Sibyl 1980

Page 1

New Directions I 1

2 / Movements

Movements I 3

4 I Patterns


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4tle Patterns I 5



7o 9~ ~~

6 I Individually

Individually I 7

81 Together

Together I 9

Smttel Smtte! Smttel

10 I Smile

John Schafer

Janice Dragon

Smile I 11

12 I Spring

Spring I 13

May Day centered around the theme of "Camelot." Balloons, flowers and a backdrop of a castle made a perfect day for the crowning of a queen. Wendy Cameron was elected 1980 May Day Queen with her court being Debbie Plasterer, Jenara Frasure, and Kerrie Wagner. Sue McDaniels crowned the queen and resigned her reign.

28 I May Day

May Day I 29

A variety of musical talent was seen at the annual Spring Music Fest. The food service coordinated an outdoor picnic and many enjoyed the music of the Liturgital Jazz Ensemble.

30 I Spring Music Fest

Spring Concert I 31

A first-rate cast highlights another Otterbein production, "Guys and Dolls". A story of gamblers and their bet on whether their main man falls for the Salvation Army mission "doll" leads to a quick jet trip to Havana, a crap game in the mission, a broken 14-year engagement, a . prayer meeting and the predictable resolution of two couples. Fontaine Follansbee and Rich Tatgenhorst lead the cast as leading couple. Director Charles Dodrill succeeded in bringing his talented cast together to present a well-timed and energetic show.

32 I Guys & Dolls

The moment we all wait for after attending school for four years is graduation. "Follow a challenge, reach for a chance", was the theme of Baccalaureate service. Members of the class of 1980 who spoke were: Bill Conard, Nancy Day, Karen Radcliffe, and Kyle Yoest.

Commencement I 33


PRESIDENT Thomas J. Kerr, IV



FINANCIAL AID: Patricia Marburger, DIRECTOR Donald Foster, student Pat Fox.




ADMISSIONS' STAFF: Sally Beal, Robin Butz, Greg Steger, Jo Ducey. Seated: Mary Applegate. TREASURER Albert Horn



STUDENT PERSONNEL, Row one: Marian Becker, Carol Paullo. Row two: Mary Davenport, Joan Whalan, Sue Long.

ASSISTANT DEAN FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Robert Gatti as he aids student Tammy Shepherd.







DATA PROCESSING CENTER, DIRECTOR Roger Wiley, Louise Dudding, Ron Spessard




PLACEMENT SECRETARIES Lila Kaufman, Patricia Skinner






BATELLE SECRETARIES, student Shari Gregg, Jan Robinson

MAIL ROOM PERSONNEL, Student carriers, far right DIRECTOR Mervin Ross


Child Care Center, DIRECTOR Doris Nocera

Child Care Center, INSTRUCTORS Arlene Earley, Jacqueline Chretien


Courtright Memorial Library, HEAD LIBRARIAN John Becker




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<*fvtoM; Integrative studies courses are directed toward the common theme, "the nature of man," and attempt to integrate, over the four years of an undergraduate education, perspectives from a variety of academic disciplines in the arts, the natural and social sciences, literature, religion and philosophy. The courses provide the student with intellectual tools with which to face rationally the problems of contemporary and future humanity. Chairperson: William Hamilton

William Hamilton

The Chemistry Department at Otterbein College has a lot to offer students interested in chemistry. Students majoring in chemistry with a minor in engineering, computer science or some course of study in health, for instance, have made available for themselves a large variety of careers. Chairperson: Rexford Ogle Not pictured: Rexford Ogle, Jerry Jenkins

Robert Place


As the largest department on campus, the Department of Economics and Business Administration does an excellent job of preparing students interested in these fields for the job market~ ¡ This department is constantly growing and expanding to meet the requirements of the rapidly growing business world. Chairperson: Gail Miller Not pictured: Donald Cunningham, James Heine, Lawrence Kantor, Martha O'Loughlin. Gail Miller

John Glascock

J. Patrick Lewis



Wallace "Dave" Davidson

Steven Platau

James Bailey

Cecile Gray

The English Department offers a wide variety of courses to Otterbein students. Students may major in English or they may elect to pursue a journalism major. With a journalism major the student does get an opportunity to work on The T and C, the student newspaper. Chairperson: James Bailey Not pictured: Norman Chaney, James Gorman, William Hamilton, Allan Martin, Alison Prindle



John Coulter

The Department of Education attracts many students to Otterbein's campus, making this department one of the largest on campus. The Teacher Education Program is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and it does meet the certification requirements of most states. Chairperson: Chester Addington MEMBERS: Roger Deibel, Duff Helvoight, Mildred Stauffer, Mary Wells.

The Department of Foregin Language offers majors in French, German and Spanish. Many students take advantage of the various off-campus programs and study abroad during part of their four years at Otterbein. Chairperson: Roger Neff Not pictured: James Carr, John Hamilton, James Kealey, Susan Klopp, Paulette Loop, Sylvia Vance, Lucia Villalon.

