elaine
Hawkins, Amy Lou 128 148 Downing, Lawrance Allen
Garfinkel, Paul Ehud 37
Hay, Larry William Dozier, Stewart Michael
Garges, Cheryl Deni,c 163
Ha yden , Stephen Richard 68, 168 Draper, Richard Alan
Gamer, Rebecca Lvnn
Hawkins, Robin Beth 69 , 159 Duff, Roger Allen
Gavitt Judith Arline
Ha ye,, Timothy Lee Dufford , Carl Leroy
Dunaway, Marlene Marie 163
Gay , Cynthia Sue
Cay, James Dwa y ne
Haynes, Dana Byron 130 151, 171, 199
Hays, Michael Bruce Dunham, Thomas Richard
Geary , Carla Deni,e
Heddesheimer, Ann Marie Durffy, Diane K.
Geese, Lawrence Edmund 172
Hedge,, Mary Elizabeth 81 , 182 Dyson, Donald Paul 21:l
Geisler, Carol Anne 164 , 192
Heil , Thomas Daniel 97 Eastham , Kent Alan
Giammarco, Elsa Cetta 179 , 182 196
Heller, Thoma, Joseph 121, I 72 Eckerson, Charles Daniel
Gibbons, Carolvn Miller
Helm, David 172 Edwards, Todd 18, 22 , 166
Gibbs, Mark Wade
Helmig, Kurt Christian Eiseman, Paul Clair 170, 187 , 228 Gilbert, Kristie Lynn 92 161
Henkel , Charle, Alan Eldridge, Terrence Edward 148 , 187, 188
Gilbert , Scott Craig
Hensel , Deborah Ann 78 , 162 Elliott, David Martin
Elliott, Jeffrey Edward 172
Emler, Michael William 187 , 173 , 196 222
Gill, Glen Thomas I 13
Gilson, Jennifer Lynn
Cidia, Garv
Henthorn , Catherine Elaine 164 , 178
Henthorn, Susan Ka y 37 164, 206
Herbert , Debra Ka y Emrick, Susan Kay 39 83
Engle, Theresa Elaine 111 , 164
Erickson, Charles Roger 171
Espenschied, Terry Lee 189
Ettenhofcr, Arnold Milton 170
Ettenhofer, Vicki Ly nn 102, 182
Eubanks, Sonjia Marie 161 , 178, 185
Evans, Robert Lee 171
Evans, Randy Cecil 174
Everett, Leslie Denise :lO , 118 , 158
Eversole, Martha
Everhart, Nancy Lee 158, 182
Ewart , Bradley John
Girton, Sandra Kay 159 190
Cleave,, Mark Miller
Glover, Gerald Thoma,
Glunt, Georgia Gay 159
Goff, Alan Raymond 92, 145, 241
Gooding, Sandra Lee 161 188, 190
Goodridge, Paula Ann I 10, 159, 174 , 194
Goodwin. Donald Robert 22 , 98, I 66
Gordon, Nancy J
Gonnan, Ronald Frederick
Correll , Marv Ann I 15
Gould, Kerry Forward 36 171 , 196
Grace, Marianne Louise 147, 187 188 , 183
Hcrbrnck, David John
Herrell , Michael Kregg 84
Herrick, Katherine Jane
Herron , Jenn y Lee 163 189
Hertlein , Tohanna Lynn 163 178
Hickman , Jean Marie l(il , 182
Hickman, Jolene Kay 50 , 159 , 212 , 182 , 192
Higgins, Gretchen Sue
