. Volume 57
Number 25 . ·
Senate to hold last meeting The Otterbein College Sen ate will hold its last meeting for the 1974-75 year Wed., May 21 at 4:00 p.m. in Barlow Hall. TheMotor Vehicle Rules and Regulations bill from the Campus Regulations Comm ittee and approval of the 1975-76 Otterbein College Cal endar are two items on the agenda. They were originally on the agenda for the May 7 meeting, but had to be delayed tili this upcoming meeting.
Students - Linda Davis, Sue Raymond, and Trent Radbill; Appeals · Council - Faculty Norman Chaney and Gary Tirey; Students - (1 year) Linda Bailey and Fred Donel son, (2 years) Janet James; Campus Affairs Committee Deb Banwart, Steve Black, Pat Call, Elaine Clarke, Ken Hy land, Steve Kovach, Ben Rainsberger, Len Robinson, and Brenda Simmons; Cam pus Services Committee - Pam Pifer, Jan Smith, Tony Taran telli; Judicial Council - Faculty (one year) John P. Hamilton and Arnold Leonard, (two . years) Alison Prindle students -(one year) Matt Arnold, Beth Kendig and Tom Wolfe (two years) Nancy Bickel; Rules Committee - John Lauback (faculty), Ed Brookover (stu dent), and Jack Dickey (ad misistrator); Teacher Educa tion Committee - General
Faculty - Harold Hancock, Earl Hassenpflug, and Eleanor Roman, Junior students in Educ. - Deb Inscho, Students in Gen. Category - Jean Weixal; Traffic Council- John Becker (administrator), Mike Terhorst · (faculty), and Jeff Ankrom (student). In Bills for Action, the senate passed a new meteor ology course (for ½ unit) to be offered in the Physics Depart ment. Also passed was a bill from the Administrative President Thomas Kerr C'aJl Council on 1976 Election ed the Wed., May 7 meeting to Procedures and Calendar. order. Robert Clarke, college These guidlines will conform chaplain, read devotions. A to Bylaw requirements, also quorum was established. The eliminates Category I and II minutes of the April 9, 1975 distinctions and allows service meeting were approved. on two standing committees, Election of Category II petition period will be confin Committees by the Senate ed to one time, and run-off were as follows: Academic elections are closer to the time John Cain as Herr Schultz and Beth Machlan as Fraulein Council - Faculty Jim Avidon, of general elections and the Schneider in the musical CABARET to be presented May P.R. Ogle & Sylvia Vance. procedures are simplified. 14-17 in Cowan Hall at 8:15. A special resolution was passed as submitted by the Campus Elections Subcommittee pertinent to the 1975 "Cabaret," a musical filled and community will play the May Weekend '75 Schedule with laughter and tenderness sprightly score under direction Faculty Trustee election and Friday, May 16, 1975 opened Wednesday evening at of Dr. Morton Achter. Personnel Appeals Hearing 8:15 p.m. - Otterbein College Musical, "Cabaret," in Cowan Comm. The 1975 Faculty Otterbein's Cowan Hall. PerBarbara Kosciqk as Sally Hall . formances of the Otterbein Bowles and Cabot Rea as trustee election was declared 11:30 p.m. - 1:30 · a.m. - Midnight Kauffee Haus with null and void because the College Theatre production, Clifford Bradshaw move refreshments and entertainment by "Phoenix" in .Campus practice of excluding non-represented in association with through the sparkling world of Center Dining Hall. turning faculty from voting the department of music and parties and cabarets to the Saturday, May 17, 1975 lists was not known to the the department of dance, will tunes of "Cabaret." "Why 10:00 a.m. - Coronation of the 1975 May Queen and Court Elections subcommittee until also be tonight and tomorrow Should I Wake Up" and behind the Campus Center. May 6, and the election was at 8: 15 p.m. Tickets are "Perfectly Marvelous." Fraul11:00 a.m. · - Mortar Board and Omicron Delta Kappa May 7. Also the committee did available at the Cowan Hall ein Schneider and Herr induction for Junior Men and Women. not have a copy of the rules Box Office. Schultz, portrayed by Beth 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Greek booths in front of the Campus passed by the Board of Filled with rollicking melod- Machlan and John Cain, also Center. ies keyed to cabaret iife i11 feel the pangs of love and Trustees and governing that Lunch in the Dining Hall election until the same time. pre-war Berlin, the musical disappointment in "The Pine1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Greek Games in Memorial Stadium Those allowed to vote, puts over 40 student actors, apple Song." "Married" and Men: watermelon eating, take-a-dare, frisbee throw, clothes according to the resolution, singers and dancers on the "Meeskite." race. are the faculty members of the Cowan Hall stage. A full Director for · "Cabaret" is Women: watermelon eating, take-a-dare, egg toss, tricycle ' 1974-75 .College Senate. Bal- orchestra drawn from campus Dr. Charles Dodrill who has race. lots for the new election were - - - - - - - - ~ - ·---... worked with technical director 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Rike Center Dedication distributed by campus mail, APPLICATIONS Fred Thayer to turn Cowan 3:30 p.m. - Tours of the Center and Reception Mon., May 12 and were to be The Publications Board has Hall into a cabaret. Temporar3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. -Fraternity and Sorority Teas and open created a new paid position on ily removing the first row of returned to the Senate Secrehouses tary by 4 p.m., today. In the the Sibyl staff for next year. seats and construction of a Open houses in Dormitories event of a run-off, ballots will The person selected to fill the large U-shaped runway bring 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. - Dinner in the Campus Center new position, that of Mahag- · performers in the mythkal Kit ,be distributed Mon., May 19 6:00 p;m. - 7:00 p.m. - After dinner entertainment. ing Editor, will work in Kat Klub close to the audience. and returned by Fri., May 23 8:15 p.m. - Otterbein musical "Cabaret" in Cowan Hall conjunction with the Editor Thayer says use of a large at 4:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. - May Day dance in the Old Library: The reason for Personnel and Assistant Editor of the mirror fas,hioned from mylar The band will be "Mossy Rock" Appeals Hearing Committee Sibyl. acetate plastic will reflect the Sunday, May 18, 1975 election to be sealed and ilot Applications for the Manag- audience and add to their 8:00a.m. -1100 p.m. - C.P.B. 's "Magical Mystery Bus Tour counted until the entire faculty ing Editor position ' only may feeling of having "Come to to Cedar Point. _ be given the chance to vote is be sent to Chris Bright, the cabaret." Tracer lights will 8:00 p.m. - Campus Movie "Cool Hand Luke" with Steve because this election shall take .Publications Board Chairman, outline the runway, as well as McQueen. Also cartoons and a Laurel & Hardy short. Its free place at die time of the faculty by Tuesday, May 20. the proscenium arch to further in Lemay Auditorium. trustee. .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._...., heighten the theatrical impact.
''Cabaret in Maj''
Cabariit continues