Roger Neff


The Departments of Health and Physical Education do an excellent job of preparing both men and women for careers in physical education, health, or related fields. Women - Chairpersons: Marilyn Day Not pictured: Marilyn Day, Karen Cooper Men ___: Chairperson: Elmer Yoest Not pictured: William Hillier




to R: Denise Mccreery, Teresa Hazucha, Jo Ann Tyler.

to R: Porter Miller, Elmer Yoest, Richard Fishbaugh, Richard Reynolds, Richard Seils.

The Department of History and Political Science offers many career opportunities to students interested in these fields. Among these are law, public administration, teaching, and civil service. Chairperson: Harold Hancock Not pictured: John Laubach

Dr. Harold Hancock helps students at the annual Torch and Key booksale .


Ursula Holterman

Cynthia Godbey


(NO PICTURES AVAILABLE) Contrary to popular belief, Home Economics is not just cooking and sewing. The Department of Home Economics combines knowledge derived from the various sciences, humanties, and the business world giving students access to the related careers of business and research, teaching, fashion merchandising and dietetics. Chairperson: Eleanor Roman MEMBERS: Eleanor Roman, Jean Spero

George Phinney

The Department of Life and Earth Sciences is a large department on campus as it prepares students for entrance into medical and dental schools. This department also prepares students for majors in equine science. Chairperson: Jeanne Willis Not pictured: Jeanne Willis, Michael Herschler, Arnold Leonard, Thomas Tegenkamp, Jacquelyn Beals, Betty Kennedy.

The.pepartment of Mathematics prepares students for careers in teaching, business, computer science, related areas in industry, and graduate studies. Chairperson: David Deever Not pictured: Mary Harrold, Edward Laughbaum, Roger Tremaine, Roger Wiley, Richard Yantis. David Deever



o~~r.e (NO PICTURES AVAILABLE) The Department of Music at Otterbein is an 1xcellent department as it prepares students for eaching careers, and also gives students the 1pportunity study programs which lead to :areers in music merchandising, musical theatre tnd the church. ;hairperson: Morton Achter AEMBERS: Lyle Barkhymer, Michael Haberkorn, >avid lsele, Gary Tirey, Diana Vancamp.

(NO PICTURES AVAILABLE) The Physics Department introduces the student to the basic concepts and techniques necessary for further development. This department encourages the use of computers. Chairperson: John Taylor MEMBERS: John Taylor., Philip Barnhart.

With cooperation from Grant Hospital in Columbus, Otterbein offers Associate of Science and Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs. Through the Associate of Science in Nursing program, students become qualified to practice nursing with technical competence and to take the examiniation for a registered nurse. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is an additional two years of study designed especially for registered nurses who wish to earn the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Chairperson: Barbara Chapman MEMBERS: Mary Ann Burnham, Sharon Carlson, Francis Davis, Cathy Dunlap, Jane Lutz, Kathleen Reinecke, Judy Strayer, Lisa Wetmore.


Not only does the Department of Religion and Philosophy teach the religion and philosophy of the West but the courses are also designed to help the student improve his thinking, and his ability to express his thoughts by studying ancient and modern beliefs from the East and the West. Chairperson: James Recob Not pictured: James Recob, PaulAckert,PaulReddm.

Margaret and Thomas Hartman

The Department of Sociology and Psychology helps students strive to gain intern or practical experience in a specified area of specialization during their four years at Otterbein. Chairperson: Albert Lovejoy Not pictured: Albert Lovejoy, William Hittesdorf, Joyce Karsko.

Larry Cox


The Department of Speech and Theatre offers majors in both speech and theatre. A major in speech communication prepares students for careers in teaching, broadcasting, and public relations. All speech majors and minors are required to participate in the college radio station, WOBN; and debate and speech contests. Theatre majors may work towards a Bachelor of Fine Arts or a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre. A Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre requires a minimum of 18 units in theatre, whereas, a Bachelor of Arts in theatre is a major of nine units offered with a variety of concentrations. -iEATRE FACULTY: Charles Dodrill, Kathleen Lewicki, Fred Thayer, Donald Pais-


Chairperson: James Grissinger Not pictured: Speech faculty - James Grissinger and Jennifer Goins.

(NO PICTURES AVAILABLE) The Department of Visual Arts as developed a sequence of ourses focused on the needs f the young artist. These ourses provide the student with 1e necessary information and 1<perience for the development f an understanding of the cretive process, the ability to work ith the various materials of 1istic production, a proper pro1ssional attitude, and an ade-

quate knowledge of the history of art. Along with the required sequence, such courses as sculpture, crafts, non-western art, and photography are also available.

hairperson: Earl Hassenpflug EMBERS: Albert Germanson, avid Stichwen, Joanne Sti1weh.


Mindy Gossett

FRESHMEN MEN'S HONORARY, Row one: Bruce Ludwick, Steve Fackler, Dave Zeuch, Curt Hodapp, Tom Butera Greg Stemm. Row two: Jeff Timmons, John Schmeling, John Hill, Mark Ringle, George Christodoulou, Phil Helser Mark Holm.