Hiles, John Frederick 23 157
Hill , Anita Loui,e
I Hill Alan Dale
Hill , Christy Kay
Hill , Rebecca Lvnn 190
Hiller, Anne Marie
Hillier, William Conrad 28, 29
Hlava, Christie
Hobgood, Marianne Patricia 164 178 182
Hocpf, Tonette Marie
lloge, Jann Elizabeth 164 178 191, 198
Holden, Arthur Annett
Holland, Joan Leslie
Hollinger, Janel Rae 38 164 182 205, 2:ll, 233
Hollowa y, Gregory Allen 25, 168
Holmes , Katherine Louise
Holmes, Marcia Lynn 145 190 Holl , Richard Hays 95
Holter, Sharla Sue 159
Holzinger, Elmer John Homan, Bonita Lyn llook , Nancy Tanne
Hoover, Thomas Eugene
Hopkins, Bradford Simeon
Hopkins, Keith Howard
Hopkins, Terry Annette 26, 39 126
Horie, Cynthia Jean 182 Hom , George Randolf
Hom, Myra Jean 158, 190 Homer, David Allen
llomer, Clen Richard 124 243
Hornock Barbara Ann 183 Howard, Shelia Ann
Howell , Thoma, Edward
Howlett, Jeffre y Charles I 7 I, 188
lloy, Sharon Elaine 33 72
Hoyer, John Eric
Hritz, Tamara Ann 164
Huber, Roxane 147
Hules, Terry Hobin
Hules , Tracy Ellen
Hunt , Ann Elizabeth
Hunt , Jeffrey Lynn 144 [9(j Hunter, Ka y Lyn
Hunter, Hobert Alan
llupp, Cynthia Anne 120, 161 , 196, 194 Hurst Robhie-Ka y
Hussey John Calvin 170
Huston , Priscilla Ann 16:3
Hutson , Robert Hiram 85, 183
Hyland, Kenneth Dale 165, I 71J Ingels, Valerie Anne 147 158 lnniger , James Paul I02, 170 Innis , Karen Denise
Inscho, Deborah Jean I76 224 Jaclin , Steve Ka y Jackson, Lauren Ann Jackson , Laurence Ross
Jacobs, Judith Lynn 51, 95, 190 Jakubek, Nancy Sue 79, 164 182 James, Janel Lee 238 189, 190
James, Robert Lynn 76, 147 171 , 179, 245
Jamison , Robert Andrew 172 , 179 Jardine, John William I I 7
Jardine, James Alan 19 Jenkins, Pamela Knox 93 Jewett , Cregory Lewis
Jewett , Kenneth Wayne
Jochem, Ingrid Marie 158, 191
Johnson , Kathleen Ann 162
Johnson Ken Robert
Johnwn, Martha Jane 163
Johnson, Ruth Ann 33 35 36 98, 147 158, 183
Johnson Russell Neal
Johnwn , Steven Kent
Johnson Sandra Sue
Johnson Thomas Robert
Jones John David
Jones Janel Ka y 114 , 161 164 182, 217
Jones Karla Channing 164 182
Jones Jan Lorraine 161
Jones , John Russell 252 index
Jones Linda Kay 158, 188
Jones, Mary Jane 91
Jones, M. Keith 22
Jones, Patrick Thoma., Jones, Stephen Dougla, 83 I26
Jones, Stephen Dougla, 174
Jones, Thoma., Alan
Jordan, Dudley W est
Judd, Stanton E.
