The Tan and Cardinal March 7, 1975

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Volume 57 Numbetj 19

Otte;bein College. Westerville, Ohio .

Participate ·in Governance Petitions will be available on Monday, March 10, forallgover­ nance positions - Senate, Trustee, and Category I.and II committees for the 1975-76 school year. Pe ­ titions may be obtained from the Campus Center office, the Li ­ brary, the music office in Lam­ bert Hall, Towers faculty ~te, the science building #222, and the athletic office. The petitions printed in this issue of the T & C are also available for student and faculty use. You are not limited to run for only one position. You may run for _four offices simultaneously, provided you use the proper peti­ tion for each office, and meet the eligibility qualifications re ­ quired for each office. The offi -

ces and requirements include: mittee members, student el.ection (a) one student and one faculty of senators-at-large, and student trustee - - you are eligible if and faculty trustee elections will you are a returning _s ophomore · take place on April 9. The stu­ or junior or a faculty member dent elections will be conducted in your third year of employ ­ from 10:30 a .m. - 6:30 p.m. in ment; (b) 68 student senators - the main lounge of the Campus you are eligible if you are a re ­ Center. On April 11 all depart­ turning full - time student next fall, ments on campus will meet to and (c) category I and II commit­ elect department and division tees - - you may run for a com representatives to the Senate, and mittee from both categories, but­ on May 7, Category II elections you may accept election to only · will take place in the Senate. one. The eligibility requirement The committee urges everyone also consists of returning as a to run _for participation in the full-time stud,ent or faculty mem Otterbein College governance ber. program. Any questions may be All petitions must be filed in directed to the Information Cen­ the Campus Center Office by ter, ext. 3300 or to Don Hines, Tuesday, April 1 at 4 p.m. Sen­ ext. 3605. ate elections of Category I com -

"A Streetcar Named Desire" continues through tomorrownight at Cowan Hall. Curtain time is 8:15 and tickets can be obtained at the box office free with your student 1.0. Above, Dorothy Dietz and Robert Forster are shown rehearsing a scene from the play earlier this week. (For a review of the play turn to page 9. Sue Hall presents the analysis.)

Maior Hokanson retires

The "Intimate P .D.Q. Bach" performers here reinact that old favorite: "Hansel and Gretel and Ted and Alice: an opera in One Unnatural Act". P.D.Q. Bach" will make its appearance on Otterbein's campus March27', at 8:15 p.m. in Cowan Hall.

"Intimate P.D.Q. Bach" To Make Debut When you return from Florida (or break) you will be greeted with the funniest stage perfor ­ mance ever to hit Otterbein. The program, titled "The Intimate P.D .Q. Bach", will beperformed by the amazing Professor Peter Schickele and Company who have carried on hilariously and with great success for the past seven years. The "Intimate P.D.Q. Bach" is a self-contained show, design­ ed to· bring the music of Bach's oddest of his twenty - odd children, and the musicological madness of Professor Peter Schickele, the discoverer and (understand ­ ably) solo giographer of this composer, to audiences who here­ tofore have not had the oppor­ tunity of avoiding these presen­ tations. Professor Schickele will be accompanied in his appear•

ances by the noted bargain-coun­ by slides, and will include a look ter tenor, Mr. John Ferrante, at authentic manuscripts, as well who has been a member of the as artifacts from P.D.Q. Bach's P .D.Q. Bach Show since its pre­ life . Professor Schickele will miere in New York in 1965. also perform the "Notebook for The group will also include an Betty Sue Bach", which some additional musician who, it is say derived (that is the nice term planned, will keep the tune when for it) from his Father's similar Mr. Ferrante and Professor work. Schickele lose it somewhere, as The show will include Mi:. has been known to happen. Ferrante in a performance of Among the many instruments the "Diverse Ayres on Sundry which Professor Schickele will Notions", the first known sing­ be demonstrating and playing this ing commercials (as performed show will be the Foghorn, the on the "P.D.Q. Bach on .the Air" Lasso d' Amore, the Windbreaker, album, the "Toot Suite for Ca!iope and the most unlikely of them all, Four Hands", and a self-accom ­ the Caliope (Baroque version, panying opera, "Hansel & Gretel ' naturally). Professor Schickele & Ted & Alice." will. talk about the life and times · Tickets for this mad - cap per­ of P.D.Q. Bach and explain his formance are available at the own theory, Originality Through . Cowan Hall box office, free with Incompetence. This lecture-de­ your I.D. monstration· will be accompanied

Col. Socolofsky presents a meritorious service award to reti r­ ing Major John Hokanson. After twenty years and sixteen program from Allegheney College days in the service, Major John in Pennsylvania. After his basic Hikanson has become a civilian training, he was dispatched to again, following his retirement Europe . Later, he served two from the Air Force in February. tours of active duty in Vietnam As an intelligence officer, Major and went on to tht: Pentagon to Hokanson was assigned to Otter ­ work another four years . While bein College to instruct in the at the Pentagon, he applied for AFROTC program. He has been an instructor's position and was on the campus for three and one ­ assigned to Otterbein College. half years. Here, he has not only instructed When the major retired, he said various courses for the program, good-bye to a variety of service but has also ·been the advisor to duties. He is ,proud of the fact Angel flight and has served on that he is the product of a ROTC Continued on Page S

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