FRESHMEN WOMEN'S HONORARY, Row one: De De Donaugh, Loretta Sherer, Kim Collier, Karen Koslow, Robin Mcie. Row two: Joy Grandstaff, Valerie Tongish, Carol Barnes, Jennifer Orlidge. Row three: Cindy Jackson, Elaine McCoy, Valerie Ware, Pam Gorsuch, Jolene Schliching. Row four: Debbie Martin, Lisa Trochelman, Julie Hupp, Tammy Shepherd, Marilyn Albright, Cathy Ferguson. Row five: Shirley Lang, Carol Winter, Kathy Jenkins, Sue McDaniel, Wendy Smock, Paula Clark, Jill Britton.


::1ENCE HONORARY, Row one: Keith Blakely, John Schmeling, Ric Devore, Mark Ringle, Dave Zeuch, Elaine cCoy. Row two: Tom Butera, Jeff Timmons, Dan Detrich, Curt Hodapp.

RE-MED HONORARY, Row one: John Schmeling, Keith Blakely, Ric Devore, Mark Ringle. Row two: Dave Zeuch, eorge Christodoulou, Tom Butera, Dan Detrich.


STUDENT NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Row one: Kathy Dodson, Karen Koslow, Cindy Jackson. Row two: Wendy Smock, Carol Winter, Elaine McCoy, Crystal Noble.

HONORARY LITERATURE CLUB, Left to Right: Barb Martin, Kelly Spence, Jill Britton, Emilie Caldwell Stewart.


MUSIC HONORARY, Row one: Martha Schulz, Sue Abraham Naomi Cummans. Row two: Mary Mason, Kim Fippin, SUE Eastham, Sue James, Terry Jackson.

OHIO STUDENT MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION, Row one: Chris Ciampa, Kim Fippin, Sue James, Sue Abraham, Mary Mason. Row two: Terry Jackson, Martha Schulz, Dave Draghi, John Hill. EQUINE SCIENCE CLUB, Row one: Kellie Thacker, Diane Daughtery, Beth Slater. Row two: Julie Cunningham, Sue Clarke, Cindy Evans, Cindy Hamilton. Row three: Beth Peckham, Laurie Strang, John Schafer, Becky Gallant. Row four: Karen Medicus, Dolly Steven, Alison Dickhaut, Susan Hodson.

HOME EC CLUB, Left to Right: Jennie Cundiff, Nancy Sherk, Crystal Noble, June Kidd, Diane Townley.


SCHOLASTIC HONORARY, Row one: Tammy Shepherd, Fontaine Follansbee, Cindy Jackson, Nancy Sherk, Martha Schulz, Curt Hodapp, Bruce Ludwick, Lori Moomaw, Ric Devore, Mark Ringle, George Christodoulou, Jennifer Orlidge. Row two: Tom Butera, Suzy Kramer, Shirley Lang, Dan Detrich, Wendy Smock, Diane Townley, Elaine McCoy, Terry Jackson. Row three: Steve Fackler, Sue McDaniel, John Schmeling, Jeff Timmons, Keith Blakely.

INTERNATIONAL HISTORY HONORARY, Left to Right: Chris Cover, Janice Long, Holly Harris.


)MANCE LANGUAGE HONORARY, Top: Paul Toskin, Suzy amer. Bottom: Emilie Stewart, Julie Cunningham, Jill Brit1, Kathy Butz.

BUSINESS HONORARY, Top: Jeff Timmons, Steve Fackler, Sue McDaniel, Curt Hodapp. Bottom: Tammy Shepherd, Jennifer Orlidge, Bob Gold, Bruce Ludwick.

SENIOR MEN AND WOMEN'S HONORARY, Row one: Suzy Kramer, Rick Devore, Fontaine Follansbee, Kerrie Wagner, Dave Zeuch, Steve Fackler, BrucE!'f:udwick. Row two: Dan Detrich, Diane Townley, Cindy Jackson, Elaine McCoy, Mark Ringle. Row three: Jennifer Orlidge, Curt Hodapp, Lori Moomaw, John Schmeling, Tom Butera, Sue McDaniel.


Below: Agape members Nancy Fenstermaker and Kathy Vance. Right: Nicole Mitchell takes on Dave Peters in a game of pinball. The event was sponsored by the Religious Activities Council.


Row one: Kathy Vance, Nancy Fenstermaker. Row two: Kendra Martin, Jennifer Cline. Row three: John Juber, Mark Kelly.


Row one: Nancy Fenstermaker, Kathy Vance. Row two: Jenr fer Cline, Kendra Martin, Advisor Carole Long, John Huber.