Judd, Steven Kenneth
Judd, Terry, Randall
Kaiser, David Jesse
Kaiser, Kevin Christopher 166
Kalb, Jaun Bernardo 152, 170
Kapostasy, Christine Ann 161 179
Kasow, Daw n Michelle 30 J:l0, 258 182 246 248
Kasow, Dehra Vicky 50, 56 158, 182 241 246 248
Kassing, Jan Kri,tine 134 136 163
Kasunic, Dehorah Ann 158, 174
Katase, Richard Tamon
Katterheinrich, Thoma, Howard
Kauffman, David Edmond
Kaufman, Laurena Michele 159, 198
Keffer, Cregory Alan 166
Kehl, Mary Margaret 76 162
Keith, Jonathan Marlin
Kelly, Daniel Philip
Kendig, Beth Ann 140 174 176 189
Kepple, Beth Ann
Kem, Lisa Ann 128, 147 164 188
Kerns, Thomas Alfred 171
Ketner, Brook
Kim, Ye Yun 162
Kimhler, Dehra Jean
King, Daniel Martin
Kingsbury, Douglas Lee
Kinne, Hehccca Fay
Kinney, Julia Sue 162 183 188
Kinsey Shervl Ann 34 164 205
Kipfinger, Cathy Ann 57, 192 212
Kiser, Kathy Joy 161 189 190 232
Kiser, Roberta Legrand
Kish, Timothy Michael
Kocks Sue Ann 43 133 152, 189
Kolotvlo, Rov Roman
Kosiuk, Barbara Lynn 93 189 239
Kovach, Steven Lee
Kramer, Nancy Jane
Krieder, Beth Ann 23 161
Kuhn, Terry Lynn
Laferty, Lynn Allison
Lafferty, Cregory Douglas
Lafferty, Kathleen Jo 26 126 127, 163
Laird Timothv Richard
Lamb Deborah An,, 163
Lance, David REx 190 235
Landcfield, Dale Boyd
Landis, Gregory Hall IOI, 168 Lane John Lester 38
Lantz, Cheryl Ann 163 205, 207 large Linda Sue
Larue, David Howard
Launder, Darla Dec l:l-1, J:l5, 1:lfi, 1:n , 158
Launer, Jackson Allen 148 171, 188
Lausch, Paul Thoma., Lawrence Edward
Lawrence, Ste, en Eric
Lawson Re, Alan
Layman Geoffery Harrold
Leach, Cay Ann 161, 288
Leach, Heather Diane 161, 187, 206
Leasure, Dana Jill 112, 1183
LeCaix Dehorah Ann 241
Leckrone, Scott Gerard I66
Leffler, Jame, Tracy
Lehman, Barhara Ann 34 158 174 176 199 235 241
Lehman, Charles Dwight
Lenge, Peter Douglas 80
Leonard, Steveen Earl
Leopold, Theresa Lou Hall
Lewis Debra Jean
Lewis, Jesse Thomas
Lewis, James Neal 93 170
Lewis, Mari-Lvn
Lexa, Jonathan Mark
Liehherr, Hoger Michael 18
Link, Wayne Eugene
Linkous, Larry Joseph
Lisska, Patricia Trover
Liston, Jefferson Eciward 22, 166
Little, Chris George
Livisay, William O,home
Lloyd Cherrie Irene 114
Locket,Patricia Irene
Long, Jill
Loos, Sandra Ann 158, 62
Lopez Jose Manuel 28 106, 190
Lord Suzanne Marie 158, 182 190, 220, 221
Loudenslager, Cindy Lynn 165 182, 192
Love,Philip Duane
Lutz, Patricia Anne 40 158
Lynn Russell Lynn 96 195
Lvtle Dehorah Sue 177
MacAdams, Louise Esther
MacCallum, Douglas Wayne 188
MacConkey, Barbara Kay
MacDonald, Diane Sue
Macheras, James George 208
Machlan, Margaret Elizahcth
Macke, Marv Lo 139
Macke, William Kenneth 166
Maes,, Eric Owen
Mairs, Neil McLaren
Manuel, Cynthia Ann 119, 164 174 176
Marhurger, Michele Priesta, Marhury, Corlis., Anita 161
Marehe,ki, William Joseph
Marshall Lynn Marie 40 148 158, 188, 208
Marstrcll, Patti Jayne
Martin, Betsy Lynn
Martin, David Allen
Martin, James William 245
Martin, Kimherlcy Jane 120
Martinez, Felipe
Martinelli, Michael Edwin 168, 190
Mason, Michael Douglas
Masters, Pamela June 164
Mathews, Susan Jeanette 190
Mathia,, Julie Beth 158, I 78 232, 241
Matthews, Mark Hedley
Mauler, Joyce Jolene
Maurer, Karen Joyce 178
Mauser, Richard William 82
Mayfield, Geoffrey Lynn
McAllister, Lydia· Kay
McCarty, David Craig 172
McClesse, Michael Wayne 188 189
McComh, Carv Allen 38 170, 207
McConahy, Denise Elaine 86
McCrady, Larry Lee 141
McCualsky, Kim Roger 226
McCurdy, James Harlan 136 235
McDaniel, Scott Edward I03
McDonald, Gordon Lee
McDonald, Charles Franklin 190
McEvo, Patrick George
McGahhcy, Daniel
McGuire, Bohhv Alan
McIntyre John , Michael
McKee, David Eugene 170
McKee, Patricia Ann 161 174
McKelvey, Tom C. 29
McKenzie, Lou Ann Ruth 192, 158
McLaughlin, Douglas David
McLaughlin, Judith Marhea 57, 20fi
McLcish, Thomas Michael 171, 187
McPherson, Mark Leo l 72
McRobert s, Mark Richard 190
McVay, Diana Jean 40
McVay, Kirk Alan 170
Mead, David Lynn
Mead , Patricia Ann 30 15!)
