The Tan and Cardinal February 14, 1975

Page 1

Volume-57 Number 16

Darla launder reigns over Winter Weekend sizzling score of 91-47 .) The Phi; Melanie Costine, escorted by winner of the competition was Craig Moon of Pi Kappa Phi; Jan Eps;i Ion Kappa Tau sorority, but Kassing, escorted by Martie the other 12 frats and sororities Oliver, an independent; and Ann gave it their best. EKT received Stallings, escorted by Dave Paul $30 .00. Chris Nicely, editor of the of Eta Phi Mu. Greek Cheer Night , co- T & C, and Len Robison, station sponsored by the Tan and Car­ . manager of WOBN, were very pleased with the support that the dinal and WOBN, was highly frats and sororities gave to Greek successful. Sounds vibrated the Cheer night and they hope that it gymnasium, as fraternitites and will become an annual event , sororitief tried to outdo one perhaps even more than once a another ,•1ith cheers and chants to spur the Otters on to victory. (It year . The judges for the Cheer night were Mr. and Mrs. Robert obviously helped as the Otters Becker, Ralph Carapellotti, Al defeat the Oberlin Yeoman by a Alberts, and Mrs. Eileen Thomas. A great big thanks should be given to the Campus Program­ ming Board for the activities that The February meeting of the Senate bill 13 also dealt with they provided the students for Otterbein College Senate was held the life science department. This Winter Weekend. Approximately, Wed ., Feb . 5 at 4:00 p.m. in bill adds two courses to the 350 Otterbein students attended Barlow Hall . curriculum. The first one is L.S. the free ice skating at the There were 8 bills for action, 40-Park internship. Included in Westerville Ice Chalet on Friday originating in the Curriculum this is a cooperative internship with the Metropolitan Park Committee. They were all passed. night. A new tradition will be included The first one was Sen~te Bill 9 District of Columbus and with Winter Weekends in the Freshman Seminar Proposal. The Franklin County. Its designed to provide practical experience in future due to the success of tht· lower division Common Course various aspects of the role of semi-formal dance, "Crystal requirement will read: CC 10 Reflections," after the basketball Freshmen Seminar; or CCl I interpretative parks operation and game last Saturday. About 7 5 outdoor education. Life Science Composition and Literature: The couples danced to the music of Individual and Society; or 16 is ornithology, which is " Bosco" and enjoyed refresh­ Composition and Lit. : The designed to aid in the idenments of chocolate and cheese Dialougueof Men and Women . tification of common bird species fondue . Girls even received or" the area. Students may take any two of favors, commemorating Winter these courses to meet the 2 unit · The Home Economics Weekend l'J75. Ralph requirement. Only one of the two department had a curriculum revision in Senate Bill 14. Home Carapellotti, Campus Center may be taken during the first three Director and advisor to the terms at Otterbein, and at least Ee. 10 is changed from I unit to C.P.B., received overwhelming one is to be taken during the ½ unit as is Home Ee. 24praise concerning the dance. ·It entering term , except in the World Food. Consumer will 4efinitely be an annual thing. unusual case of a freshmen eneconomics will be a full unit in the tering Spring Term. Home Ee. curriculum. Senate Bill 10 deals with a Senate Bill 14 was a proposal proposed psychology course and from the English department . 6 catalog revisions. Except for a courses will be added to the splitting of the course in curriculum: The Art of This spring term will mark Literature, Technical Writing, psychological assesment, into 2 the inauguratiori of Theatre Newswriting, Film: and in­ courses the changes are simply to 38-Film Production. The course troduction, and English 40 -and facilitate communication and to make registration procedures 41 -studies in selected topics in·· which will be offered every other spring, is open to all students with more efficient and standardized. literature. Also a redefinition of the approval of · the ·course in­ Course changes in chemistry the English major was made. structor, Jim Avidon. Special The final bill passed was Senate was the basis for Senate Bill 11. emphasis is being placed on the Bill 16, an economics and business Renumbering 6 courses and fact that the course will not be administration change. The adding 7 new courses was the offered again until spring of Personal Finance course, extent of this bill. Chemistry 30 I'J77-so all juniors and seniors previously offered as ½ unit, will was dropped. interested in the course are urged be a full course under the title Senate Bill 12 removes Life to consider their spring schedules Consumer Economics. Science courses 10, 33, 56, and 57 now, The next meeting of the Senate and adds courses 31-economic The course will be a basic in­ will be Wed ., March 5. botany, 36-field zoology, 41-local troduction to the processes of film flora. production, which will survey the works of several of the masters of the medium and will involve What do you think Otterbein actual student film production. should do to help commemorate There will be no equipment fees entire campus and will carry out the 200th anniversary of the bicentennial theme, are for the course; however, the American independence? The currently being considered. These student will assume the cost of bicentennial committee that is will be concentrated in the fall film and processing . planning and co-ordinating events The committee, headed by Dr. All students who are interested for a campus celebration would Harold Hancock and chaired by in the course, or who would like like to have your ide_as . Dr. James Bailey during this term, further information, may contact hopes that all segments of the Special events, including lec­ Mr. Avidon in Cowan Hall, or by college will contribute ideas. Send tures and musical and theatre calling 3908 . yours to Dr. Bailey, Towers Hall. events, which will be open to the

Darla Launder was crowned the 1'J75 Winter Homecoming Princess during halftime of the basketball Otterbein-Oberlin game last Saturday night. The Queen and her court reigned over the Winter Weekend festivities. Crowning the I 'J7 5 Princess was the 1'J74 Winter Princess Linda Bechtel. Her escort was Gar Vance, an al umnus of Eta Phi Mu fraternity . Queen Darla was escorted by Jim Mcc urdy of Pi Kappa Phi. The queen's court and their escorts were: Teresa Blair , escorted by Jeff Elliot of Zeta

Senate Changes Curriculum


Course offered

What should Otterbein do for Bicentennial?

Robert Forster

Forster to perform in "A Streetcar Named Desire" Noted stage, film and television actor, Robert Forster will be seen in the leading role of Stanley in the Otterbein College Theatre of Tennessee . production Williams', "A Streetcar Named Desire." Mr. Forster assumes the character of the loud, brawling Stanley who is determined to keep his household and wife in the status quo against the threat of his disturbed sister-in-law, Blanche DuBois. To regain his position, he unearths the truth of Blanche's unsavory past and leaves her a lost . victim of self-delusion. "Streetcar" is not an un­ familiar play to Mr. Forster. He has been featured in the role of

Stanley opposite Lois Nettleton at Lincoln Center and was a member of the national touring company with Julie Harris. His other credits include, "Reflections in a Golden Eye" with Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando, "The Stalking Moon" with Gregory Peck and Eva Mari Saint and " Ban yon ", the movie and television series for which he is most noted. Mr. Forster is the 14th guest professional to appear with Otterbein student casts. Tickets may be reserved for the March 5, 6, 7 and 8 evening performances when the box office opens Feb. 19, from 1-4 p.m. weekdays.

Summer and Semester Study Abroad Programs Sue Dykes, an Otterbein Admissions counselor, has an­ nounced several summer and semester study abroad programs that Otterbein studetns can participate in. There are four study programs in conjunction with the University of California at Berkeley. They are: Summer in Leningrad, Soviet Union, June 15-July 8, studying creative arts in the context of Russian social and political life; Summer in Oxford, England, July 3-23 and July 25-August 13, in Theater, Literature, and the Social Sciences; Summer in Rome, Italy, Aug. 2-22, in Arts and the Humanities; Summer in Greece, Sept. 6-20, studying the

mythological lore of Greece, supplemented by on-site historical and archeological studies. Two study programs are available in conjunction with Rollins College in Winter Park , Florida: 1) Semester at the University of · the Andes in Columbia, South America. Language proficiency required as all courses _are taught in Spanish. Part time employment teaching English is available to qualified student. 2) Summer study in Madrid, Spain, June 19-Aug. 11. Courses of study in Spanish language and literature and civilization. Undergraduate and graduates students eligible. Continued on Page 3



ONE MAN'S OPINION ed. note: The following letter was originally set to the members

of the alcohol task force as a statement of one man's personal opinion, concerning alcohol and the college. A member of the task force brought the letter to our attention, asking the T & C to print the letter in full, if per­ mission could be obtained from the author, due to the importance of its subject matter. Permission was obtained and the letter ap­ pears in its entirety below. Bear in mind that this letter was . not originally intended for the public. Our thanks to Dr. Callendine for his kind permission to reproduce this. Dear Mr. Garfinkel, Our family became interested in Otterbein College at the time our eldest daughter was looking at colleges and universities. The school impressed us as a positiv~ educational atmosphere for total growth. She was impressed, as were we, with the positive Christian at­ titude of all she came in contact with whether they were students, ' faculty or staff. We felt that this was not a narrow, sectarian, literalistic attitude but one based

February 14, 1975

Open letter to the Alcohol Task Force

upon broad Christian principles. Further we were impressed that no one felt it necessary to apologize for having standards based upon God's teachings through Jesus, rather the conviction that through such standards we would grow to be more useful citizens and to be happier individuals. 1 might say this was in stark contrast to the attitudes we received in visiting other in­ stitutiofis, both universities and private colleges. It impressed our eldest daughter sufficiently that she decided to enroll at Otterbein with this as a major influence. It impressed our second daughter to the point that she did not even want to look at other institutions if she could be accepted at Otterbein. It impressed both Mrs. Callendine and I to the extent that we felt we could enthusiastically support Otterbein. We felt that our alma maters were not sustaining an effort to continue a strong moral climate in which to provide a rigorous, intellectual experience. As a result, we have supported Otterbein College by advocating its relevancy to our friends, both those who have young people

Edi~or · · ·: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Chr_is Nicely Assistant Editor .......·. . . . . . . . . • . . . Lou Ann Austen Business Manager .•........... : .... : . . . Paula Weaver ' Faculty Advi50r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Michael Ro.thgery Circulation Manager .... , ...•.. , . . . . . . . • Sue Mathews Sports Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Chadwell, Jeff Hunt Speech and Theatre Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dee Miller Governance Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephanie Skemp · Photograptiy , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Walker 1 Staff Writers and Reporters Sue Hall, John Reece, Mike Emler, Elsa Giammarco, Cindy Hupp, Kerry Guld, Paul Garfinkel, Mrs. Ann Pryfogle, Christy Hlava, Nancy Ballog, Don Caldwell, Don Goodwin, Walker Outten, Cindy Loudenslager, Art Holden, Jean Farkas.

preparing for college and those who have financial means. We have also supported it with our efforts and with our finances. The current issue before the trustees relative to permitting the use of alcoholic beverages in the is another op­ dormitories portunity for Otterbein to witness to its Christian traditions and committment. Virtually all authoritative studies list alcohol as far and away the number one drug problem in our country. Statistics published by the Columbus Health Commissioner indicate that more than one out of every eight adults in Franklin County has a drinking problem. This is similar to experience in other areas such as the recent report quoted from the University of Minnesota in the U.S. News and World Report. From their inception the Evangelical, United Brethren, and Methodist Churches have recognized alcohol as a major contributing problem in society. The position of the United Me,thodist Church remains today clearly in favor of abstinence, with the full realization that all people will not choose this route. Refusing authorization for drinking alcoholic beverages in the dormitories would in our view accrue to the benefit of both Otterbein ""College and to the students for several reasons. One: Peer pressure to drink would be reduced. This would result in students being more able to determine for themselves whether or not they wish to drink. Alcoholic beverages in the rooms result in much more open peer pressure. Two: Dormitory damage would not be as great as has been ex-

retain its appeal to the type of perienced where drinking is students it has attracted through permitted in the dormitories. The the years. These are students who results in reduced oeprating costs desire a real alternative to both for repair and maintenance. Three: It affirms that dor-· the totally secularized institutions which have virtually no restric­ mitories are the property of tions other than academic on the Otterbein College and are rented one hand and those narrow, rigid to the students. The owner of property has the right to establish institutions on the other. To a conditions of rental for his · great extent Otterbein's student body is somewhat unique at this property. point. f Four: It is consistent with the Nine: It would continue to be a United Methodist position both as positive force for attitudes of it comes through the traditions of parents who feel an education in a the Methodist Church and of the positive Chritian context makes a Evangelical United Brethren better person. I recall one parent Church. of a. current student who is vitally Five: It affirms Otterbein's interested in Otterbein stating to recognition that beverage alcohol me that he saw no reason to is the greatest drug hazard which sacrifice the added expense of exists and places alcohol in the sending his children to Otterbein same category with other types of as opposed to many other in­ drugs. stitutions if Otterbein's standards Six: It affirms Otterbein's were not going to be different committment to and the concern from those other institutions. He for the greatest development of its was specifically referring to the students as wholeindividuals not current proposal for alcoholic just as intellectual machines. beverages in the dormitories. Seven: It would encourage It has been my observation that continued support from those · who have . supported Otterbein nothing changes the character and through the years because of its composition of a college quicker Christian commitment and than the suspension of rules willingness to stand up and be regarding drugs including counted in all areas of growth. It beverage alcohol and moral would stimulate them to en­ behavior. Examples are present courage others who are concerned within a very few miles from about the indifference of Westerville in all directions . educational institutions to the Otterbei:n College has total person to give Otterbein developed a unique character in their support as well. I know that that academic and other growth both Mrs. Callendine and I could experiences have been developed enthusiastically continue our for the young people within the support both monetarily and context of a responsive and otherwise. I also know we would responsible Christian comhave to ask ourselves why we mittment. This has been should continue to support recognized by both grants and Otterbein if it had standards no innovative programs which have different from any other secular not been duplicated by the so school. called progressive schools. This Eight: It permits Otterbein to Continued on Page 3

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Field Newitpaper Syndicate, 1975

February 14. 1975


LIBRARY HOURS PRESIDENT'S WEEKEND Saturday,Feb.15 10a.m .-5p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16 Closed Monday, Feb. 17 2-10 p.m .


