The Tan and Cardinal April 25, 1975

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Volume 57

April 25, 1975

Number 23

New Car Registration Proposal Tuesday afternoon, April 22, the Campus Regulations Committee was met with a proposal of Dean Vansant for new Motor Rules and Regula­ tions. The committee consists of two administrators - Presi­ dent Kerr and Dean Vansant, four faculty members - Dr. Koo, Dr. Neff, Dr. Bark­ hymer, and Mrs. Warren, and eight Ottetbein students - Lou Ann Austen, (secretary), Linda Bechtel, Marianne Grace, Sharon Frost, Trent Radbill (the committee chair-

man), Kent Witt, Charles Erickson, and Randy Adams. One of the main objectives of tht: prop(?sal brought before the committee was to equalize automobile registration on campus. In the attempts for fairness, the proposal states that there must be various fees for services provided and for convenience. Students wishing to park in the Campus Center or Davis parking lots between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. will have "A" decals with registration fees of

A look at life from death "Death is a taboo subject in our culture. When we have absolute taboos we all lose." John Crandall, Director of Concord Counciling Service went on to describe the rationale for the upcoming session of the Values Clarifica­ tion Workshop. "We make grief something to be handed down. We isolate the old, cutting them off from much meaningful contact with younger people. In doing this, we also lose. We deprive ourselves of their perspective · on life.'' In · the upcoming program entitled "Life from the Per­ spective of Death," Otterbein participants will be trying to get in touch with themselves as they· might look back at their lives from the vantage point of

age. "Death brings with it a completeness and a sense of finality which we miss because of our involvement with the process of life. Our strengths and accomplishments, along with our shortcomings, be­ come much more concrete. To be able to capture that per­ spective now gives us a chance to set goals. We can re-enter the process of our life with a stronger sense of purpose.'' The session -will be held Tuesday, April 29, from 8:00 10:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Dining Hall. Crandall added that, "It will be two hours of hard work, but it should be very exciting for those who come." The session is open to those who have attended the first session on life values· Thursday evening.

Sign Up: "Magical Mystery Tour" Finish up May Day weekend '75 "Cabaret in May" right by signing up for C.P .B.'s "Mag­ ical Mystery Bus Tour." "The Magical Mystery Bus Tour" will be Sunday, May 17, leaving at 8:00 a.m. and returning at about 11 :00 p.m., for an undisclosed destination. For $6 . per person, the C.P.B. promises you a day of fun, excitement, and perhaps

(if its a sunny day) a sunburn. This $6 includes your trans­ portation and admission to the undisclosed destination. (But take a little extra for food and souvenirs). So sign up now in the Campus Center Office. (A $1 deposit is required.) Its on a first-come, first-serve basis be the first one to sign up for "Magical Mystery Tour".

Notice regarding forwarded mail delivery: THE COLLEGE MAIL DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED TO FORWARD ONLY 1st CLASS MAIL. In order to receive your magazines and newspapers, make sure you notify all publishers of your change of address. Since address changes take at least six weeks, we suggest you DO THIS TODAY!! This will assure you of correct and prompt delivery of your magazines, etc.

$20.00 per year; $15.00 for winter and spring terms; $10.00 for spring term. • "B" decals will be obtained when students park on com­ munity streets within campus boundaries between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for $12.00 per year; $9.00 for winter and spring terms; $6.00 for spring term. "C" decals will include all students who park outside campus boundaries at all times. The fees are $2.00 per year; $1.00 for winter and . spring terms, or just spring term. "S" decals will be $6.00 for summer school parking. Resident students who oper­ ate motor vehicles can buy the "A" or the "B" decals. Students with "A" or "B" decals will be able to park in any of the campus lots (except Dean Joanne Vansant reviews proposed changes in auto Cowan Hall) other than during registration fees 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. According to Dean Van­ sant, the main purpose for car registration is to determine the exact number of students who , Edwin L. Roush, Chairman operate cars on or off campus. This is a legal and reasonable The full committee has met sional survey taken and have analyzed the results. We are regulation which the college is six times and a sub-committee now in the process of prepar­ legally permitted to make by has had three additional meet­ explanation of Mr. Bailey, an ings. We have had a profesing our final report which will Senate Bill #13 was present­ be presented to the full board attorney for college affairs. June 7, 1975. The registration fees will go ed to the Board of Trustees June 1, 1974 for action. When Our committee has unani­ to the security for enforcement mously agreed to withhold the and for maintenance of the a vote was taken it ended in an 11 to 11 tie. As a result of this parking lots. content of our report until it is presented to the June Board Yet, "these fees are cheaper tie vote, Dr. Bromeley moved meeting. We believe this is our than set registration rates for • that a task force be appointed state schools and other to study the alcoholic bever­ obligation to prevent any false, ages problem, giving special schools," said Dean Vansant. rumors or misinformation. For instance, $40.00 is the car consideration to enforcement I w_ish to report that each of regulations, and to the and every member of this registration fee at Ohio State. In the future there is talk of effect a proposal like Senate committee has worked long setting up gates around park­ Bill #13 would have on contri­ and hard to resolve this ing areas to pay for parking in butions to the College. Mr. problem and I sincerely appre­ ciate the cooperation of all. the specified lot. Steck seconded and the motion carried. Right now, commuters and residents pay the same regis­ tration fee of $15.00 for any SYBIL APPLICATIONS: parking space on and off Applications are now being desired, and any qualifications campus. The new proposal is accepted for editor and assis- in the area of yearbook, trying to equalize the fees for tant editor of the Sybil, Otter- photography or any publica­ fairness upon which the beins yearbook, for the 1975- . tion experience that a person committee and Dean Vansant 76 school year. has had. qgree. The salary of the editor will· Applications may be given There will be much more be $600 for the year. The to Chris Bright, Chairman of _ discussion and further specula­ assistant editor's salary will be the Publications Board either tion before this proposal will in his Towers Hall mailbox or $500. pass or fail. If it passes, the An application should in- ·at the Sphinx House. The proposal will go from the elude a letter indicating which deadline is Monday, May 5. committee to the Senate where position is desired, why it is more discussion will take place.

Report ·from the Alcohol Task Force

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