Mead, Russell Alan
Melhorn, Jane Anne 73 , 163
Melick, Jody Anne 163, 205
Mellor, Leon Terrell 172
Meyer, Carol Sue 190, 227
Michael, William 170
Michael, Roger David
Miglets, Michael Patrick 172
Miller, Charles Allerton
Miller, Deborah Ann 34 96 139 174 , 189
Miller, Dale Henry
Miller, Daniel Patrick 166
Miller, Gina Teresa 18, 192
Miller, Glenna Loui,e
Miller, Marv Lvnn 32 104 163
Miller, Martha ,Edwards
Miller, Marc Edward,
Miller, Patricia Lynn 161, 206
Miller, Peter Jay 116, 170
Miller, Randy Rohert 166
Miller, Shawn Ann 84 , 158
Miller, Scott Robert
Miller, Sally Sue 164, 173 188
Miller, Tamra Ann
Milne, Alexis Anne 30 162 , 182
Milne, Ethel Marilvn
Milner, Peggy Jean 18, 56, 57 , 172 , 241
Miehart, Jr,, James Edward 74, 170
Minor Noa Ann
Miske Lyse Jean 159
Mitchell, David Paul
Mogan, Alan Lee
Mohler, Dennis Norman
Mohrmann , Rita Dena
Molinaro , Henry Louis
Moody, Beth Ann 164 178, 198
Moomaw , Randall Howard 183
Moomaw, Ronald Clifford 103
Moon, Craig Thomas 136, 170
Moore, Alfred Douglass 188
Moore, Cynthia Beth 40 , 92 , 161
Moore, Gregory Lynn 170
Moore, Jan Alexander 116, 163
Morelli, Gian Paul 132 133
Morgan, Dana Ray 174
Morgan, Greg William
Mooris, John Henderson
Morrison , Steven Paul
Morrison, Terry Wayne 38, 125
Mott, Steven Morrison
Mowry, Philip Nelson
Mueller, Judy Ann
Mukasa, Debra Ann
Murph, Ricardo Ulys,es
Murphy, Marcia Lee 147
Muryn , William Albert 72
Muse , Steven Alan
Muzzioli, Wayne Argeo 97
Myers, Ann Marie
Nash, Jae! Lee
Naumann, Sharon Louise 80 , 247
Navarro-III, Lawerence Ante, 188, 218, 247
Nichol,, Bea u Nichols, Heidi Gael
Nichols , Patricia Jane 40 , 161
Nicholson , Rohin Joy 30, 159, 188
Niederer, Karl Jeffery 101, 174 , 194
Nissen , Elizabeth Amy I 13
Noble, Charles Whitney
Noblitt , Carol Amy
Noftz Keith Miichacl
Nonnan, James Henry
Nourse, Roger Alan
Ockuly Sharon Ann
Odell, Marcia Kay 163 205 , 207 , 198
Ogden , Charles William
Ogle, Craig Alan
Ogle, Kim Alison 183
Ohlinger , Ann Marie
Oliver, Martv Robert 136
Oman , James Alan
Omlor, Cinda Anne
Oneil , Thomas Gerard
Oneill , Robert Lee
Onev, Charlene Rachel
Opdy ke, Howard John
Osbahr, Nancy Elaine 38, 164, 182
Otterhine, Frank George
Outten , Walker William 188
Pariseau, Rebecca Lynn 88, 159 , 194 , 205
Parker, Lori Suzanne
Parker, Richard Alan
Parkhurst , Janet Lynn 71
Pass, Sheryl Kay 19 190
Patton , Donna Felice 183 190
Paul , David Kirk 136 208
Paul , David Arden 172
Paul, Gene Keith 79 , 166, 245
Paul , Kathryn Holliday 57, 131 164 , 215,216
Paul, Lizette Ann 161
Paxton , Marvin Melvin
Payne, John Charle,
Payne, Mariam Stewart 174
Pease, Penny Sue 81, 182
Pendcll , Karla Hathaway
Petrie, Anne Adams