Kinney and Harvey to present recital Sunday Feb. 16th at 3:00 in ' Hall Auditorium (Lambert) Miss Julia Kinney and Mr. Laurence Harvey will present a joint junior recital. A flute major from Madison , Wisconsin , Miss Kinney will perform W. A. Mozart's Concerto in D Major, a three­ movement concerto for flute and piano. She will also perform Kent Kennan's Night Soliloquy, a virtuoso piece for the flute . Mr . Harvey, a tuba major from Streetsboro, Ohio , will present the Effie Suite for tuba and piano, which was dedicated to Harvey Phillips, by Alec Wilder, and

Lente By Paul Holmes. He will · also perform two movements from William Presser's Serenade for Four Tubas with the Otterbein tuba quartet. Miss Kinney will be ac­ companied by Melody Collins, and Mr. Harvey will be assisted by Patricia A. Leckert, Steven Sheets, Joseph Antram, and Gary Tirey. Miss Kinney is a sister of Tau Delta social sorority and a member of Delta Omicron musical honorary. Mr. Harvey is a brother of Sigma Delta Phi fraternity.

Schedule of.Events The following events are scheduled in the Social Calendar from · February 14 until February 22, 1975: FEBRUARY 14-Friday 4:00 - 7:00 PM - TGIF dance in Campus Center 6:30 PM - Women's Basketball: Ohio Dominican - Home 8:00 PM -Tau Epsilon Mu Coed 8: 15 PM - Student Recital - Hall Auditorium FEBRUAR Y. 15 - Saturday Indoor Track: Capital - Home Interfraternity Council Pledge Service Project l :00 PM - Women's Basketball : Wright State- Home 7:30 PM - Basketball: Kenyon - Home FEBRUARY 16-Sunday 7: 30 PM - Mayne Movie 9:30 PM - Vespers - Red Tub FEBRUARY 17 - Monday Presidents' Day: No classes, Offices Closed 7 :00 PM - Sorority & Fraternity Meetings 9:00 PM - Whiz Quiz - Campus Center FEBRUARY 18- Tuesday 3:30 - 5:00 PM - Pi Epsilon Meeting - Association building 5:00 PM - Arnold Air Society - G-204 5:30 PM -.Kappa Phi Omega Valentine's Dinner 6:30 PM -·Angel Flight- Campus Center 7:30 PM - Panhellenic Council 8: 15 PM - Artist Series Rug Concert : Columbus Quartet FEBRUARY 19- Wednesday 5:30 PM - Campus Programming Board 7:00 PM - Psychology - Sociology Club 7:15 PM - Delta Tau Chi . 8:00 PM - Young Democrats 8:30 PM - Obstetrician and Gynecologist Albert J. Hart, M.D., speaking on "Pregnancy and Delivery" LeMay Auditorium FEBRUARY20- Thursday 6:00 PM - Women's Basketball: Rio Grande - Away 7 :00 PM - Alpha Epsilon Delta - Science Building Room 313 7:00 PM - Craft Class - Campus Center 7 :30 PM - Pool Tournament - Campus Center 9:00 PM - Euchre Tournament - Quad FEBRUARY21-Friday Ohio Athletic Conference Basketball Tournament 4:00 PM - TGIF Dance - Campus Center 5:00 PM - CPB Ski Trip 8: 15 PM - Otterbein Bands Concert FEBRUARY22 -_Saturday O_hio Athletic Conference Basketball Tournament Indoor Track: Denison & OWU at Denison I 0:00 AM - Women' Basketball: Capital - Home 8:00 PM - Sigma Alpha Tau Coed 8:30 PM- Epsilon Kappa Tau Coed


Otterbein Orchestra Concert


The Otterbein Symphony Orchestra, directed by Robert Rose, · will present a concert Friday, February 28 at 8:15 p.m. in the Campus Center on the Otterbein Campus.. The concert will be part of Mother's Weekend activities, and the program will include Weber's Der Freischutz Overture, Schubert's Symphony in B minor (The Unfinished Symphony), Stravinsky's Ber-

Tonight TQnight at 8: 15 in Lambert Hall Auditorium Ms. . Aileen White will present a senior piano recital. The program will open . with "Tocatta in D. major, BWV 36" by J. S. Back. A t9catta is basically a piece to show off the performers technique which this does throughout. This is the first tocatta by Bach and is typical of the Baroque period. Two works by . Fryderyk Chopin, "Nocturne in E flat major, Op. 55 No . 2" and "Scherze in B minor, Op. 20." will follow the Bach. These two works are diversified in mood and show the contrast of the style of Chopin. ' "Sonata in E Minor, Op. 90 by Ludwig von Beethoven will open the second half of the program. This is from Be,thoven's second stylistic period which is often termed "Externalization." The work is in two movements . "Suite De Danzas Criollas" by Alberto Ginastera will conclude the program. This dynamic twentieth century composition will add the right spice to end the program . A reception will follow in room 103 in Lambert Hall.

Continued from Page 1 Miami University in Oxford will offer a Sl!mmer language institute in ·urbano, Italy s,tudying at the University from June 12August 19 . Emphasis is placed on the Italian language and culture. The American University in Wahsington, D.C. will offer a semester program at the Arhus Univesity in Arhus, Denmark, Emphasis is placed on the liberal arts for sophomores, juniors. 11nd seniors .

Continued from Page 2 positive disciplined atmosphere should be retained.. We prayerfully urge you to retain the character which will challenge students to their greatest development as human beings intellectually, spiritually and personally and retain the regulation prohibiting consumption of alcoholic beverages in the dormitories. Sincerely yours. George W. Callendine, Jr. ATTENTION The Tan & Cardinal needs a Business Manager for Spring Term and next year. Pay is $300 per year plus lOOJo commission on all ads . Contact Chris Bright (882-7133) or Paula Weaver (882-9573). before Monday, February 24, I97 5 for information and to show your interest in the postion. The applicants will be in­ terviewed and selected by the College Publications Board. CHECK IT OUT TODAY!

ceuse and Finale from "The Firebird Suite", and Rossini's William Tell overture. Also ineluded on the program will be three short compositions by Scott Joplin. These ragtime and march numbers have been edited by Gunther Schuller for a small number of orchestral in­ strumentalists. The public is . cordially invited to attend this free concert.

CIem entS Annihilates Club I; Appenzellern Crushes Sphinx II Clements Hall and Appenzellern ended up on the winning side of two lopsided Whiz Ouiz contests °last Monday night. Clements (Deb Burns, Cindy Hupp, Ethel Milne, Chris Warthen) totally obliterated Club I (Jim Curdy, George Horn , Rick Maver, Mike Shannon) by a score of 165-5. Then Appenzellern (Bruce Flinchbaugh , Alan Goff, Karl Niederer, Judy Silver) defeated Sphinx II (Bob James, Dave La~ce, Bill Muiren Mark Sommers) 285-90. Congratulations to the winners for two handily-won games. Fifty spectators were on hand to watch the contests, which are held every Monday night at the Main Lounge of the Campus Center. Prof. Phil Hamilton assisted in judging the aswers. Tom Righter worked the tape recorder and monitored the . electronic buzzer system . Diana Fretz and Cindy Baird were · scorekeepers. Peter Bannel (sp?) assisted with the slide projector for the art questions . Chip Beall researched, delivered, and moderated the questions. All those participating deserve recognition for their fine work in assisting the third week of the Residence Programming Service Whiz Quiz. Highlights of the contests include Chris Warthen's

elucidation on the meaning of the legal terms habeas corpus and ex post facto. Deb Burns was the fi;st to th~ buzzer on the question asking for the identification of the "Yul Brynner" of Otterbein College- Dr. Grissinger . George Horne deserves universal acclaim for his recollection of the one­ eyed race of giants in Greek mythology (Cyclopes); this question , worth five points, was the one which prevented Club I from suffering a shut-out. Mark Sommers knew that "Ziggurat" is the name of the ancient Babylonian temple-towers. Alan Goff's knowledge ranged from the field of physics- he correctly identified Bernoulli's Prin­ ciple- to the field of art- he recognized Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacroix . Next Monday night, on President's Day , The Team will meet Leonard Skinner· at 9:oo; and The Four Horsemen will take on the Morons at 9:45 . Whiz Quiz is now closed to additional teams-sixteen have student enrolled in the tournament. One faculty team has been assembled and one staff team is in the making. Other faculty or staff interested in participating should contact Chip Beall, Greg Vawter, or Micheal Rothgery for further information.


S u •

February 14, 1975

8 To Sigma lpha t Tau pledges.



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tr all J Lo B" Jan J ~ . You deserve ll hand, aTreo gepat t~M . ve~." k•~1 Dear Vabtine 1, y ~rny ,avon?,ve. e act1ve,001 Rag(Joy Rag),

To Judy WYgant. You're a super pledge ' Stay-happy and smile! Sandi

L.ove htrYl Hope you have a bloody V.D. Ott-a...111 C. N • ""'"'ji& men! lttmetnberthe good times! Happy To Basha-from C.S. Happy • .D. • DaytC!lfellingly, .fill H V'alentine's Day B nk . have a great day · Love Happy Day Bllett! (P.S. Clean u aesY ourcatl Huntley LB L Gary& Jeff's friend Love, Toacutieofa Valen.tine M'1ehael ove, Jan Jones - Happy Valentines Day Liz..

Scottie - We love you.Nightwonns •"' Mark, are you going to give ·Debbie a funky ring for Valen-



MARY ANN - I hope those roses made your day! "Kerr"


Lora Fry & Chns Kapostasy, I love you. DigHappy 'Em Valentines Day.

Bether - Do you really want to be Happy Valentines Day to those juSt like Mildred when you grow who set booby traps at 4 in the up? Bang on to vour film! morning Raymond 'iii Lorna, Who'd you say was To by lowly pledge, Wendy. tines Day. > · h. k ? V t ts wee end. al Happ.•y Valentine's Day, RonLet'sgetMarried!The Hawk ~c. commg J.D.,lhadaveryenjoya})leCoke T O Sam H v-01 From Your · L J w Honorable Active, Weix ' appy · · :J:! date! · ove ya, · · To Chuck You're a reai Active Happy Valentine's Day Jann! sweetheart. Happy Valent1'nes s d' H Val · • D r bb O Lou Ann M., If only· I were 6 Day. Char11·e. an 1, appy entme s ay.Love, > Y Happy V.D. to Bill R. From Sally We'-U get down-10 Florida•-even if to a sweet new active with a nice ~ inches Percillataller. _l love you Love, BoElvis name! Me Seo t ... Henning. have to walk! Mary, Val,&Carol, Happy VJ)to DearSheryl, Love: t 1;- Nancy• H_e's .marrielded! LHove, G. Happy Valentine's Day Roomies To Kay, Diane and Chuck (The ::C: To Jeanie-my P gt: a~e a ofJ0J Cochran my b!llldi,s! HawY Valcorine's Day! Nancy H-y 31) Frnm El,a and Kerr· happy hooting lov'c-' day Shep A<buti, CUtio;, you'« the best Brooklyn • Someone's watching To J.J., You'r tb~best active I've "We know you'll make it!" · g Ann, Happy Valentmes Day. To a y_9111, evethad.HappyValentin'sDay! Jaw,Thanksforthebusiness. greatactive. · TEMLoveTracy yetPG H d d C.P. 1 H-·· Big al! Happy V.D., Your Pledge, Diane o . . & · ·• ave a g9o ay R.oomie! Let's- 80" to Frien-- Doctqr MWkie, You're not Sandi, LA Harley, Are you going or not? Its I've been sear- ;;,. :s u Fred, When can Bonme come ._... · · gonna itly"sf ....,,Ull,,, around, but you can still be ching...HappyV'.D.Day Love, a -.'. ~stay!!HappyV.D..!! <'<l H v D d 11, Si'sters be a great party! The y... J. D. Please be on tlme-- for OU!' -ragged on Valentine's Day! Your _ , ... ... . _ l3 ..t' •-· ...; 'o ...J ">. appy ... • u. . Jui ..r;; .!-f >': i:i: ; ... ] ~u ~o <lite instead of like our cote date Friends "ii 'g S S ~ .E ,_ ~ i:: ·c:c. ... as -~ ~ ..c:: 0 - -g c. g •-8 ... "' >::s ee::i::·-= < e ..... ; a s - -,"'c >, ..,_:... ('<! 00 ;Judy .Happy Valentines Day Slim! .,, .....:s E- .E o.,, ~: aS £ UJ 0 0 ::i:: ·.::: 'iii -~ ] ou "' To Mai: • STOP atld Smell the Pooh Bear 13 ,8 'g ; _g as =: as ·u oo as o ] £ u t: t: '.". Arbuts Hoo.Boy His Loves HetS . j ~ ... as ,: ;i l1.. ~ ~ .5 :.= ~ -o ..,. :s :: "' >- .c: OJ :E _-;:. >- -o Vro•"•s •- m•._ Diann • ....... ,. •. f:: Cll uo o ~ ."' tl· as c ::i: ·E 5. • ~ ~ ,E :i >. ~ .:: ':; » ., ::s <'<l ~ ..... e IS A<aW, To, Ms. Sonjia Eubanks Love, : ~ as .5 13 -· ta ... E- ..c:: u as 8 8 en u u O e .... 'iii • Q, 0( 0 0 Your htllr is tighter upon ,our Pe""'"' &H""piness C J ; :.. = u 5 .Cl ci -~ u ] b 13 -5l g >o "' E .o §- -o >-i "' -l.:......d • .._ • • ..., o o ·- . c::_ u u . -o -o o _, O · o ..c:: .i >. -5 1a ·~ o,_ ...l, ..c:: ~o. • ··u ..c: ';;j all















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U:.., v _ , ,_,~To, Cral& "!°""· yo,r thmk ;, i'" ~ ~ .e' i ~ ~ f; ~ h]i "';, to Ghiq:,: Evetea11r, ''G., Ulan)' you re asuperjock. You probably 'E E g ,g i ~ ~ c:i u ·o; :c i:= = tu >': ! ~ u g ....s - -5 g 5 ~ -a ~ ~ o ~ -a ~ mpre narti B ddi are!? . H 1 n.~ur o':1. es& Tripo - Watch out for runners and r:-r;;: ~o ..8,: -o>- ] • .5 JJ..c:: :;> >i:;: .ai~ en>.. =si0 9~ ~• £e ].::: .!!.! -~ u ; enti i ·-]. <idu -o; ...~ ~• >"- oo >i5: ·;;; ~ § >i5: ?5E .c:ad >i:i: :.2 ~~ ,._appet.! ~y. ....... JJ tennis players with sltis on. E' :, g e ·5 -~ .E ~ ~ -" e " ~ ... t e:, ·- =·;:: =.s::, ~ > ·.;; < t """' ... -• ever, -. u ·e 'iii u>< - ·= :I: ...."'· ]_ .!l! ~ ..,...,; g>- UJ> ::,.:ti f-S _g ~ UJ-o i..~ zu !:...., o> ~"'E-~ .9_ E ~ ~ 0] ~ rt ~~ :rJ ~ .2 Doc ijapp FussballJ)ay! c.c. To the greatest roo1111e -o ca



