Volume 57
Number 24
Black Culture Week set May 2-9 Black Culture Week spon sored by members o,f SOUL will be observed May 2-9. Keynoting the week's activ ities is Dr. Jaime Smith Incas, psychiatrist, who will speak on the "Mental Effects of Rac ism" in a public lecture at IO a.m., Friday, May 2, in Cowan Hall. Other activities open to students during the week in .elude a gospel music concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 4; a panel discussion focusing on the Black experience by Otterbein students, 7 p.m., Monday, May 5; a performance by Uhuru Black Culture group from Columbus, 7 p.m., Tu~s day, May 6; panel discussion on pros and cons of busing, Wednesday, May 7, 7 p.m.; and an art exhibit, 3-5 p.m., Thursday, May 8. All events are programmed for the Campus Center at Otterbein except for the open ing lecture which will be in Cowan Hall. Gospel .choirs from Marion Franklin and Mohawk High Schools of Columbus will participate in the gospel music concert.. Both groups have built an enviable record in the area for this typically Black musical heritage, according to Black Culture Week Chairman Diane Stevens. Miss Stevens says that pane-
Rosselot Scholarships available The Foreign Language De partment wishes to announce that several LaVelle Rosselot Scholarships and Awards are available for next year in amounts ranging from$100 to $300 per year. Students must be foreign language majors, have a "B" average, and be able to prove financial need. Students wishing to apply should contact Dr. Roger Neff, Chairman, Foreign Lan guage Department.
Village Concerts Village Green Concerts will be in abundance spring term, weather providing. Tentative dates are scheduled for May 7, 21 and 28. All Village Green Concerts will be presented in front of the Campus Center around dinner time.
lists for the busing discussion and debate on May 7 are Ms. Betty Wise, counselor at Capi tal University; Dr. Janet Smith, professor in early and middle childhood education at Ohio State University; Edward Willis, principal at Columbus East High School; and Jim
Doughty, NAACP. Artwork by Eastgate Ele mentary, Champion Jr. High and East High School students will be on display in the Campus Center, Thursday, May 8. Also featured will be artwork by John Holmes, education major at Otterbein.
Danish ·oym Team to open Rike Center The Danish Gym Team will present the first public per formance, sponsored by the Otterbein Cultural Affairs Committee, in Otterbein's new Rike Center, Thursday, May 22 at 8:15 a.m. The Danish Gym Team is made up of young amateur gymnasts who are selected from the many skillful gym nasts in Denmark. They re ceive no salary during their year-long tour of the United States. Their demonstrations in clude a variety of modern Danish gymnastics for men and women and a selection of Danish folk dances in colorful native costumes. While in America they are managed by Mr. Erik Flensted
-Jensen and make their home base at the Kent School in Kent, Connecticut. It is the philosophy of the team that there is a distinct difference between the exer cises that should be performed by the two sexes. Those for males should be powerful and decided while routines for females should be graceful and feminine. · The Rike Center will be officially dedicated Saturday, May 17. The Danish Gym Team will be the first in a series of events that the new campus landmark will be able to host. Tickets for Otterbein stu dents are free of charge with the presentation of a student I.D.
Spring Break '76 brings Pi Kappa Delta Convention Otterbein College will host the Province of the Lakes convention of Pi Kappa Delta during spring break, March 17-20, 1976. The Department of Speech and Theatre is co-sponsoring this biennial debate and speech tournament with the Ohio Epsion Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta. Pi Kappa Delta is a national forensics honorary. Ohio, a long with Michigan, West Virginia, and western Pennsyl-
vania, comprise the Province of the Lakes. Don Hines, Otterbein speech instructor, is secretary treasurer of Province of the Lakes. He estimates "that 125150 will attend the tourna ment, the first to be held on Otterbein's campus. Nothing definite has been determined concerning accomodations or location pf events and meet ings, although housing will not be provided on campus.
SYBIL APPLICATIONS: Applications are now being desired, and any qualifications accepted for editor and assis in the area of yearbook, tant editor of the Sybil, Otter photography or any publica beins yearbook, for the 1975- tion experiencl' that a person has had. 76 school year. Applications may be given The salary of the editor will be $600 for the year. The to Chris Bright, Chairman of assistant editor's salary will be the Publications Board either in his Towers Hall mailbox or $500. An application should in at the Sphinx House. The clude a letter indicating which deadline is Monday, May 5. position is desired, why it is
Practicing a scene from the upcoming Otterbein theatre production of "Cabaret" are: L.-R. - Barb Kosciuk, Gian Morelli, and Cabot Rea. The play, which opens May 14 and continues through the 17th, will highlight the 1975 May Day festivities.
Cowan Hall
becomes a 'cabaret'
"Cabaret", final Otterbein Theatre production of the regular season, will play in Cowan Hall May 14-17. Pro duced in cooperation with the Otterbein Music Department, the musical begins at 8:15 p.m. nightly. Drawn from the John Van Dru ten play, ''I Am A Cam era", the musical version set in Berlin in the late 1920' s opened in New York in 1966 when drama critic Walter Kerr said, "the story line is willing to embrace everything ... but has elected to wrap its · arms around all that was troubling and all that was intolerable with a demonic grin ... " Later made into a film starring Liza Minell~, the story and its music has become a popular item for American musical comedy theatre pro ductions across the country. Gian Morelli, last seen at Otterbein as the posturing . and put-upon servant in "Scapin", plays the role of the Master of Ceremonies made famous by Joel Grey in both
the stage and film versions of "Cabaret". Playing the young American lovers caught in the troubled pre-war times as well as their own universal romantic pro- · blerhs are Barbara Kosciuk and Cabot Rea. Miss Kesciuk, who spent one term this year at Actors' Theatre in Louisville, Ky., as an acting intern, played opposite Robert Morse last year in ''Three Men on a Horse''. Rea, sophomore music ed ucation major, took the role of one of the three kings in the Otterbein Opera Theatre pro duction of "Amahl and the Night Visitors" this winter. Two other well-known fi gures to Vocal audiences are Beth Mach Ian and John Cain as Fraulein Schneider and Herr Schultz, the second ro mantic couple in the play. Critic Kerr said of the roles following the New York open ing, "she as the landlady is ruefully succumbing to a pro posal of marriage from him, Continued on Page 12