Pettigrew , Robert 25
Pettis, Virginia Lee 90
Pfahler, Rebecca Lynne 114 , 148, 158, I 74, 216
Pfancuff, Jill Allyson 163
Pfost, Caryl Jeanne 108 , 160, 178
Phalor, Cynthia Irene 121 , 158, 174
Phelps, Robert Arthur 166
Phinnev, Donnalea Cain
Pifer , Pamela Sue 51 , 56, 159 , 196 182, 192
Pifer, Patti Ann 56 , 73 159, 178 , 182 , 212
Pitts, Cheryl Lynn 192 , 184
Pletcher, Gerald Rea
Pope, Rhonda Jocine 184
Potter , Laupainc Jo yce
Prentice, Corinne Leilani 90 , 183 188
Price , Julic Ann
Pricstman, Barbara Ann
Pritchard , John Ray
Pruett, Robyn Kaye
Pryfoglc, Kim 108
Pyles, William David
Queen , Debra Lynne 21
Quick, James Leroy
Recog, Jane Anne
Rccoh , John Wesley 94
Rector, Frederick William
Rector , Peggy Lynne 57, 192
Reece , John Stanley
Recd , James Edward 82
Reedy, Charles James
Reeves, James Alan
Reeves, Katherine Alta 75, 159
Reichelderfer, Donald Marvin
Reid , James William 68, 170 , 222
Reinhart , Sheri Lynne 164
Rendell , Michael Huber 140
Repik, Clyde Daniel
Retherford , Roger 208, 209
Reynolds, Ellen Dawn Trout
Rhodehamel Jan Ellen 162, 182 , 234, 246
Ricard, Steven Paul 128, 148, 173, 174, 188
Rice, Laurie Susan 164, 190
Richards , Perry Sam ucl 194
Rickels , William Hugh
Riehm, Robert Keith
Righter, Thomas
Riker, Nancy IOI, 160
Riley, John Charles
Ringle, Kurt Anthony 190
Risch, Carolyn Sue
Ritchie, Dan 125, 241
Roach, Kevin Jame, 111
Robbins, Dale 91, 188
Roberts , William 170
Robey, Linda Ann
Robinson, David Carl 189
Robinson, Leonard Lawton 23 , 140, 168
Rodgers, Elizabeth
Roese, Kenneth Allen
Rogers, Betsy Nora 57, 156, 163
Roh Gavlc Susan 19, 163
Rohal, Nadine Ann 158 , 207, 236
Rohrbaugh, William Bertram 166
Roman , Eleanor Mary
Ronan , Kathleen Ellen 117, 158
Rorahach, Leslie Jean 161, 174, 233
Rose Gary Edward 172
Roshon, James Allen
Roush, Larry Scott
Rowles, Holly Diane
Ruble, Jeannine, Louise 145 , 192
Ruble, Robert Edward 170
Rupert , Bonny Jo
Rutherford , Mark Harvey
Saries, Leigh Ann
Sachs, Kathleen Marie 103, 162
Salser Lvnn Allen 171
Saltz,' Peggy Cathleen
Sanders, Mark Leo
Sando, Robin Sue 40 , 163, 188 , 187, 183
Sarver , Jeffrey Wayne 172
Sauer, Nancy White 188
Sawyer, Criag Bryon 22, 171, 211
Saylor, Roscllen Beth 182
Schacht, Elaine Marie 163 174, 233
Scheel, John Brandon 117
Schepelin , Carol Sue
Schmidt, Jonathan Dana
Schnarr, Steven Donald 174
Schneider, Bruce Alan 86
Schultz, Rebecca 164
Neibarger, Georgia Suzan 89
Nellis, Russell Sheldon
Nelson, Beth Lynne 159 , 182, 205
Quint, Hugo Rocco
Radbill, Trent Darrvl 174, 176, 222
Raffa, Josephine
Schutz, Holly Beth 163, 205, 218
Schwartz, Shirley
Scott, Deborah 147, 157 , 158, 188
Neptune, Gerald Eugene 190