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ltill Robrbaup . Apparently, HAPPY VALENTINES D~Y LeggsAnn, c-• Liz, Bine & Bob, Where have you been pp-.entl Appacently Nappy Lo9e,Barb Rosesarered . BemyVaJentine! ;:.-; Aren't8:00classesabitch?(when · allmvlife? Big"Aus" D.. y, Cbjquita, HavealovelyVDdayt violets are blue -~ you do go?) Debbie roommate, Happy VD. Val DEAR. Beth, Have a put To my loved ones· the human You'retallerthanme Marla! To K.C.; M.C.; and S.C., Happy alentine"s Day Pledge! Yea raceHappyValentmes C.J. byatleastafootortwol My little & short pledge! Have a V-D! FromS.M. Theta Nu. Brenda To the 4th ftoor Mayne Mc,b J .A.B. Happy VYour short-but ~. happy v .0. day with Mike! To the II active Val, }bq,py v.D. Skunz L.A.B. cute friend > . "Love-n-hoots" Barretini - Watch out ' for those To all the Onyx pledges-You're Vet. Students! Tripolleti Love. Shirely Mark Stull and Sob Deckard- NO Lou Ann Heather,HappyVDPledgelLo~ MORF.!!!HaonvV.O. Happy Valentines Day. One ...j terrific.HappyV.D.!Mary & Hoots Your Active Melanie Happy Valentine's Day Ingrid! month until Florida! Lorna -: · Ann .l::Slack, Happy v .D. to the Gimp, Where is my comb? Happy Prunella Smut To L.R., S.M., AND J.S.: Smile! ; one person I trust Michael with!! V.D. Love, G. iahtworms, the whistler is backf Happy V.O. Jill Pfanenff, Happy Valentine's Thomas It's Friday! HappyV.D.; J.H. Day YourfavoriteSohinxrnan To Bob all of the Guys at the Bein Dr. Hook, God Squad House-the nightWOO, Roses are red, Violets Wt bang Jan Conie1 all the love Beware . DianneG. HaveafiestawithJoAnn. /Jf wonnsallwishyouaHappyV.D. ·blue, I hate religion, How's about he deserves! Your pfedge Jan ~Y a fan~ac grandpledge. The Guys ·· Elsa TomyRoommateinPittaburgh. Jlain,y\'alentinesDay.TErr~'j! Kath,HappyV.D.tsPJ v To Sara and Cathy, my two. vou? Happy V.D. Trip Love Ya, Pledge Love JJ To Wanda and b.,a., Don't 1,e'! j ti ij :! ~ ~ 3: ~ English Lit Sweethearts. #83 I love you, Larry bag, but Happy ~ e s Day, E o . 0 i c ::C Loma, I had better be in the HappyV.D. Sandy! •c:· • i u· c Signed T.C. t2 c.-:;.: ;c: -'iii J:u ...J tu >0 dd. , L p if G • 1' V0 I J: u >- ~ E--< f -> • we mg. . . To K.A.C., Happy V-D Day! ! ! .§ ti cH o my religious Mark. s, .5 ,! -o -" ·; I co i:> Big Val, Once more-What was FromS.S.M. >- ~ t ~ .s >Hang in there!~ Happy VD. ,:, 'E !:: 0 ~ ~ i5: your theory about Homecoming ·g ·g Scott, Your. 7a iz5 0 t-Queens? Have a happy V.D. day! Betsy and Linda, When you make 1• : • Love-n-hoots Liz .- > >- > m-Are-you in Loveagain'iClieermg ] Y~. your Valentines Cake. "I want a 0 j0 :o 0 I • c. Section. -80 g. .: Ii ,:a &~ Craig & Jim, Thanks so much for big PIECE" Mac .J.M. > ::i: .. 8 ::i: ~-.t,,r.;_ h . k hn -o._ c-• ;;.. u ~ ► ,:a- > !C 0 -o roses are red • as -:.t ,: _! as en ,,, >- . : :o t et1c et Jo really Jan Lorna, The "basic"-We're plain, >, -~\;:8)5,l f i~• violetsareblue ~ ,g ,8 8 ... ~ ~ ·~ >- lj ' ,:a Jan H. and Barb H., Ha1-, . but we work hard! 1¥ l:i2 8: You'reaclubber .5 iS.~as o :, ~ 0ue J: :::> V.D.! Wop Leggs 0 ::.. ca c: ..,. o:s o ·-~.g> e> O .::i: • Butlloveyou. >.Z E>- ~u ·:t.> ::C"E, >- ~iToRussy,FromtheBucketCrew HappyV.D.,V.D. •"' :i 'i_ Happy l3irthday Burr! • Goon, ::i j of Ene:le! Signed, the Voluptuous Four v Ii E-.-:,,.-rc1w Pie rm,sladthat you have her. How's seconds? ~-;; Happy Valentines Day OLGA! Lynn, You will always be My Ji; -S :J i . To all my sexy roommates, Happy O j Sandi W. Happy V.D. and keep Valentine! John c: .;.!I ~••Y~e-Tenandgrand De Valentine'sDay!!!Love.Abner -;; "'Judyinline!L.A.C. ToAnita,Nancy,andCindy: q. ~ sq It8~ :.::: co • ic ' lie · i:: ->< v· A ll d . < iii ; • le ,I JI g._ .e ruse, Lets go to Northern for ·.::: i IC, re a our ynamite . You're great roommates. Happy :Anni V.D. ·P J .;; 5 r- "porking" sessions gone V. D • Karen 3:, .,'- l!;• '-!-a.. -0 Ee z::w jQ;° 1' Ow :..:.U.L..t Q......;.. •.cl;... > f- {!. 0 U :. Letsm ~ , Terre> U forever?Sob! L.P. · Lizette-Even tho you're pl~in, you Elsa, Want tot!> pp to IIIJ pad. . . . . . J>o~-,~~:lotsot How can you be tired? It's only ~~ - To Beth Moody, Have a Happy work hard! But a little Rum tiadown br-'ihcBtoobt ttiesixth week of the term. . . V.D. Your grand active, Jan makes everything easier. the And bear some JU ..a..._ Steve ::i::Ii iE 5 "S Woo Woo! Will you be my- BcthKepple-Whenareyougoing You'resuperyBuddie • o pace Patrol"-Happy Unionofcourse!Lorna onSadieHawklns~ L.A. onyournextlllfarl? > Valentine'sDay Creed-Don't let that bench get E Crazy Kim-love you-Paula cold! You keepin'it pretty warm.

~ ~

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uyC,, We think Woody, When are we going to The wrong Happy Hour again. Lou 1eI n~or Clements Harley, Please be my valentine! I'm madl y in love with you! L.A. you have any Dan, Be good to Jan today cuts? Jean B. because its Valentine's Day, butl ' d h know you re goo to er every Lyn From other day too!! Enjoy the Day nworm pledg 7 weekend & dinner! L ou Patti Wop-Happy Valentines-You're

Jan, Tell me where you might be val f , D ::C: Z 11> :io:: -l ~ < -l ► .e: en me s ay 1976 (or at least ~ tl:l ~ o -· -· 0 ::s 0<: anticipating). Control yourself & o , "' "Cl 11> ~ t..o i;f 0 have a happy V.D. with Dan ~ ~ [ .g ~ ~ ~ § today. Don't burn dinner tonite! ~ ~ ~ Er~ 6 Ill § ri Love & Hoots Lou Ann ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;;, F nl ;~ «0 -c:::"'So:::s'.:l> o· Mike Basha, I LOVE YOU. A . o' 0 o ~ @ g ~ D. i::: O .., < o. ~ « i::: ::s C/l A (") 11> ~ ~ , · o ~ :;::,~ ~ secret dmirer


COTTON GAUZE from India Prints, Plaids, Solids



Wishin_g Dana and Bee a Happy • ::: ► S; ._, i::: ~ :>;' Valentmes Day. ;;;"-:! ~ ~•Love, Bags ~ '< o ::s ::s !"' ;:r o. ::s 3 veyou The girls really great to h ave as a sister. I'd Happy Valentine's Day to you, E; ~ ~ ~ Bobbie! Happy be 10st wi th0 u t your help and My Dear Active, Bonnie. Robbin g ..., ;- o g :;::, e; 0 O O understanding. Tern Jove, A.B. F or Hµnt and Chadwell: Roses -6' i::: ~ o ::s •••..., '< ?- ? Happy Valentine's Day! All you ..,.. ,.... __, are Red, Violets are Blue, Hunt is "'"' v - ., 3 :::i:: ttl "' -l 0 R . nie-Happy V.D . cute little H ooter Pledges! Lorna ~ ~ g , :::: ~ 11> §. ~ o a ag, And Chadwell is to! C.N. L' d J ~ 0 ~ ~ 5· ~ :g g ~ s, y Your roomie. m a ones-Have a real PINK Biff, 1 saw a friend. Au heit?. A .... ~ .., ~-l f!<I___ '< ~ [ C/lo V.D.! Your Active! '" 0< "~ _ · _, b---. S• ::; o < i::: ::I. ~friend! 0 . Have a happy Nook1e Squad (Gracie, Scotty, . --. Pl n • t"" ..., a S d p ) H Kim Christy-I love you very .,. • 11> ..... o o () < .., inNewYork. an atty - ave a SMASHING ;- t"" ::s O ri g ~ a"' h Will • v D I Cathy muc · you go out with me .., ·C/l "' ;;_ • .i:. ~::s· ::;:· o::s £. our roomie, Miki · · · ,..... -i::, '" t"" o '" •-, Karen H appy VD ' It sTom_e,time. K.H. ; ;.,.. o::s '<o "'o ~ :- ·- c::s. ;:r-l 's Day Karla! . · · · means """ ev nm th Ip. We're you a "Val ti' t"" • o. i::: 1f ~ ~ happy Valentines e ore WI your new heart! b b ,, en ne 8 < < c::, "' G, J, L K.N. Je t'aime beaucoup. Joyeux h: ; -complete with a large red ella! 5th floor Jour de Valentin. J'espere que a on your chest? ~oots! o ~ d ..3 ► .M. from C.S . vous aimez votre surpris V H T T k Lizette o. !;, -l o' 0 3 · · · wo one - you ma e me moan "' :-::s , g O<i' To Bobby Fresch, You're a cutie Happy V.D. Jimmie tT:1 ~ ~ "' '< ·1&Die and I love your haircut. From- Strawberries and Weedings All inf ~ ~ ~ gi ~- 2'. ~g ;3 Mark Stull a Guess who? th' Wh I Id (JQ o' 8 ° . o c. -· Cll To B.A .S. ·from the future Mrs. one m~n · at e se cou you"' •• 0 a= -l o O ~ ~ ~ 'Tl sDay! BA H Val 1· , D 1 ask for. 2::: ::! o 0c=;· § ~ ::.' o fl :. appy Valentines · .s · appy en me s ay · Jan , Co unt th ose d ays t1·11 we hit · 13 o ;:r "' o. 3 § •-l • ......~ [...... '< ~ :'!. ~ tactive from the µJ;iqs 'aAp:m-pmiJ5 the Yankee Clipper at Ft. g' '< g ~ ~ t"" g · : ~ ~- ~ ,.....· ~ Bev pmi ;iAp:i-e JilOA i'G'A .,{dd11H Lauderdale. L.A. 'sDay, Starkey! 11 ;)Al1H '!:l\:l\!N pul! All11d OJ, Lydia wants you guys to have a [ 'tl ::s 11> 11> E; · ~ § 0 o" Day, Ansel! 11uJ07 p;ilS!S Happy! uuy no1, ·w2! JaA;i (JQ • nl tI1 ::s ... o. e's Day Hanby .G'A ,{dd11 H 1•JOOW":lff" "ql Ol SlU;)Jl!d mo,-, aU!lUa{llA p;iJ lS;)aojq aa g i!l .?~ ;;'~ p. o g ;i:..:;::, -, O ., p. gUO!l11 l!AU! ;iql JOJ S)fU11qJ, 'al1;izq ;iql nof.. l,U;)J;)A\ 'Al1Q s;iuqu;i111A 13· ~- <::.. ~- g :. 5th Floor! p-ea pu-e WOWi i pupuareA a1n:i f..11pqlJJII f..ddl1H -2iU!ql ~ g §: § ~ ~ 'Red Rover , Red ll ;ia-P!){ a1µ0Al1J mQ-){:ll118 uuy ;)JOUI ;iuo ';)Ull12i reuu S!q . U! ...., ~- ~ "' '< .- ??,?? no:is ·G' A· H ·1, us;iop ;iuo S!41 ,{111d u-ew mo,{ ;i;is u11:i noA os 'nu 3 ~ -l -i :::i:: ~ @ o ~ - ;i nda! lnq 'aw,{41 SUI;iod lSOW ';in[q ;)Jl1 ll14l J;)fO ;iJ,IlOA ;idoq I 'UU110f '::,_ !!. 5· 5· llol g o' 3:;-i::, 3 C/l , - · S:.:, '< '< "O ~ 0 "'O O MS'. Happy V.D.! s1;i1o!A ' paJ ;irn s;iso~ 'a!Jlad A;)H Sally, When are we going bar-~~-:::-~ 'cl ~ g':; § ~ 1ve. StayActive! il..l!Q s,;iu!1u;ii-eA f..ddl1H inof.. ;iAO{ hopping to meet some eligible 0 ~ ~ ~ e, . . . ; b 3 ~ Pledge 'An2i -e JO a111ttM. -e ;iJ,nox 'W!f men? I'm ready when you are! :-l ::r 'tl ~ ~ ~ ~ « ~ 1 Y V.D. Roomiel GAH'UM11AI;)JOJaqH,V.D.Love&HootsLouAnn ~ ~ fl~ 'tl ~ ~ Z t"" L.B.L! L A C •a . ::r ~ ::s ;:r s,, • 0 ~ · ·. · !qqnp p-eaq 1nof.. um1,-uo Roses are Red Violets are Blue 11> .., '< e:! ~ ~ '< appy Vatentme's < ..... :::l s;iqs ' ' • 11M u-ewoA\ 1;iqs11A\ qsp1 ;iq1, I'm soon to be wed, How about O "'C • 'O :,t:, S'S!. 1 ve. Chns '< ~ ~ 11> o ""' o Happy ·paS!UIOJd nox j;):JJU you? Sher Happy V.D. Karen! g Pl ~ ~0 ?- ._, ~ Cindy s1;i8 1aq111;iM. aql u;iqM. j;ipµ apf..:i- E , J ~ » E:i: ~ cu~ g ·- ::: · ~ . [ alentine's Day 11 uo ;iw a){l!l ona2!10J l,uoa ·s· d 8 '..l .9 ~ -!, ti:; g. _.-.:: ~ .5 g 011> t"" !'"" ~ ~,:::,11> w...., ~,... ottie '\1"1. jauqu;i111A AW ;iq ;is11;i1d -; ;:,:, ,,, •i::i:l t,i ::C: cu i::: ,.... ~ ~ ::s "' o. jkea s,;im_lU;i[l1A ·1s!x;i I 111q1 M.OU){ u;iA;i i,uop ::> ::sci ;:::; ri To all Ott~s: Life's a bit ~ :!l ch-Enjoy it while you're here. no,{ zn:i os ){U!4l l,UP!P I i,.re;if.. .o ~ 1oou l[l.lilOJ OJ, cu "' .,.. V "' &rats on your part u;iwqsald a:iupi nof.. uo qsm:i i::i:l ~ ~ i::: ·; 2 0 ~To my super pledge, Tracy, keep ,too!Lorna 11 p-eq aA,I M.OU){ nof.. PlG 'f..pu-e~ cu ~ ~ .§ ~ i::: :§ .t::::UP the good work and keep l,lx;iu uuy TEM Love, Ann. · O_g ~ ~ J:l ~i:i -~ .o§ ~smiling! no.{ S!-SJ;iMoqs no'l (l! op -el.. JO awos M.oq SMOU)f Craig, Happy Valentine's Day u~w os 'Apopw J..1uo poo) ;iw ql)M ctn 2lumnd ~ ~ -g .c:: ~ ~ ~ ~ "' 15 and please water your peanuts and W1. JOJ S){U-eq1 w l!l1 111.. ;)AO! 1 -1s O 1l ~ -· ~ ;S ~ E ~ keep your window ledge clean. I 'SGJ.dAHI8.1. ;)ll1lS ·s rzr ll1 S){:Jlq:J AXOJ nof.. HY O .;:! cu g <II O _g ~ 0 0 cu Love. Mom • • · • f-, ::E O :>. ::E ~ U S f-, ::> 5h Happy Valentines Day Georgia!


