Volume 57
April 11, 1975
Number 21
Trustee Run-off set May 7 A run-off election will be held Wed., May 7 between Chuck "Bosco" Erickson and Trent Radbilr to determine who will serve as one of 3 students on the Board of Trustees. Erickson received 167 votes to Radbill's 135. However neither received a majority of the votes cast, as there were a total of 14 students running for trustee.
The winner of the May 7 ~tude~t Trustee Run-off Elec by Mike McCleese twn will se~ve on the Board of . The Otterbein college artist Trustees from 1975-1978. The will present Jack Aranson in term of John Codella (1973 ''Moby Dick", April 18 at graduate), one of the 3 current 8:15 in Cowan Hall. Tickets st udent trustees, expires in are free with I.D. in the June. Student Bill Smucker's Cowan Hall box office from 0974 grad) term expires in · 1-4 daily. 1976. Trustee Paul Garfinkel Mr. Aranson brings 26 will serve on the Board until characters to life in this 1977. one-man show which has
47 Senators Elected 577 Otterbein students turn ed out to vote in the Wed., April 9 College Senate elec tions. 47 students were elected out of 138 candidates to serve on the Senate for 1975-76 An alphabetized list of those students is as follows: Randy Adams, Matt Arnold, Lou Ann Austen, Melissa Barr, Mike Basha, Jim Black, Mike Bridgman, Ed Brookover, Jamie Brunk, Patty Call, Scott Campbell, Kim Christy, Tim Collins, Fred Donelson, Chuck Eckerson. Paul Eiseman, Chuck Erick-
A·rans·O·n is ,Moby Dick
son, Bob Evans, Gretchen Freeman, Alex Garcia, Tom Hoover, John Hussey, Chris Dapostasy, Beth Kendig, Dave Lance, Barb Lehman, Mike Liebherr, Jim Mccurdy, Tom McLeish, Scott Miller, Beth Moody. Chris Nicely, Walker Outten Dave Paul, Trent Radbill, Len Robinson, Mark Snider, Nancy Starkey, Doug Stuckey, Mike Switzer, Dan Under wood, Sybil Waggamon, Ben Weisbrod, Greg Witt, Tom Wolfe, Tom Wolff, and Gary Wooten.
played to critical acclaim on two national tours. Mr. Aranson began his professional career with London's prestigious old vie theatre. He has staged many productions of his own in Ireland and in the U.S. Aranson has both acted in and directed many Shakespeare plays. He has recently starred in "Dylan" in New York, and also performs a one-man show "Dylan Thomas". Mr. A rans on will be con ducting lecture seminars on campus Saturday, April 19 in conjunction with the English and Theatre Departments.
Sen.ate defeats grade change proposal Wood The first meeting of the Otterbein College for spring .term was held Wednesday, April 2, 1975 at 4:00 p.m. in Barlow Hall. The meeting was called to order by the presiding officer Dean Roy Turley, filling in for President Thomas J. Kerr IV. Devotions were lead by Rev. Robert Clarke, the college chaplain. Unanimous approval was given to the minutes of the March 5, 1975 meeting. Only one bill was up for action. This bill, originating in the Academic Council, suggested a change in the recording of grades to include
+ (plus) and -(minus) grades. The Academic Council wished to propose that the College change its procedure in recording term-end grades to include the recording on the grade report and on the student's permanent record of + and· grades. However, the Academic Council stated this proposal is not intended to affect the way academic standing is computed, but simply to permit the record to show + and grades. The first time question was called for on this bill; it was passed, 40-37. However, several senators were confused as to
NOTICE REGARDING SUMMER FORWARDED MAIL DELIVERY: THE COLLEGE MAIL DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED TO FORWARD ONLY 1st CLASS MAIL. / In order to receive your magazines and newspapers make sure you notify-all publishers of your change of addres;. Since address changes take at least six weeks, we suggest you DO THIS TODAY!! . This_ will assure you of correct and prompt delivery of your magazmes. etc.
Jack Aranson
what was being voted on. rOW I SOD Previously, amendments had been suggested to the bill a voted on at various intervals.' This was the reason for the Philip D. Reed, Jr., director International (formerly Corn confusion. and former president of S.B. Products Co.) manufactures The bill was voted on a Penick and Company, arrives synthetic drugs and natural second time. The outcome: · here this weekend as the third narcotics sold in bulk to 41-against it; 38-in favor of it. Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fel leading ethical and proprietary The meeting was adjourned low to come to Otterbein. pharmaceutical manufactur at 5:00 p.m. Designed to help 'students ers, manfactures antibiotics bridge the gap betwee!l college sold for human and animal atmosphere and the business use, manfactures industrial community, the Woodrow additives for use in paint, . ATTENTION Wilson Visiting Fellow proplastics, cosmetics and food, AP,PLICA TIONS ARE gram sponsors one to two extracts and processes useful NOW BEING ACCEPTED week residencies at a variety of principles from various botan BY THE PUBLICATIONS American colleges and univer ical raw materials for use in BOARD FOR THE POSI foods, medicines and industry. sities each year. TIONS OF EDITOR AND While at Otterbein, Reed Aside from his business MANAGING EDITOR will meet informally with career, Reed's other interests (FORMERLY ASSIST ANT· students and faculty, lecture in include close ties ·with the EDITOR). THESE ARE classes and be available for Muhlenberg Hospital in Plain PAID POSITIONS, WITH general career counseling. field, N.J. He served as a THE EDITOR RECEIVING Of his company, Reed says, governor of this "Community $800 AND MANAGING "Everyone has heard of Dow, Teaching" hospital for eight EDITOR $600. LETTERS years. Monsanto etc. Not so of OF APPLICATION MAY SBP ... with sales close to the 50 His hobbies include, "a BE . GIVEN TO. CHRIS million mark, about 850 em keen interest in growing BRIGHT; CHAIRMAN OF pfoyees, three plants and their things, making ·things and in THE PUB BOARD, OR TO own research facility.'' athletics." CHRIS NICELY. SBP, a division of CPC
Fellow Here