Nesbitt, Grant Thomas
Nesslinger, Martha Lee
Neuburger, Deborah
Newbould, Jeffery Allen
Newland, Wesley Keith 171
Newlon, James Eston
Newman, John Lee
Nicely, Christopher Wilson 166
Rainsbcrger, Ben Allen
Ramage, Sheryl Ann
Ranclleman , John Anthony
Ratliff, Anita Carole Sherrv 188
Rausch, Paul Gilger 172
Ray, Ruth Jean 130, 160, 178
Raymond, Sue-Ellen Ruth 163, 173, 190
Scull, Russell Leroy 190
Sears, Susan Frances 163
Secmucller, Deborah Smith
Seibert , Belinda Beth 20 , 126, 156 , 163
Seibert, Rebecca Ann 23
Selby, Daniel Lambert
Sgarro, Karen
Rea, James Cabot 148 , I 88, 216, 217 , 224, 239
Reali , Scott Stuart 27, 29 , 170
Shambaugh, Patricia
Shank, Richard Alan
Shanks, Thomas Andrew 172
Shannon, Kathy Jo 19, 164
Shannon, Michael Robbin 29, 81, 170
Shaver, Kathryn 164
Stallings, Ann Manette 40, 134 , 136 157, 158
Stark, Linda Susan 158, 191
Stark, Timothy Frank
Vogler, Barbara Louise 164 , 165
Vonschriltz, Daniel
Vransky, Rhonda Lee
Shaw, Linda Kay
Shaw, Margie Ann Slicer
Shea, Thomas James
Sheets, Steven Eugene
Sheldon, Patricia Ann 16, 90 , 174, 238 187
Shelton, Nancy Danise 24, 133
Shelton, Polly Louise 163, 178
Sheppard, Nancy Ann 26, 161, 219, 227
Sheppard, Thomas Lee 79
Shields, Russell Bruce 245
Shilling, James Donald
Shiveley, Carol Sue
Shoaf, Kenneth Richard 81, 243
Shockley, Daniel Francis
Shoemaker, Melanie Dale
Shoots, Richard Kent
Sherry, James Thomas
Shuey, Deborah Kay 176
Shuster, Luann Marie
Sibert, Jeffrey Carl
Sickles, Julie Ann 189 , 243
Siegel, Frank William 89
Sigrist, Lucinda Joy 159, 190
S(lberstein, Vickie Lynn 192, 221
Silver, Judith Irene 68, 145, 153 , 182
Simmering, Joyce Elaine l02
Simmons, Brenda Lynn 164
Starkey, Nancy Kathleen 19, 159 , 174 , 182,
Shaw, Fonda Joy 51, 98, 159, I 78 223
Starling, Daniel Wayne
Stauffer, Russell Tracy 174
Steely, Melody Lu 71, 174
Stephens, Shelley Lynn
Sterle, Cheryl Lynn 161 , 189
Stettner, Cathleen Marie 159, 188 , 183
Stevens, Diann Elizabeth ll5 , 176, 184
Stevens, Janet Kathleen
Stevens, Lois Jane
Stockwell, Edwin Robert
Stoddard, Ruth Lenore 51, 159
Stoker, Bradley Delbert
Stokes, Debra Don 73
Stone, Roxanne Sue
Stoops, Barbara Ann
Stout, Polly Lynn 158
Stranscak, Frank Steve
Strawser, Christie Ann
Streb, Susan Lynn 164
Strohm, Katherine Mary 159
Stuckey, Dwight David
Stuckey, David Arden 174
Stuckey, Paul Douglas
Stull, Mark Warner 73 , 241 , 243
Stumph, Kevin Paul 172
Subich, David Charles 190
Subich, Joseph Thomas 147
Waggamon, Jill Marie 159
Waggamon, Sybil Ann 183, 190, 204
Wagner, Barba ra Sue ll7 , 182
Walker Brent Joseph
Walker, Charlotte
Walker, Christopher, Michael
Walker, Daniel
Walker, Stephen John 166