9' _






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] ~ 0 To Deb Kasunic: Where's Alan? J. H · ... . ii i!:l\!W pu11 ' w-ed ' a;ia i;iuuv t""" 0 £ i:a = ... . ;ia1, ',{11a s)unuareA f..dd11H ~

i '"'. <E ; ~ -· Jl1A i,lJU!OPS!~l.Teill ~ 0 q ~ :::s ::E 5 ;)l{l pUl1 ;)l!HA\ f..J.re8. s,MOH •no1. g >>4 » t' 5 »0 cu To all TEM Pledges, Have a ~ '< .i:: c. .c:: ,,... 11> ,3> Happy V.D.! « ... «1U.;~ _ g

;;5 .0 CUQ.GJ-....v, ~ -· cu i::: i:::;:;:;O ·~ """. ,.; ~ ::X:: ~ o o For all music buffs Led ~ E-...., -,:; • ... ..... i;;; Ii> ' . nl » · ~ ~ · ~ ~ iii o .c:: Zepplin's new LP Physical -· ~ > · E .,; -~ .c:: co cn · d I d b < ·o ~ ~ -:;; ~ :; u ... -c:, E Graffiti has agam been e aye Y ::s0 ·5 0 ~ ~ od i; ;l 8 Atlantic records. The new release ~ 0 g_ 9f-,"'-~-c.~ cu :C r- U f-o -o.. .... co f-o t;; :::s O date has been set for Feb. 29. New ~

~ "' cu u < ] ... od



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February 14, 1975



HALL IN THE FAMILY. by Susan Hall .

Page7 .



My Heart Belongs to. • •

It's Valentine's Day. And for the first time since I started wearing a bra, I'm not in love. No, Robert Redford, you don't keep me awake at night any more. Omar Sharif, dimpled shoulders and blue tights just don't do it for me. Gee, Morn. Does this mean I'm a grown-up? My first crush was Napoleon Solo on "The Man From U.N.C.L.E ." (I must be a grown­ up- I can't remember what that stands for) . All my girl friends were in love with lllya, Naw. Too skinny. Besides, how could you resist a man named Napoleon, even if he did spend most of his time chasing around with a Luger or a cap pistol or whatever it was? Ah, yes, Napoleon. How I loved you! I wrote you a hundred love letters- all in code, of course. I slept with a poster of you looming over me from the ceiling and dreamed of going to Hollywood to be a Star ·and making you fall in love with me. It

was so sad when we broke up- over that blonde, remember? But, Napoleon dearest, I have a confession to make. You weren't really the first. No, no, someone came before you. Yes, yes, after all these years I tell the truth. The first man I ever loved was- my daddy. I remember my dad corning to · see me in the hospital when I was four. He used to read to me- Cinderella, and Peter Pan- and we were planning a trip to Fairyland, just the two of us. He used to read me poetry and he read me Mary Poppins. He would always be with me when I was sick, and when I cried. And when I was tired and discouraged, he would always imagine for me how wonderful it was all going to be. I was going to be a Star- I'd knock 'em dead, kiddo. And he would always be there, at every dance recital and every school play. And if he ever

Placement Office Notes I. Interviews for the week of February 17: Feb. 18, The · Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company 9:00-5 :00 (Chemistry majors only, or students with strong chemistry background). Feb. 18, The Ohio State University Graduate School of Business, 9:00- 11:30. Feb. 20, Chemical Abstracts Service 9:00-4:30 (Chemistry majors, Chemistry majors with language minor, Math majors with a strong chemistry background.) · Feb. 20, Eaflham Graduate School of Religion , 9:00-5 :00. 2. Interviews for the week of February 24: Feb. 24, Kettering City Schools, I :00 p .rn.-7 :00 p.rn. (Elementary and Secondary) Feb. 24-25 , U.S. Marine Corps , 9:00a.rn.-3:00 p.rn. 3. The following helpful periodicals are available for use in the Placement Office: a . Collegiate Woman's Career Magazine - Includes valuable articles on career choice and the job search, contains advertisements from companies recruiting female college graduates, and a free resume service which includes circulation of your resume to ten companies of your choosing. b. Equal Opportunity - Contains advertisements from employers seeking minority graduates, articles on the job search and topics of interest to minority students, and a free resume service. c. Business World for Men - Contains employer advertisements, career-related articles, and information on a free resume ser­ vice . 4. Interested in a career with the Federal Government? The Placement Office has copies of Guide to Federal Career Literature and Federal Career Directory, 1975, A guide for College Students, published by the United States Civil Service Commission, and a book entitled, Complete Guide to U.S. Civil Service Jobs. 5. SENIORS! Have you completed your resume? If not, you should start on it immediately. The "Otterbein Placement Manual" gives instructions on how to write and use resumes . Another helpful source is Professional Resume/Job Search Guide available for use in the Placement Office. 6. Seniors scheduling appointments with campus recruiters must have registered for placement services and must have the personal data page for their credentials on file in the Placement Office.

noticed that I was only in the second row of the chorus, he never told me. In his eyes I've always been the Star. And if that's · the closest I ever getto stardom, I don't think I'll be unhappy. My dad is wonderful things. He once made a sculpture out · of ·scrap metal, and he took judo, . and he built• the old tunnel to Monkey Island at the Columbus Zoo . He took my mother to Toronto and he taught me to roller skate and now he's learning to play the bagpipes. And even though I'm old now and I'm never going to be a Star or go to Fairyland, my dad loves me. I'II never love anybody else like I love my daddy, but I'll never be in crush again, either. Gee, Morn. Does that mean I'm ready for the . real thing? Wonder what ever happened to that marvelous man the fortune teller promised me?



It was a cold Friday morning of "You know, Sharon Lee Miller a cold Otterbein winter term, and wouldn't be so bad if she had both Jerry, Class of '88, shrugged off her legs and no beard." the chill as he entered the aging "How do you like the hips on campus center. He snapped up a that one? . She's under three copy of the Tan -and Cardinal as hundred pounds easy." he headed for the lounge. He "I really like the squishy noise scanned the headlines . Thelma's complexion makes when "Marijuana task force I kiss her." questionnaires sent out." God, "I know Sara Lou Mueller will thought Jerry, when are they be a knockout if her hair grows going to stop farting around with back." the issue? Even U.S. President Jerry found himself vaguely ill GaFfinkel let his kids smoke." and wondered if · the water was Tuition to go up $1400." Small sour again. He left the C .C. surprise. It now cost $12 ,450 a On the way to class , Jerry year to attend Otterbein." Winter thought about what to do that homecoming queen candidates ." night. He counted the gold pieces Jerry studied the photos. Not bad, in his pocket. Hmm, he thought, he thought, but the guy from $6.50 is-almost enough for a six­ Jonda was kind of skinny. pack. Maybe he could get drunk Jerry put down the paper a1...i with the Brothers. Or maybe just glanced at his watch. He had half sit in his dorm tent and listen to an hour before Professor Ernler's his new Chicago XXXVI album in creative writing class, so he octophonic. Maybe he could decided to· go upstairs for a bite. · picture-phone his old girlfriend in Under dirty yellow lights and a Cleve-Akro. Face it, he thought, crumbling ceiling, he took his you're undecided . bowl of rice and went out to get He sauntered into the classroom in New Towers, and, as" some water and lettuce leaves. He sat at the table where his actives . he drifted slowly into slumber as a result . of the government­ were eating. Jerry had played approved soporific that was in his football in the fall, and had subsequently pledged Pi Sig, the · C.C. water, he heard the droning sage voice of Professor Emler . jock fraternity. The Big Brothers were now discussing women and "Bowie haircuts . Bowie haircuts. Bowie haircuts ... . " campus, as usual.



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Otterbein 1985

·SCHNEIDER .BAKERY 6_ Sou"1.State Street, Waterville


·NOl1,-MOTI!A !HJ.

