Volume S7 Number 2'7
'' Best of Broadway "Best of Broadway," a musical revue encompassing 125 years of the Broadway musical, will be performing Tuesday, May . 27 in the Campus Center at 6 p.m. A special . dessert, Creme de Menthe Parfait, will be served during the show. "Best of Broadway" has been directed by Pamela Hill, with musical accompaniment by Michael McCleese, and will feature Jerry Confer, Steve Black, Dave Cheeseman, Dor othy Dietz, and Joan Spetich. Included in the program will
be such well known songs as "Give My Regards to Broad way," "Magic To Do," "Send in the Clowns," "Sum. mertime," "Cabaret," and ·"Camelot." Tickets may be obtained at the Campus Center with l.D. "Best of Broadway" will be touring to Trinity Church in downtown Columbus on May 30 at 12 noon. They will be featured as the last perform ance this season at ''The Living Room." Trinity's lunchtime ''theatre.''
Rike facilities dedicated Ribbon cutting ceremonies featuring Otterbein President, Dr. Thomas J. Kerr IV and seven members of the Rike family initiated a new era of physical education and recrea tion facilities for the Otter bein community at the new Rike Center Saturday. Rike Center will be the home of all Otterbein indoor sports and recreation activities in addition to convocations, lectures, concerts and clinics. ''The building has been de signed to include everything in the realm of possible facilities for the college community," said Dr. E.W. Yoest, chair-· man of Otterbein health and physical education depart ment. A durable poly-urethane surface covers the varsity basketball court and an all purpose "open area". The open space will facilitate tennis, basketball, volleyball and badminton simultaneous ly. In addition it can be converted into a baseball
infield practice area. The "open area" is sur Cast members of the "Best of Broadway" rehearse for rounded by a 1/10 mile track their performance on May 27. which will accomodate nearly every type of track and field event. fill the requirements by travel- tachment 658 at Otterbein, Additional facilities on the · By Cadet Jewett ing down to their campus for thus separating it from the On 30 June of this year, main floor of the 71,000 other three schools. The big the Class and Drill. square foot structure include a Detachment 658, AFROTC, Otterbein first sought an gest change was probably in gymnastics room, two hand will close its door in Towers 1970 when, for the first time, ball courts, two intramural Hall for the last time, ending ROTC unit during WW II, but offices and complete locker its 8 year stay on Otterbein was turned down annually Angel Flight girls began to College Campus and the 23 until, in 1951, when they were assist the Corps in its mission and training facilities. and, more importantly, in its Seating arrangements for years there has been some permitted to host a sub-de social functions. the domed arena include port military organization on cam tachment, together with Ken able retractable bleachers on pus. The contract that was yon and Denison, and answer We have a long and proud the main floor and in the signed in 1967 stated that to the main Detachment, #655, mezzanine level, which will AFROTC could remain on at Ohio Wesleyan. An interest history, gaining both area and national recognition for ach accomodate 2,500 spectators. campus as long as it graduated ing sidelight is that of these 15 cadets annually. For the four, Kenyon will be the sole ievements and leadership, and The mezzanine level will past several years we have survivor after this year. 1956 have played an important part also house a golf driving net saw the first graduating class in the campus life at Otterbein. fallen far short of this figure, and baseball batting cage. When the door to Towers 15 is making the continuation of of AFROTC cadets at Otter These facilities will share the finally locked behind the men ·this detachment too expensive bein and the commissioning second level with 10 HPE and women of Detachment ceremony became a part of the in this time of budget cuts. offices, a conference room and 658, all who have been associ With the Detachment go the Commencement exercises. The lounge. ated with it will be able to look Arnold Air Society Squadron Arnold Air Society was estab Total cost of the multi-pur and the Angel Flight who have lished on the campus in 1965 back and see that the goals set pose Rike Physical Education done such things as sponsoring and 1964 had the largest corps forth in its origination have Recreation Center is approxi the Heart Fund Drive, set up ever; some 216 men were been met, closing the detach mately two million dollars. and help with the Bloodmo walking the campus in uni ment as a success instead of the failure may seem to be on bile, ushered at the plays, and form. Today it is 14. In 1967, during the time when the the Air Force organized Dethe surface. Corps was larger, sponsored school dances. Gone too will J have had a long period oi be the military balls, the , ., APPLICATIONS success as a rock bank, will dining-ins, the Awards Ban- j' I and Assistant Editor of the! The Publications Board has make their third appearance at quets and the Drills performed the 'bein. In 1973, the group in the field next to the Alumni , ,•created a new paid position on Sibyl. f Applications for the Manag- · performed for the Winter Gym, but the uniform will the Sibyl staff for next year. ing Editor position only may homecoming dance and for the remain, for a little while, : The person selected to fill the be sent to Chris Bright, Spring Fever Day dance. In anyway. Ohio State University ;new position, that of Manag recent weeks, they have per will be . allowing those Otter- ing Editor, will work in , Publications Board Chairman, formed at Columbus area bein students pre~ently in conjunction with the Editor i by Tuesday, May 27. nightspots such as the Foxy ROTC, and anyone seeking an Lady and Coventry Inn North. Air Force Commission through ROTC from Otterbein, to
Crowdpleasers perform Memorial Day· Coming to Otterbein College Memorial Day, Monday, May 26 are Columbus' own the "Crowdpleasers." They will perform at an outdoor dance, in front of the Campus Center, Memorial Day from 7:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. If it rains, the dance will be held in the Campus Center dining hall. The Crowdpleasers, who
AFROTC: The En.ding of an Era