Wallace, James A. 71, 172
Wallen, Steven Patrick
Waller, Dayna Lees
Walrafen, Sandra Sue 161 , 182 , 190, 232, 234
Walter , Gary Alan 172
Walther , Daniel Christopher 91
Walton , Brooke Lowell
Wandrisco, Anne Elizabeth 163
Wanner, Vickie Ann 192, 161 , 235
Ware, Susan
Warner , Belinda
Warner, Robert Bruce
Warner, Scott William
Warfen , Cathy
Warthen, Bonnie Christine 184
Watkins, Mary Elizabeth
Watkins, Marianne 146, 147 , 158
Watson, Mark Stanley 79
Watts, Kathleen Ann 170 , 182
Weaver, Paula Jo 38, 195
Webb, Stanley Beecher Simmons, Chet Lee 168
Simmons, Gretta 161, 189
Simmons, Pamela Ann
Sims, Norma Jean 144, 2ll
Subich, Susanna, 192
Sulceburger, Mary Jane
Summers, John Bruce 171
Swenson, Bryan Robert 168, 240
Wedekind, David Russell 79 , 171 , 2ll
Weeks, James Douglas 170
Weinsrich, Sarah Jane 37, 157, 158
Weisbrod, Benjamin Joel 171 , 178, 187, 223, Skelley, Jo Ellen
Skemp, Stephanie Anne
Swerdling, Robin Sue 198
Swink, Scott 188
Weixel , Mary Jean 158, 241 Skunza, Cynthia Marie 19, 126, 127, 161
Slack, Melinda Ann 163
Slone, Margie Lou
Smeltz, Edward J. 70, 179
Smith, Barbara Jean 32, 105, 164
Smith, Catherine Sue 190
Smith , Colleen Ann 190, 235
Smith, Debra Gayle 235
Smith, Diane Ellen 19, 192, 220, 221
Smith, Diane Ruth 130, 162, 178
Smith, Janice Marie
Switzer, Michael Allen
Talpas, Robert Stephen 166
Tambi, Samuel Aru
Tarantelli, Anthony Robert 166, 174 , 241
Targett, Sara Ellen
Taylor, Janet Simross
Tegenkamp, Linda Jo
Teichert, Elise Jeanette 178, 179, 205
Terry, Cinda Lee 178, 190
Thomas, Michael Lavon 185, 184, 210
Thomas, Stanley Hinga
Welch, William Eujene 170
Weller, David James 133, 229
Wells, Andrea Kay 198
Wells , Gwen Ellen 163
Wells, Marianne 185 , 148, 164 , 183
Wells, Philip Allen
Wells, Stuart Kim
Wessel, Thomas Joesph 224
West , Andrea Margaret 19, 163
West, Helen Suzanne 69, 192
West, James P. 43, 132, 133, 189 , 219 Smith, Joseph
Thompson, Daniel Craig
Westcott, Brenda Smith, Jenese Evon
Smith, Jenny Lynn
Thompson, Debra Marie
Throburn, Helen Lucille 57
Westfall , Michael Rex
Wetherbee, Wendy 158, 207 , 226 Smith, Kevin Jay 168 , 182
Smith, Robert Ellwood
Smith, Randall Allen 105, 170
Thresher, Mark graymond
Thurston, Julie Ann
Tice, Susan Ann 74, 165, 178, 182, 192
Wetzel , Douglas Lee 166
Wetzel, Daniel Grafton
Whalen, James Francis 168 Smith, Sharon Kay 112
Tipton, Jo Ann 92, 161, 242
Wharton, Nacilee Smith, Sandra Kay 19, 164
Titus, Elizabeth Anne 161, 189, 238 Wheeler, Keith Brian 166, 190, 183 Smith, Walter Owen 166
Todt, Lisa Suzanne
Whetzel, Deborah Ann Smucker, Daniel Lee 171
Tossmann, Jurgen Klaus
Whitacre, Mary Jane Stewart 67, 128, 188, Snider, Donald Edward 170