Row one: Dick Buckley, David Marcia, Sharon Blair, Scott Dillon, Cheryl Newcomb, Fontaine Follansbee, Maribeth Graham, Linda Losten. Row two: Carlton Ritenour, Jeanine Howe, Sandy Martin, Isle Haggins, Chris Markley, Barb Hawkins, Bruce Marvin, Laurie Rudy, Sue Carter, Gwen Torry, Linda Finnell, Larry Sherwood. Row three: John Tenor, Toby Uchtman, Linda Bracilano, Tom Lawson, Rich Tatgenhorst, John Ebner, Tamyan Sager, Mike Echols, Jim Harlow, Carlyle Owens, Karen Radcliffe, Kelly Maurer.

ow one: Toby Uchtman, Dick Buckley, Jeanine Howe, Cheryl Newcom'ID, Gwen Torry, David Marcia. Row two: oott Dillon, Carlton Ritenour, Isle Haggins, Sue Carter, Kelly Maurer, Fontaine Follansbee. Row three: Tom Law>n, Karen Radcliffe, John Ebner, Sharon Blair, Tamyan Sager, Mike Echols, Chris Markley, Linda Finnell, Rich atgen horst.


Left to right: Gi Gi Anderson, Chris Dethy, Stephanie Jeffries, Susan Bibby (Standing).

Left to right: Cammie Compton, Paula Clark, Deanna Harris, Janet Tressler, Sandy Metcalf.



Left to right: Mark Johnson, Jim Black.

Row one: Dominic Tiberi. Row two: Dolly Steven, Kim Luther, Janet Tressler,) Ann Mnich, Greg Mezger. Row three: Dave Gross, Tom Gabriel. Row four: Dr. Jim Grissinger, Eric Hartzell, Rhonda Fulton, Yvette Boola, Janet Huntzelman.

Left, Row one: Eric Hartzell, Phil Kaplin, Tim King, Mark Holm, Dave Gross, Mike Sowkolowski, Rick Perk, Rich Norris. Row two: Carol Giffen, Debbie Fowler, Janet Huntzelman, Yvette Boola, Rhonda Fulton, Mark Steimer, Kathy Jenkins, Tom Gabriel, Janet Willeke, Dan Hughes, Becky Sebring, Dolly Steven. Row three: Greg Mezger, Dominic Tiberi, Kim Luther, Greg Stemm, Lisa Dempsey, Dr. Jim Gris-_ singer, Ann Mnich, John Hulkenburg, Janet Tressler, Joe Shoopman, Brad O'Dea, Todd Culp, Doug Stanley, Dave Graham.


RA'S, Row one: Steve Cayton, Chris Eiiertson, Scott Smart, Steve Fackler, Rebekah Medaugh, Kathy Waitzrnan, Bob Gold, Chris Fleisher, Mike Puskarich, Chris Ciampa, Crystal Noble, Bob Gatti. Row two: Janet Tressler, Nancy Hammond, Kerrie Wagner, Lori Mowrnaw, Elaine McCoy, Diane Townley, Cindy Jackson, John Sharpe, Rick Harley. Row three: Curt Hodapp, Dave Peters, Karen Altice, Mindy Gossett, Sue McDaniel, Terry Jackson, Jenara Frasure, Lissa Kneeshaw, Janie Barnhart.

IFC, Sitting: Bob Gold, Mark Davis, Tyrone Harris, Torn Buchanan, Scott Raymond, John Schafer. Standing: Dan Koplow, Jim Rohal, Jeff Timmons, Brad Reichler, Bob Gatti, Torn Butera.



II l

PANHELLENIC COUNCIL, Front: Deb Besst, Mary Mason, Patty Diamond. Back: Leslie Logue, Jenara Frasure, Lori Mowrnaw.

'B, Left to Right: Loretta Sherer, Chris Turner, De De naugh, Cindy Lyman, Jenifer Orlidge, Marilyn Albright.

T&C NEWSPAPER, Left to Right: Rob Engelbach, Lois McCullen, Sue Shipe, Scott Brockett, Becky Scheck, Lynn Kirch.


CO-EDITOR Tammy She"pherd



CO-EDITOR Leslie Logue




Chris Ball

Joyce Townsend



Rho Kappa Delta, one of the largest sororities on campus at one time has been reformed. After the membership in Rho Kappa Delta dwindled to practically nothing a group of girls banded together in 1979 to try to get the sorority started. Currently a lack of new pledges has prevented the sorority from engaging in many of the campus events. Row one: Charlene Baggs, Kathleen Faiella, Desiree Shannon. Row two: Mary Beth Bernard, Carmen White, Bonnie Brandt.


Theta Nu increased its membership by twelve during the winter rush season of 1980. The girls of Theta Nu make up a very active sorority as they sponsored an annual Homecoming Mum sale in the fall and later sold M & M's for profit.

Row one: Karen Moore, Donna Glosser, Laurie Griley, Lois Jay, Mary Mason. Row two: Carol McVay, Beth Stauffer, Sue McVay, Chris Evans, Patty Diamond. Row three: Peggy Porter, Rhonda Devault, Tracy Anderson, Susan Hodson, Tammy Parker, Teresa Wood, Kim Fippin. Row four: Dawn Dillard, Penny Harker, Cathy Curly, Barb Rohomr, Sallie O'Dell, Deb Hoar, Karen Medicus.