February 14, 197


Page 8

a, a, ,_, tis DEAR ADVERTISERS, HAPPY § £ Everyone-Have a Happy V.D.! ! Mike, One of these days we' ll hi1 To My Great Pledge Ann £ ~ ~ "' ,_, 'o ~ "O VALENTINE'S DAY AND <!:: .g Paul & Matt, Would you care to the same day in political theory!! Hawkins, Happy VD, Your actiye "'....,..:.: ,_, i5. «i THANKS FOR YOUR SUP~ go to Happy Hour before the Feb. Club Pledges, you got harr! Lou Am £~ s:: .E ;,::§i '? ;;.,E Chrome Dome .c :a "'a, ] "'.,,.,, tis PORT!T&C ~ o 21 Alcohol Task Force meeting!! CindiSkunza-"You'llprob/yge ~-§ ~ cj Cl t; ~ Cl Dagon, Wouldn't red jello be "'""<!:: Happy V.D.! ! L.A. To GMB from SGP, Happy ~ a valentine from me!"Guess who ..... s:: - • s:: . ·"' A u . for Valentine's Day? [) g c:: d Valentines Day o s:: t~ ~ < s:: "' .... "8 appropnate Llz, Let's party with Zeta! Soun s To Dick, Nice Cap game! .c >"' Cathy, Please come over and be ·a, ~ .c S ~ ·gQ) _....a, .0g s::s:: -5;,., .5 A former fan s:: ..c: .... .... ... :r: good doesn't it. After all they're my valentine. Alan Hornyak ·g ] ~ 2 ;,., <il 5 ~ < ~ Hitler Hitler will you be mine? the , ] ~ owls brother frat. Stan, Mind your own business! Lou, Roses are Red, Violets are ~ E ~.:,,: E ~....; Anyways-have a happy V.D. in O q ~ ;,., ~· i e greenjumper ?? . > ,t:O · A- ·0S:: a:ia, E-<. >;,., l5; .5bO ..c:a, 3~ •-:. Happy V.D. Day HATS! from a ;,., ,..; middletown. Don't Pork too IH.V.D.!!! bl ue. If you d on 't go t o sprmgBenanas since you've Bean mine weekend, neither will Shoe. Barry ~ ~ .5 _: ~ g; ~ ~ ~ buddv g; ~ much!! Lou Chris, (C.N.) Happy Valentme's White "' ..c: B f! 8 ;:i-G "' • ::i O ~ Happy Valentine's Day Melanie! "' - Marianne the world's greatest Day, Only 12 more papers till its To all Onyx Pledges-Happy :r: C/l - 1'3 ~ ~ ~ il, Leslie : ::f pledge! Happy V.D. Day L & H. all over! Hooray!! L.A. V.D.! Ke"ep on Truckin' -- A Hey Sheryl Pass, Do stuffed';; Happy v.D. to those fantastic ii; G. Free To Ike& Tina Sisiter monkies really leave invisible ~ TEM Pledges . r.i5 0 Moon Sorry I don't please you. What a spaced out room you Karl & Val, Have a Happy doo? Monkey say"Happy ~ Kate and Ann Roses are Red Happy Valentines Dav. yet? guy's got. Hi Heartbreac Valentine's Day. Lorna . Valentines Day" Your roomie Violets are Blue Be good 3 >q Steve K., Done your wash Val Nice one! JRH To all the girls m the A H v I f 's Day to • ' · ,_, V.D.CC . . · nn, appy a en me ;,., valentines We love both of you "' ;,., Charlie - Happy V.D., Love, your 1 ahsman house: Happy V~~n- my nightworm sister. Frankie~ L. d d'M.k ft Sis Ann Leslie Young-You're the #I ac­ tine's Day, it's been great livmg Matt You are the Tiki Bird ofmy B m aBan. 1 e H V o ~ Willi"E" tive. Happy Valentines Day-Your • • • a, ruc1e says . .D. to Phvllis E-<'""' w1~h _you all. . hfe. See ya tomorrow. E a, Big time, low-life Doherty, February 14 is a very good day to lowly pledge Knst1e and_ here the bnde cobmes Brooklvn - Hannv V.D . M.C.;, .§ You're hard to take at times but I tell someone you are Scottie, I really, really am going down the aisle followed by A ner Otter B.B. Team, Happy V .D. . e ~ . ( gh' h k ')D' , 364 other days. to kick the habit. "M "L. d d. kS , F st1 11 1ove ya u . c o e. on t O O ac 12 an goo 1uc at.. an E-< • h h k d Happy V .D. Norma! Ann To All of the Beautiful Black men Elsa, 1 hope we're in for some ::::_ party too muc overt_ e wee en , ;,., ~ tt t h f Moon-Happy Valentfnes Day. Chrome Dome So your head here at the 'Bein' good times this weekend!! I'll stay -g l5: cuz you go a s ay m s ape or Becky and Debbie, Happy clear of any lawyers with drinks in~ conference (ha!) H.A.P.P.Y. Your secret admirer shines--at least it's good for Valentines Day! Love, L.B. hand! 1 know you'll have a Happy ~ A V.D. one of your fav. Owls Lou To Lou, Jan, Marsha ar,Cl, Vickie something (a mirror) M24 To our super pledges - keep up the . ,11 b h . ;:. a, nn ,1 Hope you have a hoot time on C.R. Rose- We love you, good work. TEM, Love Frankie V.D. cuz you eat my ouse m ~ ~ Chris Kapostasy- For Valentine's Valentines JH To my dearest K.C., will you be Shreve (Ha! Ha!) Lou Ann · Day I will let you use my card key Happy Valentines Day Sharryn! EKT Pledges - Have a very PINK my valentine, even though I Bio Wei rd s, Happy V.D. a nd ~ for ~our night out on the town. Nancy, Keep "smiling! Happy Valentine's Day! Trip missed our anniversary? All my m~nay more! . . p J ;,., ;:,-, (Or in the apartment.) Ho! Ho! v .D. from your active! Happy Valentines Day Marcia, Leiber Martm, Zu emer To PCE. Ill ;,., Iuv, R . L . . h der . o. o. a, ;:. H o.I L ora "O Cheri, Cheryl, Love ya, Larry Dan - Happy Valentine's Day at herrlich st en Brued_er is Je ,3 Linda, Zip me up. Perry R. I love your voice! JRH ~ To the God Squad house, The Tiffin! Jan gekannt habe. Herzlichen glueck- Kris I think ya better get Ab a Peggy Farmer-Hugs & Kisses~ nightworms wish you a happy Liebe Grosse Val, Herzlichen wuensch zum valentinestae:! KT v n' present or he'll be mad. Cuz roomie-CK [) valentines day! zum Valen- Elsa - Hope we had a great · · . ;:. Glueckwuensch k' . "Kerr" everyone else will get To LaRue, Happy V-D! You .2 Cindy L, If you take me to . • , D • K 1 (d K hn ) co 1umn t h 1s wee . . . tmestag. em, ar er u e somethmg-m the House. L.A. know! • From Toad C Wooster I'll be your Rooster CC o -a ~ ~ ;,., =c; s:: ~ ..:.: ;,., 2 == ~ t ~ "' -~ ..c: ~ ;:I ~ ,..· "O > "O 6.. [) ;:I s:: 'o ._;., Q) s:: _.,, "8 _g [) 2 ~ -~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .9 ..c: ~ ~ ~ ~ § ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ "O - t ...., - :t · ... - "O U "O ~ > - Q) Q) ._, ,_, ;,., . _ ...., bl) bl) ."' 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E-< ;:> ,_,? u - _. ~ E-< C/lE-< ,_, bl!,...'""' ;,.,,... ...l J::,... bO /XI ;,., .<;: ~ ,_, ,.ell, U CJ Ar- til :r: C/l C/l ;_ .C ..,. C/l "O :., P-, .o . ·a·v ';)AO'] ·;iwt?S ;Jl{l l,U;)Jll ·H·v ;iupuaJ"l?J\ AW mOA - ff J!Z ,.-lS"l?Jq,, e peq To the 3rd floor zoo of clements_ To GayleI 'salipaJd YUJl{dS 1fl salipaJd 1,ag Kerr, 1& k Happy day afgan nights lSnf ;isnoq W3l. aql ll? Sll{8JN ·8 O:)O:) •noA ssiw pue noA aAOJ 'l?ltN 'Jill noA aAO'l •·::,l;i 'uuy no'] Happy Valentine's Day Roxi! Do blondes really have more tun! from your favorite (awp 'aJ8l"l?W '::> ·qaa '·8 qaa 'wes ClJJ:) i"ffA Happy V.D. Roomie news) JO no1 jSlOOH· · ·sA"l?p 'Al{l"I?:) "U;JJ"l?)I 'ApUJ:) •::iutreJO Addl?H - qow ;JUA"l?W JOOJtl l{lt qo 8 Elsa To Jeff Liston, Hi cutie! Have a great time aql ;)J:)M. ;JSOllJ. ·;iwp auuv a1qqJ8 WOJ.,j WOJJ ·Tw ;JUU"l?!G ;JJ;Jljl, UJ 8Ul?H . h , SJl{l ll? J"l?aA lS"l?J 8UJOP ;iJaM. aM. 1fl u;ime1 'J;Jljl"l?;JH ·aJJI AW JO e;id l;J;JM.S 01, tomg t • Happy V.D. Louise!! JRH l"l?"M. Jaqwawa"' ·a·A·H-;it_wooJ aAOJ aql noA - Jaq.re8 a1qqo8 epu11 'aAo1 ·anaaM.ST"al"I? ;iJ I noL '"t Cl • I • lw Sill{:) 7f/ A;){I ;JAQ'"] Sall 'Th k f 11 h I f ll?;JJ8 AW OJ, •;ippJA aJWOO~JnOA iOJ\UO ';JJWOO"M ·a-A Addl?H 'qJ"l?8 . . .ffAAddl?H-l;JU"l?f1f/Jhl;Jl{S y, ans or a your Bep. 1 apfU"l?Jd 'A"l?Q SJ;);Jlj:) j,8UOJ"I? 8UJWO::> spuapJAOq 8Jl?J:) ~J! (.fel{:) Ol 08 Sl;J1 Happy V.D. eek . saupuaJ"l?A Addl?H sJalS!S W3l. OM.l moA s,MOH 'iia4::>Ja1, ;is!J3 '8;iio JaljlOl 8 amn naJdJJJ. Glen Horner, I really dig your act. c;:, epun . ';JAOJ ·w·8 jnOA pu1qaq Ul{Of ·noA ;JAOJ I 'S;JWJOH ep.rew q::>l?O:)jA;JUmOJ, SW!JS "l?JUJ8JJA a41 Be my valentine. ~ .,, W:31.)13 jaupuaJl?AAWag'ApU!J Jaded Jaq1ouy ·a-A AddeH 'N::> jA"l?Q uppnJJOlSa8-HaJ.ra8Ul?ap!(JJ8 "8 Ei:] ~ i g 0 ~rv• 8 i,a::>uep aM. neqs ·8uos s,aupuaJ"l?A Addl?H ja8pa1d AJM.OJ ii iSliaJJ. noA ;JA01 I i, inoA v5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q) mo 8U!Al?Jd ;u,A;Jl{J, - lJil)I j,;J8l?lS :)A"l?;)M_ mOA WOJJ l.fe;Jl{ 8Jq ll?;JJ8 e ljlJM. JOJ AJ;JJ;JW ';>Jd "I? a,teq 11,1 'an1q ] ~ ~ ~ § ~ _g .5 ....Q) uo umq AJJ"l?aJ noA aJaM. - enaJD ll?aJ8 SJ Al?Q ·A moA adoH 'as1uaa 'AJJaJ. APUD .reaa are SlaJO!A 'paJ aJe saso"M 'Aqqo8 : c:; Q) 0 :: SNV i,Jnl?d AJ[ll;JJ SJ aweu JnOA APU!J pue 4l;i8 )I 1fl ;ippJA .§ ~ -5 .,, 5 ] 5 ~ .::: aw 11a1 noA l,UPJP Al{M. - l?Jn"l?d af'i.. 'l neaJ8 moA 'sluaw;iD JOO!d pl£ ·AeQ saupua1eA ,{ddeH:: ~ -~ ~ -~ ~ Q ·ua10 ·uaanb AW 1epads SJ A"l?Q ·A moA adoH 'l{l"l?)I ·puapJ Plop, Happy V.D. bl 'pJAl?Q ~ ~ ;:;- ~ ;,., ·.:: ; Ci O s:: ;iq SA"l?M.fll JJ!M. noA 'UUA'l AJ"l?W v ·pJ~ auo Ol UM.op l! M.OJreu ue::, , l?JUl?J;JlS3 Rum e _2;l g :r: ~ ...l ~ 0 ~ }

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XJ;JM. Mrs. Villalon,HappyV.D.Elsa fd A"l?QS,upuaJ"l?J\ noA A"l?Oawos aqA"l?W - .M. WO,L 'OUJJ"l?:)UO:)~ j > ~ > ~ ~ '::> lUaw1.recty Ol ·a- A Addl?H JOJ 8nq · 8iq "I? S,JaH 'ua.rn)I · · ·pire M.OpUJM. JnOA aAOJ I '· w·s UOJ"l?ll!A '"l?JOUas .• E c _ ;,., t:: ~ Ei: ..c: 1X1 1X1 · saSSJ)l 1fl s8nH ·neH auAew ui Aag 8d 1fl ew ·onp ::>Jwt?uli.p a41, ·acteJ upuaJl?A ires ap ll!G ZJJ;Jd ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 Ann Pet WOlJ AlJUJall?JJ XUJl{dS UJ •e8uno SU"l?J-X3 jjSnOJ8l?l lXau mOA JOJ Apl?;>J laO 'M.OIJ"l?W a:i_"' ;;:.0 E-<,__;;:. ;:i:: ...l ~ ;:i:: ~singlepeo ,. Q) e;,.,-ci a.::; nOA Ol Al?Q saupuaJ"l?A Addl?H -uo::, SJ _·a- A mo"r adOH 'a::,aa"M j::>JlS"l?llI"l?J aJe sa8paJd J,)lg ·AJUO ;Jl"l?lS eppOJd ll? ~ ~- ~ -5llJ .., 5 BS(3 )(J"l?W Ol Al?Q s,aupuaJ"l?A Addl?H ~ ~ ~ "O t ·~ ~ 9 woo"M 'pau8JS iu1e8e asnoH W:31. aql f d SA"l?p irnaq JO 1sa,ddeq 'u;irn)I j2DJ v 4::,ns 8upq lJn◊ 'IPMP.l?l!:) . M;JJ aq samseaJd ~ _.__ :; · ~ ~ a, E Ii. Ires j:)SOOH ,SJM.O ffiOA. AU"l?W aq saJqnOll mOA Al?v-J -E-< ,g Ol J:)AO )(Sl?W mo/\r DUpq aJUJ:)8 ·::>· w (SJlf!dS s:: -8 "'~ ,S . wddo l!lJM.) )f:):)M. 1xau I! UM.Op J::>"l?J aq1. UJ S[lJ8 aql Ol ·a- A Addl?H :suuy OJ, "O ~ [':! ;:j s:: 0 jpOOl{JaqlOJ8 SJ 8upeqs 1 Aauoow "I? S"l?M. aJal{l p.rea4 I ~uo,e;is poo8 BJ;f .. Jadns JOO,\.,, 'SJaA"l?Jd 11"1?8 "8 spq:) jOOA _g ; ~ Cl a, ~ · : ;> » ·w·::> •·a-A Addeq e aA"l?H 'no1 seq adoJs !)(S anm 8!8 aq1 ado4 J ::>JA 1fl aAO'l ·a- A uo wg,_ 8Ja-:iunr 1ta8 ~ > -g ~ , -~ ~ :a, ] Gd 1fl r-,t 'aAOJ waJ, ·::>· W no7 ·lq8J"l?JlS AlllS ii ·a- A Addl?H )(::>a8 ·a- A Addl?H 'qll?)I ~ ;,., :S "' :0 . ~ ·s,Jawa1, :)lJJOA"l?J z JilOA WOJJ 100::>lJdaa)I·. ·,{eas,aupua1eA jj:)lrl:) lSTif jSnopmuqo aJ,OOA SJJlj:)SlOOH1fl;JA01·Ja~lOU"l?Ol ~ ~~ ~ ~ "'q . ~ q. _Al?p s,au,1uaJ"l?A Addl?H 'eqse8 AddeH - lj::>l?O:) pire naJrng )(U!l{l l,uop AJil?aJ aM._ 'ssn"M a8pa1d JM.O auo WOJJ-a)("l?8 l?JO'l ~ :r: E ,_;- R ;:i:: ·- > -g :::a, -a,"OEi: .... ~ jM.Ol{AU"I? ·a- A Addl?H epun SJ:)ljlOJq ;iq1 ,{a)(OWS ,{dd ia)(OWS : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i,OP aJddJJ::> a8l?JJ!A aql P!P llll{M. ·a- A AddeH "I? aA"l?H - Aa)(mJ. S){UJM.J. aql Jill Ol GA l?H ssaJM.l?Jtl aJ)(Ul? ll?l{l JO> a){"l?J. C/l ri5 E ::f ~ ::f <!::. ;:i:: ~ : :r:









