Volume 57 Number 17
Gals, capture your man for Sadie Hawkins Hey gals! Get on the move and capture your man for Sadie Hawkins Day, Wednesday, Feb. 26.
The Campus Programming Board is planning still another new program for the Otterbein students with Sadie Hawkins Day. The event begins about 4:30 p.m. with dinner in the Campus Center until 6:30 p.m. A good home-cooked country meal is on the menu. After dinner, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Campus Center Pit, an evening of old fashioned en tertainment is planned. From 6:30 - 9 p.m. you and your partner can swing around square dancing to the calling of Dr. Marilyn Day. If you get tired of square dancing, then bob for apples for a minimal charge; or you and your partner can get hitched by our own College Chaplain Rev. Bob Clarke in Lovers' Lane, which is better known as the television lounge. One otl:ler thing that might interest the fellas is a kissing booth with Otter bein's own Daisy Mae.
So grub up in your best blue jeans, bib overalls, flannel shirts, handkerchiefs or whatever (you can even black out your teeth to look like you're r_e ally a native of Dogpatch) and keep Wednes-
day, Feb. 26 open on your calen dar for Sadie Hawkins Day . One last thing - - Guys beware because the gals might nab you any place to drag you to Sadie Hawkins Day!
Heart-Sunday Fund Dri.v e Set More than 200 Otterbein College students will be among the Heart Association volunteer force which will canvass the Westerville residential area dur ing a four-hour period on Heart Sunday afternoon (Feb. 24). The volunteers, under the dir ection of Joanne Van Sant, Otter bein dean of student affairs and chairman of the Westerville fund drive, will distribute informa tional pamphlets and seek contri butions to be used for research and public education concerning heart disease. Miss Van Sant explained that the Heart Association provides movies, brochures , speakers and public classes which help people to recognize, understand and be come qualified from a personal standpoint about heart disease.
The Westerville campaign, which is a portion of the entire Franklin County · drive, is run differently from most heart fund campaigns, said Miss Van Sant, largely because of the size of the available work force. Unlike most programs in the Franklin County area, where about 20-30 volunteers solicit in an area for a period of six weeks to two months, the local drive is conducted in one afternoon be cause of the larger number of workers. "The contributions received during the Heart Fund drive are vital to the work of the Central Ohio Heart Association," said Miss Van Sant, who urged every one to contribute whatever possi ble to aid in the battle against heart disease.
Gary Tirey
Grants offered for population and environmental studies
Otterbein Bands present "Winter Concert"
Internships offering grants up to $600 plus travel and research expenses are available from the Population Institute for students interested in working on popula tion growth and environmental issues. Students who p~rticipate in the Intern Program will work closely with state legislators and agen cies in researching and analysing population-related issues, poli cies and legislation. While con tinuing to attend regular college or university courses, the intern will also spend part of each week with his /her ,µor.soring agency, meeting with other groups and individuals, doing needed re -
February 21 marks the annual Winter Concert of the Otterbein College Concert Band at 8:15 p. m. This year there are several new features to the concert, in cluding a guest conductor, selec tions by the mixed chorus and appearances by the Jazz and Wind Ensembles. The Concert Band will play selections by several composers including Puccini and Tschaikow sky. Wilbur E . Crist, Director Emeritus of Capital University will conduct "March Militaire Francaise" by Saint-Saens and "Finale from Symphony #4" by Tschaikowsky. The Jazz Ensemble directed . by Steve Genteline will perform several selections. Genteline is an Instructor in Music at Otter bein. The Wind Ensemble will
ATTENTION The Tan & Cardinal needs a Busil)ess Manager for Spring Term and next year. Pay is $300 per year plus 100Jo commission on all ads. Contact Chris Bright (882-7133) or Paula _Weaver (882-9573). before Monday, February 24, 1975 for information and to show your interest in the postion. The applicants will be in terviewed and · selected by the College Publications Board. CHECK IT OUT TODAY!
search and writing and making periodic trips to the state capitol. Each intern will arrange for aca demic credit for the internships with a faculty advisor. Gener ally, internships run from September through May or June. The program outline is flexible and alternative approaches to research of population policies will be considered. Activities .of past interns have contributed to such positive re sults as the creation of a state quality of . life commission (Massachusetts) and· the develop ment of a population education curriculum for state schools (Washington). FI or id a and
Hawaii's interns have been in volved in their states' first data systems to measure and monitor . the characteristics of in-migra tion. In Boulder, Colorado, in terns have provided legal re search for that city's model open spaces and controlled growth policies. Application deadline for the September, 1975 - May, 1976 program is April 30, 1975. Stu dents interested in applying should request applications from: David E. Baker, Director, State Student Intern Program, The Population Institute, 110 Mary land Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002.
R.P.S. presents Satch Davidson We all remember when Hank Aaron hit historic home run num ber 715 in Atlanta. What we don't know however, is the name ofthe umpire behind the plate when "Hammerin Hank" hit it. The umpire's name is David "Satch" · Davidson who just happens to_ make his home in Delaware, Ohio. Residence Program Services will sponsor a program with Mr. Davidson in the Campus Center main lounge Sunday, February
23, at 9:00 p.m. Mr. Davidson is the third youngest umpire in the National League and has the distinction of progressing from the minor leagues to the major leagues faster than any other umpire in baseball history. In this program, Mr. Davidson will share many interesting and humorous stories about major league baseball, and will be glad to answer questions from the audience. DON'T MISS IT!!!
perform old marches and circus marches by Losey and Crosby . The Mixed Chorus , directed this term by Mr. Gary Tirey, will make their first appearance this year performing '' Amazing Grace", and Highlights from the "Sound of Music." Pianist for the Mixed Chorus is Scott Swink . Marianne Wells and Peter Bak er, both seniors at Otterbein. are featured soloists. Marianne Wells, Music Education M ajo . from Delaware, will perform a medley of Cole Porter Songs directed by Prof. Crist. Pete Baker, Science Major from West erville, will perform the trumpet solo, "Rhapsody for Trumpet." Admission is free to the Cowan Hall concert and the entire Cam pus Community is invited.
Alcohol Task Force Meets Today The Alcohol Task Force will meet today at 2 p.m. in Towers Hall, Conference Room 3. The task force will go over the report on surveys compiled by Gilmore Associates for study by the Alcohol° Task Force . The sur veys in this report were sent out in the fall to Otterbein students, parents, Methodist . faculty, staff, . , ,
ministers, alumni, arid donors (all picked at random) . There were also some personal · interviews conducted, which are included in the report. The 100 -page reports were availabll' to the members of the Alcohol Task Force, as of Frida~ night, Feb. 14.