Under the leadership of President Kristi Snelling the girls of Kappa Phi Omega had a successful year. They had an active pledge class, spring term they sponsored a bake sale, and during Harmony Night of Greek Week, two groups from the sorority performed. Right: Freshman Anya Vogel poses for the photographer.

ONYX, Row one: Amy Hoshor, Emilie Caldwell Stewart, Kristi Snelling, Mary Kindinger, Julie Johnson. Row two: Julie Roush, Any< Vogel, Michelle Baker, Lori Miller, Marianne Symanowicz, Kathy Butz, Melanie Butera. Row three: Valerie Tongish, Dona Clem 8ecky Sebring, Kathy Miller, Diane Burley, Loretta Hardman, Kandie Carr, Nancy Fenstermaker, June Kidd.



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Cries of "don't let Zeta Phi die," may have proved to be successful in some students eyes as the spring of 1980 still saw the group bound tightfully together. But according to the Board of Trustees the fraternity was officially disbanded. After being put on probation, that final party did it. No longer could Zeta Phi be an official fraternity on campus. Even though the fraternity could no longer meet, the strong bond of brotherhood and friendship between the men was hard to break, as they still reamined an organization in their own eyes.

ow one: Chris Roberts, Scott Carroll. Row two: George Christodoulou, Mitch Ulery, Mike Christodoulou, "Gilligan." Row three: 1ff Define, Brad Tucker, Dan Detrich, Don Atwell, Tim Lawler. Row four: Mike Cohen, Chuck Weaver, Mike Stock, Matt Barnett >m Chillinsky, Carl Weaver, Mike Puskarich.


A seemingly profound part of college life that almost every male greek has at least one hour a day set aside for is foosball. The fellows at the Jonda House are no exception. Jonda claims to have a few of the campus foosball champions in their ranks. As in years past, Jonda's Hairy Buffalo party


proved to be a huge success among the fres men during the rush season this year. It would t entertaining to know how many Otters swore th1 "would never drink again" after that night. Left: Senior Janda men enjoy themselves at the annual Ha Buffalo party. Right: Freshmen Steve Yankello and v, Meade practice their foosball playing at the house.

Row one: Steve Yankello, Tim O'Flynn, Dick SanFillipo, Don Beougher, Van Meade. Row two: William Noel, Doug Clark, Mark Ms tin, Chris Mills, Tim Kieffer, Matt Westfall, Rick Johnson, Brad Keiser, Jim Kaser, John Horn. Row three: Eric Leonard, Mark Burn Jackie Harris, Mark Davis, Mark Mitchell, Bill Zourdos, Greg Mezger, Tom Demana, Steve Conley. Row four: Jeff Christoff, Jae Spencer, Dean Fultz, Jeff Jones, John Phelps, Gary Baker, Don Roberts, Pete Martin, Pete Bible, Mike Patrick, Barry Compto Galbie Robinson.










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"Place your bets please." The odds are not very good if you bet that the freshmen did not have a good time at the King's Casino Royale. This year at the Berkshire Party House, the annual party that the Kingsmen sponsor was bigger and better than ever

before as the spirits flowed freely. Below: The truth comes out - Straight from Las Vegas we have Chris Carroll. Now you know where he was when he was never around campus. Right: Dressed in an outfit like that, senior Eric Costine is definitely on the make, (OTM).



KINGS, Sitting: Carlyle Owens, Tom Butera, Chris Myers, Dave Callahan, Chuck Clark, Tom Lawson. Standing: Eric Warner, Jil Black, Jeff Rawlings, Jeff Stephens, Mike Davison, Todd Bixler, Jeff Burkholder, Jeff Timmons, Bill Conard, Steve Fackler, B Wells, John Sharpe.


Impromptu music filled the air around the Sphinx House during Spring 1980, when members of the fraternity's own, fame to claim, Razz Band decided to stage a practice just for the ladies in Clements Hall. Although it seems that some of the other neighbors on Home Street did not appreciate the music of the Razz Band - so they filed a complaint. Oh well! .

SPHINX, Row one: Greg Stemm, Mike Shoaf. Row two: Tim Bland, Dan Pohl, Jeff Boehm, Dave Graham, Lynn Kirch, Scott Duncan, Mark Mustard. Row three: Dave Eisnaugh, Mark Holm, Jeff Groseclose, Mike Coldwell, Jim Garvey. Row four: Dave Draghi, Tom Buchanan, Joe Shoopman, Advisor Don Wolfe. Row five: Jim Bragg, Ken Bathgate, Ray Patton, John Sharritts, Rich Friend, Jim Brown, Jim Herbruck, Tim Neer, George Wigal, John Ciampa. Row six: Steve Spangler, John Schmeling, Dave Zeuch, Ric Devore, Hugh Patton, Dick Buckley, Cal Metts. Row seven: Scott Oiler, Chuck Armstutz, Dave DeClark, Phil Osborn, Paul Hritz, Mike Dunaway, Mark Liebherr.


ALTMAN HOUSE, Row one: Randy Rodgers, Todd Platenburg, Rici<. Friend. RoW two: Fred Swan, Joe Ray, Dan Hughes.