:I! .::: i

February 14 , 197


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o 'd Tom and Mark, _Look out Woody and Harley, Thanks ~or "8 ] ~- ..."' _.,_ "' -~ p on a, Here we come' L,G, & B taking us away from our studies >. .j ... ] ci ~1B ~~ ...-:~"' ]C: ...g ;JN -g ooQ) fr ~ aul, What's the matter? Did I >v . Rhodes c/ o °Janet Mon. night! Do we get a rain- ~ ~ E ~ .g ;> ., > -a ca . ~ ~ g- ii: g& scare you away at the Zeta Party, 0 "' khur s, t L et ' s h ave a Valen- c h ec k?. H appy V.D. the room- o. >- ::o· <!:: E -· ;: ~" -~~ o. :t o. ~ ;:, wh en I t o Id you I was 21! Happy ::r: 00 -g ·;:: _g Ji- ..9> ~ 0u ' ,:::a; ~;:.... e's Day Party. I'll bring the mates ~ I j ... @ [;-"'-a ..c: ~ ~ o.; c: ca -a ... o. E oo iu V.D.k1d!!FromanOWL U~ge students and you bring the M . B. and C.P., J.J. and MLW -· 5 @ ::r: "' g ...l g] § 0 To Russy dear from his favorite 0 t1onal Guard. Love and PB and KM, The warmes~ >. o. "' c: ::i t: o. }; § guys of Engle Jlets, J \m • moments in life are those shared .g:> 'g ] ·c Cl ."' .1 -· -~ &3 To Doc Dodrill: Roses are Red, my 11tt1e teacherpoo, May I with a friend. Happy V .D., E.S. "vi ~ - c3 ... ~ .... ~ ;; ~ "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ od ~ Cl Violets are Blue, you have a nose ays and B · J · t., ...o - ~"' p...~ -aU -ci... ., ..c:... ~ o.o. <I'.• "'~ i:iG ~~ ~>- .5c::· 0 ·-~ ·5 -500 U., o.>- ~> -a>. .E.!. >::r: like a B52 • With love, th e Th eatre L say to you Je t'aime! ! Luv, R · • ay, I love you. Happy V.D. our ~ ,3 :§ ~ c: ~ ~ ►:: ., "' ~ !B ., .5 ·;;; E "' <I'. • Weirds u Ann, Roses ar·e Red, Violets love is growing every day. Linda o .e!l 5 u la E ., ., ~ 0. E Cl <I'. ~ -~ -5 ,;:; ;; ~ _... .S c75 ~ Becky, We are in love with you! Blue, Sugar is sweet, You sure Howie poo, Ray and Scott ~ c: P... 8...., ;.:; c75 @ ~ ~ ~ ~ is: j ~ ~ o .,.. "' ., Cl @ The boys at the House too! Brook ::r: tii<ii: -5 vi Happy Valentine's Day-to all - H appy v .D.! We want some Leslie R., To my - past ~ ."' N ci a ~ =:- c: E-"' ,_;~= ok, Roses are red,I Violets are ice cream-when are we going roomie-Happy V.D. You're ] -~ -§ ~ • >- "' ., oo "' .u the tweeters at Pi Sig -a c3 ,:; ]... E @-~ ' e, Sugar is sweet, (And if it out? Happy Valentine's Day Karen great!!! L.A.C. c: 'i= ., .; E c: ~ § ~ j ·.;::: E c3 : ogj> Jean- Just keep making those t too sissy) So are you! Lou Dear Dick Nixon c/o Kurt To the BIG AUS were thinking of "' <ii ·;:: _g ::o ... a; .o -· -~ c.... Cl Valentine's Day cookies. (Cut out n Helmig: Alright I'll be your you Bob & Bein ~ ~ c: a; _g O ~ § ~ .g ;.., ci cookies with red icing, go good >rny-Hope your weekend goes Valentine. Stop bugging me. Love To Ralph Barnhart, I Jove you I ~ 0 5 . - ~ - E .g ~ §: :::, ~ with V.D.) Signed, Your 3 BEST rific. Hot times again. A friend and Wiretaps, Jim Jove you I Jove you I do If I had ....,• -a ~ -g~ a;• ;.'.; -·5 <!::o "'►:: :::, -~ ~• ~ ·.,"' > Buddies J J dK II Lancaster ever be the same Walnut, Let's get drunk! Frankie John Odera I'd give him to you. .8 0 ..:!: "' ;,-, Cl ·;;; ,,; .5 an · an athy K., Happy V.U. ,hout Scott! Love, Sue Zu Meinen Liebling, Du bist sehr, Dig 'em & Bake ] r:ri Day to my pledge and grandish all the girls of Rho Kappa sehr, sehr Wunderbar! lch liebe R. Buts_: Happy Valentine Day -a ~::.: -G ·~ t, . U:::, ::r: -~ ->"' ;;: pledge (respectively)!! Love-n. h h D b. H c:: i-. 0 "' ::i oo u hoots, Lizette tatohaveaHappyValentine's d 1c se r_gut. u 1st das Obst appyV.D.Paula! Love J.J. "' :3 >.• ... .,; ...., ·c: o. >--ci-~ •::: >."' 1B .::!, ··E ., ·o. ... Woody, I'm available! Let's go N d H d art er mir. Gluckliche ancy, bu dy, Have a happy a O "' g - oo ;2 o. ~ .., ::: - o. E, and don't Jet "Cry" go to von head. "The Janitor" Valentine's Tag! Deine Bean V.D. Signed, unanimously yours ::o >. Cl ..c: .§ Cl] ice skating and you ~an hold me is, Roses are red Violets are Happy Valentine's- Day to all the Buddy Brooklyn, What can I say? M.C. 0 o' c, up. Lou e What would we do, If it new OWL PLEDGES!!!!!!! We Dear Marianne, Jean, Sam, To the best Owl Active Around! ~ £ g Yes, Don, Happy Valentine's Day e not for you? : T & C might are glad to have all you little Brian, Dana. Dave M., A Big Happy Day! Linda 'ci 8.. gc, (Ther ya go!) Friends of McCloud worse, or maybe better, but HOOTERS. Valentine Kiss to the "Gang." Michael Shanno~, To a red ; Sphinx, Hope you like your V .D. m though you are sometimes Trent, Sorry about your cookies. Love, Guess WHo? headed friend, who like's a cutie ~ 6 ~ present-the · REd Light!Karen you are the best. Huff V.M.H. All TEM'ers, hope you have a on 4th floor. Annie P> ~ ~ and Deb and Jenny oov v .D. Noo and Boo Boo! J Lizette, Happy Valentine's Day to super great Valentine's Day There's aiways room for more <;<: ~ ;:: Ed, Let's get stopped by the cops m, Be My Valentine! and G a good friend and fellow-porker "Susan D, All we need to make (Jan) 3 :;E again-later-was the Cadillac Linda Bailey, You're such a Happy V.D. Reagan! Vickie the day go better is to remember To: Heather Leech, Clean your g - really hot?Deb and Karen F.ETIE! Bets Harley, You're so (..Jueer! Happy our friends, or maybe I friend's room on Valentines day' ~;.. n To Onyz SistersHappy . H appy V.D. an d many V . D . Day . L'1z f ace. Happy V . D . R oom1e · ' Happy V.D. day, Beano! . mother ~ ;..... :, c: ....: ~ Valentine's Da Y Your LSH tt 1e, re days filled with donuts and Michael, I Love YOU! Linda Sigma Alpha Tau Pledge c1ass 1s · ·- ~ To Room 1 at the TEM Housecakes. Love, N. W. CIP • Happy V .D. ThanKs for the greatest Happy Valentine's Happy Hearts Day Wanda Love, ::f Happy V.D. ! Frankie PY Valentines Day Arbuts! L everything! BLS Day! Sandi W. Your Grandmother ::t -o O Gretch, Nancy, & Cindy, Happy M, The , Big 3 of Mayor To Fred, Happy VD to our Dan, you even look like a big To Chris, Happy Hearts Day .gi ~~Valentine's Day!! S.E.C. -o, Have a happy Valentine's chauffer. V & D Valentine! Have a happy Day. L~ve, Barb :';;1 o ;; l.i. t<r~e, Ch-cn-c·narging? Happy avonme.StP:ikDinnertoo! -Ec3 Cl .8=: -g -;., HappyVDCaroJ!Becky! J.C. lfi~e. C~a~well, Your car is~ ;:.;,lv.D.,buddy.Love&hoots,Sandi t Sue Happy VD Wop Tom ~ ~ ~~ ~ Bosco, For V.V., how about a c..efimtely mJeooardv! Trin g ~ Mr. C--Please be our Valentine! Happy Valentine's Day Shave' "' 6 ;,-, >- ., ~ "'' -6' g ride to Findley? Pledge Happy V. D. Fuzz and Michael. c. R:<> Your Kids! alias the Exec. Board iJJewwooJ JWJllmi ;2 --:5 is: .5~. 5 .,....,_ Nightworm, I hope we aren't an Happy V.D. Bobb1·e1. Lest1·e ~ co Bemer, · 00 ~ JAO'l r · t ...o o. g. - -5 ~, .: Don't wake me up next se non. JA-e4 Ol p-e[ll 'dOM :~ """. '" >- c: ~ >Vic and Lizette, . Happy V.D·. ,..... (I) • ::t "' ·~ ~ e~tinct breed. ¥ ::i time. Evans llmq JSJJl(:> J4l 9 ,.;.: ~ ~ E c: "' Sal, World Campus is just Porkers of America. '< ~ Sandra, Beth, Jane and Mel, ii!S rnJq ,<:ppJJ Jiqt?JAOI Aw 0.1 < :: . o:;· .-:l waiting! Marsha Zoecklein, Are you sure it was Have a Happy Valentines Day! fH JAO'l QA Add-eH f-< §: -a ~ ~ .:.: ~ E -5 ~] 5 Bernie, I'll be right back I have to only the son of a preacher's (I) OJ> Cy- I dig your HIS. Love, BH'UBWOMp[OJ4l'J!UUVOJ. c: ~ c: c3 E ·-.,., "'<ii man?!"Love&Hoots"L.P H'fWOJj Zero c"'p... 0 ...., ~ §> go downstairs. Brooks --. ... "' , - -a .=: :::, ... 'H'fOlA-eas JUIJ Add AJUOOJ,\[jlJA ... I .e!l od UUB!CT 'JAO'l iCTAAdd-eH 00 c3 [.;:; ;; '8. ' .. UJiBJ\ BH lpou UJJS l,U!V no A '-e!:>ll?W 5 . . , .U "' ::o ... -~ E ~-uoSJJd Ol uosJJd 'spOOJ\\ JOf OJ. ;_§ >- ., "' . . Happy Valentine's Day Doug ii jB)(B4:) 'ms!S ] ; ~::r: ·lJop E, :.§ >Cl :E Wheats? and Susie my active.

