Volume 57
April 18, 1975
Number 22
"Moby Dick" -co.m es to life with Jack Aranson Jack Aranson brings his one-man dramatic presenta tion of "Moby Dick" to Otterbein College's Cowan Hall for a single performance, Friday, April 18, 8:15 p.m. -Box office for this final 'event of the Otterbein Artist Series this season is now open weekdays from 1-4 p.m. Stu dent I.D. admits Otterbein Students. Aranson, who is now on his
second nationwide tour with "Moby Dick", presented the show in Washington's Ford Theatre earlier this year to critical acclaim. Playing over a dozen char acters, Aranson brings the American classic by Herman Melville to life in a solo performance that has been ranked by critics with those of Fonda playing Darrow and Holbrook as Mark Twain.
Tuition Up! Up! Up! In the face of spiraling costs for good and services, the Executive and Budget Control Committees of the Board of Trustees voted Saturday to increase Otterbein's compre hensive fee for the 1975-76 year. Voting unanimously, trus tees increased tuition and fees by $75 a term and boosted · room and board by $35 per term. The total comprehensive fee will go from $3,650 to $3,980 yearly. One bright note in next year's budget, as adopted by trustees Saturday, is an added $50,000 earmarked for finan- · cial aid. The increase was programmed by trustees to assist students with the in creased costs. Pres. Thomas J. Kerr IV
credited "extensive efforts throughout this year to cut costs across the campus" for the approxiamately 9 per cent increase. "This cooperative effort has enabled us to hold total increases below what they otherwise would have been." Comparing Otterbein's in crease with those of similar colleges in the area, trustees noted that Wittenberg and Otterbein have increased the same amount. Schools setting higher increases for the com ing year are Wooster ($489), Heidelberg ($380), Denison ($370) and Ohio Wesleyan . ($370). Voted, and estimated', in creases at the 17 .institutions surveyed range from a low of $150 at Ohio Northern to Wooster's $489.
A product of Shakespearean company training and an apprenticeship at London's famed Old Vic, Aranson now lives in San Francisco where he has established a repertory theatre company. Aranson will remain at Otterbein throughout Satur day to conduct two workshops for English and theatre stu dents. All students are to attend the 10-12 a.m. work shop and lecture covering production of a one-man show, research and dramatiza tion in Room 1 - Towers. Interested persons are asked to call the Public Relations Of fice, 891-3300, to make reser vations for the workshop. Registration for the 1975-76 academic year: Students will pick up packets in the Registrar's Office from 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. in accordance with the following schedule: PresentJuniors - Monday, A pril 21 through Wednesday, April 23, 1975 Present Sophomores - Wed nesday, April 23 through Friday, Apdl 25, 1975 Present Freshmen - Monday, April 28 through Wednesday, April 30, 1975
Cast Chosen for "Cabaret" by Dee Miller The cast for "Cabaret" presented in Cowan Hall on May 14-17, by the Otterbein College Theatre and the Dept. of Music has been announced by Dr. Charles W. Dodrill, Director of Theatre. Gian Morelli, Otterbein jun ior who has appeared in several major roles during his college career, will play the Emcee of the· German cabaret. Sally Bowles, the major caba ret attraction, will be portray ed by Barbara Kosciuk.
Cliff, Sally's beau, will be played by sophomore Cabot Rea. Beth Machlan as Fraulein Schneider, John Cain as Herr Schultz', Susan Hall as Frau lein Kost and Steven Black as Ernst round out the cast. The chorus will include Anne Vittur, Julie Sickles, Janet James, Dee Miller, Jenny Herron, Marty John son, Pat Shelden, Beth Titus, Anne Ratliff and Mary Jane Whitacre as Kit Kat Girls and singers and Randy Adams, Tom Downard, Bill Brewer,
There will be a questionnaire taken Monday, April the 21st concerning the cancelled Spring Fever Day. It is important that everyone participate so that the interests of the students will be properly represented to the Administrative Council and the C.P._B. .
Jerry Confer, James St. Clair, Dan Hawk, David Robinson, David Weller, Jack Launer, Doug McCallum, Michael M<:Cleese, Jeff Burnett and Dave Cheeseman · as waiters, sailors and chorus/dancers. A live all-girl band will perform on stage during the production. The band will consist of Mary A~n Grace on drums, Darci Burmingham and Sharon Frost on brass and a pianist to be announced. Dr. Charles W. Dodrill will assume duties as general dir ector. Dr. Morton Achter is musical director, with choreo graphy by JoAnne Van Sant and choral direction by Dr. William Wyman. Fred Thayer is ·designer-technical director.
TV Personality to Lecture Shana Alexander, television personality, magazine column ist and author will be lecturing on Otterbein's campus this coming Tuesday, April 22 at 11 :00 a.m. in Cowan Hall. A New York City native, Ms. Alexander received her education at the Lincoln School and Vassar College. Ms. Alexander, who began her journalism career at age 17 when she was hired as Sunday feature writer on the experi mental New York newspaper DM. In 1969, she was named Editor of McCall's America's largest women's magazine.She was the magazine's first wo man editor in 50 years. In 1971
Ms . Alexander became Editor in-Chief. Ms.Alexander also became a columnist for News week in 1972. Ms. Alexander, a regular on the CBS program, "Sixty Minutes" is paired with James J. Kilpatrick on the opinion feature, "Point - Counter point." Besides being the founder and member of the Policy Council of the National Wo mens Political Caucus, Shana Alexander has also authored the book "The Feminine Eye" which reflects Ms. Alexander's observations on America 1964 - 1969 which was published in June 1970.
Attention: Applications for the positions of Tan and Cardinal Editor and Managing Editor are now_ being accepted by the Otterbein College Publications Board. The two positions are salaried; the Editor receiving $800 and the Managing Editor (formerly Assistant Editor in charge of layout) receiving $600. Each of the terms in office extend through one academic year. Application letters, containing a statement of qualifications and reason for petitioning, must be submitted no later than Monday, April 21st. Selections will be made by the Publications Board Wednesday, April 23rd. All students who feel qualified for either of these positions are encouraged to apply.