KING HALL, Row one: Chris Gray, Carol Barnes, Reba Powers, Suzi Barrett, Julie Dowd, Sandy Metcaff. Row two: Cathy O'Neil, Chris Fleicher, Kim Luther, Lisa Potts, Antoinette Kerins, Susan Jefferies, Linda Brown. Row three: Candice Freeman, Becky Ekin, Amy Shaudys, Lisa Trochelman, Sue Ridinger, Ellen Willis, Mindy Gossett, Kelly Harker, Amy Conrad, Julie Heininger, Kathy Miller, Carolyn Prior. Row four: Stephanie Jefferies, Tammy Dag, Lisa Meacci, Patty Corman, Julie Armentrout. Left: King Hall Head Shelley Rose

Resident -



(1) Nedra Moore and Charlene Body take time from their busy schedules to relax in front of the Campus Center. (2) FIRST FLOOR, Row one: Jeni Deffenbaugh, Patty Jenner, Cammie Compton, Laurie Andrix, Jody More, Karen Hawk, Martha Milligan, Marianne Wilson, Charlene Body. Row two: Rebecca Wilds, Linda Robinson, Ginger Herrell, Karen Mallon, Jennifer Lyons, Sandra Atree-Roberts, Heather Shafer, Kay Stith, Terry Jackson. (3) Cammie Compton and Patty Jenner appear to be holding down a fly-away light pole as they goof-off for the photographer. (4) SECOND FLOOR, Row one: Julie Brown, Lynn Boyer, Roberta Delavo, Teresa Bloomfield, Lori Huntsman. Row two: Amy Pascquinelly, Nancy Hammond, Lilian Baum, Kim Collier. Row three: Carolyn Barnhill, Nedra Moore, Janet Hutzelman. (2)


12 2



(1) Phil Kaplan and Todd Culp engage in a recreational sport in their spare time. (2) Two students enjoy the serenity of the Campus Center. (3) DAVIS HALL, Row one: Rick Perk, Bruce Brown, Bob Gold, Mike Sokolowski, Eric Hall, Todd Culp. Row two: Craig Bullis, John Garvin, Jim Bragg, Chris Eiiertson, Dave Wells, Dave Hardy, Jerry Cooper, Sy Rose, Keith Riggs, Fred Morgan, Gregg Pille, Doug Mccombs, Randy Pontius.



(1) Were they kicked out of their rooms?! ... No, these students are enjoying live entertainment as the Razz Band practices in front of the Sphinx House. (2) These three girls did not make it in time for their floor pictures, as they arrived only seconds too late. They are, From left to Right: Cathy Ferguson third floor, Jolene Schliching second floor, and Kathy Jenkins third floor. (3) Chris Caminita receives a hair cut from Rob Laughlin of California Concept in Westerville. The barbers came to Clements Hall and spoke to the students about their shop, demonstrating their techniques. (4) FIRST FLOOR, Row one: Liz Raver, Sheryl Wise. Row two: Mary Jo Tyler, Julie Hintz, Maria Vives. (5) "I was just removing the snow from my car," said Crystal Noble innocently as the photographer gets attacked by snowballs. Vickie Swartz lends Crystal a hand.

( 1)



(4) 124


SECOND FLOOR, Row one: Melinda Richter, Jennie Schutz, Tharen Copes, Jackie Cave, Kathy Carlisle, Cheryl Fehn, Salena Valdes, Leslie Acton. Row two: Julie Tallentire, Cindy Jackson, Jenara Frasure, Beth Ourant, Esther Barnes, Tina Bisang.

THIRD FLOOR, Row one: Julie Hupp, Annette Amstutz, Gigi Anderson, Jessie Leek, Margie McAllister. Row two: Robin Mcie, Susan Sundback, Heidi Veatch, Pam Gorsuch, Penny Harker. Row three: Paula Simpson, Chris Carlisle, Tammy Valkosky, Linda Losten, Karen Moore, Nicole Mitchell, Valerie Ware, Donna Tuomala.


THIRD FLOOR, Row one: Jeff Brindley, Dave Elsea, Dave Freeman, Dan Koplow. Row two: Curt Hodapp, Doug Curry, Jeff Boehm, Rob Freeman, John Roberts. Row three: Tim Bland, Dino Guanciale, Jeff Kessler, Dan Paeltz, Rob Ebert, John Wentzell, Gregg Collins.


SECOND FLOOR, Row one: Don Wheeler, Brad Shawhan, Scott Smart, Gene Barret Row two: Chuck Clark, Wes Nutter, Eric Hartzell, A.J. Feucht, Mark Johnson, Je Wood, Jeff Timmons, Bab Nader, Kirk Beach.

FOURTH FLOOR, Kneeling: Eric Stein. Standing: Dan Pohl, John Durham, Jerry Saunders, John Schafer, Brad Tucker, Gary Lowe, Jeff Humphrey, George Getz, Tim O'Flynn.