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WOld 'U!AJ)I OJ 'Q'A /;.dd-eH "D' Happy, V.D. to all tne third floor lJl:lJS ..9 "' 'AlJJMSmoA WOld 'CT'A Add-eH ., > o 0 o. c.... ~ ►:: >c3 ~ Happy Valentines Day Robbin to the f ·upq1JllO lB Jllpa1d lg ems." U!J8 IBJl -e Jrn noA-u!qo~ -5 ~ d:i >- o ii -g ~ -g > OWL Pledge Class and my El J4J. ·a!UBJ8 Ol ·a-/\ Add-eH 'JAO'l ii t'CJ' A AddeH '· d qle8 A)(:>JH 'Jl-ewwool ., ., o :t ., § ::O O ::r: •.:: fbeauticians. Space ·u-ew i:l!d Al?Q SJU!lUJ[BA Add-eH moA JOJ'e"' lJJMS Jl,nOA ·'.:: ~ E<I) @ ~ ~ ~ -;;; •E .oQ) Happy V · D · M urp h Y 'L'Itt1e Bit' ..., 0 ~ ..,; ., ., :::, ... ~ "'' ...l ~c: -a .d ssa14µ0M -e Jl, no A · l f )(U!d llOlj UJJlll J!ll!I S!l4:) w AJH ;>< ;; E ·b ~ ~ ~ I 8 ;; ~ A. Hill, Dee Dee -eu10 1 jABQ s,aupuJJBJ\ J4l lUJM BJQ 'eao - 1unH· uuy WOld SJSS!)l wsllnH '-epun wll!f iu .2,;:? o. ,;l • .8 • <ii :9 b c: ;J ~] ~ Happy our great EKT · o~ ·- .,,... "' ., - 0 - ...l -o "' E ., L woo~ 'JAO'l 4:inw 4l!M -eH ·J:>UJ!:>S 1-e:i,sf;. 4 d .,xog CTA AddBH .o ·- ..c: ·;: v. c:: Cl -;;; i:iG P... pledge class. L & H Gimp :::, ., > 6 ->. ... t,l C: 00 "' '-' OJ 1 0 ·- o --. ~ E ;:, d1_ll pJJl_j u uo oll s,lJ.,1 'AJ[US 'ABQ s,iU!lUJfe/\ f;.dd-eH 'Jsno4 i,µ!4S mo/;. [JJS Ol lU"'r,f\\ , o:isos Cl "' ...l" o -"' -0~ 0t ...,. a; •.CJ:. L... JOf pu-eJSlJpun ~,~"""'I-' "" .._ ·.: ....._, . "' L... o ,, ~...., ~· ·- 0>, A[Jl?Jl 0" r .D r- r-~ cM 'JW UOSlJd -e O T 'Jl_)(:ll?f Ot WRl J4l J-e SlJ)S!S nW 11-e OJ. • -· _ ;,-, ., 0 • c.... c: v • -~ ~ ..c: _., •• " ..L .L 3 i,SJOP q1JH 1PM s-e smoA J)(!I S!l:) JAO'l ·a· J\ Add-eH - llU!ldS:@ Q @ : o -5 -5 '§ U'.l jJW Jl'e:lS 1 idOJd SJOCT 'UBW)(J!W 34l 4l!M llu,oll J4l U! lSJq S! w-ea JJAOOH - lJJJQV ~ § ~ ·~ ~ Cl ~ ~ ~ t'.; ...l 8 >, ~ ; . 5 Q) ] ; ; ; I Q) 11-e jO nOA 'JW JJ-e:>S nOA JIUlJ8 14l -e JA-e4 noA rnJ4 I-J!)(B)l [AlJ4:) ., _g .:.: ,.c: ;3 ,.c:E-., c: ] f3 Q .,>. :::, . C: :::, -· 0. -t: ~ ca ~ .... ~ ~ -~ i,J!WOO~ l4llnJ. i j4snq J4l U! • Q d r c,o u ... "' .,.. "' "' ., o '.-__ ., ., o>. -· 9,, ,.c: .o "' O ;>< ti! ~ ...:::, ..,_>. > ., ·:::,., >_ "'>. ...,. )(:>pd -e SABMJ'e S,JlJ4l )nq 'SUJ041 ll?J,\[ SJllpJ[d [MO JoPJi n[MOJ mOA WOlj Al?Q "9- ~ ~ oo ·.:: - ;;> ~ ..c: • • ... -., ...l > Q) - · .... " ' 0. -· > t:: 0 ~ >SBJUBj mo Ol ABQ 'CT' A f;.dd-eH S,JU!lU;)JBA Add-eH -11-eH Jns OJ. 0. -· IU u a; ~ t: 0 ti! .5 ..: E>, ... @ ::; >, '":: §O O ~ "' ln04l!M _JSOl -e S! d!4SpUJ!Jd ... > ., oo - ·- ~ .0 i:: :::, ci e 'ii 1 · - o. ...... ..,.. c: ...l o >ii j)l:)Of B Jm no/;. 4llno4l Z .-:J o >. >o ~ .o ., ., ., · ~ c.... ~.,... E §- ~ ....... -"' -;;; i:lG "' ."' I A HW1 ·:, PJtd-puuil h.w 01 ,\BQ A4lB:) jABQ S,JU!)UJ[BA ll?Jlll 0 UJAJ 'jjJOM WOJ. 'CT'A Add-eH O ~ ...l o. ...i ~ ~ ~ ~ ->"' ·.; . "' ..; :::, :t E:::: a; >Cl ... -~S,JU!lUJil?J\ . { ddt?H 'JUUB!l'e\J\I JABH-SU!'elln:l AW pJlJA!JJP l::'o • 9- • ~ t,l v, ..C:: J:%l •v, •• 0 0 p:i Q) > ~ >, 0 00 SU'ej mOA ·sndw-e:> s,u,JqlJllO ::l ; Cl ::c ;: ;- ;:I ~ ·3 0 -~ 2 _g ;:;. ~ ;,' . ; ' 7 ; -a 0. .9 '-' §: C: QND[ 3:'llll'l J4l J'iipJ\d s, u-ewlJAJ!S WOlj sf;.nll J4l oJ. - . "' 0 Q) ;:I ... Q) 0. od .5 > • <:'-• E > C: ;:I ... • "' Q) ~ ll?Jlll -e ~l"' 0 ' 3 3 Z -::: lOOH lOOH i i,OHM SSJnQ uo UJW AJUO J4l 0)' CT' /\ > . t'.; ...l O u .D > "' ~ ;;> ...... Q) F!: 0 "' 0 0 >, ::r: ... co ., r, n A l q n J)(W,J r Q OJ ;>-, OJ · - OJ >, 0 :C >, OJ • I .: @ ...l OJ u ':;; -0 ,-._ ~ ;> · T ·a ; jJtl)J'aOl lOOlJ puz ~ _... o. • -~ -G > ·;:: E . .o .:: ~.:.: § U'.l ..c: c: ~ ·;_ ~ ~ ~ >..L " " llJW'eUnQ i i,oUpds lSBJ )(:ln~ J4l Add-eH-S!A'v'Q SJ!µ-ed J4l Ire lJqWJWJ~ j08 uuy no.,,·JUllUJ["'A ] 5 § .5 "C -E O :3 .§ -g ;3 0. ::: 0 :§ "' 0 -g ,:; )Jll Ol llU!Oll JM JJ-e UJ4M-Ul?Q . Q r, E- ;>< ,... ::o <t: u ., ,. , E- O :r: ::o : O. P... ~ .::: E- ;.,- .U 'c: Cl f- lL N U '" 1 _ -· .... ..,4-emw,, /\BQ nicely, {CN), l[!BQ 14 grn -e Jl!o mo/;. foq no,<: P!CT jSA-epi_JO" ., -•-• _ ~ ., >. ...oo · Lizette, What's today's joke? Val :i:: i,JSp 04M rdd . E .G . iJJB 1-e unj p-e 4 JlBlqJp:> UJAJ sll-e~ Jsmo:i ~ "@ ~ : ;,::s -a § ~ ~ .S ~ SJU!lUJ[BA " BH JJll!W no:is JJA-e4 noA '"CT'A -e uo unj p-e 4 JO iiiiiD~ -e J1-e no/;. 4 ino 4 l c: gj> • ., ~ c'5 "' :.s2 Cl To all the beautiful sisters of dJJl:)'JAO'l 'ffAAddeH JA-e4 noA H ·n-eM J4l. lSU!-ell-e UJAJ ·a-A- Add-eH -e JABH 'jpf ~ ~ :@ ,;;; ::t Sigma Alpha Tau! Mama Owl jlSJlBJlll J4l JJ,nOA 'J!lJJ\\S o-eq lJUJJ-ed mo/;. Ol sn-ea uuy ;; ... =: E .u o "-' §' .5 Woody, We "Nose" Debby is Cl wJ, ll!CT · Ana sJU!JUJlBJ\ JU!lUJt-eA !:: ~ -: • ::o ci ·a ~ "' E your va·Ientine. The Guys >slJls,s MJN moA ,<:dd-e4 -e JABH •µ-eJ 4 Aw 01 Jsop :- ·0 q : :0 ci U'.l c: 5 2 f;.ddeH ·1! UO!lliJW 1,uo,\\ :rA Add-eH 'UOlsmqi J!Jnf pUJ!lJ reFJJdS -e OJ. pllOA pJld § :: ~ ~ ; ,;;. ~ >-,;:; t'.; Tinker, We love you! Sue and "· I 'AJJOM l,uoa 'llu!A08 lJUUf -es13 "ffAAdd-eH jpUJ)(JJM Al)O:>S )Jl:lJS m<;>A 'JA0'1 M.C.. ~ § 2: "O ~ >, ., > ~ ... -~ Keith. Happy Valentine's Day. Gretchen, Happy Valentine's Day lprn400JA)md1,uoa'no10J. i'CT'AlBJlll-eJAt?H'4lJ8Hanny ~~i:i:l ~ ~ ~~ DebVenable,Hark!IsthatCupid.5 my favorite pledge. (Once a O • r V.D.c M - ..c: ..c: "' ::C: ...., .d' "' -a I d I moH 14lJ8 n-ea s_,aupUJ\BA ,<:dd-eH jJnb:i-er 'Q' A ,<:dd-eH • · •;i.., is: ~ g .8 • ~ g ::r: 5 ~_-~"' a;o. shooting an arrow f rom Jo h n.? ca > Pe ge a ways a pledge) Val L 'n-e -ef;. JAO'l 'CT'A :>IlS-elu-ej ,ou-eJQ ., __ .§ U'.l oo ~ a&:: ..c:· _u-5 ~ HappyMerryCupidDay! Marian>- ·rsHappyV.D.toyouJuan... tABH 'sJllp~Jd "lJJQ,, .J4l oi BJA iJlB)I uo wno:i u-e:i JM MOU)( ·§ o 9 c: Happy V.D., ·BIii Love ya, ''CT'A AOOBH 'JW 11-e:J 'JlOUJAue JM 'p-eus -e U! )Jg JM lJAJUJ4M. >,... l:ll) ::c: <nr"' ...l Cl >""' 0 E- , Shrimp :r: 'J.':) -e JW u-e:i l,UB:)-Ul?Q



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Otters Fourth • 1n OAC Relay The Otterbein indoor track team, spurred by two second place finishes and two third place finishes, finished fourth in the Livingston Relays, held at Denison last Saturday. Baldwin­ Wallace College won the team title with 103 points. Mount Union College and last year's team champ, Denison University, finished second and third respectively. Otterbein's four mile relay team, composed of three sophomores and one freshman, finished in second place, and set a new Otter Indoor track record with a time of 18:28.8. Sophomores Tom Bachtel (4:39.4), Mike Chadwell (4:36.4), Jeff Hunt (4:32.2) and freshman Kyle Beveridge (4:40.9) combined for the record-setting pace. The long jump team of Roger Retherford , Bob Talpas and Larry Mccrady, took the Otters' other second place. Retherford jumped 19'7 ¼ ", Talpas 19'4 ¼" and Mccrady - 19'3" for a total effort of 58 '2 ½". These three also finished sixth in triple jump competition with a com­ bined jump of I 16'8¾". The four-lap relay team of Jimmy Macheras, Randy Smith, Gene Paul and Dave Paul finished third with a total time of I :02.5. Otterbein's other third place finish was in the the mile relay. Mike Westfall, Dan Wetzel, Scott Swink and Roger Retherford combined for a 3:37 .6 effort.

The trio of Scott Miller, Bob Wright, and Jim Quick .tossed the shot put a combined effort of· 127' I ¼" to take fourth place in the competition. A team of four freshmen finished fifth in the two mile relay. Todd Edwards, Steve DeVolt, Jeff Ankrom and Dan Shockley ran a total time of 8:36.0. Another freshman team finished sixth in the sprint medley relay. Edwards, Swink, and Wetzel teamed with Jim Oman for a total effort of 3 :02 .4. Oman and Gary Belknap pole vaulted their way into fifth place with combined height of 22'6". Belknap cltared 12'6" while Oman made 1O'. Macheras, Smith, Westfall and Dave Paul also finished in fifth place in the eight lap relay. The four sprinters' total time was 2:17.3. The Otters' final points were scored in the high jump relay. Brad Hopkins, Gene Paul, and Talpas combined for a total effort of 17 feet. A few of the members were not able to compete due to the flu bug, which has all but taken over the campus, causing last minute switching and reducing the strength of some of the relay teams. Overall, the performance turned in by the Otters was very good. The team will be in action again this weekend at Ohio State.

inarowandoneteammeetingthe Otters things were straightened out for a 91-47 victory over the cellar dwelling Oberlin Yoeman. Last Saturday's victory was the largest margin of victory in 61 years over a collegiate opponent. In 1914 Otterbein beat Kent Normal (forerunner to Kent St.) , 56-5. The game started out with Oberlin quickly jumping to a six point lead. Then Otterbein struck back with baskets by Deckard, Buchan, Hays and Bromley to go up by two. After seven minutes of

game. The -fighting Tan and Cardinal scored almost at will. Several times during the game they ran streaks of six, eight, and ten consecutive unanswered points. . The Otters, feeling at home in Alumni Gymnasium, ran their offense almost to perfection. Otterbein found themselves open for ten layups in the game as they displayed their rarely used fastbreak. The Otters hit the nets for 49 percent and out rebounded Oberlin 52-30. Fifteen Otters saw action in the

all Otters with 17 points. Mike Hays chipped in 14 points, Dave Bromley added 10, while sophomore Larry Dowing came off the bench for 14. Freshman center, Ed Williams led all rebounders in the game with 8 carooms. The victory evened the Otters record at 9-9 and 5-6 in the Ohio Conference. The Otters will close out the regular season this Saturday in Alumni Gymnasium · against the Kenyon lords, tip off is at 7:30.

Crusaders Crush Cardinals

by Art Halden

play. The Otters lack of ability to lowest first half point perBefore a near packed house of move with and without the ball formance this year. 2,650 the Crusaders of Capital caused 24 turnovers for the Bein. After a long stay in the locker saw their team dominate the The disappointing loss dropped room and one verse of "Old Otters for a 68-52 victory. Otterbein below the 500 mark at McDonald" the Otters came out Pregame was highlighted by the 9-10, 5-7 in the OAC. in the second half Iike butchers on usual crosscourt razzing, and the No one for Otterbein could a chicken farm. Using the long 300 Otter fans represented the muster double figures, Dave awaited for press, the Otters Bein well. However pregame Bromely and Mike Hays hit for lacked the flash and harrassment caused several early second half eight, Larry Dowing added seven. turnovers for the purple gang and present at last year.'s Coliseum For the game the Otters hit a cut the lead to seven, 35-28. After clash. miserable 36 percent from the Since coming to Capital a Chickerella time out the field, and just 56 percent from the University, Vince Chickerella has Crusaders once again netted seven foul line. Otterbein also lost the won 97 percent of the games straight points to increase their played in Capital's Alumni battle on the boards, 38-27. lead to 14 .. The Otters now have to win Gymnasium. The last time From here on the Otters never Otterbein beat Capital on their against Kenyon this Saturday and threatened as the Capital defense in the first round of the tour­ home court was during the 67-68 caused Otterbein to run a new season, 82-64.Otterbein, trying to offense-the 30 foot perimeter naments to salvage a 500 season. salvage a disappointing season had their work cut out for them Tuesday night. CLEVELAND, O.-A fine 22nd running of the relays. The The game started out slow, with Capital scoring first in what Yellow Jackets swept up first performance by sprinter Fred place finishes in five events, broke looked to be a defensive ballgame. Mintz and a little reverse Otterbein tied the score, 4-4 at by coach Paul three meet records and tied psychology 17:18 when senior center Mike "Sparky" Adams helped another, while racking up 103 Hays hit a jump shot in the lane. Baldwin-Wallace· run away with points. Then the Otters went into a Mount Union finished second the title in the Walter J. scoring slump while the Crusaders Livingston-Ohio Conference with 79 and host Denison was reeled off ten unanswered points. third with 75. The rest of the field Relays at Granville Saturday. Not until 9:03 left in the first half included Otterbein, · 41, Ohio Adams, disgusted with his did the Otters score again, that Northern, 20.3, Ohio Wesleyan, team's showing a week ago at coming on a foul shot by Larry 17.3, Wooster, 17; Marietta, 13, Ashland, Jet that fact be known. Downing. Just as Otterbein Muskingum, 10.3, Capital, 10, "I told them that they had better started to get their momentum up, Oberlin, 8, Heidelberg, 7, Kenyon times in high school and that they after baskets by Williams and needn't bother practicing, if that 2, and Wittenberg, 0. Downing, Capital once again Mintz, named · the meet's was the best they could do," The Otter junior varsity put in 40.SOJo of their field goal connected for eight straight explained Adams. outstanding runner, helped B-W basketball team fell to Capital 57attempts, but the Otters only shot points. Otterbein went into the The team did work hard and the shatter the sprint medley relay 54 in a close battle held in the 34.40Jo from the field. locker room trailing 31-18, their hard work led to victory in the Continued on(Page ·11 Crusaders gym. Ed William paced The Otters biggest problem was the Otter team with eleven points getting the ball in the basket from Tennis Anyone? and grabbed fourteen rebounds. the "charity stripe." In that teve Atkins scored nine points department they only made half Below are the names of people and things associated with tennis . and Mark Sanders followed with of their attempts. Cap shot 820Jo Answers can be found vertically, horizontally, diagonally and back­ eight. at the line. wards. rews and Allison led the Otterbein did win one winners with nineteen and twelve department. They only had seven -1:,m,-iCC" point~, respectively. turnovers while Cap gave the ball ~ '"Mateft. Capital ended the first half with away fifteen times. -8tH+.Marg;>ret Cou G--a two point lead and only out­ The final game of the junior PJ]Ofll Borg -.Natasse scored the Otters by one point in varsity season will be played Easals ~ the second half. Cap was able to tomorrow against Kenyon. -eln is Evett Racquet Cotn"t• Riggs Rad Lave, Co.xServe Phone 882-6611 -8et,-. .Game 6 South State Street, Wt1terville ,+eru,is C ~ B 1::eenis sbees ~~ Donuts, ~kes, Cookies, Sweet Rolls

O.A.C. Relays won by B.W.