Sn(der, Michael Joseph 120, 179
Tremain, Mitchell Alan 238, 148, 164
Tressler, Jeanine Ann 39, 126, 127, 161, 286, Whitcomb, John Bradley Snider, Mark Edward 172, 199, 217 218, 190
White, Aileen Elizabeth 182, 183 Snodgrass, Cynthia Lorraine 158, 189
Triplett, Catherine Lucille 40, 147, 158
White, Barbara Sexton Snyder, Fred Pierce
Trochelman, Ralph, Douglas White, Jonathan Everette Snyder, Susan Elizabeth White Mary Ann
Turner, Gregory Allen Soiu, Annemarie
Turner, Jon Eugene 189
Whitehead, Joseph John Sokolowski, Bernard Ralph 170
Tums, Deborah Denise 31, 158, 205
Whitmyer, Reagan, Elise 163 , 190 Somerville, Susan Steele
Sommer, Mark Henry 96, 174
Tyler, Deborah Lee 138, 190
Tyles, Johnis Michelle
Wiles, Pamela 67
Wiley, Ronnie Soon, Jodelle Anita 190
Ullman, Sara Ann
Underwood, Royce Eugene
Willard, Katherine Marion Souders, Christopher James
Williams, Deana Carol 22, 163, 187 , 232 Spahlinger, Marian Jean 51, 77, 159
Underwood, Daniel Lavon 166, 190, 183
Williams, Edward Dwain 124 Spears, Bonnie Lou 100
Van Dyke, Jeffrey Lynn 168
William, Greeg Thomas Spencer, Robert Allen
Spetich, Joan Marie 139, 188
Van Tine, Ted Hugh 74, 165
Venable, Deborah Lee 164, 190
Williams, Gregory Martin
Williamson, Mark Rickly Spriggs, Cynthia Jane 51, 158, 247
Ventresca, Carol Ann
Wilmoth, Daniel Allen 172 Squire, Judith Jo
Veres, Michael Joseph
Wilson, Cheri Lynn Squires, Pamela Anne 95
Vickers, John Frederick 70, 171, 181 , 190
Vittur, Anne Michelle 128, 188, 189
Stahura, Linda Maureen 242
Vogel, A. Frederick 25, 170
Wilson, Mary Ann 130, 214, 224 St. Clair, Charles James 133, 142, 143, 189
Wilson, Mary Lucille 158 , 190
Windom , Carolyn Anne 188
Wine, Chervl Annette 19, 205
Wi11slon, Gregory Curlis 172
Witbeck, John Alden 170
Witt, John Gregory 139, 141
Witt, Richard Kerry
Witt, Thomas Kent 73
Wildecki Marcia Jean 33, 104
Wohlever, Keith James 170
Wolboldt, Beverly June 163
Wolfe, Thomas Allen 171
Wolff, Thomas Lee 170, 174
Wood, David Edward
Woodland, John David
Woodring, Sheryl Lynn 86, 163, 178
Wood, Constance Ruth 161, 175
Woods, Gale Edward
Woods, Jack Donald
Woodward, Lyn Bryce 26, 57, 163 218
Woodyard, Thomas William 172
Wooten, Gary Earl 41, 140, 166, 176
Wright, David Morrow
Wright, Rebecca Ann 183
Wright, Robert Frederick 170
Wrightsel, Esther
Wygant, Judith Lynn 161, 206
Wynn, Maurice Steven
Yeakel, Joanna Irene 192
Yoest, Jeffery Palmer 204
Yohn, Kathleen Ann
Youmans, Steven Frederick
Young, Daniel George
Young, Leslie Jane 24, 42, 161, 189
Young, Mark Condron 171
Youngpeters, Robert Gene
Zajack, Phyllis Marie
Ziegler, Suza11ne Cecilia
Zimrnerman, Joy Rochell
Zoecklin, Sally 161, 187