Mayne Hall residents enjoyed a special treat during their last dorm meeting of the year. (1) Nancy Sherk and Jennie Cundiff open presents received from their parents. Mayne Hall RA's contacted the students' parents and asked them if they wanted to send a gift to assist their daughters through finals week. (2) During the same meeting hall awlirds were also presented. Here, Kerrie Wagner hands Robin Carter her award.



(3) FIRST FLOOR, Row one: Chris Cover, Nancy Casselman, Jennie Cundiff, Lois Jay. Row two: Ann Mnich, Karen Woods, Renie Stevens, Sue Ott. Row three: Joyce Townsend, Patty Diamond, Tammy Shepherd. (4) SECOND FLOOR, Row one: Sandy Bennett, Kathy Sidwell, Kathy Chambers. Row two: Amy Burkholder, Teresa Wood, Robbie Rice, Susanne Moslener, Bonnie Brandt, Rhonda Fulton, Regina Vann. Row three: Marcha Waddell, Naomi Cummings, Chris Ball, Sheri Gangluff, Kristi Sullivan, Holly Harris, Janice Long, Sue Abraham.

(4) 128

(1) Debbie Jamieson participates in a make-up demonstration. This was one of the many programs sponsored by the dorm resident assistant staff. (2) THIRD FLOOR, Row one: Lisa Stropki, Bridget Beal, Lynn Fichner, Deanna Harris, Chris Caminita. Row two: Kathy Butz, Teri Powell, Sue Martin, Jayne Bean, Colleen Turner, Debbie Fryling. Row three: Teresa Herbert, De De Donaugh, Cindy Lyman, Carolyn Shay, Sandy Evans. (3) FOURTH FLOOR, Row one: Robin Carter, Elizabeth Nugent, Linda Marchak, Sally Walters. Row two: Kerrie Wagner, Sharon Kelly, Shirley Lang, Sally Brandt, Barb Hannond, Becky Sorrell. (4) Third floor member Robin Carter was caught by the photographer while studying in the library.




Many girls prefer to live in Garst and Scott Halls as opposed to the other dorms on campus. One reason for this is their location. These dorms are close to the Rike Center. They are in a quiet vicinity, being away from a main street and separated from the major sector of campus. These dorms, including Engle, have a very active resident hall program. They participate in many activities among the three dorms and also with the other dorms on campus. GARST HALL, Row one: Lisa Jones, Beth Calif, Peggy Mead, Joy Jackson. Row two: LaDonna Brevard, Kathy Hill, Julie King, Polly Subich, Vicky Hartsock. Row three: Lyn Ballinger, Karen Caldwell, Gretchen Welch, Karen Altice, Lori O'Brien.

SCOTT HALL, Row one: Anya Vogel, Kim Thurston, Debbie Fowler, Lillian Garretson, Valerie Frasure. Row two: Janie Barnhart, Sharon Bush, Carol Winter, Colleen Muldoon, Lissa Kneeshaw. Row three: Duneen Whitworth, Sharon Prileson, Kim Woosley, Kellie Thacker, Meledy Spaulding, Lisa Dempsey.

Due to the large number of incoming male students the college was forced to use the second floor of Engle Hall for the first time in years. Posing in a nearby cemetary are the men of Engle Hall otherwise known as "Engle Jingle." Back: Randy Hulk, Tim Kieffer, Chris Mills, Reid Landis. Front: Greg Stemm, Greg Hoover. Top: Don Moore, Gary Bair, Craig Young, Chuck Prunier, Tom Binstadt, Brook McDonald, Dallas Sharp, Terry Jenkins, Phil Underwood. Bottom front: Don Beougher, Steve Anderson, Mike Shoaf.



Patrons DUANE & MARIE AMSTUTZ and son CHUCK '80, daughte ANNETTE '82 Mr. and Mrs. RALPH W. ANDERSON and daughter GIGI '8: Mr. and Mrs. WALTER BANKS and daughter CYNTHIA '80 Dr. and Mrs. HERBERT E. BEAN and daughter JAYNE '81 Mr. and Mrs. ERNEST BEEBE and son Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES J. BLAKELY and son BIRAN '80 Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM F. BLAKELY and son KEITH '80 THOMAS & DIXIE BLAND and son TIM '83 Mr. and Mrs. ARTHUR BLOOMFIELD and daughter TERES '83 Mr. and Mrs. DAVID BROSNAHAN and daughter SHARON Mr. and Mrs. JOHN H. BULLIS and son CRAIG '83 & JOHN '81

134 I Patrons

Dr. Herschler

Patrons ART & LEEANN CAVE and son CHUCK '81 and daughter JACKIE '83 Mr. and Mrs. VERNON C. CHILDRES and daughter CATHRYN O'NEILL '83 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. COLDWELL and son MIKE '81 Mr. and Mrs. J.M. DAV and daughter NANCY '80 Mr. and Mrs. DANIELE. DOVER and daughter TRACY '80 Mr. and Mrs. DONALD L. DUNCAN and son SCOTT '83 Mr. and Mrs. DELL ESHELMAN and daughter BRIDGETT BEAL '81 Mr. and Mrs. MARVIN EVANS and daughter MARV CHRISTINE '80