Otter J.Vs. Fall to Cap



February I4, 1975



Playe~of the Week

Page 11 \

Satch Davidson Here Sunday Dave Bromley-Sure Shot

A 6'2" junior guard from Kettering Fairmont W ~st High School in Dayton, Ohio , Dave mley is a dead-eye on the court Bro h" from the outside. So far t 1s y~eadr he is shooting 48OJo from the fie! king 3rd on the team . At the ran · h"1ttmg · 741J/io, fee throw line he 1s :cond on the team behind Capt. ~len Horner. However , in field goal percentage, Dave has at­ tempted many more shots than the two in front of him . A graduate of Kettering Fairmont West in Dayton, Ohio, Dave lettered 2 years and was selected Most Valuable Pla yer as a senior. He was also 3rd team All­ State as a senior. But more im-

portant than these, Dave was This year, Dave has really been selected Player of the Year in the scoring strong. In a string of four Dayton area as a senior. He also games, he averaged 15 .3 pts./gm. held the highest percentage of free He scored 19 against Oberlin. He throws on his team. That was the also led the team in rebounds same year that his team won their against Heidelberg with 11, and district championship. had 9 assists against Oberlin. Here at Otterbein, Dave Dave Bromley has great hopes Bromley has been playing con­ for the team in the tournament siderably better, each year. He has this year. He thinks if they put it already lettered as a freshman and all together; they could do really sophomore. He was selected most well. Dave's main personal goal is valuable freshman, and was 2nd ,to enjoy what he is doing and have leading scorer on the team with a fun no matter what happens. If he 12.9 average last year as a · keeps putting the basketball sophomore. His career high through.the hoop with such great scoring game was last year in the ,accruacy, he is sure to have fun tournament against Wittenberg, and help .the Otterbein Cagers to when he shot 27 pts. victory.


We all remember when Hank Aaron hit historic home run number 715 in Atlanta. What we don't know however, is the name of the umpire behind the plate when "Hammerin Hank" hit it. The umpire's name is David "Satch" Davidson who just happens to make his home in Delaware, Ohio. f Residence Program Services will sponsor a program with Mr. Davidson in the Campus Center main lounge Sunday, February

23, at 9:00 p.m. Mr. Davidson is the third youngest umpire in the National League and has the distinction of progressing from the minor leagues to the major leagues faster than any other umpire in baseball history . In this program, Mr. Davidson will share many interesting and humorous stories about major league baseball, and will be glad to answer questions from the audience. DON'T MISS IT!! !

Otter Women Lose to Central St.

The Otterbein College Wright State University for their Women's Basketball Team was fifth outing of the season. Come overwhelmed by Central State last and cheer the team to victory Sat1uday, despite an impressive 18 tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Alumni · point effort by Peg Milmer. She Gym! was 9 of 21 from the field for a 430Jo shooting average. The final INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS CLEV ELAND, 0 .-New Those dates, which find the league's teams, played on suc­ score was 84-41, but as in past INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS dates, new sites and, hopefully, first round games scheduled for cessive weekends. games, the Otter women fought [after 3 games] some new fans will be a feature of Friday Feb. 21 and second round The divisional final games will hard till the buzzer and showed Name Fg Ft Pts Fouls this year's Ohio Conference games Saturday, Feb. 22, has the be played Friday, Feb ..28 and the strength in the second half scoring S FOULS basketball tournament . tourney, involving all 14 of the championship game will take 27 of their total 41 points. 1 A. Black place at Denison Saturday, March Other scorers for Otterbein 9 4 2 JO C. Geisler I. Under the former format, the were Pam Pifer with 8 pts., Cathy TH E OHIO CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT ORA WINGS 2 1 5 13 Hlava C. tournament was played within a Smith with 7, Carol Geisler had 4, 1 1 3 4 C. Kipfinger SOUTHERN DIVISION five day period . and Cathy Kipfinger scored 3. 14 28 3 P. Milner Feb22 Marl High 'scorers for the tough Central And those new sites find the 9 5 · 23 8 P. Pifer tourney being played in as many State Team were Marcia Lewis II 2 24 - 4 C. Smith bye and Dee Carr with 35 and 34 pts. as eight different locations-but 9:00 2 4 2 S. Subick not at the same time. Under the respectively. at Denison I 5 1 II 7 J. Thurston *Site A - 7 :30 Tonight is the Otter Women's · new format, the first round games I 48 12 108 51 TOTAL 7:30 will be hosted by the top-seeded first home contest. It will be held at Denison in the Alumni Gym at 6:30 p.m. team in each individual first l TEAM STATISTICS *Site B - 7 :30 and the women cagers will take on round game bracket. r Ohio Dominican University. Then on Friday, Feb. 21, six Total pts. - 108 Av.lgm-36 Hence, 7:00 tomorrow the women travel to Opp. pts -192 will Av.lgm-64 games, three in each division, at Denison l *Site C - 7:30 be played simultaneously at six I 7:30 different sites. The tournament . . will move to the divisional sites, Capital and Wittenberg. The girls at Denison Wooster hosting the North and by Cindy Loudenslager practice on their own each week at This years intercollegiate NORTHERN DIVISION Denison the site of the South, for Westerville lanes. Their matches women's bowling team seems to the divisional semi-finals, Feb. 22, *Site D - 7 :30 l consist of three games rolled by all have the potential for a good and finals, Feb. 28. I the bowlers, and the team with the season. Ten girls have gone out This change in format is 7:00 highest accumulation wins . Dr . for the team and each week the designed to expose more fans to at Denison Marilyn Day is the coach and she *Site E - 7:30 , lI four highest averages are those Ohio Conference tournament 7:30 feels that the rest of the season who bowl in the tournament. Five play. Additionally, it is an energy­ will go very welJ due to the at Wooster matches are scheduled and one conservation measure as it will cut I potential of this year's team . All *Site F - 7:30 has already been played. The girls down on travel for those opening I 9:00 matches are away, and the next lost to a tough team from round games. at Wooster one is this Saturday at Ohio Denison. Also on the roster are The . order ·of seeding, and Wesleyan. Ohio Wesleyan, Ohio State, consequently, the right to host bye those first round games, is based *Sites to be deter~ined at time of drawings. The team at the top of Continued from -Page,10 on each team's won-loss record -.. . each bracket will be the Home Team and will wear white uniforms. triple jump relay record of 128 ¼ . record with a 2:52 .6 clocking. inconference play. The team with . \ Colley broke the individual triple -, '" Mintz also anchored the four lap the best OAC .won-loss record in ' Though the " true" Ohio Conference basketball champion is decii:led , jump mark with a distance of 44relay unit which tied the meet each division has the ohoice of by the OAC tournament, it's not as if these past ten weeks have been '· 11. standard of 1:00.4. brackets, second-best has the merely exhibition seaspn. · ( Capital's Rick Meindl set a new Balwin-Wallace's other records second choice, etc. There is one by individual shot put record of 52-3came in the 5~yard high.hurdles , in each divisional bracket. Ties Far from it , for the won-loss records each team posts in conference ¼ while helping the Crusaders 20.1 seconds, and in the two mile • are broken by a coin flip . Play is a determining factor in where that team is seeded in the break the shot put relay record relay, 8:05.0. Drawings take place Sunday, tournament. with a combined distance of 145Ed Colley, named the out­ Feb. 16 at the divisional sites. 1- ¼. standing field events performer, This is the 16th annual OAC The team with the best won-loss record vs. all conference teams in helped Denison establish a new post-season playoff, though an each division receives that division's top seed, and has the first abbreviated version of the choice in· the brackets (above). The team with the second-best record SUPPORT the T&C. If you visit tournmanet was tried in 1949. At has the second choice, etc. a place of business that stake is the Ohio Conference advertises in this ~ Tell basketball championship, plus a .· And those first teams to choose opening round game brackets win them ·you saw their ad in the berth in the Great Lakes Regional the right to host those games. of the NCAA division III tour­ TAN & CARDINAL. nament, March 6-8.

New Dates and New Sites for O.A.C. Tourneys

--------------·- ------

Women Bowlers open season


Page 12

Angel Flight Earns Award The William C. Lindley Angel Flight sent two delegates to the Tri-Area Conclave in Detroit Michigan last weekend. Patti Lutz . and Patti Call represented the Angel Flight from Otterbein. A trophy was awarded to the flight as the most improved Angel Flight from area D.-1. The area com­ mander from Ohio State awarded the trophy and said that Otter­ bein's Angel Flight was one t~at showed the most enthusiasm and was most deserving of_ the award. Major John Hokanson and Lt.

Col. Lowell Socolofsky recommended the flight for the award. Groups attending the conclave included schools in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky. Angel Flight is an honorary service organization that ushers at artist series, assists in the bloodmobile and does other various projects here on Campus and in the Westerville community. We are proud of our Angel Flight here at the 'Bein. The trophy will be on display in Towers Hall.

February 14, 1975

Republican Club holds membership drive The Republican Club on Otterbein's campus will complete a successful membership drive today. It is great to realize that there is a good deal of political awareness at Otterbein, and the members and officers of the club would like to )elp everyone in­ and crease this interest knowledge.

Watch for the· publicity of our February meeting and please feel free to join us. We are always ready to add new members. There is a big boost of career training and job opportunity awareness on campus this year, and the Republican Club is trying to help, also. Through our statewide and local activities we

targum crossword 2

Nothing to do at Otterbein?


Who says, "there's nothing to do at Otterbein?" Well look no further, Tuesday, February 18 at 8:15 p.m. the _second informal Rug Concert of the Artist Series season will take place in the campus center lounge. The Columbus String Quartet, made up of four young in­ strumentalists, is presenting a chamber music concert. An enjoyable evening is planned with Haydn's "Quartet in E flat Major," a Bartok quartet cC!mposed in 1939, and Brahm's


"C Minor Quartet." The dynamic artists-Dennis Cleveland and Roy Sonne, violins, Mark Childs, viola, and Karen Andrie, cello-are artists in residence here at Otterbein. After the program there will be an informal reception with the quartet. The Rug Concert setting will provide an introduction to chamber music to . be enjoyed by all. Student tickets are available with ID.

You Said It!!! by Elsa Giammarco and Kerry Gould Nowadays, with the money situation as tight as it is people are having to drop out of college because of the high cost of education. Otterbein, being a small private college is being hurt by the decrease in enrollment, yet . there is talk of a $200 increase in tuition for the 75-76 school year. As a consequence of this many students wonder if paying so much is worth it. What do you think? Below are the opinions of some Otterbein students when asked:"DO YOU FEEL YOU'RE GETTING YOUR MONEY'S WORTH EDUCATIONALLY AT OTTERBEIN? SCOTT CAMPBELL "Beiner" Junior Monetarily, it seems that our money may be a bad investment. I feel that in twenty years our dividends will be returned due to the advanced education that we will receive here at Otterbein. Also, because of the ever­ increasing population the future job market will be much more select. Therfore, one should try to ~ernre the opportunity to remain in college for the full four or five years (graduate). This way, the student has a chance to enter the . job market in better times. I believe that if we hadn't have had the chance to attend the 'Bein, ·we wouldn't have been able to change our lifestyles. The

change that we go through in college affects our entire life! MARLIE GRIFFIN, Senior "To some extent, as in all things, you only get out of education what you put into it. · The thing that bothers me about Otterbein is it seems like a few number of people know where our money goes. I think that with the amount of money we put into Otterbein we should see more evidence of is being used for students' benefits. It's hard to say if you're getting your money's worth when you don't know where_your money is." JOHN BERENS, Freshman "Ed1.1cationally, you're getting your money's worth because of _the individualized instruction you get. But, part of the liberal arts . education is learning to live with your environment, its conditions · and how they inter-relate.The guy's dorms leave a lot to be desired - Why couldn't we have a nice living space like the girl's do? We have no place for storage and the walls are drab concrete blocks. Also it takes a half-hour to get to the campus from the_guy's dorms. I wonder how many people know that King _Hall was once con­ demned as a fire hazard. When it was a girls' dorm, so they changed it to a guys' dorm. I feel that really the girls are getting their money's worth while the guys aren't,"

SUPPORrthe T&C. If you visit a place of business that advertises in this newspaper Tell them you saw their ad in the TAN & CARDINAL.

try to provide information and chances to me'!t people and become aware of career op· portunities in s ate and local government. You never know when a job or career might arise. Give the College Republicans a chance to help you broaden your horizons. You never know what the future may bring.







20 23 ACROSS

l Destroy of the 5 "The Greasepaint ... " 9 Humble Howard 11 Seller: var. 13 Tirana is its capita 1 14 Evangeline, e.g. 16 Boxing great 17 Tattle: 2 wds. 19 Compass point 2D Evergreen tree 21 Examine in detail 22 Rockweed 23 Rubinstein 25 Rib in Gothic vaulting 27 Ancient ascetics 29 Encourage 3D Make at 31 Portion ,:ut 32 Extra ha~d in cards 34 Compensation for a wrong 37 Anything that puzzles 39 Unexpected delight 41 Musical instrument 42 Alleviators 44 Noun-forming suffix 45 city 46 Merriment: var. 47 Don 48 Short metal sleeve 50 Ralph or Douglas 52 Jousted 53 English novelist and family . 54 Spanish invader 55 Postmao's beats (abbr.)

41 45 48

© Edward Julius,

Targum CW74-21

13 E. Main St.

DOWN l -

Rules of Order ridge 3 Type of Buddhism 4 Type of type 5 Intimidated again 6 Judah's son 7 Augment 8 Reaccustom 9 Eau - , Wisc. 10 "Hamlet" character 11 Sibelius' " Tri ste" 12 Ill will 13 Herb genus 15 No, in Nuremberg 18 Pitcher Tiant' 21 Commit depredations: 2 wds; 22 Antenna 24 Consumed: 2 wds. 26 Maps 28 FDR for one: 2 wds. 31 Ceres 32 Dyed blue 33 natura: 2 wds. 34 Trick '35 Makes fast 36 Caesar, and others 37 Kitchen VIP 38 Marked with stripes 40 Bills 43 cup 46 Wolverine genus . 47 Wear out 49 Old car 51 Angkor 2 Glacial

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