Patrons I 135

Patrons Mr. and Mrs. R. FOLLANSBEE and daughter FONTAINE '81 Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT E. FOWLER and daughter JENNIFER FOWLER WAL TON '80 Rev. and Mrs. HAROLD E. FOX and son JOHN '80 Mr. and Mrs. SHELDON M. GROSS and son DAVID '82 Mr. and Mrs. HARRY HILL and son JOHN '83 Mr. EVERETT HODAPP JR. and son CURTIS '81 Mr. and Mrs. LOWELL R. HOOVER and son GREGG '83 Mrs. RALPH W. HUGHES and son ROBERT '81 Mr. and Mrs. PAULE. HUMPHREY and son JEFFREY '83

136 I Patrons

Patrons r. and Mrs. THOMAS J. JAMIESON and daughter DEB '82 r. and Mrs. OLEN JAY and daughter LOIS '80 r. and Mrs. CARL W. JONES and son JEFFREY '80 r. and Mrs. ROBERT H. JONES and daughter LISA '82 r. and Mrs. ERNEST B. KIDD and daughter JUNE '80 ·. and Mrs. R. A. KINDINGER and daughter MARY JANE '83 ·.and Mrs. RICHARD KORN and son LARRY '80 rs. JAMES A LOGUE and daughter LESLIE '81 ·. and Mrs. LEO A. LUCAS and daughter LINDA '80

Patrons I 137

Patrons Rev. and Mrs. KENNETH G. MARTIN and daughters SANDRA KAV '81 and DEBORAH SUE '83 Mr. and Mrs. HAROLD R. McCRAY and daughter MOLLY Mr. and Mrs. CARL A. McDONALD and daughter JANETl '80 Mr. and Mrs. H. McDONALD and daughter LAURA '81 Mr. and Mrs. PAUL D. McDONALD and daughter CHERYL ANN '81 Dr. MEG METTS and son CALLAND '83 Mr. and Mrs. DAVl_D MILLER and daughter CAROL VN '82 Mr. and Mrs. BILL MNICH and daughter ANN '82 Mr. and Mrs. RAV MOBLEY JR. and son RANDY '80 Dr. and Mrs. J. MOSLENER and daughter SUSANNE '81

138 I Patrons

Patrons Ir. and Mrs. LEWIS NEER and son TIM '83 ev. and Mrs. CHARLES NITSCHE and daughter LISA '80 Ir. and Mrs. RICHARD NEWARK and son RICHARD NORRIS '83 Ir. and Mrs. HARLEY B. OILER and son SCOTT '82 Ir. and Mrs. ROBERT OLMSTEAD and daughter LESLIE ANN '81 r. and Mrs. ARTHUR ORLIDGE and daughter JENNIFER ANNE '80 Ir. and Mrs. CARLYLE B. OWENS JR. and son TOBY '81 Ir. and Mrs. RICHARDT. PAUL and daughters KATHRYN '77 and MARTHA '80 Ir. and Mrs. JAMES PAYNE and son DOUG '82 Ir. and Mrs. PUSKARICH and son MICHAEL '82 t. Col. and Mrs. ROBERT RADCLIFFE and daughter KAREN '80

Patrons I 139

Patrons Mr. and Mrs. EVERETT J. SCHECK and daughter BECKY 'a Mrs. SALL VI. SIMPSON and daughter PAULA '83 Mr. and Mrs. LARRY STEMM and son GREG '83 Mr. and Mrs. DANIEL C. STONE JR. and daughter LORRIE '82 Mr. and Mrs. KEITH STRAYER and daughter BETH '80 KATIE and DICK SWOPE and son ANDREW '82 Mr. and Mrs. JOHN T. TAMKO and son GARV '83 Mrs. A. LORRAINE TAYLOR and son SCOTT '81 Mr. and Mrs. PAUL V. THOBURN JR. and daughter BARBIE '82 Mr. and Mrs. ROBIN T. TURNER and daughter CHRISTINE M. '82

140 I Patrons

Patrons Mr. and Mrs. EDWIN R. LICHTMAN JR. and son TOBY '81 Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES H. WADDELL and daughter MARCHA '80 Mr. and Mrs. JERRY WALKER and son JIM SWETIC Mr. and Mrs. W. J. WASHAM and daughter MONET Rev. and Mrs. 0. GENE WELLS and son DAVID '83 Dr. and Mrs. E.W. YOEST and son KYLE '80

Patrons I 141

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Laurie Hull

Although the path seemed lonely at times, we sincerely appreciate the work contributed by th following people: Advisers: Bob Gatti and John Becker Photographers: Greg Chachoff of Beverly Studios, Chris Mills, Keith Grier, Tim O'Flynn, Jeff Boehm Ralphoto Joe Shoopman, Kathy Chambers, Leslie Logue, Tammy Shephard Special thanks to Becky Fickel Smith for completion of the book.

144 I Thank You

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